BIO 1520 Module 2 Learning Catalytics

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Rank the following mating systems from least to most selection for sperm competition.

Polygyny = True monogamy < Social monogamy < Promiscuity

First male advantage

anything that prevents a female from mating again (mate guarding to prevent other males near the female or copulatory plugs to block entry to the reproductive tract) is beneficial for the first male.

Second male advantage

anything that removes sperm already present in the reproductive tract (large ejaculate volume to 'flush out sperm' or elaborate penis morphology to scrape out sperm) is beneficial for the second male.

One way embryonic cells can learn their position in an embryo is by detecting the concentration of a

morphogen: this is the definition of a morphogen, a molecule that exists in a concentration gradient and provides spatial information to the embryonic cells based on the local concentration. some morphogens are hormones, such as auzin in plant development; some morphogens are mRNAs or proteins, such as biocoid in fruit fly development. transcription factors control what genes are activated or repressed in different cell types, and play a role in development. Genes are not present in concentration gradients.

Fertilization of a human egg takes place in the _____.

oviduct sperm can survive in the oviduct for ~3-4 days. fertilization must in the oviduct immediately after ovulation. the cleavage divisions occur in the oviduct as the fertilized egg moves toward the uterus.

After ovulation (in the luteal phase), high levels of ___ inhibit secretion of ______

progesterone ... FSH and LH

In species that are capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction, under which of the following conditions is sexual reproduction more likely to occur?

when conditions for survival are unfavorable

In humans, fertilization normally occurs

within the oviduct, after ovulation

Reproduction from an unfertilized egg is called


Gametes are produced by [blank] in the haplontic life cycle, by [blank] in the diplontic life cycle, and by [blank] in the alternation of generations life cycle.

mitosis; meiosis; mitosis gametes are always haploid, regardless of the ploidy of the organism that produces them. if the organism is haplid (haplontic life cycle), then the only cellular process to make haploid cells is mitosis, because mitosis creates cells which are identical to the parent cell. if the organism is diploid (diplontic life cycle), then the only cellular process to make haploid cells is meiosis, because meiosis reduces ploidy by half. in alternation of generations, the diploid organism produces haploid spores (via meiosis) which grow into haploid multicellular organisms. these haploid multicellular organisms produce gametes via mitosis.

Secretions from which part of the male reproductive anatomy in humans produces molecules that stimulate smooth muscle contractions in the uterus of females? a. seminal vesicles b. testes c. bulbourethral gland d. prostate gland


Which of the following is a cost experienced by an individual in a promiscuous mating system? A. An individual experiences high risk of sexually transmitted diseases and parasites. B. If a male does not have an alpha ranking, he is unlikely to mate at all. C. The male does not ensure 'genetic insurance' by mating with multiple females. D. Cuckoldry is common (where a male contributes to parental care of an offspring that he is not related to).


Which of these structures is NOT formed during gastrulation? Blastocoel Archenteron Endoderm Mesoderm Ectoderm


You are studying two species of birds, both of which form monogamous pairs. In species 1, you find that the eggs in a pairʹs nest are in fact almost always the offspring of that pair. In species 2, you are surprised to find that many of the eggs in a nest are the result of extra-pair copulations (fathered by a different male). Apparently, mating outside of monogamous pairings is widespread in species 2. Given this information, what would be the logical prediction to make regarding sexual dimorphism in these two species? A. Species 1 should not exhibit sexual dimorphism, but species 2 should B. Species 1 should exhibit some sexual dimorphism, but species 2 should not C. There is no predictable relationship between this observation and degree of sexual dimorphism


What are the benefits of social monogamy? A. Increases chance of offspring survival B. Decreases matings for both sexes C. Increased number of offspring for male D. Ability for female to mate with "better males" E. Lack of parental care

A, C, D

Which of the following conditions favors evolution of a polyandrous mating system? a. offspring require a high degree of paternal care for survival b. females live together in large social groups c. males provide no parental care d. males compete for access to females

A polyandry is rare and the ecological factors that favor it typically involve very low survival rates of offspring such that females must constantly reproduce in order for any offspring to survive. this means females are not available to raise the young, as they would be unable to produce additional young if they had to care for an existing brood or clutch. therefore in polyandry there is typically a "role reversal" between males and females in terms of rearing young. females abandon the nest (jacana birds) or transfer eggs to the male's brood pouch (pipefish). thus the offspring only survive (and the male ensures reproductive success) only if he cares for them. in polyandry, females compete for access to males.

Adaptations for larger cell size include: (select all that apply) A. Multicellularity B. Large surface area to volume ratio C. Organelles D. Cells cannot do anyhing to get larger

A and C

Aquatic animals that rely on external fertilization for reproduction have a low probability of successful fertilization. Which of the following is a mechanism used to increase the liklihood of successful external fertilization? (select all that apply) A. courtship rituals to synchronize male/female gamete release B. depositing sperm into the female reproductive tract C. production of extremely large number of gametes that are released simultaneously D. containment of sperm within spermatophores

A and C

What happens during the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle? Select all that apply. A. Structures in the ovary produce estrogen B. Structures in the ovary produce progesterone C. FSH and LH are present D. Eggs are developing E. One or more eggs has been released and will implant in the uterus if fertilization has occurred

A, C, D

Which of the following observations supports the "good genes" hypothesis to explain male/male competition and female choice? A. The color and quality of male sage grouse air sacs, used in courtship displays, are extremely sensitive to parasitic infections B. Ring-tailed lemurs mate only during the autumn breeding season, and females are not receptive to males at other times of the year C. Female widowbirds prefer males with the longest tails, but males with longer tails are more susceptible to predation D. Human males with symmetrical faces are considered more attractive than those with asymmetrical faces

A, C, D

Which of the following is/are TRUE of the fertilization envelope? Select all that apply. A. The fertilization envelope is the physical structure responsible for the slow block to polyspermy. B. The fertilization envelope prevents dehydration of the fertilized egg. C. The fertilization envelope arises as a result of the acrosomal reaction. D. The fertilization envelope is the same thing as the jelly layer. E. The fertilization envelope forms when the vitalline layer lifts away from the egg plasma membrane F. None of these are true.

A, E

Fertilization in all animal species results in formation of a fertilization envelope which: A. Prevents the zygote from dehydrating B. Prevents more sperm from fertilizing the same egg C. Permits the egg to implant in the uterine wall


Outgrowth of a new cell from an old cell is


In humans spermatogenesis and oogenesis differ in a number of ways. Which of the following is NOT one of them? a. number of functional gametes produced by a single meiosis event b. ploidy of final meiotic products c. timing of meiotic divisions (when they occur in the male/female life cycle) d. number of gametes produced in a given time period e. all of these are differences between human male and female gametogenesis


There are populations of snails in New Zealand that can produce sexually or asexually. The snails are parasitized by a type of worm, which is a major stressor to the snails. Given what you know about conditions that favor sexual or asexual reproduction, you would expect to see the snails produce asexually when: a. there are many parasitic worms in the environment b. there are few parasitic worms in the environment


What is the significance of the archenteron? A. It will become the mesoderm B. It will become the digestive tract C. It initiates gastrulation D. It will become the blastopore


Which of the following is FALSE? a. Multicellularity allows organisms to become larger than physiologically possible for a single cell b. A cell can grow infinitely large as long as there is adequate nutrition in its extracellular environment c. In a multicellular organism, all cells must be exposed to either the environment or a circulatory system d. Adaptations that increase surface area, such as invagiations or flattened cell shape, allow cells to become larger e. Development and cell specialization is a consequence of multicellularity f. All of these are true g. All of these are false


Which of the following is a "cost" associated with sexual reproduction? a. other than mutation, no new genetic diversity in the next generation b. requires time/energy to find/court mate c. only females can produce offspring d. disruption of beneficial allele/trati combinations e. none of the aboves are costs associated with sexual reproduction

B, C, D

In a species where females typically mate with multiple males (select all that apply): A. there is no competition between males B. males likely compete indirectly with each other through sperm competition for successful fertilization of a female's eggs C. males likely compete directly with each other for the opportunity to male with a female D. males may have elaborate penis morphologies or large ejaculate volumes E. females may have the ability to preferentially use sperm from a specific male

B, D, E

Which of the following is/are true of Hox genes? A. they control the locations of specific parts of the body plan of plants and animals, such as the locations of eyes, limbs, or leaves B. they are evolutionarily conserved in all animals except sponges C. they activate expression of genes which control development of body segments D. they are chemical signals present in the unfertilized egg E. changes in Hox genes has contributed to rapid diversification of animal lineages


Aquatic animals that rely on external fertilization for reproduction have a low probability of successful fertilization. Which one of the following is not used by aquatic animals to increase the success of external fertilization? A. production of a large number of gametes that are released simultaneously B. courtship rituals to synchronize male/female gamete release C. moving onto land for fertilization D. release of pheromones to synchronize male/female gamete release


During fertilization, the acrosome _____. A. prevents polyspermy by releasing enzymes that destroy surrounding sperm B. nourishes sperm mitochondria, increasing sperm motility C. digests the coatings surrounding the plasma membrane of the egg D. injects the sperm nucleus into the egg during fertilization


In vertebrate animals, spermatogenesis and oogenesis differ in that A. oogenesis begins at the onset of sexual maturity, whereas spermatogenesis begins during embryonic development B. oogenesis produces four functional haploid cells, whereas spermatogenesis produces only one functional spermatozoon C. cytokinesis is unequal in oogenesis, whereas it is equal in spermatogenesis D. spermatogenesis is not completed until after fertilization occurs, but oogenesis is completed by the time a girl is born


The surgical removal of one oviduct would A. Decrease the time between ovulation and implantation. B. Decrease the number of eggs produced by the ovary. C. Prevent half of a woman's eggs from reaching the uterus.


What cell shape can allow larger size while keeping a smaller surface-area to volume ratio? A. Spherical B. Cube shaped C. Rod shaped


What is a cost to the female in a polygynous mating system? A. little opportunity to mate with a genetically fit male B. high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases C. little help from male in caring for offspring D. high competition between females for access to males


What is the role of the calcium signal in the egg? A. Ensure species-specific fertilization B. Release enzymes to digest sperm bindin proteins C. Release proteases to digest bindin receptors on egg D. Attract sperm to the egg


What is the selective advantage for a male to participate in a polyandrous mating system? A. He is more likely to obtain more mates than if he did not cooperate. B. He cannot outcompete other males for female attention. C. His offspring are unlikely to survive without his parental care. D. He cannot provide any parental care.


Which of the following best demonstrates the relationships between the different developmental processes? a. Cell differentiation is the major driver of the other developmental processes b. Cell proliferation, on its own, can result in substantial changes to embryo shape c. In the absence of induction, most of the other developmental processes would be severely impaired or not occur d. Programmed cell death usually only occurs when needed to eliminate defective cells in an embryo


Which of the following does NOT represent a form of parental investment? A. a spermatophore containing nutrients eaten by a female insect B. a male fish mouthbrooding eggs abandoned by a female C. a copulatory plug deposited in the reproductive tract of a female mouse D. a female bird incubating externally-laid eggs E. all of the above represent a form of parental investment


Which of the following is NOT a developmental process that explains the relationship beteween the notochord, somites, and limb muscles? A. induction B. proliferation C . differential expansion D cell movement E. differentiation F. all of these describe the relationship between somites and limb development


Which of the following is NOT true of cytoplasmic determinants? A. They are asymmetrically distributed across the unfertilized egg B. They are usually mRNAs or proteins C. They originate from the embryonic genome D. They are distributed unequally in different blastomeres as a result of cleavage


Which of the following supports development/maintenance of a polygynous system? A. The female(s) control access to resources and maintain multiple mini-territories. B. Males and females form groups based on non-mating hierarchies and social contexts. C. The females(s) aggregate for communal offspring care, and the male(s) exploit these groupings for reproductive pursuits. D. Breeding success is low without combined efforts by more than one individual.


Which type of male competition would you typically expect in species with external fertilization? A. Direct male competition( Male-male aggression or courtship displays) B. Indirect male competition (sperm competition) C. Both D. Neither


If you were to view a sample of animal tissue under a light microscope and notice an extensive extracellular matrix surrounding a tissue, which tissue type would you most suspect?


Asexual reproduction by budding is represented by: a. one arm of a starfish breaking off and forming a new individual starfish b. a single-celled diatom undergoing mitosis and cytokinesis to form two new equally sized daughter cells. c. a single-celled yeast undergoing mitosis and unequal cytokenisis to grow a small new cell that will break off to become a daughter cell d. a bacteria undergoing binary fission to create two new daughter cells e. a multicellular hydra growing a small new multicellular hydra that will break off to form a new, independent hydra f. a lizard's unfertilized egg developing into a new adult

C and E

In a polygynous mating system, you would expect to see: A. One or a few males monopolizing multiple females B. A high degree of sexual dimorphism C. A high degree of sperm competition D. A and B E. All of the above


In species that reproduce via external fertilization: a. males do not have to compete with each other for access to a female's eggs b. only females provide parental investment, in the form of the nutrition present in the egg c. sexual selection does not operate d. sperm and egg encounter each other outside of the female's body, typically in an aquatic environment e. none of these


What is the selective advantage for a male to participate in a polyandrous mating system? A. He is likely to attract a greater number of mates. B. He cannot provide any parental care. C. He cannot outcompete other males for female attention. D. His offspring are unlikely to survive without his care. E. None of these.


Which of the following directors of embryonic development can be found within unfertilized eggs of protostomes? A. mRNAs transcribed from embryonic genome B. bindin proteins C. tissue-specific proteins D. cytoplasmic determinants


Which of the following explains why females are more likely to be "choosy" about mating partners than males? a. Females are more limited in the number of offspring they can produce than males are b. Eggs require more energy to produce than sperm c. Males can fertilize the eggs of multiple females, while a female's egg can only be fertilized by a single male d. All of these


Which of the following is typically predictive of second-male advantge in mating? A. lekking B. copulatory plug C. mate guarding D. large testes and ejaculate volume E. none of these are predictive of second-male advantage


Which of the following describes why females are generally more choosy than males?

Females usually contribute a higher level of parental investment than do males.

Which of the following is NOT an example of parental investment? A. A male fish holds fertilized eggs in his mouth until they hatch to protect them from predators B. A female mammal produces milk for her offspring C. A male praying mantis is eaten by a female during mating, and the proteins from his body are deposited into the eggs she produces after mating with him D. A female bird sits on a nest to incubate eggs E. A male fish guards a female after mating with her, preventing other males from mating with her F. all of these are examples of parental investment


Monogamy is more likely to occur in A. a species with external fertilization. B. a species where females control access to resources. C. a species where females aggregate for social reasons. D. a species with a high degree of female parental care. E. a species that lives in a habitat with very scattered resources.

E monogamy typically occurs when a) care by both parents is required for survival of the offspring and b) males do not have opportunity to mate with multiple females. these situations occur when resources are highly scattered, such that females are not located in the same place (which would enable a male to mate with multiple females) and both parents must take turns acquiring food to feed the offspring.

true monogamy

Equal investment from both parents

Social monogamy

Equal investment from both parents, except in the case of extra-pair copulations


Female Parent

What is gastrulation?

Gastrulation is the reorganization of the embryonic cells (blastomeres) of the blastula to create the three embryonic germlayers (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm). the archenteron (primitive gut) forms as a result of the movement of blastomeres into the blastocoel. the blastocoel exists prior to gastrulation as a result of cleavage, and is necessary for gastrulation to occur; without the blastocoel, there is no space for the archenteron to form.

As cleavage progresses, individual cells in the embryo:

Get smaller during cleavage, the embryo stays the same size. in order for this to occur, the cells in the embryo divide without growing between cell divisions, and thus they get smaller with every division. differentiation, the process of becoming a specialized cell time, occurs much later in embryonic development.

One way embryonic cells can identify where they are within in an embryo is by engaging in the process of

Induction from adjacent cells

How does "the pill" work to prevent pregnancy?

It delivers progesterone causing the ovary to discontinue ovulating a new oocyte.

As a cell gets larger, which of the following occurs?

Its volume grows more rapidly than its surface area.


Male Parent

Which structure produces signaling molecules that induce neural tube formation?


The primary ovarian hormone(s) responsible for maintaining the uterine lining following ovulation is/are (select all that apply):


The reason that humans have individual fingers and not webbed fingers is

Programmed cell death

What effect would surgical removal of the seminal vesicles have on the human male reproductive system?

Semen would not contain energy-providing nutrients for the sperm.

Indirect male competition is also called

Sperm Competition

If the chorion were removed from an amniotic egg, what would happen to the embryo inside?

The embryo would have difficulty respiring. Amnion - fluid filled cavity that provides aqueous environment and cushions against mechanical shock; Yolk sac - nutrients - blood vessels transport nutrients from yolk to embryo; Chorion - gas exchange between embryo and air; Allantois - waste disposal sac, also functions with chorion in gas exchange

If the allantois were removed from an amniotic egg, which of the following would be primary outcome for the embryo?

The embryo would not be able to extrete wastes.

Rank the following mating systems from least to most selection for sexual dimorphism. (ie, from the system where you would expect to see the LEAST sexual dimorphism to the system where you would expect to see the MOST sexual dimorphism).

True monogamy = Promiscuity < Social monogamy < Polygyny there should be minimal selection for sexual dimorphism where every male has equal chance of mating, as females are not discriminating among males prior to mating. in promiscuity and true monogamy, females every male is 'guaranteed' a mate and thus there is no competition among males for access to females. in social monogamy, some females will seek out extra-pair-copulations (mate with males that are not their social partner). thus females are selecting males based on certain cues (for example, as in the good genes hypothesis) which will cause some selecting for sexual dimorphism. in polygynous mating systems, only a single male will mate with females, causing very strong selection for sexual dimorphism for male-male competition and female choice.

What is lekking?

When males gather in one place to display courtship rituals to females

Diplontic life cycles are characteristic of: a. animals b. plants c. fungi d. single-celled eukaryotes e. prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea)


If an egg distributed all the constituents of its cytoplasm uniformly (eg, no cytoplasmic determinants or asymmetric yolk distribution), which of the following outcomes is most likely?

all daughter cells will express the same set of genes

In mammals, identical twins are produced by the separation of cells during

blastomere cleavage

Spores are produced [blank] in the haplontic life cycle, [blank] in the diplontic life cycle, and [blank] in the alternation of generations life cycle.

by meiosis, are not produced; by meiosis spores are always haploid, and are always produced meiosis. in the haplontic life cycle, the diploid zygote immediately undergoes meiosis to produce haploid spores. the haploid spores grow into a mature, multicellular, haploid adult. this haploid adult produces gametes via mitosis. in alternation of generations, the diploid organism produces haploid spores (via meiosis) which grow into haploid multicellular organisms. these haploid multicellular organisms produce gametes via mitosis. there are no spores produced in the diplointic life cycle. the diploid zygote develops into a mature, muticellular organism which produces gametes by meiosis.

Cells become unique types of cells with their own function through the process of

cell differentiation

Which of the following plays a role in cells "knowing" where they are in an embryo and thus what type of cells they should become (differentiate into) during development?

cell-cell signaling/induction cytoplasmic determinants


composed of a matrix of living cells and non-living substances; blood is one example


contract to facilitate movement; may be voluntarily or involuntarily controlled

Gametogenesis is the _______, fertlization is ________, and mating is _________.

creation of gametes, fusing of gametes into one cell, getting gametes together

The nervous system originates from


An advantage of asexual reproduction is that it

enables the species to rapidly colonize new habitats that are favorable to that species

In alternation of generations, the ______ makes gametes, and the ______ makes spores.

gametophyte, sporophyte

As cleavage progresses, the cells of the embryo _____ and the whole embryo ______.

get smaller; stays constant in size

During cleavage, individual cells of the embryo must not be:


The mature, multicellular organism (what you can usually see by eye) is [blank] in the haplontic life cycle, [blank] in the diplontic life cycle, and [blank] in the alternation of generations life cycle.

haploid; diploid; there is a haploid and a diploid at different stages

Ongoing communication via a diverse set of chemical signals best describes which of the five essential developmental processes?


Which of the following is typically predictive of second-male advantage in mating?

large testes and ejaculate

The primary function of the corpus luteum is to

maintain progesterone levels after ovulation has occurred

Monogamous mating systems are most common when resources are _______ and offspring require _______ amounts of parental care from both parents.

scarce, high

Place the following events in order, where "event 1" < "event 2".

sperm binds the zona pellucida/jelly layer the acrosome reaction occurs the sperm membrane fuses with the egg membrane the egg membrane depolarizes a wave of calcium proceeds throughout the cell cortical granules fuse with the plasma membrane, initiating the cortical reaction the fertilization envelope lifts

Females of many insect species, including honeybee queens, can store gametes released by their mating partners in _____.

the spermatheca this is the definition of the term spermatheca. spermathecas are present in many invertebrate species such as insects, worms, and some molluscs. females in some species have multiple spermathecas which can store sperm from a single or multiple males, allowing fertilization of eggs for months after a single mating. sperm from the spermatheca fertilizes the egg as it passes through the oviduct.

Undescended testes in a human male probably results in infertility because

the temperature is too warm for the sperm to swim


tightly aligned cells that create barriers between internal and extranal biological compartments; cells may be different shapes based on location/function


transmit both chemical and electrical signals

During ejaculation, sperm cells are transported away from the testis into the abdominal cavity via the:

vas deferens.

The growth of a new organism from meristematic cells without spores or gametes is

vegetative growth

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