Biology 101 midterm 1 study guide

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Which of the following is the equation for PHOTOSYNTHESIS?




Which of the following vegetables is correctly matched with the part of the plant we typically eat?


ancestor/descendant relationships PHYLOGENY OF LIFE

connect all organisms that have ever lived.

Coral depends on BLANK for energy and nutrients


reading plankton

Plankton is the foundation of the ocean food web. The word plankton comes from the Greek word "planktos" which means drifting. One of the most important plants in the sunlit zone is also the smallest. Phytoplankton are organisms that float on or near the surface of the water. Most are rounded and single-celled. All phytoplankton use photosynthesis for their energy, but some get additional energy by consuming other organisims. The most common phytoplankton are diatoms and dinoflagellates. Diatoms are single-celled algae. They often join together in long chains. Dinoflagellates are small organisms with two tails or flagella. Dinoflagellates come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some have shells and some don't. Not all dinoflagellates rely only on photosynthesis for all their energy. Some wrap themselves around food and absorb it. Some dinoflagellates can make light using bioluminescence. Phaeophyta or brown algae are another type of phytoplankton. Blue-green algae or cyanobacteria are also phytoplankton, although they are very unique. They photosynthesize, but some also use nitrogen for their energy. They are nitrogen fixers. They change free nitrogen into nitrates which are used by the cyanobacteria and by other plants in the ocean. Phytoplankton are the base of the ocean's food web and are the food source for zooplankton. Zooplankton are ocean animals that don't swim at all or are very weak swimmers, and they drift or move with ocean currents. They can be found in the sunlit zone and in deep ocean waters. Zooplankton range in size from tiny microbes to jellyfish, although most zooplankton are tiny, single-celled organisms. There are two types of zooplankton. Permanent or holoplankton will always be zooplankton. Temporary or meroplankton are made up of the larvae of fish, crustaceans and other marine animals. If they survive, they will grow into nekton or free-swimming organisms. Foraminifera are tiny single-celled, shell-covered organisms, usually between a millimeter and a centimeter in diameter. As they grow, they add chambers to their shells. Depending on the species, the shell may be made of sand, calcite or organic matter. They move and catch their food with thin, hair-like extensions called pseudopodia. When foraminifera die, their shells sink to the ocean floor and form an ooze. It is estimated that 30 percent of the ocean floor is made of the shells of foraminifera. Both limestone and chalk come from foraminifera! Radiolarians are small, round, shell-covered organisms. They make their shells with silica. Silica is used in making glass and can be found in minerals like quartz. They get the silica from the ocean. Radiolarians have long, sticky tentacle-like arms called pseudopodia. They stick their pseudopodia out of holes in their shells to catch phytoplankton as it floats by. When radiolarians die, their shells sink to the bottom of the ocean. Over time, if enough shells sink together, the skeletal remains can become sedimentary rock! Ciliates have cilia or little hair-like extensions all around their bodies that they use to move and to catch food. There are over 8000 species of ciliates, one of which is the paramecium. They live in salt and freshwater. Some are free swimmers, others attach themselves to organisms or objects, and some are parasites. Only the free swimming ones are considered zooplankton! Zooflagellates, like dinoflagellates, have long flagella. They either absorb their food or engulf it in food vacuoles or pockets. They live under many different conditions. Some are parasites and can be found in the digestive tracts of animals like the cockroach and termite; others are free swimmers. The free swimmers are zooplankton. Jellyfish are also zooplankton. Jellyfish are basically big stomachs and long tentacles! Their tentacles have stingers on them and they use them to catch and paralyze food and carry it to their stomachs. They move in the water by pumping their stomachs. They mostly move up and down in the water and let the currents carry them from side to side. Siphonophores like the Portuguese man-of-war look like jellyfish but they are not. They are really groups or colonies of animals. Each organism in the colony has a special niche or role. Some form the tentacles, and some form the mouth and stomach. Copepods are sometimes called the insects of the sea because there are so many of them, about 10,000 species! They can be found in fresh and salt water. Copepods are very small, usually not more than a few millimeters long. The largest copepod, the Pennella balaenopterae, lives on the finback whale and can grow to be over a foot long! Copepods are crustaceans. They have two antenna, a shell and segmented bodies. They graze on phytoplankton and zooplankton. Copepods are the largest source of protein in the ocean! Krill, one of the ocean's smallest animals, is dinner for one of its largest, whales! There are about 82 species of krill, ranging in size from less than a quarter of an inch long to two inches long. Krill are crustaceans like copepods. They often have bioluminescent organs. They can be found in the sunlit zone and in the twilight zone.

news story

Men with high blood levels of lycopene — the compound that makes tomatoes red — are about half as likely to have a stroke as those low on lycopene, researchers in Finland report October 9 in Neurology. Some evidence suggests that lycopene quells inflammation, limits cholesterol production and inhibits blood clotting. But first and foremost, lycopene is a carotenoid, an antioxidant that sops up unstable molecules in the body called free radicals —agents that can induce DNA damage, kill cells, attack proteins and contribute to blood vessel disease.

Which of the following best characterizes an estuary?

A mix of freshwater and saltwater

Which of the following organisms are NOT typically part of the ocean PHYTOPLANKTON?

A. Diatoms B. Cyanobacteria C. Dinoflagellates D. Coccoliths E. ROTIFERS*

From the readings, humans use lichens in a variety of ways. Which of the following is NOT one of these lichen uses?

A. Dye for fabricks B. A part of litmus paper, used to test PH C. A scent in soaps and Perfumes *D. A DRUG USED TO TREAT LIVER CANCER* E. Food for sheep and reindeer

Based on the above figure, which of the organisms is matched to the correct trophic level?

A. Eagle omnivore B. Shrew decomposer C. GRASSHOPPER HERBIVORE* D. Grass Carnivore E. Fungi and bacteria Producer

There is typically a lower biomass of herbivores than the biomass of producers within an ecosystem. All of the following are possible explanations for this EXCEPT:

A. Not all of the producers are eaten by the herbivores B. Not all of a producer are typically eaten by the herbivore C. EACH HERBIVORE IS TYPICALLY SMALLER IN SIZE THAN EACH PRODUCER* D. Energy is lost as heat, instead of contributing to the biomass of the herbivore E. Not all of the parts of the producer eaten are fully digested, and are released in the herbivore's feces

What is the organism in the above figure?

A. Sea Grass B. Water lily C. Elodera D. Ceratophyllum (hornwort) E. KELP*

Which of the following is a characteristic shared by ALL LIVING ORGANISMS? All organisms

A. can produce energy rich sugars from sunlight energy B. CAN REPRODUCE* C. are sessile D. consist of more than one cell (multicellular) E. have eukaryotic cells

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic necessary to be considered an organism (alive)?

A. can reproduce B. Transform energy and nutrients C. can grow D. MULTICELLULAR* E. Complex and organized

The BOTTOM of the ocean, where hydrothermal vents are located and detritus settles is called the BLANK zone.

A. photic B. BENTHIC* C. tidal D. magnic E. polar

In the photo above, letter "H" is the BLANK fin (the one where you hold to swim with a dolphin on top of its back (since there is no pic)

A. tail (caudal) B. anal C. pelvic D. pectorial E. DORSAL**

all living organisms

All living organisms can replicate, and the replicator molecule is DNA. As well, all living organisms contain some means of converting the information stored in DNA into products used to build cellular machinery from fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Which organisms respire (carry out the process of respiration)?

All organisms


Archaea, Eukaryota, and Bacteria

From lab, which PHYLUM includes animals that have body segments and jointed appendages (legs and antennae) and includes crustaceans like lobsters and shrimp? PHYLUM


Which PHYLUM is correctly matched with an organisms classified within that phylum?

B. Phylum Cnidaria Organism Sea Anemone

From recitation, what type of aquatic organism converts ammonia to nitrite, and nitrite to nitrate?


Under the microscope, most bird feathers have many small BLANK that hook together to form a solid surface for flight.



Benthic zone hydrothermal vents found here. Contains little light

In the process of photosynthesis, which two molecule are required in addition to the presence of sunlight?

Carbon Dioxide and Water

A consumer that eats another consumer is called a(n)


Hours after eating, many raptors regurgitate a BLANK, also called a pellet, which can be used to help identify the type of raptor.


Crows are perching birds that are classified in kingdom animalia, phylum BLANK, class BLANK, and order BLANK.

Chordata; Aves; Passeriformes

Three primary grains providing calories in the global human diet?

Corn, Rice, Wheat

Which of the following birds lay their eggs in the nests of other species?



Crustose; Foliose; Fruicose

A LICHEN is comprised of a fungus with ether algae or BLANK living inside of a fungus.


Kenzie's study guide

Define the three different biology topics: biodiversity, ecology, environmental science Basic characteristics of life: complex & organized, transforms energy & nutrients (eating), responds to stimuli, grows, maintains homeostasis, reproduces Domains: bacteria, archaea, eukaryota Kingdoms: Protista, fungi, plantae, animalia Composition of earth's atmosphere: N2, O2, CO2, NH3, CH4, H2O Greenhouse effect: gases in the atmosphere retain heat, CO2 is increasing Predictions of the impacts of climate change: has changed and will continue to change, arctic sea and land ice are decreasing, sea level is rising CFCs- destroy ozone especially when ice crystals are present Gases that contribute to greenhouse effect: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, CFCs Most likely effects of greenhouse effect: earth will become warmer, more evaporation and precipitation overall, warm oceans, increasing sea levels, some plants might grow more rigorously Lichens: symbiosis b/w fungus and an alga, chlorophyll provides food from photosynthesis, fungus gives protection. They can live in harsh environments, shapes: foliose, crustose, fruticose, squamulose. Used for anti-viral/bacteria, meds, scents and soaps, litmus paper, food and soil Discuss the structure, classification, and uses of lichens: Lichen are in Domain Eukaryota and kingdom fungi, the algae is in kingdom Protista and the cyanobacteria are in domain bacteria Describe the processes of photosynthesis and respiration in relationship to lichens: The algae or cyanobacteria in lichens can photosynthesize and both the algae/cyanobacteria and fungus respire Explain how water and pollutants, including acid rain, impact lichens: Sulfur and nitrous acid combine with water to make sulfuric and nitric acid. Some lichens like Lobaria are extremely sensitive to acidic precipitation Describe how characteristics like tracks, scat, castings, and field marks can be used to distinguish between bird species: Birds have different types of tracks, they eat different things so from castings you can tell what they were eating which helps find out what the bird is, birds scat looks different too Explain the significance of bird anatomical structures, including bones, muscles, and feathers: Birds have holes in their bones so they're light weight and easier to fly, wings are like arms, furcula "wishbone" strengthens chest for flight three types of feathers: tertiary flight feathers- large outermost feathers to propel bird forward and provide lift, contour- small give aerodynamic outline, downy-fluffy, provide insulation muscle moves wings Provide examples of variation in bird songs, eggs, nests, beaks, and talons: Birds sing with syrinx, use them to communicate Oviparous: development of the embryo occurs within an egg mother lays, can identify birds by eggs they lay, robin eggs are blue because they better camouflage than white to predators, cowbirds lay their eggs in nests of other species Most common nest is a cup, adding carrot leaves to a nest might reduce mites Raptors have sharp beaks to tear flesh, harpy eagle has largest talons Week 2 Basic ocean zones: Tidal zone: high/low tides, near shore: under water but has light, open ocean: further out (photic: sunlight penetrates, aphotic: sunlight does not, benthic: bottom) Plankton: drifting organisms, phytoplankton-producers (protists, bacteria, archea) remove CO2 from atmosphere, zooplankton-consumers animal-like protists, bacterioplankton-decomposers Role of currents: keep nutrients in photic zone, upwelling, reduced upwelling in el nino years Photosynthesis: CO2+H2O+sunlight> sugar+O2 Respiration: sugar+O2>CO2+H2O+heat all organisms respire 1st trophic level: producers, 2nd level: herbivores 3rd level: carnivores Not all of the producer is consumer, energy is lost at each trophic level Decomposers enable nutrients to recycle back to producers Energy is lost as heat from respiration Marine food web: phytoplankton> krill>whales Discuss characteristic used to classify organisms, including producers: Domain bacteria and domain archaea are prokaryotic, unicellular, eukaryota 4 kingdoms Use satellite data to describe primary productivity in marine ecosystems: Primary productivity along coasts due to upwelling Provide examples of phytoplankton, and food webs based on phytoplankton: four groups, cyanobacteria, diatoms, dinoflagellates and coccolithophores. Food web: phytoplankton>krill/zooplankton>fish,petrels,squid,seals>decomposers break down left overs and recycle back to phytoplankton List characteristics of macroscopic marine algae and the importance of pigments: 3 colors, rhodophyta (red), phaeophyta (brown) and chlorophyta (green), kelp. Pigments capture light for photosynthesis Describe characteristics of organisms in different invertebrate phyla, including the sponges, cnidarians, echinoderms, mollusks, annelids, and arthropods: Sponges: porifera, simplest animals, not true tissues or organs, silk sponge Cnidarians: polyp when attached to surface, medusa when floats free, have stinging cells, jellyfish, sea anemones Echinodermata: spiny surface, radial symmetry, sea urchins, sand dollars, sea biscuit, sea stars Mollusks: soft bodies, muscular foot, slugs and snails are gastropods, sea slugs are nudibranchs, bivalves, cephalopods Annelidia: segmented worms that lay eggs, The annelids are in Class Oligochaeta, this includes worms Arthropods: have segmented bodies, jointed appendages and exoskeletons, bilateral symmetry, insects class insecta, spiders class arachnida. Subphylum Crustacea- barnacles, crab, lobsters, shrimp, krill Discuss the characteristics of vertebrate animals, including specifics on the bony fish, sharks, rays, pinnipeds, and cetaceans: Vertebrates have a segmented vertebral column (backbone or spine) Bony Fish: class osteichthyes Sharks/rays: Class chondrichthyes includes skates and rays too. Bones made of cartilage instead of bone. Rays have countershading (white bottome/dark top) for camouflage , some sharks have countershading too Pinnipeds/cetaceans: seals and sea lions are in order pinnipedia, they are not fully aquatic. Order cetacean contains whales, dolphins and porpoises Describe plankton, including examples of phytoplankton and zooplankton, the difference between holoplankton and meroplankton, and various organisms that make up marine plankton: Phytoplankton are producers that float on or near the ocean's surface, ex. Diatoms, dinoflagellates, phaeophyta, cyanobacteria Zooplankton are consumers, 2 types, holoplankton that will always be zooplankton and meroplankton which are temporary, they are made up of larvae and if they survive they grow into nekton Discuss nudibranch characteristics, including classification, habitat, defenses against predators, coloration, senses, and human uses: sea slug found in sandy shallows and reefs, they are gastropods, they are not only tough skinned but also have toxic secretions and stinging cells. They are brightly colored to warn off predators. They are basically blind so they rely on their smell taste and feel. Human use them for pharmaceuticals for brain, heart and bone Week 3 Characteristics of coral reef: "oasis in a nutrient desert" high biodiversity, tight nutrient recycling Key organisms of coral reef: coral and zooxanthellae, zooxanthellae provides photosynthesis, coral provides protection Characteristics of near shore: submerged, access to nutrients and light Tidal zones: protection and reproduction, in sand they dig under (crabs), rocks they hold on tightly. Most have hard shells or body to protect from pounding waves Compare and contrast bay and estuary ecosystems: bays have similar water chemistry to ocean, estuary is a mix of fresh water from rivers and salt water from the ocean Describe the classification and characteristics of different-sized streams: Stream ordering, 1 smallest can go up to 13 Give examples of different stream organisms, and their relationships: algae on rocks in riffle because they are so close to sunlight Describe various types of water pollutants and their impacts on organisms: disease causing agents, chemicals and minerals, plant nutrients, sediments, heat, radioactive substances, wastes, synthetic organic chemicals, some species are more sensitive to water pollutant, others are not, Tubifex worms can tolerate pollutants Explain the nitrogen cycle, including the transformation of ammonia to nitrite, and nitrite to nitrate: Decomposition leads to accumulation of ammonia fixation in soils. Ammonium is converted to less-toxic nitrite by nitrogen fixing bacteria. Nitrite is converted to nitrate by nitrobacter bacteria. Examine and describe aspects of water quality from two different river sources: Producer protists Euglena move more rapidly indicated polluted water high in nitrogen and low in oxygen Describe characteristics of microscopic and macroscopic protozoan and animal invertebrate consumers: Amoeba, paramecium, rotifers, nematodes (microscopic) planaria, leeches, hydra and snails (macroscopic) Describe characteristics of amphibian and fish vertebrates found in freshwater ecosystems: Fish have 6 fins, 1st & 2nd dorsal, tail fin, pectoral fin, pelvic fin and anal fin. 5 characteristics of Amphibians- cold-blooded, breathe with gills in water and lungs on land, thin, smooth moist skin, lay soft eggs in water, metamorphosis (complete for frogs and toads in 12 weeks) Provide descriptions of photosynthetic freshwater organisms, including algae and plants: diatoms, spirogyra, volvox and euglena. Plants are duckweed, submerged plants (Elodea, ceratophyllum, vallisneria), large aquatic plants (reeds, horsetails, cattail, water lilies) water lilies create microhabitats Describe the relationship between zooxanthellae and their coral hosts: Mutualistic relationship coral provides protection for the zooxanthellae and the zooxanthellae provide nutrients from photosynthesis, they also provide oxygen and help the coral remove waste Provide characteristics and locations of estuaries, salt marshes, and mangrove forests, as well as significance of these ecosystems: A salt marsh is a marshy area found near estuaries and sounds. The water in salt marshes varies from completely saturated with salt to freshwater. Estuaries are partly sheltered areas found near river mouths where freshwater mixes with seawater. Both salt marshes and estuaries are affected by high and low tides. Mangrove forests are found in the intertidal zone of tropical coastlines and estuaries. Mangrove forests are made up out different types of mangrove trees and a wide variety of plants. The mangrove tree is a tree with roots and leaves that filter salt and other materials.

Which of the following taxonomic groups contains only prokaryotic organisms?

Domain Bacteria

EXAM 1 2010

EXAM 1 2010

Which of the following best describes the life cycle of salmon?


From lab, what type of aquatic organism is unicellular (single-celled), uses a flagellum to move around, often has a red eyespot (stigma), and can photosynthesize (green) and in some species can be a consumer too?


reading more

Eukaryota. It now appears that most of the biological diversity of eukaryotes lies among the protists, and many scientists feel it is just as inappropriate to lump all protists into a single kingdom as it was to group all prokaryotes. Although many revised systems have been proposed, no single one of them has yet gained a wide acceptance. A fourth group of biological entities, the viruses, are not organisms in the same sense that eukaryotes, archaeans, and bacteria are. However, they are of considerable biological importance. In all cladograms in our exhibits, if there is a picture within a box, that means we have an exhibit on the taxon. If your favorite organisms aren't here yet, keep trying: since there may be as many as 100 million living and fossil species of organism, it may take us a little while to cover all the highlights.

Exam 1 2011

Exam 1 2011

The spiral patterns of plants, like the cone scales of ponderosa pine or the flowers of a sunflower plant, are primarily related to

Fibonacci numbers

Which plant is the source of linen fibers that are used in fabric and paper making?


Which of the following correctly characterizes organisms in DOMAIN ARCHAEA

Found in harsh environments and the open ocean

When you eat the mature, ripened ovary of a plant, you are eating a ___. When you eat a____you are eating an embryo and storage products surrounded by a protective covering.

Fruit: seed

A lichen is comprised of either algae or cyanobacteria living inside of


Which of the following describes the GREENHOUSE EFFECT?

Gases in the atmosphere absorb heat, warming the Earth's surface

Carnivorous plants

Have leaves that catch prey.

Tidal Zones have large numbers of organisms and high biodiversity because of

High light and nutrient availability

Environmental Science

Human interactions with the environment

The biosphere is comprised of three different parts what are they

Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, Lithosphere

ECOLOGY is best described as the study of

Interrelationships between organisms and their environment.

The organism that consumes phytoplankton and zooplankton and is consumed by the squids, fish, and penguins is



Large bodies of saltwater habitat Oceans are largest in size Seas are not as large but second largest in size Bays are the last thing and are small in size

From the on-line readings, BLANK forests are found in tidal areas of tropical (warm) coastlines and contain trees with structures and strategies to survive the salty water.


Which of the following is an example of a nonvascular plant?


reading gasses

Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the "greenhouse effect"1 -- warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. Certain gases in the atmosphere block heat from escaping. Long-lived gases, remaining semi-permanently in the atmosphere, which do not respond physically or chemically to changes in temperature are described as "forcing" climate change whereas gases, such as water, which respond physically or chemically to changes in temperature are seen as "feedbacks." Gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect include: Water vapor. The most abundant greenhouse gas, but importantly, it acts as a feedback to the climate. Water vapor increases as the Earth's atmosphere warms, but so does the possibility of clouds and precipitation, making these some of the most important feedback mechanisms to the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide (CO2). A minor but very important component of the atmosphere, carbon dioxide is released through natural processes such as respiration and volcano eruptions and through human activities such as deforestation, land use changes, and burning fossil fuels. Humans have increased atmospheric CO2 concentration by a third since the Industrial Revolution began. This is the most important long-lived "forcing" of climate change. Methane. A hydrocarbon gas produced both through natural sources and human activities, including the decomposition of wastes in landfills, agriculture, and especially rice cultivation, as well as ruminant digestion and manure management associated with domestic livestock. On a molecule-for-molecule basis, methane is a far more active greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, but also one which is much less abundant in the atmosphere. Nitrous oxide. A powerful greenhouse gas produced by soil cultivation practices, especially the use of commercial and organic fertilizers, fossil fuel combustion, nitric acid production, and biomass burning. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Synthetic compounds of entirely of industrial origin used in a number of applications, but now largely regulated in production and release to the atmosphere by international agreement for their ability to contribute to destruction of the ozone layer. They are also greenhouse gases . On Earth, human activities are changing the natural greenhouse. Over the last century the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). This happens because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2. To a lesser extent, the clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities have increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. The consequences of changing the natural atmospheric greenhouse are difficult to predict, but certain effects seem likely: On average, Earth will become warmer. Some regions may welcome warmer temperatures, but others may not. Warmer conditions will probably lead to more evaporation and precipitation overall, but individual regions will vary, some becoming wetter and others dryer. A stronger greenhouse effect will warm the oceans and partially melt glaciers and other ice, increasing sea level. Ocean water also will expand if it warms, contributing further to sea level rise. Meanwhile, some crops and other plants may respond favorably to increased atmospheric CO2, growing more vigorously and using water more efficiently. At the same time, higher temperatures and shifting climate patterns may change the areas where crops grow best and affect the makeup of natural plant communities. Indeed, studies show that solar variability has played a role in past climate changes. For example, a decrease in solar activity is thought to have triggered the Little Ice Age between approximately 1650 and 1850, when Greenland was largely cut off by ice from 1410 to the 1720s and glaciers advanced in the Alps. But several lines of evidence show that current global warming cannot be explained by changes in energy from the sun: Since 1750, the average amount of energy coming from the Sun either remained constant or increased slightly. If the warming were caused by a more active sun, then scientists would expect to see warmer temperatures in all layers of the atmosphere. Instead, they have observed a cooling in the upper atmosphere, and a warming at the surface and in the lower parts of the atmosphere. That's because greenhouse gasses are trapping heat in the lower atmosphere. Climate models that include solar irradiance changes can't reproduce the observed temperature trend over the past century or more without including a rise in greenhouse gases.

reading coral

Most reef-building corals contain photosynthetic algae, called zooxanthellae, that live in their tissues. The corals and algae have a mutualistic relationship. The coral provides the algae with a protected environment and compounds they need for photosynthesis. In return, the algae produce oxygen and help the coral to remove wastes. Most importantly, zooxanthellae supply the coral with glucose, glycerol, and amino acids, which are the products of photosynthesis. The coral uses these products to make proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and produce calcium carbonate The relationship between the algae and coral polyp facilitates a tight recycling of nutrients in nutrient-poor tropical waters. In fact, as much as 90 percent of the organic material photosynthetically produced by the zooxanthellae is transferred to the host coral tissue (Sumich, 1996). This is the driving force behind the growth and productivity of coral reefs n addition to providing corals with essential nutrients, zooxanthellae are responsible for the unique and beautiful colors of many stony corals. Sometimes when corals become physically stressed, the polyps expel their algal cells and the colony takes on a stark white appearance. This is commonly described as "coral bleaching" (Barnes, R.S.K. and Hughes, 1999; Lalli and Parsons, 1995). If the polyps go for too long without zooxanthellae, coral bleaching can result in the coral's death. Because of their intimate relationship with zooxanthellae, reef-building corals respond to the environment like plants. Because their algal cells need light for photosynthesis, reef corals require clear water. For this reason they are generally found only in waters with small amounts of suspended material, i.e., in water of low turbidity and low productivity. This leads to an interesting paradox—coral reefs require clear, nutrient-poor water, but they are among the most productive and diverse marine environments.

Hermit crab and the anemone(s)


The relationship between a cleaner shrimp and the fish it cleans is best described by


What is the mutualistic relationship between fungi and many plant roots?


Which of the following molecules in the atmosphere blocks ultraviolet light radiation from reaching the Earth's surface and is broken apart by CFC molecules?


Biotic factor that can impact a frog


Bees are primarily attracted to flowers that are

Pink yellow blue and distinctly marked

Which organisms typically have COUNTERSHADING?

Rays and Sharks

reading estuaries

Salt Marshes, estuaries, and mangrove forests are unique ecosystems in semi-sheltered areas near the ocean coastline. These areas often serve as nursing grounds where young marine life is protected during development. A salt marsh is a marshy area found near estuaries and sounds. The water in salt marshes varies from completely saturated with salt to freshwater. Estuaries are partly sheltered areas found near river mouths where freshwater mixes with seawater. Both salt marshes and estuaries are affected by high and low tides. Mangrove forests are found in the intertidal zone of tropical coastlines and estuaries, commonly in the tropical coastal areas of Australia, Africa, North and South America between 32° N and 38° S. Mangrove forests are made up out different types of mangrove trees and a wide variety of plants. The mangrove tree is a tree with roots and leaves that filter salt and other materials. Different mangrove species are adapted to serve different functions depending on their location. Mangroves are so good at expelling salt, that in some species the water in the roots is fit to drink. Many salt marshes are located in the southern United States, particularly in South Carolina with more than 344,500 acres, which is more marshland than any other state on the Atlantic coast. Marine life in salt marshes is incredibly diverse and abundant. Salt marsh species rely on the decay of marsh plants to supply a steady source of food in the form organic material, or detritus, resulting from the decomposition of plants and animals. Most marsh plants flourish in the spring and summer, growing taller and more abundant. In the fall, they begin to decay and are distributed within the same marsh or into other marshes and mudflats where they become the first level of the food chain. Microscopic organisms like bacteria, small algae, and fungi help decompose the detritus resulting from salt marsh plants. These microorganisms and the remaining decomposing plant material become an ideal source of food for bottom-dwellers in salt marshes like worms, fishes, crabs, and shrimps. The cycle continues when the feces of the bottom-dwellers is cleaned up by microorganisms. Anything left over is great fertilizer for the next spring, when the marsh plants fill the marsh with green lush leaves. As with many food webs, microorganisms at the most primary level on the food chain are responsible for more than one role. The same microorganisms feeding on detritus cover the mud surface, stabilize sediments, feed larger animals, and add nutrients to the sediments. South Carolina marshes are home to many species of birds like the red-winged black bird, herons, and egrets. They feed on a variety of food sources in the marsh environment such as insects, seeds, fishes, fiddler crabs, and shrimps. It is common to see these birds guarding the tide pools for any splash indicating a fiddler crab or other marsh delicacy. As with all of the marsh residents, birds contribute to the cycle by breaking down detritus and discarding organic material (feces) to fertilize marsh grass and be used by microorganisms. The leaves, stems, and roots of salt marsh plants provide a vital shelter from predators and nourishment for young fish, shrimps, and crabs. Without this environment, only a handful would survive. Among young salt marsh species are blue crab, spot tail bass, and white shrimp. Larger predators live in creeks waiting for the fish to come out of the marsh when the tide changes. Some marsh shrimps and fishes, including the mummichogs and grass shrimp, stay in potholes or standing pools of marsh water after the tide goes out. Several reptiles reside in the salt marsh habitat, including the most commonly found diamondback terrapin, a turtle that searches for food and lays its eggs when the tide comes into the marsh. Occasionally, American alligators can be found in the less salty waters of brackish salt marshes. The largest estuary in the United States is the Chesapeake Bay, located off of the Atlantic Ocean bordered by Virginia and Maryland, although the watershed covers 165,800 km in the District of Columbia and New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, and Virgina. Over 150 streams and rivers drain into the 304 km long Chesapeake Bay. Like many other estuaries, the Bay was once a valley with a river running through it, until the sea level rose or the Chesapeake Bay impact crater was formed by the bolide impact event towards the end of the Eocene period about 35.5 million years ago. At its narrowest section, the Chesapeake Bay estuary is only 6.9 km wide. The Bay is extremely shallow. A person of average height could probably walk across the 2,800 km of the bay. The average depth of the Bay is less than 9 m. Another large estuary is Galveston Bay, formed by the Trinity and San Jacinto Rivers flowing together and combining with tides from the Gulf of Mexico. This estuary is located along the coast of Texas and covers about 1,500 km with a length of 50 km and a width of 27 km. Although large, the Bay is only 3 m deep on average and flows into the channel between Galveston Island and the Bolivar Peninsula. The world's largest estuary is the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, a place where all the great lakes can flow into and out of the Atlantic Ocean through the Saint Lawrence River. The highly adaptable mangrove tree is classified into 16-24 families and 54-75 species, with only four of those living on the southern coasts of the United States and 12 in the western hemisphere. Most mangrove species are found in Southeast Asia. Mangroves are highly adaptable depending on their environment in size, ability to spread seeds, and their niche in the ecosystem. Mangroves range in size from a small shrub up to 40 m tall. The red mangrove and several other species of mangroves have lenticels, or small pores in the prop roots through which oxygen can be brought into the aerenchyma, or air space tissue in the cortex of the plant, during low tide. Reproductive strategies including viviparity and long-living propagules allow the mangrove to spread over large distances. Viviparity is the reproductive strategy where the embryo is safely nourished and germinated on the parent tree (rather than in the ground), allowing the developing tree to avoid the severe saline environment. The embryos drop to the soil from the protection of the parent tree after early development has already occurred and they have stored enough carbohydrates to survive. Some species of mangroves distribute what are known as propagules, seedlings that fall from the branches and float long distances. These propagules can establish roots up to 1 year after they fall from the parent plant. The mangrove can take root on the edge of islands, in sheltered bays and estuaries and further inland. Mangroves must be able to adjust to the changing of tides, temperature, ocean currents, steep sloping shores and a variety of soil types. They can thrive in mud, sand, coral, peat and rock. Although they are now protected by federal and state laws and regulations, between 1950-1970 countless salt marshes were lost forever when they were filled due to land use, ditched for mosquito control, and diked to collect water. The value of salt marshes to juvenile species was not realized at this time. Now however these areas are recognized for their ability to filter out and break down toxins and sediments from incoming water. In areas where the salt marshes have been filled and there is no basin to absorb the extra water, flooding from storm surges develops into a major problem, leading to erosion of the coastal soils and saturation of coral reefs and grasses by silt. Although protected by laws, salt marshes can still suffer in quality and function when the population fails to respect the environment near the marsh area. Detrimental effects include pollution and modification of water flow by ditching to control the mosquito population or the building of canals for flood control. Runoff containing petroleum products, industrial waste, pesticides and fertilizers continue to pollute these ecosystems, leading to loss of species and the increase of others upsetting the balance and damaging the beauty of the marshes. When ditching alters water flow, the majority of nutrients pass right by the marshes affecting everything higher up on the food chain including the birds. When canals are built, water levels in the marshes increase, which stresses the marsh grass. The mangrove ecosystem is a sustainable resource that provides huge numbers of people with food, tannins, fuel wood, construction materials and even medicines. When a mangrove forest is protected, it will support an entire population of coastal residents. Mangroves offer protection of property and life from hurricanes and storms, as well as reduction in erosion and siltation. Plants in mangrove forests can absorb nitrates and phosphates, cleaning up and restoring water near the shore in a natural and completely cost-free manner. Unfortunately, as with many of our natural resources, mangrove forests are quickly being lost to pollution and development. The lenticels in mangrove roots are extremely sensitive to parasite attack, clogging by crude oil and unnatural prolonged flooding. The most severe problem is the clearing of thousands of hectares of forest to create man-made shrimp ponds for the shrimp aquaculture industry. Along with the impact from the charcoal and timber industries, the mangrove forest will eventually be lost to environmental stress if these trends continue. Another contributing factor to the devastation of mangrove forests is the governmental and industrial classification of these areas as useless swampland. Areas most severely affected by the devastation are Thailand (50% loss of mangrove forests since 1960), the Philippines (338,000 hectares lost between the 1920s and 1990), and Ecuador (20% loss of its mangrove coastline). In the Muisne region of Ecuador, approximately 90% of the mangrove forests have been lost. Overall, up to 50% of the world's mangrove destruction can be attributed to the shrimp farm activity. Increased conservation efforts for mangrove protection are needed to address clearing of these areas for shrimp farming and land development.

In some near shore habitats, sea otters eat BLANK, which can eat kelp.

Sea Urchins

The "female" part of flowers where pollen grains land is called the


Guard cells are cells that can open and close the ____, small holes found in leaves.


When released into the atmosphere, what are the two primary gasses that react with water to form acid deposition also called acid rain?

Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide


Terrestrial (land) area surrounding a stream.

lichens reading

The plant-like appearance of lichens hides their true identity. A lichen is not a single organism, but the result of a partnership (mutualistic symbiosis) between a fungus and an alga or cyanobacteria. Some lichens are formed of three or more partners. The body of a lichen consists of fungal filaments (hyphae) surrounding cells of green algae and/or blue-green cyanobacteria. The basis of the mutualistic symbiosis in lichens is similar to the mycorrhizal partnership between some species of fungi and the roots of most plants. The lichen fungus provides its partner(s) a benefit (protection) and gains nutrients in return. The complexity of lichen partnerships has caused lichens to be described as "small ecosystems". They are classified as members of the Fungus Kingdom by systematists because the fungus partner is always the major partner. After a lichen symbiosis is established, the fungus has the greatest influence on the final form of the lichen body's shape, and whether it is tough or flexible. The algal and bacterial partner(s) each have their own scientific names, but the lichen symbiosis is known only by the name of its fungus. The great majority of the 13,500-18,000 species of lichenized fungi are Ascomycetes, the "cup fungi". About 20 species in the tropical and temperate rain forests are Basidiomycetes, the "mushrooms". About 40 genera of algae and cyanobacteria are found in lichen partnerships. The algal and/or cyanobacterial partner(s) possess the green pigment chlorophyll, enabling them to use sunlight's energy to make their own food from water and carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. They also provide vitamins to the fungus. Cyanobacteria can make amino acids directly from the nitrogen gas in the atmosphere, something neither fungi nor algae can do. The fungus, in turn, protects its partners from drying out and shades them from strong sunlight by enclosing the photosynthesizing partners within the body of the lichen. This life habit has allowed lichens to successfully colonize many different habitats. Lichens have a truly remarkable resistance to drought. A dry lichen can quickly absorb from 3 to 35 times its weight in water! Lichens can also absorb moisture from dew or fog, even from the air itself if the humidity is very high and the temperature is low. They also dry out slowly, making it possible for the photosynthesizing partner(s) to make food for as long as possible. This ability to quickly absorb and retain water from many sources makes it possible for lichens to live in harsh environments like deserts and polar regions, and on exposed surfaces like bare rocks, roofs and tree branches. The thallus, or lichen body, comes in four shapes: Foliose: flat leaf-like lichens. Crustose: crust-like lichens that may be buried in tree bark, or even between the crystals of rocks. Fruticose: miniature shrub-like lichens.—one lichen of this type is the famous "reindeer moss" of Lapland. Squamulose: scaly lichens made of numerous small rounded lobes, intermediate between foliose and crustose lichens. Most lichens grow slowly, probably because they live in environments where water is available for only short periods. They tend to live for many years, and lichens hundred of years old can be used to date the rock surfaces on which they grow. Lichens spread mostly by small pieces of their body being blown around. All the partners in the original lichen body are present in the fragment, so growth can begin immediately. Some lichens create soredia, balls of tissue made just for dispersal. Although the fungus is the major partner, dispersal by spores is rare. Lichens have many uses. They differ in their sensitivity to air pollution, and the presence or absence of different lichens in an area has been used to map concentrations of pollutants. Foliose lichens are used to represent trees in model train layouts. Lichens also make about 400 known "secondary products". It is thought that these chemicals are produced by lichens as defenses against disease and parasites, and, in some cases, to make the lichen taste unpleasant to animals. Some of these compounds are now used as anti-viral and anti-bacterial medications. Other secondary products are used to make everyday life more colorful and pleasant. Some are used to make scented soap and perfumes Others were used in the past to dye woolen cloth. Most colors were some shade of brown or yellow, but blue was produced from a few species. The discovery of synthetic dyes ended the demand for lichen dyes. The synthetic dyes provided many more colors, and did not fade. Lichen dyes are still used by some craft weavers who like their soft, quiet colors. Today, the only commercially important lichen dye is used to make litmus paper, to test the acidity of liquids. The litmus dye turns blue in "basic" (low-acid) solutions like ammonia, and red in acid solutions like vinegar. Lichens can be an important food source in extreme environments. The Lapp people, who live above the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia and Russia, harvest lichens as winter food for their reindeer, just like farmers in temperate zones stockpile hay. Sheep in the deserts of Libya survive, in part, by eating crustose lichens growing on rocks. Lichens are also important in making soil. Soil is made up of organic matter, such as decayed plants, and minerals. Species that grow on rocks infiltrate and wedge apart pieces of the rock by both pressure and chemical action. Some of their acidic secondary products dissolve the rock's surface, freeing mineral grains. This is an extremely slow process, but the resilience and endurance of the lichen fungi puts time on their side.

What is the best explanation for why middle order streams (4,5, and 6) have P/R ratios greater than 1?

The streams have sufficient sunlight and nutrients to support high levels of productivity

Which of the following accurately describes food webs within an ecosystem

There is typically a higher biomass of producers than consumers in an ecosystem.

Quinine is primarily used

To treat patients with malaria.

nudi branches reading

Toxic nudibranchs—soft, seagoing slugs—produce a brilliant defense Nudibranchs crawl through life as slick and naked as a newborn. Snail kin whose ancestors shrugged off the shell millions of years ago, they are just skin, muscle, and organs sliding on trails of slime across ocean floors and coral heads the world over. Found from sandy shallows and reefs to the murky seabed nearly a mile down, nudibranchs thrive in waters both warm and cold and even around billowing deep-sea vents. Members of the gastropod class, and more broadly the mollusks, the mostly finger-size morsels live fully exposed, their gills forming tufts on their backs. (Nudibranch means "naked gill," a feature that separates them from other sea slugs.) Although they can release their muscular foothold to tumble in a current—a few can even swim freely—they are rarely in a hurry. So why, in habitats swirling with voracious eaters, aren't nudibranchs picked off like shrimp at a barbecue? The 3,000-plus known nudibranch species, it turns out, are well equipped to defend themselves. Not only can they be tough-skinned, bumpy, and abrasive, but they've also traded the family shell for less burdensome weaponry: toxic secretions and stinging cells. A few make their own poisons, but most pilfer from the foods they eat. Species that dine on toxic sponges, for example, alter and store the irritating compounds in their bodies and secrete them from skin cells or glands when disturbed. Other nudibranchs hoard capsules of tightly coiled stingers, called nematocysts, ingested from fire corals, anemones, and hydroids. Immune to the sting, the slugs deploy the stolen artillery along their own extremities. Many mobile nudibranchs—vulnerable as they move in daylight between feeding spots—announce their weapons with garish color designs, a palette millions of years in the making. Contrasting pigments make them highly visible against a reef's greens and browns, a visual alarm that turns predators wary—bold nibblers quickly learn to avoid the color patterns that announce unpalatable flesh. Animals able to mimic the designs, including nontoxic nudibranchs and other invertebrates like flatworms, are similarly left alone. More reclusive nudibranchs, with nocturnal habits or small ranges, may opt for camouflage, from drab to brilliant, rather than contrast (although many of these, too, have toxic defenses). Pigments matching sponges and other edible substrates on which they linger can make even the biggest slug varieties—the length of a man's forearm—vanish where they lie. Even the most keen-eyed diver may miss those cryptic species. But the brazen ones pop into view in bursts of Crayola colors, one munching coral, another glomming on to a rock face, a third riding a current along the seabed. A lucky sighting is a mass aggregation of dozens or even hundreds gathered at a food-rich locale to feed and mate, or a plate-size "solar powered" species that gets nutrients from photosynthetic algae farmed within its body. Nudibranchs are blind to their own beauty, their tiny eyes discerning little more than light and dark. Instead the animals smell, taste, and feel their world using head-mounted sensory appendages called rhinophores and oral tentacles. Chemical signals help them track food—not just coral and sponges but barnacles, eggs, or small fish—and one another. Hermaphroditic, nudibranchs have both male and female organs and can fertilize one another, an ability that speeds the search for mates and doubles reproductive success. Depending on the species, pairs may lay eggs in coils, ribbons, or tangled clumps, up to two million at a time. Not all adult encounters have such a fruitful outcome. Sometimes one nudibranch eats the other, particularly if it is of another species. A cannibal slug rears up like a cobra to engulf its kin, using jaws and teeth to finish the job. Other nudibranchs rely on enzymes, rather than teeth, to break down prey. What else can devour a nudibranch without ill consequence? Certain fish, sea spiders, turtles, sea stars, a few crabs. Some people consume them as well, after removing the toxic organs. Chileans and islanders off Russia and Alaska roast or boil sea slugs or eat them raw. (Photographer David Doubilet likened the experience to "chewing an eraser.") Humans have also studied sea slugs' simple nervous systems for clues to learning and memory and have raided their chemical armory in search of pharmaceuticals. Fashioning remedies from marine invertebrates has a long history: Pliny the Elder, for example, wrote in the first century A.D. of using ground snails mixed with honey to treat "ulcerations of the head" and sea urchin ashes for baldness. Scientists today are isolating chemicals that may help ailing heart, bone, and brain. A sea hare (cousin to the nudibranch) recently offered up a cancer-fighting compound that made it into clinical trials. Still, nudibranchs have hardly given up all their secrets. Scientists estimate that they've identified only half of all nudibranch species, and even the known ones are elusive. Most live no more than a year and then disappear without a trace, their boneless, shell-less bodies leaving no record of their brief, brilliant lives.

From the on-line readings which of the following is a defense nudibranches have against predators?

Toxic secretions and stinging cells that they get from the food they eat.

reading three domains of life

Until comparatively recently, living organisms were divided into two kingdoms: animal and vegetable, or the Animalia and the Plantae. In the 19th century, evidence began to accumulate that these were insufficient to express the diversity of life, and various schemes were proposed with three, four, or more kingdoms. The scheme most often used currently divides all living organisms into five kingdoms: Monera (bacteria), Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. This coexisted with a scheme dividing life into two main divisions: the Prokaryotae (bacteria, etc.) and the Eukaryotae (animals, plants, fungi, and protists). Recent work, however, has shown that what were once called "prokaryotes" are far more diverse than anyone had suspected. The Prokaryotae are now divided into two domains, the Bacteria and the Archaea, as different from each other as either is from the Eukaryota, or eukaryotes. No one of these groups is ancestral to the others, and each shares certain features with the others as well as having unique characteristics of its own.

The large arrow labeled "R" in the above figure represents ocean currents bringing nutrients to the surface. What is this process called?



Vulture breaks a corpse down into detritus

From recitation and the textbook, burs are fruits from burdock plants, and they primarily disperse their seeds by


From the on-line readings, meroplankton

are temporary plankton, like young animals that will get larger in size.


bacterial decomposers break down things that are dead and fecal waste detritus

A perennial plant

can grow for many years

The producers found around hydrothermal vents and within tube worms are classified as



chromists, alveolates, rhodophytes, fungi, animals, plants, flagellates, basal protists Fungi, Protists, Plants, Animals... The Eukaryota include the organisms that most people are most familiar with - all animals, plants, fungi, and protists. They also include the vast majority of the organisms that paleontologists work with. Although they show unbelievable diversity in form, they share fundamental characteristics of cellular organization, biochemistry, and molecular biology. Shown here, clockwise from upper left: a dinoflagellate, a single-celled photosynthetic protist; a palm tree representing the plants; a spider, one of the animals; and a cluster of mushrooms representing the fungi.

In "oat bran" the bran refers to the ____ of the seed


what typically happens to rhododendron leaves in cold weather, within their natural habitat? The leaves



currents bring nutrients to the surface -feeds the food web -isn't always consistent can change dramatically -temp and etc can impact it -El nino and la nina cause warming -change in atmospheric and oceanic currents -reduced continental upwelling in el nino years -fisheries can crash. -fish can't grow or reproduce without phytoplankton


cyanobacteria heterotrophic bacteria Bacteria are often maligned as the causes of human and animal disease (like this one, Leptospira, which causes serious disease in livestock). However, certain bacteria, the actinomycetes, produce antibiotics such as streptomycin and nocardicin; others live symbiotically in the guts of animals (including humans) or elsewhere in their bodies, or on the roots of certain plants, converting nitrogen into a usable form. Bacteria put the tang in yogurt and the sour in sourdough bread; bacteria help to break down dead organic matter; bacteria make up the base of the food web in many environments. Bacteria are of such immense importance because of their extreme flexibility, capacity for rapid growth and reproduction, and great age - the oldest fossils known, nearly 3.5 billion years old, are fossils of bacteria-like organisms.

Carl Linnaeus

developed a hierarchy of classification


halophiles thermophiles The Domain Archaea wasn't recognized as a major domain of life until quite recently. Until the 20th century, most biologists considered all living things to be classifiable as either a plant or an animal. But in the 1950s and 1960s, most biologists came to the realization that this system failed to accomodate the fungi, protists, and bacteria. By the 1970s, a system of Five Kingdoms had come to be accepted as the model by which all living things could be classified. At a more fundamental level, a distinction was made between the prokaryotic bacteria and the four eukaryotic kingdoms (plants, animals, fungi, & protists). The distinction recognizes the common traits that eukaryotic organisms share, such as nuclei, cytoskeletons, and internal membranes. The scientific community was understandably shocked in the late 1970s by the discovery of an entirely new group of organisms -- the Archaea. Dr. Carl Woese and his colleagues at the University of Illinois were studying relationships among the prokaryotes using DNA sequences, and found that there were two distinctly different groups. Those "bacteria" that lived at high temperatures or produced methane clustered together as a group well away from the usual bacteria and the eukaryotes. Because of this vast difference in genetic makeup, Woese proposed that life be divided into three domains: Eukaryota, Eubacteria, and Archaebacteria. He later decided that the term Archaebacteria was a misnomer, and shortened it to Archaea. The three domains are shown in the illustration above at right, which illustrates also that each group is very different from the others. Further work has revealed additional surprises, which you can read about on the other pages of this exhibit. It is true that most archaeans don't look that different from bacteria under the microscope, and that the extreme conditions under which many species live has made them difficult to culture, so their unique place among living organisms long went unrecognized. However, biochemically and genetically, they are as different from bacteria as you are. Although many books and articles still refer to them as "Archaebacteria", that term has been abandoned because they aren't bacteria -- they're Archaea. One salt-loving group of archaea includes Halobacterium, a well-studied archaean. The light-sensitive pigment bacteriorhodopsin gives Halobacterium its color and provides it with chemical energy. Bacteriorhodopsin has a lovely purple color and it pumps protons to the outside of the membrane. When these protons flow back, they are used in the synthesis of ATP, which is the energy source of the cell. This protein is chemically very similar to the light-detecting pigment rhodopsin, found in the vertebrate retina. Archaeans may be the only organisms that can live in extreme habitats such as thermal vents or hypersaline water. They may be extremely abundant in environments that are hostile to all other life forms. However, archaeans are not restricted to extreme environments; new research is showing that archaeans are also quite abundant in the plankton of the open sea. Much is still to be learned about these microbes, but it is clear that the Archaea is a remarkably diverse and successful clade of organisms.

open ocean

has two layers 1. photic-light penetrates this is the top half 2. aphotic-light doesn't penetrate bottom half -life can live at the bottom of the ocean benthic -hydrothermal vents -light area of the open ocean-talked about a lot these days contains nutrients which come from currents these nutrients are located in the photic zone of the open ocean top half Open ocean appears to contain few organisms -krill -plankton: drifting organisms near the surface also microscopic found in photic zone -photosynthesis *Producers -producing oxygen in excess -even plants and plankton are producers -no plants in open ocean only microscopic producers -producers have significant productivity due to size of oceans -also have impact on earth's climate

Three types of currents.

ocean currents, air currents / atmospheric currents currents impact marine life currents keep nutrients in photic zone


off average

How can oceanic producers in the photic zone have an impact on global climate? These producers

remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Earth's water

saltwater 97% of earth's water surface and depths 3% freshwater

near shore

second shallowest has some plant life including kelp


small floating producers of the ocean 3 categories: 1. protists domain eukaryota kingdom protista 2. Bacteria 3. Archaea domain archaea may be a big player of producers but too early to determine Phytoplankton can impact climate by: -removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (CO2) -warming waters correlate with decreasing phytoplankton productivity phytoplankton can be monitored from satellites can be seen in large numbers -phytoplankton are food for other organisms including tiny organisms like: *zooplankton-small floating consumers. Eat phytoplankton and are protists are "animal like" protists small animals


what you swim in at the beach shallowest part

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