Bio Quiz Chapt. 25, 26, 27

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The gametophyte of most liverwort is referred to as:

A thallus

Rod-shaped bacteria are called:


Pili are involved in adhesion of bacterial cells to subtrate/host, or in transmission of ___ between bacteria:


The cuticle in plants, helps prevent:


Which of the following is a vascular plant:


Members of this group are characterized by a multi-nucleate amoeboid-like feeding form called a plasmodium:

Plasmodial Slime Molds

The first eukaryotic cells to evolve from ancestral prokaryotes were:


Refer to Figure 26-3. The structure at point 6 in the life cycle:

is diploid.

Refer to Figure 26-1. The function of the structure labeled 4 is:

food intake.

The outcome of the process illustrated in Figure 26-2 is:

two new genetically identical cells that differ genetically from what they were before.

Which of the following statements about bacteria is false:

Bacteria are not cellular and sometimes are not classified as life forms

The most common mode of reproduction in bacteria is:

Binary Fission

Some protists consist of a single cell with multiple nuclei. This condition is:


Which of the following is not a seedless plant:


The sori of most ferns are found on the:


What am I? I'm a unicellular, biflagellate stramenopile that forms a significant portion of the nonplankton:

Golden Algae

What am I? I'm anaerobic excavate that's endosymbiont of animals:


Small circles of DNA called ____ exist in addition to the bacterial chromosomes:


Members of this group typically consist of amoeboid cells surrounded by a hard outer shell through which cytoplasmic projections extend:


One unique characteristic associated with some of the extreme halophilic archaea is that:

They have photosynthetic ability involving purple bacteriorhodopsin pigment

Mosses and liver worts are limited in size b/c they lack:

Vascular Tissue

Which algae group contains individuals that are typically unicellular and form siliceous shells:


Members of which group are one of the most important producers in marine ecosystems, although sometimes they form red tides:


The ___are excavates lacking functional mitochondria and Golgi:


____are small leaves with a single vascular strand:


The most economically important bryophyte is:


The most significant difference between archaea and bacteria is:

The absence of peptidoglycans in cell walls of archaea

Prokaryotes have their genetic information stored in:

A large, circular piece of DNA

Coal deposits formed when forested areas were inundated with water and the___conditions promoted incomplete decomposition of the vegetation into coal.


The most recent group of plants to evolve are the:


Moss sperms are transported to the archegonia:

By both insects and water

A bacterium that uses oxidation of inorganic compounds to provide energy for manufacturing nutritious organic compounds is a:


Characteristics shared between green algae and plants includes:

Chlorophyll a & b in plastids

The leafy fern that you might have as a house plant is the___generation.

Diploid Sporophyte

____are archaea that are typically found in abnormally hot environments.

Extreme Thermophiles

The___generation is dominant in mosses, as it can live independently:

Haploid Gametophyte

Most bacteria are:


A key step in the evolution of vascular plants was the ability to produce___, a strengthening polymer in the walls of cells that function in support and conduction:


Microsporocytes divide by ___to form____

Meiosis; Microspores

An___bacterium would not be able to survive in the presence of oxygen:

Obligate Anaerobic

In mosses, the___grows into the leafy gametophyte plant:


Heterospory was an important evolutionary development, as it led to the evolution of:


All of the following statements about brown algae are true EXCEPT:

They share a common ancestor with representatives of the plant kingdoms

Who am I? I have the same photosynthetic pigments As plants, but I can also obtain nutrients by igestion.


The transition from the gametophyte into the sporophyte generation occurs at the point in Figure 27-2 labeled:


The___is the male sexual structure that produces sperm in plants:


___ is a form of genetic exchange in bacteria that involves contact between two cells.


You find a unicellular organism that forms lobe-like pseudopodia. When you explore the cells to cAMP, they aggregate into a slug-like structure. This organism is:

Dictyostelium discoideum.

Members of the ___are thought to have given rise to plants:

Green Algae

Many seedless plants produce spores of one morphological type, which is referred to as:


The oldest known fossils suggest that the____may have been the first plants to inhabit land.


Koch's postulates involve all of the following EXCEPT:

Microorganisms must be visible in the electron microscope

Pseudopodia are used by amoeba for ingesting food as well for:


Based on recent data, the protist kingdom is:


Symbiotic association where one partner lives on or in another and metabolically depends on it, is called:


Late blights of potatoes that caused the Irish potato famine is caused by members of the genus:


The gametophyte generation of ferns is:


Gram-positive bacteria would stain ___ in a gram stain b/c of a thick layer of ____ in their cell walls.

Purple; Peptidoglycan

Which group of algae are a commercial source of agar and carrageenan:

Red Algae

A chain of round bacteria would be called:


Even though bacteria lack membrane bound organelles, such as chloroplasts and mitochondria, they can still perform the functions of these organelles by localizing certain metabolic enzymes on :

The Plasma Membrane


move by means of a rotating flagella

You find a protist that has a single flagellum surrounded by a collar of microvilli. You correctly conclude that the organism is:

A choanoflagellae

Bacterial ___causes systemic symptoms such as fever where as bacterial ____causes more specific maladies.

Endotoxins; Exotoxins

What am I? I have a jointed hollow stem with reduce megaphylls:


Which of the following statements about biofilms is FALSE:

They are usually less than 2 mm thick.

Penicillin works most effectively against gram-positive bacteria b/c:

They have thick peptidoglycan cell walls, and penicillin affects the synthesis of peptidoglycan

Most bacterial cells keep from bursting in a hypotonic environment by:

a rigid cell wall

The volume of a typical bacterium is about ____ the volume of a typical eukaryotic cell.

a thousandth

Some bacteria avoid being phagocytized by a host's immune system by means of:

Their Capsule

Refer to Figure 26-3. The process occurring at point 1 in the life cycle is:

asexual reproduction.

Malaria is caused by an ___, which is carried to a host by a___:

Apicomplexan; Mosquito

Terrestial plants obtain carbon dioxide, required for photosynthesis, from the:


In paramecium, the surface of the cell is covered with thousands of short, hair-like:


Microphylls are only found in:

Club Mosses

Individuals in this group often have intracellular shells of interlocking plates:


Alternation of generations in plants refers to the alternation of:

Diploid and Haploid stages

In plants the fertilized egg develops into a multicellular _________ within a female gametangium.


____ are dormant structures formed by bacteria in response to adhere environmental conditions:


Mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells probably originated from:


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