Billy - History - 3rd Quarter Exam Study Guide

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What was the largest estate?

3rd - peasants made up 75-80 % of the 3rd estate. Peasants had little to no land

How did the middle class begin to rise during the industrial revolution?

??? Cities grew and two new social classes developed in the first half of the 1800s. These new classes were the industrial middle class and the industrial working class. The Industrial Revolution shifted from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy where products were no longer made solely by hand but by machines. This led to increased production and efficiency, lower prices, more goods, improved wages, and migration from rural areas to urban areas. What were the two new distinct classes? Industrial capitalism is an economic system based on industrial production. This system rose during the Industrial Revolution and produced a new group in the middle class. This group was the industrial middle class. The new industrial middle class was made up of the people who built the factories, bought the machines, and developed the markets. They had ideas, vision, ambition, and, often, greed. One person said getting money is the main purpose in life - brought riches to the entrepreneurs

What were the series of events that lead all the great powers of Europe to be at war by August 4 1914

* By 1914 Serbia wanted to create a large, independent Slavic state in the Balkans, and Russia supported that goal. Austria-Hungary had its own Slavic minorities, and as a result, it wanted to prevent Serbia's goal. Austria-Hungary feared it might lose of some of its Slavic areas, and its power would be weakened * June 28, 1914 - Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Hapsburg throne and his wife were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. Gavrilo Princip was a member of the Black Hand. Its members wanted Bosnia to be free of AustriaHungary and to become part of a large Serbian kingdom July 28, 1914 - Austria-Hungary declare war on Serbia. July 28, 1914 - Czar Nicholas II of Russia, who was an ally of Serbia, ordered mobilization of part of his army against Austria-Hungry July 29, 1914 - Czar Nicholas II was told he couldn't just mobilize part of his armyso the czar ordered full mobilization of the Russian army on July 29. He knew that Germany would consider this order an act of war. August 1, 1914 - The German government warned Russia that it must stop its mobilization within 12 hours. Russia ignored this warning, and Germany declared war on Russia on August 1 August 3, 1914 - Germany declared war on France on August 3. It issued an ultimatum, or final demand, to Belgium at about the same time. Germany demanded that German troops be allowed to pass through Belgian territory. Belgium, however, was a neutral nation, which was not involved in the conflict. August 4 - Great Britain declared war on Germany. The official reason for the war was that Germany had violated Belgian neutrality. In fact, Britain was allied with France and Russia, and it was worried about keeping its own power in the world. Britain would be in a bad position if Germany and Austria-Hungary won the war. If that happened, Britain would be without any allies. A

How did the American Revolution impact the French Revolution?

* The declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States influenced the "Declaration of the Rights of Man" that was adopted by National Assembly. King Louis XVI was forced to relent to the National Assembly's * The Americans' victory over the British may have been one of the greatest catalysts for the French Revolution. The French people saw that a revolt could be successful—even against a major military power-and that lasting change was possible. Many experts argue that this gave them the motivation to rebel.

What challenges faced Italian Unification?

- The country was largely occupied by Austria. - The tremendous authority of the pope and the Catholic Church split northern and southern Italy in two. In the middle were the papal states. - the unique geography of Italy posed additional problems in an age when transportation and communications were time-consuming and difficult - Italy was divided into different regions (islands, mountains, sea) each with it's own customs and traditions and dialects

What were the causes of Imperialism? Be specific.

- Westerners begin to seek more new colonies after 1880 Economic Motives: - There was a strong economic motive. Capitalist states in the West wanted raw materials for their industries. These included rubber, oil, and tin. - They also wanted new markets for the goods made by these industries. Rivalries: - European nation-states were involved in strong rivalries. They acquired colonies abroad in order to gain an advantage over their rivals. National Prestige: Colonies were also a source of national prestige, or status. In fact, some people believed a nation could not be great without colonies. Social Darwinism and racism: imperialism was tied to Social Darwinism and racism. - Racist beliefs led to the use of military force against other nations. Some Europeans took a more religious and humanitarian approach to imperialism. They believed Europeans had a moral (based on the principles of right and wrong) responsibility to civilize, or improve the lives of, primitive people. They called this responsibility the "white man's burden." To some, this meant introducing Christianity to native peoples, whom they considered to be heathens. To others, it meant bringing the benefits of Western democracy and capitalism to these societies.

What reforms did Napoleon put in action? (Be sure to describe the Napoleonic Code)

1) Napoleon's most famous domestic achievement was to codify the laws.- prepare a single law code for the nation. Seven law codes were created, but the most important was the Civil Code, or Napoleonic Code, introduced in 1804. It preserved many of the principles that the revolutionaries had fought for: equality of all citizens before the law; the right of the individual to choose a profession; religious toleration; and the abolition of serfdom and all feudal obligations. For women and children, the Civil Code was a step back. During the radical stage of the revolution, new laws had made divorce easier and allowed children, even daughters, to inherit property on an equal basis. The Civil Code undid these laws. Women were now "less equal than men." When they married, they lost control over any property they had. They could not testify in court, and it became more difficult for them to begin divorce proceedings. In general, the code treated women like children, who needed protection and who did not have a public role. 2) Napoleon also developed a powerful, centralized administrative machine. He focused on developing a bureaucracy of capable officials. Early on, the regime showed that it did not care about rank or birth. Public officials and military officers alike were promoted based on their ability. Opening careers to men of talent was a reform that the middle class had clamored for before the revolution. 3) Napoleon also created a new aristocracy based on meritorious service to the nation. Between 1808 and 1814, Napoleon created about 3,200 nobles. Nearly 60 percent were military officers, while the rest were civil service or state and local officials. Socially, only 22 percent of this new aristocracy were from noble families of the old regime; about 60 percent were middle class in origin. 4) In his domestic policies, then, Napoleon did keep some major reforms of the French Revolution. Under the Civil Code, all citizens were equal before the law. The concept of opening government careers to more people was another gain of the revolution that he retained.

What are the different estates in France?

1st, 2nd, 3rd (includes bourgeoisie)

What is an estate?

A social class in France

What were the main goals of the Congress of Vienna?

After the defeat of Napoleon, European rulers moved to restore the old order. The goal of the victors—Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia—was to undo these changes. This was the goal when leaders met at the Congress of Vienna in September 1814 to arrange a final peace settlement that ended the Napoleonic Wars. Concerns about power on the part of European countries were addressed at the Congress of Vienna. The great powers rearranged territories in Europe. They believed that this would form a new balance of power. They wanted to keep any one country from dominating Europe, or becoming more powerful than the other countries. In order to do so, they had to balance political and military forces to make sure all of the victorious countries would remain independent. For example, Russian had gained territories. As a result, to balance Russia's gains, the Congress of Vienna gave Prussia and Austria new territories contain the forces of change that the French Revolution had unleashed.

What was the Storming of the Bastille? What lead up to the storming?

After the king rejected the 3rd estates request to change the voting rules of the Estates General(French parliament) they created the National assembly and started to create a new constitution. The king locked them out of negotiations but the 3rd estate / national assembly continued to write the constitution. Louis XVI was ready to use force against the Third Estate. On July 14, 1789, about 900 Parisians gathered outside the Bastille (ba•STEEL). The Bastille was an old fortress in Paris used as a prison and a place to keep weapons. The crowd attacked the Bastille. After four hours of fighting, the prison warden surrendered the fortress to the rebels. The rebels then cut off the warden's head, and they began to take down the Bastille brick by brick. The rebels took control of Paris.

What reforms did Tsar Alexander II put into place?

Alexander II was czar of Russia from 1855 to 1881. Born in Moscow, Russia, Alexander was the son and successor of Nicholas I. He ascended the throne during the Crimean War. After negotiating a peace agreement, Alexander undertook dramatic steps to modernize and reform communications, government, and education. He realized it Russia was going to prosper it had to modernise His most dramatic act was emancipating the serfs in 1861, which led to improvements in government administration and helped spread education. They were also freed so that they could be the labor force for new industry Alexander also oversaw building more than 13,000 miles of railway, releasing political prisoners, and welcoming back exiles. Although many of his reforms fostered progress and development, Alexander was not willing to relinquish authoritarian control. He followed an assassination attempt in 1866 with a period of repression. This in turn caused new growth in revolutionary terrorism, and Alexander was killed in a plot sponsored by the terrorist organization called People's Will. He was succeeded by his son, Alexander III.

What were the first factories in the Industrial Revolution?

Coal and cotton mills

What are the differences between Conservatism and Liberalism?

Conservatives favor state over federal action, emphasize fiscal responsibility, and feel that social issues are best addressed by the private sector. Libertarians tend to favor a more active government, especially in terms of regulation of the economy. Libertarians believe in free market economics, personal privacy, and extremely limited government.

How did education change during the time of the industrial revolution ? What about women's rights? What about Slavery?

Education: Women's rights: ? The second industrial revolution provided new job opportunities for women - secretaries, typists and sales clerks. Marriage and caring for the family remained the principal option for women. Some women sought property, educational, occupation and political rights. The right to vote was pursued most avidly by women in Great Britain and the united states (suffrage) Slavery:

Why did the population grow during the industrial revolution/

First, an Agricultural Revolution beginning in the eighteenth century changed agricultural practices. Expansion of farmland, good weather, improved transportation, and new crops such as the potato dramatically increased the food supply. More people could be fed at lower prices with less labor. Now even ordinary British families could use some of their income to buy manufactured goods. Second, with the increased food supply, the population grew. When Parliament passed enclosure movement laws in the eighteenth century, landowners fenced off common lands. This forced many peasants to move to towns, creating a labor supply for factories. The Industrial Revolution also had a profound impact on the human population, which more than doubled during the period due to increased food production, advances in medicine, better sanitation and an increased birthrate. Each time, society has been transformed by new inventions (planting, stone tools, metallurgy, steam power), it set off a roughly ten-fold increase in the human population, and then a demographic transition to very low growth for thousands of years

What is the National Assembly in France - what role did it play in the revocation.

France's King Louis XVI called a meeting of the Esates-General - on on may 1789 to discuss the growing unrest within the estates. The king refused the 3rd estates demands to have greater voting power in the Estates General. The 3rd estate declared itself a "National Assembly" and pledged to draft a constitution. The Estates General locked them out. They drafted a constitution and then unrest started to form - 900 peasants stormed the Bastille and riots formed all over france.

What were the causes of the French Revolution?

French society was based on inequality. Divide into orders/estates Widespread dissatisfaction in France - may peasants and craftspeople endured harsh poverty Growth of the middle class The middle class was unhappy/resentment with the privileges held by nobles. They did not want to abolish the nobility, however, but to better their own position. Some bourgeoisie had managed to become nobles by being appointed to public offices that conferred noble status. About 6,500 new nobles had been created by appointment during the 1700s. Peasants had little to no land Harsh poverty of the peasants and crafts people The enlightenment - nobels and bourgeoise were drawn to the ideas term-11 The FRENCH BUDGET nearly collapsed (bad harvest, government spending, aid to American columnists to fight the british) government only taxed the 3rd estate The kings response to the 3rd estate during the "National Assembly"

Give an example of direct rule Imperialism?

Great Britain administered Burma directly through its colonial government in India. In Indochina, France used both systems. It imposed direct rule in southern Vietnam but ruled indirectly through the emperor in northern Vietna

How did John Locke influence the french revolution.

He argued that natural rights such as life, liberty, and property existed in the state of nature and could never be taken away or even voluntarily given up by individuals. He sided with the Protestant Parliament against the Roman Catholic King James II in the Glorious Revolution of 1688-89. This event reduced the power of the king and made Parliament the major authority in English government. Locke's writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau and many others.

How did Napoleon rise to power?

He read what French philosophers had to say about reason, and he studied famous military campaigns. When revolution and war with Europe came about, there were many opportunities for Napoleon to use his knowledge and skills. Napoleon rose quickly through the ranks. In 1792 he became a captain. Two years later, at age 24, the Committee of Public Safety made him a brigadier general. In 1796 he became commander of the French armies in Italy. There Napoleon won a series of battles with speed, surprise, and decisive action. He also defeated the armies of the Papal States and their Austrian allies. These victories gave France control of northern Italy. Throughout the Italian campaigns, Napoleon's energy and initiative earned him the devotion of his troops. His personal qualities allowed him to win the support of those around him. In 1797 he returned to France as a hero. He was given command of an army in training to invade Britain, but he knew the French could not carry out that invasion. Instead, Napoleon suggested striking indirectly at Britain by taking Egypt. In November 1799, in an event known as the coup of 18 Brumaire, Napoleon was part of a group that successfully overthrew the French Directory. The Directory was replaced with a three-member Consulate, and 5'7" Napoleon became first consul, making him France's leading political figure. In theory, it was a republic, but, in fact, Napoleon held absolute power. Napoleon was called first consul, a title borrowed from ancient Rome. He appointed officials, controlled the army, conducted foreign affairs, and influenced the legislature. In 1802 Napoleon was made consul for life. Two years later, he crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I.

Who was Miguel Hidalgo and what was his role in Latin America's independence?

He was a parish priest, was the first real hero of Mexican independence. Hidalgo had studied the French Revolution. He used what he learned to rouse the local Native Americans and mestizos, people of mixed European and Native American descent. Hidalgo urged these people to free themselves from the Spanish, whom he portrayed as thieves of land and liberty. The Native Americans and mestizos listened. Thousands of Native Americans and mestizos joined Hidalgo in revolt. On September 16, 1810, he led this ill-equipped army in an attack against the Spaniards. His forces were soon crushed. A military court sentenced Hidalgo to death. However, his memory lives on even today. In fact, September 16, the first day of the uprising, is Mexico's Independence Day

What is impressionism?

Impressionism was a new artistic movement that began in France in the 1870s. Artists rejected indoor studios. They went to the countryside to paint nature directly. One important impressionist was Claude Monet (moh•NAY). He and other impressionists used dabs and strokes of color to show light, water, and sky and their interconnections.

Summarize Karl Marx's ideas expressed in the Communist Manifesto.

In 1848 The Communist Manifesto was published. It was written by two Germans, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who were appalled at the horrible conditions in the industrial factories. They blamed the system of industrial capitalism for these conditions. Oppressor and oppressed Marx believed that all of world history was a "history of class struggles." According to Marx, oppressor and oppressed have always "stood in constant opposition to one another." One group—the oppressors—owned the means of production, such as land, raw materials, and money. They controlled government and society. The other group—the oppressed—owned nothing and depended on the owners of the means of production. Class splitting into Bourgeoisie and Proletariat Marx believed he saw a society that was "more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat." The bourgeoisie—the middle class—were the oppressors. The proletariat (PROH • luh • TEHR • ee • uht)—the working class—were the oppressed. Predicted Revolution Marx predicted that the struggle between the two groups would finally lead to a revolution. The proletariat would violently overthrow the bourgeoisie. After their victory, the proletariat would form a dictatorship to organize the means of production. However, because the proletariat victory would essentially abolish the economic differences that create separate social classes, Marx believed that the final revolution would ultimately produce a classless society. The state itself, which had been a tool of the bourgeoisie, would wither away.

What was the major threat to Latin America's independence after the liberation from Spain ? What was the Monroe Doctrine?

In the early 1820s, one major threat remained to the newly won independence of the Latin American states. Members of the Concert of Europe wanted to use troops to restore Spanish control of the Latin American states. The British disagreed with other Concert members because they wished to trade with Latin America. So, the British proposed working together with the United States against any European moves against Latin America. Working alone because America didn't trust President Monroe's message to Europe to NOT colonize any new land in Latin America. The US would stay out of European affairs.

What happened after the storming of Bastille ?

It started the French Revolution * The bastille fell, * Rebels took control over Paris, * The kings troops would not fire at the rebels because the Kings authority had collapsed in Paris. * all over france revolts were occurring * the National Assembly voted to abolish all legal privileges of the nobles and clergy. On August 26, the National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. This charter declared that all men had basic rights to liberty, property, security, and the right to fight against oppression. It took many of its ideas from the Eng

Why did the Third Estate declare itself to be the National Assembly?

Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates-General at Versailles on May 5, 1789. The 1st and 2nd estate had 300 representatives each, but the 3rd estate had 600. In the past each estate had 1 vote which meant that the 1&2 could outvote the the 3rd estate 2 to 1. The 3rd estate wanted to have each representative/deputy to have their own vote which would allow them to control the majority of the votes. The king didn't want to change the voting system. The 3rd estate declared themselves the National assembly and started to write a constitution

How did John Locke influence the American revolution.

Often credited as a founder of modern "liberal" thought, Locke pioneered the ideas of natural law, social contract, religious toleration, and the right to revolution that proved essential to both the American Revolution and the U.S. Constitution that followed.

What were the basic ideas of the Declaration of Rights of Man?

On August 26, the National assembly voted to adopt the Declaration of the rights of man - a document. The document was based on enlightenment ideas and inspired by the English Bill of Rights and the declaration of independence. it asserts that all men were free and equal before the law and that no group should be exempt from taxation. Reflecting Enlightenment thought, the declaration proclaimed that all men were free and equal before the law, that appointment to public office should be based on talent, and that no group should be exempt from taxation. Freedom of speech and of the press were affirmed. The declaration raised an important issue. Should equal rights include women? Many deputies agreed, provided that, as one man said, "women do not [hope] to exercise political rights and functions." One writer, Olympe de Gouges, refused to accept this exclusion of women. Echoing the words of the official declaration, she wrote:

What was the National Convention?

Political group who came to power during French revolution run by Paris radicals. They organized an attack on the royal plane and Legislative Assembly. They forced the Legislative Assembly to suspend the monarchy and call for a National convention.

Who was Otto Von Bismarck and what were his policies?

Prime Minister of Prussia-<Chancellor in 1862 "Blood and Iron" Policies to unite German States - Builds up Army (Militarism) - Realpolitik (Real Politics) - Decares United German states under Prussian Rule Otto von Bismarck came from a class of aristocratic Prussian landowners known as Junkers. Under his leadership, Prussia won a series of European wars that united the German states under Prussian rule. Bismarck became a national hero. In 1871, when King William I of Prussia was proclaimed the German kaiser, Bismarck became chancellor of this new German empire. After Bismarck became chancellor, he forged alliances against France and introduced administrative and economic reforms. The empire also built up its industries and established colonies in Africa and the Pacific. In the 1880s the Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck, responded to the development of the socialist movement by creating old age pensions, accident insurance, medical care, and unemployment insurance. Beginning in the 1890s the government of France slowly began to adopt these same measures. These moves formed the basis of the modern European welfare state.

Define Social Darwinism-

Social Darwinists believed that in the struggle between nations, the fit, or the strong, would be successful.

Give an example of indirect rule Imperialism?

Sometimes a colonial power could realize its goals by cooperating with local political elites. For example, the Dutch East India Company used indirect rule in the Dutch East Indies.

How did Enlightenment ideas influence the American Revolution?

The Enlightenment was the root of many of the ideas of the American Revolution. It was a movement that focused mostly on freedom of speech, equality, freedom of press, and religious tolerance. The American Revolution was the time period where America tried to gain its independence from England. Some of the leaders of the American Revolution were influenced by Enlightenment ideas which are, freedom of speech, equality, freedom of press, and religious tolerance. American colonists did not have these rights, in result, they rebelled against England for independence. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote about American's natural rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." These ideas came from the Enlightenment, the ideals led towards the American Revolution soon after John Locke was one of the most important and influential philosophers in the history of the world. He devoted a lot of his time into writing about philosophy and political thought. The founding fathers of the American Revolution drew heavily on his ideals. John Locke argued

What was the Estates-General at Versailles? Who was in the Estates-General? Why did the 3rd estate have a problem with it?

The Estates-General was the French parliament, and it had not met since 1614. Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates-General at Versailles on May 5, 1789. In the Estates-General, the First Estate and the Second Estate each had about 300 representatives. The Third Estate had almost 600 representatives. Most members of the Third Estate wanted to establish a constitutional government to fix France's financial problems. It would make the clergy and nobility pay taxes too. In the past, each estate had one vote. This meant that the First and Second Estates could outvote the Third Estate two to one. The Third Estate now demanded that each deputy have one vote. Under this new system, with the help of a few nobles and clerics, the Third Estate could control a majority of the votes. The king, however, stated that he favored the current system

What were the causes of the industrial revolution and Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain?

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1760s. However, it took decades to spread to other Western nations. Several factors contributed to make Great Britain the starting place. 1. First, an Agricultural Revolution beginning in the eighteenth century changed agricultural practices. Expansion of farmland, good weather, improved transportation, and new crops such as the potato dramatically increased the food supply. More people could be fed at lower prices with less labor. Now even ordinary British families could use some of their income to buy manufactured goods. 2. Second, with the increased food supply, the population grew. When Parliament passed enclosure movement laws in the eighteenth century, landowners fenced off common lands. This forced many peasants to move to towns, creating a labor supply for factories. 3. Third, Britain had a ready supply of money, or capital, to invest in new machines and factories. Entrepreneurs found new business opportunities and new ways to make profits. 4. Fourth, natural resources were plentiful in Britain. The country's rivers provided water power for the new factories and a means for transporting raw materials and finished products. Britain also had abundant supplies of coal and iron ore. 5. Finally, a supply of markets gave British manufacturers a ready outlet for their goods. Britain had a vast colonial empire, and British ships could transport goods anywhere in the world. Also, because of population growth and cheaper food at home, domestic markets increased. A growing demand for cotton cloth led British manufacturers to look for ways to increase production.

What was the Reign of Terror?

The National Convention was faced with opposition in France and threats from foreign powers. The Convention gave broad powers to a special committee of 12. This group was was called the Committee of Public Safety. Maximilien Robespierre, a radical Jacobin, soon dominated the Committee. For nearly a year, from 1793 to 1794, the Committee of Public Safety took control of the government. It needed to defend France from domestic threats. So, the Committee adopted policies that became known as the Reign of Terror. As a temporary, or short-term, policy, revolutionary courts were established to prosecute counterrevolutionaries (people against the revolution) and traitors. Almost 40,000 people were killed in France during the Reign of Terror. Of those, 16,000 people died by the guillotine, including Marie Antoinette and Olympe de Gouges, who had written the Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen. Most executions occurred in towns that had openly rebelled against the Convention. People from all classes were killed during the Terror. Clergy and nobles were about 15 percent of the victims, while the rest of the victims were from the Third Estate. The Committee of Public Safety said that all the killing was only temporary. When the war and the domestic crisis had ended, the true "Republic of Virtue" would follow. Then the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen would become real.

What was the Powder Keg? Why was it called that?

The Powder Keg of Europe is a term used to describe the situation in the Balkan Peninsula before World War I. This situation involved the wish of many Slavic people living in the Austro-Hungarian Empire to be free of Austrian rule. This desire was supported by Russia, the largest Slavic nation in Europe A powder keg is a container for gunpowder which can erupt if there is a spark.

Summarize the Latin American independence movements in the early 19th century.

The success of the American Revolution and the ideals of the French Revolution influenced Latin America. One by one, the Portuguese and Spanish colonies rebelled against foreign rule and won independence. The new republics soon learned that political independence was achieved more easily than political stability. Napoleon overthrew the monarchies of Spain and Portugal. As a result, the authority of the Spaniards and Portuguese in their colonial empires was weakened. Then, between 1807 and 1825, a series of revolts allowed most of Latin America to become independent. - Revolt in Haiti - (January 1, 1804: Hispaniola became the first independent state in Latin America. It is now called Haiti.) - Revolt in Mexico - (A revolt in Mexico began in 1810. Hidalgo led a revolt of the natives against the Spaniards. The revolt was crushed and he was executed. Creoles and the peninsulares scared of the masses so they sided with the spanish to defeat the revolutionary forces and THEN they decided to defeat the Spanish rule. In 1821 Mexico declared its independence from Spain. A creole military leader, Agustín de Iturbide named himself emperor in 1822. By 1823, he was deposed, or removed from power. Mexico then became a republic. ) - Revolts in South America - (José de San Martín of Argentina and Simón Bolívar of Venezuela are called the "Liberators of South America.") - Bolívar began to struggle for Venezuelan independence in 1810, inspired by the French and American revolutions. - Bolívar also led revolts in New Granada (Colombia) and Ecuador. These countries had formed Gran Colombia by 1819. - The forces of San Martín liberated Bolívar from Spanish rule in 1810. - Spanish forces were badly defeated at the Battle of Chacabuco on February 12, 1817. Chile declared its independence in 1818 - In 1821 San Martín advanced on Lima, Peru, which was the center of Spanish authority. San Martín was convinced he needed help to free Peru. So, he welcomed the assistance of Simón Bolívar and his forces. Bolívar, the "Liberator of Venezuela," crushed the last significant Spanish army at Ayacucho, a city in south-central Peru, on December 9, 1824. Summary: By the end of 1824, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile were all free from Spain. Two years earlier, in 1822, the prince regent of Brazil declared Brazil's independence from Portugal. The Central American states gained independence in 1823. In 1838 and 1839, they divided into five republics: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua.

What was the Suffragist movement?

The women's suffrage movement made the question of women's voting rights into an important political issue in the 19th century. The struggle was particularly intense in Great Britain and in the United States, but those countries were not the first to grant women the right to vote, at least not on a national basis.

What was the main impact of of the Meiji Restoration?

What was the impact? The final result was a political system that was democratic in form but authoritarian in practice. Although modern in external appearance, it was still traditional because power remained in the hands of a ruling oligarchy (the Sat-Cho leaders). The system allowed the traditional ruling class to keep its influence and economic power. ????

What is Realism?

a mid-nineteenth century movement that rejected romanticism and sought to portray lower- and middle-class life as it actually was. Realist artists sought to show the everyday life of ordinary people and the world of nature with photographic realism. The French became leaders in realist painting.

What is Communism?

a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

What is Capitalism?

an economic system based on trade. Industrial capitalism, an economic system based on industrial production, rose during the Industrial Revolution. This system produced a new middle-class group—the industrial middle class.

What is Romanticism?

an intellectual movement that emerged at the end of the eighteenth century in reaction to the ideas of the Enlightenment; it stressed feelings, emotion, and imagination as sources of knowing Romantics valued individualism, or the belief in the uniqueness of each person. Many romantics rebelled against middle-class conventions. Male romantics grew long hair and beards, and men and women often wore outrageous clothes in order to express their individuality.

What was the main goal of the Meiji Restoration? What was the main impact?

he Sat-Cho leaders did not trust the West, but they soon realized that Japan must change to survive. The main goal of the Meiji Restoration was to rapidly modernize Japan to a point of equality with other major powers.The symbol of the new era was the young emperor Mutsuhito. He called his reign, or period of rule, the Meiji (MAY•jee), or "Enlightened Rule." This period has become known as the Meiji Restoration The main goal of the Meiji Restoration was to rapidly modernize Japan to a point of equality with other major powers. The Meiji reformers set out to create a modern political system based on the Western model. During the next 20 years, the Meiji government carefully studied Western political systems.

What is the definition of imperialism?

imperialism the extension of a nation's power over other lands Imperialism, the act of one nation's taking control of another nation, was not new. Europeans had colonies and trading posts in North America, South America, and Africa by the sixteenth century.

What were the methods of Imperialism? Describe each and give an example of who used each.

indirect rule a colonial government in which local rulers are allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status Under indirect rule, local rulers were allowed to keep their authority and status in a new colonial setting. This made access to the region's natural resources easier. Indirect rule was cheaper because fewer officials had to be trained. It also affected local culture less. direct rule colonial government in which local elites are removed from power and replaced by a new set of officials brought from the colonizing country

Who are the bourgeoisie?

o The bourgeoisie (burzh • wah • ZEE), or middle class, was another part of the Third Estate. This group included about 8 percent of the population, or more than 2 million people. They owned about 20 to 25 percent of the land. The bourgeoisie included merchants, bankers, and industrialists, as well as professional people—lawyers, holders of public offices, doctors, and writers.

Who is in the third estate?

o Third Estate was divided by vast differences in occupation, level of education, and wealth. o Peasants made up 75 to 80 percent of the Third Estate and owned about 35 to 40 percent of the land. o Middle-class members of the Third Estate owned the rest. o At least half the peasants had little or no land to live on. o Another part of the Third Estate consisted of urban craftspeople, shopkeepers, and workers. These people too were struggling to survive. In the 1700s, the price of consumer goods increased much faster than wages, which left these urban groups with decreased buying power. - bourgeoisie

What is the first estate? Who are in it?

o clergy, o numbered about 130,000 (out of a total population of 27 million) and owned about 10 percent of the land. o The clergy were radically divided. The higher clergy—cardinals, bishops, and heads of monasteries—were from noble families and shared their outlook and interests. o The parish priests were often poor and from the class of commoners.

Who is in the second estate?

o or nobility, o numbered about 350,000 and o owned about 25 to 30 percent of the land. o They played a crucial role in society in the 1700s. They held leading positions in the government, in the military, in the law courts, and in the Roman Catholic Church. o Despite controlling most of the wealth, neither the clergy nor the nobles had to pay the taille(TAH • yuh), France's chief tax.

What is the definition of "Mass Production"

production of goods in quantity usually by machinery

What is utilitarianism?

the idea that the goal of society should be "the greatest happiness for the greatest number" of its citizens the doctrine that an action is right insofar as it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct.

What was the abolitionist movement? What were their arguments for abolition?

the movement to end slavery The Abolitionist movement in the United States was an attempt to eliminate slavery in a country that valued individual liberty and believed that "all men are created equal." Slave owners dug in as abolitionists became louder in their demands, aggravating regional tensions that eventually led to the American Civil War. Abolitionists believed that slavery was a national sin, and that it was the moral obligation of every American to help eradicate it from the American landscape by gradually freeing the slaves and returning them to Africa..

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