BIBL 301

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According to our textbook, what is the key verse for the book of Acts?

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come to you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

Habakkuk's second question was:

"How can God use the Babylonians to punish Judah?"

John uses this central "I am" declaration to affirm the deity of Christ. One of these "I Am" declarations is:

"I am the bread of life"

Habakkuk's first question was:

"Why does the Lord not punish injustice in Judah?"

The book of Judges concludes with a civil war in Israel that almost exterminated the tribe of


The poems in the book of Lamentations most closely resemble the communal laments in the _______.

Book of Psalms

1-2 Samuel thematically focuses on Kings and Priests.


According to the textbook, the author of 2 John is most likely not the same author as 1 John.


Song of Songs is a book that provides songs of life.


The book of Revelation was written by John on the island of


________, a wealthy business who lived in Colossae, owned slaves, and the church met in his house.


the Jewish Feast of _______ originates in the story of Esther.


______ was the persecuted church.


John's portrait of Christ is that of

Son of God

Lukes portrait of Christ is that of

Son of Man

According to our textbook, the _________ is a reoccurring theme or motif found throughout the book of Ecclesiastes.

Sovereignty of God

"Pride comes from destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall." (Prov. 16:18) is an example of

Synonymous parallelism

The __________ represented how God was to dwell among His people and how the nation would fellowship with God.


The textbook argues that the book of Acts could be called "__________" rather than "The Acts of the Apostles."

The Acts of the Holy Spirit

A proverb is a short poetic sentence conveying wisdom in a concise and memorable form.


According to the author of Hebrews, the earthly tabernacle allowed limited access to God


Exodus highlights the exit from Egypt.


Genesis is the book of Beginnings.


In the seven seal judgments the white horse stands for war.


Job's three friends were Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar.


The book of Ruth offers a ray of hope.


Zechariah's book can be divided up into eight visions, four messages, and two burdens.


The Abrahamic Covenant was


According to our textbook, the key word for the book of Acts is "________." It is used more than thirty times.


In Deuteronomy, Moses predicts the _______ that Israel's future generations will exhibit.


According to the author of Hebrews, In light of what Jesus has done, believer should:

encourage one another as they see the day of salvation drawing near.

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus' mission to the Jews was highlighted by seven miraculous signs. One of these signs is

healing a nobleman's son.

Moses died and was buried

in an unmarked grave on Mt. Nebo

The book of Mark belongs to the section of the New Testament known as

the Gospels

According to our textbook, _________ is obvious throughout the book of Esther.

the providence of God

Jacob's marriages to Leah and Rachel produced __________ sons who would become the various tribes of Israel.


In Malachi, God denounces His people by raising the question of


Which of the following is not a parable of Jesus?

The Parable of the Dishonest Farmer

Which of the following is not a parable of Jesus?

The Parable of the Foxes

Which of the following is not a parable of Jesus?

The Parable of the Wise Son

Which of the following is not one of the seven churches address in the book of Revelation


In order to conquer the land of Canaan ________ military campaigns were undertaken.


The book of Exodus focuses on Moses' life, which can be divided into _______ forty-year time periods.


Paul asked ______ to join him in his work at Lystra while on his second missionary journey.


Throughout 2 Corinthians Paul includes the story of _______.


On his second missionary journey, Paul receives a vision at ________ that encourages him to travel to Macedonia.


"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov. 22:6). This wisdom holds true as a general rule, not an absolute promise.


1-2 Kings details the Kings of Israel and Judah.


A slave is expected to rush from task to task and to do any job immediately so a key word in Mark is "immediately."


A theme to the book of Judges is "The Struggle."


According to Micah, because the rich deprived the poor of their land, the Lord would not do the same to them.


According to Paul in 1 Thessalonians, the will of God for the Thessalonian believers is that they might be progressively sanctified and have a strong hope for the future.


According to Paul in 2 Timothy, since God is perfect and all knowing, when He breathed inspiration on the Scriptures, they were perfect.


According to Paul in Colossians, Christ has made the Father knowable, available, and approachable to all believers at all times.


According to Paul in Romans, justification by faith makes all equal before God and gives the law its rightful place of condemning sin.


According to our textbook, many church fathers viewed the Song of Songs typologically as a picture of Christ's love for His bride, the church.


According to our textbook, one reason for the northern kingdom's downfall is that they rejected the covenant itself.


According to our textbook, perhaps the greatest benefit the believer can gain by studying the Song of Songs is the reminder that love is a gift from God and should be enjoyed as a gift.


According to our textbook, the original audience for the Gospel of John seems to be Greek-speaking Jews who were living outside of Israel.


According to our textbook, the overall theme of Daniel is God's sovereignty over the people of Israel and the nations of the world.


According to the textbook, Jeremiah's temple sermon (Jer. 7:1-15) was one of the defining and critical moments in his ministry.


According to the textbook, Jude uniquely ties together doctrinal error with the immoral lifestyle of false teachers suggesting immorality leads to heresy.


According to the textbook, Paul asserts in 2 Thessalonians that the Day of the Lord will not begin until the "man of lawlessness" (the Antichrist) is revealed.


According to the textbook, Paul teaches 2 Thessalonians that the rapture will precede the removal of the "restrainer," the revealing of the Antichrist, the time of tribulation, and the final Day of the Lord.


According to the textbook, Timothy was probably converted to Christianity as as youth when Paul visited his home in Lystra on the first missionary journey with Barnabas.


According to the textbook, some scholars view Hebrews as a sermon or even as a series of sermons.


According to the textbook, the New Testament explains that John the Baptist is the fulfillment of the messenger prophesied by Malachi.


According to the textbook, the key verse to the book of Lamentations is "Because of the Lord's faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness" (Lam. 3:22-23).


According to the textbook, the key word(s) for the book of Lamentations is Faithful love which means chêsêd in Hebrew.


According to the writer of Hebrews, believers should stand firm in their confession because they have something those following Moses did not have. They have Jesus, the Son of God, as their Great High Priest.


Ahab and his wife Jezebel were wicked rulers in the Northern Kingdom.


Altogether the Minor Prophets are a collection of messages to Israel and Judah that serve both as predictions of judgement as promises of hope for the future.


Amos' prophecies of judgement demanded a response because they were not absolute predictions of what must happen in the future as much as they were warnings of what would happen if Israel did not repent and change its ways.


As Samuel aged, the people of Israel insisted that they should select a king "like all the other nations.


As a sinless priest, Jesus did not have to offer sacrifices for Himself as Aaron did.


Because Luke was a physician, there seems to be an interest in sickness and healing in the Third Gospel.


Boaz was not only Ruth's kinsman redeemer, he was also the one carrying the Davidic lineage.


Conservative evangelical scholars believe Moses was the substantial author of the Pentateuch.


Conservative evangelical scholars recognize that certain small elements of the Pentateuch were probably added later, such as the account of Moses' death and burial


David captures Jerusalem from the Jebusites and moved the Ark of the Covenant there.


David's character is highlighted in that he refuses to kill Saul. This shows his respect for the office of king and the significance of God's anointing.


David's covenant violations involved adultery, murder, and a host of deceptive acts committed in an attempt to cover up these sins.


Deuteronomy focuses on covenant renewal.


During Jesus' post-ressurection appearances He comforted Mary, convinced Thomas of His resurrection, and reassured Peter that he was forgiven for denying Him.


Each cycle in the book of Judges portrays a downward spiral. This spiral includes Barak's reluctance.


Edom was lifted up because of excessive pride. They trusted in their political and military advisors for their security.


Epistles are the most common literary for in the New Testament. They are "occasional" letters; that is, the were designed to deal with specific situations.


Eventually, King Nebuchadnezzar would go temporarily insane and behave in an animal-like manner.


Ezekiel came from a priestly family, which helps explain his emphasis on sin as uncleanness and defilement and his interest in the rebuilding of the future temple.


God commanded Hosea to marry a promiscuous and unfaithful wife, who subsequently gave birth to three children with symbolic names. Both the woman and the children were metaphors of Israel's covenant unfaithfulness toward the Lord. Israel had prostituted itself by turning away from the Lord and following other gods.


God's promise in Jeremiah 29:11 ("For I know the plans I have for give you a future and a hope) addresses the impending exile and the future restoration of Judah because God so loved His people with an eternal love.


God's promise to Abraham that He would bless all nations begins to come to fruition through Boaz and Ruth.


Habakkuk ended his dialogue with God by composing a prayer that could be song as a hymn.


Historically, the most common method used in interpreting the Song of Songs was to treat the Song as an allegory of God's love for Israel.


Hosea charged Israel with separate indictments. One of these indictments indicated that "The Lord has a charge to bring against you who live in the land." (Hos. 4:1)


In 1 John, John reminds his audience of what they already know, specifically that sin is not characteristic of someone in fellowship with God.


In 1 John, John reminds his audience what they already know, specifically that God hears and grants their prayer requests.


In 1 John, John tells his audience to to be surprised by hatred from the world.


In 1 Timothy Paul identified two acts of heresy: forbidding marriage and abstinence from food.


In 1 his first letter, Peter argues that believers have been redeemed from an empty way of life and are transformed by the precious blood of Christ.


In 2 John, John expresses the joy he felt when he learned that some members of the recipient's church body were following the Father's command to walk in truth.


In 2 Thessalonians Paul assures the believers that God will take vengeance on their persecutors and will be glorified over them at the end of the age.


In 3 John, John acknowledges that Diotrophes refusal to be corrected will lead to his exposure when John arrives.


In 3 John, John commend Demetrius for his good testimony but has a stern rebuke for Diotrophes.


In Colossians, Paul said Christ fulfilled the law, thus keeping the obligations of the law is no longer necessary because Christ took "it away by nailing it to the cross."


In First Corinthians, Paul encouraged these believers to examine their attitudes before partaking in this ordinance of the church.


In First Corinthians, the Corinthian believers boasted in their tolerance. Instead they should have dealt with this sin problem.


In Galatians Paul says the Galatian Christians have gone to a completely different kind of gospel.


In Isaiah, Christ is pictured as the coming conqueror.


In Philippians Paul argues that true joy and peace are not contingent on circumstance but rather in knowing that an all-powerful and all-loving God is in control.


In Philippians, Paul asserts that he is pursing Christ as passionately as a runner would pursue the goal and prize of winning a race.


In Zechariah, the main theme is "restore the King."


In Zephaniah the chief pronouncement is that disaster is imminent.


In his response to Job, God appeals to creation as a demonstration of his unfathomable wisdom.


In the Corinthian church some believed in Christ's resurrection but not in the resurrection of believers.


In the Gospel of Mark there is only one quote from the Old Testament and a marked absence of references to the law of Moses.


In the Old Testament, God's glory dwelt in a tabernacle and in the temple, but in the New Testament God's Spirit lives in the lives of believers.


In the book of Job the Lord presents his servant Job as a model of righteousness before Satan.


It is possible that the recipient of Acts was a Roman official or nobleman who became a Christian.


James reminds his readers that suck trials are inevitable experiences that test our commitment to Christ.


Jeremiah's two visits to the potter were prophetic sign acts that visualized how the covenantal relationship between the Lord and His people had reached a breaking point.


Jesus quoted from both "halves" of Isaiah and attributed them to Isaiah the prophet.


Jesus was buried in a new tomb by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea.


Jesus was not of the Levitical priesthood descended from the Levites but is God's Son, and "a high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek."


Job is convinced that he could only have the opportunity to present his case to God, then God would realize he is judging the wrong man, and Job would be proclaimed innocent.


Job's friends assume he must have done something terribly wrong, unjust, or unwise to experience such as incredible tragedy.


Job's responds to God in faith knowing it is enough that God is in control.


John sees prophetic fulfillment in the fact that when they pierced Jesus' side with a spear both blood and water came out at once.


John's Gospel concludes by noting that while Jesus did many other things, non one could possibly write them all down. If anyone did, even the whole world could not contain all of the books that would have to be written.


Joshua describes the conquest of Canaan.


Joshua's theophanic encounter affirmed his leadership to the people of Israel.


Jude's reference to both Old Testament examples and those of Jewish non-canonical books indicate his readers were Jewish Christians.


Luke is the longest book in the New Testament and gives a full picture of the life of Christ.


Luke's Gospel is the most universal Gospel because the good news about Jesus is for the whole world, not for Jews only.


Luke's purpose is to give "an orderly sequence" of the events about Christ's birth, life, and sacrificial death followed by His resurrection and ascension back to heaven.


Mark's writing is action packed, forceful, fresh, vivid, dramatic, realistic, graphic, simple, direct, swift, rough, brief, and to the point.


Matthew's Gospel names no audience for its message other than that which is implied in its Great Commission. Its message was ultimately intended to go to "all nations."


One challenge to Paul being the likely author of Hebrews is that Hebrews does not use the phrase "Christ Jesus" as Paul's letters do.


One of Paul's principal achievement was that he was the main leader in extending the church into Asia Minor and Greece, becoming known as the premier apostle to the Gentiles.


One reason that Paul may have authored Hebrews is that both Hebrews and 1 Corinthians mention the giving of gifts by the Holy Spirit.


One reason that Paul may have authored Hebrews is that both Hebrews and 2 Corinthians discuss the new covenant.


Paul argues in Galatians that the law requires perfect obedience, and since no one is perfect, all are condemned by the law. Only faith in Christ's finished work can save anyone.


Paul reminds Titus that since people were saved "not by works of righteousness that we had done, but according to His mercy" and justified by God's grace, they should live a life of good works toward all men.


Paul reminds the Colossians that, "You died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God"


Paul removed any obstacle Timothy might have had to ministry among Jews by having the young man circumcised.


Paul tells Timothy in 2 Timothy to "preach the word." It's not Timothy's opinion that he is to preach; it's what God commands.


Paul wanted Timothy to see four generations of ministry duplication. The first generation was Paul who preached the gospel. The second generation was Timothy who received the gospel from Paul. The third generations were the people converted when Timothy preached. The fourth generation includes the "others who were taught by faithful men from the third generation.


Paul's instructs the Corinthians that his perspective on the Gospel ministry includes the idea that the minster, in response, endures many hardships in order not to discredit the ministry.


Peter cites and quotes from Isa 53:2-9, 9, 11-12 in 1 Peter 2:21-25 as evidence that Jesus is Isaiah's suffering servant.


Proverbs concentrates primarily on practical issues rather than focusing on theological issues.


Proverbs contains a balanced view of wealth and poverty.


Rather than rejoicing in his successful preaching mission and the salvation of the Nineties, Jonah was angered that the Lord spared the city.


So prosperous was Solomon that God expanded Israel's borders to the degree originally promised in the Abrahamic covenant and reaffirmed to Joshua.


The Acts of the Apostles covers the time from Pentecost to Paul's imprisonment.


The JEDP Theory asserts that anonymous editors compiled the Pentateuch from four documents long after the time of Moses.


The King of Babylon has a dream about four empires that is only successfully interpreted by Daniel.


The birth and growth of the church in Acts reveals God's plan to take the gospel to the world as an extension of the Jewish messianic hope from its beginning in Jewish Jerusalem to the heart of the Gentile world in Rome.


The book of 2 Kings transitions away from the Elijah narratives and into the Elisha narratives.


The book of Acts begins with the ascension of Christ and His commission to the apostles to take the gospel message from Jerusalem to the rest of the world.


The book of Acts ends with a final "update" as Paul awaits his trial before Caesar and the gospel message continues speaking as the church continues to grow.


The book of Acts is Addressed to Theophilus.


The book of Ezekial ends with a vision of eschatological temple where God dwells with his people and a life-giving river lows out from this temple.


The book of Hosea underscores God's unquenchable love.


The book of Job concludes with God prospering Job once again and blessing him with twice the wealth.


The book of Job deals with questions related to suffering.


The book of Joel deals with the day of the Lord.


The book of Malachi is structure around disputations in which the Lord dialogues with His people in a series of questions and answers.


The book of Micah presents a divine lawsuit.


The book of Proverbs consistently presents the sluggard as a fool and the diligent person as wise.


The book of Proverbs is a book containing words of wisdom


The books of 1-2 Chronicles offers a priestly perspective.


The distribution of Levites among the people and the establishment of cities of refuge were to help ensure spiritual, social, and civil justice in the future.


The events surrounding the selection of Sale for king demonstrates that he was the people's choice. The people seemed to focus on Saul's outward appearance rather than his heart.


The first five books of the Bible are known as the Pentateuch.


The first five books of the Bible are known as the Torah.


The judgment of the Edomites is a reminder that God stands opposed to all forms of human arrogance and pride.


The list of Individuals who composed material in the Psalms includes Moses.


The list of individuals who composed martial in the Psalms included David.


The major theological theme of 1-2 Chronicles is the importance of true worship.


The message to Samuel from God is that He will bypass a disobedient generation and call a new generation to follow Him.


The real key to the success of the Judges was the empowerment of the Spirit of God who enabled them to accomplish great feats.


The rediscovery of the covenant law caused King Josiah to lead the nation of Judah in covenant renewal and reform.


The task that Paul gives Titus is to appoint elders and reprove the rebellious.


The thematic focus of Esther centers around the rescuing of the Israelite people.


The title "Song of Songs" can literally be translated from the Hebrew "The Greatest Song of Solomon."


The traditional view of the Christian church has long held that John the apostle was the author of the Revelation as well as the Gospel and epistles that bear his name.


The tribe of Rueben settled land on the East bank of the Jordan River.


While the time of writing for the book of Job is uncertain, internal evidence points to a time before the Mosaic law.


According to our textbook, the ____________ is a reoccurring theme or motif found throughout the book of Ecclesiastes.

Vanity of Life

Ezekiel's role as a Prophet is compared to the work of a "__________."


Which of the following is not something John claimed about love in 1 John?

We must hate the sin but love the sinner.

____________ often teach practical lessons about everyday living.

Wisdom Psalms

Haggai in tandem with _____ challenged the postexilic community to resume the work of rebuilding the temple.


In light of what Jesus has done, the author encourages his audience to:

a and b only

Amos concludes his prophecies of unrelenting judgment with a message of hope concerning Israel's future restoration. God promised:

agricultural productivity

Of paramount significance in the Tabernacle was the

ark of the covenant that represented God's presence. -

The dispersion of the nations occured

at Babel

God gave Israel the Ten Commandments

at Mount Sinai

The scapegoat

bore the sins of the nation and was released into the wilderness.

Which of the following is not a piece of the Christian's spiritual armor

breastplate of obedience

According to Paul in Galatians, Christ redeemed us by becoming a _______ for us when He hung on the cross.


In the third major sermon in Deuteronomy Moses continues with his theme of covenant renewal by forecasting Israel's ___________.


The book of Hebrews contains 5 warnings. One of these warnings is

don't fall away from the faith.

Most English Bibles translate "Qohelet" as

either "Teacher" or "Preacher."

The book of Colossians can be divided into two sections. The first section is a section of doctrine and the second section is a section on


The biblical description of creation is __________ and by the power of God's spoken word.

ex nihilo (from nothing)

According to the Gospel of John Jesus' mission to the Jews was highlighted by seven miraculous signs. One of these signs is

feeding the 5,000

James warns believers about


In Moses' _________ sermon in Deuteronomy, he seeks to invoke covenant renewal on the part of the second generation by reminding them of what God did for Israel.


The psalms are divided into ________ books.


Following the resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples for ________.

forty days

On his second missionary journey, Paul appeared to the disciples for _________.

forty days

Mark only includes ______ parables Jesus.


James warns believers about

friendship with the world

Amos concluded his prophecies of unrelenting judgment with a message of hope concerning Israel's future restoration. God promised:

future prosperity

In First Corinthians Paul address three moral issues in the church. One of these is the issue of


In Deuteronomy, Moses explains the intent of the Ten Commandments as an __________ motivation toward godly behavior in the civil, social, and ceremonial life of Israel.


According to our textbook. most of the biblical judges were deliverers more than

legal arbiters.

In 1 Peter believers are identified as

living stones.

In Deuteronomy, Moses persuasively argued that his audience must "hear' and 'do', 'keep,' 'observe' God's commandments out of a heart of ________.


Which fo the following is not one of the new things found in the eternal state?

new commandments

Which of the following is not one of the new things found in the eternal state?

new nations

While ministering _______ during his first missionary journey, a Jewish magician was struck blind and a Roman proconsul was converted.

on Cyprus

The key literacy characteristic within the individual proverb is _____________.


The Ten Commandments can be divided into two categories: responsibilities to God and responsibilities to _________________.

people or one's community

In Exodus, God's miraculous provisions included the

provision of manna to feed the people.

Theologically, the story of Ruth and Boaz illustrates the biblical concept of _________.


In First Corinthians, Paul contrasted the permanence of love to the temporary nature of

spiritual gifts

In 1 Peter believers are identified as

strangers and temporary residents

The Shema involves loving God with all one's heart and the totality of one's being and

teaching the covenant to one's children.

In Moses' speeches in Deuteronomy he unfolds the essence of the covenant in the form of ___________.

the Shema

John uses this central "I am" declaration to affirm the deity of Christ. One of these "I Am" declaration is:

"I am the good shepherd."

John uses this central "I am" declaration to affirm the deity of Christ. One of these "I Am" declarations is:

"I am the light of the world."

John uses this central "I am" declaration to affirm the deity of Christ. One of these "I Am" declarations is:

"I am the way, the truth, and the life."

The book of Titus belongs to the section of the New Testament known as

the letters

When Moses reflects on the second generation of Israel, the present generation in front of him, he points them to

their obligations to God in the covenant relationship.

Amos concluded his prophecies of unrelenting judgement with a message of hope concerning Israel's future restoration. God promised:

to make Israel victorious over her enemies

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus' mission to the Jews was highlighted by seven miraculous signs. One of these signs is

walking on water

Jude describes false teachers as

wandering stars

Jude describes false teachers as

waterless clouds

"Qohelet," a term meaning

"one who gathers or assembles."

In order to "not carry out the desire of the flesh," Paul urges the Galatians to

"walk by the Spirit."

Jude describes false teachers as

waves of the sea

According to our textbook, the original creation

A, B, and C only

_________ and _________ were disgruntled over Moses' marriage and ministerial supremacy and challenged his divinely given authority.

Aaron and Miriam

According to Paul in Romans, the story of _______ demonstrates that salvation and God's righteousness are God's gift through faith.


The four great patriarchs in Genesis are:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph

Genesis also emphasizes the importance of the _________ covenant, which gave Israel a right to the land (Gen 15:18-21).


Which son of David led a rebellion against him?


In the first section of Romans Paul shows that _____ are under condemnation.

All of the above

Haggai's threefold encouragement was for the people included

All of the above.

Paul begins his third missionary journey from


"Genuine righteousness leads to life, but pursuing evil leads to death." (Prov. 11:19) is an example of

Antithetical parallelism

The Day of _________ was the holiest day on the Hebrew calendar.


According to the author of Hebrews, in light of what Jesus has done, believers are encouraged to:

B and C only

_________ refused to go and confront the Canaanites unless ______ came with into the battle.


In Galatians, Paul notes that the hypocritical actions of one apostle had caused _______ to be led astray.


The Gospel of John can be divided into two sections. The first section is the _______ and the second section is the Book of Glory.

Book of Signs

The global extent of the flood is indicated by the fact that

Both A and B. -

According to our textbook, the opening verses of Genesis clearly refute

Both a and b

In the ______ campaign, the town of Jericho was captured.


According to our textbook, there are five key ideas in the book of Acts. ________ is one of these ideas.


1 Timothy can be divided into two sections. The first section deals with ________ while the second section deals with personal instructions.

Church Instructions

In _______, Paul cites an early Christian hymn in order to explain the preeminence of Christ.


Which of the following is not one of the seven churches addresses in the book of Revelation


Through idolatry, the apostate tribe of _______ not only abandoned its God-given inheritance but forsook the Lord as well.


Samuel's anointing of David and _________ introduce David as God's choice to lead the nation of Israel.

David's victory over Goliath

The author of Hebrews list several personal examples of faith. From this list select the one Biblical character that is not mentioned by the author of Hebrews in Hebrews 11:1-40.


The book of _______ is used extensively by Christ not only to validate His messiahship and summarize the law but also to rebut Satan.


The ______ were descendants of Esau and had a stormy relationship throughout their history.


_________ was not a judge in Israel.


The judge _________, was a left-handed Benjamite, who assassinated King Eglon with a dagger.


Through ________, the miraculous healing of leprous Naaman demonstrates Yahweh's supremacy and grace to all people, even those outside the covenant community.


According to the textbook, of all the cities where Paul ministered, perhaps the ______ had more evidence of Satanic activity and demonic oppression than any other place.


2 Samuel records only the highlights and positive episodes in King David's reign.


According to early church tradition, Mark was a close disciple of James, the brother of Jesus. So, he heard James tell and retell the stories about Jesus everywhere they went.


According to our textbook, Job's three friends are commended for their companionship but are condemned for their false accusations and misguided theology.


According to our textbook, allegorical interpretations of the Song of Songs are correct since they are based on careful exegesis of the text in the Song of Songs.


All of Jesus' activity in Mark focus on his Judean ministry with the final week focused exclusively on activities in Jerusalem.


Because of his strong preaching, Jeremiah was appreciated by kinds, priests, and the people of Judah.


Bildad, one of Job's three friends, suggests that God may use suffering as a means to keep men from sin, to chastise, and to maintain a healthy degree of reverence before the Almighty.


Church leadership in Acts consisted of deacons but not elders.


Each cycle in the book of Judges portrays a downward spiral. The spiral includes Jephthah's immoral relationship with foreign women.


Eight of the Minor Prophets are focused on the southern kingdom of Judah.


Genesis concludes with Israel in Canaan.


In 2 Peter false teachers are characterized as bullish, sensational, and greedy.


In Ecclesiastes there is a search for the meaning of love.


In Isaiah, Christ is picture as a banner of love.


In Isaiah, Christ is pictured as a stumbling block for the Jews.


In Proverbs child-rearing is a family affair but discipline begins with the individual.


In general, Elijah's miraculous ministry resulted in the return of the nation to covenant faithfulness.


In order to speed up Jesus' death so that it did not conflict with the Sabbath, the Jesus legs were broken at the request of the religious leaders.


In response to his friends' advice, Joe admits that he is a sinner but his sins are not categorically vile. Job asserts that he may have committed mortal sins but he certainly did not commit venial ones.


In the seven trumpets of judgment the rivers are polluted by decomposing flesh.


Isaiah subsequently served during the reigns of three kings in Judah.


James gives five pictures to describe the dangers of the tongue.


Jesus asked James three times, "Do you love Me?" Upon Peters positive confession Jesus recommissioned him to service.


Job accuses God of prejudice and curses the day of his birth.


Job's friends respond to his suffering by saying, "Why don't you curse God and die?"


John addresses his Gospel to Theophilus who may have been a Roman official or a nobleman who recently became a Christian.


John wants Theophilus and other readers to "know the certainty of the things about which you have instructed.


Jonah's prayer in Jonah 2:1-10 closely follows the form of a songs of confession in the Psalms - where the worshipper confesses a sin to God and asks for a specific act of deliverance.


Leviticus describes the religious system of worship that was given at Mt. Carmel.


Matthew's Gospel opens with the genealogy of Jesus traced all the way back through King David and concluding with Isaac who was the child of promise.


Most proverbs take the form of a four-line unit, with the first line corresponding to the fourth line and the second line corresponding to the third line this correspondence is through some form of parallelism.


One challenge to Paul being the likely author of Hebrews is that Hebrews does not divide into two sections of doctrine and practice like the majority of Paul's letters.


One reason that Paul may have authored Hebrews is that both Hebrews and Galatians discuss putting off the flesh and putting on the Spirit.


Paul and Epaphras visited Colossae and founded the church in Colossae after ministering in Ephesus.


Paul founded the church in Rome on his first missionary journey.


Paul tells the Philippians that they should live in unity, humility, and selflessness. He then gives himself as the example for believers to follow when he claims, "follow me as I follow Christ."


Paul urges the Galatians to "stand firm" in Christ's liberty and that failing to do this would mean "you have fallen from face." This means they will have lost their salvation.


Paul's epistle to the Romans is not Paul's most extensive theological writing. The claim belongs to Galatians - Paul's epistle to the church in Galatia.


Paul's evangelistic ministry on his second missionary journey was so successful among the Gentiles that a public demonstration broke out. It was led by a silversmith idol makers whose business losses were extensive because of the great number of Christian converts.


Saul's disobedience of the divine command to abolish the Moabites caused Yahweh to reject him as king.


Some scholars believe that the absence of personal greetings in Ephesians suggests that neither did Paul found the church in Ephesus nor did he know anyone in the church.


The English Bible groups the six poetic books together.


The Immanuel prophecy depicts one whose government is market by grace and truth.


The Immanuel prophecy in Isaiah makes clear that this is not a typical human child because he is described as a "Prince of Heaven."


The Jerusalem Council happened between Paul's second and third missionary journey.


The Major Prophets are twelve separate compositions in our English Bible, but they appear as a single "Book of the Twelve" in the Hebrew Bible.


The book of Ezekial is structured around seven visions of the Lord.


The book of Haggai deals with the theme, "repent of sin."


The book of Isaiah opens with seven sermons that serve as a thematic introduction to the book.


The book of Jonah centers around the consequences for individual disobedience.


The book of Joshua concludes by recording the second covenant renewal ceremony at Shiloh.


The book of Malachi deals with the theme, "rebuild the Temple."


The book of Nahum relates the destruction of Edom.


The book of Obadiah relates the doom of Nineveh.


The book of Revelation is addressed to the seven churches in Africa.


The church at Thessalonica was founded by Paul during his first missionary journey.


The church never added a twelfth disciple to take Judas place. They simply carried on without him.


The end result of the downfall of northern kingdom was the Babylonian captivity.


The enormity of the temple rebuilding process, economic hardships, and opposition from the surrounding peoples stalled the project for sixteen months.


The first five books of the Bible trace the action of God in history from the creation of the world until the death of Joshua.


The focus of the Proverbs is heavenly rather than earthly.


The last three Minor Prophets are focused on the Jewish exiles who have returned from Babylon to rebuild the tabernacle and reestablish Jerusalem.


The list of individuals who composed material in the Psalms includes Saul.


The name Immanuel means "God for us."


The passion week of Jesus life took place in the city of Nazareth since he was known as Jesus of Nazareth.


The rock of refuge represents the church and believers everywhere and is one of the seven symbolic players in the eschatological drama of the book of Revelation.


The thematic focus of Ezra is rebuilding the wall.


Zephaniah began his ministry at approximately the same time as Ezekiel.


According to Leviticus, there were _________ sacrifices that guarantee the children had ongoing fellowship with their God.


According to our textbook, _______________ is one of the more popular topics in the book of Proverbs.


Which of the following books is a Pauline Epistle?


The Judge ________ tore down his father's Baal altar that was kept on the family farm.


The judge _______ equipped his men with trumpets, pitchers, and torches and surprised the unsuspecting Midian and Amalekite raiders. The enemy was thrown into confusion and led to an incredible Israelite victory.


The __________ are prayers of extreme emotion and anger calling on God to bring severe judgement on the enemies of God and the psalmist.

Imprecatory Psalms

According to our textbook, the _______________ is a reoccurring theme or motif found throughout the book of Ecclesiastes.

Inevitability of Death

Abraham and Sarah had a child named _______ who was God's chosen son of the promise.


In Galatians, Paul's conclusion was that "we are not children of the slave but of the free." He makes this conclusion through allegorically explaining the stories of

Isaac and Ishmael

Despite God's promise that Abraham would have a son from his "own body," Sarah insisted they use Hagar their Egyptian slave as a surrogate mother. Together Abraham and Hagar had a child named ________ became the ancestor of the Arab peoples.


When the nation of Israel divided the Kingdom to the north was as


_________ killed the unsuspecting commander Sisera with a tent peg and a mallet.


__________, pastor of the Jerusalem church, presided over the council.


The Judge _______ made a rash vow to the Lord saying, "whatever" came out of his house to greet him upon his return from battle "would belong to the Lord, and I will offer it as a burnt offering."


The book of Lamentations is an anonymous composition but early tradition identifies ________ as the author of the book.


According to our textbook, the birth of the church to place in _______ at Pentecost.


What is the significance of the final plague?

Jesus shed His blood for our redemption at the time of Passover and is "the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"

While at Perga on his first missionary journey, _______ left and returned to Jerusalem while Paul and Barnabas went out.

John Mark

The events surrounding the death of Moses were probably written by __________.


From Jacob's son _______ would come the messianic line of Christ.


Which of the following people wrote at least one letter that is included in the New Testament canon.


Ruth plays an important role in the history of the Old Testament as the great grandmother of

King David

Most of the books of Provers is attributed to ___________.

King Solomon

Matthews portrait of Christ is that of

King of the Jews

The _________ focus on the Lord's kingdom rule over His creation.

Kingship Psalms

A ____________ is a prayer offered in times of trouble, pleading for God's help, intervention, and deliverance.


According to our textbook, ___________ is a reoccurring theme or motif found throughout the book of Ecclesiastes.

Life Under the Sun

Ruth was a Gentile and a Moabitess. This means she was the descendent of _________.


In the Gospels, _________, Paul's physician-missionary, writes with the Greek mentality in view.


The Gospel of _______ places an emphasis on the individual person.


___________ references more historical events in the Roman Empire during the life of Jesus than the other Gospels.


In the Gospels, ________ the travel companion of Paul and Peter, writes for the Roman mind.


In the Gospels, _______, the Hebrew tax collector, writes for the Hebrew mind.


___________ was not a judge in Israel.


Hebrews begins by asserting that Jesus is greater than


Because of _____________ importance in leading Israel into practical sanctification and fellowship with God, three chapters in Leviticus are devoted to ___________.

Moses's/leadership -

The book of Nahum is a message against ________.


In the ________ campaign, Joshua destroyed Hazor, a major Canaanite fortress city.


The book of ________ tells the story of the wilderness journey. It serves as a travel diary of the Israelites after the exodus.


________ is the shortest book in the Old Testament.


_____ was Philemon's runaway slave from Colossae who encountered Paul in Rome.


The convert Saul would eventually exchange his Jewish name for the Greco-Roman name ________, as he expanded his ministry to the Gentiles.


In the ____________, the psalmist confesses his sin and prays for the Lord's forgiveness and restoration.

Penitential Psalms

The Holy Spirit was poured out on the believers at ________.


______ was the political church


In Galatians, Paul tells the story of how he had to rebuke ______ for hypocrisy.


_________ was one of the three people in the inner circle of our Lord's disciples.


Which of the following is not one of the seven churches addresses in the book of Revelation


According to our textbook, there are five key ideas in the book of Acts. _________ is one of these ideas.


The ______ are songs of praise the people sang as they made pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

Psalms of Ascent

The ____________ are expressions of trust in the Lord and praise to the Lord for the security He provides to those who trust in Him.

Psalms of Confidence

According to our textbook, _________________ is a reoccurring theme or motif found throughout the book of Ecclesiastes.

Remembering God

Being a _________, Paul appealed the charges against him to Caesar and was sent to Rome.

Roman citizen

____________ are prayers that celebrate the special relationship between the Lord and the house of the Davidic king.

Royal Psalms

According to our textbook, the story of _______ is a ray of hope during the period of the Judges.


The political capital of the Northern tribes was at ________.


What member of the Jewish Sanhedrin was converted to Christ on the road to Damascus.


Mark's portrait of Christ is that of

Servant of the Lord

According to Leviticus, there were _________ religious feats that were to be celebrated in the Spring and Fall.


The _________ plages were intended to show Yahweh's superiority over the gods of Egypt and Pharaoh himself.


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