Body Paragraphs, Introduction, and Conclusion
How many body paragraphs do you need?
As many reasons you stated in your thesis as well as what your professor asks for.
How to create commentary
Ask self W questions, and why is it significant?
What Paragraph's Aren't
Brief, non-specific, off topic example; a bunch of fluff to fill up the page; a rant (complaining) about a topic you may disagree with.
Organization and Structure of Body Paragraphs
Each BP and its topic sentence refer directly back to the thesis statement (unified). Each sentence builds off another, connecting ideas to create coherency.
Introduction paragraph
First paragraph in paper; introduces subject and thesis. Includes hook, context, and thesis.
Ways to write
Full circle, call of action, thematic statement.
History, Entertainment (movies, video games, etc.), Literature, Personal experiences (weakest one), science or sports, current events.
Conclusion Paragraph
Last paragraph in essay; neatly wraps up the paper and leaves your reader insightful and inspired; restate thesis, linking sentences, closing statement.
Providing analysis to show your thought process of how your CD supports/proves your TS and CI; creates coherency and flow of thought process.
Key Features of a Body Paragraph
TS, CD/supporting sentences, commentary, concluding sentence (wraps up paragraph, connecting back to thesis).
Body Paragraph Purpose
To provide support for thesis using concrete details; connects back with evidence to support the TS, thesis statement, and introductory paragraph. Also, it provides an explanation with commentary of how the concrete detail proves the topic sentence's controlling idea.
Burger Analogy
Topic sentence, detailed, sentence with CD explained and commentary, concluding sentence (proves how CD ties back to thesis), further commentary to tie it all up.
3 C's of Body Paragraphs
connection, conciseness, and coherency.
Body Paragraphs Are
organized (text structures), focused/stays on task (proving topic statement and thesis), concise (specific and straight to the point), thorough (thoughtful/meaningful, detailed examples that strongly tie back and prove your thesis).