Biology 102 Exam 4 multiple choice

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A stroke is a rupture of a blood vessel in the a. leg b. brain c. heart d. lung e. internal organs


Adipose tissue cells are filled with a. minerals b. fat c. cartilage d. fibers e. muscles


At the arteriole end of the capillary, more fluid leaves the capillary than enters as a result of a. osmotic pressure b. hydrostatic force c. gap junctions d. vasodilation e. all of these


Four of the five answers listed below are related by a common property. Select the exception. a. neutrophil b. erythrocyte c. lymphocytes d. monocytes e. basophil


In its travel through the human body, blood usually continues on from the capillaries to enter a. arterioles b. venules c. arteries d. veins e. other capillaries


Heart excitation originates in the a. atrioventricular node b. intercalated disk c. sinoatrial node d. pericardium e. all of these


Hemoglobin contains which element? a. chlorine b. sodium c. iron d. copper e. magnesium


Hemostasis in vertebrates includes all of the following EXCEPT a. blood clot formation b. vessel constriction c. release of iron to aid in the clumping of platelets d. vessel spasms e. platelets releasing substances that cause them to attract each other


How long does the average red blood cell live? a. 4 days b. 4 weeks c. 4 months d. 1 year e. 4 years


Areas where lymphocytes congregate as they cleanse the blood of foreign materials are called a. stem cells b. SA nodes c. capillary beds d. lymph node e. antibodies


Blood from the body is first received by the heart in the a. coronary vein b. left atrium c. right ventricle d. right atrium e. left ventricle


Blood passes to the lungs from this structure. a. right atrium b. left atrium c. left ventricle d. right ventricle


By controlling their musculature, which of the following can vary the resistance to blood flow? a. arteries b. veins c. capillaries d. arterioles e. all of these


Dense fibrous tissues that connect muscle to bone are called a. muscles b. cartilage c. ligaments d. tendons e. all of these


Deoxygenated blood exits the hearts from this structure. a. right atrium b. left atrium c. left ventricle d. right ventricle


Epithelial cells are specialized for all the following functions EXCEPT a. secrection b. protection c. filtration d. contraction e. absorption


Extracellular fluid would NOT include a. plasma b. blood c. interstitial fluid d. cytoplasm e. any of the se


Four of the five answers listed below are characteristics of veins. Select the exception. a. blood volume reservoir b. contain valves c. low resistance-transport tubes d. transport oxygen e. low blood pressure


Four of the five answers listed below are related by a common feature. select the exception a. A b. B c. AB d. Rh+ e. O


If its cells are striated and fused at the ends so that the cells contract as a unit, the tissue is a. smooth muscle b. dense fibrous connective c. supportive connective d. cardiac muscle e. none of these


Most of the oxygen in the blood is transported by a. plasma b. serum c. platelets d. hemoglobin e. leukocytes


Muscle that is NOT striped and is involuntary is a. cardiac b. skeletal c. striated d. smooth e. both cardiac and smooth


Red blood cells originate in the a. liver b. spleen c. kidneys d. bone marrow e. thymus gland


The mineral associated with atherosclerosis is a. iron b. magnesium c. cobalt d. calcium e. iodine


The pulmonary circulation a. involves the hepatic portal vein b. moves oxygen-rich blood to the kidneys c. includes the coronary arteries d. leads to, through, and from the lungs e. all of these


Which blood type is the universal recipient? a. A b. B+ c. AB+ d. AB e. O+


Which of the following is NOT found in an arteriole? a. elastic layer b. basement membrane c. smooth muscle d. valve e. endothelium


maintaining the volume and composition of body fluids is the direct responsibility of which system? a. integumentary b. immune c. digestive d. urinary e. circulatory


A cell in the pancreas is unaffected by which of the following features of the muscle or bone tissue? a. contraction of muscle cells aids in circulation of blood and lymph. b. bone tissue serves as a reservoir for certain minerals such as calcium and potassium. c. muscle contraction during a reflex action helps to avoid a falling piano. d. bone tissue through hemopoesis results in blood cell production. e. none of these, because all directly or indirectly affect any given cell in the pancreas.


Cardiac muscle cells are a. involuntary b. voluntary c. striated d. slow contracting e. both involuntary and striated


Cartilage is found a. in the nose b. at the end of bones c. in the external ear d. between vertebrae e. all of these


Cholesterol is believed to be carried by a. albumin b. high-density lipoproteins c. low-density lipoproteins d. triglycerides e. high-density lipoproteins and low-density lipoproteins


Connective tissues include all the following EXCEPT a. cartilage b. blood c. bone d. fat e. outer layer of skin


Exocrine glands secret a. enzymes b. sweat c. milk d. salvia e. all of these


Four of the the five answers listed below designate organisms with open circulations. select the exception. a. insects b. snails c. spiders d. clams e. frogs


In atherosclerosis a. abnormal multiplication of smooth muscle cells in blood vessels occurs b. the arterial walls fill with connective tissue c. the lipids in the bloodstream become embedded in the walls of the endothelial lining d. a fibrous net covers the entire abnormal area e. all of these


Integration of body functions is controlled by the a. respiratory system b. nervous system c. endocrine system d. defense system e. both nervous and endocrine system


Reabsorption a. is the movement of material through capillaries b. is the movement of components of the interstitial fluid into capillary bed c. occurs at the beginning of the capillary bed d. occurs at the end of the capillary bed e. is the movement of components of the interstitial fluid into a capillary bed and occurs at the end of the capillary bed.


Smooth muscles are a. striated and voluntary b. isolated, spindle-shaped cells c. found in the walls of hollow structures such as blood vessels and the stomach d. involuntary and nonstriated e. all except a


The control of the temperature of the body is an example of which of the following? a. homeostatic mechanism b. positive feedback system c. endocrine function d. negative feedback system e. both a homeostatic mechanism and a negative feedback system


The interstitial fluid is a. a reservoir b. the extracellular fluid c. supplied by the blood d. similar to sea water e. all of these


This blood component plays a role in maintaining the ionic balance of the body a. red blood cells b. basophils c. platelets d. serum albumin protein e. sodium and potassium chloride


Type A blood will NOT agglutinate when mixed with a. type B blood b. type A blood c. type AB blood d. type O blood e. both A and AB, but will clump with types B and O


Which blood type is the universal donor? a. A+ b. B c. AB+ d. AB e. O


Which of the following are highly distensible reservoirs for blood volume? a. arteries b. arterioles c. capillaries d. venules e. veins


Because of their great elasticity, which of the following can function as blood volume reservoirs during times of low metabolic output? a. veins and venules b. arteries c. arterioles d. capillaries


Blood from the superior and inferior vena caves enters the heart via this structure a. right atrium b. left atrium c. left ventricle d. right ventricle


Blood in arteries a. always travels away from the heart b. travels away from the heart only if it is oxygen-rich c. always travels toward the heart d. travels from the lungs e. is always oxygen-rich


Blood pressure is the highest in the a. aorta b. pulmonary artery c. capillary bed d. subclavian vein e. lower vena cava


Extracellular fluid contains all but which of the following? a. erythrocytes b. ions c. white blood cells d. lymph e. water


Four of the five answers listed below are blood proteins. select the exception. a. epinephrine b. globulin c. hemoglobin d. fibrinogen e. albumin


Four of the five answers listed below are related by a common function. select the exception a. heart b. spleen c. thymus d. tonsils e. lymph node


If you are blood type A, a. you carry the antibodies for type B blood b. you carry the makers for type B blood c. you can donate blood to a person with type O blood d. you can receive blood from a person with type AB blood e. none of these


Oxygen is transported throughout the body by this blood component a. red blood cells b. basophils c. platelets d. serum albumin protein e. sodium and potassium chloride


Rapid communication throughout the body is accomplished by a. neurons b. blood c. hormones d. muscles e. connective tissue


Somatic cells can form all but which of the following? a. gametes b. epithelia c. muscles d. digestive organs e. somatic cells form all of these


The coronary vessels a. supply and drain the heart muscle b. bypass the heart ventricles c. send blood directly to the lungs d. are not really necessary because the heart can get its blood supply from the "inside" e. lead directly from the atria to the ventricles


The external covering of the body is produced by a. the ectoderm b. the endoderm c. the mesoderm d. the ectoderm and endoderm e. all of the germ layers


The heart a. will contract as a result of stimuli from the sinoatrial node b. contracts only as a result of nerve stimulation from the central nervous system c. is activated primarily through the autonomic nervous system d. pulse is primarily under the control of the atrioventricular node e. is completely independent of all nervous control


The nervous system is produced by a. the ectoderm b. the endoderm c. the mesoderm d. the ectoderm and endoderm e. all of the germ layers


The pacemaker is which of the following nodes? a. sinoatrial b. semilunar c. atrioventricular d. inferior vena cava e. superior vena cava


The secretion of tears, milk, sweat, and oil are functions of what tissue? a. epithelial b. loose connective c. lymphoid d. nervous e. adipose


The tissue that lines internal surfaces of the body is a. epithelial b. loose connective c. fibrous d. adipose


This blood component contains hemoglobin a. red blood cells b. basophils c. platelets d. serum albumin protein e. sodium and potassium chloride


Three of the four answers listed below are related by a common function. select the exception a. gamma globulin b. prothrombin c. fibrin d. fibrinogen


Which are examples of integrators? a. brain, spinal chord b. muscles, glands c. sensory cells in eye, tongue, and ear d. bones e. none of these


Which junction influences the passage of ions and small molecules between cells? a. gap b. adhering c. loose d. tight e. plasma


Which of the following are pressure reservoirs with low resistance to flow? a. arteries b. arterioles c. capillaries d. venules e. veins


Which of the following is NOT involved in the formation of a blood clot? a. plasma cells b. fibrinogen c. thrombin d. fibrin e. all of these are involved


Which of the following is usually NOT present in an open circulation system? a. veins b. the heart c. arteries d. blood e. arterioles


Which of the following statements is false? a. a heart will stop beating when the nerves to the heart are severed b. some cardiac muscle cells are self-excitatory c. the pacemaker of the heart is the sinoatrial node d. cardiac muscles join end to end to allow rapid communication e. cardiac muscles contract essentially in unison


In the Rh disease a. the mother must be positive and her first and second children positive b. the mother must be negative and her first and second children positive c. the mother must be negative and her first and second children negative d. the mother must be positive and her first and second children negative e. the mother and father must both be negative and the child positive


Oxygenated blood enters the heart via this structure a. right atrium b. left atrium c. left ventricle d. right ventricle


The diastolic pressure for a normal young adult would be a. 60 mmHg b. 80 mmHg c. 100 mmHg d. 120 mmHg e. 140 mmHg


The greatest drop in blood pressure occurs in the a. arteries b. arterioles c. capillaries d. venules e. veins


The lining of the intestinal tract is produced by a. the ectoderm b. the endoderm c. the mesoderm d. the ectoderm and endoderm e. all of the germ layers


The lymphoid organs include all but the a. spleen b. stomach c. thymus d. tonsils and adenoids e. appendix


The most common vascular disease is a. phlebitis b. hypertension c. leukemia d. sickle cell anemia e. a stroke


This blood component plays a role in the inflammatory response and shows anti-clotting activity a. red blood cells b. basophils c. platelets d. serum albumin protein e. sodium and potassium chloride


What occurs during systole? a. oxygen-rich blood is pumped to the lungs b. the heart muscle tissues contract c. the atroventricular valves suddenly open d. oxygen-poor blood from all the body regions except the lungs flows into the right atrium e. all of these


What we usually call the "back" of the human body is really the a. anterior b. posterior c. inferior d. superior


When nutrients are supplied to a cell, the last fluid through which they must pass before encountering the plasma membrane is the a. plasma b. interstitial fluid c. blood d. intracellular fluid e. cerebrospinal fluid


Which epithelial cell is modified for diffusion? a. cuboidal b. simple squamous c. simple columnar d. stratified squamous e. stratified columnar


Which of the following controls the distribution of blood? a. arteries b. arterioles c. capillaries d. venules e. veins


Which of the following has a closed circulatory system? a. clam b. earthworm c. spider d. snail e. insect


Which of the following is NOT included in connective tissues? a. bone b. skeletal muscle c. cartilage d. collagen e. blood


Which of the following is most directly associated with a stimulus? a. integrators b. receptors c. effectors d. central nervous system e. all of these


Which of the following possesses a three chambered heart? a. human b. frog c. mammal d. bird e. fish


Which of the following represents the correct hierarchy of organization in the human body? a. cell -> tissues -> organ systems -> organs b. cells > tissues > organs > organ systems c. tissues > cells > organs > organ system d. tissues > organs > cells > organ systems


Which of the following statements is false? a. the systemic circuit carries oxygenated blood b. Humans have an open circulatory system c. the function of the heart is to generate pressure to make the blood flow through the circulatory system d. the rate of blood flow varies throughout the circulatory system e. the interstitial fluid is returned to the lymphatic system


Which of the following statements is true? a. arteries carry only oxygenated blood b. the systemic circuit leaves the heart from the left ventricle c. blood passes through only one capillary bed on its trip through the systemic circuit d. platelets survive a longer time than erythrocytes e. the heart is able to pick up th oxygen it needs as the blood flows through it


Which system produces blood cells? a. endocrine b. skeletal c. muscular d. defense e. integumentary


About how many quarts of blood does a normal, 150-pound, human male have? a. 2-3 b. 3-4 c. 4-5 d. 5-6 e. 6-7


Adhering and gap junctions are found at the a. endoplasmic reticulum b. nuclear membrane c. plasma membrane d. Golgi apparatus e. ribosomes


An extracellular ground substance is characteristic of a. muscle tissue b. epithelial tissue c. connective tissue d. nervous tissue e. embryonic tissue


Blood is pumped to the majority of the body by this structure a. right atrium b. left atrium c. left ventricle d. right ventricle


Blood rich in oxygen is which color? a. yellow b. pink c. bright red d. blue e. purple


Bones are linked together at skeletal joints by a. tendons b. intercellular junctions c. ligaments d. cartilage e. collagen


Chemical and structural bridges link groups or layers of like cells, uniting them in structure and function as a cohesive a. organ b. organ system c. tissue d. cuticle


Chemical and structural bridges link groups or layers of like cells, uniting them in structure and function as a cohesive a. organ b. organ system c. tissue d. cuticle


Collage fibers are characteristic of which tissue? a. muscle b. epithelial c. connective d. nervous e. embryonic


If a physician hears two "lug" sounds instead of one, then which of these is true? a. the semilunar valves are not closing simultaneously b. the atrial blood is flowing backward and causing the extra sound c. the atrioventricular valves are not closing at eh same time d. the AV and semilunar valves are not closing at the same time e. no such double sound has ever been heard


In the human systemic circuit, blood will pass through all but which of the following? a. liver b. limbs c. lungs d. digestive organs e. brain


Megakaryocytes fragment to produce a. red blood cells b. lymphocytes c. platelets d. eosinophils e. neutrophils


Muscle cells are produced by a. the ectoderm b. the endoderm c. the mesoderm d. the ectoderm and endoderm e. all of the germ layers


Of the following organs, which is NOT in the abdominal cavity? a. stomach b. liver c. heart d. intestine e. pancreas


Tendons connect a. bones to bones b. bones to ligaments c. muscles to bone d. bones to cartilage e. all of these


The aorta leaves the a. left atrium b. right atrium c. left ventricle d. right ventricle


The endocrine system functions in a. conduction b. contraction c. hormonal control of body functioning d. protection against disease e. cell production


The greatest volume of blood is found in the a. aorta and arteries b. capillaries c. veins d. lungs e. heart


The pulmonary artery carries blood away from the a. aorta b. right atrium c. right ventricle d. left atrium e. left ventricle


The receiving zone of the vertebrate heart is a. a plaque b. the aorta c. an atrium d. a capillary bed e. all of these


The system that reclaims fluids and proteins that have escaped from blood capillaries is the a. cardiovascular b. pulmonary c. lymphatic d. sinoatrial e. venous


The type of epithelial cell found in the lining of the stomach, intestinal tract, and part of the respiratory tract is a. simple cuboidal b. simple squamous c. simple columnar d. stratified e. stratified columnar


This blood component plays a central role in clotting blood flooding a wound a. red blood cells b. basophils c. platelets d. serum albumin protein e. sodium and potassium chloride


What percent of the total blood volume does plasma normally amount to? a. 15 to 25 b. 33 to 40 c. 50 to 60 d. 66 to 75 e. about 80


Which of the following has the highest blood pressure? a. right ventricle b. right atrium c. left ventricle d. left atrium e. pulmonary circulation


Which of the following is transported in greater quantities in the lymphatic system than in the blood? a. red blood cells b. wastes c. fats d. amino acids e. white blood cells


Which of the following is true of the pulmonary circuit? a. blood is pumped to the digestive system b. oxygen-poor blood is received by the left atrium of the heart. c. the right ventricle pumps oxygen-poor blood d. it bypasses the lungs e. it exists only in fishes


Which of the following systems is the only one to have direct interactions with the other three? a. digestive b. urinary c. circulatory d. respiratory


Which statement is NOT true of the lymph vascular system? The lymph vascular system a. transports lipids absorbed from the small intestine to the bloodstream b. recovers and transports interstitial fluid back to the bloodstream c. absorbs glucose from the small intestine and transports it to the brain d. serves the body's system of defenses against bacteria and other infectious agents e. performs all of these functions


Which system is involved with body movement? a. endocrine system b. nervous system c. muscular system d. respiratory system e. skeletal system


what type of tissue is blood? a. epithelial b. muscular c. connective d. adipose e. noncellular fluid


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