Biblical Women in Ancient Israel and Today

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"feet" as a euphemism

genitals (Ruth uncovering the feet of Boaz)

ruling queen

heir apparent; next in line to be ruler or queen; ex., Queen of Sheba, Athaliah


household gods; what Rachel steals from her father


in this sense 'Gentile' denotes a Christian as contrasted with a Jew


redeemer, Boaz is referred to as this, Heb: Kindred redeemer or avenger of blood. Your closest kin - the one responsible to avenge your blood - the one who would buy your land if you needed to sell it in order to keep it in the family - the one to fulfill the responsibilities of levirate marriage. The one you turned to in a time of need.


refers to the people from Phoenicia, which had a wealthy trading society and was located at the western end of the Fertile Crescent along the Mediterranean Sea; Canaanites; Jezebel


resident alien; when Abraham leaves his home and country to find God

medium @ (En-dor)

saw disguises himself to see this ______who calls forth the spirit of Samuel where Saul's death and defeat are predicted

zavakh = sacrifice

slaughter offering; peace offering

Nathan The Prophet

tells David to postpone building of Temple, Prophet and political counselor at David's court and brought concept of an everlasting Davidic Dynasty. He denounced the king for his adultery with Bathsheba, helped Solomon succeed David's throne, and is credited with writing a history of David and Solomon's reigns.


the Canaanite goddess sometimes called the "Queen of Heaven." She was the consort of Baal and the goddess of fertility; wife of El


the act of expelling a person from their native land

miqreh = 'fortune, luck, chance; lot' (as in one's lot in life)

the book of Ruth

Tamar, daughter of David

the daughter of David, raped by her half brother Amnon; avenged by his murder at the hands of Absalom. 2 Samuel


the leader of Ishbaal's army; assassinated by Abishai, Joab's brother, for their brother, Asahel's, death; installs Ishbaal as king over northern Israel; kills Saul; Saul's general and uncle


the name used for the southern of the two kingdoms into which Israel was divided after Solomon. ______ kept Jerusalem as its capital and remained loyal to David's line; 4th song of Leah and Jacob

king's virility

the property of being capable of copulation and procreation; the trait of being manly, masculine mental or physical strength

Queen of Sheba

the queen of a wealthy country to the south-she came to Jerusalem to test Solomon's wisdom, which led her to praise the God of Israel, demonstrating the kingdom's role in leading the nations to the True God


the state of being guilty of bloodshed and murder

a man handing his sandal to someone

the way of approving or completing a transaction in Israel; book of Ruth


used by David to kill lions and bears when he was protecting the sheep; used it to kill Goliath by hitting him in the forehead with a rock


where Samuel was bought up by Eli in the temple and where Hannah dedicated Samuel


wife of Ahab who was king of Israel; Phoenician princess; flesh eaten by dogs; run over by chariots; killed by Jehu EX. according to the Old Testament she was a cruel immoral queen who fostered the worship of Baal and tried to kill Elijah and other prophets of Israel (9th century BC) - writes letter telling the elders and nobles to bring a charge against Naboth and stone him; ends up dying (Naboth's vineyard)

hayyil/chayil = 'prominent, wealthy; worthy, honorable'

worthy woman, fine woman; RUTH; Boaz - prominent rich man; a strong man of valor


young virgin who was put in bed with king david so he can perform sexually; she remains virgin; Adonijah asks to marry her

do et des

"I give, and give"; sacrifice


"Writings"; the third section of the Hebrew scriptures, consisting primarily of poetry, proverbs, and literary works; 14. Psalms 15. Proverbs 16. Job 17. Song of Songs 18. Ruth 19. Lamentations 20. Ecclesiastes 21. Esther 22. Daniel 23. Ezra-Nehemiah 24. Chronicles (I & II)


"house of bread"; city of David; King David was born and anointed King in this town

Abel of Beth-maakah

"the meadow of the house of Maacah" wise woman doesn't want Joab to destroy the city but tells Joab that they will devise a plan to cut off the head of Sheba, son of Bichri and toss it over the wall to him

winged sun disk

"the protection of your wings" Psalm 36:5-9; symbol of the sun-god Shamash, also the god of order and justice; clinging to the "nurturing" deity


"widow"; story of Ruth

kanap = 'wing' pronounced "kanaf"

"wing" Ruth says to Boaz "Spread out your robe or [_____] over your handmaid for you are a redeeming kinsman."; symbolic of marriage

ark of the covenant

(Judaism) sacred chest where the ancient Hebrews kept the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments; symbol of God's presence and power


(Old Testament) Hebrew prophet and judge who anointed Saul as king, The son of Elkanah and Hannah. He was a prophet and served as the last of Israel's judges. He grew up in the temple under Eli, a priest. The people of Israel desired to have a king so God told Samuel to anoint Saul, son of Kish. Saul eventually sinned in God's eyes so God has him anoint David. Saul tried to kill David many times, and he, at times, gave him refuge in his home. He died before seeing David assume the throne.


(Old Testament) a giant Philistine warrior who was slain by David with a slingshot

United Monarchy

(also called united kingdom) The period of Israel's monarchy when all twelve tribes were united under one king; this period lasted through the reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon


(n.) a powerful family or group of rulers that maintains its position or power for some time

"divine being" elohim in Hebrew


cherub throne


city gate


king's mother/ queen mother


Spring as time for war

2 Sam 11:1 In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, David sent Joab with his officers and all Israel with him; they ravaged the Ammonites, and besieged Rabbah. But David remained at Jerusalem.


A Canaanite-Phoenician term meaning "lord" or "master" the name applied to Canaan's most popular fertility god; worshiped in N. Israel (golden calf); worshiped by Jezebel; considered a false god by Hebrews; associated with rain and storms


A confrontation between an Israelite prophet and prophets of Baal takes place on Mount ______. Abigail (Wife of Nabal) was from____.


A landowner in the city of Jezreel whose vineyard King Ahab coveted, Naboth was illegally executed through Queen Jezebel's machinations (1 Kings 21:1-16). This crime, denounced by the prophet Elijah, became the focal point of resistance to Ahab's royal dynasty and culminated in its extermination by Jehu (1 Kings 21:!7-29; 2 Kings 9:1-10:11)


A widowed Moabite, she followed her mother-in-law, Naomi, to Judah, where she married Boaz and bore Obed, father of Jesse and ancestor of King David.


Abigail's Calebite husband; does not welcome David to his home even though David protected his shepherds and flocks from foreign invaders; Abigail helps David anyway and he has a heart attack when he finds out - he is paralyzed and dies soon after

heart-shaped cakes

According to Hackett's article on 1 and 2 Samuel, Tamar makes ________ for Amnon


Became queen after the King Xerxes searched his kingdom for the most attractive virgins. She saved the Jewish people after finding out about Haman's plans to slaughter all the Jews. She established the feast of Purim.

Sheba son of Bichri

Benjamite. Rebelled against David after Absalom's rebellion, beheaded and his head was thrown over the wall by the people of Abel so that they could save their lives


Commander of David's army. Eldest son of Zeruiah, David's sister, and brother of Abishai and Asahel. Helped David defeat the Philistines. He was very vicious and rashly killed people. He slew Abner to revenge his brother (Asahel), Absalom (against David's direct orders) for revolting against David, and Amasa because Amasa had been appointed to head up the campaign against Sheba. He sided with Adonijah when Solomon came to power and Solomon had Joab killed. This was in part because David said that since Joab had shed innocent blood he would not die in peaceful old age.


David's and Bathsheba's son, the last king of the united monarchy. He was renowned for his wisdom as well as for his wealth and his many large building projects. In addition to the king's palace and numerous walled fortresses throughout Palestine, he also built the Temple of Jerusalem to house the Ark of the Covenant.


David's eldest son; heir to throne; feigns sickness and asks Tamar to feed him; tricks and rapes half-sister Tamar, but was eventually forgiven by David and then welcomed back into the household. Invited to party by Absalom and killed by servants of Absalom on his request.


David's second wife, mother of Amnon

levirate marriage

Deuteronomy is a legal text that includes the requirement of a man to marry his brother's widow if the widow has not produced an heir. The first son produced by a Levirate marriage is considered the son and heir of the dead brother. Plays a role in the book of Ruth.


Esther is a form of this name, worshipped as a goddess all over Babylonia, but especially in Babylon in Nebuchadnezzar's time


Esther's Jewish name; means 'myrtle' (the flower)


Hebrew term referring to steadfast kindness and love, the key attribute of the God of the covenant; Ruth's "loyalty" to Naomi in coming with her and leaving "her father and mother and the land of [her] birth..."


High priest. Raised Samuel at the shrine at Shiloh. His sons (priests) lived corruptly. Samuel replaced him as high priest when he died by falling off the chair and breaking his neck for not disciplining his sons


Husband of Naomi. He and his sons die, leaving Naomi and Ruth widows without any children.


In 2 Samuel, the son of David and Maacah -noted for his physical beauty and fiery temperament, he killed his half brother Amnon to avenge the rape of his sister Tamar, fled to Geshur in Aram, but was reconciled with his father three years later -he later rebelled against David and drove him from Jerusalem but was defeated and killed by the loyalist Joab in the battle of Ephraim Wood; (hair caught in tree) killed by 3 darts to heart

northern Israel

Kingdom first ruled by Jeroboam I, when the northern tribes of Israel seceded from the rule of Solomon's son Rehoboam. Samaria was the capital city. According to 1-2 Kings, Israel had an unstable monarchy, with various bloody coups resulting in chang of rulers. Destroyed by Assyria in the 8th century BCE; had 20 Kings


Obed (Hebrew: עובד, Oved) was a son of Boaz and Ruth [1], the father of Jesse, and the grandfather of David. In the Christian Scriptures, He is one of Jesus' ancestors through the aforementioned genealogy found in the gospels.


Patron god of Babylon, hero of the Babylonian creation epic, Enuma Elish, in which he defeats the monster Tiamat and creates the cosmos from her bifurcated corpse.


Queen of Judah, Daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, Mother of slain Ahaziah, and widow of Joram. At her son's death, she slaughtered all his children, except one, Joash, who was hidden. She was executed by Jehoiada the priest

spice trade

Queen of Sheba offered spices to Solomon

threshing floor

Ruth came to the threshing floor to win the affection of Boaz; lied at the feet of Boaz

Shebu'ot = 'feast of Weeks' (pronounced "Shevu'ot")

Ruth is read during Shevu'ot | Pentecost


Saul consults the medium of __ to gain information about the coming battle with the Philistines


Sheba was famous for ________ of spices; Solomon probably taxed these


Solomon's half brother, 4th son of David, next in line for the throne before Solomon. Nathan and Bathsheba convince David into annointing Solomon as next king. Solomon in the beginning pardons him for his attempts at the thrown, but eventually has him killed when he requests Abishag, the last wife of David, to be his wife in order to regain the thrown


Son of Saul; meaning in Hebrew a man of Baal (local Canaanite God) which indicates the decay in the relationship of Saul and God, this man was the second in line for the kingship after the death of Saul, and when Saul and Jonathan died in battle, this man was the rightful king. His civil war against David divided the Israelites into North and South; installed by Abner as King of North; later killed by David, Saul's son who was made king after Saul died by Abner, Saul's general


The second king of Judah and Israel. According to the Bible, he slew the Philistine giant Goliath and succeeded Saul as king. He is the reputed author of many of the Psalms; anointed by Samuel, chosen by God; had an affair with Bathsheba, who bore Solomon


The study of the origin (true meaning) and development of words.


To unite the kingdom after Saul's death, David had to defeat his son Ishbosheth and which military commander?


Took over as king of Israel; Anointed by Elisha to execute Ahab's Dynasty, famous for chariot riding and executing Jehoram and southern king Ahaziah, Jezebel and the priest of Baal.


Wife of Elimelech of Bethlehem and mother-in-law to Ruth, whose marriage she arranged to her Jewish kinsman Boaz. Her name means "my pleasantness"; goes to Moab because of famine. Her husband and 2 sons die, leaving her and her 2 daughter-in-laws (Orpah and Ruth) widowed; Mother-in-law of Ruth. Ruth then takes care of Herand gleans Boaz's fields. Boaz, who is a kinsmen redeemer to Ruth, later marries Ruth and they have a son Obed. Through Obed's lineage David is born.


Wife of Uriah, a Hittite soldier working for King David, her adultery with David caused David to murder her husband, the death of their first born, and evoked the denunciation of the prophet Nathan. She becomes the mother of Solomon and convinces him that Solomon should become King.


do et des


father of Samuel, husband of Peninah and Hannah; lives in hill country of Ephraim; offered sacrifice for Hannah to become pregnant; comforted her for being childless


favorite wife of Elkanah; other of Samuel. Was barren; went to Shiloh prayed and was blessed with a son; sacrificed son to God as a Nazarite; recognized and appointed Saul, samuel's mother; Song of Hannah -cry to the Lord for help

Ahasuerus or Xerxes

Ahasuerus is the King of Persia during the book of Esther. Another name is Xerxes. He ruled in the city of Susa from 486-475BC. Replaced Vashti with Esther. He was convinced into decreeing the destruction of the Jews, but when helped by Esther and after hearing Mordecai he overturns this decision and decides to kill Haman.


An extended fictional prose narrative that is longer than a short story, but not quite as long as a novel.


Another name for Solomon.. This name means 'beloved of the Lord; name given by Nathan the Prophet

Uriah the Hittite

Bathsheba's husband, a soldier in King David's army. After King David had an adulterous affair with Bathsheba and she became pregnant, he tried to send Uriah back home to see Bathsheba, because contact between the couple could have hidden the affair and attributed the pregnancy to Uriah rather than David. When Uriah refused to go home, David arranged for Uriah's murder by commanding him to serve in the front lines of battle while the soldiers around him retreated.

offering of the first fruits

Hannah offered firstborn to God, Nazirite Samuel

Divided Monarchy

Jeroboam, Ahab, Hezekiah, Josiah; In biblical history, the era during which Israel was divided into two states: the northern ten tribes of Israel, and the southern kingdom of Judah


Jewish 'underworld'. This is the Hebrew word for the abode of the dead. Sometimes it seems to be equivalent to "the pit," or "the grave." At other times it appears to be a place much like Hades in Greek mythology-a place not of torture or despair, but of silence, forgetting, and sleep.


Joab sent wise woman from ________ to ease David because of Absalom's missing presence


Meaning in Hebrew a gift to god, this man is Saul's son, but David's loyal friend. Even though he is in line to be king, he supports David, and in any case dies in battle with his father, making the decision of the people easier.


Mordecai is a form of this name; in the Babylonian creation myth,______ was the son of Ea, he was the only one of the gods who dared face the army of Tiamat and Qingu; _______agreed to fight Tiamat on the condition that he be made king of the gods for doing so; he killed Tiamat and with her body made the universe; Qingu is killed later and from his blood mankind is created

mar = 'bitter'

Naomi changes her name to _____ which means _____ because God has not been favorable or kind to her, i.e., sons die and famine strikes; No social status, support system, economic means

mother's house

Naomi tells Ruth and Orphah to return here and also to find new husbands; appears in contexts of sexuality, marriage, and women who determine their destiny and others


Naomi's daughter in law who listens to Naomi's command to return to her old family

deuteronomistic history

The biblical books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings, also known as the Former Prophets. These books are called "Deuteronomistic History" and their (hypothetical) author the Deuteronomistic Historian because they carry forth the theological outlook of the book of Deuteronomy. For more detail on the Deuteronomistic History, click here. *authors —DH: northern tradition E —Dtr1: pro kingship —Dtr2: anti-kingship


The first wife of King Ahasuerus/Xerxes. She refused to appear before the King when he commanded her to do so, and so the King decreed that she was never again allowed to come before him and that all women should honor their husbands (impulsive power is dangerous). Replaced by Esther.


Who slew most of the descendants of David in order to ascent to the throne of Judah?

"poor man's ewe lamb"

poor man had nothing except ___ _____which he bought and nourish and it grew up together with his children; he treats it as his own daugher


Wealthy relative of Ruth's deceased husband; landowner who finds Ruth harvesting in the fields; marries Ruth (Levirate Marriage) and they have a son named Obed, who has a son named Jesse, who is the father of the great King David.

ritual bath/purification

What did Joseph have to do before entering the Temple court?


When David asks a rich herdsman (Nabal) whose shepherds have enjoyed David's protection to pay what he owes and he refuses, who intercepts with supplies of food and wine, keeping David from confronting the herdsman? She eventually marries David after Nabal's death.


a Canaanite city conquered by David that became the capital and religious center of Israel


a customary gift before, at, or after the marriage from the husband and his kin to the wife and her kin (sometimes called brideprice, but it is inaccurate)→ bridewealth compensates the bride's group for the loss of her companionship and labor and makes the children born of the woman full-members of the husband's descent group


a harp used by ancient Greeks for accompaniment; David played this to soothe Saul when he was being tortured by spirits


a low stool to rest the feet of a seated person


a name for the God of the Old Testament as transliterated from the Hebrew consonants YHVH; "I am that I am"


a powerful nation that invaded Canaan from the sea and became the most hated enemies of Israel.


a woman who is the lover of a wealthy married man but with the social status of a subordinate form of wife, often kept in a separate home; a secondary wife, a woman who cohabits with an important man


according to the Old Testament he was a pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel (9th century BC) -tells Naboth to give him the vineyard because he'll give him a better one, but Naboth says God tells him not to -finds out that Naboth is dead so he goes to take possession of the vineyard (doesn't know that Jezebel sent a charge against Naboth)

heir apparent

an heir whose right to an inheritance cannot be defeated if that person outlives the ancestor

meaning of Saul's name

ask for; prayed for; requested

urim and thummim

certain objects worn in or upon the breastplate of the Jewish high priest, used in connection with it, which served some oracular purpose


cousin of Esther; cared for her; saved King Xerxes life; Xerxes remembered what he did and stopped Haman's plot to destroy the Jews for Esther

Song of Hannah

cry to God for children; she that bore seven children is greater than she that bore many


daughter of Saul who becomes the wife of David, she chose the welfare of David over her father's wishes, later Saul gives Michal to someone else, and David takes several other wives including Abigail, when David becomes king he takes Michal back, they have an argument over his dancing naked in the streets with the Ark, she dies barren and childless


is the son of Lot through Lot's eldest daughter. The Moabites are descendents from Moab.


is the stage during which the movement becomes respectable and gains acceptance.


lived east of the Jordan River in the area of modern state Jordan, the capital city was called Rabbah, according to Gen. 19:30-38, a son was born to Lot, Abraham's nephew, named Ben-ammi, practiced circumcision and child sacrifice; King Saul's defeat gave people of Israel confidence in him; Israel's worst enemy


living quarters reserved for wives and concubines and female relatives in a Muslim household


meaning: Bitter Naomi called herself bitter when she lost her sons and husband


money or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage

nahalah = 'patrimony, inheritance' (land not to be sold outside the family)

must be handed down from father to son


n. one who seizes and holds (the power or rights of another) by force or without legal authority; to take over or occupy without right

wise woman

of Tekoa. Charged by Joab to tell a story to David about how her two sons fought and one murdered the other and how she wants to save the other from being killed by people for his crime otherwise she will lose her heir. This convinces him to bring Absalom home; also see Abel of Beth-maachah


old of Saul's daughters; should marry David but is given to someone else while he was in battle - should have been his prize for killing Goliath

noqriyah = (female) 'foreigner'

one who should be recognized as a family member but is not; Ruth asks why Boaz should take note of a foreigner


other wife of Elkanah; mocks Hannah for having no children; has many children but none are great like samuel

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