Bio 2 exam 3

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which of these, if true would support the claim that the ancestral cnidarians had bilateral symmetry? 1. cnidarians larvae possess anterior-posterior, left-right, and dorsal- ventral aspects

1 only

During human oogenesis the final result is :

1 ovum and 3 polar bodies

1. Categorize this life cycle: Remember ask the 2 questions

Alternation of Generations

1. What characteristics are shared by all land plants? Select all that apply

Alternation of Generations Mycorrhizal symbionts Spores with tough outer coat Multicellular 2N embryo Cuticle

A homology ofarthropods andannelids is

Blastopore becomesmouth

Organisms with and bilateral symmetry are more efficient at moving, responding to stimuli, & finding food.


1. When ecydysozoans grow they must shed, or molt, their during ecydysis.


The fused cephalothorax of a Crawfish is made up of 13 segments, contains all of the walking legs and the gills, this is an example of


which of the following features does not distinguish humans as a member of phylum chordata?

humans embryos undergo indeterminate cleavage

Using similarities in body symmetry and other anatomical features to assign an organism to a clade involves 1.cladistics based on body plan. 3.morphology-based phylogeny.

1 & 3

which of the following statements concerning animal taxonomy is (are) true? 3. kingdom Animalia is monophyletic 5. animals are thought to have evolved from flagellated protists similar to modern choanoflagellates

3 & 5

Based on this cladogram, which trait has evolved independently twice? mice

4-chambered heart

using the figure below, what is the minimum age of the common ancestor oof sponges and cnidarians?

695 million years

1. Because sugars and other substances are selectively added to and removed from phloem, its cells must be _____, and transport in phloem _____ require energy.

Alive; does

1. What is an advantage of having a larval stage in animals?

All of these are advantages of larval stages

The Arthropoda share a set of characteristics including,

All of these are characteristics of Arthropoda

1. Sharks have a special sensory organ/tissue located on their snouts, called ____ that detect minute changes in the electrical fields, and this allows them to find prey in dark, murky or busy waters.

Ampullae of Lorenzini

The hox genes, determine the order of development or the body plan. The genes start building at the head and work the tail, in this anatomical direction.


The larva of all Sea Stars have ____ symmetry.


One cut along the longitudinal axis will produce identical halves of a ______ animal.

Bilateral Symmetry

In the simplified tree, which group is most dependent on water for both sex and growth?


1. Before the first cells could escape the microcaves, what structure had to form?

Cell membrane

Gram staining works to differentiate the complexity of bacterial

Cell wall chemistry

All protostomes and deuterostomes share ______, which was evolved after the Cnidaria.


In animals placement of sensory organs and feeding structures in the anterior region is known as:


In animals with bilateral symmetry, there is a greater increase in the nerve tissue concentrated in the anterior end (the head) as animals increase in complexity. (_____ means head)

Cephalization, Cephalo

Because of their adult symmetry which feature of complex animals is lacking in all Echinoderms?

Cephalization, they lack a true head or brain

1. A mollusk with many feet (like Squid, Octopus, Nautilus) would be in the class .


a mollusk with many feet (like squid, octopus, nautilus) would be in the class


The mollusk clade with themost diversity (disparity =difference among them) inhow they obtain food is


1. The ___ are the site of most photosynthesis in plants.


In terms of food capture, which sponge cell is most similar to the cnidocyte of a cnidarian?


Most phylogenies place the ___ as the sister taxa to all animals, based on presence of collar cells, which look very similar to the feeding cells of a sponge.


1. In the 5 to 7 million years that the hominid lineage has been diverging from its common ancestor with the great apes, dozens of hominid species have arisen, often with several species coexisting in time and space. As recently as 30,000 years ago, Homo sapiens coexisted with Homo neanderthalensis. Both species had large brains and advanced intellects. The fact that these traits were common to both species is most easily explained by which of the following?

Common descent

1. The Cnidarian and Echinoderms have similar nervous system control mechanisms, probably due to their radial symmetry. These similar structural and physiological adaptations are the result of?

Convergent evolution from distant ancestors

1. Modern Birds (Aves) and Crocodiles are sister taxa, because they shared a MRCA, probably a flightless ____ that went extinct millions of years ago.


Based on phylogeny, all ofthe following arehomologies of mollusksexcept

Diploblastic body

1. The three types of germ layer are:

Endoderm, Ectoderm, Mesoderm

When food is ingested by platyhelminthes it must first be digested in an extracellular way, this is best done by adding _____ to the GVC. Later in digestion, smaller particles can be consumed via intracellular digestion (___).

Enzymes; phagocystosis

Based on homology theMRCA of all animals, mostlikely had:

External fertilization

The notochord is the same asthe spinal cord.


1. Gametes combine in the ____ step of sexual reproduction, which creates a ____.

Fertilization; Zygote

1. In flatworms, excretion processes through the _____ a very early precursor to kidneys.

Flames cells and excretory pores

All modern birds are covered in feathers, but not all can fly. Why is flight not universal (100%) in extant birds?

Flightless birds lost the ability, yet are still able to survive and reproduce, the cost of flightlessness does not outweigh the survival of the species

1. In the insects and crustaceans most mechanical grinding and breakdown of food particles occur in the ___.


based on this figure, the hydra has only one opening into its ____ and therefore the gut is ____

Gatrovascular Cavity (GVC), blind

1. Early theories placed humans above other animals in a hierarchy, this was know as the __.

Great Chain of Being

1. Based on our current understanding of plant phylogeny, the MRCA of all "green plants" was a:

Green Flagellate

1. We enjoy eating crustacean muscles (shrimp and lobster tails, crab legs, etc.), if this is based on how the muscles attached to the skeletal system and nothing else, what other group should taste similar?

Hexapods (grasshoppers, beetles, and ants)

1. Transpiration moves water from _____ water potential, and thus _____ cost the plant energy.

High to low; does not

The processes that controls and maintains an internally stable body are collectively called:


1. This figure demonstrates the importance of ______ to the development of animals.


All animals ___, a series of regulatory genes that control multicellularity?


The circular and longitudinal muscles of an Annelid work in opposition to move the organism. This is part of its _____ system.

Hydrostatic musculature

The circular and longitudinal muscles of an Annelid work in opposition to move the organism. This is part of its______system.

Hydrostatic musculature

1. Which statement is correct with regard to the comparison of secondary endosymbiosis to primary endosymbiosis?

In secondary endosymbiosis, an entire free-living alga is ingested into the food vacuole of a heterotrophic eukaryote.

1. Traditionally, whales and hippopotamuses have been classified in different orders, the Cetacea and the Artiodactyla, respectively. Recent molecular evidence, however, indicates that the whales' closest living relatives are the hippos. This has caused some zoologists to lump the two orders together into a single clade, the Cetartiodactyla. There is no consensus on whether the Cetartiodactyla should be accorded order status or superorder status. This is because it remains unclear whether the whale lineage diverged from the lineage leading to the hippos before or after the other members of the order Artiodactyla (pigs, camels, etc.) diverged (see Figure 20.5).

In the "without" tree, pigs are more closely related to hippos than are whales.

1. When developing a parasitic lifestyle, which of these traits should evolve:

Increased # and size of reproductive structures, at the expense of almost all other internal structures

Sponges have porocytes which create currents, by pulling water in through the ____ on the sides and out the top osculum.

Incurrent Pores

Recall the 3 chordate synapomorphies.The hollow nerve cord

Is dorsal to the notochord

Parasitic Platyhelminthes have a free-living stage.


Why is it harder to find lizard shed skins than snake skins?

Lizards tend to eat the shed skin

1. All reptiles lay amniotic eggs on land and all have internal fertilization. The structure used to inject sperm into the female reproductive tract is highly variable. Which of these pairs is incorrect?

Male Crocodiles use paired claspers to grasp and inject sperm into the female

The ability to ____ is a huge benefit to birds. It allows them to exploit the resources/conditions of multiple ecosystems across both space and season.

Migrate from feeding to breeding grounds (and back again)

Which of these tax and unique feature is NOT correctly paired up?

Mollusks and ecdysis

An individual turbellarian contains organs of both sexes, it is called ___________ or hermaphroditic.


1. According to this phylogeny, diversity in echinoderms is associated with changes in their:

Morphology & Symmetry

1. Colonial protists, like Volvox, provide evidence for the evolution of ____.


In Figure 20.6 below, which similarly inclusive taxon descended from the same common ancestor as Canidae?


Some coral rely on a relationship with dinoflagellate protists, the zooxanthellae.


1. What structure(s) developed to ensure that placental mammals could feed and care for their young long after they were born?

Nipples and mammary glands

Do you have a notochord?

No, because it totallydisappears afterembryonic life.

1. The ____ and _____ are both synapomorphies of Chordates.

Notochord; dorsal hollow nerve cord

Which animal phyla has no distinct germ layers?


Based on this figure which cleavage pattern leads to the most diversity in gut type

Radial Cleavage

1. When ray-finned fishes invaded the freshwater ecosystems, this presented a new challenge, watersheds can act as reproductive isolating barriers. This has led to _______ within the freshwater fishes of the world.

Rapid diversification and speciation

1. The insects must overcome their _______ to reproduce and have internal fertilization.

Rigid exoskeletons

The features of a ______ surrounding _____ with huge energetic reserves, make the Amniotic egg viable for longer periods of time exposed to the environment.

Shell; Internal membranes

Which organ system is responsible for supporting the organism in the environment? In large terrestrial organisms this requires solid internal structures

Skeletal system

1. Protists are incredibly diverse forming at least 8 ___ compared to the better know animals, plants, and fungi.1. Protists are incredibly diverse forming at least 8 ___ compared to the better know animals, plants, and fungi.


1. The original role of feathers was?


1. In small animals, the integument is _____, which helps move materials across via diffusion and active transport.

Thin, permeable and flexible

Most mollusks lay eggs which then hatch into a ____, a free-swimming larvae with its own complete gut.


The ray-finned fishes have amazingly complex feeding structures, including:

Two sets of jaws (oral and pharyngeal)

Which Chordate group uses incurrent and excurrent siphons to create water flow to filter for food?

Urochordates (Sea Squirts)

arthropods sense the world using many different adaptations but they all are connected via ____

a ventral nerve chord that feeds impulses to the brain

An _____ animal does not have a body cavity.


organisms with a solid blastocoel filled with mesoderm are _______, like the flatworms


which group is the most diverse within the vertebrates?

actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)

1. Biologists think that endosymbiosis gave rise to mitochondria before plastids partly because

all eukaryotes have mitochondria (or their remnants), whereas many eukaryotes do not have plastids.

which of the strategies has evolved to remove nitrogenous waste from the body?

all of these are solutions to removing nitrogenous waste from the body

this figure shows the results of multiple studies examining the species richness of large mammals before and after the plestiocene. What factors are most associated with these declines?

all of these factors contributed the Pleistocene die offs

the integument of which taxa can change color in response to environmental stimuli?

all of these taxa have some species with color changing skin

which group of tetrapods, must undergo metamorphosis to develop longs for terrestrial breathing?


Members of the genus Ameba, are heterotrophic, moving with pseudopod, and can cause pathologies. They would therefore be in the:

animal-like protists

In deuterostomes the ______ forms from the blastopore.


in the eucelomates, like Annelid worms and Insects, the coelom forms in the empty space left after ____ and is surrounded by mesoderm

apoptosis of certain mesoderm cells

the organism whose skin (blue frog) is shown in this figure is brightly colored and full of glands, this is an example of_____. (colors)

aposematic coloration

evidence that viruses are not alive includes the fact that they

are non cellular

In ____ budding the polyps of Hydrazoans all share a common gastrovascular cavity.


Animals that have no pattern of symmetry. The simplest animals (sponges) are___?


All adult Porifera exhibit which form of body symmetry?


echinoderms larvae have___ symmetry, while adult sea urchins and sea stars have ___ symmetry. The sea cucumber adult symmetry is secondarily ___

bilateral, radial and bilateral

in general, the integument of which of these taxa is the most complex?


if this tree is accurate (bird tree) which bird group is most distantly related to the raptors (the golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos)

blackbirds (red winged blackbird)

A mouth-like opening of the archenteron on the surface of an embryo in the gastrula stage


The ____ is a space that separates the gut and internal organs from the rest of the body.

body cavity

which of the following are the best examples of homologous structures

bones in the bat wing and bones in the human forelimb

Pork Tapeworm is typically a non-fatal intestinal parasite of humans, the danger comes when we directly consume the eggs or proglottids (skipping the intermediate host: Pigs). The larva can then migrate to our ____ and form cysts, this can be painful and if untreated fatal.


Although not present in all bacteria, this cell covering often enables cells that possess it to resist the defenses of host organisms, especially their phagocytic cells.


in this image the endoskeleton of three groups: lobe-finned fish, early amphibians and primitive reptiles are shown. What connects the lib babes to the vertebrae in the early amphibians?


because of their adult symmetry which feature of complex animals is lacking in all echinoderms?

cephalization, they lack a true head or brain

the feeding ecology of animals is driven by the need to find prey items to consume, this has lead to many strategies in the animal kingdom. Which of these is not an animal strategie?

chemosynthesizing methane into usable sugars

In terms of food capture, which sponge cell is most similar to the cnidocyte of a cnidarian?


the only diploblastic phyla is the ___


organisms with a solid blastocoel filled with mesoderm surrounding the coelom are ____, like the chordates


some researchers claim that sponge genomes have homeotic genes (genes that regulate development of anatomical structures) but no Hox genes (genes that regulate development of posterior-anteriooo axes and body segments) If true, this finding would

confirm the identity of sponges as basal animals

the arthropoda share a set of characteristics including a. ecdysis b. hard cuticle c.tagmitization d.all of these are characteristics

d. all of these are characteristics of arthropoda

sea urchins are ____ and achieve fertilization through____

dioecious, spawning

Sea urchins are _________ and achieve fertilization through _________.

dioecious; spawning

in this image (skeletons) the endoskeleton of three groups, showing the gradual progression from fish to early tetrapods. Which taxa los shown in the middle?

early amphibians

The layer that forms from the outer layer of cells. It gives rise to the skin and nervous system.


Embryonic Germ Layers in order

ectoderm Mesoderm endoderm

The layer is made of cells that form the tube-like structure in the gastrula. These cells will form the lining of the gut, and the major organs are derived from it.


Turbellarian flatworms have a light-sensitive organs called ___


early in development, the pharyngeal slits primary role was in ___, they acted as a filter collecting materials and nutrients


how ca frog cells be both sexually and naturally selected for?

females choose the best calling males, but some predators can find these males easier

gametes combine in sexual reproduction in the ____ step, which creates a _____

fertilization, zygote

most of bilvalvia are obligate ____, relying on muscular siphons to create water flow to attract and trap prey items

filter feeders

sponges are most accurately described as ___

filter feeders

Based on the trees above, which is true?

fish are equally related to frogs, lizards, chimps and humans

1. CAM plants keep stomata closed in daytime, thus reducing loss of water. They can do this because they

fix CO2 into organic acids during the night when temperatures are cooler.

The members of the opisthokont clade all share a single ___. This may be present in all life stages or just a few stages


in the insects and crustaceans most mechanical grinding and breakdown of food particles occur in the___


which of the following steps has not yet been accomplished by scientists studying the origin of life?

formation of protocols that use DNA to direct the polymerization of amino acids

which of the following functions as both a mouth and an anus in members of the phylum cnidaria?

gastrovascular activity

the inner digestive cavity of all Cnidarians is called a ___

gastrovascular cavity (GVC)

scientists have identified two major branches of prokaryotic evolution. What was the basis for dividing prokaryotes into two domains

genetic characteristics such as ribosomal RNA sequences

which statement about the domain archaea is true?

genetic prospecting has recently revealed that existence of many unknown archaean species

in the modern jawed fishes the _____ have became the jaws and have added ____ to aid in capturing pray

gill arches, teeth

Plants try to maximize ______, by decreasing energy needed for vs. energy created by photosynthesis

growth potential

which of the following traits is not a main characteristic of ALL animals

haploid-dominant life cycle with larva

Gymnosperms differ from both extinct and extant (living) ferns because they

have pollen

the last common ancestor of all animals was probably a(n)

heterotrophic protists

mammals have incredibly diverse reproductive structures and complex integration of the nervous and reproductive system. What compounds are most responsible for coordinating these processes?


Evidence indicates that an ancestral finch species from South America arrived on the Galapágos Islands and formed many new species, adapting to the diverse environments on the islands. With the evolution of these new bird species on the Galapágos Islands, we would expect to find a corresponding

increase in the number of bird parasites on the Galapágos Islands

mitotic activity by the apical meristem of a root makes which of the following more possible

increased absorption of mineral nutrients

why are insects so diverse?

insects are just the right size, coevolved with flowering plats and can fly

although most animals are bilaterally symmetrical, a few exhibit radial symmetry. What is an advantage of radial symmetry?

it allows the animal to gather food from all sides

if a plant is infected with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, what is the most probable effect on the plant?

it will likely grow faster than an uninfected plant

The scale of reptiles is composed primarily of: ____.


1. When constructing a phylogenetic tree, parsimony dictates that the tree should represent the ___ changes in character state.


1. Modified ____ (insect mouthparts) allowed for the Butterflies, Moths and Flies to feed on nectar and other nutrient rich, liquid foods, without having to chew or bite.


Modified _______ (insect mouthparts) allowed for the butterflies, moths, and flies to feed on nectar and other nutrient rich, liquid foods, without having to chew or bite.


The layer that forms between the ectoderm and endoderm. It becomes the muscles, connective tissues, skeleton, kidneys, circulatory and reproductive organs


cnidarians have two tissue layers and a variable layer of ____ separating them


the hard cuticle of arthropods is composed _____ and must be shed to allow for growth

mineralized chitin

during development, animals grow from a single diploid zygote into many cells during _____


the internal fertilization of arachnids required the development of a specialized structure. The solution is

modification of first pair of legs into pedipalps for sperm transfer (male black widows also offer themselves up as a nuptial gift)

over time, new forms of life have risen by

modifications of existing structures or existing developmental genes

unlike animals which grow in a coordinated manner, plants add new growth to old growth, also known as ____ growth. This is helpful when aging a plant


according to the evidence collected so far, the animal kingdom is ____


The three clades of mammals are

monotremes, marsupials, placentals

In protostomes the _____ forms from the blastopore.


in cnidaria, the hydrostatic skeleton, can move the anemones along the bottom of the ocean, this happens when:

muscles constructs and change shape of fluid filled compartment

1. An elementary school science teacher decided to liven up the classroom with a saltwater aquarium. Knowing that saltwater aquaria can be quite a hassle, the teacher proceeded stepwise. First, the teacher conditioned the water. Next, the teacher decided to stock the tank with various marine invertebrates, including a sea star, a sponge, a sea urchin, a jellyfish, several hermit crabs, some sand dollars, and an ectoproct. Last, she added some vertebrates-a parrotfish and a clownfish. She arranged for daily feedings of copepods and feeder fish. One day, Tommy (a student in an undersupervised class of 40 fifth graders) got the urge to pet Nemo (the clownfish), who was swimming among the waving petals of a pretty underwater "flower" that had a big hole in the midst of the petals. Tommy giggled upon finding that these petals felt sticky. A few hours later, Tommy was in the nurse's office with nausea and cramps. Microscopic examination of his fingers would probably have revealed the presence of _____


the unique feature of a cnidarian nervous system is

nerve impulses are transmitted in both directions across a network of nerves

tunicate larva have very rudimentary eyespots, the adult sea squirts have ____

no eyes

On early Earth, more than 4 billion years ago, environmental conditions were very different from those today because

on early Earth was intensely bombarded by large rocks and ice from space

which of the following is not a true statement comparing comparing exoskeletons and endoskeletons?

only endoskeletons can grow as an organism grows

1. Some green algae exhibit alternation of generations. All land plants exhibit alternation of generations. No charophytes exhibit alternation of generations. Keeping in mind the recent evidence from molecular systematics, the correct interpretation of these observations is that

plants evolved alternation of generations independently of green algae.

which regions did mammals colonize that the other taxa tend to avoid (or at least spend half of the year there?)

polar or arctic regions

this figure shows (map) the global distribution of reptiles, where are the reptiles least successful?

polar regions

which part of the angiosperm gametes are competing once they get to the stigma?

pollen tubes

A ______ animal has a body cavity (called a ______) located between endoderm and mesoderm.

pseudocoelomate, pseudocoelom

why are these female whiptail lizards grasping and holding onto another female? both lizards are morphologically and genetically female

pseudocopulation stimulates the hormones needed to release the diploid egg

Deuterostomes have ______ cleavage

radial and indeterminate

The body parts of a _____ animal are arranged around a central axis so that each part extends from the center.

radially symmetrical

The tongue-like, rasping organ in the head of many molluscs is the _____________.


when ray-finned fishes invaded the freshwater ecosystems, this presented a new challenge, watersheds can act as reproductive isolating barriers. This has led to ______ within the freshwater fishes of the world.

rapid diversification and speciation

in this image what color is the Notochord?


Which of these is not a major clade of Echinoderms?

sea flowers

which of these morphological traits is unique to mammals?

secondary palate in the mouth

based on this image (4 different colored birds) these male birds are displaying bright plumage colors due to?

sexual selection, females prefer showy, gaudy males

which of these components of reduction is under the greatest pressure from natural selection

sperm competition

The ____ are supportive, calcareous or siliceous in the body wall of many sponges. They are sharp and should deter predation (except for sea turtles who don't care)


the ___ are supportive, calcareous or siliceous structures in the body wall of many sponges. they are sharp and should detect predation (except for Sea Turtles, who just don't care)


Protostomes undergo ________ cleavage patterns.

spiral and determinate

based on this figure which cleavage pattern leads to the most diversity in gut type?

spiral cleavage

The cephalopod nervous system is best described as

the most advanced among molluscs

the cephalopod nervous system is best described as

the most advanced among mollusk

which of the following statements correctly describes the most probable fate of a newly emerging virus that causes high mortality in its hosts

the newly emerging virus will die out rather quickly or will mutate to be far less lethal

Sponges are said to lack truetissues because

their cells can change fromone type to another

the original role of feathers was?


which of the following is true of members of the phylum cnidaria?

they coordinate movements thorough a non centralized nerve set

sponge cells can reaggregate, which means is great for sponge harvesters and the sponge itself but means the sponges lack true ___


the most ancient branch point in animal phylogeny is that between having

true tissues and no tissues

the traditional view of cnidarians relative to germ layers in that cnidaria possesses

two germ layers, ectoderm and endoderm

1. We need new (novel) _____ because of rapid evolution within the target viral genome.


the eggs of amphibians are typically deposited in the _____ where they grow and develop into a tailed ___

water, tadpole

the brach of biology that studies animals is:


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