Bio Psych 1 Quizzes

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Why should we not view lactose intolerance as a disease in adult humans?

Adult humans did not consume dairy products until fairly recently in our evolutionary history.

what region of the brain contains structures and circuits responsible for replaying signals and mediating many regulated behaviors? (what are regulated behaviors?)

Diencephalon (thalamus(relaying info) and hypothalamus(regulated behaviors))

When the CDC identifies antibiotic-resistant pathogen strains, they recommend switching to a different drug as the standard treatment. But as pathogens develop resistance to multiple drugs, a single antibiotic may not be sufficient. Which of the pathogens listed requires a combination of two drugs for effective treatment?

So many N. gonorrhaea strains have developed resistance that gonorrhea must be treated with a combination of two antibiotics. Return to Assignment

For which pathogen is a vaccine available?

Streptococcus pneumoniae

Which of these pathogens causes the highest number of antibiotic-resistant infections per year?

Streptococcus pneumoniae Of the pathogens listed, S. pneumoniae causes the most antibiotic-resistant infections (1,200,000).

behavioral interventions demonstrate how changes in ________ variables can produce changes in _______________

behavioral; somatic variables

Which approach to studying behavior is implied in the following question? "How do hormones affect brain circuits that alter mating in different animal species?"

biological mechanisms

sexual dimorphism

differences between the sexes in size, appearance, and behavior. (In sexual selection, individuals with certain inherited characteristics are more likely to obtain mates than other individuals.)

Lactose intolerance in infants is more common in the population today than it was a hundred years ago. Why?

Today there are alternatives to breast milk, such as lactose-free formula and soy milk, so lactose intolerant infants can survive.

Small lizards have difficulty defending their territory, but large lizards are more likely to be preyed upon by owls. Which type of selection would act on body size in these lizards under these conditions?

stabilizing selection

The population of American bison used to number in the millions. Hunting and other problems greatly decreased the number of bison to about 1,000. Today, the numbers are recovering to estimates of more than 200,000 bison. This crash in the population of bison and recent recovery is an example of __________.

the bottleneck effect

Which of the following examples of natural selection has occurred over the course of our lifetime?

the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Imagine that a new population of humans is established on a previously uninhabited planet from ten randomly selected people in your biology class. Over thousands of years, the descendants of those ten people reproduce and prosper, but they do not reflect well the diversity of humans on Earth. This reduction in genetic diversity in the establishment of the population is an example of __________.

the founder effect

Which of the following events could NOT be caused by a population bottleneck?

Increased population size Submit

The accompanying figure shows what happens in insect populations when crops are sprayed with insecticides. This is an example of ________.

natural selection

Which of the following statements about the amoeba population described at the end of the tutorial is true?

It is more vulnerable to extinction due to lack of genetic variation.

Why is the enzyme lactase necessary to digest dairy products?

Lactase breaks down lactose into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the cells that line the small intestine.

12 cranial nerves

1. Olfactory 2. Optic 3. Oculomotor 4. Trochlear 5. Trigeminal 6. Abducens 7. Facial 8. Vestibulocochlear 9. Glossopharyngeal 10. Vagus 11. Accessory 12. Hypoglossal

population bottleneck

A period during which only a few individuals of a normally large population survive. dramatically reduces the size of a population.

natural selection

A process in which organisms with certain inherited characteristics are more likely to survive and reproduce than individuals with other characteristics

stabilizing selection

favors intermediate phenotypes, selecting against phenotypes at both ends of a range and reducing variation.

disruptive selection

favors phenotypes at both ends of a range over intermediate phenotypes. This type of selection may occur when the habitat is varied.

directional selection

favors phenotypes at one end of a range and is common in periods of environmental change.

which division of the autonomic nervous system initiates response to a threat

sympathetic nervous system

what is the blood-brain barrier

a barrier between the capillaries in the brain and the neurons of the brain (capillaries and aesterites); acts as a defense system

When should a lactase supplement be taken in order to be most effective, and why?

at the same time the dairy product is consumed, so that the lactase will be in contact with the lactose

In which country would you most likely find a higher incidence of lactase persistence?

in a Scandinavian country where people historically raised dairy cattle and made cheese

Which of these pathogens has the highest percentage of antibiotic-resistant strains?

Neisseria gonorrhaea Thirty-eight percent of N. gonorrhaea strains are resistant to antibiotics. The CDC considers antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea an urgent public health threat.

In evolutionary terms, an organism's fitness is measured by its __________.

contribution to the gene pool of the next generation

mate choice

individuals of one sex (usually females) are choosy in selecting their mates. This choice is often based on the showy appearance or behavior of the male.

It has been demonstrated that ectotherms (such as insects and reptiles) in warm climates tolerate higher temperatures than ectotherms in cooler climates. Angilletta hypothesized that urban heat islands could lead to similar differences in heat tolerance between urban and rural populations of leaf-cutter ants. He predicted that ants in urban areas would tolerate heat better than ants in nearby rural areas.

-Measure the heat tolerance of many ants of the same species from a city center and from a rural area in the same region. -Measure the heat tolerance of many ants of the same species as a function of the distance they live from a city center.

The ants from the different locations were then placed in a chamber at 42°C. Angilletta recorded the percent of ants moving every minute until all ants stopped moving. (An ant that has stopped moving is dead.) Ants that survive longer at that high temperature have a higher heat tolerance.

Graph 1: Ants from urban location tolerate heat more than Ants from rural location. Graph 2: Ants from urban location tolerate heat slightly more than Ants from rural location. Graph 3: Ants from urban location tolerate heat slightly less than Ants from rural location. Graph 4: Ants from urban location tolerate heat less than Ants from rural location. Graph 5: There is little to no difference in the heat tolerance of ants from each type of location. Graph 6: There was a flaw in the experimental design.

Most people are lactose intolerant as adults, but nearly everyone produces sufficient lactase as an infant. However, in some cases, genetic mutations can occur that make an infant lactose intolerant. From an evolutionary perspective -- over thousands of years -- why would lactose intolerance in infants be very rare in the population?

Lactose intolerant infants could not digest breast milk and therefore usually died, never having the chance to pass the mutation on to their children.


The original source of genetic variation that serves as the raw material for evolution

A population of small fish lives in a lake with a sandy bottom. Large shore birds prey on these fish. Although most of the fish are the same light brown color as the sandy lake bottom, about 10% are mottled. A construction company begins dumping loads of gravel in the bottom of the lake, giving it a mottled appearance. Which outcome would you predict?

The proportion of mottled fish in this population will increase over time.

How do lactase supplements help people who are lactose intolerant?

The supplements provide the enzyme that breaks down the lactose in dairy products.

gene pool

The total collection of alleles in a population at any one time makes up that population's ________.

True or False. In the example described in the tutorial, the red amoebas survived the catastrophic event, and all future generations of amoebas were red because the red amoebas had a higher reproductive rate than the blue ones.

false; After the catastrophic event, all future generations of amoebas were red because all blue amoebas died during the catastrophe.

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