Biology Chapter 3 Test Review

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Cuckoo birds were described in your application pages. Explain what type of a relationship a European cuckoo bird has with other particular bird species.

Parastic- The cuckoo benifits by getting fed by warblers. The cuckoo harms the warbler by tossing it's young out of the nest.

A group of organisms of the same species in a common area at the same time is a


Number of individuals in a population per a given area _______________________. How packed in the population is.

Population Density

The way that individuals within a population are arranged is

Population Dispersion

Is it a population? All the lionfish in the Indian ocean.


Is it a population? All the paper wasps in their nest.


Is it a population?All of the bottlenose dolphins in the Sea of Cortez


logestic model

When resources are limited, most populations experience logistic growth

exponential model

When resources are unlimited, many populations may experience exponential growth.

What a population doesn't look like

A population consists of a single species living in the same place at the same time. There are multiple populations in this image.

Define ecosystems:

All the different species that exist a long with their non-living infulencers and factors.

What is the effect of removing top predators from a community?

An increase in competition between species and a decrease in biodiversity.

Living (___________) factors and non-living (___________) factors interacting is all part of an ___________________. The study of these factors and their interactions is called _________________.

1. birds 2. abiotic 3. ecosystem 4. ecology

Top predators are important because they decrease _____________ and also increase ______________.

1. competition, 2, biodiversity

carrying capacity

A carrying capacity is the approximate population size in which an environment can sustain. Stable populations may fluctuate above and below the carrying capacity.

Give an example of something that would have an exponential growth model:


Population size depends on 4 factors:

Birth rate, death rate, immigration, emmigration

What factors (examples) might influence the carrying capacity of a deer population in Michigan to go down?

Building houses over bean fields, deforestation, and a major fluid wiping fund

When two species change over time due to back and forth adjustments to one another.


A group of all the different organisms in the same place at the same time is a


The statistical study of populations is called what?


The study of populations using statistics is


If these two elephant species both came from a common ancestral species, why do they look so different from one another today?

Different environmental pressures on each species have caused them to accumulate different adaptations.

You are reading a book about deer and it describes the elk deer (Cervus canadensis) and red deer (Cervus elaphus). Looking at the pictures in the book, you can't tell the difference between them. You read that they can interbreed in captivity, but because of differences in mating behaviors they do not naturally interbreed. You also read that their mitochondrial DNA is very different from each other. The elk deer and red deer are...

Different species

density dependent factors

Disease is a density dependent factor. As a population increases in size, diseases become easier to obtain and spread.

Describe how different species of warbler birds (below) can co-exist in the presence of competition and still continue exist:

Each bird has it's own unique realized niche. Therefore they have not competing at each other, they live in the same area.

info on carrying capacity

Factors such as predation, food, and shelter can affect the carrying capacity of a population, so population sizes are rarely stable. They fluctuate up and down around a carrying capacity.

True or False: In a commensalism, both species will likely coevolve


density dependent factors

Food is a density dependent factor. As a population increases in size, access to enough food becomes harder.

Difference between fundamental niche and a realized niche of an organism.

Fundemental niche is the maximum an organism could have in absence. Realized is the niche that an organism actually occupies in the presence of a competition.

The amount of change a population undergoes compared to its starting population is its

Growth Rate

The general term given to an organism in which another organism lives and/or feeds on.


Explain how the population of one area compared to another can be greater, while its density is less:

If there is a lot of individuals spread over a greater area then they will be less sense. If the density is less the are must be very large.

Secondary Compounds

It is a chemical compound produced by a plant as a means of defense of herbivores.

Organisms that produce few young, longer life-spans, and give lots of parental care, and stable populations sizes at carrying capacity (if healthy population) are _____-strategists.


K strategist

K-strategist - Produce few young, most young survive to reproductive age. Relatively long life spans and parents often raise and protect their young.

Why is competition inevitable

Limited resources all but guarantees competition over those resources.

Ants and acacia trees live in a symbiotic relationship. The acacia tree provides a shelter for the ant colony to live. The ants provide protection for the acacia tree by attacking predatory herbivores such as grazing mammals and insects. What type of symbiosis is this?


Is it a population? All the frogs in the pond in your backyard.


Is it a population?All the monkeys at the zoo


A graphical way to represent a population that shows a breakdown by gender, age, and can help determine if populations will be growing, shrinking or staying the same:

Population Pyramid

How are population size and population density different from one another?

Population Size is just the total number of individuals. Density is the # of individuals/area

What is population density and how is it different from population size?

Population density is the number of indiviuals that live in a given are and population size is the number of individuals in a population.

How do you find the population density?

Population divided by area

Number of individuals in a population

Population size

What are the three main features of a population that demographers study?

Population size, population density, and population dispersion size.

density dependent factors

Predation is a density dependent factor. As a population decreases in size, each individual becomes a more likely target for predation.

The act of one organism killing another organism for food.


Organisms that produce lots of young, shorter life-spans that mature quickly but die rapidly too (unstable population sizes), and give no parental care are ____- strategists.


You are at the zoo and you observe large, beautiful birds with brilliant colored plumes (tails), you know these are peacocks. You also observe some interesting birds with green head/neck areas but no colorful plume and a flock of baby birds following. A zookeeper points out that the less colorful bird is a peahen with her babies and points to the robust peacock as being the father. The peacock and peahen are.

Same Species

Your friend has a dog they call a labor-doodle. He explains that the parents were a black lab and a poodle. The black lab and the poodle are

Same Species

Density dependent factors

Shelter is a density dependent factor. As a population increases in size, access to shelter becomes harder.

When two or more species live together in a close, long-term relationship.


Eaten by eagles, foxes, snakes, weasles, racoons, badgers. Hollowed Trees, branches of trees. Insects, Bird eggs, acorns, and other nuts, Fungi. What are these describing?

The Squrrials Niche

Different species aka elephants

The are geographically isolated enough that different physical changes have arisen in each and they do not interbreed.

What is the formula used to calculate population density?

The number of individuals divided by the area

True or False: In parasitism, both species will likely coevolve.


You observe two bacteria that appear to be similar, they do not interbreed with each other but instead asexually reproduce. The two bacteria are.

Unable to use Mayr definition

Density independent factors

Weather related disasters are density independent. The effects on an individual are the same regardless of density.

Give examples of things that fit the earthworms niche.

What they eat, what eats them, how they interact with the ecosystem, where they live, etc.

Define ecology:

a branch of biology that studies the interactions of organisms with one another and non living parts.

What is the most used definition of species?

a group of organisms that are closly related and naturally made to produce fertile offspring.

Define population:

a group of organsims of the same species in the same place/same.

abiotic and biotic factors

abiotic has nonliving factors like UV radiation, lack of sunlight, and salinity. biotic factors are living things like competition of food, parasitism, and preditation.

What is an ecosystem?

all of the living and nonliving things interacting in an area

Four factors that affect growth rate:

birth rate, death rate, immigration, emigration

The average population size that an environment can sustain is its

carrying capacity

Three types of population dispersion:

clumped, uniform, random

Plants and pollinators have ________________ closely with each other. What type of symbiotic relationship do they have _

coevolved; mutualism

Symbiosis where one organism benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped.


Cattle or other livestock graze in fields and while grazing they stir up insects. Nearby cattle egrets, a type of bird, waits and catches the insects that are stirred up by the movement of the livestock. The livestock are typically unaffected by the egrets and their consumption of the insects. What type of symbiotic relationship is this?


Certain crab species live on the inside of sea sponges. The crabs take on the same color and pattern as the sponge and use the sponge as a shelter from predators. There is no benefit or harm done by the crab to the sponge. What type of symbiotic relationship is this? _


Lone golden jackals of India that have been expelled from their pack will form a relationship with a tiger. The jackal will trail the tiger at a safe-distance and feed on any left-overs from the tiger's big kill. The tiger generally gets nothing from the jackal, and if a jackal gets too close the relationship may be over. This is an example of which type of symbiotic relationship?


When two species use the same resource, a biological interaction called ____________________ results.


The Yunnan lake newt, went extinct in China in 1979 in part due to the introduction of exotic frogs in their habitats. The newly introduced frogs consume the same foods and exist in the same habitats as the Yunnan lake newt. This is an example of how invasive species can cause extinction by

competitive exclusion

When two organisms engage in competition, one of the species may be eliminated. This is called _

competitive exclusion

K-strategist population sizes are impacted mostly by density-_______________ factors such as:

dependent; competition for food, shelter, water and spread of disease

A population that grows without bounds has a "J" shaped curve and shows _________________ growth.

exponential growth

Give 2 examples of density-dependent factors affecting pop. size:

food, shelter, water, diseases

An entire range an organism is potentially able to occupy is called its

fundemental niche

Give 3 example of K-strategists not already mentioned in your packet or in class:

horses, primates, and elephants

What factors (examples) might influence the carrying capacity of a deer population in Michigan to go up?

increase in corn fields, water, and shelter

R-stategist population sizes are greatly impacted by density-_______________ factors such as:

independent; natural disastures, and change in weather

A population that grows until reaching its carrying capacity has an "S" shaped curve and shows a __________________ growth model.


Which graph is more common for K-strategists? ________________ r-strategists?_________________

logestic for k strategists and exponental for r- strategists.

Give 3 example of r-strategists not already mentioned in your packet or in class:

mice, insects, and weeds

A form of symbiosis in which both organisms benefit from the relationship.


A cow that has bacteria in its intestines has what type of relationship, if the bacteria gains a stable supply of nutrients from the cow and the bacteria produces a compound that helps the cow to digest its food?


A lichen, which is a pioneer species that helps convert rock to more useable soil, is actually two species living together in a symbiotic relationship. One species is photosynthetic algae that produces food for itself and the other organism, which is a fungus. The fungus is capable of taking in water for itself and also for the algae. What specific type of symbiotic relationship is this?


The role, or "job," an organism performs within an ecosystem is its


Describe the most common outcomes of competition due to overlapping niches:

one species may compete another niche partioning-coexist and potentially coevolve

How to find the birth rate?

org. population divided the change times 100 = birth rate in percentage.

A form of symbiosis in which one organism benefits and the other is harmed.


A sea lamprey will latch onto a fish and uses its teeth to hold on and rasp away the skin, leaving an open wound for the lamprey to feed on. The lamprey will then drop off, without killing the host fish. Which type of symbiotic relationship is this?


A tapeworm can be found living in a human's intestine. The tapeworm is getting food and shelter from the human host and the human is harmed from lack of nutrition due to the tapeworm consuming the nutrients. This is an example of what type of symbiotic relationship? _


An adult wasp will sting a caterpillar and inject its eggs into the caterpillar. The injected wasp eggs will have a symbiotic relationship within the caterpillar. The eggs are protected, and kept warm, and then eventually when they hatch they devour the caterpillar from the inside out gaining valuable food. What specific type of symbiosis is this?



r-strategist - Population size may vary greatly. Produce many young, most young die before reproductive age. Relatively short life spans

Give 2 examples of density-independent factors affecting pop. size:

rain, drought, hurricane

What are common strategists of an r- strategist?

rapidly changing environments, population size, short life spans

The range in which an organism actually occupies is called its

realized niche

Give an example of something that would have a logistical growth model:

same mammals- sheep, seals, whales

A chemical produced by a plant that is used to deter predation from herbivores.

secondary (compound-tarnins)

What are common stategists of a K straegist?

small, stable population sizes, long life spans, etc

A group of organisms that are closely related to each other and naturally mate to produce fertile offspring


A general rule in ecology is that no two species can occupy

the same niche

What does sustain mean?

to keep the same and stay stable

When does logistic growth occur?

when a population's growth slows or stops following a period of exponential growth

When does exponential growth occur?

when the population growth stays the same

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