Bus 1440 Final
Net Income
(Total revenue + gains) - (Total expenses + loses)
General Partnership
A business owned by two or more people who share responsibilities and profits
Semi Structured Data
A mix of structured and unstructured data. It includes parts that can be easily organized but also has data that is hard for a machine to sort out.
A plan for making and spending money
Limited Memory
AI systems that can use past experiences to inform decisions
Self Awareness AI
An AI that has its own conscience, super intelligent, self awareness and sentient. A complete human being
An investor is a person who has control over some pool of assets, and who invests money into a project in exchange for shares
Contacting existing or potential customers after they have already had an interaction with your brand
Data comes in all types of formats
Data streams into businesses at an unprecedented speed and must be handled in a timely manner
Structured Data
Easy to store and analyze, can be created by machine or humans
The breakeven formula
Fixed Costs / (Unit Selling Price - Variable Costs)
Mixed reality
Mix of AR and VR. Overlays synthetic content into a real environment and like VR this content is interactive and you can manipulate digital objects in their physical space
Unstructured Data
More difficult to analyze and search for. People used to disregard this data until AI was able to make it easier to process
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Optimizing your content by making it more visible to search engines
3 P's added in Marketing Mix
People, process, physical evidence
4 P's of Marketing
Product, Price, Place, Promotion
Augmented Reality
Relies on a device to overlay digital graphics into the real world
Unit contribution margin
Sales price - variable costs
Series A round
Series A funding is usually the first funding round you come from outside investors. Generating revenue but not profitable
Theory of Mind
This type of AI can understand people's emotions, beliefs, thoughts, and expectations and be able to interact socially
Five V's of Big Data
Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, Variability
What your business provides to the larger audience
Seven Components of a good budget
Your estimated revenue Your fixed costs Your variable costs Your one off costs Your cash flow (money traveling into and out of a business) Your profit (what you take home after deducting expenses from your revenue)
a business owned and operated for the benefit of the members of the organization that use its services
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
a database that is decentralized. In this tech every node will maintain the ledger and if any data changes happen the ledger will get updated
Laminated Object Manufacturing
a laser/knife is used to cut slices of the 3D model out of sheets of material
a method or plan chose to bring about a desired future like achievement of a goal or solution to a problem
Limited Liability company (LLC)
a mixture of a partnership and a corp, designed to make it easier to start small businesses. Popular for startups
a type of fully independent business with shareholders
a typically decentralized digital money designed to be used over the internet
Narrow AI
also known as weak AI is the AI we have in our world today such as Siri and Alexa, not conscious
Reactive Machines
basic form of AI, cannot use past info for future actions
Government grants or loans
because new businesses are a large source of economic growth governments have it in their best interest to support individuals looking to start a business
Division of labor
breaking down production into small interconnected tasks and then allocating these tasks to different workers based on their sustainability to undertake the task efficiently
Limited partnership
business partnership usually between business operators and investors
Level 5 autonomous vehicles
can operate entirely on their own without any driver presence
comes from division of labor. Each worker is given a specialist role which makes everything more efficient
Corporate partners
corporations are looking to transform and innovate and partnering with a startup can help them with this
Break Even Analysis
determines when your business will start making a profit
Demographic segmentation
divides a market through variables such as age, gender, education level, family size, occupation, ethnicity, etc
Series B round
either broken even or are close to it, bu they are generating enough revenue that they carry a solid valuation
Psychographic segmentation
focuses on intrinsic traits your customer possesses. Ex: values, personalities, interests, attitudes, conscious motivators, lifestyles, etc
Behavioral segmentation
focuses on specific reactions and the ways customers go through their decision making and buying process
Crowdfunding platforms
getting a large group of people to back your company with relatively small individual contributions
Level 3 autonomous vehicles
handles dynamic driving tasks but might still need intervention
Virtual Reality
headsets to fully immerse users in a computer simulated reality
how much your product or service costs
Series C
investors want to see higher valuation than in series B
laser is used to solidify liquid resin with ultraviolet light
light detecting and ranging: uses light waves that bounce of surrounding things and makes a 3D image of everything in the surrounding area
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
measures a national economy's total output in a given period. Seasonally adjusted to to eliminate quarterly variations based on climate or holidays. Tracks the health of a countries economy.
Fused Deposition Modeling
melts down plastic and extruded out the printer head
Level 4 autonomous vehicles
officially driverless in certain environments
Sole proprietorship
owned and operated by a single person
Self funded
pay yourself
Selective laser Sintering
pretty much the same as SLA but this uses powdered material
Business loans
provide you with a sum of money that then has to be repaid to the lender with interest. You don't have to give up equity but that capital that needs to be repaid can get very high
Content marketing
publishing content in different forms to build brand awareness and nurture relationships
refers to how you reach your target market with the right message at the right time
refers to paper money or coins that are in circulation
refers to the flow of how the service is executed
Physical evidence
refers to the space in which a customer experiences your service
Seed funding
seed capital is an outside investment in a startup during the nascent stages in exchange for equity in the company
selling at a larger scale
Email Marketing
sending email communications to users who have signed up for them
Friends and family
start seeking funding from you family and friends and branch out from there
Geographic segmentation
targets customers based on a predefined geographic border
Big data
term that describes large, hard to manage volumes of data both structured and unstructured that inundate businesses on a day to day business
Fixed costs
the costs that are the same no matter how many items you sell
Strong AI
the machines that can actually think and perform task like a human being
the quality of the data
Extended reality
the term used for VR, AR and MR as well as the future realities tech will bring
Variable costs
these are recurring costs that you must absorb with each unit you sell
they focus on supercharging early stage business growth by providing short programs. Take applications, give out their funding in exchange for equity
Burn rate
total change in cash position over a changed/specified time
Nonprofit organization
type of business that uses its profits for charitable purposes. Tax exempt but most follow rules
unpredictable, changing often
uses a wide variety of sources to gather this data
Social Media Marketing
using social media platforms to build relationships with existing customers and reach wider
where and how people buy your product
who actually runs the company on a day to day basis
who formally governs the company's affairs
who legally owns the companies equity