BMGT 11-13

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Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory stresses that leaders tend to develop strong positive attitudinal and emotional relationships to certain subordinates, who then become part of the leader's

"team" or in-group.

Which of the following characteristics relates to relevant norms?

Norms that are important, but not as critical as the pivotal norms

A problem that emerges in larger groups is a tendency for some members to do less than their share and rely instead on other members. This problem is known as


In a general sense, teams tend to have and use knowledge than individuals do, and when working together, they create a number of approaches to problems than individuals do.

greater; greater

What term describes groups created by the organization that generally have their own formal structure?

Formal groups

What term describes the tendency of some individuals to perform at less than their optimum in groups, relying instead on others to carry their share of the workload?


The defining characteristic of a self-directed work team is

the extent to which it is empowered by management.

Which of the following characteristics relates to leadership substitutes?

Aspects of the task, subordinates, or organization that act in place of leader behavior and thus render it unnecessary

What is meant by competing style?

A management style involving a stance of high assertiveness with low cooperation

Which of the following refers to a style exhibiting low assertiveness and high cooperation?

Accommodating style

What name is given to the tendency of group members to unite in their pursuit of group goals and to be attracted to the group and each other?


Which of the following refers to adherence to the group's norms, values, and goals?


What name is given to the most effective managers, who engage in both dimensions of leadership behaviors by getting employees involved in the operation of their departments or divisions in a positive and constructive manner, setting general goals, providing fairly loose supervision, and recognizing employees' contributions?

Employee-centered leaders

When Richard Nixon lost the presidency as the result of Watergate, what core trait category of leadership did he NOT demonstrate?

Honesty and integrity

What name is given to groups that arise naturally from social interaction and relationships and are usually very loosely organized?

Informal groups

Which one of the following activities or behaviors is NOT characteristic of a charismatic leader?

Lacks self-confidence, which motivates unusual risk-taking behaviors

Which of the following characteristics relates to reward power?

Organizational power that stems from a person's ability to bestow rewards

Which of the following refers to a person's capacity to influence the behavior and attitudes of others?


What name is given to personal power that results when one person identifies with and admires another?

Referent power

What term describes behaviors such as being considerate, supportive, and helpful to employees by showing trust and confidence, listening to employees' problems and suggestions, showing appreciation for contributions, and supporting employees' concerns?

Relationship-oriented behaviors

What are pivotal norms?

Standards that are critical for group success

What is meant by charisma?

The ability to inspire admiration, respect, loyalty, and a desire to emulate, based on some intangible set of personality traits; a personal source of power

What is meant by legitimate power?

The influence that comes from a person's formal position in an organization and the authority that accompanies that position

support the goals, mission, and success of the organization.

The norms of a group can be very positive in that they can

In group and team development, what is the storming stage?

The stage when conflict usually occurs and in which group members begin to assert their roles, jockey for leadership positions, and make known their feelings about a task

Leaders who help the group overcome internal obstacles or difficulties so that it may achieve desired outcomes

Which of the following characteristics relates to facilitators?

When a group member or leader plays a role that involves interacting with members in other units in the organization, or even outside the organization, he or she is playing

a boundary-spanning role.

You and the other members of the Wobbly Widget work team have repeatedly asked your facilitator for an assessment of your performance. He always says, "Things are fine" or "You're doing OK." He will say no more. You are faced with

a lack of feedback.

In the Hersey and Blanchard situational leadership model, development level is the term used to describe

a subordinate's competence in goal attainment and commitment to accepting responsibility for goals.

The First Lady's primary source of power is


The continuum approach to leadership has the underlying assumption that

balancing between operations and people is best.

In the Ohio State studies of leadership behavior, consideration behaviors were defined as

being friendly and supportive to employees.

The University of Michigan studies of leadership effectiveness found that the most effective leaders

employ both task-oriented and relationship-oriented behaviors.

You tell your Wobbly Widget work team that you are giving them complete authority, including control over their budget, to develop a new high-tech Wobbly Widget. You have

empowered them fully.

You deliver a rousing pregame speech to your Notre Dame ball players, and you conclude by saying, "Boys, win one for the Gipper." Your players cheer. According to the major leadership practices identified by Kouzes and Posner, you have

encouraged the heart.

Professors, computer geniuses, mechanics, airline pilots, and ship captains supposedly have a lot of

expert power.

Google has some practices that cater to employees while not necessarily contributing to overall goals. According to the adaptation of the Blake-Mouton leadership grid, these practices are indicative of a

high touch management style.

Giving employees tickets to "cash in" for a paid day off when they get their projects done well ahead of the deadline is an example of the creative use of

informal rewards.

Although regulations and laws sharply limit a leader's ability to use coercive power, it is a fair assessment that

it is still too commonly used in business settings.

The summary findings of the University of Michigan studies of leadership behavior concluded that less-effective managers were


All of the following are normally consistent with the role of group facilitator EXCEPT

leading the group to higher levels of role acceptance.

Your Wobbly Widget work team increases production of widgets by 50 percent over a one-year period, reduces defective widgets by 50 percent, and reports an increase in job satisfaction of 50 percent. The best description of what you have developed is

measurements of both personal and performance outcomes of effectiveness.

In the current discussion of leadership styles by leadership experts, transactional leadership is usually defined as

more traditional exchange-oriented leadership.

Whether or not a group or a team is called for in a situation is often a function of the

nature of the task.

A norm that some people accept, like going out for a beer after work, but that is not important to organizational success is called


When extra effort is required from employees and managers have no control over rewards and punishments and close supervision is not practical

personal sources of power are essential.

Cultural differences are important in determining levels of norms. In Japan, for example, after-work "schmoozing" is often


In understanding how roles in groups are derived, the people, such as bosses and customers, who send messages to others about what they expect are called

role senders.

According to Robert Greenleaf, leaders who try to ensure that the highest priorities of their followers are met and who help followers to grow are

servant leaders.

A great deal of research into group decision making suggests that the ideal group size is

seven to twelve members.

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