BJU Elements of Literature Unit V Review

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List two of the folktales from the text and give their country or culture of origin.

"The Pumpkin Seeds" - Korean "The Tortoise and the Osprey" - African "The Lion-Makers" - Indian

What is a myth?

A myth is a story that explains a specific aspect of life or the natural world, usually in terms of supernatural forces or beings.

From her conversation with Hector, which two of the following are true of Andromache?

A. She has no family but Hector and her son. C. She does not want to submit to fate.

Which two of the following are true of the main purposes of genres? (Choose two answers.) A. They provide a reference point for readers and writers. B. They keep literary forms from ever being discarded. C. They preserve a high standard of literary writing. D. They organize previous natural developments in literature.

A. They provide a reference point for readers and writers. D. They organize previous natural developments in literature.

Who is the hero of the epic? Support your answer.

Achilles is the hero of the epic. His anger is given as the topic and driving force of the story. His choices lead to conflict, bring out the major themes, and result in the resolution of the story. He was a national hero and, though flawed, he best embodies the ideal qualities of ancient Greek culture.

In "The Pumpkin Seeds" the poor but kind younger brother is an example of

An archetype

A force or character who struggles against the protagonist


In the battle with Achilles, Hector is deceived by


Which of the following is not a required characteristic of a fairytale? A. An element of the fantastical B. A practical, positive moral C. An indefinite setting D. A broad picture of good and evil

B. A practical, positive moral

Which two of the following are major formal conventions of the epic? (Choose to answers.) A. Organizing by cantos B. Beginning in medius res C. Incorporating the supernatural D. Including descriptive catalogues

B. Beginning in medius res D. Including descriptive catalogues

Which of the following is not a required characteristic of a fable? A. Depicts a moral of practical wisdom B. Remains a brief and focus story C. Uses animals as the main characters D. Embodies a common problem and its action

C. Uses animals as the main characters

Considering the requirements of an epic hero, explain who in the Bible best qualifies as the Christian epic hero.

Christ is the Christian epic hero. He best exemplifies the values of the Bible. Only He lived a perfectly righteous life in God's eyes and thus did not deserve the death penalty for sin. He lived life as it was meant to be lived, embodying single-minded faith in and love for the Father, perfect yet humble obedience to God, and loving sacrifice for others. He is the model for the redeemed to emulate.

Which of the following is not one of the general characteristics of a folktalel? A. Short B. Usually anonymous C. Passed on orally D. Serious in tone

D. Serious in tone

Which of the following is not one of the three major traditional genres discussed in the text? A. Prose B. Epic C. Drama D. Poetry


"The Tortoise and the Osprey" hovers between which to genres? (Choose two answers.)

Fable and myth

Genres constrain innovation.


Hector believes that Troy will win the war eventually.


Pandora is generally an unsympathetic character.


Pyramus and Thisbe are round and a static characters.


The Iliad is based on a historic war between the Greeks and the Egyptian 's.


There are two categories of epics - traditional and modern.


Three of the friends in "The Lion-Makers" are made unsympathetic by their stupidity.


State the three main themes of the Iliad. How are Hector and Achilles like in their approach to these ideas? Support your answers with examples from the story.

First, fate guides man's destiny and is a force that no one can successfully fight. Second, death is the inevitable end of all things mortal, from individuals to entire civilizations. Third, winning glory for oneself is the only way to achieve immortality. Hector and Achilles alike accept these views of fate, death, and glory in battle. They except that death will come but choose not to worry about it since fate takes it out of their hands anyway. When given the choice, they pursue, above all else, glory in battle so that they may win immortal fame.

A character with little individuality or who is mindset the reader knows a little about

Flat character

A character used to emphasize another character's opposing treats with any work


Which of the following ideas does Hector not express in his conversations with Andromache?

He believes that Troy will win the war.

Astyanax becomes afraid of

Hector's helmet

What is Homer's tone toward both sides of the war? How does his tone affect his themes and communicate his worldview?

Homer show sympathy towards both sides. He extols Greek warriors for their brave acts while singing the praises of the city and citizens of Troy. He acknowledges that both sides have reasonable grievances compelling them to fight. Both Hector and Achilles earn this praise for their bravery and fighting skills. He admires both because they are willing to forsake all else in pursuit of glory. That Achilles wins their fight is presented less as a confirmation of his just cause than as a decision of fate, something men can neither understand nor fight. Homer makes sure to point out that Achilles' turn to die will come shortly. Overall, Homer's portrayal of the conflicts and characters of the Iliad reinforces his main themes about feet, inevitable death, and immortal glory. According to Homer's story, man cannot control his fate, so he should control how he meets it. His highest purpose for man is to live life honorably in a world where honor is best shown in battle. Homer's entire story stands testament to his belief that if a man's battle deeds live on, he is achieved greatness.

For what purpose does homer include the scene between Hector and Andromache in the epic?

Homer's inclusion of the scene develops his culture's idea about honor and his theme that all things human must come to an end. At the same time it highlights the pathos of those truths: even loving family and community ties must bow to the pursuit of honor in the inevitability of death.

In "Pandora" Zeus mitigates his revenge by adding White to the casket?


Identify and defined the particular type of fable that "The Ant and the Grasshopper" exemplifies.

It is a beast fable, a fable whose main characters are animals.

To what genre does "The Pumpkin Seeds" belong? Give two supports for your answer.

It is a fairytale. It has an indefinite setting, it contains fantastical or magical elements, and it reinforces broad moral boundaries.

According to legend, what incident started the Trojan War?

Paris, a prince of Troy, stole the beautiful Helen from her husband Menelaus and brought her back to Troy as his wife.

To what in literature does the term genre refer?

Recurring types or categories of literature

Which two of the following terms describe the character of Achilles?

Round and dynamic

Which two of the following terms describe the character of Hector? (Choose two answers.)

Round and static

What type of irony does "The Lion-Makers" hinge on?

Situational irony

In literary terms, what does it mean to say that a character is sympathetic or unsympathetic?

Sympathetic characters are those in a work with whom the reader identifies or for whom the reader has favorable feelings. Unsympathetic characters are ones with whom the reader cannot identify or for whom the reader has strong feelings of dislike. These feelings are created by the author's portrayal of the character through his or her words and actions and helps convey the author's tone and theme.

List two things that a myth of Pandora attempt to explain about life.

The myth attempt to explain the origin of women, the source of the world's troubles, and why bad things happen to good people.

The antagonists of "Pyramus and Thisbe" are

The parents

List two of the four conventions of content for traditional epics.

The story involves a large setting, the hero is unusual both in his gifts and his natural or historic importance, the supernatural is actively involved, and the story concerns super human actions, usually in battle or on a difficult journey that must be made.

What is the theme of "The Lion-Makers"? Does this theme reflect a biblical worldview? Support your answer.

The theme is that knowledge is useful, but if it is not guided by common sense, you can do more harm than good. Overall, the Bible supports this view of knowledge. Knowledge alone is not a benefit in scripture. It is clearly possible to misuse human knowledge apart from sound biblical principles. Proverbs 2 teachers that one should seek knowledge, that true wisdom comes from God, and that such learning is useful.

Besides entertainment, what was the general purpose of folktales and epics with any culture's folklore?

Their purpose was to pass along the culture's history and values - its overall worldview.

What is the primary characteristic distinguishing epic similes from normal similes?

They are unusually long and detailed.

What is the overall stylistic affects of using verbal formulas like epic similes and Homeric epithets in an epic?

They elevate the style of the epic, adding weight too its themes and overall worldview.

Which of the following is not true of Homeric epithets?

They originated and are found only in Homer's epics.

What are the consequences of tortoise's plan in "The Tortoise and the Osprey," and what lesson does he learn as a result?

Tortoise falls and his shell is cracked, leaving a permanent pattern. He learns to be more content with who he is.

Who functions as a foil to Tortoise?

Tortoise's wife

Breaking the rules of a genre can be beneficial.


In medias res translates as "in the middle."


The character defect that triggers a tragic hero's downfall is known as his tragic flaw.


The conflict and the resolution of "The Pumpkin Seeds" reinforce the importance of character motivations.


The moral of "The Ant and the Grasshopper" is that

You should prepare for future events

What action by Zeus makes Hector's death a certainty? Briefly explain how Homer's portrayal of Zeus's character in this incident compares to the character of Zeus in "Pandora."

Zeus brings out the scales of fate, and they indicate that it is Hector's death day. In this incident Zeus clearly admires Hector and refuses to allow his death, though Athena wishes it. He allows it in the end only because he must bow to fate. The portrayal of Zeus in "Pandora" is quite different. There, Zeus does not care about humans, is underhanded with both humans and gods, and insists on getting his way.

Character types, plot patterns, or images that recur throughout the world literature


A changing or developing character

dynamic character

A cultures mythology is best defined as

its explanation of how the world came to be as it is

The main character of a story


A character who is complex and often undergoes changes in his actions and thoughts

round character

A character who remains essentially the same throughout a story

static character

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