Autonomic Nervous System

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7. Sympatheic Postganglionic axons travel to target organs

-cell body located in autonomic ganglia -travel to and innervate target organs

postganglionic neuron

-cell body located in autonomic ganglion -axon terminates on end of organ

Preganglionic neuron

-cell body located in brain or spinal cord -axon will synapse (exchange nerve impulse) is autonomic ganglion with postganglionic neuron -all are myleniated

4. Gray Rami

-contains sympathetic postganglionic axons -from sympathetic trunk to spinal nerve -"exit ramp" found on all spinal nerves -unmelyinated -take out info to all nerves

Parasympathetic Nervous System (Carniosacral System)

-cranial axons are part of CN III (oculomotor), VII (Facial), IX (Glossopharyngeal), and X (Vagus) -sacral axons originate in S2-S4 segments of spinal cord -maintains homeostatic environments -resting and digesting -innervates head, neck, trunk only NO PARASYMPATHETIC INNERVATION TO LIMBS -activity usually discrete and localized

Spinal Nerve Pathway

-innervates blood vessels, glands in skin -preganglionic axon snapses in sympathetic trunk in ganglion -postganglionic axon leaves sympathetic trunk in gray ramus, travels in spinal nerve to skin

Postganglionic Sympathetic Nerve Pathway

-innervating internal thoracic organs -preganglinoic axon synapses in sympathetic trunk ganglion -postganglionic axon does NOT leave the trunk via gray ramus -instead postganglionic axon extends anteriorly form the trunk and goes to the thoracic organ

Referred Visceral Pain

-is felt not in the visceria itself, but int eh area (dermatome) supplied by the same segments of the spinal cord -cause is unknown-could be sensory nerve fibers form the viscera and the dermatome in question terminate on the same neurons in the spinal cord, and that the brain has trouble distinguishing between the 2 sites

3. Sympathetic Trunks (Sympathetic Trunk (paravetebral) ganglia

-long chains of axons, on eitehr side of vertebral column from cervical portion of cord to sacral portion-contains sympathetic trunk ganglia -some preganglionic axons synapse here -sympathetic highway -where lots of pre/postganglionic meet up

1. intermediolateral cell column (lateral horn) of spinal cord (part of gray matter)

-present in T1-L2 segements of spinal cord only -cell bodies of preganglionic sympathetic nerves located here -preganglionic axons exit via anterior root, spinal nerve, go into white ramus

Afferent Component of ANS

-relay sensory into about viscern (BP, smooth muscle tone) -most of time not consciously aware of this info -sensory neurons travel form organ, through sympathetic trunk to cell body of sensory neuron located in posterior root ganglion

2. White Rami

-runs from anterior ramus of spinal nerve to sympathetic trunk -is more lateral of the two connections to sympathetic trunk -found ONLY on spinal nerves T1-L2 -"entrance ramp" to sympathetic trunk -myleniated

6. Prevertebral (Collateral ) Ganglia

-splanchnic nerves synapse here -located in front of vertebral column and anterior to abdominal aorta -some have special names

5. Splanchnic Nerves

-they are preganglinic axons that do not synapse in paravertebral ganglia -splanchnic nerves come off anterior part of trunk and travel to prevertebral ganglia

Pathways for preganglionic sympathetic axons all start with the same 5 steps

1. axons from pregnglionic neurons leave the lateral horn 2. travel through anterior root 3. go to spinal nerve 4. enter sympathetic trunk via white ramus 5. Preganglionic axons may travel up or down sympathetic trunk

Pathway of Parasympathetic NS

1. axons of preganglionic neurons leave brainstem via (cranial nerves, spinal cord, pelvic splanchic nerves) 2. preganglionic axons synapse in named cranial grnglion or in terminal ganglion located close to organ 3. Post ganglionic axon travels to effector organ

4 f's of autonomic nervous system

1. feeding 2. fleeing 3. fighting 4. ... sexual behavior

Components of Sympathetic NS

1. intermediolateral cell column (lateral horn) of spinal cord (part of gray matter) 2. White Rami 3. Sympathetic Trunks (Sympathetic Trunk (paravetebral) ganglia 4. Gray Rami 5. Splanchnic Nerves-they are preganglinic axons that do not synapse in paravertebral ganglia 6. Prevertebral (Collateral ) Ganglia 7. Sympatheic Postganglionic axons travel to target organs

Components of ParaNS

1. preganglionic motor neurons 2. preganglionic parasympathetic nerves offf the S2-S4 called pelvic splanchnic nerves 3. terminal ganglia

Somatic Nervous System

Innervates skeletal muscles and receives sensory info from senses Voluntary Nervous System

Parasympathetic Nerves

LONG preganglioinic axons, short postganglionic axons -nerves that come off spinal cord off the S2-S4 are called pelvic splanchnic nerves-helps faciliate mass action effect

Sympathetic Motor Nerves

Tends to have short preganglionic axons, and long postganglionic axons -Originate in T1-L2 segments of spinal cord

Sympathetic Nervous System (Thoracolumbar System)

all ganglion occured in thoraic/lumbar region axons originate in T1-L2 segments of spinal cord emergency situations (fight or flight) "mass action" effect-in general everything gets turned on when sympathetic NS turns on

Reasons why autonomic motor component uses 2 neurons

having 2 neuron chain can create a lot of neurons firing -have preganglionic neuron send info to ganglion-then have ganglion send out tons of neural info -converge info at ganglion (hub) then diverge out info

Splanchnic Nerve Pathway

innerates abdominal and pelvic organs -preganglionic axon does NOT synapse in sympathetic trunk ganglion, but leaves sympathetic trunk as a splanchnic nerve -splanchnic nerve travels to prevertebral ganglion, synapses with postganglionic neuron -postganglionic axon goes to abdominal/pelvic organ

Autonomic Nervous System

part of nervous system concerned with Involuntary activity and internal environment Innervates smooth/cardiac muscle and glands Involuntary nervous system Concerned with internal environment

Autonomic Motor

uses 2 neurons to go from spinal cord to the target tissue

Somatic Motor

uses a singe neuron to go form spinal cord to skeletal muscle

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