Biology 111 Final Exam Review - Problem Sets

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A. 1.62 M HOW? 1. MW = 58.44g for 1M 2. We have 500mL or 0.5L of NaCL solution 3. In that 500mL, we have 47.4g of NaCl so... 4. Well, 47.4/58.4 = 0.81M, but that's if we had a full liter and we only have 1/2 liter (500mL) so... 5. 0.81*2 = 1.62M

A 0.50 L (500 ml) sample of seawater contains 47.4g of NaCl, which has a molecular weight of 58.44 g/mol. What is the molar concentration of the NaCl in the seawater? A. 1.62 M B. 1.0 M C. 0.81 M D. 0.5 M

B. The independent variable has no effect on the dependent variable

A null hypothesis states that: A. the opposite of your working hypothesis is supported B. The independent variable has no effect on the dependent variable C. The dependent variable has no effect on the independent variable D. There is no hypothesis that can be made E. There is no control group in this type of experiement

D. The red blood cells are in danger of shrinking because they were subjected to a hypertonic WHY? Always compare the two things in question. If you put a drop of dead sea salty water into your less salty blood cells, water will yeet itself out of your blood and into the salt water solution.

A patient experienced great blood loss. In an attempt to quickly replenish body fluids, a volume of salt water from the dead sea (SUPER salty) equal to the blood lost was introduced directly into a blood vein. What is the most likely result of this treatment? A. the red blood cells should be fine because they were subjected to an isotonic enviornment B. The red blood cells should be fine because they were subjected to an isotonic enviornment C. The red blood cells are in danger of bursting because they were subjected to a hypotonic enviornment D. The red blood cells are in danger of shrinking because they were subjected to a hypertonic enviornment

C. is a carefully-formulated proposition, based on obervations, and supported by an accumulation of experimental data

A scientific "theory": A. may incorporate explanations involving processes other than physical phenomena. B. may have previously been found to be false under some particular set of circumstances C. is a carefully-formulated proposition, based on obervations, and supported by an accumulation of experimental data D. is an hypothesis that has yet to be subjected to experimentation E. Can never be disproven

D. is composed of a fluid bilayer of phospholipids with embedded amphipathic proteins

According to the fluid mosaic model, a membrane ________. A. is composed of a fluid bilayer of phospholipids between two layers of hydrophilic proteins B. is composed of a single layer of fluid phospholipids between two layers of hydrophilic proteins C. is composed of a mosaic of fluid polysaccharides and amphipathis proteins D. is composed of a fluid bilayer of phospholipids with embedded amphipathic proteins

C. 109.4 g

An aqueous 3M solution of hydrochloric acid is prepared with a total volume of 0.530 L (530 ml). The molecular weight of hydrochloric acid is 36.46 g/mol. How much hydrochloric acid (in grams) is needed for the solution? A. 72.9 g B. 57.9 g C. 109.4 g D. 26.8 g

B. be chemically inert WHY? With 8 electrons in its outer shell, an atom isn't actively seeking bonds, therefore it's non-reactive, or inert.

An atom with 8 electrons in its outer shell tends to A. be a cation in aqueous solution. B. be chemically inert C. bonds to hydrogen in aqueous solution D. bond to itself E. be an anion in aqueous solution

D. they require the use of ATP to function

Aquaporins are special water channels that allow the bulk transport of water across the hydrophobic plasma membrane. Which of the following is NOT true about them: A. mutations on genes associated with them can lead to certain medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, vision problems, etc.) B. All are true C. plants use them to not only transport water, but help with metal detoxification D. they require the use of ATP to function E. they are vital for kidney function in mammals

C. Na2+ < sucrose < H2O < CO2

Arrange the following molecules according to increasing rate of diffusion across a lipid bilayer without the aid of any membrane protein: sucrose, Na+, CO2, H2O. (From hardest to get through to easiest to get through). A. H2O < CO2 < Na2+ < sucrose B. sucrose < Na2+ < CO2 < H2O C. Na2+ < sucrose < H2O < CO2 D. CO2 < H2O < sucrose < Na2+

B. Lettuce cells are hypotonic to the salt solution, hence plasmolyzed, but hypertonic to fresh water making them turgid and fresh-looking.

As you were taking lettuce in the grocery store, you were surprised when water sprinklers suddenly went on, spraying fresh water on the produce. When you got back home, you immersed the lettuce in a salt solution, and within several minutes they became limp and soft. What are the explanations for the spraying procedure in the store, and your observation at home? A. Lettuce cells are isotonic to fresh water making them turgid and fresh-looking, but hypotonic to the salt solution, hence plasmolyzed B. Lettuce cells are hypotonic to the salt solution, hence plasmolyzed, but hypertonic to fresh water making them turgid and fresh-looking. C. Lettuce cells are hypotonic to fresh water making them turgid and fresh-looking, but hypertonic to the salt solution, hence plasnolyzed. D. Lettuce cells are isotonic to fresh water making them turgid and fresh-looking, but hypertonic to the salt solution, hence plasmolyzed.

D. <100 WHY? This question is intended to get you thinking about those biological concepts that are likely to place limits on what the number of common monomer building blocks is across biology. Consider how increasing the number of monomers determines the diversity of polymers, the complexity of metabolism to create all the monomers, and how evolution might constrain either of these. There's a 95% chance I am going to ask this question (or one very similar to it) on you exam.

Based on your understanding of biological macromolecules, the number of unique monomer molecules that is common to living organisms is closest to which number? A. 1000 B. 10,000 C. >100,000 D. <100

C. Buffers, H+ ions, H+ ions WHY? Buffers, solutions that can resist changes in pH, are key to maintaining stable H ion concentrations in biological systems. When there are too many H+ ions (pH is lower than it should be), a buffer will absorb some of them, bringing pH back up; and when there are too few H+ ions (pH is higher than it should be), a buffer will donate some of its own H+ ions to reduce the pH.

Biological fluids regulate pH values using solutions that can resist changes in pH called __________. This is achieved by these solutions accepting _________ when pH is low and donating _________ when pH is high. A. Bases. H+ ions, OH- ions B. Buffers, OH- ions, H+ ions C. Buffers, H+ ions, H+ ions D. Acids, OH- ions, H+ ions E. None of the above

C. The increased temperature denatures the proteins in the egg.

Biology speaking, what happens when an egg is fried? A. The increased temperature lowers the activation energy neededd to cook the egg. B. This is an example of allosteric regulation C. The increased temperature denatures the proteins in the egg. D. Exposure to oxygen decreases the pH of the proteins in the egg. F. This is an example of cmpetitive inhibition

C. A phosolipid bilayer

The primary barrier of biological membranes consists of: A. a lipid monolayer B. Polysaccharides C. A phosolipid bilayer D. Fatty acids

D. 1/1000 WHY? After 1 half-life you have 50% C14 atoms remaining. After 2 half-lives you have 25% C14 atoms remaining. After 3 half-lives you have 12.5% C14 atoms remaining.... After 10 half-lives you have _____% C14 atoms remaining. Or you could do one-half (0.5) raised to the power of number of half-lives (in this example that # is 10).

Carbon-14 decays to nitrogen-14 with a half-life of approximately 5700 years. After 57,000 years, approximately what fraction of the initial carbon-14 would be left in an organic sample? A. 1/2 B. 1/10 C. 1/100 D. 1/1000 E. 1/20

C. A mechanism for evolution that was supported by evidence

Charles Darwin was the first person to propose which of the following? A. That organisms can pass on acquired traits to their offspring B. That evolution occurs C. A mechanism for evolution that was supported by evidence D. That cells contain the heretitary information in the form of DNA E. That Earth is MUCH older than a few thousand years

D. Grapefruit juice is much more acidic and has less OH ions WHY? Grapefruit juice is MUCH more acidic than pure water. Therefore it has more OH and less H than water.

Compare grapefruit juice to pure water. What is the difference between these two beverage's pH readings? A. Grapefruit juice is much more acidic and has less H ions B. Grapefruit juice is much more basic and has less OH ions C. They are about the same D. Grapefruit juice is much more acidic and has less OH ions E. Grapefruit juice is much more basic and has less H ions

Bag A

Five dialysis bags, constructed of a type of membrane that is permeable to water and impermeable to sucrose, were filled with various concentrations of sucrose and then placed in separate beakers containing an initial concentration of 0.6M sucrose solution. At 10-minute intervals, the bags were weighed, and the percent change in mass of each bag was graphed. Which line in the graph represents the bag with the highest initial concentration of sucrose?

E. 4 WHY? Carbon contains four electrons in its outer shell. Therefore, it can form four covalent bonds with other atoms or molecules. The simplest organic carbon molecule is methane (CH4), in which four hydrogen atoms bind to a carbon atom.

How many covalent bonds can a Carbon atom form? A. 2 B. 6 C. 0 D. 8 E. 4

A. 2.92 g WHY? 1. Find MW, it's given = 58.44g 2. We need 0.5M so 58.44*0.5 = 29.22g/L 3. We only need 0.1 L or 100 ml so 29.22*0.1 = 2.92

How much NaCl would you need to make a 0.100 L (100 ml) of a 0.5 molar solution? NaCl has a molecular weight of 58.44 g. A. 2.92 g B. 5.84 g C. 58.44 g D. 29.22 g

C. the conversion of glucose to chitin

Hydrolysis is involved in each of the following except: A. the conversion of a DNA strand into a mixture of four nucleotides B. The conversion of triacylglyverol to a mixture of fatty acids and glycerol C. the conversion of glucose to chitin D. the conversion of glycogen to glucose

C. The ability to falsify a claim

Hypothesis based science requires: A. ignoting experimental evidence that does not fit with the original hypothesis B. money C. the ability to falsify a claim D. being able to test and prove your hypothesis E. That the hypothesis be correct.

A. The Darwin Tree tattoo you got on your 21st birthday (before you reproduced).

If LaMarck was correct in his idea about the inheritance of acquired traits, which of the following would you be able to pass along to your offspring? A. The Darwin Tree tattoo you got on your 21st birthday (before you reproduced). B. Your extra toes you were born with C. Your blue eye color D. Your underaverage height

D. More acid WHY? Exercise does initiates chemical changes in the blood (including a drop in pH); however, a biologically significant (dangerous) drop is usually offset by other physiological functions (like proteins/buffers/etc.). This is one reason why we breathe faster when exercising, it actually helps regulate the drop in pH.

If heavy exercise produces lots of CO2 in the body, will the blood become more acid or more basic? A. Can't determine B. More basic C. Neither D. More acid

B. 10^-3

If the OH- ion concentration of a household item is 10-11, how many H+ ions does it have? A. 10^-11 B. 10^-3 C. 10^-13 D. 10^-14

A. A family will usually include far more taxa (plural of taxon) than a genus

In taxonomy, what is true about the hierarchal rank of "family"? A. A family will usually include far more taxa (plural of taxon) than a genus. B. Two species in the same family must be in the same taxonomic "Genus". C. One species can belong to more than one family (but no more than 3 families). D. Members of the same taxonomic family can have some species with a nucleus and some without

C. results from the aggregation of two or more polypeptide subunits WHY? Is the overall structure of the protein that results from the aggregation of two or more polypeptide subunits. Tertiary structure is the overall 3D structure of the polypeptides.

In the protein structure hierarchy, quaternary structure: A. is only possible when all subunits are identical B. defines a protein's overall function C. results from the aggregation of two or more polypeptide subunits D. is the overall 3D structure of a polypeptide

1. A 2. B 3. C

Match the following conditions to the most stable arrangement that they will assume. 1. Amphipathic molecules vigorously mixed with vegetable oil 2. Amphipathic molecules surrounding an oil droplet in the cells of plant seeds 3. Aphipathic molecules at air-water interface

D. Stomach

Most of the enzymes in our bodies function at or very close to neutral (pH ~ 7.0). There are a few exceptions. Which area of your body should be an exception to this "rule"? A. Brain B. Heart/Blood C. Skin D. Stomach

B. Cows have special microbes in their stomachs to help facilitate this process of digestion WHY? Most organisms lack the enzyme which recognizes β-1,4-glycosidic linkages in the cellulose molecules; however the cows have them due to the actions of special gut microbes at work.

Most organisms cannot digest cellulose, however cows can. How does the cow do it? A. Selective breeding by ranchers has altered the evolutionary trajectory of the cow's stomach, making it possible for them to eat a lot of grass (therefore they are far cheaper to feed) B. Cows have special microbes in their stomachs to help facilitate this process of digestion C. BEcause humans have special enzymes which recognizes cellulose material and stops digeston D. Because cellulose has a lot of branched regions making it difficult for the enzymes to find the cleavage points for complete digestion in most organisms.

A. Attending (or not attending) SI sessions

Multiple studies conducted at TAMU have shown that there is a positive correlation between students who regularly attend SI sessions and the average scores on exams. What is the independent variable (IV) in this study? A. Attending (or not attending) SI sessions B. The exam score C. The time/day of the SI sessions D. The SI E. The Student

C. Differential reproductive success of different phenotypes

Natural selection is: A. A product of the genotype and enviornmental factors B. The ability to survive and leave offspring C. Differential reproductive success of different phenotypes D. change over time E. the natural "force" causing random changes in the gene pool

C. Lysosomes, nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum

Of the following cell components, which group comprises the endomembrane system? A. Nuclear membrane, chloroplasts, Golgi apparatus B. Lysosome, vacuole, peroxisomes C. Lysosomes, nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum D. Peroxisomes, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum

C. The NA/K pump

On the basis of energy requirement, which does NOT belong to the group? A. Pur water rushing into celery stalks and bulking them up B. Spraying lysol in one room and over time smelling it in a room where it wasn't sprayed C. The NA/K pump D. GLUTS moving glucose molecules from the bloodstream into cells

D. 2 weeks WHY? If you have 100% P-32 at time 0, follow the curve till you get to 50% remaining. This is at week 2.

Phosphorus-32 undergoes radioactive decay at a constant rate. Estimate its half-life from the graph below showing its radioactivity measured over time. A. 3 weeks B. 6 weeks C. 1 week D. 2 weeks E. None of these F. 4 weeks

D. 2

Refer to the phylogenetic tree above to answer this question. The most recent common ancestor of the goat and the whale is at branch point: A. 5 B. 3 C. 1 D. 2 E. 4

A. Chitin is very useful in the medical field and can be used to make a strong yet flexible thread to stitch up incisions

Shown below is a structure of the chitin monomer. Which of the following is TRUE regarding chitin? A. Chitin is very useful in the medical field and can be used to make a strong yet flexible thread to stitch up incisions B. Chitin usually contains sulfur which gives some arthropods a distinctive odor. C. Fungi use chitin to synthesize their unique psychedelic properties. D. Chitin is a structural polysaccharide found in all organisms.

E. The growth, or height, of the plants

Suppose you wanted to test the effect of fertilizer on the growth of tomato plants. What is the dependent variable? A. The amount of water applied to each plant B. The amount of time that the plant was allowed to grow C. The presence or absence of fertilizer D. the type eof fertilizer used E. The growth, or height, of the plants.

D. 73, 108, 73

Tantalum is a chemical element with the symbol Ta and atomic number 73 and atomic mass ~181. Its main use today is in tantalum capacitors in electronic equipment such as cell phones, DVD players, video game systems, and computers. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does it have, respectively, in this most abundant form? A. 108, 73, 108 B. Insufficient information has been given to answer this question. C. 181, 73, 108 D. 73, 108, 73 E. 73, 181, 73

C. Differences in genome sequences WHY? DNA sequencing capabilities allowed us to see that the genomes of bacteria are VASTLY different than archaea. Also, remember, prokaryotes don't have mitochondria. At all.

The basis for dividing the prokaryotes into two domains (bacteria and archaea) is: A. the presence of mitochondria in bacteria B. Differences in metabolic properties C. Differences in genome sequences D. differences in the ability to survive in extreme conditions

C.dehydration; covalent

The construction of macromolecules requires a series of ______________ reactions that form _____________ bonds between monomers. A. hydrolysis; polymer B. denaturation; ionic C. dehydration; covalent D. hydrophilic; covalent E. cohesive; ionic

D. Active transport

The figure shown above depicts the movement of a substance across a cell membrane. The best way to describe what is occuring in the figure would be... A. osmosis B. facilitated endocytosis C. endocytosis D. active transport E. facilitated diffusion

B. one million fold

The nerve cell that extends from the big toe to the base of the spine can be one meter long. A typical bacterial cell is one micrometer long. Therefore, the nerve cell is _____ longer than the bacterial cell. A. one billion fold B. one million fold C. 10^5 fold D. None of these E. one thousand fold F. 10^3 fold

D. potassium ions into the cell and sodium ions out of the cell

The operation of the sodium potassium "pump" moves ________- A. sodium and potassium ions into the cell B. sodium and potassium ions out of the cell C. potassium and sodium ions into the nucleus D. potassium ions into the cell and sodium ions out of the cell E. potassium ions out of the cell and sodium ions into the cell

C. Acidic 10^-4 WHY? Any pH below 7 is acidic, therefore this item is acidic. If the pH is 4, then H+ = 10-4

The pH of an item is 4. Is this acidic or basic and how many H+ ions does it have? A. Basic 10^-10 B. Acidic 10^-10 C. Acidic 10^-4 D. Basic 10^-4

C. Proving the hypothesis

The scientific method has great flexibility in the order of operations. Which of these is NOT a step in the process? A. Repeating the experiment B. Communicating the results C. Proving the hypothesis D. Making an observation E. Proper experimental design

B. increase the amount of HDL or "good" cholesterol

Unsaturated fatty acids __________________. A. increase the amount of LDL or "bad" colesterol B. increase the amount of HDL or "good" cholesterol C. are generally solid at room temperature D. are composed of straight chains of hydrocarbons E. are commonly found in animal fats as compared to plant fats

A. Lipid WHY? This is a cholesterol molecule, a lipid. Cholesterol is a 27 carbon compound with a unique structure with a hydrocarbon tail, a central sterol nucleus made of four hydrocarbon rings, and a hydroxyl group.

What class of biomolecules is shown in the image below? A. lipid B. Nucleic acid C. Carbohydrate D. Protein

A. Centrioles

What do animal cells have to the exclusion of plant cells? A. Centrioles B. Mitochondria C. Ribosomes D. Chloroplasts

C. Hydroxyl groups WHY? Sugars always contain multiple hydroxyl groups. They also have 1 (or,if they are disaccharides, 2) carbonyls.

What functional group that you learned about are there a lot of in sugars? A. Carboxyl groups B. phosphate groups C. Hydroxyl groups D. Methyl groups E. Amino group

B. Storage of fuel (Energy)

What is one function of triglycerols living organisms? A. Catalysis of chemical reactions B. Storage of fuel (energy) C. Storing genetic information D. Cell structure E. Synthesis of hormones

C. 10^-11 WHY? If pH = 3 then: H+ = 10-3 and so OH- = 10-11

What is the [OH-] in a solution with a pH of 3? A. None of the above B. 10^-3 C. 10^-11 D. 10^3 E. 10^11

A coated vesicle used to take in cholesterol for membrane synthesis in humans

What is the main feature or example of Receptor-mediated endocytosis

Vesicle which forms/fills up with solid particles. USed mainly to engulf food or pathogens

What is the main feature or example of phagocytosis

Cell continually takes in droplets of extracellular fluid into vesicles

What is the main feature or example of pinocytosis

342 WHY? (12*12) + (22*1) + (16*11) = 342g/mol

What is the molecular weight of lactose (g/mol)? Enter a whole number (no decimal places). C12H22O11

C. Creating semi-permeable membranes WHY? Phospholipids are used to build membranes

What is the predominant role of phospholipids in organisms? A. Storage of fuel (energy) B. Catalysis of chemical reactions C. Creating semi-permeable membranes D. Synthesizing hormones

D. 2 WHY? Sulfur has 6 electrons in its outer shell. Therefore its combining power, or valency, is 2.

What is the valency of Sulfur? A. 6 B. 1 C. 8 D. 2

D. Non polar

What type of covalent bonds exist in methane? A. Polar B. Ionic C. Hydrpgen D. Non polar

A. small and nonpolar

What type of molecules will require the least amount of help to pass through a cell membrane? A. small and nonpolar B. Large and nonpolar C. large and polar D. small and polar

C. Dehydration reaction - polymer being built WHY? The picture is showing a water molecule leaving after two monomer are linked up. Therefore, you are looking at the linking of monomers into a polymer via a dehydration reaction.

What type of reaction is depicted above and what it happening? A. dehydration reaction - polymer being broken down B. hydrolysis reaction - polymer being broken down C. Dehydration reaction - polymer being built D. Hydrolysis reaction - polymer being built E. None of these

D. C60H102O51

What would be the molecular formula for a polymer made from ten glucose (C6H12O6) molecules linked together by dehydration reactions? A. C6H12O6 B. C60H120O60 C. C60H100O50 D. C60H102O51 E. None of the above

E. monomers WHY? Macromolecules are polymers built up of monomers. Therefore when macromolecules are broken apart via hydrolysis, monomers are left.

When a macromolecule goes through hydrolysis, the products are: A. polymers B. individual atoms C. ions D. salts E. monomer

A. denatured WHY? Denaturation is an irreversible process in which proteins lose their quaternary, tertiary, and secondary structures. This is often due to environmental factors such as pH shifts, radiation, or temperature changes. If proteins in a living cell are denatured, this results in disruption of cellular activity and possibly cell death. Protein denaturation is also a consequence of cell death.

When a protein is heated beyond its optimal max temperature, it loses all levels of organization besides the primary level. When this happens, the protein is said to be: A. denatured B. dehydrated C. plasmolyzed D. lysed E. hydrolyzed

B. Tertiary WHY? The tertiary structure will have a single polypeptide chain "backbone" with one or more protein secondary structures, the protein domains. Amino acid side chains may interact and bond in a number of ways. The interactions and bonds of side chains within a particular protein determine its tertiary structure. The protein's tertiary structure is defined by its atomic coordinates. These coordinates may refer either to a protein domain or to the entire tertiary structure.

Which level of protein organization is due to interactions between amino acid side chain groups (especially their R-groups and H bonds)? A. Quaternary B. Tertiary C. None of the above D. Primary E. Secondary

A. Cholesterol

Which molecule is important in regulating cell membrane fluidity? A. Cholesterol B. Glucose C. Phospholipid D. Protein

D. Chloroplasts and mitochondria contain bacteria-like vesicles

Which of the following DOES NOT support the endosymbiotic theory? A. Chloroplasts and mitochondria are both double-membrane bound B. Chloroplasts and mitochondria reproduce via binary fission C. Chloroplasts and mitochondria contain their own DNA D. Chloroplasts and mitochondria contain bacteria-like vesicles

B. Membrane proteins from calls of two different organisms will never be found mixed together in a hybrid cell.

Which of the following DOES NOT support the fluid mosaic model? A. Phospholipids move laterally within the plane pf the membrane B. Membrane proteins from calls of two different organisms will never be found mixed together in a hybrid cell. C. Membrane is composed of various biomolecules with properties affected by temperatures changes D. The presence of cholesterol greatly influences membrane fluidity

E. Amino Acids

Which of the following are the building blocks of proteins? A. peptides B. Nucleotides C. Monosaccharides D. Fatty acids E. Amino Acids

A. identical cell wall composition

Which of the following characteristic is NOT shared by bacteria and archaea? A. identical cell wall composition B. presence of ribosomes C. absence of nuclear membrane D. absence of mitochondria E. presence of plasma membrane

A. Lipids

Which of the following class of biomolecules is NOT considered as a true polymer? A. Lipids B. Proteins C. Carbphydrates D. Nucleic Acids

D. the presence or absence of the mitochondria

Which of the following distinguishes an eukaryotic cell from a prokaryotic cell? A. whether or not ribosomes are present B. the number of cells present (i.e. unicellular vs multicellular) C. the presence or absence of double-stranded DNA D. the presence or absence of the mitochondria

D. Carbohydrate portion of its glycoproteins are positioned on the intracellular face only.

Which of the following does NOT describe a biological membrane? A. Its components get transported through vesicles, whose outside face becomes continuous with the membrane cytoplasmic face. B. It is a collage of proteins, embedded in the fluid matrix of the lipid bilayer C. Its individual components (e.g. proteins and lipids are randomly distributed along the membrane. D. Carbohydrate portion of its glycoproteins are positioned on the intracellular face only.

C. Glycogen consists of lactose, maltose, and fructose monomers.

Which of the following is FALSE concerning glycogen: A. Glycogen is composed of hundreds (or thousands) of glucose monomers B. Glycogen is the major storage form of glucose in animals C. Glycogen consists of lactose, maltose, and fructose monomers. D. Glycogen is most abundantly found in muscle and liver tissues

B. O2

Which of the following is NOT a compound? A. H2O B. O2 C. NaCl D. HCl E. None of these F. C6H12O6

D. Store genetic information WHY? Lipids do a lot of things, however they do not store genetic info...that's a job for nucleic acids.

Which of the following is NOT a function of a lipid? A. Long-term energy storage B. Insulation from the environment C. Component of cellular membranes D. Store genetic information E. Building blocks for some hormone synthesis

C. O WHY? A molecule is an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. Molecules are distinguished from ions by their lack of electrical charge.

Which of the following is NOT a molecule? A. H2O B. O2 C. O D. C6H12O6 E. NaCl F. None of these

B. movement via an electrogenic pump

Which of the following is NOT an example of facilitated diffusion? A. All of the above B. movement via an electrogenic pump C. movement via water channel proteins D. movement via ion channels E. movement of solutes from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration

E. Calcium WHY? Living organisms are made of organic molecules, which have C, H, O, and N as the four major elements. Calcium is an important signalling molecule in biological systems, but is not itself a major component of biological macromolecules.

Which of the following is NOT one of the four major elements that make up biological macromolecules? A. Hydrogen B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Carbon E. Calcium

C. They easily dissolve in water.

Which of the following is NOT true about hydrocarbons? A.They are absent (without other bonds) in most living organisms. B. They have hydrophobic regions. C. They easily dissolve in water. D. They are only composed of hydrogens and carbons (but can make bonds with other compounds).

D. Developing and implementing a succlessful vaccine against Covid-19

Which of the following is an example of applied science? A. Determining which groups of people are more susceptible to severe complications due to Covid-19 B. Exploring and mapping out the phylogenetic history of Covid-19 (especially in relation to other corona viruses) C. Tracking down "patient zero" for covid-19 D. Developing and implementing a succlessful vaccine against Covid-19

D. an inflated balloon

Which of the following is an example of potential rather than kinetic energy? A. light flashes emitted by a firefly B. water rushing over Niagara Falls C. a crawling beetle foraging for food D. an inflated balloon

D. DNA is FAR more stable than RNA. This means that RNA is very dynamic, normally varying by the hour in most organisms.

Which of the following is correct regarding the comparison of DNA to RNA? A. RNA is the entire collection of nucleic acid found in an organism. For example, it represents the 3 billion bases found in the nucleus of every human cell B. Uracil replaces adenine in RNA molecules C. DNA is usually single stranded and RNA is usually double stranded. D. DNA is FAR more stable than RNA. This means that RNA is very dynamic, normally varying by the hour in most organisms.

A. Atom → Molecule → Cell → Tissue → Organ → Population → Community → Ecosystem

Which of the following is correct, from least complex to most complex, in the hierarchical order of life? (Some levels have been omitted, so you are looking for the correct order.) A. Atom → Molecule → Cell → Tissue → Organ → Population → Community → Ecosystem B. Atom → Cell → Tissue → Molecule → Organ → Organelle → Community → Population C. Ecosystem → Population → Community → Organ System → Organ → Cell → Molecule → Atom D. Ecosystem → Community → Populayion → Organ → Tissue → Cell → Molecule → Atom E. Biosphere → Community → Population → Tissue → Organ → Cell → Atom → Molecule

A. All cells have nucleus

Which of the following is not a tenet of cell theory? A. All cells have a nucleus B. The cell is the structual unit of life C. Cells can only arise by division from a preexisting cell D. All organisms are composed of one or more cells

A. They all contain carbon and are organic

Which of the following is true about all macromolecules? A. They all contain carbon and are organic B. They all function to recycle or store energy in one form or another. C. Are monomers made of smaller polymers D. They are all about the same size (weight and number of monomers present). E. None of them are soluable in water

C. Evolution

Which of the following properties or processes do we associate with all living things? A. Natural Selection B. Multicellularity C. Evolution D. Sexual Reproduction E. Creating Energy

C. chitin, sucrose, glucose

Which of the following shows the appropriate hierarchy of carbohydrates arranged from most to least sugar molecules? A. glucose, glycogen, maltose B. ribose, galactose, startch C. chitin, sucrose, glucose D. maltose, cellulose, galactose

A. Heritable variation in the population

Which of these factors are required for biological evolution to occur? A. Heritable variation in the population B. Many generation (millions of years) C. Natural Selection D. Variation in acquired traits among individuals in the population E. A very large population

All these are essential elements

Which of these is NOT an essential element that makes up living matter? - Nitrogen - Calcium - Oxygen - All these are essential elements - Hydrogen - Iron - Carbon

C. F, Cl, As, Ba, Ne

Which series of elements below are ordered from high to low electronegativity? A. Ne, F, Cl, As, Ba B. F, As, Cl, Ne, Ba C. F, Cl, As, Ba, Ne D. Ne, Ba, As, Cl, F

D. They differ in the arrangement of their covalent bonds.

Which statement about enantiomers is FALSE? A. Their multiple forms are mirror images. B. All statements are true for enantiomers. C. Their placement of atoms differ by having an asymmetric carbon. D. They differ in the arrangement of their covalent bonds. E. All enantiomer forms have the same chemical formula.

B. All are true

Which statement about water's polarity is TRUE? A. Water's polarity causes other polar molecules to be hydrophillic B. All are true C. All are false D. Water molecules can form up to 4 hydrogen bonds with other water molecules. E. Waters polarity makes it a versatile solvent

A. Polymers are made of monomers WHY? Monomers are the units -- "mono-" means "one." Linking many monomers together and you get a polymer. "Poly-" means many.

Which statements regarding macromolecules is correct? A. Polymers are made of monomers B. Water is a polymer C. Monomers are made of polymers D. Polymers and monomers are basically the same thing

metabolic compartment enclosed by a single membrane

function of Peroxisome

breakdown of ingested macromolecules and other substances

function of a lysosome

protein, glycoprotein, and phospholipid modification

function of golgi apparatus

convert energy to forms that cells can use for work

function of the mitochondria

physically separate the DNA from most metabolic processes

function of the nucleus

storage and waste disposal

function of vacuole

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