Brazil Test ALL

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"This method of conducting politics is called "_________." ___________ is a relationship between a given patron (in this case, Vargas) who distributes favors to a set of clients (in this case, select political figures) who serve the patron's interests" (27). Granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support

structural racisim

"darker skinned Brazilians had fewer possibilities for education and employment. This phenomenon is often called ____________ _____________, and differs from (but still influences) the racism between individuals" (25).


(adj.) originating in a region (Some fear that these plants, which are not indigenous to the region, may choke out the vegetation that is native to the area.) Its history has been influenced by its many groups of _______________ people (1)


(n.) self-government, political control


An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought


An order issued by someone In 1494, the Pope issued another________ called the Treaty of Tordesillas.


from the linguistic point of view : in respect to language or linguistics of or relating to language

How did the elites use their power to influence the government?

he elites used their power to influence the government because they controlled most of the land and power was based on how much land you had.


makeshift housing communities, often built by migrants wherever they could. "The rapid population growth of cities led to the emergence of the urban ________ and the growth of the working class" (24).


used to describe Brazilians of African descent In a society that treated enslaved people and ______________ as less than human, they developed ways to resist and stay resilient as a community.

Who lived in Brazil before the Portuguese arrived? How did the Portuguese view the indigenous people?

.The two prominent communities were the Yanomami and the Tupi. The Yanomami were divided into four regional subdivisions and each had their own language. The Tupi were the first encountered. First interactions were peaceful and they traded. When Portuguese began to enslave people, conflict began. Portuguese reported back to Europeans extreme portrayals of people they encountered. Some reports said they were peaceful people living in paradise while others thought of them as savage

How extensive was slavery in Brazil?

4 million slaves had been imported by the time of abolition. Brazil had one of/ the largest slave trade economy in the trans-atlantic slave trade economy. Abolished in 1888

How has Brazil Become and Economic World Power?

8th largest economy in world today Economic boom in 2000s: Massive oil fields off the coast Agricultural products for export China's demand for Brazilian raw materials Economic reforms Increased trade 2013 - downturn due to global oil prices dropping and China's weakened economy

Cold war

A conflict that was between the US and the Soviet Union. The nations never directly confronted each other on the battlefield but deadly threats went on for years. After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union began a global struggle for power and influence known as the ___________ that lasted for forty years (30)

What is capoeira and why was it important?

A form of martial arts mixed w/ dance. Important bc it was a way of protecting themselves


A general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. His popularity was also hurt by the fact that the economy was in its worst shape in twenty years, ______________ was running high, and economic growth had stopped (29).

What is Candomble and why was it important?

A mix of African American and Catholicism. It was important bc it still was a was to practice their culture and a form of resistance.


A person of mixed African and European ancestry

social standing

A persons rank in a social hierarchy; based on status and influence

indirect elections

A voting system whereby individuals voted for representatives, who in tern voted for a smaller number to sit in an assembly


Also known as the Society of Jesus; founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) as a teaching and missionary order to resist the spread of Protestantism.

habeas corpus

An order to produce an arrested person before a judge The act, which had no expiration date, closed Congress, suspended ___________, and gave the military the authority to try crimes for threats against national security.


Beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people. The Portuguese based their understanding of ____________ culture almost entirely on these initial exchanges.

How did Brazil become independent from Portugal?

Brazil became independent from Portugal when Pedro I declared Brazil's independence from portuguese rule on September 7th, 1822.

Describe the path to abolishing slavery in Brazil.

Brazil was the last country in the western hemisphere. slavery was officially abolished in 1888, but it took pressure from outside countries that had already freed slaves.

What was the role of Catholicism in the colonization of Brazil?

Catholicism affected Brazil very much. The catholic Church (s) held missions (aldeias), missionaries (which offered education, and forced conversion of indigenous peoples). One group, the Jesuits, forced indigenous peoples to work on ranches (Fazendas). Eventually The Portuguese saw the catholic church as a threat to their power and prohibited the production of new churches and expelled the Jesuits.


Communities in the Brazilian hinterland formed by runaway slaves.

Describe Brazil- U.S. Relations

Cooperative relationship U.S. is Brazil's 2nd largest trading partner U.S. is leading foreign investor in Brazil Academic exchange programs Joint Initiative on Climate Change - launched together in 2015 - enhance sustainable and responsible land and energy use Tensions exist like in 2010 - Brazil attempted to arrange a deal with Iran over its controversial nuclear program 2013 - found out that the U.S. gov't had spied on President Rousseff, her gov't and gov't-run companies and programs


Descendants of the Europeans in Latin America, usually implies an upper class status.

Who is Dilma Rousseff?

Former minister of energy and chief of staff to Lula Imprisoned during dictatorship for opposing them First female president of Brazil Committed to placing more women in government, ending corruption, firing ministers who were involved in scandal. New programs for poor Brazilians 2014- almost not reelected 2016- impeached by congress

Who is Fernando Henrique Cardoso?

He was the second elected president of Brazil and he led the Diretas Jâ movement and reformed brazil's economy He was a former university professor, played leading role in Diretas Já movement. The French minister appointed by President Franco. During his presidency, inflation stabilized (improved economy). The social program for poor were expanded.

racial identity

Identifying with a particular racial group. Although in the past racial groups were classified on the basis of biological characteristics, most scientists now recognize that race is constructed in fluid social and historical contexts. "Tell students that they will be analyzing a selection of historical sources that address ________ ____________ in Brazil at different points in the country's history" (56)."

How was race viewed in colonial Brazil?

In colonial Brazil, race wasn't just black and white like it was in the United States. There was also creole and mulatto (a mix of black and white). Slavery was tied to race. It was not unusual for different races to have children together.

How did industrialization and urbanization affect Brazil?

Industrialization and urbanization affected Brazil because there was a growth of cities, thousands of people migrated from rural areas, wages became low, favelas began to form, and there was a growth of the working class.

What was the Institutional Act-5 (AI-5)?

It closed Congress, imposed censorship of anti-govt anything, and gave more power to the president.

Is Brazil a racial democracy, why or why not?

It is not a racial democracy b/c darker skinned people had fewer responsibilities for education and unemployment. It limited opportunities for blacks and people of mixed race

What was the importance of sugar in colonial Brazil?

It was the main export in the colony;It brought wealth and work and slaves

What was the policy of "whitening"?

It was where the government tried to make Brazil like a European country by by bringing in European immigrants to "whiten" the population over time.

economic assistance

Loans and outright grants of money or equipment to other nations The IMF set conditions for ________________________ that resulted in a reduction in government spending and an increase in employment.


Men who participated in exploring the interior of Brazil. Their expeditions were called Entradas. These men would discover more natives and locations for the Portuguese to settle. Early 17th century.

What was life like for African slaves in Brazil?

Most died within the first 10 years of arriving. Life was short and and hard, and they worked for long hours. Enslaved laborers often worked with their feet chained together. They lived under the constant threat of physical violence from their owners.

Describe the various immigrant groups that came to Brazil after abolition and how they influenced Brazilian society and culture.

Mostly Northern and central Europeans migrated to Brazil after the abolition of slavery. The there was a sudden demand for agricultural workers which led to the welcoming of a wider range of immigrants from Eastern Europe, Japan, and the Middle East. Italians also made up the largest immigrant population. Wave of Japanese immigration began and they could tolerate abusive labor practices on Brazilian owned farms

What were the most significant political, economic, and social effects of abolition?

Political: leaders disagreed about economic priorities, relationships w foreign colonial leaders, and which groups should have power/influence Boundaries of states divided ethnicity, religions, and languages Political tumult bc different ethnic groups wanted power- caused civil wars/ secession attempts rise in tension Economic: Depended on European imports Each colony had only Economic growth boomed because of immigration Social: Mixture of cultures because they brought in agricultural workers from abroad Immigration Favelas began to form

working class

Politically, the class of people who are more likely to feel that the government should intervene in the economy to make citizens financially secure (workers) "The _________ _______ consisted of low-wage urban workers" (24).


Process of industrial development in which countries evolve economically, from producing basic, primary goods to using modern factories for mass-producing goods. "________________ had a profound impact on the economy, politics, and people of Brazil" (24).

What influence does Brazil have international community today?

Request for permanent seat on U.N. Security Council Adopted foreign policy characterized by neutrality and nonalignment (will not automatically agree with the policies of historically wealthy countries) Supporting poorer countries (global South) Greater trade and investment with developing countries Provides aid to some developing countries, predominantly in Sub-Saharan Africa

How did the "Brazilian economic miracle" affect Brazilian politics?

The "Brazilian economic miracle" affected Brazilian politics because people that were already rich were just getting richer (protected interests of the wealthy) with this "miracle", while the working class and poor people received no benefits.

What is the "third wave of democratization"?

The "third wave of democratization was when military regimes are turned into democracy.

How did Brazil transition to a democracy?

The Brazilian Government passed a new democratic constitution in 1984, and in 1989, the country held its first democratic presidential election since 1960.

What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? And why was it important?

The Treaty of Tordesillas drew an imaginary vertical line through the Atlantic Ocean, that granted Spa in and Portugal possession of distinct regions of the world. Importance: Cut off Spain's ability to try to claim parts of Brazil

slave trade

The business of capturing, transporting, and selling people as slaves

How did momentum build to end military rule in Brazil during the 1970s?

The death of Vladimir Herzog, a Brazilian reporter who was tortured and killed because he was against the govt and the torture and assassination of priest and nuns made people angry, and workers who wanted better wages began to go on strike.

What impact did Vargas's policies of "corporatism" and "patronage" have on Brazil?

The impact that Vargas' policy of corporatism had was it gave the government control over economic systems, it strengthened the government, and it reduced political rights for workers. The policy of patronage conducts politics, and it grants favors between patrons and clients.

What influence does Brazil have in the international community today?

The influence that Brazil has in the international community today is that they are big supporters of stopping climate change, and they provide aid to poorer countries specifically in Africa.

What was it like to live under Brazil's dictatorship?

The was a lot of censorship of the media (no freedom of speech), guerrilla uprisings, out burst, period of economic growth so wealth gained and stayed People where treated unfairly with new to few human rights

Why is Brazil so important to the international response to climate change?

They are the 8th largest consumer of energy and the 6th largest consumer of petroleum, so they are part of the problem. However, they are also trying to use new sources of energy like bio fuels and they are limiting the amount of trees that can be cut down per year.

Describe how the favelas came to be and what they are like today

Thru urbanization. Today, they still have no government policies, and they have a lot of gang violence.

labor intensive

Type of industry in which labor cost is a high percentage of expense.

estado novo

Vargas' new regime that was created through the use of a coup d'eta "The ________ _________ doesn't recognize individual rights against the community." (26).

Western Hemisphere

West of the Prime Meridian Many in the U.S. government considered Brazil as crucial in preventing other countries in the ___________ from becoming communist.

What did the national Truth Commission detail in their report that was published on December 10,2014?

Widespread torture and other atrocities that resulted from gov't policy Released the names of nearly 400 people who committed crimes (human rights violations) Made a series of recommendations for addressing these findings

Who is Lula?

Years in office = 8 years (2002-2010) Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - founder of the Workers Party Against the dictatorship Did not graduate from High School Become a skilled politician


a form of Brazilian song and dance. "From the favela hillside communities of the Rio de Janeiro came a song and dance style called __________." (24).


a form of gov in which citizens elect the representatives who rule them Brazil's first military government was led by a group of generals who formed a ____________ and renamed the country's eighteen provinces as states.


a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status Some freed men and women also purchased enslaved black people from ___________.


a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government. "On November 15, 1889, a bloodless _______ ousted the old and ailing Pedro II from the throne" (20).

racial hierarchy

a system of stratification that focuses on the belief that some racial groups are either superior or inferior to other racial groups. "The _______ __________, which placed value on "whiteness," resulted in tensions between immigrants and Afro-Brazilians" (23).


an official order The dictatorship ruled through a series of __________(s), known as the Institutional Acts

labor unions

an organized group of workers who negotiate with employers for better working conditions. "_________ ________ emerged as early as 1880 and would be increasingly important by the 1920s." (25).


changes brought about by the industrial revolution "Brasilia, as it was called, became the new capital city and a symbol of Brazilian _________" (28).

primary education

elementary education, or primary school "The new constitution no longer required the national government to provide four years of ___________ _____________, leaving education in the hands of the states" (20).

colonial administration

placed in colonies and meant for three goals: colony has to pay for its own administration, must be self sufficient, preserves domestic peace and promote economic growth that would generate income for Africans and European investors


rapid growth of cities An increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements. "One important outcome was the growth of cities, a process known as _________________" (24).


revolt, especially of soldiers or sailors against their officers, or captives


the acquisition and exploitation of territory by a foreign power for its own economic and political benefit Indigenous communities adapted to the disruptions of Portuguese ___________ in numerous ways.


the act of ending a system or practice Great Britain had abolished slavery in all of its colonies in 1834 and used its influence to try to bring about ______________ in Brazil.

scientific racisim

the belief of biological superiority of white people "Their ideas fueled by their belief in __________ __________" (20).


the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition "Sometimes immigrants grouped together according to shared _________, languages, and cultural understandings." (23).

social practices

the part of culture that refers to the predictable behavior patterns that members of a culture typically follow They developed languages, ___________, and spiritual beliefs. (3)

The Portuguese Crown

the royal government of Portugal and its colonies ________________________ prohibited the construction of new churches in some regions of the colony.


the state of being banned/barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons, banished. "Dom Pedro II went with his family into _______ France where he died in 1891" (20).


to use power for personal gain "The policies the IMF demanded were unpopular in Brazil. Further, allegations of ____________ in the Vargas administration incited widespread suspicion of the president" (28).

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