BIO Exam 5

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Know the general pattern for Evolution of life on Earth e.g. what came first?

Changes in species or population over time. Convergent evolution occurs when dissimilar species gradually become more similar. ... Divergent evolution occurs when closely related species gradually become very different. This most familiar form of evolution occurs when species compete with each other for resources.

Know what reproductive success and "fitness" mean in term of natural selection and evolution.

Convergent evolution occurs when dissimilar species gradually become more similar. ... Divergent evolution occurs when closely related species gradually become very different. This most familiar form of evolution occurs when species compete with each other for resources

Know what Biogeography means.

Distribution of life on the planet. Changes can form new species. Simmilar enviroments in SA and Europe had animals with similar apperiences as they adapt.

Know what scientific evidence support the theory of EVOLUTION.

Evelution is considered a theory. Some evedence is a fossil record, comparative anatomy, embryonic development, and genetic material.

Know that evolution occurs in populations.

Evelutons occurs in almost every aspect of the biological sciences may be explained by the evolutionary processes. Study of systemics is an area of bio that studies the evolutionary relationships of organisms.

Know that the influenza virus H1N1 and its relation to the 1918 "Spanish flu" pandemic.

H1N1 and the Flu is a variant of the Spanish flu. This is through the antigenic shift with a rapid change in the virus.

Know what homologous structures are and how that differs from analogous structures and examples.

Homo: Structures that are simmalar because they inhareted a common ancestor. suthc as a limb on a bat, mouse, and whale. Anal: Structures taht serve the same function, and often appear the same. Wings ofa bird, bat, and insect.

Know the major difference between lytic and lysogenic viral life cycles.

In lytic cycle, viral reproduction begins almost immediately after the virus enters the host cell. In the Lysogenic cycle, reproduction is delayed and the viral DNA integrates into the host cell genome.

Know how natural selection was identified as a major mechanism of evolution by Darwin and what is required for natural selection to happen.

Individuals vary in their traits, They struggle to exist, differ in their fitness, and adapted to their environment. Reproduction, heredity, variation in fitness, and variation in individual.

Know the spike proteins for Influenzas and SARS-CoV2

Influenza uses a protein associated with the H and N Spikes because this is what is identified by our immune systems. Spike proteins are responsible for the attachment of the virus to specific receptors on its host cell.

Know the basics of the SARS Coronavirus 2 that causes COVD-19, how is spread, its proposed animal origins, and lysosomes in the viral production from infected cells,

It is zoonitic from a bat and pangolin. It is a respiratory virus and spread with both airborne and droplets. Unlike other viruses that leave the Golgi apparatus in the vesicle, SARS CoV2 is packaged inside a lysosome, a vesicle with a very low Ph that is typically involved with the breakdown or digestion of organic molecules.

Know how adaptation relates to natural selection.

Over time, natural selection increases the frequency of the advantageous trait in the population and decreases the frequency of detrimental traits. Over multiple generations, populations become adapted to the new environment.

Sx of COVID 19

Sense: Conjunctivitis, loss of taste and smell Nerve: Confusion, strokes, seizures Cardio: Inflammation, clots, heart attacks Resp: Inflamaiton leads to low O2 GI: Diarrhea, liver function drops Urine: Kidney damage

Know what HOX genes are and their importance to embryonic development.

Similarity on embryonic development is due to the action of series of developmental genes. They control early embryonic development of all animals. Analysis of these genes suggests that the closer two organisms are to each other, the more similar the genes.

Know what reverse transcription means and it importance to viral infections.

Some RNA viruses are called retroviruses because they require a reverse sept beroe their genetic info can be expressed. This is performed by an enzyme supplied by the virus to turn RNA into DNA. Influenza bypasses this by being RNA polymerase. This can introduce mistakes and mutations that cause new viruses.

Know the importance of spike proteins and how it relates to vaccines.

Spike proteins are used to attach to the host cell. The H spike is also identified by our immune systems. This protein is added to a virus that infects insect cells, is then cultured to produce large amounts of the H Spike. the extracted H spike is then extracted and used for the vaccines.

S Spike improtance in COVID

Spike protine are responsible for attatchemnt of the virus. There are proteins unique on the COVID boi.

Know the basic steps for how a virus enters a living cell in order to produce more viral particles.

The virus attaches to host cell membrane receptors with spikes. The envelope fuses with the membrane of the host and realizes the virus into the host. The capsid then opens and releases the bab boi

Know what antigenic drift and antigenic shift are and how they differ.

The antigenic shift is it combining in the host cell to decide which foo it wants to infect. Drift is a small change in the surface spikes of the influenza virus.

Know the parts of a virus.

- Genetic Material. The genetic material, which may be in the form of DNA or RNA, contains a relatively small number of genes compared to a cell. - Capsid. A protein that surrounds the genetic material. The capsid may have proteins attached to it, such as tail fibers or spikes, that assist the virus in attaching to the target host cell. - Some viruses possess an envelope that surrounds the capsid.

Know the difference between DNA viruses and RNA viruses and examples.

-DNA: Small/chickenpox, herpes -RNA: HIV, influenza The genetic material of the virus contains the instructions needed to manufacture the proteins that compose the capsid surrounding the virus and in the case of influenza A, the associated H and N Spikes. If the virus is RNA, it must convert to DNA before replicating.

Know what the epidemiological terms outbreak, endemic, epidemic and pandemic refer to.

-Outbreak: disease moves between 2 populations. -Endemic: Normal level in a population. -Epidemic: Number of infected individuals exceeds what was normal in previous years. -Pandemic: Disease moved into many populations, often globally.

Know what mutation is and its potential consequences.

A cahnge in sequence of nucleotides in the genetic material. Occurs due to exposure to radiations, chemicals, or just mistakes. This can make treating viruses much more difficult.

Know what zoonotic means and the general process by which viruses move from animal to human hosts for INFLUENZA

A disease that is transmitted from an animal to humans. For the flu, there is the antigenic shift. There are 2 different forms of the virus that infect the same cell. The host cell may manufacture viral particles for both viruses and infect the new form.

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