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could be a cell phone


which of the following is NOT a communicable disease? a) common cold b) food borne illness c) flu d) AIDS e) all of the above are communicable disease

food borne illness

An attenuated strain of a pathogenic bacteria or virus provided to a person

may prevent disease in the individual by later exposure to a more virulent form of the strain

a bacterial species that can grow when supplied H2 as an energy source, CO2 as a carbon source and nitrate as a terminal electron acceptor, would correctly be considered: a) heterotroph b) lithotroph (chemoautotroph) c) anaerobic respiration d) two are correct

two are correct

A cross-section of the boundary layer(s) covering each of three bacterial cell types (A, B, C) is shown; the red curve in A, B, C represents the cytoplasmic membrane. Which of the following features listed in A-D below is not correctly matched with the proper cell type or cell types? a) teichoic acids found here: A b) periplasmic lipoprotein found here: B c) membrane phospholipids found here: A & B d) membrane phospholipids found here: A & B e) A-D are all correctly matched

A-D are all correctly matched

A-E represent different catabolic pathways that yield energy from the oxidation of an energy source. The electron donors in A-E are oxidized; the electrons from these donors are ultimately transferred to a final electron acceptor as shown below. If light energy was also involved in the process, which of these reactions would represent photosynthesis as cyanobacteria carry it out?

H2O -> NADP+

which compound is reduced in the reaction shown below?


prodromal period

first signs/symptoms of disease appear

which among A-D is a false statement a) water is the source of electrons for oxygenic photosynthesis b) glycolysis supplies ATPs for fermentation c) CO2 becomes oxidized during the light-independent reactions d) oxygen becomes reduced during cellular respiration e) none are false

CO2 becomes oxidized during the light-independent reactions

emerging infectious disease agent


During a six-month period, 239 cases of pneumonia occurred in a town of 300 people. A clinical case was defined as fever ≥39 degrees C lasting >2 days with three or more symptoms (i.e., chills, sweats, severe headache, cough, aching muscles/joints, fatigue, or feeling ill). A laboratory-confirmed case was defined as a positive result for antibodies against Coxiella burnetii. Before the outbreak, 2000 sheep were kept northwest of the town. Of the 20 sheep tested from the flock, 15 were positive for C. burnetii antibodies. Wind blew from the northwest, and rainfall was 0.5 cm compared with 7 to 10 cm during each of the previous three years. The etiologic agent of the disease in this scenario is

Coxiella bumetii

which of the following is a fomite?

a hypodermic needle

methanogens, thermophiles, and halophiles are members of this group


for use in reducing microbial numbers on living tissues


the diagram shows the cell envelope of two bacterial types, A and B. Which one contains endotoxin activity if it were lysed?

bacterium B (has porin)

light absorbing structure containing photosynthetic pigments


only one type of these would be founding a prokaryote cell a) RNA b) protein c) ion d) chromosome e) carbohydrate


During a six-month period, 239 cases of pneumonia occurred in a town of 300 people. A clinical case was defined as fever ≥39 degrees C lasting >2 days with three or more symptoms (i.e., chills, sweats, severe headache, cough, aching muscles/joints, fatigue, or feeling ill). A laboratory-confirmed case was defined as a positive result for antibodies against Coxiella burnetii. Before the outbreak, 2000 sheep were kept northwest of the town. Of the 20 sheep tested from the flock, 15 were positive for C. burnetii antibodies. Wind blew from the northwest, and rainfall was 0.5 cm compared with 7 to 10 cm during each of the previous three years. What is the reservoir of the disease?

coxiella bumetii

the choices below each list three groups of organisms. For which choice, do all three groups include members that are considered microbes as defined in lecture?

domains Eukarya, archaea, bacteria

the chemicals diaminopimelic acid and calcium ions contribute to their resistance


feature of gram-negative bacteria


which of the following definitions/statements is false? a) endemic: a disease that is constantly present at low levels in a population b) epidemic: a disease that is sporadic across the world c) for a particular disease at a specific time period, mortality rates should typically be lower than morbidity rates d) sporadic: a disease that affects a population only occasionally e) incidence: number of new cases of a disease in a specific time period

epidemic: a disease that is sporadic across the world

what did Robert koch first accomplish that Louis Pasteur did not?

experimentally provided the connection between microbes and disease

polysome, or polyribosome, formation allows for _______ in bacteria and occurs because ________.

high production of protein expressed genes; bacterial cells lack a nuclear membrane

most bacteria have a cell wall, thus they tend to have an interior that is ________ relative to the outside environment in order to maintain cell shape and cellular integrity


glucose oxidation is completed and ATP, NADH, and FADH2 are formed

in the Krebs cycle

which is false among A-E regarding glycolysis? a) it initially requires energy input in the form of ATP b) it yields NADH and ATP c) it forms ATP via substrate level phosphorylation d) it requires an oxygen in order to be carried out e) it begins with glucose and ends with two molecules of pyruvate f) None of A-E are false

it requires an oxygen in order to be carried out

Which label is not correctly matched with its proper function or structure in this bacterium?

label b: nucleus

which label is correctly matched with its proper function or structure?

label c: a plasmid

can utilize completely inorganic chemicals for energy and growth


structure in some bacteria that provide it a type of movement


which one of the following pairs among A-E is mismatched? a) metachromatic granules - allows for aquatic bacteria to orient themselves in a magnetic field b) PHB inclusions - lipid inclusions; use as energy reserve c) sulfur granules - sulfur oxidation product d) gas vacuoles - flotation; depth adjustment e) carboxysomes - found in some autotrophic bacteria f) None are mismatched

metachromatic granules - allows for aquatic bacteria to orient themselves in a magnetic field

evidence for the endosymbiont theory comes from all the following except: a) the presence of DNA in mitochondria and chloroplasts b) the presence of ribosomes in mitochondria and chloroplasts c) mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar in size to prokaryotic cells d) mitochondria and chloroplasts are able to grow and divide on their own outside the cell

mitochondria and chloroplasts are able to grow and divide on their own outside the cell

which is false regarding catabolic processes? a) they release energy b) they lead to the formation of smaller molecules from larger, complex molecules c) they are coupled to (linked to) ATP formation reactions i.e. ADP + P -> ATP d) none are false

none are false

which statement below among A-C is FALSE concerning the Calvin-Benson cycle? a) if ribulose diphosphate carboxylase (rubisco) were absent from an autotroph then it would not be able to fix CO2 b) light is not directly involved in the cycle c) Ribulose Biphosphate (RuBP), the molecule that CO2 is attached ("fixed") to in the cycle, must continually be regenerated to maintain CO2 fixation d) none of A-C is false

none of A-C is false

regarding metabolic mechanisms that generate energy, which of the following statements among A-D is false? a) for respiration to function it require a source of electrons b) respiration may occur in the absence or presence of oxygen depending on the bacterial type c) the electron source for respiration can be organic like glucose or a completely inorganic chemical form d) respiration relied on oxidative phosphorylation to produce most of its energy as ATP e) none of A-D is false

none of A-D is false

which is FALSE regarding bacterial endospores? a) forespore development precedes formation of a mature endospore b) endospore-forming bacteria: genus bacillus and genus clostridium c) are highly resistant to heat, radiation, and chemical treatment d) endospore formation is induced by chemical, physical, or nutritional stress e) none of them are false

none of A-D is false

which of the following among A-D is FALSE a) subclinical infection: asymptomatic carriers b) morbidity rate: for any infectious disease, it should be higher than the mortality rate c) emerging infectious disease: majority of these have animal reservoirs d) microbial antagonism: the human microbiota provides this to help keep pathogens away e) none of A-D is false; all are true

none of A-D is false, all are true

the rise in herd immunity amongst a population can directly be attributed to a) increased use of antibiotics b) improved hand-washing c) wearing a face covering/mask d) antibiotics-resistant microorganisms e) none of the above

none of the above (vaccination)

which of the following is one of Koch's postulates as he originally described? a) not all pathogens can be cultured b) some pathogens can cause several disease conditions c) the same infectious disease may be caused by more than one type of pathogen d) some individuals may possess the pathogen but not exhibit disease symptoms e) none of them

none of them are as he originally described

incidence of disease

number of new disease cases in a time period

secondary infection

often due to an opportunistic pathogen

which term is not correctly matched with its proper definition? a) subclinical infection: you are infected but show no symptoms of disease b) septicemia: infectious agent spreads throughout the body in the blood c) prodromal period: occurs following the period of illness d) secondary infection: typically caused by opportunistic pathogens in compromised hosts e) focal infections initially start out as local infections

prodromal period: occurs following the period of illness (it's actually the period right before illness)

microbe whose size would likely be greater than 20 micrometers


which of the following is not correctly defined? a) a motile bacterium moving in a completely random manner: likely producing more "tumbles" than "runs" with its flagella b) potential virulence factors for pathogens: capsule, fimbriae, flagella c) spirochete: has a corkscrew motion due to the action of numerous flagella surrounding the exterior of the cell d) commensalistic bacteria: generally these will not harm you

spirochete: has a corkscrew motion due to the action of numerous flagella surrounding the exterior of the cell

an axial filament provides the unique type of motion in them


which is true among A-E regarding the prokaryotic cell envelope? a) the envelope of mycobacteria species does not contain any peptidoglycan b) gram-positive bacteria have an extra outer membrane c) teichoic acids are found only in a gram-negative bacteria d) o polysaccharide (o antigen) is only associated with a gram-positive bacterium e) there are bacterial types that completely lack a cell wall f) none of A-E is true

there are bacterial types that completely lack a cell wall

normal microbiota provide protection from infection in each of the following ways EXCEPT: a) they produce antibacterial chemicals b) they compete with pathogens for nutrients c) they make the chemical environment unsuitable for nonresident bacteria d) they can change the pH of the environment e) there are no exceptions; all the above are true

there are no exceptions; all the above are true

which of the following statement/statements Amon A-E regarding microbes is/are false?

though they need a host to replicate, viruses are generally capable of taking in and metabolizing nutrients and carrying out most other of life's activities

Which of A-D is a false statement? a) antisepsis & disinfection are both sterilization processes b) using a live non-attenuated vaccine is a safer choice than using a live attenuated vaccine c) there are bacterial autotrophs that do not require light for growth d) many emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic e) two are false

two are false

which of the following statement/statements amount A-E regarding microbes is/are true?

two of A-E are true

which of the following scenarios represents a situation where a suspected disease-causing microbe would not be consistent with one or more of Koch's postulates? a) the microbe is found in all patients with a particular disease b) some healthy individuals possess the microbe c) the microbe can be isolated and grown in pure culture d) the injection of the microbe into an animal host does not produce disease symptoms e) two of the above

two of the above

If you were setting up an experiment to disprove spontaneous generation in a liquid medium, which of the following would be essential to the experiment?

using a sterile liquid and eliminating exposure to microorganisms

the rise in herd immunity amongst a population can directly be attributed to:



vehicle mode of transmission

the choices below each list three groups of organisms. for which choice, do all three groups include members that fit the definition of a microbe?

viruses, algae, archaea

the frequency of "tumbles" is greater than the frequency of "runs"

what happens in the absence of chemoattractant

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