BIO 1050 exam 4

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A man is heterozygous for the hemoglobin gene, with one normal allele and one sickle allele. What are the chances that one of his sperm cells will have the sickle allele for hemoglobin?


Assume a Mendelian character for cricket leg length for this question. There is a population of 1000 crickets. 500 of the crickets are heterozygous for leg length, and 500 are homozygous for long-legs. Long legs are recessive. What is the phenotype frequency of long legs in this population of crickets?


A polygenic trait

is a phenotype that is affected by more than one gene.

You are studying cells where the number of types of chromosomes (n) is equal to four. You look down the microscope and see one cell with four duplicated chromosomes lined up on the metaphase plate. This cell is in

metaphase II of meiosis.

Which of the following does NOT change the allele combinations in a population?


If a fish is part of a species that usually display their fins to attract females for mating, but an individual male fails to display his fins to attract a mate, this male is an example of

behavioral isolation

If you claim two birds are different species based on the fact that they cannot reproduce with each other, you are using the _____________ definition of a species.



can wash off of the ground where it was applied and cause organisms other than the intended plants to grow quickly.

People with the IAIB genotype have type AB blood, not type A, not type B and not some type half way between. This feature of blood type is an example of


You want to use artificial selection to go from plants with small leaves to plants with big leaves. Of the following, the best approach would be to

cross-breed the plants with the biggest leaves to get each subsequent generation.

In a cell that will undergo meiosis to make sperm cells, one copy of each type of chromosome came from the mother and the other copy came from the father of the organism.During meiosis

each sperm cell usually has alleles from each parent

Which of the following is the correct order for the path sperm cells take to leave the male body?

epididymus, vas deferens, urethra

The role of the placenta during a human pregnancy is to

exchange nutrients and waste products between the fetus and woman.

In humans, which of the following stages occurs next after embryo?


In an ecosystem, energy usually ___________ the ecosystem, and chemicals ____________ the ecosystem.

flows through, cycle within

ten geese leave a population of 1000 geese by flying to a new island where there were no geese. The ten geese start a new population on the island. You measure their traits and notice that there is a difference in the traits of population on the island compared to the traits of the original population. This is an example of

founder effect

Which of the following is most likely to increase the diversity of alleles in a population?

gene flow due to new individuals joining the population

Which of the following should NOT be treated with antibiotics to treat the underlying cause of disease?

genital herpes

Which of the following is a bacterial sexually transmitted disease, and therefore treatable with antibiotics?


Imagine beetles living in a mostly brown environment. Some beetles have a dominant color allele that makes them green (G), and some have the recessive allele that makes them brown (g). Birds hunt the beetles visually and can see the green beetles on the background of brown dirt. In years when there are more birds you would predict that the

green (G) allele frequency would decrease.

The evidence for evolution does NOT include

individual organisms of a species reproducing at the same rate as each other.

What is an advantage of sexual reproduction compared to asexual reproduction?

it generates genetic diversity

Sterilization includes tubal ligation and vasectomy, which both block the path of gametes by cutting the oviducts or vas deferens, respectively. Which type of contraception also gives some protection against sexually transmitted diseases?

latex condoms

Which type of contraception also gives some protection against sexually transmitted diseases?

latex condoms

If the external genitals (reproductive organs) of two birds prevent them from creating a zygote together, it is an example of

mechanical isolation

imagine hemoglobin type in fish is mendelian. you have a population of 1000 fish that are all heterozygous for the hemoglobin gene with the type A hemoglobin dominant (H) to the type B hemoglobin (h). What is the phenotype frequency of fish in this population with type B hemoglobin

0% type B insulin

Axial flowers (A) are dominant to terminal flowers (a) and Mendelian. On average, a monohybrid cross of AA plants crossed to aa plants in the P generation would lead to a genotype ratio in the F2 generation of

1 AA : 2 Aa : 1 aa

Which trait below would be hard or impossible to breed by artificial selection?

a dog responding to the command to stay

Blood type shows co-dominance. Mom is homozygous dominant for type A blood. Dad has type AB blood. What is probability that their child has type A blood?


On average, in the F2 generation of a Mendelian monohybrid cross _____ of the plants will be true-breeding?


Plant height is Mendelian. Tall plants (T) are dominant to short plants (t). In a monohybrid cross of a tall plant to a short plant, the F2 generation would have a genotype ratio of

1 TT : 2 Tt : 1 tt

Red and white flower color is non-Mendelian because it shows incomplete dominance. You cross a red-flower plant to a white-flower plant to create the offspring of the next generation; and cross the offspring to themselves to create a second generation of offspring. The offspring of the second generation will have the phenotype ratio of

1 red : 2 pink : 1 white

How could you create a transgenic plant?

Insert the gene from a different species in the vector, infect a plant cell with the new gene, and grow a plant from the cell.

You start with a population with an allele frequency of 50% G and 50% g, and the individuals breed randomly and there is no selection for or against G or g. After 100 generations, you would expect the allele frequency to be

50% G and 50% g

Refer to the monohybrid cross scenario on the back of your cover sheet for this question. What would you predict for the gametes made by the tall plant of the P generation?

100% T

Pod color is Mendelian, with green pods (G) and yellow pods (g). In a monohybrid cross of pea plants that were monohybrid only for pod color, the F1 generation would have the phenotype frequency

100% green pods

Imagine insulin type in worms is Mendelian. You have a population of 1000 worms that are all heterozygous for the insulin gene, with the type A insulin dominant (I) to the type B insulin (i). What is the phenotype frequency of worms in this population with type A insulin?

100% type A insulin

Assume Mendelian inheritance for this question. You perform a monohybrid cross of a plant with green-pod phenotype to a plant with the yellow-pod phenotype. Green pods (G) are dominant, and yellow pods (g) are recessive. If you have 10,000 plants in the F2 generation, how many of the F2 plants do you predict will have green pods and be true breeding?


Beetles are diploid. If you have a population of 874 beetles that are all heterozygous for color, with dark dominant to light color, what is the phenotype frequency?

0% light beetles

Which of the following is NOT evidence for evolution?

a dog with plenty of food gets fatter than a dog with scarce food

Imagine hemoglobin type in fish is Mendelian. You have a population of 1000 fish that are all heterozygous for the hemoglobin gene, with the type A hemoglobin dominant (H) to the type B hemoglobin (h). What is the phenotype frequency of fish in this population with type B hemoglobin?

0 % type B insulin

The ear wax gene is on chromosome 16. The Rh factor gene is the one that determines whether your blood type is Rh plus (+) or Rh minus (-). The Rh factor gene is on chromosome 1. Due to independent assortment during meiosis, the most likely ratio of gamete genotypes from a double heterozygous individual (Ww +-) is

25% W +, 25% w +, 25% W -, and 25% w -

Pod color is Mendelian. If you cross a homozygous dominant green-pod plant with a homozygous recessive yellow-pod plant in the P generation, and cross the offspring in the F1 generation to generate the F2 generation, which of the following results of pod color in the F2 generation is most consistent with your expectations?

257 yellow of 1000 pods

Flower position is Mendelian. Axial flowers (A) are dominant to terminal flowers (a). In a monohybrid cross of a plant with axial flowers to a plant with terminal flowers, the F2 generation would have a phenotype ratio of

3 axial-flower plants : 1 terminal-flower plant

Consider a dihybrid cross of plants with round yellow (RRYY) peas to plants with wrinkled green (rrgg) in P generation. What phenotype ratio would you expect in the F2 generation if there is NOT independent assortment of these two genes?

3 round yellow: 1 wrinkled green

Refer to the monohybrid cross scenario on the back of your cover sheet for this question. What ratio of phenotypes would you expect in the F2 generation? 3 tall : 1 short

3 tall : 1 short

Plant height is Mendelian. Tall plants are dominant to short plants. In a monohybrid cross of a tall plant to a short plant, the F2 generation would have a phenotype ratio of

3 tall plants : 1 short plant

If plants are Mendelian and heterozygous for height, with tall (T) dominant to short (t), on average what ratio of gamete genotypes will they make?

50% T and 50% t

Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. If yellow seed color (Y) is dominant to green seeds (y), what are the probabilities of possible genotype(s) of the pollen of a plant with yellow seeds that has the genotype Yy?

50% Y, and 50% y

Refer to the monohybrid cross scenario on the back of your cover sheet for this question. You would predict that the plants in the F2 generation would be

50% heterozygous

Beetles are diploid. If you have a population of 1000 beetles that are all heterozygous for color, with dark dominant to light color, what is the allele frequency?

50% light allele

Refer to the monohybrid cross scenario on the back of your cover sheet for this question. If the F1 generation produces 100 gametes, you would predict that the gametes would be

50T and 50t

If you have a population of humans with 15 homozygous dominant people, 25 heterozygous people, and 10 homozygous recessive people, what is the allele frequency for the dominant allele.


You perform a monohybrid cross of plants with a gene for plant height with Mendelian inheritance. Tall (T) is dominant to short (t). In the F2 generation you would expect

75% tall plants

During human childbirth

All of the other answers are correct

If a female has a genotype of Bb for the phenotype brown hair, her egg cells would have the genotype

B or b.

Which of the following should NOT be treated with antibiotics to treat the underlying cause of disease?


Mendel studied inheritance before anyone knew about DNA, mitosis or meiosis. What experiments did he do?

He controlled which plants bred using monohybrid crosses and counted the traits of many offspring.

There is an island with plants that have light green leaves. There also are light green insects that live on the leaves and birds that hunt the insects by looking for them on the island. There is a mutation in the plants so that they now have dark green leaves. The mutation makes the plants able to make more sugar from carbon dioxide by photosynthesis, so after a few generations most of the plants have dark green leaves. What would this most likely do to the population light green insects?

It would decrease the fitness of the light green insects, resulting in natural selection against them.

There is an island with plants that have many red flowers. There also are red insects that live on the flowers and birds that hunt the insects by looking for them on the island. There is a mutation in the plants so that they now have white flowers. Hummingbirds on the island preferentially pollinate the white flowers, so after a few generations most of the flowers are white. What would this most likely do to the population or red insects?

It would decrease the fitness of the red insects, resulting in natural selection against them.

A child has type AB blood. Which of the following is NOT a possible pair of genetic parents for this child?

Mom IAi, Dad ii

_____________ is the only mechanism of adaptive evolution.

Natural selection

Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. Purple flowers (P) are dominant to white flowers (p). The genotype of a true-breeding purple-flowered plant is ___________, and the genotype of a true-breeding white-flowered plant is ____________.

PP, pp

Which of the following is least likely to be an advantage of genetically modifying food? adding vectors to plants

adding vectors to plants

Consider a Mendelian characteristic of flower color, with purple (P) and white (p) traits. If a plant is homozygous dominant for flower color, then you would expect the gametes from that plant to be

all P

Red flowers show incomplete dominance. If you cross a P generation of plants with red flowers (RR) and white flowers (rr), what would you predict about the phenotype and genotype of the F2 generation?

They would be the same; both would be 1:2:1.

. Which of the following would be TRUE in a Mendelian system?

The phenotype is completely determined by the alleles of the gene.

For which of the following would it be LEAST useful to use a Punnett square?

What is the color of a dog with the genotype BB, if B is black and b is brown?

A population of turkeys starts with 10,000 birds, and a frequency of the short-feather allele of 10%. There is a fire and 9,500 of the turkeys die. It was random which turkeys were at the edge of the woods and escaped the fire. The remaining population has a frequency of the short-feather allele of 75%. This is an example of

a bottleneck effect

When a branch falls and kills 90% of a population of insects, it is

a bottleneck effect

Blood type can be A,type B, type O, or type AB. Blood type is determined by the alleles I,IA and IB. This is an example of

a character that has codominance and multiple alleles

When there is genetic drift due to a founder effect or a bottleneck effect, a common result is

a decrease in the diversity of alleles in the population.

A population of turkeys starts with 10,000 birds, and a frequency of the short-feather allele of 10%. One day a random 100 turkeys run off to another set of woods and do not breed with the original population any more. The new population that originated with the 100 turkeys that ran off has a short-feather allele frequency of 75%. This is an example of

a founder effect

The genotype of an organism is

a list of the alleles that the organism has for a gene, or set of genes.

Which type of disease would be a bad target for gene therapy?

a polygenic disease

A secondary consumer can gain ______ of the energy in the producers in a food chain.

about 1%

natural selection is the only natural process that leads to

adaptive evolution

Assume Mendelian inheritance for this question. If you cross a tall plant with homozygous dominant genotype TT to a short plant with homozygous recessive genotype tt, the offspring of that cross would have the genotype ratio of

all Tt

Refer to the monohybrid cross scenario on the back of your cover sheet for this question. The genotype ratio of the plants of the F1 generation would be

all Tt

Assume Mendelian inheritance for this question. If you cross a tall plant with homozygous dominant genotype TT to a short plant with homozygous recessive genotype tt, the offspring of that cross would have the phenotype ratio of

all tall

On average, in a Mendelian monohybrid cross the F2 generation has plants that

are 75% dominant phenotype and 25% recessive phenotype.

In a Mendelian monohybrid cross the F1 generation has plants that

are all homozygous dominant.

During childbirth, oxytocin and prostaglandins

are part of a positive feedback loop because they are released by stretching the cervix and cause the stretch of the cervix by stimulating contractions.

Homologous chromosomes are two chromosomes of the same type. Homologous chromosomes

are similar, but not exactly the same because one came from mom and the other from dad.

The fact that there are many ways that traits are inherited and show up in phenotypes that do not exactly follow the principles described by Mendel is evidence that

as we continue to use the scientific method we refine our hypotheses.

One parent has normal ability to make LDL receptors, and the other parent is unable to make LDL receptors. Their children all can make LDL receptors, but not as many as normal. They have 100 grandchildren and their grandchildren have LDL receptors in the following ratio - 25 with no LDL receptors: 50 with some LDL receptors: 25 with normal LDL receptors. This is an example of

incomplete dominance

A plant with red flowers is crossed to a plant with white flowers. The F1 generation is all pink and the F2 generation has plants with that are 1 red-flower plant : 2 pink-flower plants : 1 white-flower plant. This is an example of

incomplete dominance.

Methicillin-resistant (MRSA) bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. When antibiotics are widely used, antibiotic-resistant bacteria

increase in number because the antibiotics kill off the non-resistant bacteria.

Which of the following is least likely to be a problem of traditional agriculture?

increased biodiversity

Consider a Mendelian characteristic of flower color, with purple (P) and white (p) traits. If a plant is heterozygous for flower color, then you would expect the gametes from that plant to be

half P and half p.

In Labrador retriever dogs, black coat (B) is dominant to a chocolate coat (b), and coat color is inherited in a Mendelian pattern. You have a black lab dog and want to know if it is heterozygous or homozygous. You breed your black lab with a chocolate lab to find out. Which result below is consistent with your black lab being heterozygous?

half of the puppies are black

Skin color is determined by many genes and also the environment. This is an example of

how the environment can affect polygenic traits.

A subset of a population with a unique allele survives better than the rest of the population and contributes more of that allele to the next generation. In other words, the frequency of the unique allele increases in the next generation due to natural selection. Compared to individuals without this allele, individuals with this allele have

more fitness

3. If you claim two rodents are the same species based on the similar appearance of their fur, tail anatomy and nose shape you are using the _____________ definition of a species.


Which of the following is a mechanism of adaptive evolution, where the alleles of the fittest individuals will become more frequent in subsequent generations?

natural selection

which of the following is a mechanism of adaptive evolution, where the alleles of the fittest individuals will become more frequent in subsequent generations

natural selection

If you claim two plants are the same species based on the basis of them having a common ancestor, you are using the _____________ definition of a species.


If a characteristic is Mendelian, and the yellow pea trait dominant to green peas, you would expect

plants with one yellow-pea allele and one green pea allele to have yellow peas.

If many characteristics are affected by one gene, the gene is


Mutations in the gene that codes for the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase cause the human disease phenylketonuria. The symptoms include mental retardation, reduced hair pigmentation, reduced skin pigmentation, abnormal gait and abnormal posture. This is an example of

pleiotropic trait

Each person has two of the alleles for a gene coding the protein called CFTR. There are many different alleles in the population. There are many different symptoms caused by a mutated gene for the CFTR protein. The normal version of the gene is dominant to the mutated versions. The multiple symptoms from one mutation are an example of


Scientists currently believe that hair color is determined by many genes. This aspect of hair color is an example of

polygenic inheritance.

The __________ photosynthesis are the _____________ of cellular respiration.

products of, reactants

A hawk eats mice that eat seeds from plants. In this example, the hawk is a

secondary consumer.

Mendel used monohybrid crosses of pea plants and studied seven characters to understand the properties of inheritance. A monohybrid cross of two plants is when

the parental generation is two plants that are true-breeding for all seven characters, the same trait for six of them and different for one of them.

If a characteristic is Mendelian, and the round pea trait is dominant to wrinkled peas, you would expect

self-crossed heterozygous plants with round peas to have some progeny with wrinkled peas.

Which of the following is NOT an example of artificial selection? A farmer

spraying an herbicide that kills the weeds in his field, but results in weeds that are resistant to the herbicide the next year

Sterilization includes tubal ligation and vasectomy, which both block the path of gametes by cutting the oviducts or vas deferens, respectively. Which of the following types of contraception is permanent?


Which of the following would be most likely to reduce the incidence of methicillin-resistant bacteria?

stopping the use of methicillin.

When you are considering the contribution of a type of ecosystem to primary production you need to know

the average net primary productivity (g/m2/yr) and the size of that ecosystem.

Where does a blastocyst implant for a normal pregnancy?

the endometrium of the uterus

In a human, the egg travels from

the ovary through the oviduct to the uterus through the cervix and the vagina.

In a human the egg travels from

the ovary through the oviduct to the uterus through the cervix and vagina

Assume Mendelian traits are being considered in this question. Assume small size is a trait that allows mice to hide from snakes, and large size makes it hard for mice to hide. If a large population of these mice lives without snakes for many generations, then snakes move into the area, it is most likely that when snakes move into the community

the small-size allele frequency and small-size phenotype frequency will increase.

Which of the following prevents a sperm from the wrong species from fertilizing an egg?

the sperm receptors on the egg

In a human, the sperm travel from

the testes through the epididymis and vas deferens then urethra.

Of the following choices, in humans the next location a sperm cell would be found in after being in the vas deferens would be

the urethra

Of the following , after the oviduct, either a human unfertilized egg or a zygote would next be in

the uterus

Of the following choices, in humans the next location a sperm cell would be found in after being in the epididymus would be

the vas deferens

Which of the following prevents multiple sperm from fertilizing an egg?

the vitelline reaction

Which of the following lists the stages of pregnancy and childbirth in the correct order?

transition from embryo to fetus, dilation of the cervix, expulsion of the baby, delivery of the placenta

Blood type shows co-dominance. A mother with blood genotype IAIA and a father with blood genotype iIB have children. What are the possible blood phenotypes of the children?

type A or Type AB only

Mom has type A blood. She has two children with Dad. One child has type AB blood and the other child has type O blood. What type of blood does Dad have?

type B

Blood type shows co-dominance, and has multiple alleles,I, IA and IB. A mother with blood genotype ii and a father with blood type genotype iIB have children. What are the possible blood phenotypes of the children?

type o or type b

The major structural component of a plant is cellulose, which is a carbohydrate made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The cellulose comes from

water mostly through the roots, and carbon dioxide from the air.

Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. A dominant allele

will determine the phenotype if there is at least one copy in the genotype.

If a male has a genotype of Bb for the phenotype brown hair, one of his sperm cells

would have a 50% chance of having the B allele.

Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. Yellow seed color (Y) is dominant to green seeds (y). If a YY plant is crossed to a yy plant in the parental generation, the F1 plants will have a ____________ phenotype, and a ______ genotype.

yellow seed,Yy

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