Bible unit 2

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The city which naomi had left with her husband and sons and to which she came back years later with only her moabite daughter in law ruth was...


The law of levirate marriage said that

Brothers of dead husbands should marry the widows

Medo-persian king who re-granted permission to the Jews to rebuild their temple and who warned their enemies not to hinder them on pain of death is

Darius the great

The person who said " As for me and my household, we will serve yahweh" is


The king who began his reign when he was eight, found the book of law in the temple and reformed the nation to worship Yahweh properly is


The neighboring country that was the greatest threat to Isreal around the time of David, until Daivd defeated then in a battle, and who may have descended from tribes who fought in the trojan war


The book of ruth teaches about the messiah by

genealogy of messiah, teaching about boaz and the kingsman reedemer, and showing that gentiles are welcome in Gods kingdom

By the time of Joshua's death the israelites had conquered

much but not all of Canaan

In very general terms the book of joshua teaches that

obedience brings victory

Saul was validated as king by

private anointing, public lot, and victory in war

When the israelites asked samuel for a king like the other nations, the kings generally were

the chief priest, the channel of all divine blessings and either divine or semi divine

According to the most peaceful of competing theories, Israelites emerged in Canaan through

A process of nomadic infiltration

The Persian king Cyrus..

Allowed Jews to return from the Exile

the festival of Purim commemorates Gods blessing the Jews by

Allowing them to kill their enemies

When nebuchadnezzar took hostages form jersualem into scholarship captivity in 605 BC in order to ensure that the country would be docile he took

Daniel, Shadrach, meshach, abednego, and others

A fine example of the true friendship is was that between David and


The latter of the two best kings after the time of David


The sin of Jeroboam which haunted the northern kingdom from its founding to its destruction is

Using bethel and Dan as worship sites

The medo-persian king who married Esther is

Xerxes 1 or Ahasuerus

the last time Nebuchadnezzar punished the Jews for refusing to pay tribute he took captive

Zedekiah and many others

When Esther apporached King Xerxes about the Jewish problem she

invited him to dinner twice

The archaeology of jericho is important to consider in connection to the emergence of Israelites in Canaan because

its archaeology is often interpreted to contradict the bible

Who lead Israel into the promise land


the ark of the covenant

was a symbol of gods presence


was under the authority of Gods law and Samuel, offered burnt offering without waiting for Samuel, Did not utterly kill the Amalekites

According to the bible, the Israelites emerged into Canaan through

A relatively complete conquest in the early 1300s

According to the modified conquest theory the Israelites emerged in Canaan through

A relatively partial conquest in the late 1200s

The biblical text says that the leper Naaman was told to go to Elisha by

A servant

The higher priest who was banished to Anathoth for supporting the wrong person as the one to succeed David as king was


The son of David so ambitious to be king that, after he killed one of his brothers, he organized an armed conspiracy his father was


The person who thought he would succeed David and has a big celebration then was pardoned by Solomon, then was killed for requesting Abishag for a wife, was


Jezebel was the wife of


The king who made Baal worship in to the state sponsored religion for the first time was


The king whom 1 kings say that he " did more to provoke Yahweh, the God of Israel, to anger than did all the kings of Israel before him" partly because he made Baal worship into the state-sponsored religion was


The nation that conquered the northern kingdom and led its inhabitants to exile is


The nation that conquered the southern Kingdom and led its inhabitants to exile is


The last king of Babylon who was actually a regent for his father and witnessed the handwriting on the wall is


During the period of the divided kingdom, the people of the southern kingdom (Judah) maintained the temple and the royal palace at Jerusalem, while Jeroboam 1 of the northern kingdom (Israel) established places of worship at

Bethel and Dan

in general terms the book of judges teaches

Disobedience brings defeat

Between the years of 900 BC and 700 BC, the Israelites were

Divided as two nations, under kings form various families

The events of Elijah's life included his flight to Horeb, the test at Mt Carmel, the drought and the anointing of Elisha in the order of?

Drought, Mt Carmel, Horeb, Elisha

The prophet who became so dismay at his lack of effectiveness that he concluded he was the only surviving faithful person to Yahweh of hosts was


The prophet who lived for a time with a widow in Zarephath ad restored her son to life was


The prophet who on Mt Carmel challenged 450 prophets of Baal in a confrontation to determine whether Baal or Yahweh the God of Israel would send fire to consume an offering was


The judge who said "If you give the Ammonities int o my hands, whatever comes out my door of my house when I return in triumph will be Yahweh" is


The first fortified city within Canaan to be conquered by newly arrived Israelites was


THe strongest memebr of the Jehu dynasty is

Jeroboam 2

The commander of the army who disobeyed David on several occasions and who was killed by Soloman's order even though he was claiming sanctuary by holding onto the horns of the altar was


The leader who commanded the sun to stop in order to gain more daylight and bring the battle to a successful conclusion was


David first ruled king over


The worst king of the south who ruled for a total of 55 years, during which he was taken captive and he became repentant, who may have killed Isaiah and whose name is connected to sins that brought destruction upon the kingdom is


When young daivd volunteered to represent that army of his people in a duel with the philistine giant, Goliath, Saul at first

Said david could not fight then gave him armor

The prophet who followed Yahweh's direction to select David as future king of the children of Israel


In response to his name being called out during the night, the answer, "Speak, for your servant is listening," was spoken by

Samuel at Shiloh when he was still a young lad

According to the Marxist of competing theories the israelites emerged in canaan through

a social revolt of pastoralists

At Gods command, joshua repeatedly and characteristically

annihilated many Canaanites and their cities

In addition to promoting the marriage of King Xerxes and Esther, Mordecai performed the great service of

exposing a plot against Xerxes life

Because of her role in befriending the Israelites spies sent into Jericho, one who with her family was spared during the destruction of the city was a ...

prostitute named Rahab

Following the return from the Babylonian exile, Nehemiah assumed leadership in Jerusalem for

rebuilding the walls and gates of the city

What add drama to the widow ruths persistent loyalty to her widowed mother in law is that

ruth was a maobite and naomi was a Israelite

The judge who married a Philistine and yet fought against the Philistines is


In the books of Deuteronomy and Samuel, kings are...

sometimes spoken of evil and sometimes as good

Samuel the prophet did not

steadfastly support saul


stole the hearts of Israelites

The kingsmen redeemer was Not charged with the specific duty of

teaching a relative about Messiah

After king saul had fallen away from God , he turned for help to

the medium of Endor

When the Israelites crossed the Jordan river to enter the promised land...

the water stopped flowing making dry ground

Before the israelites became a monarchy, they had the organization of a

tribal confederacy

The David covenant as it is recorded in 2 samuel 7 was


The aftermath of defeat and captivity for the people of the northern kingdom (Israel) was that they

were scattered and never able to establish their nation again

King Xerxes advisors urged him to depose Queen Vashti to uphold the principle that

wives should respect their husbands

The prophet who told Josiah that Yahweh would bring disaster upon the land and would bless Josiah for his faithfulness is


Death of Saul was followed immediately by

Warfare between supporters of David and Saul

The highest priest who was faithful to David and Solomon and from whom future high priest were descended from


The story of ruth falls historically

during the period of judges

Gideon put god to the test when

asking god to manipulate dews

The women who served as a judge, disputes and leading troops to warfare was the prophetess


The bible does not have laws that explicitly require

All NT Christians to avoid polygamy

The neighboring country that has a long history of enmity against the Israelites, including wars at the time of Jephthah and Saul and that was descended from one of Lot's two children of incest is


The Medo-Persian king who authorized Ezra ad Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem is

Artaxerxes 1

The country noted for its cruelty in war, whose soldiers cut off their hands, feet noses ears and put out eyes and raised mounds of human heads


The medo-persian king who first allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem and gave them permission to rebuild the temple is

Cyrus the Great

when the philistines placed the captured ark of god in the house of Dagon

Dagon fell over

The king who was not allowed to build the temple, but did secure Jerusalem as the place for it to be built, was


the giant Philistine defeated by David is


In the context of Elijah's ascension into heaven, what did not happen?

He told Elisha to stay close to him

The Kingdom of Judah, who unlike those who immediately preceded and followed him, was faithful to Yahweh and during whose reign God rescued his people from Sennacherib's Assyrian army was..


The earlier of the two best kings after the time of David is


The king of Jerusalem who rebelled against Sennacherib with the encouragement of Isaiah and was preserved by God is


The neighboring country that has a long history of enmity against the Israelites, including war at the time of Elisha, and which had opposed the israelites at the time of the Exodus by hiring Balaam against them is


The prophet of Yahweh who confronted David for having Uriah killed and claiming Bathsheba as his wife (both murderer and adultery) was


The king who made Babylon into the greatest city o his day, complete with hanging gardens and powerful fortification is


Two major dynasties of the northern kingdom are

Omri and Jehu

The people who occupied the coast land south and west of the children of Israel and who challenged them in battle again and again throughout the reign of Saul and period of judges was


The strong maritime nation with whom Omri developed close relations is


David was not

Spared from great suffering

The neighboring country that was the greatest threat to the northern kingdom for most of its existence is


Davids daughter who was raped by her half brother Amnon was


When King Josiah ordered that the temple be repaired what was found in the temple walls?

The book of laws

When Elijah called Elisha to follow him he

Threw his cloak around him

The founder of the Neo- Assyrian empire who defeated Syro-Ephraimite coalition is

Tiglath- Pileser 3; TP3

David secured Bathsheba as one of his several wives

after arranging the killing of her former husband

During the reign of Solomon, he was famous for all but one of the following

carrying out many military campaigns

David endangered his kingship by

committing adultery with Bathsheba, neglecting to punish Amnon for raping Tamar, and forgiving Absalom for murdering Amnon

When Nehemiah inspected the walls of Jerusalem upon his arrival he

did so at night in secret on horseback

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