biology c5

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1) Almost all scientists believe that the global warming observed over the past 100 years has been caused by elevated levels of gases in the atmosphere. Which of the following gases is primarily responsible for this problem? A) carbon dioxide B) nitrous oxide C) oxygen D) ozone


10) Temperature is a measure of A) the potential energy in a substance. B) how fast the molecules in a substance are moving. C) the energy lost from a substance to its surroundings. D) how much heat is being absorbed by a substance.


11) Which of the following is most likely to contain the most heat overall? A) a cup of coffee that is 140 degrees F B) a person that is 98.6 degrees F C) a large lake filled with water that is 72 degrees F D) a smoldering campfire ember that is 400 degrees F


12) What happens when water is heated? A) It's broken into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. B) New hydrogen bonds are created between water molecules. C) Hydrogen bonds between water molecules are broken. D) Hydrogen atoms jump from one water molecule to another water molecule.


13) What process occurs as individual water molecules move fast enough to rise into the air as water vapor? A) condensation B) combustion C) evaporation D) precipitation


14) Which of these processes of the water cycle releases heat into the atmosphere? A) condensation B) runoff C) evaporation D) ground-water discharge


15) Why is water so important in controlling Earth's climate? A) Water vapor is one of the greenhouse gases that allows the release of heat into space. B) The water in oceans and lakes stores the energy radiated by the sun and releases it slowly. C) Water warms up quickly when very little energy is added to it. D) The evaporation of water from oceans and lakes cools the temperature of the continents.


16) Why does sweating cool you off? A) The water in sweat, as it is secreted from skin glands, is cooler than your body temperature. B) Heat is taken up from your skin by the water in the sweat. C) Water in sweat contains hydrogen bonds that react with skin cells and removes excess heat from the skin. D) Sweat contains a combination of chemicals that react with salt on the skin to create a heat-absorbing substance.


17) Which of these would be the most likely effect on precipitation from global warming? A) an increase in the months of snowfall in higher latitudes B) a decrease in the amount of snowfall on mountaintops C) an increase in the amount of rainfall in every climate D) a decrease in the amount of rainfall near oceans


18) When are the most hydrogen bonds likely to reform between water molecules in a lake? A) in the late morning B) at noon C) in the late afternoon D) at night


19) Which of these emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? A) green plants B) volcanoes C) soil D) water


2) Which of these human activities has directly contributed to global warming? A) burning of coal B) building of greenhouses C) planting of trees D) development of solar energy


20) During the water cycle, water evaporates from plants through a process called transpiration. Which of these is a similar process during the carbon cycle? A) Carbon dioxide is absorbed by soils. B) Carbon-based sugars are ingested by animals. C) Carbon dioxide is respired by animals. D) Carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants and converted to sugars.


21) Which of these is a fossil fuel? A) vegetable oil B) coal C) hydrogen gas D) wood


22) What are fossil fuels? A) carbon-rich remains of plants and microorganisms B) underground deposits of carbon dioxide C) accumulations of partially decomposed dinosaurs D) timber from old-growth forests


23) Fossil fuels form from the unconsumed ________ of dead organisms.


24) The plants that made up fossil fuels lived around ________ years ago. A) 300,000,000,000 B) 300,000,000 C) 300,000 D) 30,000


25) Where does most of the carbon dioxide released by human activities come from? A) exhaling (cellular respiration waste products) B) decomposing garbage in landfills C) burning wood for cooking fires D) burning fossil fuels


26) What can happen to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? A) It can be released into space from the atmosphere. B) It can be converted to glucose by plants. C) It can be converted into carbon monoxide by the oceans. D) It can react with nitrogen to form fossil fuels.


27) Which of the following is a true statement about carbon and the carbon cycle? A) There is a one-way flow of carbon from volcanoes to plants to herbivores to carnivores and, finally, to the atmosphere. B) Carbon is recycled among plants, animals, water, soil, and the atmosphere. C) Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the only carbon-containing compound involved in the carbon cycle. D) Carbon is recycled in a general sense, but once carbon dioxide is exhaled from animals, it can only enter the atmosphere, where it's trapped and adds to the greenhouse effect.


28) On Earth, ________ is/are the largest reservoir of carbon dioxide and heat. A) the atmosphere B) the oceans C) animal bodies D) fossil fuels


29) According to scientists, how do the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today compare to the past 400,000 years? A) There's more atmospheric carbon dioxide today. B) There's less atmospheric carbon dioxide today. C) There have been no changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. D) Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have fluctuated randomly.


3) Which of the following is considered a greenhouse gas? A) water vapor B) carbon monoxide C) gaseous nitrogen D) nitrous oxide


31) How do scientists "know" the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide that existed on Earth hundreds or thousands of years ago? A) They deduce it from the carbon dioxide content of fossil fuels. B) They measure it from bubbles of gas trapped in Antarctic ice. C) They estimate it from the relative numbers of carbon-based life forms that existed over time. D) They measure it from erupting volcanoes, bubbling hot springs, and seeping hydrothermal vents.


32) What relationship has been shown by the data from Antarctic ice cores? A) a positive correlation between carbon dioxide concentration and ice core temperature B) a negative correlation between carbon dioxide concentration and ice core temperature C) no correlation between carbon dioxide concentration and ice core temperature D) a confusing relationship between carbon dioxide concentration and ice core temperature


33) The process by which carbon dioxide and water are converted to glucose and oxygen is called A) photosynthesis. B) cellular respiration. C) glycolysis. D) fermentation.


34) The process of photosynthesis transforms solar energy into ________ energy. A) chemical B) mechanical C) heat D) kinetic


35) Photosynthesis takes place inside a specialized organelle called a ________.


36) Each chloroplast is surrounded by how many membranes? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4


37) Which of these increases the amount of surface area that is available for photosynthesis inside the chloroplast? A) stroma B) chlorophyll C) envelope D) thylakoid


38) The thick fluid found inside chloroplasts is known as A) grana. B) stroma. C) chlorophyll. D) thylakoids.


4) The greenhouse effect is most similar to A) heating up the air inside a car by parking it in the sun. B) warming the air for a hot-air balloon with a propane burner. C) burning kerosene in a heater to warm up the air inside a cold house. D) growing plants in your office to reduce indoor air pollution.


40) Which of the following is the proper equation for photosynthesis? A) 6CO2 + 6O2 + sunlight → C6H12O6 + 6H2O B) 6H2O + 6CO2 + sunlight → C6H12O6 + 6O2 C) C6H12O6 + 6O2 + sunlight → 6CO2 + 6H2O D) O2 + H2O + sunlight → C6H12O6 + CO2


41) Glucose is a molecule that supplies ________ to cells.


42) The first step of photosynthesis is called the A) Calvin cycle. B) light reactions. C) citric acid cycle. D) electron transport chain.


43) The light reactions of photosynthesis occur in the A) stroma. B) outer chloroplast membrane. C) thylakoids. D) rubisco.


44) What happens first after chlorophyll absorbs light energy? A) Water splits into H+ and O2. B) Hydrogen ions combine with electrons to produce NADPH. C) Electrons are released and move to a higher energy level. D) Carbon dioxide is converted to sugar.


45) Oxygen is produced during the light reactions when A) NADP+ is converted to NADPH. B) CO2 splits apart at the end of the light reactions. C) electrons reach the end of the electron transport chain. D) water is split to provide replacement electrons to chlorophyll.


46) What energy molecule is produced during the light reactions and helps to power the Calvin cycle? A) ATP B) glucose C) sucrose D) NADP+


47) The Calvin cycle of photosynthesis occurs in the A) stroma. B) outer chloroplast membrane. C) thylakoids. D) rubisco.


48) What is the initial carbon-containing starting product in the Calvin cycle? A) glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate B) glucose C) ribulose bisphosphate D) rubisco


49) The enzyme that catalyzes the reaction between carbon dioxide and ribulose bisphosphate is ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase, or ________.


5) How does the greenhouse effect work? A) Rocks, soil, and water on Earth's surface absorb sunlight energy and radiate it as heat. B) The energy from sunlight passes through the transparent water of the oceans and heats up the Earth's core. C) Some sunlight energy that hits Earth radiates toward space, but some is trapped by atmospheric gases. D) All the sunlight energy striking Earth bounces off the planet and radiates into space.


50) Excess amounts of which sugar are used by plants to make glucose? A) G3P B) RuBP C) NADPH D) fructose


51) The role of NADP in photosynthesis is to A) pick up and drop off electrons. B) phosphorylate ADP to ATP. C) convert carbon dioxide to rubisco. D) absorb sunlight energy.


52) Which of the following is a true statement about photosynthesis? A) The light reactions produce NADP from sunlight energy. B) Carbon dioxide reacts with 5-carbon molecules during the Calvin cycle. C) ATP is released at the end of the Calvin cycle. D) Water is used during photosynthesis to capture the electrons released from excited chlorophyll pigments.


53) In plant leaves, carbon dioxide enters and oxygen exits via tiny pores called ________.


54) Cells that regulate gas exchange by opening and closing the stomata are called ________ cells.


55) During which process does water vapor move out of plant stomata? A) condensation B) combustion C) evaporation D) transpiration


56) What happens during photorespiration? A) The Calvin cycle produces twice as much glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P), which is exported to make sugars. B) The enzyme rubisco uses oxygen as its substrate for the reaction it catalyzes with ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP). C) Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) is broken down into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) and exported to make sugars. D) A second wave of light reactions occurs to replace the Calvin cycle.


57) What gas do plants release during photorespiration? A) water vapor B) oxygen C) carbon dioxide D) carbon monoxide


58) When can photorespiration occur in plants? A) when stomata are closed B) when oxygen levels inside the leaf are low C) when the plant is undergoing transpiration D) during the Calvin cycle


59) Which of the following types of plants undergo the most photorespiration? A) C2 plants B) C3 plants C) C4 plants D) CAM plants


6) Which of the following statements about the greenhouse effect is true? A) Most life on Earth relies upon the hospitable temperatures resulting from the greenhouse effect. B) The greenhouse effect is a dangerous phenomenon that should be stopped as soon as possible. C) The greenhouse effect results from the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere. D) Global warming is likely the result of a lessening of the greenhouse effect.


60) Which plants are best adapted for very dry, hot environments such as deserts? A) C2 plants B) C3 plants C) C4 plants D) CAM plants


61) C3 and C4 plants are named after the A) sequence in which the carbon-containing molecules were discovered. B) botanically assigned geographic coordinates where the plants are located. C) first stable carbon compounds that are produced during the second portion of photosynthesis. D) first carbon compounds that are produced during the light reactions of each type of plant.


62) Which of the following is most likely to be a C4 plant? A) switchgrass B) clover C) rose D) cactus


63) A CAM plant A) uses 4-carbon sugars to pump carbon dioxide molecules to the Calvin cycle. B) is often used in agriculture because of its ability to conserve water. C) slows water loss by opening stomata only at night. D) tends to grow very slowly because of its inability to undergo the Calvin cycle.


64) Which of the following types of plant stores carbon dioxide as an organic acid in its vacuoles? A) C2 plants B) C3 plants C) C4 plants D) CAM plants


65) How can deforestation increase global warming? Deforestation can A) decrease the total amount of photosynthesis as C3 plants are harvested. B) increase the number of C4 plants, thereby increasing photorespiration. C) cause runoff to become more acidic, thereby blocking the uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide. D) increase the uptake of carbon dioxide by encouraging the growth of faster growing plants.


66) How is global warming likely to affect an animal species that has narrow temperature requirements? Global warming is likely to A) cause the expansion of the species' range. B) cause the extinction of the species. C) reduce the diseases that threaten the species. D) have no effect on the species.


67) Increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have made the ocean A) more acidic. B) more basic. C) closer to neutral in pH. D) richer in aquatic species.


68) Which of these activities could help you to slow the rate of global warming? A) only buy food in plastic containers B) drive faster than the speed limit C) replace an old refrigerator with a new one D) mow the grass more frequently


69) A(n) ________ could exert the most influence to speed the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. A) individual B) business owner C) nonprofit corporation D) policy maker


7) The planet Mercury is closer to the sun than the planet Venus. However, temperatures on Venus are hotter than temperatures on Mercury. Why would this be the case? A) Mercury has a thicker atmosphere than Venus that blocks heat from the sun. B) Mercury spins more quickly than Venus, so its surface cannot heat up as quickly. C) Venus has a thicker atmosphere than Mercury that traps heat from the sun. D) Venus is cooled by high concentrations of water vapor in its atmosphere.


70) A decrease in the amount of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere would result in A) cooler average global temperatures. B) warmer average global temperatures. C) no change in average global temperatures. D) cooler temperatures in the northern hemisphere and warmer temperatures in the southern hemisphere.


8) How would Earth change if the greenhouse effect didn't exist at all? A) Without the greenhouse effect, Earth would radiate all its heat into space. B) All the incoming sunlight energy would be absorbed without the greenhouse effect. C) The result of no greenhouse effect would be an extremely hot planet that never cools down. D) Animals and plants would survive comfortably, and the average temperature would never change if the greenhouse effect did not exist.


9) Heat is a measure of A) the rate that molecules are moving within a substance. B) the resistance to temperature change within a substance. C) the ability of a substance to transfer energy between its molecules. D) the total amount of energy associated with the movement of molecules in a substance.

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