BCT Lab quizzes 2-6
pyramidal cell of cerebrum
identify structure at the arrow
uninucleated, binucleated, autonomic nervous system, contains nucleus and intercalated discs, cardiac muscle
what are the characteristics of this tissue?
what does this cell secrete?
intercalated disc of cardiac muscle tissue
what is the structure at the end of the arrow?
silver nitrate stain
what type of stain was used to look at the surface of mesenteries?
what type of staining was used for this slide?
multipolar, motor
what types of neurons are found at the region indicated by the arrow
where could this tissue could be in the body?
salivary glands
where do you find the example of stratified columnar epithelium?
where do you find this in the body?
-found in the umbilical cord -type of embryonic connective tissue
which of the following is correct about this tissue?
this tissue gives rise to all types of connective tissue
which of the following is correct about this tissue?
this tissue is non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
which of the following is correct about this tissue?
which of the following is the most abundant type of cartilage in the body?
silver stain
which of the following stains renders reticular fibers as black in color?
which of the following steps is important for preservation of tissue and prevention of damage in histological studies?
which of the following structures are considered as cytoskeletal elements of the cell?
wright stain is used for the staining of blood cells. T/F
small intestine
you will find microvilli in the
Cardiac and skeletal muscle cells both are under the control of somatic nervous system. T/F
Cytoplasm of the cell is considred eosinophilic since it absorbs acidic dye. T/F
Identify the cell at the arrow?
Identify the secretory products of the cell at the arrow?
Goblet cells of the PCCE (pseudostratified ciliated coulmnar epithelium)
Identify the structure at the arrow ?
interstitial lamellae
Identify the structure at the arrow?
periosteum-dense irregular connective tissue
Identify the strutcure and type of the tissue at the arrow?
The arrow is pointing at an organelle which is responsible for production of steroids. T/F
The cell at arrow is precursor for which of the followings?
The cell at the arrow is a lymphocyte which is important for regulation of adaptive (specific) immunity. T/F
ATP production
What is the function of the structure at the arrow?
decalcified- central canal
What is the method of slide preparation for this tissue and identify the structure at the arrow?
Scanning electron microscope
What type of microscope would be used to view the surface of an insect?
sensory, pseudo unipolar
What type of neurons are found in the dorsal root ganglion?
costal cartilage, articular surfaces of the bone
Where do you find this type of cartilage in the body?
Which of the following is considred as fragments of a cell?
Which of the following is considred as specilaized connective tissue?
-This cell becomes a macrophage in the tissue -This is an agranulocyte
Which of the following is correct about the white blood cell in the center of the slide?
Which of the following is the function of the structure at the arrow?
Which of the following is the function of the structure at the arrow?
-They represent 0.5-1% of the white blood cells -They release histamine
Which of the following is/are correct about basophils?
osteocytes, osteoclasts
Which of the following lives in lacunae?
glycogen granules are considered as
-trachea -digestive tract
goblet cells are found in the
lipid droplet
identify the content of these large, circular and darkly stained structures
simple squamous epithelium
identify the epithelium tissue type
elastic fiber
identify the fiber at the arrow
granular layer of the cerebellum
identify the layer
identify the structure at the arrow
ventral horn of the spinal cord
identify the structure at the arrow
nerve fascicle
identify the structure of the arrow
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
identify the tissue at the arrow
simple cuboidal epithelium
identify the tissue at the arrow?
silver stain
identify the type of staining in this image
simple cudoidal epithelium
identify then tissue at the arrow?
smooth muscle tissue
identify this muscle tissue
-adipose tissue -osmium tetroxide
identify this tissue and type of staining
inclusions are stored nutrients which are surrounded by membrane. T/F
skeletal muscle fiber
structure at the arrow
structure of yellow square
the pointer is at a thyroid follicle. T/F
this slide is a longitudinal section of the skeletal muscle tissue. T/F
a sensory ganglion
this slide is taken from
this tissue does not contain perichondrium. T/F
adipose connective tissue
this tissue is referred as having a chicken wire appearance
this tissue resembles dense regular connective tissue but is a type of cartilage because it contains
elastic fibers
this tissue resembles hyaline cartilage except that it contains also