BBH Final Exam

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Discuss the behavioral impact of risk perceptions on sexual behavior. That is how do levels of perceived risk ( & changes in such perceptions) influence engagement in risky seuxal practices ?

If a person perceieves something as high risk they are less likely to do. Our behaviors are based on our perceiced risk. Sometimes the risk isn't always the way we perceived it. For exaple, people percieved condoms as preventing the spread of diseases.

Be able to artuculate the most important issue t you personally that uou have lerend from this class. What will you take away from the class & how will it inflenece you in life


Explain the advantages & disadvantages of health promotion efforts designed for atrisk populations

Advantages of health promotion is to help an individual w. a cause, so we could increase life spanned & increase awareness, lower % of chronic disease and preventions. Also shows high risk of mentality. Disadvantages is trusting, money & getting resources & spread awareness & people can't afford, feel discrimination bc lunging into groups increase fell discrimination where you forget individuals who do.

What ethnic differences have been found in the incidence of hypertension? What racial & psychosocial factors may be implicated in these differences?

African Americans has more than Europe because of their culture & diet, sociological status. Stress increases health care has a big role in cardiovascular reactivity. Releasing more stress in hormones. AA have higher blood rate they release more stress hormones. Rate of obesity in the south ( Louisiana & Georgia) as well as geographical differences as well.

What is the relationship between depression, loneliness & immunocompromise? How do individual difference in coping styles affect this relationship?

All 3 are simple. If an individual's system is not working well, they may experience depression and loneliness as a result and vice versa. Different coping styles can effect this relationship. For instance, an optimistic person is prone to become immunocompetence as a result of positive attitude and belief in system working well. Whereas, a pessimistic person will find something wrong with everything and in turn not believe in system working well and go into a state of loneliness or depression as a result of trying to come to terms with the way their body is working.

Discuss 2 barriers to the practice of safe sex( low risk of STDs & pregancy ) & strategies for promoting safe sex in spite of these barriers.

Barriers to practicing safe sex include access to condoms and communication. Some people are not always prepared to use a condom or may not be able to buy one for reasons of fear and immaturity. These individuals are also liable to be afraid to ask their partner if using a condom is okay with them. Communicating things such as how many sexual partners a person has or whether either partner has come in contact with an STD before are things that people hold back from discussing, which makes it even harder to have safe sex. Strategies for low risk of STDs and pregnancy are as simple as communication, skill training, and proper education.

Explain why adherence to diabetic treatment programs is so difficult for most people to achieve?

Because of the few noncompliance factors. For example, the sheer complexity of a life-long regimen of self-care. Prescribed treatment is also looked at as recommended and discretionary rather than mandatory. People newly diagnosed with diabetes may not have severe medical complications for decade or more, so they find their current lifestyle to be too enjoyable to change.

How do psychosocial factors influence 1) initiation and 20 course of cancer?

Behaviors usually initiate cancer. Ex. of behaviors like drinking, smoking or not wearing sunscrheen. psychological factors sycg as depression or anixty influence the course of cancer.

Identify and describe biological psychological and sociocultural factors implicated in alcohol abuse.

Biological is based on gen Women has less enzymes to break down the alcohol. Risk that women were drinking more than men in college. Many asian individuals get flushed in the face b/c they dont have the enymes to break it down. Pschological is a depressient 'tension" & reduction that it makes you calm & relax. Personality triats are involeved people to drink b/c they are aggresive, shy, sad & implusive. Alchol also reduces your sensitivity to pain. Social factors is that affects by social pressure no authority such as parents to tell you what to do.

Compare and contrast the biopsychosocial and biomedical models. Include in your explanation the advantages of the biopsychosocial model over the biomedical model.

Biopsychosoical ( mind & body) perspective recognizes biological, psychological & sociocultural forces.It emphasizes the importance of psychological functioning and the social environment.It promotes health where biomedical doesn't. Bio-medical focuses on abnormal genetics or physiology as the cause of illness. It supports h/w dualism & reduction where we believe that pur body is one focuses on one health & illness. The biomedical model is good for simple diseases like an appendicitis or pneumonia. Biopsychosocial is a better model for complex illnesses like depression or chronic pain.

What is coping? How can we distinguish "good" coping from "bad" coping, and how might this vary according to the frame of reference(the perspective one takes)?

Coping refers to the cognitive, behavioral & emotional way that people deal with stressful situations. . Bad coping does not adress your good.Good coping is when drinking is good for you because it matches up to your goal, where yoy want to forget about it but not for the long run. Frame of reference is us using alcohol where its not actually dealing with stress itself.

Explain why exercise is so good for you. Include in your answer the physical and psychological outcomes associated with exercise.

Exercise is good because it stress relieves releasing endophase. Better shape where it creates confidence. Physical outcome better if shape & hr makes you want to eat better. Reduce cardiovascular disease. Exercise: promotes both physical and psychological well- being. Regular exercise reduces cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many types of cancer. Physically active people have low anxiety. Aerobic exercise: speeds hearts to preserve muscular strength and flexibility and maintain density.

Describe the structure & use of fully-crossed placebo designs. What information do these designs provide that other designs (e.g; the typical two-group treatment versus placebo design) do not ?

Fully crossed placebo designs has 4 groups. It allows us to test more than just placebo & non-placebo. We can also test the specific is not getting the drug. The belief of the no drug is giving something that is not work. H/w they are getting to drug ( Pure Drug- Placebo) Specific 45% import because you can see the placebo effect has more effect on us than the actual drug ( chemical nature) It also ties into the idea of expectations & belief & the importance to work in order to feel better. If you do not believe that a specific treatment is going to work, the non specific part of the treatment is non existent & your losing 55% to total effect.

Explain how individual differences in personality are related to coping.

Hardiness is a from trait from a personality style that consist of commitment, challenges & control. Hardy people view everyday demamads of life as challenges. Hardiness can buffer the effects of stress. Hardiness also leads a pathway for resilence where it is the ability to bounce back from stressul expereinces & to be flexibily adpt to changing enviorment demands. An indivual maybe permissive where they experience more unpleasant events where it has ben linked to shorter lives. Optimism where people lead healthier lobger lives, upbeat. It helps us to cope more effectiley w. stressful experiences. (Also your control in a situation and the size of your family & age).

Explain how hospitalization may affect patients sense of personal control. What reactions are commonly observed

Hospitalization my limit the understanding of what is going on their bodies. They may feel like they lost total institution that it takes control of virtually every aspect of life. They expect to conform roles of hospital including schedule for eating, sleeping & receiving vistores & make their bodies available for examination. Being called by a number.. the knowledge & skills to understand is limited. Strongly influenced, therefore by psychological & social factors. The patient may feel repression (-) where they want the bad things out of awareness ( less likely to pay or act on attention) Neurotic( +) axnious, worrying a lot ( get biopsy) Monitor/blunter (+/-, esp informational) - monitor, wont information, true information Also they may feel that it removes autonomy & control.

When considering the impact of stress on health, is it the little things or the big things? That is, are major life events the critical factor or is it the little, constant annoyances that are most heamful to psychological and physical health?

If an individual does not deal with the little things then they are must likely to be stress. This works vice versa where your more liekly to have a big event happen to you. Stress is dependent on the individual and how they perceive their little stressors and big ones. Major life events such as getting married can exacerbate physical health and psychological health by weakening the immune system, raising blood pressure, causing mental deterioration, anxiety, and various other things. Whether the stress is constant or not can have small or big effects depending on the individual and their threshold of stress.

Describe the factors associated with smoking in adolescene. Evaluate the effectiveness of prevention programs targeting adolescents.

Images of smoking, looking cool where it is the lack of parental pastoral. The role of modeling & peer pressure. To maintain smoking because of nicotine is higher addictive, stimulate sympathetic system, release dopamine & relax skeletal muscles. Communities health education. To evaluate the programs, of primary preventions something you do to prevent disease not smoking exercise. Secondary prevention is an early stage, to treat an illness early. & the last territory prevention is receiving chemo.

What are the difficulties & limitations of studying the immune system & how it relates to psychological factors (PNI)

It includes the fact that various functions of the immune system do not relate to one another. This is due to models being overly simplistic, extraneous, & not good timing. These things relate to psychological factors by causing confusion and giving off inaccurate ideas to an individual on their body.

Why might a bogus ( fake or ineffective) alternates treatment still seem to produce benfit? Discuss at least 3 factors that might lead an indivdual to this conclusion.

It may result of placebo effect, the disease naturally running its course, or improvement in mood. Placebo effect will have the person thinking that treatment actually worked based off of therapeutic intent and not its specific chemical/physical nature. Meanwhile, the disease may have just ran its course during the same time that the treatment was taken having the false effect on the individual of actually working. And there is the idea that improvement in mood can alter a person's perception of symptoms; a positive attitude can influence person's belief in treatment.

Obesity tends to run in families. Citing research from the text and lecture, explain why this is so.

Obesity is partly hereditary. BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is determined by our genes. Itruns into the family because our BMR. People with naturally low BMR & BMI burn few calories. Nurture of looking & eating unhealthy foods, where habits are formed; which is passed down. Gentics make you valunerable to obesity however if your enviroment doesn't support it you won't become obese.

Explain how attributes of both patients and their health care providers contribute to faulty communications in the health care setting

On the physician's part is using the term "jargon" is the lack of disclose, one sided communications, interrupts ( how quickly). Physicals would assume that patients know the medical terms, making you feel like your elementary. Patients might not share b/c its personal stuff. They don't know what relevant. Doctors spend average 8 mins & patients speak at a max of 1-2 mins. Doctors have a trouble with communications skills. The patient may feel overly involved or overly controlling.

Explain how changing patterns of illness have contributed to the rise of biobehavioral health/health psychology

People thought spirits invaded body. Ilness was a punishment for evil doing; & scientific studies were forbidden. Infectious diseases such as small pox, ammounia. yeahs ago we were dying from infectious dsiseases from chronic illness influenced by behaviors. Examples of illness are diabetes, cancer & heart disease.

What are the important recent developments in the treatments of HIV & how have these impacted HIV morbidity & mortality?

Protease Inhibitors are recent developments in the treatment of HIV. They block the production of mature viral proteins. AZT are drugs called reverse transcriptase inhibitors that block replication of the HIV virus by reverse transcriptase. The combination of these two things help reduce HIV to undetectable levels, essentially reducing mortality and morbidity rates.

What kind of evidence links social support & socail integration to improve and/or positive outcomes? When is social support not helpful?

Social Support hows faster recovery & fewer medical complications, lower mortality rates and less distress in the face of terminal illness. Social support is not helpful because it gives more oppournity to fight with other poeple such as oweing them money after you need it or dont want it.

Explain the relationship of lifestyle factors to the development of coronary heart disease & to rehabilitation from this illness

Social economic status,exercise, depression, high cholesterol, hypertension( high hb) All of these factors you would have to change so you won't become obese. Some lifestyle factors that an individual may change the development of coronary heart disease & rehabilitation is having a social economic status, exercise, depression, high cholesterol, hypertension( high bp)...

Explain how social and psychological factors are related to recognition and interpretation of symptoms

Social factors are related to the recognition and interpretation of symptoms by the individual and how involved they are with their body as well as their environment. For instance, someone who is very in touch with their body and knows how their body will react under certain circumstances and in specific environments, will actively monitor what is going on and their reaction to it (Sensitizer). Therefore, making it much easier for them to notice a change in their health and body. While, a person considered to be a repressor will ignore or deny health related symptoms as a result of them protecting themselves from unpleasant thoughts and unwanted mood rates. Psychological factors affect recognition and interpretation of symptoms depending on the individual. If the individual has an optimistic attitude they will report fewer symptoms than a pessimistic individual who is more likely to report more symptoms.

Is stress a subjective experience, objective experience or both? carefully justify your answer

Stess is both ojective & subjective parameters seem to contribute to health & well-being. H/o subjective seems important. Example of objective is getting shot & subjective is thinking alot & getting stress out like if your boyfriend is late & your questioning where he is at It starts as objective and then subjective us how you percieved it.

Describe the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Include in your response the roles of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system in response to stress

The autonomic nervous system has two subdivisions, sympathetic and parasympathic. The sympathetic produces fight or flight in response that people show stress, by breathing more and the rise of heart rate. It also helps keeps your blood flowing, where sugers and fats are release and then your bladder. Parasympathic helps the body to be calm & decreases heart rate, while rest and digest, it acts independently and conserves energy. The roles of autonomic nervous system it links up with the CNS with heart, instines & other organs. Since the somactic nerves work only under involuntary controls the effect of the organs and stress in the main system. It also links to the CNS

What is the future of BBH? Describe at least 2 major trends that will alter landscape of health & health reserch in the future.

The future of BBH will expand and focus in more on preventative care. Two major trends that will alter BBH will be more cost effective treatments and more focus on chronic care areas since general population will be aging.

Use the gate theory of pain to explain why one sensation will be perceived as painful whereas another stimulus might not.

The gate control theory is your nervous system can process only a limited # of sensory signals at once. Painful can be define as having an injury in sports & disease. Relative balance of "pain" & "non-pain" messages. when the system is full a neural gate in the spinal cord either blocks or allows the passage of additional signals to the brain. "Gate" is not a physical structure but pattern of inhibition neural activity" The key point is that pain signal to the brain can be blocked.

What makes events stressful? Include in your answer a discussion of Lazarus & Folkman's model of psychological appraisal in the experience of stress

The physical & emotional response of a an indivduals. Researchers distinguish among stimulus events are stressful(stressor). In Lazarus & Folkman's transactional model showed that we cannot fully understanf stress by examining enviroment events (stimuli) & people's behaviors ( responses) as seprate entitles. Cognitival repprasal & transation model. A stressor comes you see if it is harmful or not. Stress is different for each individual's event

What is the placebo effect? Discuss the difference between specific and non-specific effects and explain why the placebo effect is not "all in your head"

The placebo is the medication or treatment or even one that is inert to work simply because the recipient believes that it will work.Placebo doesn't have to a drug treatment. Measurable or health & behavior in chemical felt improvement nature to the actual & chemically nature of drug. Pacific effect is the actual & physically part of your body non specific that you think the drug is hot to cure.

What is the optimal(best)approach to the measurement of stress?Justify your answer

There is a biological look at codisole levels. You can do self reports. The best approach to measuring stress is to ask a person to rate their stress on a scale from 1-10, one being the smallest amount of stress and ten being the largest amount of stress. By doing so, you are allowing the individual to pin point whether the stressor(s) are major or miniscule and can therefore make efforts to manage the stress based off of its magnitude. For example, if a person says they are experiencing extreme stress from planning a wedding, on the level of a 10, than you can offer them coping skills such as time management, relaxation training, and exercise.

Please outline a general strategy that someone might use to spot potentially false claims or promises in an alternative treatments

To be very critical of testimonials by not just believing in one person's experience or claim. Everyone reacts to things differently and it is important to understand that not every claim will come true in every individual. The next step would be to seek scientific evidence, not just take the words of a doctor or patient because they are more than likely inclined to have bias opinions.

Discuss the development of current thinking about Type A personality. Include evidence that Type A is associated with cardiac risk as well as more recent evidence evaluating the "toxic" component of Type A.

Type A personality is the anger, time urgent person, wants to be successful. Type A and its heart healths is that from early clinical impressions that the behavioral & emotional style marked by an aggressive, unceasing struggle to achieve move in less time, often in competition.

Can psychological factors / or social interventions influence caner progression? Discuss the evidence and justify your answer

Yes they can. behavioral changes like eating healthy, stop smoking & exercising helps to slow progression slight & reduced offs of occurance. Psych changes like CBTor syntematic & social changes social support. Combining all three will work best to inflence cancer progression.

How effective are education appeals designed to provide information about health risk factors and wellness? What aspects of educational appeals heighten their effectiveness?What aspects make them less effective in changing attitudes & behaviors?

educational health has an understand the concept to pass the grade. the person would be more reliable to the audience. Someone who had a positive experience & negative to people who are negative. They have to be knowledgeable & trustworthy. people would have to choose to be moderation. communicator should be an expect. present strong arguments all beginning & end not in the middle. Messages should be short, clear, direct. state conclusion( barrier change goals) explicitly.

Some parents cope well with multiple roles whereas others do not. Explain the factors that are associated with positive and negative outcomes associated with juggling family work and family roles.

positive outcomes are when parents are involed physically & emotionally. It comes from social support & negative is called spill over. Thats when the parent brings stress from work home.

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