Blood Types

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What are two types of antigen groups?

1. ABO groups (A, B, AB, O) 2. Rh groups (Rh+, Rh-)

What is an antibody?

A protein in the blood plasma which induces an immune response by recognizing (detecting) antigens

What blood type is the universal recipient?

AB + positive= having antigens

What is an antigen?

An outside (foreign) substance (toxin) that induces an immune response by the body and creates antibodies (also acts as an identifier of the cell)

Type A blood antigens, antibodies, what type of blood can it receive and what blood can it donate to? answer and explain.

Antigens? A, because blood types are determined by antigens present Antibodies? Anti-B, because antibodies are made by antigens not present (also there is no such thing as an AB antigen or O antigen) Recipients? A, O, because Type A has Anti-B and shares antigen A and Type O has no antigens, so A wouldn't need to attack O Donate to? A, AB, because Type A and Type AB neither have Anti-A (because A antigen is already present in Type A and in Type AB)

Type B blood antigens, antibodies, what type of blood can it receive and what blood can it donate to? answer and explain.

Antigens? B, because antigen B is present there. Antibodies? Anti-A, because antigen B is already present (no such thing as AB antigen or O antigen) Recipients? O and B, because O doesn't have any antigens for B to attack and B, because it has Anti A, but has a B antigen.Donate to? AB, because Type AB has no Anti-A or Anti- B to attack against Type B blood

Type AB blood antigens, antibodies, what type of blood can it receive and what blood can it donate to? answer and explain.

Antigens? antigen A and B (no such thing as AB antigen) Antibodies? Neither Anti-A or Anti B, because that would destroy it Recipients? A, B, O, AB, because it has neither Anti-A or Anti-B (this is because antigen A and B is already present) Donate to? AB because it has no antibodies to attack against it (all other blood types have antibodies against AB's antigens)

Type O blood antigens, antibodies, what type of blood can it receive and what blood can it donate to? Answer and explain

Antigens?- Has neither A or B antigens, because name was meant for zero antigens present, it was a misread. Antibodies? Both Anti A and Anti B, because it has no antigens Donation goes to? O can donate to everybody, because it has no antigens (A, B, AB, O) and is a universal donor. Has no antigens so no blood type can make antibodies against it. Recipients? O, because it has Anti-A and Anti-B which would attack A, B, and AB blood types, because they all either have an A or B antigen

Who can blood types receive blood from?

Any blood type that does not create antibodies against them or shares antigens with them (Ex. Type A can receive blood from Type O blood because it doesn't have any antigens for A to attack, and Type A because it shares antigen A and doesn't have Anti-A)

Who can blood types donate to?

Any blood type that doesn't create antibodies to attack against them (Ex. Type A blood can donate to Type A and AB, because they both have A antigens, but neither have Anti-A antibodies)

Who can blood types not receive from?

Any blood type that has created antibodies to attack against them (Ex. Type B blood would attack Type A blood, because it has Anti-A and Type A would attack Type B blood because it has Anti-B, as a result they would destroy each other)

Who can blood types not donate to?

Any blood types that have antibodies that attack against them (Ex. Type AB cannot donate to A blood because it has an Anti-B and that would destroy Type AB, because of it's B antigen)

How are blood types identified?

Based on the antigen present (ex. Type A because has antigen A is present there)

Why can't Type A blood have a Anti-A?

Because Anti-A is created by Type B, so that would destroy Type A blood, because antigen A already exists. (Side note: antibodies cannot be made against antigens already present. (Same applies to other blood types)

Why can Type B blood not receive blood from Type AB?

Because Type B has an Anti-A, this would destroy Type AB blood (also Type B and Type AB share the B antigen but not the A antigen)

How are antibodies created?

Created by the antigens not present (Ex. Type B blood has a A antigen, so the antibody that needs to be created is Anti-B , since antigen B isn't present.

What blood type is the universal donor?

O- negative= no antigens

What types of blood can blood types receive? What happens if new antigens are given to a patient that aren't already present in their blood?

They can receive blood from any type of blood that doesn't create antibodies against their own blood, or who shares the same antigens.. If a patient receives new antigens not already present in the blood then those new antigens will be destroyed because they're seen as an external force. As a result this immune response can be serious and fatal. (Ex. Type A blood can receive blood from Type A because it doesn't make antibodies against antigen A, and can receive from Type O, because it has neither A or B antigen, so there is no antigens for Type A to attack against. ) (Ex. for new antigen: Type B antigen is given to Type A antigen, but will be destroyed in the process, because antigen B is not in Type A blood, it's seen as a foreign substance so it is attacked.

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