Bio 102 Lecture Exam 3 Review

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How many genes differ between teasinte and corn?

4-5 Genes

Retaining the zygote on the living gametophyte of land plants _____. A. allows it to be nourished by the parent plant B. helps in dispersal of the zygote C. protects the zygote from herbivores D. evolved concurrently with pollen

A. Allows it to be nourished by the parent plant

Which of the following is not a characteristic that distinguishes gymnosperms and angiosperms from other plants? A. alternation of generations B. integuments C. pollen D. ovules E. dependent gametophytes

A. Alternation of generations

Arrange the following structures from largest to smallest, assuming that they belong to two generations of the same angiosperm. A. carpel, ovary, ovule, embryo sac, egg B. embryo sac, ovary, carpel, ovule, egg C. carpel, embryo sac, ovule, ovary, egg D. embryo sac, carpel, egg, ovary, ovule

A. Carpel, ovary, ovule, embryo sac, egg

In terms of alternation of generations, the internal parts of the pollen grains of seed-producing plants are most similar to a _____. A. fern gametophyte bearing only antheridia B. fern sporophyte C. moss gametophyte bearing both male and female gametangia D. moss sporophyte

A. Fern gametophyte bearing only antherida

The closest relatives of the familiar pine and spruce trees are _____. A. gnetophytes, cycads, and ginkgos B. ferns, horsetails, lycophytes, and club mosses C. elms, maples, and aspens D. hornworts, liverworts, and mosses

A. Gnetophytes, cycads, and ginkgos

Microphylls are found in which plant group? A. lycophytes B. mosses C. liverworts D. hornworts E. ferns

A. Lycophytes

Which of the following is an accurate statement about plant reproduction? A. Male and female bryophytes each produce a type of gametangia. B. Eggs and sperm of most land plants swim toward one another. C. Bryophytes are limited to asexual reproduction. D. Embryophytes are small plants in an early developmental stage.

A. Male and female bryophytes each produce a type of gametangia

The major difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms comes from the _____. A. presence or absence of a protective covering over the ovule B. dominance or lack of dominance of the sporophyte generation C. production of microspores versus megaspores presence or absence of alternation of generations presence or absence of vascular structures

A. The presence or absence of a protective covering over the ovule Angiosperms have a protective covering over the ovule. Gymnosperms do not. All the other traits listed are shared by both groups.

Bryophytes (non-vascular plants) ________. A. are more similar to ancestral green algae than are vascular plants B. can be included in the grade monilophyte because they do not have a complex vascular system C. are evolutionarily more advanced than seed plants D. are more similar to ancestral red algae than are vascular plants

A. are more similar to ancestral green algae than are vascular plants

The advantages of seeds, compared to spores, include ________. A. containing a nutrient store for a developing sporophyte B. using wind as a dispersal agent C. relying on animals for pollination D. providing nutrition for animals

A. containing a nutrient store for a developing sporophyte

What evolutionary development allowed plants to grow tall? A. lignified vascular tissue B. leaves C. the waxy cuticle D. sporophylls E. rhizoids

A. lignified vascular tissue The polymer lignin strengthens the xylem and phloem, giving the plant more support and allowing it to grow taller.

Which of the following most directly produces the integument of a pine seed? A. ovulate cone B. male gametophyte C. pollen cone D. female gametophyte

A. ovulate cone

Which of the following is a major trend in land plant evolution? A. the trend toward a sporophyte-dominated life cycle B. the trend toward smaller size C. the trend toward larger gametophytes D. the trend toward a gametophyte-dominated life cycle

A. the trend toward a sporophyte-dominated life cycle

Human survival literally depends on the produce of _____. A. gnetophytes B. angiosperms C. ginkgoes D. cycads

B. Angiosperms Angiosperms are the source of our major food crops, including rice, wheat, maize, and barley. They also provide cotton and linen, and medicines such as digitalis and codeine. Rubber, coffee, chocolate, and aromatic oils come from flowering plants. Woods such as oak, cherry, and walnut are derived from angiosperms.

Spores and seeds have basically the same function in dispersal but are vastly different because spores ________. A. have a protective outer covering; seeds do not B. are unicellular; seeds are not C. have an embryo; seeds do not D. have stored nutrition; seeds do not

B. Are unicellular; seeds do not

Seedless plants include _____. A. only nonvascular plants B. bryophytes, lycophytes, ferns, whisk ferns, and horsetails C. bryophytes and gymnosperms D. only lycophytes and pterophytes E. mosses and angiosperms

B. Bryophytes, lycophytes, ferns, whisk ferns, and horsetails Seedless plants include nonvascular plants, such as mosses, liverworts, and hornworts, and vascular plants, such as lycophytes, ferns, horsetails, and whisk ferns.

The closest algal relatives of land plants are _____. A. bacillariophytes B. charophytes C. psilophytes D. chrysophytes E. rhodophytes

B. Charophytes These green algae and plants share many homologous features.

Which of the following statements about the pine life cycle is accurate? A. Double fertilization is a relatively common phenomenon. B. Conifer pollen grains contain male gametophytes. C. Male and female gametophytes are in close proximity during gamete synthesis. D. The pine tree is a gametophyte.

B. Conifer pollen grains contain male gametophytes.

Which of the following is a characteristic of all angiosperms? A. free-living gametophytes B. double internal fertilization C. carpels that contain microsporangia D. ovules that are not contained within ovaries

B. Double internal fertilization

In gymnosperms, megaspores develop into __________. A. male gametophytes B. female gametophytes C. pollen grains D. ovulate cones E. female sporophytes

B. Female gametophytes Even though the gametophyte stage of alternation of generations is minimized in gymnosperms and angiosperms, spores still give rise to gametophytes.

In plants, which of the following are produced by meiosis? A. diploid gametes B. haploid spores C. haploid sporophytes D. haploid gametes E. diploid spores

B. Haploid spores

Many mammals have skins and mucous membranes that are sensitive to phenolic secretions of plants like poison oak (Rhus). These secondary compounds are primarily adaptations that _____. A. decrease competition B. inhibit herbivory C. foster seed dispersal D. favor pollination

B. Inhibit herbivory

What is an accurate statement about the genus Sphagnum? A. It grows in extensive mats in grassland areas. B. It represents a large repository of CO2 that is likely to be released with global warming. C. It accumulates to form coal and is burned as a fuel. D. It is an economically important liverwort.

B. It represents a large repository of CO2 that is likely to be released with global warming.

Most bryophytes, such as mosses, differ from all other plants in that they _____. A. do not produce flowers B. lack true leaves and roots C. produce spores D. have cones but no seeds E. have flagellated sperm

B. Lack true leaves and roots The bryophytes generally lack true leaves and roots, which all other plants have.

Robbie and Saurab are pre-med and pre-pharmacy students, respectively. They complain to their biology professor that they should not have to study plants because plants have little relevance to their chosen professions. Which of the following statements are correct with regard to what physicians and pharmacists need to know about plants? A. Crop plants often produce more seeds than their wild relatives. B. Land plants produce poisons and medicines. C. Land plants often provide food for pollinators. D. Crop plants can often interbreed with their wild relatives.

B. Land plants produce poisons and medicines.

Archegonia _____. A. are the sites where male gametes are produced B. may contain sporophyte embryos C. have the same function as sporangia D. make asexual reproductive structures

B. May contain sporophyte embryos

Unlike almost all ferns, seed plants ________. A. can photosynthesize B. produce two kinds of spores C. have large gametophytes D. have vascular tissue

B. Produce two kinds of spores

Use the information to answer the following question. The cycads, a mostly tropical phylum of gymnosperms, evolved about 300 million years ago and were dominant forms during the age of the dinosaurs. Though their sperm are flagellated, their ovules are pollinated by beetles. These beetles get nutrition from the pollen and shelter from the microsporophylls. Upon visiting megasporophylls, the beetles transfer pollen to the exposed ovules. In cycads, pollen cones and seed cones are borne on different plants. Cycads synthesize neurotoxins, especially in the seeds, that are effective against most animals, including humans. Which feature of cycads distinguishes them from most other gymnosperms? A. They have flagellated sperm. B. They have flagellated sperm and they are pollinated by animals. C. They have exposed ovules. D. They are pollinated by animals.

B. They have flagellated sperm and they are pollinated by animals.

Where in an angiosperm would you find a megasporangium? A. inside the tip of a pollen tube B. within an ovule contained within an ovary of a flower C. enclosed in the stigma of a flower D. in the style of a flower E. packed into pollen sacs within the anthers found on a stamen

B. Within an ovule contained within an ovary of a flower

Which of the following sex and generation combinations directly produces the megasporangium of pine ovules? A. male gametophyte B. female sporophyte C. female gametophyte D. male sporophyte

B. female sporophyte

Alternation of generations __________. A. consists of a diploid gametophyte stage alternating with a haploid sporophyte stage B. is distinguished by haploid and diploid stages that are both multicellular C. is distinguished by a multicellular haploid generation and a unicellular diploid generation D. is distinguished by a unicellular haploid stage and a multicellular diploid generation E. is unique to plants

B. is distinguished by haploid and diploid stages that are both multicellular This is what distinguishes alternation of generations from the condition common to all sexually reproducing organisms that have haploid and diploid conditions.

The advantages of the reduced gametophytes in seed plants include ________. A. protection of the spores from ultraviolet radiation and drying out, and gain of nutrients from the sporophyte B. protection from ultraviolet radiation, gain of nutrients from the sporophyte, and protection from drying out C. protection from ultraviolet radiation, gain of nutrients from its own photosynthesis, and protection from drying out D. development of the seed

B. protection from ultraviolet radiation, gain of nutrients from the sporophyte, and protection from drying out

Moss sporophytes are typically green when young, but turn brown when ready to release their spores. This observation would lead you to think that the ________. A. gametophyte cannot photosynthesize B. sporophyte photosynthesizes when young and contributes energy for spore production C. sporophyte photosynthesizes at all agesit just uses different wavelengths for photosynthesis at different ages D. cuticle rubs off of older sporophytes and exposes the color that is underneath

B. sporophyte photosynthesizes when young and contributes energy for spore production

Which of the following environmental factors probably helped early plants to successfully colonize land? A. relatively few competitors for light B. a decreased availability of CO2 C. an increased availability of symbiotic partners D. air's relative lack of support, compared to water's support

C. An increased availability of symbiotic partners

Which of these characteristics is shared by algae and seed plants? A. roots and shoots B. pollen C. chloroplasts D. embryo development within gametangia E. vascular tissue

C. Chloroplasts

If humans had been present to build log structures during the Carboniferous period (they were not), which plant types would have been suitable sources of logs? A. horsetails and bryophytes B. lycophytes and bryophytes C. ferns, horsetails, and lycophytes D. charophytes (stoneworts), bryophytes, and gymnosperms

C. Ferns, horsetails, and lycophytes

Angiosperms are different from all other plants because only they have _____. A. a vascular system B. seeds C. flowers D. a life cycle that involves alternation of generations E. a sporophyte phase

C. Flowers Angiosperms are recognized on the basis of being flowering plants.

The most direct ancestors of land plants were probably _____. A. liverworts and mosses B. photosynthesizing prokaryotes (cyanobacteria) C. green algae D. kelp (brown alga) that formed large beds near the shorelines

C. Green algae

How are bryophytes and seedless vascular plants alike? A. The dominant generation in both groups is the sporophyte. B. Plants in both groups have true roots, stems, and leaves. C. In both groups, sperm swim from antheridia to archegonia. D. Plants in both groups have vascular tissue.

C. In both groups, sperm swim from antheridia to archegonia

The evolution of a vascular system in plants allowed which of the following to occur? A. decreased height, improved competition for water, and decreased spore dispersal distances B. decreased height, improved competition for light, and decreased spore dispersal distances C. increased height, improved competition for light, and increased spore dispersal distances D. increased height, improved competition for water, and increased spore dispersal distances

C. Increased height, improved competition for light, and increased spore dispersal distances

Use the information to answer the following question. Scarlet gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata) usually has red flowers in an inflorescence of up to 250 flowers. In certain populations in the Arizona mountains, however, the flowers range from red to pink to white. In early summer, most (but not all) of the flowers were red. Six to eight weeks later, the same individual plants were still present; the flowers ranged from pink to white, and few red flowers were present. The major pollinators early in the season were two species of hummingbirds active during the day; they emigrated to lower elevations, and the major pollinator later in the season was a hawk moth (a type of moth). The hawk moth was most active at sunset and later, and it preferred light pink to white flowers after dark. When hummingbirds were present, more red flowers than white flowers produced fruit. When only hawk moths were present, more white flowers produced fruit. (K. N. Paige and T. G. Whitham. 1985. Individual and population shifts in flower color by scarlet gilia: A mechanism for pollinator tracking. Science 227:315-17). What is the significance of measuring fruit production? A. It is easier than counting flowers. B. It is a measure of seed dispersal success. C. It is a measure of pollination success. D. It is an indication of predation on the seeds of the plants.

C. It is a measure of pollination success

How could you determine if a plant is heterosporous? A. It has multiple sporangia. B. It has vascular tissue. C. Male and female reproductive structures are located on separate plants. D. Its diploid sporophyte produces spores via meiosis.

C. Male and female reproductive structures are located on separate plants.

Within a gymnosperm megasporangium, which of the following developmental sequences is correct, assuming fertilization occurs? A. sporophyte embryo, megaspore, female gametophyte, egg cell B. megaspore, sporophyte embryo, female gametophyte, egg cell C. megaspore, female gametophyte, egg cell, sporophyte embryo D. sporophyte embryo, megaspore, egg cell, female gametophyte

C. Megaspore, female gametophyte, egg cell, sporophyte embryo

Which of the following statements about the zygotes of plants is most likely to be accurate? A. Protection of the zygote from competitors for light was more important in air than in water. B. Zygotes in plants are more independent of parental tissue than are algal zygotes. C. Protection of the zygote from the drying effects of air was important. D. Zygotes in plants are more likely to germinate quickly after release from the parent plant than are zygotes released from algal organisms.

C. Protection of the zygote from the drying effects of air was important.

Grades, as opposed to clades, ________. A. are almost always monophyletic B. indicate degrees of evolutionary relatedness C. represent groups with similar traits D. show relatedness among living organisms

C. Represents groups with similar traits

In seed plants, which of the following is part of a pollen grain and has a function most like that of the seed coat? A. sporangium B. sporophyll C. sporopollenin D. stigma

C. Sporopollenin

All seed plants _____. A. produce flowers B. produce antheridia and archegonia on the same gametophyte C. are nonvascular D. are heterosporous E. exhibit a dominant gametophyte generation

D. Are heterosporous All seed plants produce separate male and female spores.

In pine, the embryo develops within the __________. A. pollen cone B. microsporophyll C. male gametophyte D. female gametophyte E. macrogametophyte

D. Female gametophyte Large ovulate cones make megaspores that develop into female gametophytes, where one fertilized egg will develop into an embryo.

Key features of seed plants facilitating life on land include three of the following four traits. Select the exception. A. pollen B. seeds C. reduced gametophytes D. homospory

D. Homospory

You find a green organism in a pond near your house and believe it is a plant, not an alga. The mystery organism is most likely a plant and not an alga if it _____. A. has cell walls that are comprised largely of cellulose B. contains chloroplasts C. does not contain vascular tissue D. is surrounded by a cuticle

D. Is surrounded by a cuticle

With respect to angiosperms, which of the following is incorrectly paired with its chromosome count? A. sperm-n B. egg-n C. microspore-n D. megaspore-2n E. zygote-2n

D. Megaspore-2n

Gymnosperms were most abundant during the _____. A. Carboniferous B. Cenozoic C. Paleozoic D. Mesozoic E. Precambrian

D. Mesozoic Gymnosperms were the dominant plants of the Mesozoic.

Stamens, sepals, petals, carpels, and pinecone scales are all _____. A. found on flowers B. female reproductive parts C. capable of photosynthesis D. modified leaves

D. Modified leaves

Apical meristems ________. A. occur only in roots of plants B. occur only in shoots of plants C. allow plants to move from one place to another D. occur in both roots and shoots of plants

D. Occurs in both roots and shoots of plants

Which of the following directly produces the fruit of angiosperms? A. female gametophyte B. pollen tube C. male gametophyte D. ovary

D. Ovary

Which taxon is essentially equivalent to the "embryophytes"? A. Pterophyta B. Bryophyta C. Charophycea D. Plantae

D. Plantae

Which of the following problems will likely increase if the human population continues to increase? A. reduction in available medicines B. increase in disease-causing organisms C. decrease in global temperature D. reduction in plant and animal diversity

D. Reduction in plant and animal diversity

According to our current knowledge of plant evolution, which group of organisms should feature cell division most similar to that of land plants? A. some red algae B. some unicellular green algae C. some cyanobacteria D. some charophytes

D. Some Charophytes

In moving to land, which of the following challenges did plants have to overcome? A. less available CO2 in the atmosphere than in the oceans B. many herbivores on land C. competition from other photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria D. desiccation E. All of the listed responses are correct.

D. desiccation Because their ancestors were aquatic, successful adaptation to a terrestrial environment required plants to develop a way to prevent desiccation.

About 450 million years ago, the terrestrial landscape on Earth would have ________. A. been completely bare rock, with little pools that contained cyanobacteria and protists B. been covered with tall forests in swamps that would become today's coal C. looked very similar to that of today, with flowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees D. had non-vascular, green plants similar to liverworts forming green mats on rock

D. had non-vascular, green plants similar to liverworts forming green mats on rock

Plants undergo alternation of generations in which __________. A. male plants alternate with female plants B. the vascular generation alternates with the nonvascular generation C. antheridia alternate with archegonia D. the sporophyte generation alternates with the gametophyte generation E. All of the listed responses are correct.

D. the sporophyte generation alternates with the gametophyte generation The life cycles of all plants include a multicellular gametophyte (or haploid generation) that alternates with a multicellular sporophyte (or diploid) generation.

What evidence do paleobotanists look for that indicates the movement of plants from water to land? A. sporopollenin to inhibit evaporation from leaves B. loss of structures that produce spores C. remnants of chloroplasts from photosynthesizing cells D. waxy cuticle to decrease evaporation from leaves

D. waxy cuticle to decrease evaporation from leaves

Which of the following homologies is/are shared by land plants and their closest living algal relatives? A. the formation of a group of microtubules between daughter nuclei during cell division B. the structure of flagellated sperm (when present) C. the presence of sporopollenin D. rings of cellulose-synthesizing complexes E. All of the listed responses are correct.

E. All of the listed responses are correct. All of these characteristics are shared by land plants and charophyte algae.

Gymnosperms and angiosperms have the following in common except A. pollen. B. seeds. C. vascular tissue. D. ovules. E. ovaries.

E. Ovaries

Unlike most angiosperms, grasses are pollinated by wind. As a consequence, some unnecessary parts of grass flowers have almost disappeared. Which of the following parts would you expect to be most reduced in a grass flower? A. anthers B. ovaries C. stamens D. carpels E. petals

E. Petals Petals play a role in attracting pollinators.

Gametangia are __________. A. the site of development of the fertilized egg in algae B. multicellular in algae, single-celled in most plants C. responsible for the plant's ability to retain moisture in arid environments D. structures specialized for gradual spore discharge E. single-celled in algae, multicellular in most plants

E. single-celled in algae, multicellular in most plants Plants' multicellular gametangia have a layer of protective cells that protect the gametes, whereas the gametangia of algae are single-celled.

What apple harvested for originally?

Hard Ciders

Where did apples first evolve?


Where was the teasinte found that shared DNA with modern corn?

Mexico- Balsas River Region, 9,000 years ago

Which of the following statements about algae and plants is true? A. Both plant and algal zygotes develop into embryos. B. Plant cells have rigid cellulose walls, and algal cells do not. C. Algae have different types of chlorophyll molecules from plants. D. Plants are multicellular, whereas algae are unicellular. E. Plants have a waxy, waterproof cuticle, and algae do not.

Plants have a waxy, waterproof cuticle, and algae do not. Algae do not need a waterproof cuticle because they live in the water.

What is the ancestor of corn?


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