BIO2 Lab Final

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What must be missing in an environment that will undergo primary succession that would be present in an area that will undergo secondary succession? -Soil -Animal life -Plant life -Bacteria


Epithelial tissues are classified based on the number of layers and the shape of the cells. True False


Right side of the heart is where O2-poor blood is found. True / False


Where can nematodes be found? Check all that apply. -In aquatic environments -In host environments -In terrestrial environments

-In aquatic environments -In host environments -In terrestrial environments

Which are examples of environmental resistance? Check all that apply -Accumulation of waste -Food shortage -Disease -Increased birth rate

Accumulation of waste Food shortage Disease

The sponges above are commonly known as venus flower basket. They belong to the class Hexactinellida and genus __________.


Which is commonly found in connective tissue? -Iron -Acetylcholine -Collagen


Your instructor has charged your lab group with the identification of an unknown specimen. The only information that you are given is that it is either a member of the Phylum Platyhelminthes or the Phylum Nematoda, it is discussed in this lab, and the animal that you are observing is an adult. As your group observes the animal, you note the following: presence of eyespots, a pharynx located in the middle of the creature's body, and intestinal diverticulae. What is the identity of this creature? -Dugesia -Schistosoma -Opisthorchis -Fasciolopsis


is often called planaria, a common freshwater turbellaria -Dugesia -Fasciola -Flat worm -fluke


As part of a lab assignment, you are charged with assessing an unknown organism. All of the information that you have is in regards to the embryological development of this animal. As the animal develops, the first embryological opening becomes the anus. To which phylum might this animal belong? -Echinodermata -Arthropoda -Mollusca -This animal could be a mollusc or an arthropod.


Which phyla are deuterostomes? -Arthropoda -Mollusca -Echinodermata -Chordata -Annelida

Echinodermata Chordata

A seedling emerging after a forest fire is an example of primary succession. True / False


Arthropod and echinoderm skeletons are very similar. True False


Keratin is the most common protein found in animal tissues. True / False


The early, slow growth potential of a population can be fully attained and sustained. True / False


What would happen to a cnidarian that could no longer carry out extracellular digestion? -Cnidarians are not capable of extracellular digestion. -The animal would no longer be able to digest food. -Intracellular digestion would still be possible for the digestion of food.

Intracellular digestion would still be possible for the digestion of food.

your instructor has assigned an unknown animal to your lab group for you to identify. The only information you are given is it is either a member of the phylum mollusca or the phylum annelida, it is discussed in this lab, and the animal you are observing is an adult. As your group observes the animal, you note the following: tentacles, a prostomium, a peristomium, a closed circulatory system, and parapodia. What is the identity of this creature? - Nereis -Hirudu -Nautilus -Chiton


The image shows the cnidarian commonly known as jellyfish. It belongs to the class________ in the genus Aurelia.


Small bristlelike appendages that occur in pairs -Segementation -Gonad -Setae -Septa


What is the function of the ciliated cells that line the respiratory tract? -Gas exchange can occur on these cells. -These cells facilitate the movement of mucus. -These cells pass oxygen into the blood. -All of the choices are correct.

These cells facilitate the movement of mucus

Why might asexually reproducing species be more vulnerable to carrying capacity limiting factors? -They are genetically identical. -They reproduce more rapidly. -They are more sensitive to changes in pH. -All of the choices are correct.

They are genetically identical

How do clams and oysters feed? -They filter food out of the water. -They are active predators. -They are sit-and-wait predators. -They scrape food off rocks.

They filter food out of the water

Early embryological features, such as the fate of the blastopore, can be the basis for major divisions in categorizing animals. True False


What directly causes the extension of tube feet? -Hemolymph -Blood -Water -Muscle


The _____ is the major artery. -veaner cavae -ventricle -aorta -atrium


________ potential is the maximum reproductive capacity if unlimited resources are present.


Which is/are categorized as dense connective tissue? Check all that apply. -bone -tendon -blood -muscle

bone tendon

What do striations represent? -intercalated discs -cell walls -bundles of contractile filaments -cell membranes

bundles of contractile filaments

To which body segment are spider legs attached? -cephalothorax -thorax -abdomen -head


What structure is represented by the number "7" on the crayfish?


Animals have four primary tissues (epithelium, muscle, nervous, connective). Which tissue is displayed here?

connective tissue

The image shows the cnidarian commonly known as the box jelly. It belongs to the class _____ in the genus Chironex


Which of the following elevates the ribs? -internal intercostals -external intercostals -serratus posterior inferior -transverse thoracis

external intercostals

All mollusks have an open circulatory system true false


Birds are the only vertebrates that are capable of flight True / False


Clams open their shells using their abductor muscles true false


Which of the following belongs to the class trematoda -tubellaria -opisthokis -fasciola -taenia


Another name for adipose tissue is ________.


What is the function of the radula -feeding -digestion -reproduction -all of the above


What structure is represented by the number "16" on the grasshopper model?


muscle that bends a joint -extensor -flexor -insertion -origin


What structure is represented by the number "21" on the grasshopper model?


What structure is represented by the number "5" on the clam model?


What structure is represented by the number "27" on the grasshopper model?


What structure is represented by the number "4" on the dissected earthworm?


name of the long bone found in the upper limb -carpals -ulna -radius -humerus


The image shows a cnidarian commonly known as Portuguese man of war. It belongs to class _______ in the genus


What type of cellular connection helps cardiac muscle cells to stay so coordinated in their activities? -tight junctions -intercalated discs -hemidesmosomes -adherins

intercalated discs

Which is a correct representation of the size of the human population? -It is increasing rapidly. -It is decreasing rapidly. -It is decreasing slowly. -It is increasing slowly. -It is neither increasing nor decreasing.

it is increasing rapidly

What is the name of the structure with the letter "C"?


The center of a bone is hollow but its filled with? -periosteum -marrow -periosteum -epihysis


How do schistosomes infect humans? -Ingestion of insufficiently cooked beef -ingestions of insufficiently cooked fish -penetration of human skin -ingestions of insufficiently cooked pork

penetration of human skin

What is the function of the pancreas? -Production of liver enzymes -Production of red blood cells -Production of gametes -Production of digestive enzymes

production of digestive enzymes

the phylum nematode also called roundworms, contain what type of body cavity Coelom Acoelomate Coelomate Psedocoelom


The organ of attachment in a tapeworm is called a


What must arthropods do before they can increase in size? -Stretch their exoskeleton -Modify the endoskeleton -Shed their exoskeleton -Add layers to their exoskeleton

shed their exoskeleton

A primitive characteristic is -not present in a common ancestor. -less important than a complex characteristic. -poorly functioning. -simple.


Your lab partner is referencing a structure that is in the caudal region of the rat. Where should you look for this structure? -Abdomen -Chest -Neck -Tail


The vertebral column protects -the kidneys. -the spleen. -the spinal cord. -All of the choices are correct.

the spinal cord

What structure is represented by the number "17" on the grasshopper model?


Keeping in mind that a crayfish is saltier than the fresh water it occupies, and remembering the idea of osmosis, note that the antennal gland deals directly with the consequences of this issue. What do you suppose the function of the antennal gland is?

to remove water

which nematode causes the disease trichinosis -trichinella -ascaris -turbatrix -rhabditus


Changes in a community over time can limit long-term growth. True / False


Humans can avoid many types of parasitic infections by sufficiently cooking their food. true false


tapeworms obtain nutrients by absorbing them through their body wall- they do not have digestive systems. true false


Tubes that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.


Part of the male reproductive system that transports sperm from the epididymis. -urethra -vas deferens -seminal vesicle -rectum

vas deferens

The bone found in the ankle -tarsals -tibia -pubis -parietal


______is a hollow muscular organ located in pelvis which jobs include nurturing the fertilized ovum that develops into the fetus. -ovary -cervix -uterus -clitoris


Which are diagnostic features of insects? Check all that apply. -One pair of antennae -Eight eyes -Six legs -Three body segments

-one pair of antennae -six legs -three body segments

Sponges have tissues but not organs. True False


On your laboratory test, you are presented with an annelid that has no setae. You know immediately that it must belong to the class ________. -Hirudinea -Polychaeta -Oligochaeta


If a snail lost the ability to use its radula, what would be the effect? -The snail would be unable to reproduce. -There would be no effect, as snails do not possess radulas. -The snail would be unable to eliminate waste. -The snail would be unable to gather food.

The snail would be unable to gather food.

What structure is represented by the number "6" on the crayfish?


What structure is represented by the number "9" on the dissected earthworm?

aortic arches

Sexually reproducing species have faster rates of population increase than asexually reproducing species True / False


Spiders are classified as insects. true false


Where a muscle attaches at its more movable end -flexor -origin -extensor -insertion


sponge digestion occurs intracellularly true false


What is the difference between a population and a community? -There is competition in a community, but not in a population. -A community includes multiple species, a population is only a single species. -Individuals in a population can be counted; individuals in a community cannot. -Individuals in a population can interact; individuals in a community cannot.

-A community includes multiple species, a population is only a single species.

How do sponges avoid self-fertilization? -Self-fertilization is not avoided by sponges. -Eggs and sperm are produced at different times. -Sperm are held within the body, while eggs are released into the environment. -Eggs are held within the body, however sperm are released into the environment.

-Eggs are held within the body, however sperm are released into the environment.

How can a crinoid be recognized? Check all that apply -Their oral surface faces down. -They have feathery arms. -Their arms are branched. -They have highly developed ossicles.

-They have feathery arms -Their arms are branches -They have highly developed ossicles

Which features are present in molluscs and annelids that were not seen in previous Phylum Cnidaria and Phylum Porifera? Check all that apply. -They are free-living. -They have multiple well developed organ systems. -They are eucoelomates.

-They have multiple well developed organ systems -They are eucoelomates

How is the amphibian life cycle still tied to water? -amphibians can only breathe in water -amphibians eggs must be laid in a moist environment and amphibian skin must stay moist -amphibian skin must stay moist -amphibian eggs must be laid in a moist environment

-amphibians eggs must be laid in a moist environment and amphibian skin must stay moist

Which muscles are striated? Check all that apply. -smooth -cardiac -skeletal

-cardiac -skeletal

Rank these groups of vertebrae from anterior to posterior

1.Cervical 2.Thoracic 3.Lumbar 4.Sacral 5.Caudal

What are the regions of the small intestine in order starting with the first region after the stomach?

1.duodenum 2.jejunum 3.ileum

What is the normal resting blood pressure of a young adult? -135/85 -120/80 -90/60 -100/75


Studies have shown that most so-called spider bites are actually insect bites. In the wound from an insect bite, there is typically one hole. Considering the anatomy of the mouth of a spider, how many holes would be present in the wound from a spider bite? -8 -2 -1 -4


Although they are the most abundant class of echinoderms, comparatively little is known about ophiuroids. Why is this true? -Brittle stars move rapidly. -Sea stars move more slowly and are more readily caught and observed. -Brittle stars avoid light. -All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct

If white blood cells are deficient, what might decrease? Check all that apply. -Delivery of oxygen -Antibody production -Blood clotting -Response to pathogens

Antibody production Response to pathogens

Which is loose connective tissue? -Tendon -Cartilage -Areolar -Reticular


nematode that can infect intestinal tract of humans and other vertebrates -Trichinella -Ascaris -Turbatrix -Rhabditus


Which are cnidarian body layers? Check all that apply. -Mesohyl -Mesoglea -Ectodermis -Gastrodermis -Epidermis

-Mesoglea -Gastrodermis -Epidermis

Which characteristics do Poriferans and Cnidarians possess that reinforce their classification as animals? Check all that apply. -Multicellularity -Heterotrophic organisms -Possession of eukaryotic cells -Presence of cell walls

-Multicellularity -Heterotrophic organisms -Possession of eukaryotic cells

Which are features that all chordates possess? Check all that apply. -Pharyngeal slits -Postanal tail -Dorsal hollow nerve cord -Notochord

-Pharyngeal slits -Postanal tail -Dorsal hollow nerve cord -Notochord

Which would exemplify primary succession? Check all that apply. -Colonization of a volcanic island -Succession in a carcass -Succession after a forest fire -Colonization of a lava flow -Succession after a hurricane

-colonization of a volcanic island -colonization of lava flow

Which features do nematodes have that make them more advanced than flat worms? Check all that apply -complete digestive tract -capacity to make thousands of eggs -fluid filled space between body wall and gut -bilateral symmetry -some species are free living

-complete digestive tract -capacity to make thousands of eggs -fluid filled space between body wall and gut -bilateral symmetry -some species are free living

What can limit population growth? Check all that apply. Disease Predation Resource availability Waste buildup

-disease -predation -resource availability

What are the functions of epithelia? Check all that apply -functions as selectively permeable barrier -protection of underlying structures -fluid secretion -surface area for sensory structures

-functions as selectively permeable barrier -protection of underlying structures -fluid secretion -surface area for sensory structures

Which are features that all chordates possess? Check all that apply -notochord -postanal tail -dorsal hollow nerve cord -pharyngeal slits

-notochord -postanal tail -dorsal hollow nerve cord -pharyngeal slits

what are the functions of the liver? Check all that apply. -production of red blood cells -production of bile -glycogen storage -detoxifying waste

-production of bile -glycogen storage -detoxifying waste

What has allowed reptiles to move further from the aquatic environment? -scaly skin -shelled eggs -amniotic eggs

-scaly skin -shelled eggs -amniotic eggs

The human axial skeleton includes -the femur and pelvis -the sternum -the humerus and tibia -the vertebral column

-the sternum -the vertebral column

Which type of symmetry do Platyhelminthes and Nematodes possess? -Radial -Irregular -Bilateral -Biradial


Match each cnidarian class with the correct representative from this lab. -Class Hydrozoa -Class Scyphozoa -Class Cubozoa -Class Anthozoa

C. Obelia D. Aurelia B. Box-shaped medusae A. Metridium

On your laboratory test, you are presented with a mollusc that has a closed circulatory system. You know immediately that it must belong to the class ________. -Gastropoda -Solenogastres -Cephalopoda -Bivalvia


The heart of a crayfish is located ventrally, where arthropod hearts are typically located dorsally. True / False


millipedes have two legs per segment, while centipedes have four legs per segment. true / false


Early, slow growth in a population is known as the ________ phase.


As you and your study group are reviewing for your anatomy final, two muscles that both have origins at the scapula. Which two muscles are you examining? -latissimus and external oblique -triceps and latissimus -biceps and triceps -biceps and latissimus

latissimus and external oblique

Changes in community composition over time are known as community ________


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