Biology Final 1st semester Review

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If a segment of one side of a DNA molecule has 500 adenine bases, how many thymine bases does the toehr side have?


Which blood type could Jessica Have?


Which statement is an accurate summary of meiosis?

A cell divides into gametes.

What is the cell theory?

All cells are produced from other cells.

Which statement is true of all organic compounds?

All contain carbon.

When the seed of a tree first starts to grow, what would happen if the cells did not differentiate?

All of the cells would be identical.

What is a hypothesis?

An educated guess

Which image shows a cell's DNA condensed into chromosomes?


Which characteristics do glycogen and starch share?

Both are storage form of glucose

Which statement is true of both active transport and facilitated diffusion?

Both involve proteins in the cell membrane

Semipermeable cell membranes are made of phospholipids that form a bilayer. What major benefit does this arrangement of the membrane provide to the cell?

Both surfaces of the membrane with water and other molecules

Which statement best show how primary structure relates to protein function?

Changing one amino acids in protein hemoglobin cause sickle-cell anemia

Where do the instructions for building a protein originally come from?


Where does protein-building begin?


The diagram shows the process of transcription, which takes place in the nucleus of a cell. What is occurring ?

DNA is being used as a template to make a molecule of mRNA

Which pathway is correct?

DNA to RNA to protein

Which statement best illustrates how an organism maintains homeostasis?

Desert packs rats are active at night to conserve water.

What is the first, most immediate, thing that happens when light strikes a chlorophyll molecule?

Electrons are energized

Which statement best explains how enzymes speed up a chemical reaction?

Enzymes lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction.

During the electron transport chain, which process leads to the production of large amounts of ATP?

High-energy electrons pump hydrogen ions against concentration gradient

Which statement describes a process that takes place in meiosis but not mitosis?

Homologous chromosomes pair up

How are hydrogen bonds different from covalent bonds?

Hydrogen bonds are weaker bonds that form from molecules that have a slight positive charge on one side and a slight negative charge on the other.

Which type of RNA carries genetic instructions for building a specific protein?

mRNa only

Which statement best explains why electrical signals in the body are often based on ions?

Ions are charged particles.

Which statement about the diagram is correct?

Molecule 1 is DNA because it is a double helix.

The amount of energy needed for a reaction to take place is the activation energy. Enzymes can lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction. Which statement describes a way this could happen?

Molecules can be brought together so they will bond more easily.

Which outcome could be expected in a family that carries an X-linked recessive trait?

More males than females express the trait.

Which statment correctly describes the cells produced by meiosis?

The genetic material of the original cell is divided among the new cells?

How is an organic compound different from an inorganic compound?

Organic compounds contain carbon atoms bonded to other atoms

Scorpion cells undergo aerobic respiration, just as human cells do. During aerobic respiration, which process takes place?

Oxygen is used, and ATP is made

If the results of an experiment do no support a scientist's hypothesis, what should the scientist conclude?

She may want to alter some aspects of the experiment and try again.

According to the base-pairing rules for DNA, which statement is not true?

T always pair with G.

A zebra cell is just about to replicate its DNA What will happen first?

The DNA unravels to make two strands

All amino acids have a central carbon with four components attached to them. One of these components attached to it. One of these components is called the R group. Which statement best describes the R group?

The R group gives the amino acid unique characterisitcs.

The inner membrane of mitochondria consists of many folds. What is the purpose of this membrane?

increase the surface area to allow more space for ATP synthesis

Which statement names a difference between DNA and RNA?

They have different sugars.

Which statement is true of eukaryotes but not of prokaryotes?

They must contain a nucleus

In a eukaryotic cell, where is most of the DNA located?


Which two codons represent the amino acid phenylalanine? (use genetic code)


Which property of water is likely the most significant in water's role as a universal solvent?

Water molecules have positive and negative sides.

In which direction will water molecules move across the membrane?

Water will move from right to left.

Genetic variation within chromosome has increased

Which is a correct statement about this illustration?


Which phenomenon would she hypothesize accounts for the pattern she sees?

Of what does a nucleotide consist?

a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphate

How may a gene be defined?

a segment of DNA

Which phrase describes a gene in its simplest form?

a segment of DNA

Which phrase is the best definition of a gene?

a specific segment of DNA on a chromosome

Which statement is true about DNA?

both of the original DNA strands act as templates during replication

What is the function of tRNA?

bring an amino acid to the ribosome

If a scientist test the substance using iodine, which macromolecule is the scientist testing for?


Which mechanism requires energy?


Which term names the process whereby molecules in vesicles are exported out of the cell?


Which molecule do plants use to store extra glucose?


Glucose role in photosynthesis

stores the chemical energy

Which structure will become the product of translation?


Which statement best explains how the structure of a starch molecule relates to its function?

A branching structure provides many points where enzyme digestion can take place and release glucose molecules.

Which statment is best physical description of a gene?

A gene is a specific segment of DNA on a chromosome.

Which statment best relates to how the structure of a lipid influences the lipid's function?

A phospholipid has a charged head and an uncharged tail.

Molecule 1 has the following sequences of bases: TCAAGT. Which set of bases in Molecule 2 will bond to this sequence in a complementary way?


A soybean plant uses cellular respiration to generate usable chemical energy. This is released within the cell as molecules of which subtances?


Which statement best explains how the structure of ATP helps provide energy to the cell?

ATP contains energy in the chemical bonds between its phosphate groups.

Which statement best describes the relationship between a gene and an allele?

An allele is a variant of a gene

Dependent Varibale

measured in a experiment

Which structure would not be found in a prokaryotic cell?

membrane-bound organelles

Which process is the total of all the chemical reactions in an organism?


A piece of mRNA has the code AUGCCAUUGACG.. Which amino acids are coded in this strand?

methionine, proline, leucine, threonine

Which amino acids are in the code AUGGUCGGU?

methionine, valine, and glycine

Which amino acid corresponds to the codon ACC? (use genetic code)


Which statement best represents how structure relates to function?

Great white sharks have sharp serrated teeth for tearing into their prey.

The skin cells of a scorpion organize together to make a hard covering callled a carapace, which helps protect the scorpion. Which term names a group of similar cells working together?


What is the main purpose of the light-dependent reactions?

to energize electrons

Which outcome is the main function of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?

to produce ATP and NADPH for the light-independent reactions

Which outcome is the main function of light-indepedent reactions of photosynthesis?

to produce glucose

How does eye location best represent the relationship between structure and function?

It determines how much of surroundings an organism can see.

Which outcome occurs after mRNA is transcribed?

It enters the cytoplasm and moves toward ribosomes.

what is the name of the process in which tRNA is involved in making proteins?


TRUE OR FALSE:Life would cease to exist without energy from the sun or some other source.


Which base is found in RNa but not in DNA?


As a tree ages, it needs to keep making more xylem and phloem cells to carry water and food. Which statement explains how this occurs?

MEristem cells divide and some of the new cells differentiate into xylem and phloem.

Which order of events is correct?

zygote → stem cells → cell differentiation

Which statement describes translation?

RNA makes proteins

Suppose you cross a true-breeding blue flower with a true-breeding yellow flower. In the next generation, all of the flowers are blue. What does this outcome tell you about the allele for blue flowers?

The blue allele is dominant to the yellow allele.

Which statement describes a step in DNA replication?

The double helix unwinds, and each side is a template for a new strand.

What is one way that RNA differs from DNA?

it is single-stranded.

Which statement best describes the role of DNA?

it transmits genetic information to the next generation.

Which statment best describes the role of DNA in the body?

its contain genetic information.

How do the number of chromosome in a female scorpion's egg cells compare with the number in her body (somatic) cells?

There are half as many chromosome in eggs cells.

Which statement explains the overall function of the two molecules in the diagram?

They provide information about how an organism is put together and maintained.

In a cell that is undergoing mitosis, what first happens to chromosomes after the nuclear envelope breaks down?

They line up at the equator of the cell

According to the concept of entropy, what will likely happen to most molecules over time?

They will break down.

A developer wants to turn part of local woodlot into a new housing development. In the springtime, a vernal pool exists in the part of the woodlot marked for development. How might this proposed development affect the salamanders that live in the woodlot?

They would have no place to mate and lay their eggs.

Which example is a variant of a gene?

an allele

Which type of molecule is fat?


How does water relate to the ability of a living thing to generate usable energy?

Without the proper balance of water, chemical reactions in the cells could not take place.

Which example is always single stranded?


Which structure holds the original code from the DNA gene?


Which statement is part of the cell theory?

all cells are produced from other cells.

A certain species of grasshopper can have red stripes, yellow stripes, or red and yellow stripes. An RR grasshopper has red stripes, aYY grasshopper has yellow stripes, and an RY grasshopper has red and yellow stripes. A grasshopper with red stripes mates with a grasshopper with yellow stripes. What ratio would you expect to see in the phenotypes of their offspring?

all with yellow and red stripes

Which term describes the form of a gene that produces a specific trait, such as eye color?


Which repeating unit makes up a protein?

amino acids

During DNA replication in a human cell, 6 billion bases must be paired properly. Which characteristic of DNA best allows for high levels of accuracy during this process?

base pairing according to certain rules

Which type of macromolecule is the sugar fructose?


Most lipids contain long chains of which two atoms?

carbon and hydrogen

Atoms of which three elements could bond together to form an organic compound?

carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

Which atoms are in all carbohydrates?

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

ATP role in photosynthesis

carries the energy to the cell

Baby scorpions are born with fully developed bodies, each with many special parts such as a stinging tail. Which process enables baby scorpions to develop various kinds of body parts from a single zygote?

cell differentiation

Which process occurs directly after meiosis II?

cell differentiation

Despite its name, the Pacific sea horse is actually a type of fish. Its horse-shaped head gives it its name. This creature lives in the Pacific waters off the west coast of the Americas, from Peru to Southern California. Like many other ocean fish, sea horses face the constant challenge of losing water to their saltier environment. When a sea horse sees a predator, its nervous system kicks into high gear. Which structure is responsible for transmitting signals from one nerve cell to the next?

cell membrane

Which structure will you find in a prokaryotic cell?

cell membrane

Which examples show the levels of organization in a multicell organism from the smallest level to the largest?

cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

Which pair of terms are missing from A and B on the diagram?

chlorophyll and ATP

Which part of a leaf contains all the chemicals necessary for photosynthesis?


A certain species of grasshopper can have red stripes, yellow stripes, or red and yellow stripes. An RR grasshopper has red stripes, an YY grasshopper has yellow stripes, and an RY grasshopper has red and yellow stripes. Which type of inheritance is this an example of?


Which phrase names a direct results of hydrogen bonding?

cohesion and adhesion

Which type of bond holds atoms together in a water molecule?

covalent bond

Where does most of the metabolic activity in the cell occur?


Which kind of allele results in the traits indicated by the green color being expressed in the individuals shown here?


Which two type of RNA pair up using a codon-anticodon link?

mRNA and tRNA

True or False: Because they share similar structures, cells all carry out the same function


True or False: DNA translates the information in RNA to make proteins.


When an athlete is nearing the end of a race and her cells are low on oxygen, what is likely to occur in her cells so the glycolusis


Carbon has

four valence electrons/ four covalent bonds

The role carbon plays in the structure of compound present in living things

fundamental role

In the late 1800s, Mendel predicted the existence of units of hereditary information or factors. What are these units of hereditary information called today?


What do sexual repodoctuion mutation, and crossing-over generate in population?

genetic diversity

Vegetable farmers often plant soybeans every few years. Rotating crops breaks up the life cycles of many insect pests, and the soybean plants provide the soil with nitrogen. Other crop plants need the nitrogen to grow well. A field of soybean seeds has been planted on a farm in Indiana. As soon as the first leaves emerge from the seed, photosynthesis begins. Which substance is the chemical food source for the soybean plants?


Which molecule do mammals use to store extra glucose in their muscles?


A male bird with bright red plumage mates and has offspring, which also have bright red plumage. Which characteristic of life is this an example of?


Which genetic condition results in the trait indicated by the blue color being expressed in the individuals shown here?

homozygous recessive

Why is carbon is present in so many kinds of molecules?

it can form four covalent bonds.

Which statement is true about cell differentiation?

it causes cells to change and specialize

What is the most important role of hydrogen bonding between water molecules?

it enables water molecules to bond to each other.

What happens to mRNA after it completes transcription?

it enters the cytoplasm and moves toward ribosomes.

A gene for microtubule proteins is being made in a cell. How can mRNA represent an exact copy of that gene?

it is put together using base-pairing rules.

Despite its name, the Pacific sea horse is actually a type of fish. Its horse-shaped head gives it its name. This creature lives in the Pacific waters off the west coast of the Americas, from Peru to Southern California. Like many other ocean fish, sea horses face the constant challenge of losing water to their saltier environment. When the sea horse eats a meal, its body breaks down organic molecules in the food. Some of those molecules enter cellular respiration, which ultimately produces the molecule ATP. In which part of the sea horse's cells is ATP produced?


Where in a cell dies most ATP production take palce?


Even though scorpions are related to spiders, there are many differences between the two organisms. One difference is that scorpion young do not hatch from eggs as spiders do. Scorpions are born live, two at a time, and they immediately crawl onto the mother's back for protection and care. They remain there for two weeks as they grow big enough to take care of themselves. As baby scorpions grow larger, which process occurs in their body (somatic) cells?

mitosis makes copies of the cell nuclei

Which phrase best defines diffusion?

movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration

Which process does osmosis involve?

movement of water across a cell membrane

Which elements is present in all amino acids, but no necessarily in fats or carbohydrates?


Which structure in the cell contains the cell's genetic information?


If a test is negative, which type of marcomolecule is present in the substance?

nucleic acid, lipid and carbohydrate.

Read the paragraph. Despite its name, the Pacific sea horse is actually a type of fish. Its horse-shaped head gives it its name. This creature lives in the Pacific waters off the west coast of the Americas, from Peru to Southern California. Like many other ocean fish, sea horses face the constant challenge of losing water to their saltier environment. When a Pacific sea horse's body loses water to its environment, which process is responsible?


Where do new cells come from?

other cells

Which compound is released by photosynthesis and used in aerobic respiration?


Beyond the organism, which set of groups does biological organization extend to?

populations, communities, and ecosystems

Chitinase is an enzyme that breaks down the chitin molecules in the insect exoskeleton. The sequence of amino acids in the chitinase is an example of which level of protein structure?



process whereby plants transform light energy from the sun into chemical energy.

if DNA makes RNA, then what does RNA make?


Which term describes a type of trait that is usually expressed only when an organism has two identical alleles for the trait?


Some types of aquatic frogs bury themselves in the mud and spend the winter hibernating at the bottom of lakes and ponds. Which characteristic of life does this behavior represent?


Which structure is missing from the diagram, but helps mRNA and tRNA bind together?


Which two structures are first to combine in translation?

ribosomes & mRNA

What makes up the backbone of DNA?

sugar and phosphates

In multicellular organisms, which term tells the highest level of cellular organization?


Which structure is responsible for bring amino acids


Which statment is correct about the kerbs cycle?

the krebs cycle produces electron carriers for the electron transport chain.

This diagram shows the process of translation. Which statement is correct?

the mRNA code determines which tRNA molecules are used.

Which phrase best defines homeostasis?

the maintenance of an organism's internal environment within certain limits

Which statement is true about water molecules?

the oxygen atom has a negative charge.

A horticulturalist wants to produce geraniums with specific characteristics. She knows that trait of red flowers is governed by the allele R (RR and Rr) and the trait of white flowers is governed by the allele r (rr). What do the letters in each box of a punnett squares tell you?

the possible combinations of alleles in offspring based on the parents genetic makeup

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