Bible Bowl 2014: Genesis 46-50

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How long did Joseph live? 50:22

110 years

How old was Jacob at this time? 47:9


How many descendants of Jacob were by Rachel? 46:22


What was the whole age of Jacob when he died? 47:28

147 years

How many descendants of Jacob were by Zilpah? 46:18


How many years was Jacob in the land of Egypt? 47:28

17 years

How many descendants of Jacob were by Leah? 46:15


How many sons did Reuben have? 46:9


How long did it take to embalm Jacob? 50:3

40 days

How many men were presented to Pharaoh? 47:2


How many sons did Judah have? 46:12


How many souls came with Jacob into Egypt? 46:26

66 (3 score and 6)

How many descendants of Jacob were by Bilhah? 46:25


How long did they mourn at the threshing floor? 50:10

7 days

And the sons of Joseph, which were born him in Egypt, were two souls. So, how many souls of the house of Jacob were in Egypt? 46:27

70 (3 score and 10)

How long did the egyptians mourn for Jacob? 50:3

70 days

What did they call the floor of Atad when they saw the mourning there? 50:11


Jacob told Joseph that the issue (sons), which he begot after Manasseh and Ephraim shall be Joseph's. What shall this issue be called? 48:6

After the name of their brethren in their inheritance

From the Egyptians, who went with Joseph to bury his father? 50:7

All the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt

Where would Zebulon dwell? 49:13

At the haven of the sea

As Jacob begins his journey, where did he go? 46:1


Who were the sons of Benjamin? 46:21

Belah Becher Ashbel Gera Naaman Ehi Rosh Muppim Huppim Ard

Ephrath is the same as _____________. 48:8


Which son only had one son? 46:23


Where did Joseph go after he buried his father? 50:14


Who did Israel lay his right hand upon? 48:14


Who did Joseph put toward Israel's left hand? 48:13


Jacob wanted to be buried in a cave. In whose field was the cave? 49:29

Ephron the Hittite

What were the names of Judah's sons? 46:12

Er Onan Shelah Pharez Zarah

What does an adder in the path do? 49:17

biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward

After Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, what did he do? 49:33

Gathered up his feet into the bed Yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people

Who were the sons of Levi? 46:11

Gershon Kohath Merari

Joseph asked, "Am I in the place of ______"? 50:19


What did Jacob say that the sons would become? 48:20

God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh

What prophecy did Joseph make unto his brethren? 50:24

God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land

Joseph told Pharaoh that his father and brethren had come out of Canaan. Where did Joseph tell Pharaoh they were now? 47:1


Where was Judah to direct them? 46:28


What were the names of Reuben's sons? 46:9

Hanoch Phallu Hezron Carmi

What did Jacob do when he heard that Joseph was coming? 48:2

He strengthened himself and sat upon the bed

What did Jacob say about the younger son? 48:19

He would be greater than his older brother and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.

What did Jacob ask his sons to do? 49:2

Hear, ye sons of Jacob Hearken unto your father Israel

What did Jacob promise to do fo Joseph's sons? 48:9

bless them

Joseph brought his father before Pharaoh. What did Jacob do? 47:7

blessed Pharaoh

What did Pharaoh ask Jacob? 47:8

How old art thou?

What was Dan's son's name? 46:23


God promised to go down into Egypt with Jacob. What else did he promise? 46:4

I will also surely bring thee up again

Jacob reminded Joseph that Rachel had died in the land of Canaan. Where did he bury her? 48:7

In the way of Ephrath

Joseph's brothers sent a messenger to him. Who did they say had asked for Joseph to forgive them of their trespass? 50:16-17


Chapter 48

Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh 22 verses

Chapter 49

Jacob blesses his sons Jacob's death and burial 33 verses

Who did the sons of Jacob carry in the wagons that Pharaoh had sent? 46:4

Jacob their father Their little ones and their wives

Chapter 50

Jacob's death and burial continued God's good purposes The death of Joseph 26 verses

Chapter 47

Jacob's family settles into Goshen Joseph and the famine 31 verses

Who is not counted in this count? 46:26

Jacob's sons' wives

Who were the sons of Naphtali? 46:24

Jehzeel Guni Jezer Shillem

Who were the sons of Simeon? 46:10

Jemuel Jamin Ohad Jachin Zohar Shaul

Who were the sons of Asher? 46:17

Jimnah Ishuah Isui Beriah Serah

Who did Jacob cal for when the time drew near for his death? 47:29


Who would be a fruitful bough? 49:22


Who would put his hand upon Jacob's eyes? 46:4


Chapter 46

Joseph brings his family to Egypt Jacob and Joseph reunited 34 verses

Who did Jacob send before him to Joseph? 46:28


Who would be praised by his brethren? 49:8


Who did Jacob bury there? 49:31


After the days of mourning were past, what did Joseph ask of Pharaoh? 50:4-5

Let me go up and bury my father

With what did Joseph nourish his father and brethren? 47:12


Where did Jacob tell Joseph that God had appeared unto him and blessed him? 48:3

Luz in the land of Canaan

Who was the son of Manasseh? 50:23


The cave was in the field of __________________. 49:30


Machpelah was before ______. 49:30


Who did Joseph take in his left hand? 48:13


Who was the firstborn? 48:14


Who were the sons of Joseph? 46:20

Manasseh Ephraim

What were the names of Joseph's sons? 48:5

Manasseh and Ephraim

What did Israel say after meeting with Joseph? 46:29-30

Now let me die, since I have seen thy face, because thou art yet alive

What law did Joseph make? 47:26

Pharaoh should have the fifth part; except the land of the priests only

Who did Jacob say was "my might and the beginning of my strength"? 49:3


Who was Jacob's firstborn? 46:8


Who were the sons of Zebulun? 46:14

Sered Elon Jahleel

Which brothers were called the instruments of cruelty? 49:5

Simeon and Levi

Who said, "This is a grievous mourning to the Egyptians"? 50:11

The Canaanites

Which of the following did NOT go with Joseph to bury his father? 50:7-8

Their little ones, and their flocks, and their herds

What happened to Er and Onan? 46:12

They died in the land of Canaan

Who were the sons of Issachar? 46:13

Tola Phuvah Job Shimron

Where was this threshing floor? 50:10

beyond Jordan

Unto where would be the border of Zebulon? 49:13


Who were the sons of Gad? 46:16

Ziphion Haggi Shuni Ezbon Eri Arodi Areli

What did God promise to make Jacob? 46:3

a great nation

What did Issachar become? 49:15

a servant unto tribute

What is Issachar compared to? 49:14

a strong ass couching down between two burdens

What would overcome Gad? 49:19

a troop

What did he do with it? 47:14

brought it into the Pharaoh's house

What request did Jacob make? 47:29

bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt

Joseph's bow abode in strength. How were the arms of his hands made strong? 49:24

by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob

And there went up with him both ______ and _______: and it was a very great company. 50: 9

chariots and horsemen

What would he do in the morning? 49:28

devour the prey

What did they do in their self will? 49:6

digged down a wall

What would he do at night? 49:28

divide the spoil

After Jacob's death, what did Joseph command the physicians to do? 50:2

embalm him

What was an abomination unto the Egyptians? 46:34

every shepherd

What did the brothers then do? 50:19

fell down before his (Joseph) face

How did Jacob describe the days of the years of his life? 47:9

few and evil

What would Napthali give? 49:21

goodly words

What was wrong with Jacob because of age? 48:10

he could not see

Why did Jacob gather his sons together? 49:1

he wished to tell them what would befall them in the last days

What did Pharaoh want to make these men rulers over? 47:6

his cattle

What did Jacob do that displeased Joseph? 48:17

his father laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim

What did Joseph hear about his father? 48:1

his father was sick

Who buried Jacob? 50:12-13

his sons

With what did Jacob use to take the portion? 48:22

his sword and bow

Who did Joseph take with him when he went to see his father? 48:1

his two sons

What did the Egyptians now use to buy bread? 47:16-17

horses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds, and for the asses

After Joseph died and was embalmed, where did they put him> 50:26

in a coffin in Egypt

Where did Pharaoh say the men could dwell? 47:6

in the best of the land the land of Goshen

Where did Joseph tell Pharaoh that his father was to be buried? 50:5

in the land of Canaan

How did God speak to Jacob? 46:2

in visions of the night

How did Joseph speak to them at this time? 50:21


What did Joseph gather up that was found in the land of Egypt and Canaan? 47:14


What failed in the land? 47:15


With whom did Jacob charge his sons to bury him? 48:29

my fathers

What did he do there? 46:1

offered sacrifices unto the God of his father Isaac

What portion did Jacob promise to Joseph? 48:21-22

one above they brethren

At the end of that year, the people came to Joseph. What did they say they had left? 47:18

our bodies and land

What would Gad do at the last? 49:19


What did Joseph do to promise or swear to Jacob that he would keep his word? 47:29

put his hand under Jacob's thigh

After Jacob was buried, what did Joseph's brothers think that he would do? 50:15

requite them of all the evil which they did unto him

What would Asher yield? 49:20

royal dainties

What animal is Dan compared to? 49:17


What did the men say their occupation was? 47:3


What did they do in their anger? 49:6

slew a man

Joseph gave the people seed. What were they to do with it? 47:23

sow the land

The people wanted bread that they might live and not die. What was another reason they gave? 47:19

that the land not be desolate

Out of whose hand did Jacob take this portion? 48:22

the Amorite

Who did Jacob say had redeemed him from all evil? 48:16

the angel

Who sorely grieved Joseph? 49:23

the archers who shot at him and hated him

In the increase of the seed, what part were the people to give Pharaoh? 47:24

the fifth part

Who fainted by reason of the famine that was so sore? 47:13

the land of Egypt all the land of Canaan

Joseph placed his father and brethren in the best of the land. What land was this? 47:11

the land of Ramses

Whose land did Joseph not buy? 47:22

the land of the priests

Joseph was going up to tell Pharaoh that his family had come into the land. What was he going to tell Pharaoh their trade was? 46:32

the men are shepherds, for their trade hath been to feed cattle

What shall not depart out of Judah? 49:10

the sceptre

Where did they mourn a great and very sore lamentation? 50:10

the threshing floor of Atad

What else did they take with them? 46:6

their cattle, and their goods, which they had gotten in the land of Canaan

Who would bow down before Judah? 49:8

they father's children

Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions therein. What else is told about them? 47:27

they grew and multiplied exceedingly

How did Joseph tell them to answer Pharaoh when he asked about their occupation? 46:33-34

they servants' trade hath been about cattle from our youth until even now

To whom did Jacob say Joseph's sons belong? 48:5

they shall be mine

What would be the fate of their tribes? 49:7

they would be divided in Jacob they would be scattered in Israel

Joseph saw Ephraim's children of the ______ generation. 50:23


Why would Reuben not excel? 49:4

thou wentest up to thy father's bed; then defiledst thou it

Why did they tell Pharaoh they wanted to sojourn in the land? 47:4

thy servants have no pastures for thy flock

Where did Jacob want to lie when he died? 47:30

with my (his) fathers

Who or what did God tell Jacob not to fear? 46:3

to go down into Egypt

Joseph's brothers thought evil against him, but God meant it unto good. What did he mean to bring to pass? 50:20

to save much people alive

Where did Joseph move the people? 47:21

to the cities

To what did Jacob compare the unstable conditions of Reuben? 49:4


What did Joseph do when he heard the message? 50:17


How did Israel guide his hands? 48:14


Benjamin was described by the actions of what animal? 49:27


What oath did Joseph take of his brethren? 50:25

ye shall carry up my bones from hence

Who did Joseph promise to nourish? 50:21

you and your little ones

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