Bible- Quarter 3 Review

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What were the main events in 1 Kings?

1.) Israel with Solomon as king 2.) Building of the Temple and its splendor 3.) The death of Solomon 4.) The Divided Kingdom: i.) Israel: Northern Kingdom (10 tribes) ii.) Judah: Southern Kingdom (2 tribes) 5.) The ministry of two prophets: Elijah and Elisha

What are the main events in 1 Chronicles?

1.) Recording of Jewish Genealogies 2.) Recording the Death of Saul (CH 10) 3.) The Kingship of David and his death 4.) Preparations for building the temple

What are the main events in 2 Chronicles?

1.) The Kingship of Solomon 2.) Building of the Temple 3.) Division into two kingdoms 4.) Kings of Judah 5.) Fall of Jerusalem and the Exile (CH 36: 15-23)

What were the main themes of 2 Samuel?

1.) The expansion of the kingdom of Israel 2.) Jerusalem becomes the city of David (Israel's capital) 3.) Sins of David 4.) Consequence of sin

What were the main events in 2 Kings?

1.) Two kingdoms: with good kings and bad kings i.) Good Kings: Obedience to God's law ii.) Bad Kings: Idol Worship 2.) Continuing ministry of Elijah and Elisha 3.) Assyria conquers Israel- 722 BC (CH 17) 4.) Babylon conquers Judah- 586 BC (CH 25) 5.) The time of Exile begins 6.) The ten lost tribes

For how many years was Nehemiah the governor of Jerusalem?

12 years

When was the SECOND Return?

458 BC (Ezra 7-10)

When was the FIRST Return?

538 BC (Ezra 1-6)

Who was Queen Esther?

A Jewish girl chosen to be the Persian Queen

The book of 1 Chronicles, is written to what type of audience that reinforces the people's relationship to historic Israel and to its beloved King David, who establishes the importance of righteous worship at the temple, and reiterates the enduring covenant of the Lord with David?

A Return-era audience

What is Purim?

A celebration of when the Jews were saved

What was Nehemiah's occupation while he was in Babylon?

A cupbearer to the king

Who was Haman?

A high official for Xerxes who hated Jews and who plotted to exterminate the Jews

What was Ezra's occupation?

A priest and a scribe

How many years did it take to accomplish the Return from Exile in Babylon?

After 70 years

What is the definition of a chronicle?

An orderly recording of events

In 1 Samuel who does God chose to be king?


What is the key word of 2 SAMUEL?


Who did God establish to the throne in 2 Samuel?


What is a theocracy?

Direct rule of God

What is the key phrase for 1 CHRONICLES?

Editorial on David

What is the key phrase for 2 CHRONICLES?

Editorial on Judah

Who were the priest in 1 Samuel?

Eli and Samuel

Who were the disobedient leaders in 1 Samuel?

Eli and Saul

The bright spots are found in the reforming kings of Judah and in the rise of the prophetic office, founded by what two people?

Elijah and Elisha

Who was Mordecai?

Esther's cousin who raised her

What is the key word for 2 KINGS?


Who was the leader during the SECOND Return?


Who were the two contemporaries in the book of Nehemiah?

Ezra and Nehemiah

What does the book of Esther record?

God's protection of those exiled Jews who did not return to the Promised Land

What two prophets encouraged the FIRST Return?

Haggai and Zechariah

What was the name of the northern kingdom?


Who was the author of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel?

It does not name an author

What was the name of the southern kingdom?


Though the name of God is not mentioned in the book, Esther is a beautifully written story of the ______________ _____ _____ _________ in preserving and exalting His people.

Providence of the Lord

What is the key phrase for ESTHER?

Queen of Persia

What is the key word for NEHEMIAH?

Rebuild Walls

Who was King Xerxes?

Ruler of the Persian empire

Who is the prophet in 1 Samuel?


1 and 2 Chronicles cover essentially the same historical areas as what other two books, but with different emphases?

Samuel and Kings

What is the key word for 1 SAMUEL?


Who were the kings in 1 Samuel?

Saul and David

1 Kings begins with the reign of what king during the peak of Israel's power?


What is the key word for 1 KINGS?


What was the purpose of the SECOND Return?

Spiritual Revival

What are the key words for EZRA?

Temple Rebuilding/ Spiritual Revival

What does the book of Ezra record?

The Return era, including spiritual reforms and the rebuilding of the temple

What occurs in 2 Samuel 1-10?

The blessings of obedience

What was Susa?

The capital city of the Persian empire

What occurs in 2 Samuel 11-24?

The consequence of disobedience

What do the books of Samuel cover?

The period of Israel's history from the end of the judges period through the death of David

Samuel and Kings place more emphasis on military and political history, while Chronicles captures more emphasis on what?

The priestly emphaiss

What does the book of Nehemiah trace?

The rebuilding of the broken walls of Jerusalem and the instituting of social reforms

The faithfulness of the kings is judged primarily based off of what?

Their obedient worship

What was the purpose of the FIRST Return?

To Rebuild the Temple

It then records Solomon's fall and the subsequent division of the kingdom into how many nations?

Two nations

Who was the leader during the FIRST Return?


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