Biology Chapter 6 Study Guide

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Any substance that inhibits the transportation of oxygen from the lungs affects_____

Cellular respiration

The overall chemical equation for cellular respiration is: C6H12O6 +6O2 ->->->->6CO2 + 6H2O. Briefly explain why the equation has multiple arrows

Cellular respiration consists of multiple chemical reactions

Which phosphorylation is ATP synthase used in?


In____, the H+ diffuses back across the inner membrane, through____complexes, driving the syntheses of ATP

Chemiosmosis; ATP synthase

Enzyme used to make citrate?

Citrate synthase

The only portion of cellular respiration that is cyclic is____

Citric acid cycle

Which poisons block the ETC? Which inhibit ATP synthase? Which make the membrane leaky to hydrogen ions?

Cyanide, carbon monoxide; antibiotic oligomycin; dinitrophenol

List two sources of evidence that indicate glycolysis is extremely old

Cytosol (prokaryotes); universal

Glycolysis occurs in the_____, begins____, and breaks____into two molecules of_____which has____C

Cytosol; cellular respiration; glucose; pyruvate; 3

T or F: explain if F; a substance that makes the inner mitochondrial membrane leaky to H+ (H+ would be able to leak across the membrane at points other than ATP synthase) increases ATP production in mitochondria.

Decreases ATP production

_____generates fewer molecules of ATP because it contributes its electrons further along the electron transport chain


NADH and a related electron carrier,____,______to an ETC embedded in the______; oxidative phosphorylation uses the energy released by the downhill fall of electrons from NADH and FADH2 to___and____ADP; equation of producing FADH2

FADH2; shuttle electrons; inner membrane; oxygen; phosphorylate; FAD + 2H+ + 2e- ->FADH2

T or F: Blood traveling from your leg muscles to the lungs would be high in oxygen. If false, explain why

False; low in oxygen because in fermentation, no oxygen

Fats are hydrophobic and carbohydrates are hydrophilic. Use this information to explain why humans store the majority of their excess energy as fat and not carbohydrates

Fats have more hydrogen ions; hydrophobic

What process begins cellular respiration and does it produce much ATP?

Glycolysis; no only 2

Pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle take place in the_____, oxidize_____to a___carbon compound called____and supply the 3rd stage with electrons. Also releases____

Matrix; pyruvate; 2; acetyl CoA; CO2

What happens in lactic acid fermentation? What happens after that?

NADH is oxidized back to NAD+ and pyruvate is reduced to lactate; lactate is carried by blood to liver where it is changed back into pyruvate

If you opened a wine vat, would the yeast inside continue to perform alcoholic fermentation? Briefly explain your answer with some details about what would happen

No; it would be exposed to oxygen

Brown fat generates only____and not____

Heat; ATP

What 2 organisms break down carbohydrates to release energy from cells?


Glucose loses its____atoms and becomes___to____; ____gains H atoms and becomes____to_____

Hydrogen; oxidized; CO2; oxygen; reduced; H2O

Plants release what gaseous by-product as a result of photosynthesis?


An electron loses____when it is transferred to oxygen

Potential energy

What organisms trap sunlight and store it in carbohydrates?


As the ETC passes electrons down the energy hill, it also____across the inner membrane into the narrow_____and produces a gradient across the membrane; what happens in chemiosmosis?

Pumps hydrogen ions; inter membrane space; the potential energy of this concentration gradient is used to make ATP

In lactic acid fermentation,_____becomes the target of reduction by NADH; what happens when it is reduced by NADH?

Pyruvate; it becomes lactate

Define cellular respiration

The process of breaking down food to make energy (ATP)

What is a kilocalorie? ____calories are needed for the average human adult per day; ___is used for health; ___percent is used to power physical activities

A quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of water by 1C; 2200; 75; 25

A=glycolysis, B=citric acid cycle, C=ETC; for each put letter(s) that apply: occurs in the cytosol; occurs in the mitochondria; involvers the splitting of glucose; produces molecules of NADH; produces ATP; produces CO2; FADH2 shuttles electrons to the electron transport chain; occurs in a plant cell; occurs in an animal cell; uses the potential energy of a H+ gradient; produces molecules of FADH2; substrate-level phosphorylation occurs

A; B,C; A; A,B; A,B,C; B; C; A,B,C; A,B,C; C; B; A,B

A buildup of______initiates the inhibition of an enzyme that functions early in glycolysis


What is the main energy currency of a cell?


_____uses the energy found within a proton gradient to drive the synthesis of ATP

ATP synthase

Explain two types of cellular respiration: stages within

Anaerobic: no oxygen, glycolysis, fermentation (lactic acid: muscles; alcohol: yeast->ethanol and O2); aerobic: oxygen, glycolysis (cytosol), citric acid cycle (matrix), ETC/oxidative phosphorylation (inner membrane)

Energy can be released from glucose by simply__it


The formation of NaCl involves an atom of Na giving an electron to an atom of Cl.

This would be considered a redox reaction, Na got oxidized, Cl got reduced

T or F: Explain if false; glycolysis and the citric acid cycle both function as metabolic interchanges where the products of their chemical reactions can be used for biosynthesis


T or F: correct if F; brown fat contains mitochondria


What are the products of the Kreb's cycle?

Two CO2, one ATP, 3NADH, one FADH2

What happens in alcoholic fermentation?

Yeast oxidizes NADH back to NAD+ and converts pyruvate to CO2 and ethanol

Walking: how many per hour? Running: how many per hour?

245; 979

How many ATP does ETC produce?


How many ATP per 2 cycles of Kreb's cycle? Total yield of NADH? Total yield of FADH2?

2; 6; 2

In glycolysis, what is produced?

2ATP, 2 NAD+, 2 pyruvate

Cellular respiration's total yield is____ATP; produces____; uses about____of the energy originally stored in glucose and releases the other_____as_____

32 ATP; 28; 34%; 66%; heat

Driving example: how many calories per hour?


Energy is released in___amounts and can be stored in____

Small; ATP

Detail all 9 steps of glycolysis (you can do this)

Step 1: glucose is there, hexokinase breaks ATP down in ADP; step 2: glucose 6-phosphate; step 3: fructose 6-phosphate and ATP breaks down into ADP; step 4: fructose 1,6-biphosphate, glucose splits into two glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P); step 5: transition form energy investment to energy payoff, NAD+ comes in and is broken down to NADH by hydroglyceride, G3P broken down to two 1,3-biphosphoglycerate; step 6: 1,3-biphosphoglycerate is broken down into two 3-phosphoglycerate, the phosphates lost are added to ADP to make ATP; step 7: 3-phosphoglycerate is changed to 2-phosphoglycerate; step 8: enolase removes water from formula and changes 2-phosphoglycerate into two phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP); step 9: PEP is changed into two pyruvates (phosphate goes to ADP to make two ATP)

Detail the 6 steps of the citric acid cycle (you got this)

Step one: acetyl CoA is joined to a 4C compound called citrate synthase forming citrate (6C); step 2: dehydrogenase changes NAD+ to form NADH2, one CO2 is removed, citrate is reverted to a 5C compound called alpha-ketogluterate; step 3: CO2 is removed form formula, NAD+ changes into NADH, ADP is given phosphate to form ATP, alpha-ketogluterate changes into succinate (4C); FAD comes in and changes into FADH2, succinate becomes fumarate (4C); step 5: one water comes into the formula changing fumarate into malate (4C); step 6: NAD+ comes in and changes into NADH2, malate changes into oxaloacetate (4C)

ATP is formed in glycolysis by_____during which an enzyme transfers a phosphate group from substrate molecule to____and____is formed

Substrative phosphorylation; ADP; ATP

Explain the process of the grooming stage

A carboxyl group is removed from pyruvate and given off as CO2; 2C compound remaining is oxidized while a molecule of NAD+ is reduced to NADH and coenzyme A joins with the 2carbon group to form acetyl CoA; these two molecules of acetyl CoA enter the citric acid cycle

What must proteins be broken down into before they can be burned as energy?

Amino acids

Equation of cellular respiration

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (ATP)

Inputs and outputs of cellular respiration

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 +6H2O + energy (ATP)

ATP is generated using____,____,and____

Carbohydrates; proteins; fats

Which stage produces the most ATP


Explain process of ETC

Electrons from NADH and FADH2 travel down the ETC to O2; oxygen (one half) picks up H+ which forms water; energy released by these redox reactions is used to pump H+ from the matrix into the inter membrane space, forming an H+ gradient

_____is always lost during photosynthesis and cellular respiration


Two main phases of glycolysis: what are they, what happens in steps 1-4, what happens in steps 5-9, net gain of ATP molecules

Energy investment, energy payoff; energy is consumed as 2 ATP molecules are used to energize a glucose molecule, which is then split into two small sugars; 2NADH molecules are produced for each initial glucose molecule and 4ATP molecules are generated; 4 ATP

Fats make____cellular fuel because they contain many____and thus many electrons and yield more than_____as much ATP per gram as a carbohydrate

Excellent; hydrogen ions; 2x

Cellular respiration is an____reaction that transfers energy from____to form____

Exergonic; glucose; ATP

CO2 is a gaseous by-product of cellular respiration that you exhale with each breath. Briefly explain where the CO2 comes from

Food you ingest

What is the correct order of cellular respiration?

Glycolysis, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation (ETC)

What does NAD+ do?

It accepts electrons and becomes reduced to NADH

What does NADH do with its electrons?

It delivers them to a string of electron carrier molecules which constitute and ETC

T or F: Explain if false. The transfer of H atoms from glucose to oxygen does not represent redox reactions.

It does; oxygen is reduced, glucose is oxidized

What initial observation led scientists to hypothesize that brown fat may be activated by cold temperatures?

Leaner/people in colder climates have more brown fat

Cellular respiration takes place in the


What is a redox reaction? Oxidation v reduction

Movement of electrons from one molecule to another; oxidation: lost; reduction: gained

What is reducing of electrons?


Fermentation is essentially glycolysis because glycolysis does not require_____to function


The driving force behind oxidative phosphorylation is___


How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration linked on a molecular basis?

They complement each other

Students frequently have the misconception that plant cells don't perform cellular respiration. Briefly explain the basis of this misconception.

They perform photosynthesis

Next, to start ETC, what do NADH and FADH2 do?

They shuttle their electrons to ETC

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