Bacterial Respiratory Infections

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Epiglottis (bacterial croup)

- infection of epiglottis -flap closes over trachea while swallowing -caused by Haemophilus influenza -HIB vaccine

3 stages of whooping cough (pertussis)

-1st stage: Catarrhal stage- cold, dry cough, sneezing, irritability, loss of appetite, fever -2nd stage: paroxysmal stage: violent cough, broken ribs & ruptured eye blood vessels, cant breath in between coughs (whoops) -3rd stage: convalescence for several months

prevention of TB and testing?

-BCG vaccine (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) -Tuberlin skin test

bacterial croup

-refers to syndrome of childhood respiratory diseases by a deep barking and difficulty breathing -caused by bacteria and viruses

Most common cause of pneumonia

-Streptococcus pneumoniae: dipolcoccus, cough with rusty-colored sputum -Klebsiella pneumoniae: bacillus, normal flora enteric, vomit, street alcoholics, stroke patients, bulimics - Mycoplasma pneumoniae: walking pneumoniae "critical mass", low grade fever, cough, headache, special antibiotics (no cell wall)

Legionellosis (Legionnaire's Disease)

-a form of pneumonia that is caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila -lungs like brillo pads, shaking , chills, fever, cough, lung abscesses -transmission by aerosol from air conditioner and fountain spray

Scarlet fever

-caused by Streptococcus pyogenes -fever: inflamed tonsils/sore throat -strawberry tongue: white coating of mucosa -raspberry tongue: swollen mucosa, no white coating -sandpaper like rash, red and bumpy cheeks/ full body rash -Beau's lineas

Strep Throat (Streptococcal Pharyngitis)

-caused by Streptococcus pyogenes -red/raw sore throat (bleed when swabbed) -fever -enlarged cervical lymph nodes


-caused by exotoxin of Corynebacterium diphthariae -release exotoxin that blocks protein synthesis & damages vital organs(heart and kidney) -tough leathery grayish pseudomembrane--composed of dead cells, fibrin threads and bacterial, develops over the trhoat mucosa and can block air flow -swelling of upper neck (bull neck)

symptoms of TB?

-fever -night sweats -fatigue -cough up blood - weight loss (old nickname "Consumption")

Pertussis (whooping cough)

-infection in children under 4 who have not been immunized -caused by Bordetella pertussis -bacterium does not invade tissues, attaches to cilia in trachea, killing ciliated cells, produce toxins, increased mucus production

Inhalation Anthrax (woolsorter's disease)

-infectious disease of ungulates (hoofed animals--sheep, cow,deer etc) -contract it through infected animal hair, hides, or wastes -caused by Bacillus anthracis

Tuberculosis (TB)

-infectious respiratory disease -caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis--> acid fast due to thick waxy cell wall, very resistant to antiseptics/disinfectants, live for weeks in dried sputum -transmission: inhalation of respiratory droplets or drinking milk from contaminated cow

Otitis Media (Middle Ear Infection)

-inflammation of ear caused by many different organisms: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophillus influenzas, Streptococcus pyogenes, & Staphylococcus aureus -pressure and pain with ear -tympanum ruptures could lead to hearing loss -mastoiditis meningitis if complications

bacterial pneumonia

-inflammation of lungs -caused by normal flora opportunists -high fever, shaking,chills,chest pain, persistent cough, rusty colored sputum, increased pulse,& cyanosis


-inflammation of tonsils -caused numbers of viruses and bacteria--Streptococcus pyogenes -tonsils swell with yellow pus, pain, difficulty swallowing -sore throat, fever, pain to ears

transmission of anthrax

-inhalation endospores,produce exotoxin that depresses the autonomic respiratory centers of medulla oblongata (brain stem) -antitoxin needed quickly or respiratory distress lead to shock, coma, and death

Laryngitis (bacterial croup)

-upper respiratory infection -caused by Staphylococcus aureus -thick purulent tracheal secretions, require suctioning to relieve respiratory distress

explained the pathogenesis of TB

Inhaled bacilli may reach the alveoli of the lungs, where they are ingested by macrophages Infection begins when these bacilli multiply in the alveolar macrophages Spread occurs through bloodstream However, most of the time, infection is kept in check by the immune system and thus, development of disease is prevented

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