Botany ch 6 (stems)

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What is a hypothesis?

A statement that is designed to be tested.

How would you distinguish an amyloplast from a chloroplast?

Amyloplast are pink/red. Chloroplasts are green.

Specifically where do starch grains develp in a cell?

In the amyloplasts.

Where, specifically, are axillary buds located?

In the angle between the stem and the petiole of leaf

Where would you expect to find a nucleolus?

Inside the nucleus.

What is the function of the interpupillary adjustment on te dissecting microscope?

It allows the lenses to move independently.

What is the function of a hypodermis?? Where is a hypodermis located?

It gives support and rigidity. Beneath the epidermis

What is the function of the iris diaphragm?

It regulates the amount of light passing through an object

What is cyclosis

The movement of chloroplast in the cytoplasm.

What are striae, and where are they located in a spiderwort stamen hair cell?

Thin parallel lines located on the cell surface

What is a vacuole?

A flexible bag of watery fluid

What are stipules?

A pair of leaf-like or thorn-like appendages at the base of the petiole

What is the function of a lenticel?

Gas exchange

Which stains are used to make the tissues of your handmade linden (basswood) slide more readily visible?

Gentian violet and eosin

Apart from size and shape, how do guard cells differ from the epidermal cells that surround them?

Guard cells contain chloroplast.

The two cells that form and surround a stoma are known as...

Guard cells.

To which part of an African violet or peperomia leaf is hormone applied in this exercise?

Half of the petioles.

What is dusted on the bottom of some of the cuttings?

Hormone powder.

What tissue composed of thick-walled cells is found just beneath the epidermis of a pine leaf?


When making cuttings, what should be removed from the twigs?

All the bus except the top one or two.

how can you tell a potato amyloplast from a cell?

Amyloplast will stain purple because of the presence of starch.

How are amyloplasts distinguished from parenchyma cells in a potato?

Amyloplasts are clam shaped and contain starch.

Anthocyanin pigments and chromoplasts may both be red in color. If you were to observe a cell that had bot, how could you distinguish between them?

Anthocyanin pigments would be in the vacuole.

Where ate the resin canals located in a pine leaf? What is their function?

In the mesophyll. Defense

If present in a cell, where are anthocyanin pigments located?

In the vacuoles

What are the small bumps of parenchyma tissue on the surface of the internodes called?


Where are stomata generally most abundant in the majority of leaves?

Lower epidermis.

Which tissue lies between the epidermis and the endodermis in a pine leaf?


In which roots is a pith present?


In making a bud graft, how deeply should the T be cut?

No deeper that the cambium.

What parts of cells are normally visible with the aid of compound light microscope?

Nucleus, chloroplasts, chromoplast, vacuole.

What are sunken stomata? With which plants are they associated?

Pairs of guard cells. Desert plants.

Which layer of mesophyll is closest to the upper epidermis of a leaf?

Palisade mesophyll.

From which tissue do lateral roots arise?


Which tissue is immediately adjacent to the endodermis on the side toward the center?


Which tissue comprise the stele?

Pericycle, xylem, and phloem.

In addition to cork, what tissue is usually produced by the cork cambium?

Phelloderm cells

In what kind of leaf would you expect to find resin canals?


Which tissue of stems is not present in dicot roots?


What water-conductiong tissue is presnt in the center of a dicot root?

Primary xylem.

What is the function of the vascular cambium?

Produces the secondary xylem and phloem.

What evidence of the food-storage function of cortex is present in buttercup roots?

Purple stained starched grains

In which tissues do the following originate; Root hairs, Lateral roots?

Root hairs: Epidermis Lateral roots: Pericycle

How are vascular bundles arranged in a monocot stem?

Scattered through out the fundamental tissue, with the phloem oriented toward the outside

What are bundle scars?

Sealed ends of vascular veins that led into petiole from stem.

How are seed surfaces sterilized in the exercise?

Soaking in 10% bleach

What, theoretically at least , does embryo culture do to seedlings?

Speeds up growth.

What is present in the cells of the cortex that gives evidence of its function as a food-storage tissue?


What is the primary function of cortex and pith?

Storing and sometimes manufacturing food.

Of what fatty substance are casparian strips composed?


What protects the buds of dormant twigs?

Terminal bud scales.

If you saw cross sections of Begonia or Coleus and alfalfa stems side by side, what differences would be obvious?

The arrangement of the vascular bundles and the presence of a pith in the dicot stem.

How should a coverslip be applied to a drop of liquid on a microscope slide?

At a 45 degree angle.

When making divisions of white (irish) potatoes, what structure must be present if the division is to sprout?

At least one good eye.

Which of the stems in this exercise has the most complex phloem?


Between which tissues is the vascular cambium located?

Between the primary xylem and phloem.

In which region of the root does differentiation of cells into various cell types take place?

The region of maturation

What is the difference between bud scale scars and leaf scars? .

Bud scale scars result in a series of narrow linear raised regions around the "stem", usually one at start of each growing season; leaf scars are formed by the separation of leaf petiole from stem

What term is used to describe the bands of fatty substances that are found on the inner surfaces of endodermal cell walls?

Casparian strips

Which of the larger organelles are most abundant in palisade mesophyll cells?


How does a chromoplast differ from a chloroplast?

Chromoplast are red, chloroplast are green

In most living cells, such as those of Elodea, where is the cytoplasm located? How extensive are plant cell vacuoles?

Close to the cell wall. The vacuoles can take up 95% a plant cells volume.

How does a compound leaf differ from a simple leaf?

Compound leaves have two or more leaflets.

Which two tissues are produced by the cork cambium, and which two tissues are produced by the vascular cambium?

Cork cambium produces cork and phelloderm vascular cambium produces secondary xylem and secondary phloem

What fatty or waxy substance present on the outer walls of leaf epidermal cells is often lost in the preparation of slides?


What is the fatty or waxy substance that coats a leaf epidermis called?


List three methods of vegetative propagation.

Cuttings, grafting, layering.

When chloroplasts appear to be moving within a living cell, what is the cause of the movement called?

Cyclosis or Cytoplasmic streaming.

In what part of a cell are chloroplasts located?


Which tissue surrounds and borders the stele of a dicot root?


As lateral roots develop inside a primary root, through which tissues must they grow to reach the surface?

Endodermis, cortex, epidermis.

What specific tissue marks the outer boundary of transfusion tissue in a pine leaf?


in which tissues are root hairs to be found?


What are cytoplasmic bridges?

Thin strands of cytoplasm

What is a cytoplasmic bridge?

Thin strands of cytoplasm.

In prepared slides of lilac leaves, why are some veins visible in cross section while others are visible in longitudinal section?

Veins run in various directions in the a lilac leaf.

How is a bundle scar formed?

When the leaf petiole separates from stem breaks a vascular vein

Where should an adjustable condenser be set for maximum resolution?

When the top lens of the condenser is as close to the stage as it will go.

Of which two tissues are leaf veins primarily composed?

Xylem and phloem

Which tissue conducts water and minerals in solution?


If you wished to make your handmade linden (basswood) slide permanent, which additional substances would you use?

Xylene and balsam.

What structures associated with gas exchange are found throughout stem internodes?


What tissue produces cells that add to the girth(diameter) of the root?

vascular cambium

Which vegetative propagation technique referred to in this exercise is used by large commercial orchid growers?

Tissue culture

What is resolution?

The capacity of the microscopes to separate tiny closely adjacent objects

why should only lens paper be used to clean microscope lenses?

The glass on the lens is softer and will scratch easily.

When you view a cross section of a leaf with the upper epidermis at the top, where is the phloem located in a vein?

The lower part of the vein.

Which tissue separates cortex from pith in an older alfalfa stem? What is the function of this tissue?

The meristematic vascular cambium that gives rise to xylem and phloem. Storage

Which tissue of pine leaves differs from that of lilac leaves

The mesophyll.

What is the function of the condenser?

To concentrate light in the plane of the object being viewed

What is the thin boundary of the vacuole called? Is it visible?

Tonoplast. No.

How many layers of cells are ther in an Elodea leaf?


Where would you look for the nucleus in an Elodea cell?

Up against the cell wall.

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