Bio 2 lecture exam 1, Bio Lecture Quiz 2, Bio Lecture Exam 2 Craddock, BIO Quiz 3 Craddock 2, BIO 2 EXAM 3, BIOL 1120: Quiz 4 - Craddock, Quiz 1 Bio 2

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Long physical isolation and different selective pressures result in ?

Allopatric speciation

______, the phylum of animals to which humans belong, is characterized by possession at some time in their life cycle of a notochord, dorsal tubular nerve cord, pharyngeal gill slits, and a muscular post-anal tail.


Whose major contribution was the biological species concept?

Ernst Mayr

The ______ gives rise to muscles, bones, and the circulatory system.


The Irish potato famine of the 19th century was precipitated by an oomycete in the genus ? which causes late blight of potato.


Allopolyploidy is an important mechanism of sympatric speciation in ?


An animal found in the rocky intertidal zone has eight overlapping plates and is tightly adhering to the rock with a muscular foot. This animal is most likely a member of the class:


Which of the following is not a characteristic of arthropods?


Amoebas move and obtain food by means of ?


Retroviruses, such as HIV, use reverse transcriptase to transcribe their ? genome to synthesize a ? intermediate


According to Solomon el al, the monophyletic supergroup "Archaeplastids" includes ?

Red algae, green algae, and plants

Class _____ includes turtles, snakes, lizards, and alligators, and by some definitions, birds.


According to EO Wilson, The Diversity of Life, the "Fundamental Unit" of the taxonomic hierarchy in biology is the ?


Whose major contribution was the structure of DNA?

Watson and Crick

The mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period was likely the result of ?

a dramatic change in climate

Which of the following is not an animal adaptation to terrestrial living?

ability to maintain location

It occurred to Darwin that in the struggle for existence inherited variations favorable to survival would tend to be preserved, while unfavorable ones would be eliminated. The result would be ?, an evolutionary modification that improves the chances of survival and reproductive success in a given environment.


In chapter 7 of EO Wilson's book, The Diversity of Life, ? is the term applied to the spread of ancestry into different niches

adaptive radiation

Which term indicates the evolution of many closely related species from one or a few ancestral species in a relatively short period of time?

adaptive radiation

Allele and genotype frequencies in populations may be changed by ?

all of the above

Related species have similar ?

all of the above

`According to the Hardy-Weinberg Principle, ?

alleles frequencies are not dependent on dominance or recessiveness, but remain essentially unchanged from generation to generation

Stomata ?

allow gas exchange for photosynthesis

Cellular slime molds feed as individual ? cells


The most diverse, successful, and familiar groups of plants today are ?


?? which compose a single phylum, dominate most terrestrial landscape and exhibit great diversity in both vegetative and reproductive structures


The head end of an animal is known as its:

anterior end

Hymenotpera is the third largest order of insects, comprising the ______

ants and wasps

The ______ belong to the insect order Hemiptera that includes the true bugs, cicadas, and leaf hoppers. They share a common arrangement of sucking mouthparts. A few hemipterans are haematophagic (often described as "parasites"), feeding on the blood of larger animals. These include bedbugs and the triatomine kissing bugs of the assassin bug family Reduviidae, which can transmit the dangerous Chagas disease. The first known hemipteran to feed in this way on vertebrates was the extinct assassin bug Triatoma dominicana found fossilized in amber and dating back to about twenty million years. Fecal pellets fossilized beside it show that it transmitted a disease-causing Trypanosoma and the amber included hairs of the likely host, a bat.

aphids and scale insects

Most protists are ?


Animals in phylum ?, which includes more than 80% of all known animals, are characterized by jointed appendages and an exoskeleton of chitin.


Collectively, all of the animals with an exoskeleton and paired, joined appendages are known as ?


Which animal is an example of a bivalve? a. octopus b. clam c. chiton d. snail e. squid

b. clam

As adults, _____ are the only sessile crustaceans whose external anatomy is completely different than its fellow crustaceans.


According to EO WIlson (Diversity of Life Ch 13), ? is our most valuable but least appreciated resource.


In Chapter 10 of The Diversity of Life, E.O. Wilson claims that ? has increased a thousand fold since the early days of the microbial mats, pulled along by evolutionary progress, measured in turn by the great steps that mark the passage of eons.

biological diversity

The ? concept is based on reproductive isolation.

biological species

During cleavage, the animal zygote is converted to a hollow ball of cells called a(n) ?


Which disease is caused by an exotoxin released by the gram-positive, endospore-forming bacteria, often because food was not heated sufficiently to kill the endospores?


Kelps are ? with multicellular bodies differentiated into blades, stripes, holdfasts, and gas-filled floats.

brown algae

Mosses and other ? lack vascular tissues and do not form true roots, stems, or leaves


The eubacterial ? includes peptidoglycan, a complex polymer that consists of two unusual types of sugar (amino sugars) linked with short polypeptides

cell wall

One major adaptive advantage of the lophotrochozoans is the development of a head region, otherwise known as _______.


Genetically speaking, humans are not very different from other primates. At the level of our DNA sequences, we are roughly 98% identical to gorillas and 99% identical to ________.


Which organelle evolved from the photosynthetic bacteria?


According to the endosymbiont theory ?

chloroplasts, mitochondria, and possibly other organelles originated from intimate relationships among prokaryotic organisms

Ciliates use ? for locomotion.


The surface of Paramecium is covered with thousands of short, hair-like ?


Geographic variation is genetic variation that exists among different populations within the same species. A ? is a gradual change in a species phenotype and genotype frequencies, as a result of an environmental gradient, for species with a continuous range over a large geographic area area.


Which of the seedless vascular plants most contributed to our present-day coal deposits?

club mosses

Radial symmetry is characteristic of _____.


Hyperion is the name of a ? (Sequoia sempervirens) in Northern California that was measured in 115.61 meters, which ranks it as the world's tallest known living tree.

coastal redwood

The main structural component of extra cellular matrix of the animal cell is ?


What is the main structural component of an animals cell's extracellular matrix?


The picture with a tentacular sheath, comb row, tentacle, and mouth is a ?

comb jelly

most insects undergo _____ with 4 distinct stages of life

complete metamorphisis

to which phylum does P. menziesii belong?

cooniferophyta-the conifers

A nauplius larva (free swimming first stage of larva of certain species with an unsegmented body body with 3 pairs of appendages and a single median eye) is characteristic of ?


A nauplius larva is characteristic of ________.


The airtight, waterproof, waxy layer that covers aerial parts of plants in the ?


Living stromatolites in Western Australia consist of mats (microbial biofilms) of ? (photosynthetic prokaryotes) minerals such as calcium carbonate


odonata is an order of carnivorus insects encompassing the ______

damseflies and dragonflies

In Chapter 11 of the Diversity of Life, E.O. Wilson talks about the life and ? of species


Which of the following is a symptom of a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE)?

degeneration of the brain and central nervous system

Indeterminate cleavage takes place in _____ and is characterized by a pattern of development where the ultimate fate of each cell is _______.

deuterostomes; not fixed until late in the developmental process

Which alga group contains individuals that are typically unicellular and form siliceous shells?


Which group of heterokonts contain individual s that are typically unicellular and form siliceous shells? They are especially important in oceans, where they are estimated to contribute up to 45% of the total oceanic primary production of organic material.


Members of which groups are known to form blooms known as red tides?


Most animals are ? organisms that reproduce sexually


Most animals are ? that reproduce sexually


in flowering plants, the ? generation is dominant

diploid sporophyte

In population genetics, ? is a mode of natural selection in which an extreme phenotype is favored over other phenotypes, causing the allele frequency to shift over time towards that phenotype.

directional selection

The germ layers that gives rise to the outer covering of the animal body and to the nervous system is the ?


After fertilization occurs in plants, the fertilized egg develops into multi-cellular ? within the archegonium


Closely elated genera may be grouped together in a single ?


The hominoid genus Pongo includes which animals?


xylem and phloem make up the ? of a pant

vascular tissues

As a part of our cultural evolution, evidence shows that humans began to cultivate crops (the origins of agriculture) approximately _______ years ago.


In a diploid species, each individual posses ?

2 alleles for each locus

This is conjugation in paramecium. What is the outcome of the process illustrated in the accompanying figure?

2 new genetically identical cells that differ genetically from what they were before

? Is the evolutionary diversification of many relates species from one or a few ancestral species in a relatively short period.

Adaptive radiation

The Hawaiian silverswords are an excellent example of which evolutionary process?

Adaptive radiation

Related species have similar ?

All of the above

Modern ______ are classified in three orders: Order Urodela ("visible tail") includes the salamanders, mudpuppies and newts; Order Anura ("no tail") is made up of the frogs and toads; and Order Apoda ("no feet") contains the wormlike caecilians.


What group of animals is composed of segmented worms?


In 1977, Carl Woese and his coworkers overturned a universally held assumption about the basic structure of the tree of life. They showed that one group of microbes, the ? are distinct from bacteria as plants and animals.


Methanogens, anaerobic microorganisms that produce methane from simple carbon compounds, are currently classified as members of the ?


One true characteristic of all animals is that they:

Are heterotrophs

Based on interpretation of the fossil record, the immediate ancestors of the genus Homo probably belonged to which genus?


Which was the first bacterium to be clearly identified as the cause of an infectious disease?

Bacillus anthracis, which causes anthrax

Based on fundamental molecular differences, biologists now classify all organisms into 3 domains ?

Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya

? Include mushrooms, puffballs, bracket fungi, rusts, smuts, etc.


"The origin of ? Is therefore simply the evolution of some differences ...

Biological species

The ? Concept is based on reproductive isolation

Biological species

Animals in the phylum ?, also known as lampshells, superficially resemble clams. However, they differ from the bivalve mollusks in that their shells are dorsal and ventral, rather than lateral. Although there are only about 300 living species, over 12k fossil species are recognized, grouped into over 5,000 genera.


Animals in the phylum ______, also known as lampshells, superficially resemble clams. However, they differ from the bivalve mollusks in that their shells are dorsal and ventral, rather than lateral. Although there are only about 300 living species, over 12,000 fossil species are recognized, grouped into over 5,000 genera.


In Chapter 1 of the Diversity of Life, storm over the Amazon, EO Wilson describes a violent disturbance in the ? that leads to the renewal of life and illustrates its resilience in the face of destruction.

Brazilian Rainforest

In chapter 1 of the Diversity of Life, Storm over the amazon, EO Wilson described a violent disturbance in the ? which leads to a renewal of life, and illustrates its resilience in the face of destruction

Brazilian rainforest

Who developed the binomial system of nomenclature?

Carolus Linnaeus

Flowering plants and mammals diversified and became dominant during the ?

Cenozoic era

Who major contribution was natural selection?

Charles Darwin

Plants probably descended from a group of green algae called ?


Arthropods with no antennae or mandibles, yet having four pairs of legs belong to the subphylum ?

Chelicerata (spiders, scorpions, and horseshoe crab)

Arthropods with no antennae or mandibles, yet having four pairs of legs belong to subphylum _____.

Chelicerata (spiders, scorpions, and horseshoe crabs)

Animals, fungi, and most bacteria are known as ?, because they obtain energy from chemicals (typically by redox reactions), and because they cannot fix carbon; they use organic molecules produced by other organisms as the building block from which they synthesize the carbon compounds they need.


DNA sequence analyses indicate the nearest living relatives to humans are ?


True fungi produce cell walls containing the polymer ?


Class ______ includes the living species of freshwater and saltwater cartilaginous fishes.


Geographic variation is genetic variation that exists among different populations within the same species. A ? Is a gradual change in a species' phenotype and genotypic frequencies, as a result of an environmental gradient, for species with a continuous range over a large geographic area.


Pseudotsuga menziesii is the biotanical name of the great Douglas-Fir tree of the Pacific Northwest. To which major group of plants does P. menziesii belong?


Most ciliates, such as Paramecium, are capable of a sexual process called ? in which two individuals come together and exchange genetic material.


Phylum ? consists of comb jellies: fragile, biradially symmetrical marine predators


Phylum______ consists of the comb jellies: fragile, bioluminescent, biradially symmetrical marine predators like the one Dr. Craddock had on his t-shirt.


? contain chlorophyll a and are the only prokaryotes like plants carry on the type of photosynthesis that general molecular Oxygen which fix carbon. Some species fix nitrogen


? contains a record of evolutionary change

DNA and protein

The genome of a virus consists of ?


Peter Grant and Rosemary Grant are probably best known for their work on ?

Darwin's Galapagos finches

?'s monumental book, The Origin of Species was published in 1859. ?'s book, Contributions to the theory of natural selection, was published in 1870 eight years after he returned from the Malay Archipelago

Darwin, Wallace

Changes in just a few genes that regulate ? Are often responsible for new anatomical features in a population.


You find a unicellular organism that forms lobe-like pseudopodia.When you expose the cells to cAMP, they aggregate into a slug like structure. Based on this information, you correctly conclude that this organisms is known as:

Dictyostelium discoideum (cellular slime mold)

An adult parasitic tapeworm must rely on the absorption of nutrients in its host's intestine because the tapeworm lacks a ?

Digestive system

Whose major contribution was conservation of biodiversity?

EO Wilson

All of the members of phylum ______ inhabit marine environments. The majority of species are extinct, (known only from fossil specimens) and living members are divided into six principle groups - the classes Asteroidea, Crinoidea, Echinoidea, Holothuroidea, Ophiuroidea, and the recently discovered Concentricycloidea.


According to Wilson, one important way of describing diversity if by level of biological organization. The organizational levels of importance to biological diversity are arrayed in this hierarchy ?

Ecosystem, Community, Guild, Species, Organism, Gene

Pre-zygotic barriers are isolating mechanisms that prevent ? From taking place.

Fertilization and hybridization

Evidence in the ? Record of long periods of stasis and few transitional forms during speciation is used to support the punctuated equilibrium model


? Describes random fluctuations in allele frequencies over time by chance.

Genetic drift

Temperate viruses do not always destroy their hosts. In a lysogenic cycle, the viral ? usually becomes integrated into the host bacterial ? and is then referred to as a provirus, or prophase.

Genome, DNA

The mold that produces penicillin is Penicillium notatum. Penicillum is the name of its ?


E.O. Wilson suggests that one key element of biodiversity studies will be microgeography, the mapping of the structure of the ecosystem in sufficiently fine detail to estimate the populations of individual species. A working technology already exists in the form of GIS, a collection of layers of data on topography, vegetation, soils, hydrology, and species distributions that are registered electronically to a common coordinate system. "GIS" means ______.

Geographic Information Systems

Whose major contribution was the basic principles of heredity?

Gregor Mendel

Seed plants include the ?

Gymnosperms and angiosperms

What is a basic difference between gymnosperms and flowering plants?

Gymnosperms produce seed borne naked, while flowering plants produce seeds enclosed within a fruit

Whose major contribution was genetic equilibrium?

Hardy and Weinberg

What regulatory gene group has been identified in all the bilateral animal groups, can thus provide insights about evolutionary relationships among bilateral animals?

Hox genes

An organism characterized as a photoautotroph obtains energy from ? And carbon from ?

Light, CO2

Whose major contribution was the endosymbiont theory?

Lynn Margulis

? Describes the evolutionary origin of species, on the broad scale, the relationships among the major groups of organisms.


Animals in the class _______ have hair, mammary glands and differentiated teeth.


Adaptive radiation is common following a period of mass extinction , probably because ?

Many adaptive zones are empty

_______ include pouched mammals, e.g. kangaroos and opossums.


? Is the term for evolution on the small scale, encompassing natural selection and progressive changes in allele or genotype frequencies


In contrast with other members of phylum ______, members of the class Cephalopoda are fast-swimming predatory animals.


Phylum ? includes clams, oysters, snails, slugs, and the largest invertebrates, the giant squid, which averages 9-16 meters (30-50 feet) in length


Phylum ________ includes clams, oysters, octopods, snails, slugs, and the largest of the invertebrates, the giant squid, which averages 9-16 meters in length.


A grasshopper belongs in the Ecdysozoa clade because of its ability to :


______, mammals that lay eggs, include the duck-billed platypus and spiny anteaters.


In chapter 3 of The Diversity of Life, the great extinctions,EO Wilson describes evidence in the ? Of catastrophically violent disturbances, some of which nearly extinguished all life on Earth.

More than one of the above

Whose major contribution was punctuated equilibrium?

Niles Eldredge and Gould

The common earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris, is a typical member of the annelid class ? These worms are all hermaphroditic. They lack parapodia amd have few bristles (setae) per segment


the common earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris, is a typical member of the annelid class ______. These worms are all hermaphroditic. THey lack parapodia and have few bristles per segment.


The major animal clades include ?

Parazoa, Radiata (Cnidarians and Ctenerophores), Lophotrochoza, Ecdysozoa, and Dueterostomia

The major animal clades include ?

Parazoa, Radiata, Deuterostomia

Some parasitic protists are important ? (disease-causing agents) of plants and animals.


Whose major contribution was Darwin's Galapagos finches?

Peter and Rosemary Grant

According to Ernst Mayr, a(n) ? Is a group of organisms with a common gene pool, capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.


Over time, enough changes may accumlate in geographically seperated populations to produce new ?


In ?, individuals near the mean are favored over those with phenotypic extremes.

Stabilizing selection

Whose major contribution was the chemical evolution?

Stanley Miller and Harold Urey

? is credited with the discovery of prions as a new biological principle of infection?

Stanley Prusiner

Whose major contribution was prions?

Stanley Prusiner

DNA sequence data indicate that the East African cichlid species within a single lake are more closely related to one another than to fishes in nearby lakes or rivers. These molecular data suggest that cichlid species evolved ?


The science of describing, naming, and classifying organisms is ?


(extra credit) The animal on Dr. Craddock's t-shirt belongs to the order ______.

Testudines (of which there are approximately 400 other species)

? was first proposed by former Boston University Biologist Lynn Margulis in the 1960s. Although now accepted as a well-supposed theory, both she and her theory were ridiculed by mainstream biologist for a number of years.

The endosymbiont theory

A pre-zygotic barrier prevents ?

The union of egg and sperm

Whose major contribution was the modern synthesis?

Theodosius Dobzhansky

Four of the following ideas are consistent with Darwinian evolution. Which is the exception?

Traits acquired during and individual's life are passed on to its offspring

Adult members of the more than 1,000 different species of the class Cestoda (tapeworms) live as parasites in the intestines of probably every kind of ?

Vertebrate, including humans

______ are distinguished from all other animals in having a vertebral column; anterior to this structure a(n) _______ encloses and protects the brain.

Vertebrates, cranium

A "dual organism" consisting of a photoautotroph and a fungus is called ?

a lichen

Gene transfer among bacteria takes place by three different mechanisms. In transduction ?

a phage carries bacterial genes from one bacterial cell into another

A fossil might be any of the following except ?

a whole living bacterium

Which type of organisms were likely the first land animals?


In ? reproduction, there is no meiosis and no fusion of gametes, so the offspring are all genetically identical to the single parent.


Which structures acts like a motor for the bacterial flagellum?

basal body

Alternation of generations in gene plants refers to the alternation of:

diploid and haploid stages

Reptiles lack metabolic mechanisms for regulating body temperature and their body temperature fluctuates with the environment's temperature. Thus, reptiles are ________.


The lining of the digestive tube is formed from:


Lynn Margulis is best known for her theory on the origin of eukaryotic organelles, and for her contributions to the ? which is now a generally accepted explanation for how certain organelles were formed. She showed that animals, plants, and fungi all originated from protists.

endosymbiotic theory

? is the accumulation of inherited changes within a population over time; it is the unifying concept of biology because it links all the fields ,of the life sciences into a unified body of knowledge


In chapter six, The Forces of Evolution, of E.O. Wilson's book The Diversity of Life, the author boldly states, "What understand best about ? is mostly genetic, and what we understand least is mostly ecological."


Cephalization ?

evolved along with bilateral symmetry

One problem associated with life on land is supporting the body against the pull of gravity in the absence of the buoyant effect of water. Arthropods and most mollusks have a tough ?, a supporting armor that covers the body.


The ? of arthropods serves as a point of attachment for muscles


The ____ of arthropods provides protection and serves as a point of attachment for muscles.


An estimated 99% of all animal species that ever inhabited our planet are ?


The permanent loss of a species that occurs when the last member of a species dies is known as ?


Closely related genera may be grouped together in a single ?


Birds, which comprise class Aves, are the only extant animals with _______.


Which of the following is a vascular plant?


Water molds (oomycetes) are heterokonts, organisms that have 2 different kinds of ?


Glomeromyctes ?

form arbuscular endomycorrhiaze with plant roots

Rhizobial bacteria ?

form mutualistic relationships with the roots of legumes and fix nitrogen

Gene transfer among bacteria takes place by 3 different mechanisms. In transformation ?

fragments of DNA (or RNA) released by a broken cell are taken in by another bacterial cell

In the angiosperms, ? are the mature, ripened ovaries, while the ? develop from the ovules

fruit, seeds

Mushrooms, molds, and yeasts are all classified in the kingdom ?


The slender filamentous cells of ? are called hyphae


The leafcutter ants are any of 47 species of leaf-chewing ants belonging the two genera Atta and Acromyrmex. These species of tropical ? -growing ants are all endemic to South and Central America, Mexico, and parts of the Southern US. Leafcutter ants can carry more than 5000 times their body weight and cut and process fresh vegetarian (leaves, flowers, and grasses) to serve as nutritional substrate from their underground ?


The ? is a set of all genes, or genetic information, in any population, usually of a particular species. This also proves to be the basic level at which evolution occurs

gene pool

The first step leading to allopatric speciation is ?

geographical isolation

the first step leading to allopatric speciation is ?

geographical isolation

In Chapter 5 of E.O. Wilson's book The Diversity of Life, the author asserts that, "Great biological diversity takes long stretches of ? and the accumulation of large reservoirs of unique genes

geologic time

The homoid genus Hylobates include which animals?


The five modern genera of hominoids include: ______.

gibbons, orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, humans

Which group of protists are unicellular, biflagellate stramenopiles that forms a significant portion of the nanoplankton?

golden algae

The flagellated spores of chytrids are called ?

gymnosperms and angiosperms

Animals are ? As consumers, they depend on producers for their raw materials and energy


The continued presence of the allele that causes sickle cell anemia in areas where Plasmodium falciparum malaria is prevalent demonstrates which of the following phenomena?

heterozygote advantage

Balanced polymorphism can be maintained by the combined actions of ?

heterozygote advantage and frequency-dependent selection

The continued presence of the allele that causes sickle cell anemia in areas where Plasmodium falciparum malaria is prevalent demonstrates which of the following phenomena?

heterozyote advantage

Structures that are similar in underlying form in different species due to common evolutionary origin are called ?


The wings of butterflies (flying insects) and bats (flying mammals) have similar functions but are quite different in structure. This is an example of ?

homologous (analogous) structures

Features that are similar in underlying form in different species because of a common evolutionary origin are called ?


The wings of butterflies (flying insects) and bats (flying mammals) have similar functions but are quite different in structure. These ? offer a good example of convergent (or parallel) evolution.

homoplastic (analogous) structures

What chelicerate has essentially remained unchanged for more than 350 million years?

horseshoe crab

The ? represent a group of chelicerate animals that have essentially remained unchanged for more than 350 million years

horseshoe crabs

According to EO wilson, earth has at last acquired a force that can break the crucible of biodiversity


The Holocene epoch marks the appearance of ?


The extinction of large mammals and flightless birds coincided closely with the arrival of ______ in North America, Madagascar, New Zealand, and Australia.


The hominid (or hominine) line consists of ______ and their ancestors.


The hominoid genus Homo includes which animals?


Which postzygotic barrier do mules illustrate?

hybrid sterility

The Portuguese man-of-war is a colony of hundreds to thousands of:


With more than 1,000,000 described species, class ? is the most successful group of animals on our planet in terms of diversity, geographic distribution, number of species, and number of individuals


According to the biological species concept, a species consists of one or two or more populations whose members do not ? with members of different species.


Malaria ?

is caused by the apicomplexan Plasmodium falciparum, that spends part of its life cycle in the mosquito

Krkatau, earlier misnamed Krakatoa, a(n) ? located midway in the Sunda Strait between Sumatra an Java, came to an end on Monday morning, august 27, 1883

island size of Manhatten

Krakatau, earlier misnamed Krakatoa, a(n) ? located midway in the Sunda Strait between Sumatra and Java, came to an end on Monday morning.

island the size of Manhattan

In Chapter 9 of the Diversity of Life, E.O. Wilson uses the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) as an example of a classic ? species; a small predator that prevents a particular herbivorous species from eliminating dominant plant species. Since the prey numbers are low, the ? predator numbers can be even lower and still be effective. Yet, without the predators, the herbivorous prey explode in numbers, wipe out the dominant plants, and dramatically alter the character of the ecosystem.


In chapter 9 of The Diversity of Life, EO Wilson uses the sea otter as an example of classic ?


A ? is an obligate symbiotic association b/w a photosynthetic autotroph (usually a green alga and/or a cyanobacterium and a fungus (usually an ascomycete)


A strengthening compound found in cell walls of vascular plants is ?


A strengthening compounded found in cell walls of woody vascular plants is ?


? conversion occurs when a bacterium carrying viral genes take on new, atypical characteristics.


The extinction of large mammals and flightless birds coincided closely with the arrival of ? in North America, Madagascar, New Zealand, Australia. (The diversity of life ch 12)


The 5 greatest ? occurred in the order, according to geological period and time before present .....MYA

mass extinctions

What do lare female ones of a pine tree contain?


Scyphozoans are the "true" jellyfish. In scyphozoans, the _____ is the dominant body form.


The ? gives rise to muscles, bones, and the circulatory system


Complete _______ may reduce competition among insects within the same species; larval forms do not compete with adults for food or habitats.


In contrast with other members of phylum ?, members of the class Cephalopoda are fast swimming predatory animals.


Trochophore larvae are characteristic of ?


A grasshopper belongs in the Ecdysozoa clade because of its ability to ?


Most conifers have separate male and female reproductive parts on the same tree. This condition is referred to as ?


A group of organisms that includes a recent common ancestor and all its descendants is ?


A taxon that includes all the descendants of an ancestor is called ?


The Lepidoptera is an order of insects that includes ______ (both called lepidopterans). More than 180,000 species of Lepidoptera are described, that's equal to about 10% of the total described species of living organisms. It is one of the most widespread and widely recognizable insect orders in the world. The term was coined by Linnaeus in 1735 and is derived from Ancient Greek.

moths and butterflies

Plasmodial slime molds feel as ? plasmodia


Mutualistic associations between fungi and the roots of plants are called ?


Mutualistic relationships b/w fungi and the roots of plants are called ?


Hyphae that contain two genetically distinct nuclei within each cell are dikaryotic, which is described as ? (b/c there are 2 separate haploid nuclei) rather than ? (which implies a single diploid nucleus)


Most animals have ? and muscle systems that enable them to respond rapidly to stimuli in their environment

nervous system

Most animals have ? and muscle systems that enable them to respond rapidly to stimuli in their environment.

nervous systems

? is variation that confers no no detectable selective advantage

neutral variation

In a coenocyte cell, multiple ? in a common cytoplasm control all cellular activities in a concerted effort


Which part of a flowering plant eventually becomes the fruit?


Which part of a flowering plant eventually becomes the seed?


Given the diversity in protest ultrastructure, biologists regard the protists as a ? group...


Microorganisms that cause disease are called ?


The oxygen produced during photosynthesis comes from ?

photosynthesis of H2O

Placental mammals are characterized by an organ of exchange, the ______, develops between the embryo and the mother.


The floating, often microscopic organisms that are the base of food webs in aquatic ecosystems are collectively called ?


? have cell walls with cellulose and characteristically obtain most of their energy from sunlight via photosynthesis using chlorophyll .....


? have cell walls with cellulose and characteristically obtain most of their energy from sunlight via photosynthesis using chlorophyll contained in chloroplast, which gives them their green color. However, some are parasitic...


In addition to their genomic DNA, most bacteria have a small amount of genetic information present as one or more ? small circular fragments of DNA


The immature male gametophyte of pine are called?

pollen grains

In gymnosperms and angiosperms, the transfer of immature male gametophytes from the male to the female reproductive structure is known as ?


One characteristic of class Bivalvia is that they _______.

possess two shells with a hinge

Mad Cow disease is an example of an infection caused by a ?


Stanley Prusiner won the noble prize for his work over mad cow disease. In his work, he coined the term ? in 1982 to refer to a previously undescribed form of infection due to protein misfolding


A ? in the Scrapie from (PrPSc) is an infectious agent composed of protein in a misfolded form. This is the central idea of the ? Hypothesis, which remains debated.

prion, Prion

Robert Koch ?

proposed a set of guidelines to demonstrate that a specific pathogen causes specific disease symptoms

Determinate cleavage takes place in _____ and is characterized by a pattern of development where the ultimate fate of each cell is _____.

protostomes; fixed early in the developmental process

Which of the following is an adaptation that enables cephalopods to escape from their predators?

rapidly changing colors

Phylogenetic trees (cladograms) show hypothesized evolutionary ?


The majority of heterotrophic bacteria are free-living ? that get their nourishment from dead organic matter


Which mollusk from the list below is an example of a bivalve?


The mature ? contains an embryonic sporophyte and a food supply (stored in the cotyledons or as endosperm), surrounded by a tough, protective coat.


Why might seeds be reproductively superior to spores?

seeds conatin a young plant and also are protected by a seed coat

What is Koch's postulates?

set of guidelines to demonstrate that specific pathogen causing disease symptoms

In animals, _____ reproduction involves meiosis and the formation of haploid gametes that fuse to form a fertilized egg, or diploid zygote.


in animals, ? reproduction involves meiosis(R!) and the formation of haploid gametes that fuse (R! and K!) to form a fertilized egg, or diploid zygote.


As an enclosed compartment (or series of compartments) of fluid under pressure, the coelom can serve as a hydrostatic ? that provides shape to the body of soft animals


Over time, enough changes may accumulate in geographically separated populations to produce new ?


all ? are placed in the phylum Porifera.


Like the gymnosperms and angiosperms, certain ferns and club mosses exhibit heterospory, a life cycle characterized by the production of two types of ?


Fungi reproduce by ?


Allele and genotype frequencies in populations may be changed ?

stabilizing selection

In ?, individuals near the mean are favored over those with phenotypic extremes

stabilizing selection

_____ are common names for members of the pthiapetera, parasites living on externally warm blooded hosts

sucking lice, chewing lice

Although many protists are free-living, others form stable ? associations with unrelated organisms. These associations range from mutualism, to commensalism, to parasitism


Which of the following evolutionary processes is associated with allopolyploid?

sympatric speciation

The scientific study of the diversity of organisms and the evolutionary relationships between them is referred to ?


Many reptilian characters are adaptations to ______ life.


Ernst Mayr's work contributed to the conceptual revolution that led to the modern evolutionary synthesis of Mendelian genetics, systematics, and Darwinian evolution, and to the development of ?

the biological species concept

Ernst Walter Mayr was one of the 20th century's leading evolutionary biologists. He was also a renowned taxonomists, tropical explorer, ornithologists, and historian of science, His work contributed to the conceptual revolution that led to the modern evolutionary synthesis of Mendelian genetics, systematics, and Darwinian evolution, and led to the development of ?

the biological species concept

In plant life cycles ?

the first stage in the diploid sporophyte generation in the zygote

A pre-zygotic barrier prevents ?

the union of egg and sperm

When a virus enters an animal cell by membrane fusion ?

the viral envelope fuses with the host plasma membrane

What do the brachipods, phoronids, and bryozoans have in common?

they all have a lophophore

The ? are specialized excavates that live in the guts of termites and wood-eating cockroaches. They ingest wood chips from the wood that termites or roaches eat and rely on endosymbiotic bacteria to digest cellulose in the woods. The insects ? and bacteria all obtain their nutrients from this source.


What structural component do ferns posses that whiskferns do not?

true roots

The marine chordate animals known as salps and sea squirts are also known as ______, which comprise the subphylum ______.

tunicates, Urochordata

In a diploid species, each individual possess ?

two alleles for each locus

In chapter 8, Wilson considers the Earth's biosphere to be largely ?


Adult members of the more than 1000 different species of the class Cestoda (tapeworms) live as parasites in the intestines of probably every kind of ______.

vertebrate, including humans

An organ that appears to have little or no function, and is smaller than a similar, fully functional equivalent in the organism's ancestors or relatives known as a(n) ?

vestigial organ

A ? is a tiny, infectious particle consisting of nucleic acid core (its genetic material) surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid


Bacteriophages are ? that infect ?

viruses, bacteria

Trilobites ?

were early arthropods

The evolution of animals ?

will be better understood as biologists will continue to collect molecular and other types of data

In seed plants, the ? conducts water upwards from the roots to the leaves


The flagellated spores of chytrids and oomycetes are called ?


Coral bleaching is the stress-induced loss of the colorful ? from the cells of coral animals.


Most dinoflagellates are a part of marine plankton. The ? are endosymbiotic, photosynthetic dinoflagellates found in certain marine intvertebrates; their mutualistic relationship with corals enhances the coral's reef-building ability.


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