Audience Matters Exam 1

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Selective processes

Agent how and why do audience selectively expose themselves to some messages but not others

Uses and gratifications

Agent How do audiences use particular messages to advance individuals goals and desires

reader response

Agent why do different members of the same audience walk away with different interpretations of the messages to which they were exposed

Mcquail's Typology of Media Effects

Analyzes audiences from four perspectives.

What theory did Walter One SJ

Audience is fiction


Audiences typically don't want to cooperate if they view the purpose as either having little chance of working or if it results in them losing a level of control


Clear cultural differences between Ohioans texans Kansans etc

Understand the world

Communication acts are designed for audiences; they reflect the world as the sender believes the receivers see it.

Competing persuaders



Different socio-economic groups have different needs, perspectives, and priorities


Does your work target particular religious groups, does it convey values shared by all religious groups? etc

Whats the most pressing issue problem or desire

Everyone has things that are most important to them. Knowing why this audience be interested in my ideas

Mass audience

Examines the audeicen as a large group that can be targeted.

Universal audience

Exists in the mind of a rhetor An indefinitely large and potentially infinite audience. as the limit case of rhetoric (which ordinarily requires that an orator or writer have some knowledge of a particular audience ahead of or during the speech performance). Basically the perfect audience Useful to create a logical audience no bias.


Goal is to have the audience perceive themself just like the speaker. Focus on the commonalities they share instead of differences


If the cost is to high persuasion is unlikely

Conflicting belief

If the speakers beliefs are in direct conflict with the audiences beliefs then the speaker will appear to be incorrect and dishonest

Who do they trust

If you can defend your positions using ideas words and support of people your target audiences trust you will build more credibility for yourself.

How to protect yourself

If you understand their methods, you will be in position to make much better decisions.

Cultural Symbols

Items which have an elevated symbolic importance within our culture ex. flag

Emotion appeal

Logos-logic pathos-emotion ethos-credibility

Media events

Mass audience like major live events which can draw hundred of millions or even a few billion viewers

Making available

Now a days, most of the time "senders" create content and make it available to receivers who actively seek it. All that is being distributed is the link to the creation.


Originally we crafted messages and then distributed them to receivers whether through newspapers, magazines, television, or radio. Process of receiving more passive than today.

propaganda research

Outcome questions about the effectiveness of traditional and modern uses of propaganda by governments and militaries

attitude change

Outcome questions about why people change their minds about particular people or concepts after exposure

effects research

Outcome questions of increasing aggression, fear, xenophobia etc after prolonged exposure to media messages

Rapid development of tech increased public fears because

People could receive messages so easily now. Many experts and others thought people would be easily manipulated with this new tech


Perfection is not necessary people trust a person with a few mistakes more because they seem sincere.

Conflicting values

Persuasion is incredibly difficult if the values being espoused by the sender are in direct conflict with the values of the audience

Public opinion is fictional

Public doesn't know what its talking about. People lacked the time and interest and resources to really know the issues making their opinions less relevant

Probability sampling

Random sample Representative sample smallest possible sample size


Reputation is on the line 24/7 with everything you do

Walter Ong, SJ Why audience is fiction

Some believe audience is a fiction because many creators or writers don't know who will read/watch their works. They have no idea who their audience is the writer/creator can only create things with a certain group or desired audience in mind and hope to capture their attention.

Real audience

The actual group that reads the author's work. Will never be like a universal audience because of bias. People have different reactions to everything

The group- or public- as audience

The audience is identified by its location

the channel or content audience

The idea that audiences choose particular channels because those channels interest them.

Change agents

The person who has the capacity to provide what you seek. If you don't reach the change agent your message will fail people who act as change catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the change process

Audience as Spectators

The primary goals are for the audience to watch and appreciate. We tend to measure success by receipts, either in tickets sold or advertising dollars generated.

Why study audiences

The right message, to the right people, in the right way, at the right time; effective audience analysis means effective communication.

Target audience

The target audience is the group for whom the sender has designed the message too.

appeals to tradition or history

These appeals tend to work best for people who long for the gold old days or when trying demonstrate that a particular concept has withstood the test of time


This asks the question what ambitions or interests does my target audience have

Where do they get their information

This is how you should choose the media you will use to send your message

Exposed audience

This is the largest concept of audience. It is everyone who actually encounters the message.

Who are they

This is where the demographic data becomes useful. Age, sex, gender etc. Helps identify target audiences and their motivations

Cultural history

Topic which is too familiar to your audience will bore the audience

Archetypal symbols

Universal symbols or meanings- fire water blood


We need to all agree on facts and values to be able to demonstrate best course of action or message without resulting to argument. Needs to agree on certain set statistics/measurements so you can demonstrate


When an audience keeps doing things because they always have done them. Hard to persuade

Role of bias

When sending a message bias is important because if an audience is biased in views it will very difficult and argue to change their mind. Bias is also what separates a real audience from a universal one. - The deviation of the results from the truth and can explain an observed association between exposure and outcome variables

Demers six questions

Who are they Whats their most pressing issue Where do they get their info What benefit of your product solves their problem What sets off their bs detector Who do they trust

What benefit of your product solves their problem

Your message must solve the issues your target audience. Should resolve it better than alternatives

Conflicting needs

a need is something that is essential to the audience. Speaker needs to find ways to truthfully and ethically redefine the needs of the audience in a way that makes the message acceptable

Rhetorical question

a question asked that does not expect a voiced answer. Gains its power because the audience is completing the argument for the speaker

What sets off their bs detector

a question you need to ask because credibility is so important. Know issues well enough that you are aware of the standard false claims

age group

are you targeting kids, teens, young people, middle age people, old people


assumption behind most of the agent research is that the audiences are intentionally using the media to which they are exposed to

The medium audience

audiences are identified by the medium they choose to receive


composed of male or female no longer very good when analyzing audiences


disagree about basic facts. Trying to build common ground to move to demonstration. Unable to demonstrate because there is no agreement

Lookalike targeting

finding people with similar interests to target you


first impressions. Look credible


goal is to provide a fairly vivid scene the sender adds adjectives and adverbs to help us see the scene

Attention (barrier)

if the audience is not interested in a topic there is no chance to Persuade them.

A fortiori

if then claim. It based on the premise that if a stronger version of an argument is true then a weaker version of it must also be at least equally true. Can also work with rejecting ideas.

Audience profile

important because identifying a target audience is crucial to effective communication but trying to appeal to everyone doesn't work because people are just too different

Why are demographic contexts important

important because they allow the sender to better understand their audience

Urban V Rural

just as regions matter so do the differences between these settings


juxtaposition of two contrasting ideas to help the audience see a new picture through their clash.


least descriptive features concrete non abstract language and provides dry account fo an event

Audience ratings

mass audience

mass behavior

mass audience the study of how public opinion shifts why people vote or purchase what they do

interactive model

models primary contribution is the recognition of feedback. Communication flows in both directions. Speaker sends messages to audiences, those receivers generate responses. Feedback may take awhile. ex. Internet communications.

Demographic features

obvious individual characteristics that allow the observer to place audience members in categories by those features

linear model

one way channel → a sender sends a message through a channel to a receiver in an atmosphere of noise

Political allegiance

politcal groups

Argument (strategy)

provides a claim support for the claim and reason why that support proves the claim


providing great details or a number of claims without development of any


providing human qualities to non human things


puts you in the event.


race and ethnicity play roles

Misperception (barrier)

reflects a lack of understand that generally comes from the speaker and audience. Sometimes the sender and receive so far apart, they have a hard time seeing each others position


speaker offers her own experience as proof of her claim

sampling polls

such as probability sampling is crucial because it has a very small margin of error and give better results compared to straw polls.

The gratification set as audience

the audience is grouped by some particular interest. ex. game of thrones fan

Audience as participants

the audience is perceived as part of the message creation. The goal is to share to build commonality. And while we may use that participation to move toward better outcomes, or better relations, we may also participate for catharsis, or to simply enjoy each other's company.

Audience as target

the audience is targeted so the sender can persuade influence and perhaps control the audience


the goal is to provide a more vivid scene. The sender wants to create a picture that you can Cleary visualize

Public sphere

the interplay of the three general approaches of audience models


the outcome research is mainly concerned with the effects exposure of media has on audiences.


there are huge difference in interests and knowledge between different education groups. ex. highschool dropout college grad


topic to hard to understand or so simple its boring


treating human beings as objects


use of an understatement to emphasize a point

Custom targeting

using email addresses phone numbers user ids and usernames to target you.

Behavioral/ Connection targeting

using your purchasing behavior to target you

interest targeting

using your self-report data to target you. Data that you give. Such as facebook, give your interests etc.


what is the target audiences role in the family. Parents children grandparents?


what nation does your audience call home

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