BBE 1002

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Figure 2 showed the % consumption of different resources for the developed nations. It showed that in the year 2010 these countries consumed about __________% of the global petroleum consumption.


What did Mr. Green say was the contribution of steel and concrete buildings to global greenhouse gas emissions.


The carbon cycle is drawn out in Figure 1. How much carbon is being emitted from human activity?

9 billion metric tons

Over time, our efficiency of wood use has increased. We've come up with lots of ways to turn sawdust, woodchips, and scraps into usable products instead of throwing them away. What percent of each harvest log is used?


What is the best definition of a carbohydrate economy?

An economy that uses primarily plants and vegetables for most of the products produced.

In many of the readings in forestry you will see the term "roundwood". This term refers to

Generally any wood that is cut and has a round cross section.

The best wood products come from the ________________.


What was one of the reasons, cited in the text, that there was spike in oil prices in the 1970's?

US oil production slowed.

The introductory graphic shows the system boundary for any life cycle assessment in the production stage. The first part of this production stage is

Forest Management


Functional unit refers to the product being used. Inventory Analysis refers to documenting all of the processes and products in a functional unit. System boundary indicates where the LCA begins and ends in terms of scopes. (Gate to Gate or Cradle to Grave)

Which best describes the concept "it takes resources to extract resources"?

It takes water and fossil fuels to extract minerals or fossil fuels

Glucose is converted to energy during _____________


What example was used to explain the concept 'it takes more resources to extract more resources"?

mountaintop coal mining.

What is the main difference between hemicellulose and cellulose?

not The glucose chain that makes up hemicellulose is half the length of cellulose. lesson 9

Fluid flows down through the tree in the __________cells.


biorenewable resources


Sawtimber refers to trees that could be cut and suitable for sawlogs.


Short rotation woody crops are considered a Dedicated Crop.


True or False? Globally, tropical forests are being lost to deforestation faster than temperate forests.


When people talk about "ore" what are they referring to? If you don't know, you may need to google it.

a naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitably extracted.

Cellulose makes up about ___________ of cell walls.


According to the lecture an LCA provides

information to assesss the environmental impact of a product or service

In Chapter 7 they cited a study that looked at the recycling rates of 60 different metals. They found that the recycling rate for over half of them was

less than 1%

The units of "board foot" refer to __________

the volume of the wood

In the late 1800's, most people supported the clear-cutting of forests by lumbermen.


Mass timber panels are made with young small trees.


Tree rings form because of early wood cells and late wood cells. True or false: The late wood cells have thicker cell walls and are darker than the early wood cells


True or False? Forest area in the United States has been stable (even increasing slightly) for the past 100 years.


Pith material is found in the center of the tree. It is __________.

very soft or spongy

Pretty cool the way they can take a round log and get a bunch of square lumber. The pattern of the cut is determined primarily by


Which of the follow are examples of products that might have come from "dedicated crops"

Electricity, Chemicals

Sap moves up the _____________?

the inner part of the tree

Of all the material processed at U.S. mills, what percent goes on to become non-lumber products like paper, particleboard, and mulch?


Which of the following dimensions shrink (more than 0.1%) with drying of the wood?

- Radial -Tangential

What are some features that engineered wood products have that improve on dimensional lumber?

-Durability -Size -aesthetics -dimensional stability


-Lignin makes up about 1/4 of the cell wall. -Lignin is similar to a plastic.

life cycle

-Mining of iron ore;extraction -Making steel from iron ore;production -recycling a car;end of life -driving a car;use -building a car-production

Where does tree growth occur?

-Outside edge of tree -Tips of tree

Which of the following are included in the lumber production LCA?

-Plastic packaging waste - Fossil fuel use by the sawmill -Fossil fuel use by the trucks/trains that transport lumber

forest harvest methods

-Selection harvest:small groups of trees or individual trees in a given area are harvested over many years -Clearcutting; all trees in a large Forrest area are removed -Shelterwood harvest; mature trees are removed in two or three harvest over a period of 10 to 15 years


-Starch is a polymer -Humans can digest starch -Starch is soluble in water

Katie suggests there are two main differences between agricultural systems and forestry systems they are:

-Use of Native Plant Species - Length of growth/harvest cycles

Which of the following reasons were given for why countries import resources.

-cheaper because of cheap labor - no local supply -cheaper because of relaxed environmental regulations

In the video Katie told us that organic agricultural systems can't use artificial fertilizers or pesticides. Instead they use alternatives to help their crops compete with weeds and pests. These include:

-manure for fertilizer -mechanical weed control -crop rotations

According to Katie Fernholz, Sustainable forestry seeks to do which of the following:

-meet the need for forest products today without compromising the future. -maintain and protect biodiversity, productivity, and regeneration capacity. -approach forestry from a holistic and ecosystem-based viewpoint.

Which of the following are the main reasons for drying wood?

-strength -dimensional stability -longevity

If more energy enters the earth's atmosphere than leaves, the planet begins to heat. How much extra energy is now being absorbed by the earth?

0.8 W/m2

About ____% of forests in the US are plantation forests.


How much is a metric ton?

1000 kilograms

What percent of forestland is controlled by local, state or federal government?


Framed lumber is dried to

15-19% MCd

Ray cells make up about ____% of the volume of hardwood trees.


I find this super interesting. Globally, what % of people live in houses made of wood?


Assume the Proven Reserves of mineral XYZ are 40 tons and the consumption rate of mineral XYZ is 2 tons per year. What is the R/P ratio

20 years

On average, each person in the US consumes about ________ lbs of mineral resources per year.


If you watch the animation called "pump handle" it tracks CO2 concentrations back 800,000 years. In the animation, pre industrial concentrations were about ___________

280 ppm

The taconite in the Mesabi formation contains about ___% iron


The cool graphic on carbon dioxide concentrations over time (since like 800,000 BCE showed some interesting things. What was the approximate concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere in 1979?

330 ppm

About ____% of the renewable energy we consume in the US is from biomass.


What is a "working" forest?

A forest that is providing ecosystem services like filtration of rainwater, habitat for wildlife, and scenic beauty.

Globally we consume about 12 tons per person per year but this is slightly misleading as some countries consume much more than others. How much more do high income countries consume than low income countries?

About 10 times more.

What was the current R/P ratio for crude oil in 2010?

About 43 years

What does hygroscopic mean?

Absorbs water.

Triglycerides _____________________.

Are made up of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen.

From the textbook. Why did the author suggest California is in a state of denial?

Because they import much of what they consume but at the same time they have abundant resources of their own.


Biomass is a generic term for biorenewable resources.

recycling rate

Common metals like copper, steel, aluminum have recycling rates of 50%.

The earth gets all its energy from the sun. What are the two things that influence the energy we receive from the sun?

Energy output from the sun -Distance from sun to earth

The difference between hardwood trees and softwood trees is how hard their wood is.


Tim and Kim talked about how data-intensive and complex the LCA process is. What did they mention that can be done to deal with all this information, streamline the process, and address the most impactful areas?

Focus on only the biggest contributors to the environmental impacts (hot-spotting).

One enhancement of particle board over lumber and plywood is

High density.

The LCA Briefing mentions that LCA is an internationally standardized process. The organization that developed the standards is called the International Standards Organization (ISO) - appropriate name I think... What is the official ISO standard number?

ISO 14040

When Dr. Howe said "When forests are valuable, we tend to have forests." what was he talking about?

If people by wood products, we will have more trees.

Fiber Saturation Point is when ______________________.

Lumen is empty and cell walls are saturated.

Are pesticides used in natural forests?

No, not commonly

What is the fourth most common element in all living things?


What is the most commonly used wood for construction?


How is lumber pressure treated?

Preservatives are forced into the wood under vacuum and pressure

Why is thinning used in forest management?

Reduce the competition to allow for the remaining trees to grow bigger

Which direction is the least dimensionally stable?


Which of the following statements most accurately describes U.S. forests:

That means the area covered by forests in the U.S. is actually increasing. -not Forest growth slightly exceeds harvest.

Katie talked about a book (actually 2 really big books) that are used heavily in forest resource management. These books provide:

the details of each tree species

The difference between alpha glucose and beta glucose is _______?

The position of the OH molecules

What is the main purpose of engineered wood products?

Value added

Where is Michael Green's company located?


The MCd refers to the moisture content based on dry weight. In this moisture content calculation what value is in the numerator? (The numerator is the top number in a fraction).

Water weight Water is on top and dry wood weight on the bottom.

Products made from biorenewable resources are ALWAYS more environmentally friendly than non-renewable resources.

We don't know that answer yet, but I am thinking some might be more environmentally friendly and others may not. Also, what do you mean "environmentally friendly" Are you talking climate change or water quality or something else?

In the NASA video showing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere (A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2) what season showed the highest concentration of carbon dioxide in the northern hemisphere?


Corn is primarily used for animal feed but as you will see is used for ethanol production. What other bioproducts come from corn?


Which of the following seeds contains the highest percentage of oil?


crop rotations

crop rotations. This refers to the planting of different crops each year on your land. This helps with soil nutrients and control of weeds and pests. In conventional systems the rotation is typically corn one year and the next year soybeans and then back to corn. In organic systems there may be 5 to 7 years of different plants in the rotation

Wood shrinks when the tracheid cells lose water. This happens when wood

dries below FSP

In the video, the PhD student from Penn State was showing how to extract lignin. In the fist step he was using water and extracting what compound?


Bound water is found refers to any water in the lumen.


Veneer is typically cut from low quality lumber.


Warping is only a problem with deck boards.


Sap, the fluid flowing in the tree has more sugar when it is moving ___________ .

from branches to roots

In the NASA video showing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere (A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2) the red colors in the northern hemisphere start to fade (concentrations are reduced) because of ____________.

plant uptake of carbon dioxide

Plants take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere because of photosynthesis. Living plants also put carbon dioxide back in the atmosphere through a process called _____________.


The video discussed a "Process Map" for an LCA. Match the order of the stages of a process map for any product for an LCA. (A "Process Map" is a way to organize an analysis of a product by evaluating impacts for each phase of a product.)

stage 1;material extraction stage 2;manufacturing of the product stage 3;packaging and transport distribution stage 4; Use Stage 5; End of life

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