Biol Exam 3 Review

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The route followed by a sperm from production to fertilization in a flowering plant is A. A sperm cell is produced in the anther, transported to a stigma where it becomes enclosed along with another sperm cell into apollen grain that grows down the style to the ovary enters the ovule and joins with the egg cell B. A pollen grain is produced in the pistil, which explosively eject it into the air where it is transported to a stigma where it forms to sperm cells one of the sperm cells passes through a pollen tube that grows down the style to the ovary enters the ovule and joins with the egg cell C. A sperm cell, enclosed in a pollen grain with another sperm, is produced in the filament, transported to a stigma where it passes through a pollen grain that grows down the style to the ovary enters the ovule and join with the egg cell D. A pollen grain is produced in the anther, transported to a stigma where it produces two sperm cells that pass through a pollen tube that grows down the style to the ovary. One of the sperm cells enters the ovule and joints with the egg cell

A pollen grain is produced in the anther, transported to a stigma where it produces two sperm cells that pass through a pollen tube that grows down the style to the ovary. One of the sperm cells enters the ovule and joins with the egg cell

select the plant from which originated the entire terrestrial plant lineage, from mosses through the flowering plants. a. Green, red and brown algae b. One species of terrestrial algae c. A species that arose from a species of freshwater algae and a species of terrestrial algae d. two species of saltwater algae e. One species of freshwater green algae

One species of freshwater green algae

select the true statements select all that apply A. produce gametes through mitosis of haploid cells B. Produce game it through my meiosis of haploid cells C. The diploid generation is known as the sporophyte and produces spores D. The haploid generation is known as the gametophyte and produces gametes E. The haploid generation is known as the sporophyte and produces spores

The diploid generation is known as the sporophyte and produces spores produce gametes through mitosis of haploid cells The haploid generation is known as the gametophytes and produces gametes

select the correct explanation of double fertilization in angiosperm plants a. The process involves three sperm. One sperm unites with the two polar nuclei to form a triploid primary endosperm nucleus, and each of the remaining two sperm unites with an egg to form a double fertilized embryo sporophyte plant b. The process involves two sperm. One sperm unites with the egg informs a zygote, which develops into an embryo sporophyte plant. The other sperm and the two polar nuclei unite to form a triploid primary endosperm nucleus c. The process involves one sperm. Upon fertilization, the egg divides into two zygotes of which one forms an embryo sporophyte plant and the other forms a diploid primary endosperm nucleus d. The process involves two sperm. One sperm unites with the egg and forms a zygote which develops into an embryo sporophyte plant the other sperm in the three polar nuclei unite to form a triploid primary endosperm nucleus

The process involves two sperm. One sperm unites with the egg and forms a zygote, which develops into an embryo sporophyte plant the other sperm and the two polar nuclei and unite to form a triploid primary endosperm nucleus

which one of the following choices states a major difference between the lifecycle of an angiosperm and a gymnosperm such as pine? A. angiosperms are dioecious; Pines are not b. the tissue surrounding the embryo is triploid in angiosperms; it is diploid in pines c. Microspores are produced by meiosis in angiosperms; they are produced by mitosis in Pines d. The megaspore mother cell is deployed in angiosperms; it is haploid in pines e. angiosperms use a pollen tube to deliver sperm to the egg; Pines do not

The tissue surrounding the embryo is triploid in angiosperms; it is diploid in Pines

which of the following, if any, is not a function of the seed? A. preventing desiccation B. all of the above C. providing nutrients to the development plant D. allowing for dormancy E. protecting the embryo

all of the above

The floral whorl that contains the stamens a. androecoium b. paramecium c. petals d. sepals e. gunoecium


what structure is responsible for producing sperm? a. sporophyte b. sporocytes c. capsule d. archegonia e. antheridia


which of the following is not a Gymnosperm? a. anthophyta b. ginkophyta c. coniferophyta d. cycadophyta


female gametangia are called A. sporangia B. protonemangia C. antheridia D. archegonia


plants lacking well developed conducting systems such as mosses, liverworts, and hornworts, has been called a. sporophytes b. bryophytes c. gymnosperms d. angiosperms e. gametophytes


this clade of green algae is the closest algae relative of land plants based on morphological and molecular data a. bryophytes b. lycophytes c. charophytes d. euphyllophytes e. chlorophytes


having the male and female elements on different individuals is called a. biecious b. dioecious c. alloecious d. monoecious


In ferns, the dominant generation is the

diploid sporophyte

what is the dominant stage in the lifecycle of a fern a. haploid sporophyte b. diploid sporophyte c. diploid gametophyte d. haploid gametophyte

diploid sporophyte

The process unique to angiosperms is called A. syngamy B. self-fertilization C. embryogenesis D. double fertilization E. zygote formation

double fertilization

what is found in archegonia? a. none of the above b. spores c. sperm d. zygotes e. eggs


which of the following is not one of the whorls of a complete flower a. embryo containing zygotes b. androecium containing stamens c. calyx containing the sepals d. corolla containing petals e. gynoecium containing carpels

embryo containing zygotes

which of these is mismatched? a. ovary = fruit b. embryo=male gametophyte c. microspore mother cell=pollen d. megaspore mother cell= female gametophyte e. ovule=seed

embryo=male gametophyte

A storage tissue characteristic of the seeds of angiosperms which develops from the union of a male nucleus and the polar nuclei of the embryo sac. It is Space digested by the growing spiral fight either before maturation of the seed or during its germination A. endosperm B. ectosperm C. germination bud D. protonema E. protosperm


fertilization and angiosperms leads to the formation of a diploid zygote and triploid A. ovary b. endosperm c. carpel d. seed e. ovule


which of the following if any is an example of a vascular plant? A. Green algae B. liverwort C. Moss D. none of the above E. fern


which of these is found in the moss lifecycle a. microspore b. megaspore c. flagellated sperm d. double fertilization e. pollen

flagellated sperm

to reproduce sexually, bryophytes require A. insect pollination b. solar energy c. heterospory d. high temperatures e. free water external to the plant

free water external to the plant

angiosperms are primarily characterized by all of the following except a. free water is required for pollination b. ovules are enclosed with other tissues at the time of pollination c. The ovary matures into the fruit d. a seed develops within a carpel e. they bear flowers which are modified stems bearing modified leaves

free water is required for pollination

Which stage is the most dominant in the bryophytes lifecycle A. spores B. antheridium C. sporophyte D. archegonium E. gametophyte


which one of the following statements about a typical fern lifecycle is false? a. gametophytes have rhizomes b. spores are haploid c. the sporophyte grows out of an archegonium d. sori contain sporangia e. gametes are produced by mitosis

gametophytes have rhizomes

The resumption of growth and development by a spore or seed a. pollination b. specialization c. germination d. differentiation e. fertilization


List the reproductive processes in angiosperms incorrect order beginning with germination A. germination, meiosis, mitosis, meiosis, double fertilization B. germination, meiosis, mitosis, double fertilization, meiosis C. germination, meiosis, mitosis, double fertilization, mitosis D. germination, mitosis, double fertilization, mitosis, meiosis

germination, meiosis, mitosis, double fertilization, mitosis

The development of tracheids helped land plants do what? a. absorb h2O from stems and leaves b. protect the genome from uv exposure c. resist desiccation d. take in more co2 e. grow to very large sizes

grow to very large sizes

If a plant has vascular tissue, euphylls, and seeds, but not flowers, then it is a(n) A. angiosperm B. bryophyte C. fern D. gymnosperm E. lycophyte


which of these would be best able to reproduce during a period with little to no rainfall a. lycophytes b. bryophytes c. no plants can reproduce except during rainy weather d. gymnosperms e. ferns


what is the dominant stage in the lifecycle of a moss A. haploid gametophyte B. diploid sporophyte C. haploid sporophyte D. diploid gametophyte

haploid gametophyte

which of the following are produced by meiosis A. diploid spores B. diploid gametes C. haploid spores D. haploid gametes

haploid spores

all of the following statements about seed plants are correct except A. pollen grains, multicellular male give me the fights are conveyed to the female gametophyte by for wind or pollinators B. seed plants produce two kinds of gametophytes C. A dormant phase is introduced into the lifecycle D. in angiosperms the ovary develops into the seed E. sperm reach eggs by traveling through a pollen tube

in angiosperms the ovary develops into the seed

what is the literal definition of gymnosperm a. fruiting body b. reproduces without sperm c. naked seeds d. without seeds

naked seeds

name parts of the flowers that attract pollinators a. Stigmas and styles b. carpels and styles c. petals and nectaries d. stamens and carpels

petals and nectaries

carbohydrates are transported away from the green parts of the plant by the cells of A. phloem B. cortex C. vascular cambium D. cork cambium E. xylem


The male gametophytes or microgametophytes are called A. antheridia B. anther C. seed coat D. stamen E. pollen grains

pollen grains

in conifer is microspores develop into a. male cones b. pollen grains c. ovules d. a nucellus e. flagellated sperm

pollen grains

transfer of pollen from anther to a stigma a. pollination b. specialization c. germination d. fertilization


well developed vascular systems are absent and all of the following except A. liverwort B. mosses C. charophytes D. pterophytes E. hornworts


what is the proper name for the horizontal stems of ferns a. Fronds b. setae c. rhizomes d. mycorrhizae e. rhizoids


which one of the following structures in the moss lifecycle is not haploid A. sperm B. antheridium C. germinating spore D. rhizoid tissue E. spore mother cell

spore mother cell

implants, the Sporophyte generation produces blank as a result of meiosis a. egg b. spores c. sperm d. gametes


plants as well as brown green and red algae show a basic life cycle which involves the alternation of generations between a(n) A. seed and a cone B. sporophyte and gametophyte C. spore and pollen D. megaspore and a microspore E. egg and a sperm

sporophyte and gametophyte

The dominant stage in the lifecycle of tracheophyte plants is the a. spore generation b. Sporophyte generation c. angiosperm generation d. gametophyte generation e. epiphyte generation

sporophyte generation

pollination occurs when the pollen grains adhere to the a. anther b. sepals c. stigma d. style e. ovary


which of the following is not true about ferns? a. their leaves are called fronds b. their gametophytes and sporophytes are both photosynthetic c. their sporophytes are much smaller than the gametophytes d. their underground stem is called rhizomes e. clustered, stalked sporangia called sori arise on the backs of the fronds

their sporophytes are much smaller than the gametophytes

conifers produce copious amounts of pollen during reproduction. What would be a likely consequence of a significant reduction in the amount of pollen produced by conifers a. there would be a decrease in the number of seeds produced because the chances of pollen reaching a female cone of the same species would be reduced. b. there would be a significant decrease in the genetic diversity of embryos, but little affect on the number of seeds as only one pollen grain is necessary to fertilize a single female cone c. there would be a significant negative affect on the viability of seeds because double fertilization could not occur, so there would be no food available for the growing embryo d. there would be little effect because coevolved Pollinators would still be able to transfer pollen from the male cones to the appropriate female cones

there would be a decrease in the number of seeds produced because the chances of pollen reaching a female cone of the same species would be reduced

what is the function of the sori found on the underside of the fern fronds? a. gas exchange b. preventing excessive water loss c. sori have no known function d. they contain the spores e. they aid in photosynthesis

they contain the spores

which of the following statements is false? A. the gametophyte generation of a moss is haploid B. throughout its lifetime the gametophyte remains attached to the sporophyte C. the sporophyte generation if a moss is diploid

throughout its lifetime they gametophyte remains attached to the sporophyte

all of the following plant adaptations for life in a terrestrial environment can be found in bryophytes except A. trachieds B. primitive conducting cells called hydroids C. rhizoids D. stomata


Which plants are characterized by a conducting system the possession of cuticles, specialized stems, and roots, stomata ,and in many species, seeds? a. club mosses b. mosses c. tracheophyte d. horsetails e. liverworts


for a moss to reproduce sexually it requires a. insects to transport sperm to eggs b. wind to transport sperm to eggs c. water to transport sperm to eggs

water to transport sperm to eggs

where does fertilization occur? A. within the archegonium B. within the anteridium C. within the sporangium D. within the protonema E. on the ground

within the archegonium

which of the following tissues transport water and dissolved minerals upward from the roots? A. xylem B. cork cambium C. phloem D. vascular cambium E. cortex


all of the following statements relating to the colonization of land by plants are true except a. without tracheids land plant would not have been able to grow more than just a meter or so tall b. xylem tissue, seeds and stomata are found on both land plants and Charophytes c. cuticle layers reduce gas exchange d. desiccation is a much more common problem in terrestrial environments

xylem tissue, seeds and stomata are found on both land plants and charophytes

in plant lifecycles which of the following sequences is correct? a. gametes, zygote, mitosis, spores b. zygote, Sporophyte, meiosis, spores c. gametophyte , meiosis, gametes, zygote d. spores, meiosis, gametophyte , mitosis e. sporophyte, mitosis, spores, gametophyte

zygote, sporophyte, meiosis, spores

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