Bones and Muscles of Head and Neck
Movement accomplished by a muscle when the muscle fibers contract
What muscles open the jaw
Anterior suprahyoids: Anterior belly of Digastric, Mylohyoid, and Geniohyoid
A muscle that assists the muscles of masstication by keeping the food on the occulsal surfaces
Muscle of the facial expression that forms a portion of the cheek
What mastication muscle holds the food in place
Muscles of the neck that include the SCM and trapezius muscles
A muscle that is active while one is frowning
Corrugator supercilii
Suprahyoid muscle with an anterior and posterior belly
Into which cervical triangles does the SCM divide the neck
Diagonal into anterior cervical triangle and posterior cervical triangle
A V-shaped mucles attached to hyoid and mandibular bones
A muscle with 2 bellies originates fromt eh occipital bone and mastoid process and inserts on the skin tissue of the eyebrow and root of nose
Muscle of facial expression in the scalp region that has a frontal and occipital belly
What mastication muscle inserts on the neck of mandibular condyle and articular disk
External (lateral) pterygoid
What mastication muscle protrudes the mandible
External (lateral) pterygoid
The opening fromt he oral region in the oropharynx is the
Fauces (facial isthmus)
The forehead bone
A muscle which originates from the genial tubercles and inserts int he tongue and hyoid bone
Extrinsic tongue muscle that arises from the genial tubercles
Anterior suprahyoid muscles that is deep to the mylohyoid
The small buldge of tissue at the most anterior portion of the hard palate is
Incisive papilla
Hyoid muscles that are inferior to the hyoid bone
What is the medial (inner) canthus
Inner angle of the eye
End of the muscle that is attached to the more moveable structure
What mastication muscle inserts on the medial surface of body of mandible
Internal (medial) pterygoid
What mastication muscle originates on the sphenoid only
Internal(medial) pterygoid
What separates the lower lip from the chin
Labiomental groove
A muscle that originates from teh infratemporal crest and the lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate, and inserts on the anterior surface of the mandubular condyle and the capsule of the TMJ
Lateral (external) pterygoid
Which muscles cause protrusion of the mandible
Lateral pterygoid (both sides)
Which muscles are active when a person is smiling
Levator anguli oris, zygomaticus major and minor, and levator labii superioris
What muscles insert on the lips
Levator labii superioris, depressor labii inferioris, orbicularis oris, and zygomaticus
Most obvious and strongest muscle of mastication that enlarges through grinding and clenching
What mastication muscle inserts on the lateral surface of ramus and angle of mandible
What mastication muscle originates on the zygomatic arch
Muscles that can close the lower jaw
Masseter, medial (internal) pterygoid, and temporalis
The upper jaw
An area closer to the midline plane of the body is considered
Which of the following structures is NOT located in the frontal region
Medial canthus
Muscles of facial expression in the mouth region that raises the chin
The labial or buccal mucosa meets the alveolar mucosa at
Mucobuccal fold
Type of body tissue that shortens under neutral control, causing soft tissue and bony structures to move
A muscle which forms the floor of the mouth
Anterior suprahyoid muscle that forms the floor of the mouth
Provides support for the floor of the mouth
A muscle that originates on the superior and medial orbital rim
Orbicularis oculi
Which muscle encircles the mouth and what is its function
Orbicularis oris; pursing lips, puckering, kissing, pouting, closing lips
End of the muscle that is attached to the least moveable structure
The firm irregular ridges of tissue directly posterior and lateral to the incisive papilla are
Palatine rugae
Loss of action of the muscle
The structure that is found on the midline of the dorsal surface of the tongue is
Paratid papilla
On the midline of the upper lip, extending downward from the nasal septum is a vertical groove called
Muscle of the facial expression that runs from the neck to the mouth
A narrow muscle that originates from fascia superficial to the masseter muscle
Muscle of the facial region that is used when smilining widely
Long muscle of the neck that extends from the mastoid process to the clavicle and sternum
Muscles that pull the head forward
What muscle inserts on the mastoid process
The plane that divides the body into right and left parts is
Sagittal plane
Posterior suprahyoid muscle that originates fromt eh styloid process of the temporal bone
A group of muscles which elevates the hyoid bone and larynx (occurs during swallowing)
Suprahyoid muscles: Digastric, mylohyoid, stylohyoid, and geniohyoid
Hyoid muscles located superior to the hyoid bone that can be further divided by their anterior or posterior relationship to the hyoid bone
The structure in the frontal region just under each eyebrow is
Supraorbital ridge (supercilliary ridge)
In which region of the head and nexk is the TMJ
Temporal and zygomatic
A muscle in which some of its fibers when active can cause the mandible to retract
A muscle which inserts on teh coronoid process of the mandible
Muscle of mastication that fills the temporal fossa
The small flap of tissue anterior to the external acoustic meatus is called
A broad triangular muscle of the back that functions only partially as a neck muscle
Cervical muscles that cover the lateral and posterior surfaces of the neck
Midline muscular structure that hangs from the posterior margin of the soft palate
What nerve innervates the muscles of mastication
V trigeminal and 3rd division of mandible
What nerve innervates the muscle of facial expression
VII cranial or Facial nerve
The lips are outlined from the surrounding skin by a transition zone that is called
Vermillion border
The space in the o.c which is located between the cheeks, lips and gum is called
What is the structure that extends from just inferior to the lateral margin of the eye towards the ear
Zygomatic arch
What mastication muscle inserts on the orbicularis oris
What mastication muscle originates on the maxilla, mandible and pteromandibular raphae
unpaired bones
ethmoid, frontal, mandible, occipital, sphenoid, vomer
What mastication muscle originates on the maxilla,sphenoid, and palatine bones
external(lateral) and internal (medial) pterygoids
sides of skull
frontal,parietal, occipital, temporal, zygomatic, sphenoid
What muscles insert on the eyebrows
What muscles orginate on the frontal bone
frontalis and orbicularis oculi
What mastication muscle raises the mandible
internal (medial) pterygoid, masseter, and temporalis
A muscle which when contracted can cause the mandible to shift to the opposite side
lateral (external) pterygoid
A muscle that is active during sneering
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Lower jaw
A muscle that inserts in the skin tissue of the chin
on walls of nasal fossa
nasal conchae
What muscles insert on the eyelid
orbicularis oculi
Which muscle is active when a person grimaces
platysma,orbicularis oculi,risorius
What are the broad sheetlike muscles on the sides of neck just under skin
The fold of tissue that extends from the junction of hard and soft palates down to the mandible, just behind the most distal mandibular tooth is
ptergomandibular fold
Anterior neck muscles that extends from the hyoid bone to the clavicle and manubrium
Anterior neck muscle that is attached to the thyroid carilage and part of the sternum
What mastication muscle inserts on the coronoid process of mandible
What mastication muscle originates on the frontal, parietal, and temporal bones
What mastication muscle retracts the mandible
What mastication muscle lowers the mandible
temporalis and external (lateral) pterygoid
A muscle that can lift the clavicle and scapula
What muscles orginate on the sygomatic bone