Bible Test John 11-13 & 18-20

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What was Peter's relationship with Him and what did he give Him up for?

Disciple who denied Jesus three times to save his own life.

What was Judas's relationship with Him and what did he give Him up for?

Disciple who sold Jesus for money.

What did Mary Martha and the crowd say when they first saw Jesus at the funeral?

If Jesus had been there Lazarus would not be dead. It is too late to heal him.

What happens at the Mount of Crucifixion in chapter 19?

Jesus carries His own cross to Golgotha, which Pilate had puts a notice on, saying, "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews". The dual adoption between Jesus' mother and John takes place, and Jesus is declared dead.

What happens at Pilate's palace in chapter 19?

Jesus is beat, humiliated, and mocked, and Pilate does not believe Him guilty. The temple officials yell for his crucifixion, and He is taken to be crucified.

What happens when Mary Magdalene first goes to the tomb?

She thinks that Jesus' body had been stolen, as the stone had been moved, along with His body.

What did Jesus say that caused the guards to draw back in fear?

"I am He."

What is the final prophecy that John says Jesus fulfilled before dying on the cross?

"I thirst."

What did the crowd say that finally pushed Pilate to go through with Jesus' execution?

"If you release this man, you are no friend of Caesar."

When Caiaphas the high priest decides to murder Jesus he accidentally makes a prophecy. What is that prophecy?

"It is better that one man should die, than for an entire nation to be killed."

What was the first thing Jesus said to His disciples after He rose from the dead?

"Peace be with you."

What did the crowed say when Pilate asked them if he should crucify their king?

"We have no king but Caesar."

What three moments over the course of Jesus' trial and execution show that He was thinking more about His disciples than Himself?

1. He protects His disciples from being arrested with Him in the garden 2. Under questioning, He reveals nothing about them 3. On the cross, He was His mother adopt John the disciple, and vice versa.

Jesus gives His disciples two things in the upper room. What are they?

1. The Holy Spirit 2. A mission

Why does Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a donkey?

1. To fulfill the prophecy about this. 2. To show He is not a conqueror, but a suffering servant.

What does John say his purpose for writing the book was?

All the signs in the book are meant to lead us to belief in Him.

Who was the retired high priest mentioned in this chapter?


Who was freed from crucifixion instead of Jesus and what was His crime?

Barabbas was a terrorist who had started a riot.

Who was the current high priest mentioned in this chapter?


Why did Jesus wait several days before going to visit his sick friend Lazarus?

He allowed the smaller suffering of Lazarus's death so that he could later reveal God's glory by raising Lazarus from the dead.

How did the High priest respond to the news of Lazarus's resurrection?

He and all the rulers plotted to kill Jesus, as this miracle could make Jesus too famous.

Why did Peter lash out with a sword and slice Malchus's ear off?

He either believed that Jesus' armed revolution had began, or that Jesus was doomed to die a horrible death and he preferred to go down fighting with honor and show that he was willing to die for Him.

What was Caiaphas so afraid of?

He feared that Jesus would cause a riot, forcing Rome to destroy the temple, which was Caiaphas's source of power, along with wiping out the Jewish people.

How does Jesus show His disciples how leadership works in His kingdom and in His church?

He humbled Himself to do something fit for slaves: washing his disciples feet.

What happens to Jesus at the priest's house?

He is questioned and slapped before being sent to Caiaphas.

How does Peter respond?

He is so ashamed by Jesus's actions that he refuses to let Jesus wash his feet.

Why does Jesus tell Mary to stop touching Him?

He is telling her to stop clinging to Him because she does not want to let Him go after He just came back.

What does Jesus do when Peter cuts off the ear of the high priest's servant, Malchus?

He rebukes Peter.

What caused Mary to realize she was talking to Jesus?

He said "Mary." (It was a reference to the good shepherd calling His sheep by name.)

Why did Pilate send so many guards to arrest Jesus?

He wanted to make sure there were no riots sparked by Jesus's arrest.

Why did Jesus get angry at Lazarus's tomb?

He was sad that his friends were weeping and that many were mourning; death had not been an original part of His creation.

What was Caiaphas's relationship with Him and what did he give Him up for?

He was the high priest of the temple that worshipped Jesus, and had Him murdered to save his own life and job.

Why did the authorities want to kill Lazarus?

He was the living proof of Jesus' miracle, which they wanted to deny.

What two prophecies did Jesus fulfill after His death?

His legs were not broken. His was pierced with a spear.

Who was the first to believe Jesus had risen from the dead?


Who ran to the tomb to investigate the empty grave?

John and Peter

Who wrapped Jesus' body? Where do they put Him?

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus put his body in an unoccupied garden tomb near Golgotha.

Who betrayed Jesus by leading the guards to Him?


There were four major characters who all had a previous relationship with Jesus and rejected it in favor of something else. Who were they?

Judas, Peter, Caiaphas, and Pilate.

According to John, who was the first person to see Jesus alive?

Mary Magdalene

What happens when Peter goes into the priest's house?

Peter denies that he knows Jesus for the first time.

What did Pilate do that prompted the crowd to shout for His crucifixtion?

Pilate mocked Jesus as a king with the crown of thorns and the purple robe.

What happens at Pilate's palace in chapter 18?

Pilate speaks with Jesus and He says that He came to testify the truth, and that His kingdom is not of earth. When Pilate asks the people who they want to be released for Passover, they want the criminal Barabbas over Him.

What was Pilate's relationship with Him and what did he give Him up for?

Pilate was governor of the land where Jesus was the true ruler, and had Him executed to protect his relationship with Caesar.

When Martha affirmed to Jesus that she believed her brother would rise again, what was she saying?

She believed that at the end of history He would raise Lazarus up with the rest of the righteous and he would be judged by God and would then enter into heaven. She did not believe Jesus could raise people from the dead.

Why wasn't Mary able to recognize Jesus?

She did not recognize Him because He was 'transformed'/ in His glorified body.

What does Mary do after she sees Jesus?

She goes to tell the disciples what He told her.

Why was it so important that Jesus waited for four days to raise Lazarus back to life?

The Jewish custom of immediate burial after death could sometimes lead to someone 'rising from the grave', as they were only in a sort of coma or something, and not actually dead. After four days though, it was assured that they were dead. It proved Jesus had performed a resurrection, not a healing.

What message does Jesus tell Mary to announce to the disciples?

The good news is that Jesus is ascending to heaven, and that He is alive and has risen from the dead. Also, God has become everyone's Father and everyone is part of His family.

Why did the people wave palm branches when Jesus entered Jerusalem?

The palm branches were like the national flag for Jerusalem, and symbolized they thought Jesus was King.

What don't the disciples think when they see His body is missing?

They do not believe He rose from the dead.

Which disciple was absent from Jesus' first appearance to the disciples?


How does Jesus respond to his refusal?

Those who cannot receive service from Him have no place with His people. To be a follower of Jesus, one must accept humiliation for His sake.

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