Bio Exam 2 Chapters 5,6,7

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visceral (inner)

Direct contact with Organ

synovial membrane

The lining of a joint that secretes synovial fluid into the joint space.

cutaneous membrane

The skin; composed of epidermal and dermal layers

intercalated discs

Then between adjacent cardiac muscle cells

stratified epithelium

Tissue with Cell in layers

Pseudostratified epithelium

Tissue with cells that appear to be in layers, but are not

squamous epithelium

Tissue with flattened or scale like cells

Where are groups or layers of similar cells specialized take carry on a particular function:


function of goblet cell is?

To secrete a protective fluid called mucus


Transports substances and helps maintain a stable environment

Nervous tissues

Conduct impulses and help control and coordinate body activities

The glands that secrete watery fluid and are commonly associated with membranes of the abdominopelvic and thoracic cavities are the ——— glands. The glands, along with the goblet cells, that play a protective role in the digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems are the _______ glands.

A.. serous; mucous B. Viscous; serous C. Mucous; serous D. Mixed; viscous

The type of Epithelium that consists of several layers of cells is _____ epithelium. A- Simple B- Stratified C-Psuedostratified D- Transitional


Match the tissue type with its description Epithelial Connective Muscle Nervous A-Able to contract in response to specific stimuli B- Lacks blood vessels; readily divides; cells are tightly packed C-The most abundant type of tissue; cells are far apart D-Cells communicate with each other and other body parts


The basement membrane is found where

Between epithelium and underlying connective tissue

Indicate which of the following are functions of keratinized epithelium in the epidermis of the skin

Body defense against microorganisms, body defense against chemicals, to prevent water loss


Bone cell

simple columnar epithelium found in the uterine tubes is ____, whereas the simple columnar epithelium found in the uterus and portions of the digestive tract, including the stomach and the small and large intestines is _____.

Ciliated; non-ciliated

Exocrine gland's

Classified according to the ways these glands secrete their products

Tissues definition

Collection of cells that perform a specific function four types- epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous

The cells at the surface and a stratified Columnar epithelium are _____, where is the basal layers consist of ______cells.

Columnar; cuboidal

stratified epithelium

Composed of two or more layers of cells

simple squamous epithelium

Consist of a single layer of tightly packed flattened cells. One layer Protected areas Very fragile Found where diffusion occurs (alveoli, capillary walls)

location of epithelial tissue

Covers body surface, cover and one internal organs, compose glands

Tissue called ____ tissue forms protective coverings and functions in secretion and absorption. Tissue called ___ tissue supports soft body parts and binds structures together. A- connective; epithelial B- connective; muscle C- muscle; nervous D- epithelial; connective


Match the type of epithelial tissue with its corresponding location 1. Simple columnar epithelium 2. Transitional epithelium 3. Simple squamous epithelium 4. Psuedostratified columnar epithelium 5. Simple cubodial epithelium A. Respiratory passages B. Lining of urinary bladder C. Lining of Kidney tubules D. Lining of intestines E. Air sacs of lungs


Of the four major classes of tissue name the class of tissue that covers all free body surfaces forms the inner lining of body cavities lines hollow organs and is the major tissue forming glands.


This type of tissue found covering the body or lining organs is ______tissues, while _____ tissues is widely distributed throughout the body.

Epithelial; connective

The only major tissues that lacks blood vessel is______tissue. The only tissue type to contract and produce force is _____ tissue.

Epithelial; muscle

cilia location

Extend from the free surfaces of the cells and move constantly



Endocrine glands

Glands that secrete their products in the tissue fluid or blood

Lumen definition

Hollow part of a tubular structures such as a blood vessel or intestine

What are the three categories of exocrine glands base on the way the glands secrete their products

Holocrine, merocrine, apocrine

The stratosphere squamous epithelium of the skin is classified as_____, where is the lining of the mouth is classified as_____.

Keratinized; non keratinized


Large phagocyte cell

Parietal (outer membrane)

Lines body cavity


Lines joints produce, synovial fluids

Where can simple squamous epithelium tissue be found

Lining of air sacs (alveoli)

What is the role of cilia and the simple columnar epithelium?

Moving substances across the free surface

The bone matrix contains cells called _____ and the matrix is organized as concentric _____ around ______.

Osteocytes; lamellae; central canals

cutaneous (skin)

Outside membrane

Muscle tissues

Produce body movements



Mucus cells and goblet cells

Secretes mucus, but in different parts of the body

The two main parameters used to classify epithelial tissues are the _____ of sales and the number of _____ of cells

Shape; layers

Any epithelial tissue containing one single layer of cells would be classified as ____ epithelial tissue.


What tissue functions in protection secretion and absorption?

Simple columnar epithelium

Which tissues found in the kidney tubules covering of the ovaries and ducts of certain glands?

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Match the epithelial cell shape with the term Flattened ——-> Thick, squarish ——-> Elongated——->

Squamous Cuboidal Columnar

If an epithelial tissue had many layers of cells, with the bottom layer being cuboid shaped and the top layer being flat, what would the tissue be called?

Stratified squamous epithelium

connective tissue

Supports soft body parts and binds structures together

Basement membrane

Underside of epithelial tissue is anchored to connective tissue by then and nonliving layer called the basement membrane

Three types of connective tissue fibers?

collagen fibers, elastic fibers, and reticular fibers

simple epithelium

composed of a single layer of cells

location of muscle tissue

attached to bones, in the walls of hollow internal organs, heart





osseous tissue

bone tissue

Nervous tissue location

brain, spinal cord, nerves




cells that support neurons; part of nervous tissue

simple cuboidal epithelium

cube shaped cells that covers the ovaries and lines most of the kidney tubules and the ducts of certain glands. • free surface faces the hollow channel or lumen





serous membrane

line body cavities that do not open to the outside of the body. Contains a layer of simple squamous epithelium

mucous membrane

line cavities and tubes that open to the outside of the body, including the oral and nasal cavities and the tubes of the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems


protects, insulates, stores fat

what are two types of bone tissue?

spongy and compact


supports, protects, absorbs shock

hayline cartilage

supports, protects, provides framework in ends of bones, nose and rings in the walls of repiratory passages


the constriction of blood vessels, which increases blood pressure.


the dilatation of blood vessels, which decreases blood pressure.

epithelial tissue

tissue that covers all free body surfaces and lines organs, functions in secretion and absorption. Lack blood vessels and are classified according to cell shape and number of cell layers



Location of connective tissue

widely distributed throughout the body

apocrine glands

• Cellular product and portions of the free end of glandular cells pinch off during secretion • example: mammary glands, ceruminous gland lining the external ear canal

holocrine glands

• disintegrated entire sells filled with secretory products •Example sebaceous glands of the skin

transitional epithelium

• primarily found in urinary bladder •Changes shape Due to increased tension

merocrine glands

•A fluid product release to the cell membrane by Exocytosis • example salivary glands, pancreatic glands, sweat glands of the skin

Pseudostratified Collamer epithelial

•Appears to be layered or stratified but are not • all cells attached basement membrane • commonly have cilia which extends from the free services • goblet cells scattered throughout this tissue secrete mucus which the cilia sweep away

glandular epithelium

•Composed of cells specialized to produce and secrete substances into ducts or into body fluids •Found within Columnar or cuboidal epithelium and one or more of the cells constitute a gland

stratified cuboidal epithelium

•Consist of two or three layers of Cubodial cells that form the learning of a lumen •Lines the ducks on the mammary glands, sweat gland, salivary glands and pancreas

simple columnar epithelium

•Distinguished by being taller than they are wide •composer of single layer •elongated nuclei • ciliated or non-ciliated •Microvilli increase surface area small intestine

serous cells

•Lining areas that don't open to outside •example lines organs

stratified columnar epithelium

•single layer of elongated cells • has several layers of cells •Found in part of the male urethra and learning the larger ducts of glands

stratified squamous epithelium

•tissue relatively thick • multiple layers • named for the shape of their top layer of cells • lines the oral cavity, esophagus,vagina and anal cavity • in these parts the tissue is not keratinized; it stays soft and moist •the cells and it's free surfaces remain alive

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