BIO 211 Test #4

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In glycolysis each molecule of glucose that is metabolized releases enough energy to form____molecules of ATP


In the process of cellular respiration, each molecule of glucose that is metabolized yeilds enough energy to form ____ molecules of ATP


In order for glycolyis to occur _____ must be present


_____ are pointed teeth that are adapted for tearing and shredding


Peyer's patches are characteristic of the


Carbohydrate digestion begins in the


The ____ of the mitochondrion contains large diameter pores that are permeable to ions and small organic molecules such as pyruvic acid

Outer membrane

Disease that causes the gastric mucosa to atrophy would result in significantly less secretion by the gastric a result of this condition you would expect

Pernicious anemia- lack of B12

Each of the following organs is a component of the GI tract except...Spleen, Stomach, Esophagus, Colon, Pharynx


The carbon dioxide of respiration is formed during

The TCA cycle

the most important chemical regulator of respiration is

carbon dioxide

most of the CO2 in the blood is transported as

carbonic acid


carry products of digestion that will not pass through the walls of blood capillaries

The saclike structure that joins the ileum at the ileocecal valve is the


Blocking afferent action potentials from the chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies would interfere wit the brain's ability to regulate breathing in response to

changes in the pH due to carbon dioxide levels

digestion refers to

chemical breakdown of food

A ______ acts as an intermediary that accepts electrons from one molecule and transfers them to another


The fusion of the hepatic duct and the cystic duct firms the

common bile duct

The duodenal ampulla is formed by the fusion of the

common bile duct and the pancreatic duct

the following statement is false about secretions of salivary glands

contain enzymes for the digestion of simple sugars

CO2 is more soluble in H2O than O2 is. To get the same amount of O2 to dissolve in plasma as CO2, you would have to

decrease the partial pressure of oxygen

with aging pulmonary ventilation


The absorption of some electrolytes in the small intestine involves


The funtions of the oral cavity include the following except...

digestion of cholesterol fats

the crown of the tooth os covered by


The intestinal phase of gastric secretion does not

end when fat enters the small intestine

The gastric phase of gastric secretion is triggered by the

entry of food into the stomach

All of the followong contain goblet cells except...stomach, esophagus, small intestine, transverse colon, large intestine


Haustra are

external pouches of the colon

decreased levels of bile salts in the bile would interfere with digestion of


a modification of the digestive epithelium that allows for expansion of the organ is the presence of

folds and pleats

The bulge of the greater curvature of the stomach superior to the esophageal junction is the


An intestinal hormone that stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreatic islet cells is

gastric inhibitory peptide GIP

Enteroendocrine cells of the stomach secrete


The hormone that stimulates the sercretion of the stomach and the contraction of the stomach walls is


parietal cells secrete

hydrochloric acid

A drug that blocks the action of carbonic anhydrase in parietal cells would result in

a lower pH during gastric digestion

during glycolysis

a molecule of glucose is converted into two molecules of pyruvic acid

the myenteric plexus is

a network of neurons

The following is not a function of the stomach

absorption of dipeptides

The enzyme enterokinase

activates protein-digesting enzymes

The ost striking aspect of the intestinal histology is the

adaptations for increasing absorptive area

Prolonged inspirations can result from stimulating the ____ center


The normal rate & depth of breathing is established by the

apneustic center

The small finger like structures attached to the postmedial surface of the cecum is the


enterogastirc reflexes

are solely neural

The TCA Cycle

begins with the formation of a molecule of citirc acid

In response to the arrival of acid chyme in the duodenum the

blood levels of sercretin rise

Most of the oxygen transported by the blood is

bound to hemoglobin

sympathetic stimulation to the smooth muscle tissue layer in the bronchioles causes


Sensory nerve cells, parasympathetic ganglia, and sympathetic postganglionic fibers can be found in the


contraction of the ____ alters the shape of the intestinallumen and moves the epithelial pleats and folds

muscularis mucosa

sandwiched between the layer of circular and longitudinal muscle in the muscularis externa is the

myenteric plexus

In the electron transport chain

oxidized molecules gain energy a the expense of reduced molecules

accessory organ of digestion


The exocrine portion of the pancreas is composed of

pancreatic acini

increased secretion by all the salivary glands results from

parasympathetic stimulation

which salivary gland produces a serous secretion containing large amount of salivary amylase


Functions of the tongue include the following except...

partitioning off the oral pharynx from the nasal pharynx

Chief cells secrete


Waves of muscularis contractions that propel contents through the GI tract is


gastric pits are

pockets in the lining of the stomach that contain secretory cells

The Hering-Breuer reflex

protects the lungs from damage due to over inflation

The enzyme pepsin digests


The apneustic center of the pons

provide continuous stimulation to the inspiratory center

The curved tubular portion of the J shaped stomach is the


The function of the citric acid cycle is to

remove hydrogen atoms from organic molecules and transfer them to coenzymes

a proteinase that is produced in the stomachs of newborns that functions in the digestion of milk protein is


n response to the hormone CCK, the pancreas secretes a fluid

rich in enzymes

The prominent ridges in the lining o the stomach are called


An intestinal hormone that stimulates the pancreas to release a watery secretion that is high in bicarbonate ion is


Which of the following contains a serosa lining

small intestine

as individuals age

smooth muscle tone in the intestine decreases

Each of the following is a funtion of the liver except...antibody production

synthesis and secretion of bile, inactivation of toxins, storgae of glycogen and lipid reserves, synthesis of plasma proteins

Reaction within ____ provide most of the energy needed by a typical cell

the mitochondria


the sum of all the biochemical processes going on in the human body a any given time

During the cephalic phase of gastric secretion

there is an increased flow of action potentials along the vagus nerve to the stomach

The taenia coli are

three longitudinal bands of muscle located beneath the serosa of the colon

Cells synthesize new organic components for which of the following reasons

to prduc secretions, to preform structural maint., growth & repair

Plicae circulares are

transverse folds in the mucosa and submucosa of the small intestine

An enzyme taht will digest proteins into polypeptides is


The percentage of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin is greatest

when the DPG level is low

The percentage of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin is greatest

when the temperature is 37degrees centigrade

An intestinal hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile


A blockage of the opening in the duodenal papilla would do all of the following except...

increase emulsification of fats


increase in the Pco2

A 10% increase in the level of CO2 in the blood will

increase the rate of breathing

Plicae and intestinal vili

increase the surface area of the mucosa of the small intestine

A drug that depresses the activity of the pneumotaxic center would result in

increased tidal volume

A blockage of the ducts from the parotid glands would

interfere with carbohydrate digestion in the mouth

A molecule that blocks the activity of carbonic anhydrase would

interfere with oxygen binding to hemoglobin

Most products fo fat digestion are absorbed by the

interstitial fluid

An intestinal hormone that stimulates parietal and chief cells in the stomach to secrete is

intestinal gastrin

Absorptive effectiveness of the small intestine is enhanced by all the following except....intestinal movements, the vili, it's reduced length, the microvili, the plicae circulares

it's reduced length

This organ is responsible for primary water absorption

large intestine

alteration on pH is an example of

local stimulation

The gastroileal reflex

makes room for more intestinal contents by moving some chyme to the colon

powerful peristaltic contractions that occur a few times each day in the colon are called

mass movements

The _____ are double sheets of perotineal membrane that hold some of the visceral organs in their proper position


The pneumotaxic center of the pons

modifies the rate and depth of breathing

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