Bio 100 Exam 3

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In which of the following ways does xylem contribute to the reproductive success of Plants? A) water transport, support against downward pull of gravity B) anchorage, starch storage C)Water transport, sugar transport D) Flowering, starch storage E) Water transport, anchorage


Organisms with altricial young most likely have A) monogamous parents B) promiscuous parents C)asexual reproduction D) no parents E) precocial parents


What prevents mules from having offspring A) they cannot produce eggs and sperm B) they don't develop reproductive behavior C) Each mule produced is a diff species from other mules D) they have too many chromosomes to develop properly E) they are all males


When two populations are allopatric, they A)geographically separated from each other B) coevolve with each other C) converge on similar traits D) maintains gene flow through dispersal E) b or c


Which of the folllowing best represents what is meant by the term evolution A) changes. In population allele frequencies over time B) all species evolving to be more like humans C) Changes in an individual in response to natural selection D) directional stabilizing and diversifying selection E) unequal reproductive success of Individuals


Which of the following is an example of a nuptial gift? A) A fish offered by a male to a female seabird during courtship B). The teeth and mane of a male lion C) the giant tail of a peacock D) a flowering bush defended by a male hummingbird E) the female appearance of some male blue headed wrasses


Animals that possess homologous structures A) have been subjected to similar environmental conditions B) evolved from a common ancestor C) by chance had a similar mutation in the past D) Are not related E) are headed for extinction


Cephalization results in an animal's being able to sample the environment in front of it and make choices about directions in which to travel. Of the following which is the first group of animals to "move with intent"? A) mollusks B) flatworms C) vertebrates D) nematodes E) cnidarians


If the figure above depicts relationships within a particular animal lineage, the branching points of the tree most commonly represent A) convergent evolution B) allopathic speciation events C) The passage of 1000 years D) convolution E) stabilizing selection *See photo spring 2017


In what way is artificial selection different from natural selection? A) artif causes one species to change to another, while natural selection only modifies existing species B) in artif, human choice determines which individuals reproduce and which do not, in natural selection, environmental conditions determine the relative reproductive success of individuals C) there's no difference, both have caused evolution throughout the history of life on earth D) artif is only temporary; once selection ends, the population reverts back to the original type E) artificial selection applies to pets; while natural selection applies to all or their species


When geographic isolation occurs, under what conditions might you expect the most rapid speciation? A)when the species has a long generation time B) when the climate is very different in the two locations C)when there is similarity in the food supply in both locations D) when mutations create some new alleles in each group E) when one of the two groups becomes extinct


Which of the following are not involved in mutualisticsymbiotic relationships? A) many angiosperms and their animal pollinators B) most tapeworms and their hosts C) some fungi and some algae D) some predatory fish and cleaner fish E) some fungi and most plants


Which of the following species if INCORRECTLY matched with a reproductive strategy? A) house sparrows the bigger the bib the better B) male lions ; they fight each other to own and defend the best territories C) satellite northern elephant seals they sneak in from the periphery to try and copulate wit females D) Red winged blackbirds ; males display their red epaulets to each other to determine who wins the best territories E) widowbirds ; long tails attract females


Which of the following statements is true? A) regardless of the particular mating system, mating relationships consist of males and females cooperating for the benefit of both B) Mating systems are generally a function of the most productive tactics for males under particular circumstances, which is a function of female distribution, which is often a function of the distribution of resources C) most animals have promiscuous mating systems bc everybody mates randomly D) most mammals are monogamous bc females need help raising offspring E) All above


Satellite males A) display fancy feathers to attract females B) mimic the appearance of females C) gain access to females by sneaking around the periphery of a dominant males area D)defend food resources and exchange access for copulation E use weapons to defeat dominant males


Second only to anthropoids ,which is most diverse in the number of species (and ways of life?) A) fungi B) annelids C) mollusks D) mosses E) cnidarians


Some male house finches are redder than others. the females prefer the reddest males. How come? A) BC then their sons will be born with the reddest feathers B) bc the reddest males posses the best territories C) bc the reddest males can find the most nutritious food for their kids D) bc the redder your feathers, the fewer ectoparasites you have E) bc the reddest males are the largest, indicating they can fight off all other males


The founder effect is most likely when A) sperm are unable to fertilize eggs B) baby size is about 7 pounds C) a small group of inviduals becomes isolated from the parent population D)Directional selection doesn't work E) a large population is cut down in size by a catastrophic event


What is a lek A) same thing as a nuptial gift B) type of pair bond C) an area where males of a promiscuous species aggregate to display to females D) a symbiotic relationship between a parasite and a host E) a baby bird


What's the basis for the similarity in shape of the bodies of unrelated penguins, dolphins, sharks, and seals? A) homologous B) stabilizing selection C) convergent evolution D) allopatric speciation E) coevolution


Which of the following are all mechanisms of keeping gene pools isolated? A) spatial isolation, directional selection, convolution B) Behavioral isolation, gametic incompatibility, directional selection C) Spatial isolation, behavioral isolation, gametic incompatibility D) reproductive investment, spatial isolation, convergent evolution E) directional selection, spatial isolation, temporal isolation


Which of the following are not not related to a parasitic way of life? A) life cycles involving more than one host B) anticoagulants keep blood from clotting in oral secretions C) k selected life history strategies D) reduced nervous and digestive systems E) suckers and hooks


Which of the following is NOT directly related to the production of genetic variation in natural populations? A)crossing over during meiosis B) the randomness of fertilization C) limited resources D) mutation E) INDP assortment of homologous chromosomes


Which of the following is an example of behavioral isolation? A) the pollen of roses is not recognized by the eggs of morning glories B) a species of daisy only blooms when nights become longer than nine hours C) female spiders only mate when a male of the same species taps her web in a particular way D)the offspring of horses and donkeys are sterile E) Some species of cicadas emerge as adults to mate after 17 yrs as larvae


Which of the following is the mechanism by which two closely related species do not interbreed because they reproduce at diff times of the year A) stabilizing selection B) mechanical isolation C)temporal isolation D) gametic incompatibility E) hybrid sterility


Which of the following is true? A) in polygamous species all males mate with more than one female B) Female hummingbirds fight over males because they (the males) provide lots of parental care C) Male amphipods actually create clusters of females that they then defend D) male elephant seals defend the food that females need and exchange access to it for copulation E) Precocious young facilitate the evolution of monogamy


Which of the following most likely results in divergent evolution? A) two mutualistic populations coeveolve B) gradual changes accumulate in a species over time C) a population is plot into two isolated gene pools D) males compete with each other for access to females E) unrelated organisms respond to similar environmental pressures


A population of caterpillars feeds on the leaves of trees in a forest and is in turn food for birds that eat them off the tree leaves. Given this information, which adaptation regarding thwarting predation by visually hunting birds would be most likely to evolve? A) caterpillars would evolve to eat the bark as well as leaves B) birds would evolve to eat more types of insects C) caterpillars would evolve a cocoon that was more resistant to damp weather D) caterpillars would evolve to a color that matched the leaves they eat E) caterpillars would evolve to a larger size


Anthropoids molt A) once a year to keep their outsides shiny B) when they move from water out onto land C) when males are about to fight other males D) to shed exoskeletons of particular sizes so as to grow new, bigger ones, as they grow bigger E) to get rid of parasitic fungi


Characteristics that enable an individual to survive and successfully reproduce A) Random B) mutations C) perfectly designed for particular roles/functions D) adaptations E) C and D


Ichthyosaurs were aquatic dinosaurs. Fossils show us that they had dorsal fins and tails, as do fish, even though their closest relatives were terrestrial reptiles that had neither dorsal fins nor aquatic tails. The dorsal fins and tails of ichthyosaurs and fish are A) homologous. B) examples of convergent evolution. C) adaptations to a common environment. D) A and C only E) B and C only


If the young Charles Darwin, upon returning to England, had placed an honest ad own the of his time, his dating profile would have said A) hi I'm Charles. Sorry ladies, I've just married my fiancé with whom I've spent the last few years studying marine organisms B) hi imcharles I loved sailing on the HMS Bloohdhound and while on it I studied the scientific findings of other pppl C) hi I'm Charles. I'm not the most educated of chaps, but I've stolen some drawings from one of my sailor chums. We could be rich. Call me D) Hi I'm Charles, I hate sailing - it makes me sick,and so I would much rather be on land you'll never believe what I've discovered E) hi I'm Charles. I became a doctor and traveled the world studying new species.want to date?


Individual males that lose in the competition for direct access to reproductive females A) usually die as a result of their fights with the winner B)don't produce enough sperm to attract females C) Often evolve attractive phenotypes to attract females D) sometimes employ alternative/sneaky tactics to gain access to females E) will never produce any offpspring


Over evolutionary time, many cave dwelling organisms have lost their eyes, sharks have lost their bony skeletons and snakes have lost their limbs. How can natural selection account for these losses? A) these organisms had the misfortune to experience harmful mutations which caused these losses B)Random mating resulted in the loss of some traits C) it can account for these losses by way of the bottleneck effect D)under particular circumstances that persisted for long periods, each of these structures presented greater costs than benefits E) natural selection cannot account for losses, only for innovation


Protists move via all of the following except A) Flagella B) cytoplasmic streaming C) water currents D) muscle contraction E) Cilia


The bones of a human arm are homologous to those of which of the following A) bones of a whale flipper B) the bones of a hummingbird wing C) exoskeleton of a lobster claw D) A and B E) A B C


What is meant by evolutionary "Fitness"? A) males with largest body size usually win B) species who outcompetes others and takes over a geographic area C) people with normal hemoglobin transport o2 better D) a relative measure of individuals lifetime reproductive success compared to that of others in the population E) who ever lives the longest is the most fit


What's the life of a fungus like? A) hyphae, mushroom, plant, seed, hyphae, mushroom plant seed hyphae B) hyphae hyphae seed mushroom, C) mushroom little hyphae hyphae wind mushroom little hyphae D) hyphae hyphae hyphae, mushroom, hyphae hyphae hyphae E) mushroom hyphae lichen mushroom hyphae lichen


Which of the following are often characteristics of flowers pollinated by bats? 1. Often bright red 2. Tend to be light colored and open only at night 3. They have strongsmells 4. They have UV patterns on them A) 1 3 4 B) 1 3 C) 2 4 D) 2 and 3 E) none, bats only eat insects


Which of the following is NOT TRUE about protists? A) in this one group, there are planktonic free swimming and sessile organisms B) There are green red brown and yellow and see through organisms C) there are single celled colonial and multicellular organisms D) There are both plants and animals E) there are photosynthetic and hetertrophic organisms


Which of the following is likely the most important mechanism keeping closely related animal species from interbreeding? A) Mechanical isolation B) allpatric speciation C) Divergent evolution D) behavioral isolation E) gametic incompatibility


Which of the following plant types would have the greatest transpiration rate during the day? A) a plant in a mist environment B) plant with few and small leaves C) plant adapted to shady conditions D) a large plant with many large leaves E) a cactus


Which of the following plants is the most fit? A) plants with the largest leaves and grows the fastest B) plants that makes the most seeds C) the plants with the largest flowers that attracts the greatest number of pollinators D)the plant that makes the most seeds that grow up to be mature plants E)The plant with the deepest roots so it can tap limited water supply


Why do male lions kill nursing cubs when they take over a pride? A) they increase their own fitness by decreasing the fitness of others B) to bring the females into reproductive condition sooner C) they're jealous of the attention females pay to their kids D) a and B E) a b c


A city was intensively sprayed with DDT to control houseflies. The number of houseflies was immediately greatly reduced. Each year thereafter, the city was sprayed again, but the flies gradually increased in numbers until 10 years later, when they were almost as abundant as they were when the control program began. Which of the following most likely explains this? A) HouseFlies from other areas moved in and replaced the ones killed by DDT B) DDT is only effective in dry years. Eventually another very dry year will occur and DDT will again wipe out the house flies in the city C) DDT caused new mutations to occur in the surviving house flies resulting in resistance to DDT D) few house flies that were affected by DDT but survived developed antibodies to DDT , which they passed on to their descendants E) The DDT killed most house flies. The few that were already naturally resistant survived and passed this resistance on to their offspring, who went to pass it on to their offspring and so on until the majority of the incrrasing population was resistant


A waxy cuticle evolved in plants to help minimize A) desiccation B) the downward pull of gravity C) desiccation D) Parisitism by anthropoids E) desiccation


After a rapid change in climate, one population of bird quickly adapts to the change, but others in the area do not. What could you conclude about the quickly adapting population? A)They had a greater need to evolve than the other species B) they reproduced more slowly than the non adapting species C) they pass more of their dna to their offspring than the slowly adapting species D) they have a higher rate of mutation than the other species E) they lard had som alleles in their genome that were adaptive in the new environment


Geographic isolation could result from A) an earthquake B) a fire C) an ice age D) a hurricane E) all above


WHat phenomena is depicted in this figure A) more offspring are produced than survive B) predators usually have big bills C) a drastic increase in population size in response to environment change D) stabilizing selection E) directional selection *Spring 2017 16


What's the reason underlying the fact that all living Northern elephant seals are pretty seriously genetically similar to each other A) Gene flow has been maintained among different populations B) all individuals experienced the same mutations in the past C)Natural selection favored the same traits in all individuals D) only individuals with type a blood can survive in cold water E ) Bottleneck event in the past (overhunting by humans) reduced genetic diversity


When a population of organisms is evolving, what can you be sure is happening? A) its experiencing many mutations B) its becoming more human C) its improving D) its getting bigger E) its changing


Which is not a strategy used by males in the competition for access to females? A) forced copulation B) displaying weapons C) Female mimicry D) satellite behavior E) all of the above are examples of the reproductive strategies used by males


Which of the following best characterizes the individuals of K selected species A) usually live in large groups B) usually live under unpredictable environmental conditions C) usually have promiscuous off spring D) usually produce many small offspring over their lifetimes E) usually grow relatively large before reproducing


Which of the following best describes species? A) Organisms that live in diff parts of the world B) orgs that have drifted to diff locations C) organisms with separate gene pools but that can mate successfully with each other D) Orgs that cant mate successfully with each other but that share a common gene pool E) orgs whose gene pools are separate by they cant/don't mate with each other


Which of the following is NOT a feature of Darwin's theory of evolution by means of natural selection? A) Environmental resources are limited B) Populations produce more offspring than the environment can support C) populations have the ability to grow in size exponentially, but they generally don't D) organisms vary in heritable ways E) ALl members of the population have equal reproductive success


Which of the following is a basic tenet of the theory of evolution by natural selection A) Individual survival and reproductive success is not random B) within populations some individuals are more successful at reproduction than others C) individuals within populations vary in genetically determined traits D) Populations of organisms produce more offspring than will survive E) All of above


Which of the following is/are polygynous? A) many hummingbirds B) red winged blackbirds C) Sage grouse D) a and B E) a b c


Which of the following traits can be acted on by natural selection? A) body shape B) behavior C) learning capability D) metabolic rate E) All of the above can be acted on by natural selection to the extent to which they are under the influence of genes


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