BA 325HYB Exam 2 Study Guide

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Government's role is to create and enforce laws that:

Balance the relationship between business and society

Which of these activities is NOT to be a marine ecosystem threat?

a. Ocean alkalinity

When companies develop a reputation for environmental excellence, and they produce and deliver products and services designed to attract environmentally aware customers, this is called:

brand differentiation

A CIO is the company's:

chief information officer

Which pattern of consumption is recommended to reduce humanity's global footprint?

choosing less harmful products

General Electric's "Ecomagination" effort to invest in clean technology is an example of:

clean technology

When businesses form voluntary, collaborative partnerships with environmental organizations and regulators to achieve specific objectives this is called:

environmental partnerships

In 2017 about what percentage of people around the world had no access to the internet?


sustainable development

Balances economic and environmental considerations

A compulsion to engage in rewarding behaviors, despite negative consequences is called:

Behavioral Addiction

With respect to fresh water, according to one estimate, if it were possible to eliminate pollution, capture all available fresh water, and distribute fresh water equitably:

Demand would exceed supply within a hundred years.

The Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) is accurately described by which statements?

a. It established a fund supported primarily by tax on the petroleum and chemical companies b. The funds collected are used to clean up sites where the original polluter cannot be identified.

Which of the following is a potential source of personal private data?

a. Smartphones b. Internet connections c. Automobiles

Depletion of the ozone layer, destruction of the rain forests, and species extinctions all have an impact on:

all of society

Deregulation has occurred in the following industries:

commercial airlines, railroads, and financial institutions

Past decisions of the courts, the original basis for the US legal system, are called:

common laws

A shared resource, such as land, air, or water, that a group of people uses collectively is:


what is an example of natural monopolies?

electric utilities and railroads

Economic regulations are illustrated by which action:

preventing anticompetitive business practices

Which factor has accelerated the current ecological crisis?

rapid industrialization

An example of a global regulation that mitigates the impact of jet fuel on the environment is:

the Aviation Plan

cooperation between business and government often occurs when:

they encounter a common problem or enemy

As of 2016, what was the average cost of a data breach in the US?

$7 million

According to an Oxford University study, what percentage of current jobs were expected to be overtaken by robots in the next two decades?

About 50%

The fastest growing region for internet usage growth from 2000 to 2017, was:


When managers become personally involved in developing public policy, the firm is at what level of business political involvement?

Aggressive organizational involvement

Air pollution is accurately described by:

Air pollution occurs when more pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere than can be safely absorbed and diluted by natural processes.

Companies that cultivate a vision of sustainability must adopt sophisticated strategic planning techniques to:

Allow their top manager to assess the full range of the firm's effects on the environment

Antitrust laws protect consumers from:

Anticompetitive practices by business.

The ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings is called:

Artificial Intelligence

One type of digital currency that operates outside the banking system using encrypted technology is:


The antitrust enforcement agencies in the US have the legal authority to:

Block anticompetitive mergers in the US.

Managers' understanding of government regulations is:

Both a domestic and international issue

This annual international gathering on January 28 brought together leaders from the US and dozens of European countries to address the global nature of cyberattacks:

Data Privacy Day

Since 2008, the total amount spent on lobbying activity has:

Decreased slightly

The commitments of the Convention on Biological Diversity include:

Developing national conservation strategies

This Act makes it a crime to circumvent antipiracy measures built into most commercial software agreements between the manufacturers and their users:

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

One of the biggest challenges for autonomous vehicle manufacturers, according to the case The Arrival of Autonomous Cars- Bright Future or Looming Threat? Was:

Ensuring the vehicles were safer than driver-controlled automobiles

In the 1980's, corn and soybeans were genetically modified, enabling farmers to spray for weeds without harming cultivated plants. At first, these changes were:

Expected to increase crop yields per acre.

The idea that companies have a continuing responsibility for the environmental impact of their products or services, even after they are sold, is called:

Extended product responsibility

In a survey of 105 companies in 2017, the most frequent public affairs tactic was related to:

Federal Government relations

Patterns of government taxing and spending that are intended to stimulate or support the economy are:

Fiscal policies

One ethical concern about businesses collecting vast amounts of stakeholder data is:

If the effort actually benefits the stakeholders

The purpose of the right to be forgotten is to:

Increase protection of privacy and personal information

As of 2017 the volume of global spam email messages has declined primarily due to:

Increased anti-spam protections

The digital divide describes the gap between those:

Individuals who have internet access through technology and those who do not.

The phase of technology that focuses on building material goods and manual labor is:


The annual EPA report Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is an example of which environmental policy type?

Information Disclosure

The ideas, concepts, and other symbolic creations of the human mind are often referred to as:

Intellectual Property

The information phase of technology primarily requires:

Intellectual and electronic skills

Advocacy ads are also called:

Issue Advertisements

The Toxic Substances Control Act is accurately described by which of the following?

It established a national policy to regulate, restrict, and id necessary, ban toxic chemicals.

Arable land is accurately described by which statement?

It is a renewable resource

The information strategy tool most used by business is:


Ecologically sustainable organizations are accurately explained by which of these descriptions?

Making and transporting products using minimal energy

In the case "Political Action by the US Steel Industry", 2015-2018, what is one reason that foreign-made steel prices were so much lower than US steel?

Many foreign governments subsidized their steel industries

A firm in the pollution prevention stage of the corporate environmental responsibility model is best described by which statement?

Minimizing or eliminating waste before it is created.

An example of an economic regulatory agency is:

National Labor Relations Board

Government regulations help balance negative externalities such as:

No smoking rules enforced to mitigate the effects of second-hand smoke.

In 2017 which country had the most restrictive internet censorship policies, completely blocking its citizens from conducting internet searches and from using social media platforms?

North Korea

One of the oldest financial-incentive strategy tools is:

Political action committee contributions

Environmental justice is a movement to:

Prevent inequitable exposure to risk, such as from hazardous waste.

To help control political favoritism, there have been global efforts to:

Promote fairness in the electoral process.

The most successful global businesses in coming years will be those companies that:

Recognize the imperative for sustainable development as an opportunity both for competitive advantage and ethical action

The beverage industry's partnership Refrigerants Naturally! Is attempting to:

Reduce the use of ozone-depleting chemicals

A large sporting goods store that raised the age for purchase of some firearms in a response to public concerns for gun control were seen by detractors as:

Risking their reputation by engaging in politics

Which country has made the greatest progress in reducing its solid waste stream?


According to McKinsey and Company, which position cannot be easily replaced with robots?

Team managers

This term refers to the practical applications of science and knowledge to commercial and organizational activities:


The self-reinforcing feature of technology means that:

Technology acts as a multiplier to encourage its own faster development

Which of the following statements is true with respect to acid rain?

a. A primary source of acid rain is coal-fired utilities b. Acid rain is worse in some regions of the US than others c. Acid rain degrades buildings

The role of the CIO includes:

a. Acting as lead security officer b. Educating the organization about technology initiatives Marketing technology projects to stakeholders

Which of the following are a constituency-building strategy tool?

a. Advocacy advertising b. Public relations c. Legal changes

In the US, the federal government regulates which of the following major areas of environmental protection?

a. Air pollution b. Water pollution c. Solid and hazardous waste

Many rapid changes in technology over the past few decades were facilitated by:

a. Artificial intelligence b. Wireless networks c. Processing of enormous amounts of data

Public policies and government regulations are shaped by:

a. Business b. Special interest groups c. Government

The typical public affairs executive spends most of the day:

a. Coalition building b. Direct lobbying c. Fund raising

Reasons for the destruction of rain forests include:

a. Commercial logging b. Cattle ranching c. Conversion of forests to plantations

Environmental regulations stimulate some sectors of the economy by:

a. Creating jobs in industries like environmental consulting, asbestos abatement, and instrument manufacturing. b. Saving jobs in industries like fishing and tourism when natural areas are protected or restored. c. Compelling businesses to become more efficient by conserving energy.

The core idea(s) of sustainable development is (are):

a. Economic development must be accomplished sustainably b. Poverty is an underlying cause of environmental degradation

What are the benefits of sequencing the human genome?

a. Helps early diagnosis of diseases b. Spurs new ways to prevent illnesses

A corporate political strategy does:

a. Hinder a competitor's ability to compete economically b. Seek to continue the firm's economic survival or growth c. Exercise a firm's right to a voice in government affairs

Restrictive governments often reduce or eliminate citizen access to the internet and social media sites in order to:

a. Increase bandwidth for government usage b. Suppress political dissent

Which of the following is true about water pollution?

a. It affects crop yields b. It can be caused by pesticides and herbicides c. The Water Pollution Control Act maintains the integrity of all surface water in the US.

Cybersecurity experts recommend including which essential elements for an incident-response plan for cyberattacks?

a. Support from executive leadership b. Involvement by all functional departments c. Focus on how to respond to a breach

The use of robotics in the workplace has increased recently because:

a. The cost of robots has decreased b. Robots are more reliable than people c. New collaborative machines have been invented

An example of codes of environmental conduct that have been developed by and for specific industries include:

a. The equator principles b. The forest stewardship principles

The role to chief sustainability officer is described by:

a. Typically reports to the CEO b. Supervises staff across functional areas c. Requires strong interpersonal skills

Possible costs of environmental regulation include all of the following:

a. Unemployment b. Reduced capital investment c. Lowered productivity

When a government orders companies not to conduct business in another country because of a war, human rights violations, or lack of a legitimate government; these orders are called:

economic sanctions

around the world, government

sometimes cooperates and sometimes is in conflict with business

When environmentally proactive companies seek out imaginative, innovative new methods for reducing pollution and increasing efficiency, they are adopting which strategy?

technological innovation

Microsoft launched a program in 2017 to bring the internet to more of rural America using:

unused broadcast channels

Circular Economy

A production system that is regenerative by design

Studies have shown that green marketing has been most successful at what level?


Life-cycle analysis involves:

Collecting information regarding the lifelong environmental impact of a product, from extraction to disposal

Which represents a Structural remedy for an antitrust violation?

breaking up a monopoly

Downloading illegal files, spreading computer viruses, and stealing from online bank accounts is collectively referred to as:


Governments being asked to regulate driving distractions are examples of a public policy:


According to the case 'Clean Cooking,' the widespread adoption of clean cookstoves would provide which of the following benefits:

reduced health risks

Software piracy is a major problem in which part of the world?


In 2017 mobile payment usage was largest for which type of purchase?

physical goods

A critical characteristic of a successful CIO is:

A leader with the ability to speak the language of the business

An example of a hacking job motivated by retaliation is:

A person hacks a government website to act against inaction by the government

Firms in the chemical industry, which must content with frequently changing environmental regulations and the risk of dangerous accidents, usually have:

A sophisticated political strategy

Sustainability leaders have found that the most effective environmental management approach involves:

A team of line managers from across the business organization

A technological application that uses biological systems or living organisms to make or modify products or processes for specific use is called:


By raising and lowering the interest rates at which private banks borrow money from the government, the Federal Reserve Bank:

Both: Influences the size of the nation's money supply; and influences the value of the dollar.

When a firm solicits its stockholders for political contributions for a particular candidate by letter and then sends those contributions to the candidate on behalf of its stockholders, it is called:


To influence government policymakers' actions, an information strategy involves:

Business leaders speaking before government policymakers

Expert witness testimony is often collected:

Congressional Hearings

A company that builds stakeholder coalitions to influence government is using which strategy?


Which political action strategy seeks to gain support from other affected organizations to better influence policymakers?

Constituency-building strategy

One major advantage of conducting business online is:

Cost-effective marketing and promotions

Which of these statements accurately describes a Super PAC?

Does not allow direct contributions to candidates or political parties.

Buying and selling goods and services electronically is called:


Being able to continue their activities indefinitely, without altering the carrying capacity of the Earth's ecosystem, is a characteristic of:

Ecologically sustainable organizations

An argument in support of preventing government access to private cell phones, according to the case To Lock or Unlock Your Phone: Personal Privacy or National Security is:

Individuals have rights to privacy and safety

In the US, the right to free speech:

Must be weighed against the consequences for the community.

The primary way of accomplishing public policy is through:


Every environmental regulation must be initially evaluated for its costs and benefits in a process called:

Regulatory impact analysis

In Japan's pluralistic public policy process, who are the major participants?

Representatives of big business, agriculture, and labor

A person's entitlement to protection from invasion of one's personal life is called the:

Right to Privacy

Rapid economic development is often accompanied by:

Rising incomes, bringing higher rates of both consumption and waste.

We are currently in which phase in the development of technology?


Total social regulation costs are:

Significantly higher than total economic regulation costs.

In 2016, the Global Electoral Organization (GEO) discussed which critical election administration issues?

The use of technology to increase accountability.

Under US sentencing guidelines, how would firms facing environmental violations typically be treated if they had an active compliance program and fully cooperated with investigators?

Their sentence would likely be lighter.

Economic leverage occurs when a business uses its economic power to:

Threaten to leave a location unless a desired political action is taken.

One argument in favor of net neutrality is:

To fairly compete, small, medium, and large firms should have the same internet bandwidth

Dark money refers to:

Undisclosed contribution to tax-exempt organizations

European Union regulators accused Uber of engaging in:

Unfair competition

MIT researchers determined that 90% of shopper's credit-card transactions could be used to:

Uniquely identify an individual's shopping habits and preferences and to identify an individual shopper using only four bits of secondary information

An example of industrial ecology in practice is:

Using wastes from one process as raw materials for another process

Regulation can be argued as justified based on:

Utilitarian and justice grounds.

Hackers employed by businesses or governments to intentionally discover weaknesses in information systems are called:

White Hatters

Invasion of privacy through technology is best exemplified by:

Your car's GPS tracking you at every location

Proponents of business as a political participant argue:

a. A pluralistic system invites many participants b. Business is a vital stakeholder of government

Participants in the Montreal Protocol agrees that by 2030 they would phase out:

black carbon

An organization that produces net zero emissions of greenhouse gases is achieving:

carbon neutrality

The place where information is stored, ideas are described, and communication takes place in and through an electronic network of linked systems is called:


The amount of land and water a human population needs to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes given prevailing technology is called:

ecological footprint

Policies that affect the supply, demand, and value of a nation's currency are:

monetary policies

The idea that every distribution channel must work together to deliver a unified and consistent customer experience is called:


A thin layer of gas that protects the Earth from excessive ultraviolet radiation from the sun is:


Economists reported that the costs of regulatory compliance were highest for:

worker safety

Both large and small businesses have adopted sustainable practices to what advantage?

a. Cost savings from operational efficiency b. Opportunity to serve emerging economies c. Reduction of regulatory risk

When the market fails to adjust for the full costs of a firm's behavior, this is called:

market failure

The process of firms buying and selling the right to pollute is an example of which type of environmental regulation?


The practice of using fake business emails in order to trick users into divulging personal data, such as usernames and passwords, is called:


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