BUS 195 CH 1-5

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40) As indicated in the strategic-management model, a clear ________ is needed before alternative strategies can be formulated and implemented. A) short-term objective B) implementation plan C) audit policy D) mission statement E) evaluation strategy


44) Staples 170 store closings in North America in 2014 is an example of A) divestiture. B) backward integration. C) liquidation. D) retrenchment. E) forward integration.


44) What marketing function includes test marketing? A) Selling products and services B) Pricing C) Customer analysis D) Product and service planning E) Distribution


45) There is a dramatic shift in mass retailing to A) "trading up" and taking customers from more exclusive stores. B) selling only the most expensive merchandise. C) opening dramatically larger supercenters. D) operating stores with less square footage. E) cutting back on their online presence.


46) In mass retailing, big-box companies like Walmart, Best Buy, and Sears are A) gaining competitive advantage over smaller stores. B) participating in a dramatic shift to becoming bigger. C) increasing the square-footage of their retail locations. D) finding that less brick and mortar is better. E) noticing a sharp decline in online purchases.


46) The Family Farmer Bankruptcy Act of 1986 created which of the major types of bankruptcy? A) Chapter 7 B) Chapter 8 C) Chapter 9 D) Chapter 12 E) Chapter 13


50) In order to appeal to diverse stakeholders, an effective mission statement should be A) inflammatory. B) provocative. C) contentious. D) reconciliatory. E) dysfunctional.


51) ________ management deals with inputs, transformations, and outputs that vary across industries and markets. A) Marketing B) Financial C) Research and development D) Production and operations E) Information systems


52) The controversial practice of a company borrowing money simply to fund dividend payouts to itself is known as A) a leveraged buyout. B) retrenchment. C) first mover advantage. D) dividend recapitalization. E) dividend divestiture.


58) Which of the following is noted in the text as a serious obstacle for many small business owners? A) A lack of business ethics B) An excess of employees and managerial staff C) A lack of experience in networking D) A lack of strategic-management knowledge E) Having too many suppliers


13) Protectionism is used by various countries around the world to safeguard their domestic industries.

13. - T

13) An objective, logical, systematic, & non intuitive approach for making major decisions in an organization is a way to describe the strategic-management process.

13. -F

14) In order to exploit common use of a well-known brand name, most companies favor related diversification strategies.

14. - T

14) One benefit of having a clear mission and vision is that it projects a sense of worth and intent to all stakeholders.

14. - T

14) The terms strategic management and strategic planning are used synonymously in this text.

14. -T

15) Test marketing is used more frequently by industrial companies than consumer goods companies.

15. - F

15) The purchase of 80 percent of Procter & Gamble's pet-food brands by Mars Inc., best known for its M&M chocolates and its Mars and Snickers candy bars, is an example of related diversification.

15. - F

15) A characteristic that describes the most competitive companies is adopting the adage, "Whether it's broke or not, fix it"; in other words, continually strive to improve everything about the firm.

15. - T

15) Having a clear mission and vision can provide a basis for a company's internal and external assessments.

15. - T

15) A vision statement describes an organization's values and priorities.

15. -F

16) In multidivisional organizations, each division should develop a mission statement consistent with and supportive of the corporate mission but use the corporate vision statement instead of a divisional vision statement.

16. - F

16) Most producers today sell their goods directly to consumers.

16. - F

16) Unrelated diversification may be an especially effective strategy when an organization's basic industry is experiencing increasing annual sales and profits.

16. - F

16) Wisconsin recently passed a law eliminating most collective-bargaining rights for the state's public-employee unions.

16. - T

16) Middle managers are generally the most visible and critical of all strategic managers.

16. -F

17) Although bankruptcy can be an effective type of retrenchment strategy, it does not allow firms to avoid major debt obligations and to void union contracts.

17. - F

17) The increase in high tech manufacturing base in the United States is reflected in the sharp increase in labor union membership in the last decade.

17. - F

17) The mission statement should be short, preferably one sentence.

17. - F

17) Marketing research is the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing, of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services.

17. - T

17) A vision statement commonly answers the question, "What is our business?" whereas a mission statement is more likely to answer the question "What do we want to become?"

17. -F

18) Bargaining power of consumers is usually the most powerful of Porter's five competitive forces.

18. - F

18) Financial ratios are not applicable to nonprofit organizations.

18. - F

18) It is unusual for the claims and concerns of a company's stakeholders to vary or conflict.

18. - F

18) A clear mission statement describes the values and priorities of an organization.

18. -T

19) A mission statement is usually just a simple statement of specific details.

19. - F

19) Chapter 13 bankruptcy is similar to Chapter 11, but available only to large corporations.

19. - F

19) Laser eye surgery would be considered a substitute product for eyeglasses and contact lenses.

19. - T

19) The idea that paying dividends results in a higher stock price is a myth.

19. - T

19) Objectives should be measurable, challenging, reasonable, consistent, and clear.

19. -T

2) U.S. firms are not being aggressively challenged in the computer industry.

2. - F

2) Strategic objectives include those associated with growth in revenues, growth in earnings, higher dividends, larger profit margins, and improved cash flow.

2. - F 51. - B

2) External audits attempt to identify key variables that offer actionable responses.

2. - T 51. - A

2) The foundation for development of a comprehensive mission statement is provided by a clear vision.

2. - T 51. - A

2) According to William King, a task force of managers from different units of the organization should be charged with determining the 20 most important strengths and weaknesses that should influence the future of the organization.

2. - T 51. - D

20) Corporate intelligence is the name for a systematic and ethical process for gathering and analyzing information about the competition's activities and general business trends to further a business's own goals.

20. - F

20) Divestiture has become a popular strategy for firms to become more diversified.

20. - F

20) Activity ratios measure how effectively a firm is using its resources.

20. - T

20) Annual objectives are especially important in strategy formulation.

20. -F

21) The total assets turnover ratio is calculated by dividing sales by fixed assets.

21. - F

21) A cost leadership strategy can be especially effective when the market is composed of many price-sensitive buyers.

21. - T

21) Stakeholders both affect and are affected by an organization's strategic decisions.

21. - T

21) Determining opportunities and threats is generally the first step in strategic planning.

21. -F

22) A limitation of financial ratios is the fact that they are based on accounting data.

22. - T

22) A low-cost focus strategy offers products or services to a small range of customers at the lowest price available on the market.

22. - T

22) Hiring top executives from rival firms is a way companies obtain competitive intelligence.

22. - T

22) The relative attention an organization will devote to meeting the claims of various stakeholders is indicated in a good mission statement.

22. - T

22) The best approach for strategists is to carefully develop strategic plans themselves and then present them to operating managers to execute.

22. -F

23) A differentiation strategy can only be achieved with a large target market.

23. - F

23) In most cases, at least 500 words are required to effectively state a mission statement.

23. - F

23) In most industries, only minor costs of producing a product or service are incurred within operations, so production and operations does not have great value as a competitive weapon in a company's overall strategy.

23. - F

23) The Fuld & Co. website explains that the term competitive intelligence is a polite way of referring to corporate espionage.

23. - F

23) Low-performing firms typically underestimate their competitor's strengths and overestimate their own strengths.

23. -T

24) As presented in the text book Vern McGinnis believes that a mission statement should empower keenly insightful leadership by an organization's top management.

24. - F

24) Assumptions have no place in planning.

24. - F

24) Research and Development (R&D) Management is focused on managing inputs, transformations, and outputs that vary across industries and markets.

24. - F

24) The most effective differentiation bases are those that are hard or expensive for rivals to duplicate.

24. - T

24) Firms can be more proactive with strategic management.

24. -T

25) AT&T's mission statement focuses on telephones rather than on communication.

25. - F

25) To succeed, a differentiation strategy depends on the existence of many different niches and segments within a market, thereby allowing a focuser to pick a competitively attractive niche suited to its own resources.

25. - F

25) While forecasts might not be perfect, they are never wildly inaccurate.

25. - F

25) Four common approaches to determine R&D budget allocations are: 1) finance as many project proposals as possible; 2) use a percentage-of-sales method; 3) budget for R&D about what competitors spend; or 4) decide how many successful new products are needed and work backwards to estimate the required R&D investment.

25. - T

25) Once a firm acquires a competitive advantage, it is usually able to sustain it indefinitely.

25. -F

26) A secondary buyout occurs when a corporation's shares are bought by the company's management and other private investors using borrowed funds.

26. - F

26) Technology ties all business functions together and provides the basis for all managerial decisions.

26. - F

26) A good mission statement serves as a framework for evaluating both current and prospective activities.

26. - T

26) Wild guesses should never be made in formulating strategies.

26. - T

27) A total weighted score of 1.0 for an EFE Matrix indicates that the firm is responding in an outstanding way to existing opportunities and threats in its industry.

27. - F

27) According to George Steiner, a mission statement should be broad in scope, since concrete specification could be the base for rallying opposition.

27. - T

27) Joint ventures tend to fail when managers who must collaborate daily in operating the venture are not involved in forming or shaping the venture.

27. - T

27) Value chain analysis can enable a firm to better identify its own strengths and weaknesses especially as compared to competitors' value chain analyses and their own data over time.

27. - T

27) Substantial research indicates that a healthier workforce can more effectively and efficiently implement strategies.

27. -T

28) Union Pacific's mission statement focuses on environmental stewardship rather than on transportation or railroads because good mission statements identify the utility of a firm's products to its customers.

28. - F

28) Benchmarking is an analytical tool used to determine whether a firm's value chain activities are competitive compared to rivals.

28. - T

29) A leveraged buyout occurs when a firm's management and other private investors use borrowed funds to buy out the firm's shareholders.

29. - T

29) A mission statement should be broad enough to reconcile differences among an organization's various stakeholders.

29. - T

29) The Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix should use a total of 20 internal factors.

29. - T

3) An important question a mission statement should answer is, "What do we want to become?"

3. - F

3) By occasionally monitoring external events, companies should be able to identify when change is required.

3. - F

3) External audits attempt to identify key variables that offer highly intuitive responses.

3. - F 52. - C

3) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" refers to managing by crisis.

3. - F 52. - D

3) The basic premise of the research-based view is that the mix, type, amount, and nature of a firm's internal resources should be considered first and foremost in devising strategies that can lead to sustainable competitive advantage.

3. - T

30) Companies are avoiding outsourcing more and more because it is more expensive than traditional methods and it does not allow a firm to concentrate on its core business.

30. - F

30) The operating philosophy of organizations should be to develop a product and then try to find a market for it.

30. - F

31) A firm's philosophy in a mission statement addresses the question, "What is the firm's distinctive competence?"

31. - F

31) Strategists in governmental organizations operate with far more strategic autonomy than their counterparts in private firms.

31. - F

32) Research indicates that strategic management in small firms is more formal than in large firms.

32. - F

32) A sense of self-concept is one of the nine components found in a good mission statement.

32. - T

33) The critiqued mission statements of PepsiCo and Royal Caribbean both lacked the "Customers" component.

33. - T

4) Once an effective strategy is designed, modifications are rarely required.

4. - F

4) Successful strategy formulation generally rests upon the ability of an organization to sell some product or service.

4. - F

4) Because a combination strategy bears no risk, many organizations pursue a combination of two or more strategies simultaneously.

4. - F 53. - B

4) In order to motivate a workforce effectively, both profit and vision are needed.

4. - T

4) The five major categories of variables known as external forces are: 1) economic forces, 2) social, cultural, demographic, and natural environment forces, 3) political, governmental, and legal forces, 4) technological forces and 5) competitive forces.

4. - T

40) Which strategy seeks to increase market share for present products or services in present markets through greater marketing efforts? A) Market penetration B) Forward integration C) Market development D) Backward integration E) Product development


42) Pricing is one of the basic functions of A) marketing. B) finance/accounting. C) management information systems. D) production/operations. E) research and development.


51) A strong ________ heritage underlies the study of strategic management. A) military B) government C) political D) social E) cultural


51) According to McGinnis, a mission statement should be all of the following EXCEPT A) it should be broad enough to include all ventures. B) it should be stated in clear terms. C) it should distinguish an organization from all others. D) it should define what an organization is. E) it should serve as a framework for evaluating both current and prospective activities.


51) One difference between a Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) and an External Factor Evaluation (EFE) is that A) CPM includes both internal and external issues. B) the weights and total weighted scores have different meanings. C) CPM ratings range from 1 to 10. D) CPM is performed only for the company, whereas EFE is performed for both the company and its competitors. E) CPM is only used in small firms.


29) To perform an external audit, a company first must A) get an approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission. B) perform an internal audit. C) gather competitive intelligence and information about external trends. D) hire a consultant to develop a comprehensive strategic plan. E) all of the above


37) Websites that sell products directly to consumers are examples of which type of strategy? A) Backward integration B) Product development C) Forward integration D) Horizontal integration E) Conglomerate diversification


41) Intensity of competition in lower-return industries. A) is lowest B) is nonexistent C) is highest D) is not important E) fluctuates


41) Staffing involves all of these activities EXCEPT A) recruiting employees. B) rewarding employees. C) analyzing customers. D) managing union relations. E) training and developing employees.


41) What are guides to decision making that address repetitive or recurring situations called? A) Strategies B) Rules C) Policies D) Objectives E) Goals


33) What step in the strategic management process involves mobilizing employees and managers to put strategies into action? A) Strategy formulation B) Strategy evaluation C) Strategy implementation D) Strategic advantage E) Competitive advantage

C- strategic implementation

36) Which state has the highest union membership rate? A) Arkansas B) Colorado C) New Hampshire D) New York E) North Carolina


38) Which of these strategies is effective when the number of suppliers is small and the number of competitors is large? A) Conglomerate diversification B) Forward integration C) Concentric diversification D) Backward integration E) Horizontal diversification


39) According to Drucker, a business' mission is the foundation for all of the following EXCEPT A) priorities. B) strategies. C) plans. D) employee wage rates. E) work assignments.


39) What refers to a strategy of seeking ownership of, or increased control over a firm's competitors? A) Forward integration B) Conglomerate diversification C) Backward integration D) Horizontal integration E) Concentric diversification


10) Organizing is the cornerstone of effective strategy formulation.

10. - F

18) Chapter 9 bankruptcy applies to municipalities.

18. - T

34) With which phase of strategic management is most strongly associated with "action"? A) Strategy formulation B) Strategy implementation C) Strategy evaluation D) Competing advantages E) Measuring performance

B- Strategic implementation

37) Who is referred to as "the father of modern management"? A) Cleland B) Campbell C) Drucker D) McGinnis E) Yeung


43) How do line managers become "owners" of the strategy? A) By attending top manager meetings B) By executing plans formulated by other people C) By involvement in the strategic-management process D) By becoming a shareholder of the firm E) By buying off top managers


32) According to I/O theorists, which of the following contributes LEAST to firm's performance? A) Economies of scale B) Barriers to market entry C) Product differentiation D) Internal resources E) Level of competitiveness


11) Analytical and intuitive thinking complement each other.

11. -T

7) The United States is getting older and less white.

7. - T

9) When developing a vision statement, input should be received from as many managers as possible.

9. - T 58. - A

52) Good mission statements identify the ________ of a firm's products to its customers. A) utility B) price C) profit margin D) demand E) popularity


56) The IFE Matrix should be ________ in multidivisional firms. A) constructed for each autonomous division B) all-inclusive C) constructed only for the major divisions D) developed before the EFE Matrix E) revised monthly


56) There were far more global mergers and acquisitions in 2014 than in any year since A) 2007. B) 1999. C) 1985. D) 1967. E) 1951.


58) Which of the following is NOT one of the nine recommended components of a mission statement? A) Strategies B) Self-concept C) Employees D) Markets E) Customers


36) In which phase of strategic management are long-term objectives especially important? A) Formulation B) Control C) Evaluation D) Implementation E) Management


55) The process whereby a firm determines the costs associated with organizational activities from purchasing raw materials to manufacturing products to marketing those products is called A) The Resource-Based Approach. B) Value Chain Analysis. C) Strategic Cost Analysis. D) The Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix. E) Cost-Benefit Analysis.


55) When two organizations of about equal size unite to form one enterprise, which of these occurs? A) Hostile takeover B) Merger C) Acquisition D) Leveraged buyout E) Friendly takeover


30) Collecting and evaluating information on competitors is essential for successful A) internal analysis. B) strategy evaluation. C) strategy formulation. D) strategy implementation. E) strategy correction.


31) ________ exemplifies the complexity of relationships among the functional areas of business. A) Government auditing B) External auditing C) Financial ratio analysis D) Environmental scanning E) Distribution strategy


36) The ideal length of a vision statement is A) one page. B) several paragraphs. C) one sentence. D) several sentences. E) as long as is necessary to convey the message.


45) A systematic and ethical process for gathering and analyzing information about the competition's activities and general trends to further a business' own goals is called A) unethical business practices. B) artificial intelligence. C) competitive intelligence. D) industrial espionage. E) competitive advantage.


45) Bankruptcy A) should never be used as a strategy. B) should be used only when one is legally forced to do so. C) can be an effective type of retrenchment strategy. D) should only be used for large firms. E) should only be used for small, private firms.


45) Distribution includes A) customer analysis. B) pricing. C) warehousing. D) advertising. E) test marketing.


50) According to Porter, which strategy offers products or services to a niche group of customers at the lowest price available on the market? A) Cost Leadership - Low Cost B) Cost Leadership - Best Value C) Focus - Low Cost D) Focus - Best Value E) Differentiation


39) Specific results an organization seeks to achieve in pursuing its basic mission are A) strategies. B) rules. C) objectives. D) policies. E) tenets.

C- Objectives

28) The goal of strategic management is to A) achieve competitive advantage. B) maintain competitive advantage. C) achieve and maintain competitive advantage. D) eliminate competitive advantage. E) eliminate and abolish competitive advantage.

C- achieve and maintain competitive advantage

31) The strategic-management process represents a(n) ________, ________, and ________ approach for determining an enterprise's future direction. A) logical; systematic; subjective B) intuitive; disorganized; subjective C) logical; systematic; objective D) intuitive; disorganized; objective E) inconsistent; systematic; subjective

C- represents a logical, systematic, and objective approach

33) A pattern of behavior developed by an organization as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, and that has worked well enough to be considered valid and to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel is called A) dysfunctional behavior. B) groupthink. C) behavior modification. D) organizational culture. E) internal audit effect.


38) An organization's vision statement A) is a constant reminder to its employees of why the organization exists. B) broadly charts the future direction of an organization. C) addresses the basic question: "What is our business?" D) answers the question: "What do we want to become?" E) none of the above

D- Answers the question: "What do we want to become?"

29) What can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives? A) Strategy formulation B) Strategy evaluation C) Strategy implementation D) Strategic management E) Strategic leading

D- Strategic management

31) The process of performing an external audit should involve A) key representatives from each stakeholder group. B) as many stakeholders as possible. C) only strategists. D) primarily strategists. E) as many managers and employees as possible.


33) It is predicted that the United States will have no racial or ethnic majorities by the year A) 2035. B) 2045. C) 2055. D) 2065. E) 2075.


35) Who are the world's longest-living people? A) Americans B) Mexicans C) Indians D) Filipinos E) Japanese


37) Changes in which of the following can significantly affect firms? A) Patent laws B) Antitrust legislation C) Tax rates D) Lobbying activities E) All of the above


43) After a draft mission statement has been developed, it is important to A) ask managers to read several articles about mission statements as background information. B) vote on the mission statement. C) ask managers to prepare a mission statement for the organization. D) ask managers to seek support for the mission statement from their subordinates. E) request modifications, additions, and deletions.


43) Which of the following is NOT a guideline for when an organization should use an unrelated diversification strategy? A) When revenues derived from an organization's current products or services would increase significantly by adding the new unrelated, products B) When an organization's present channels of distribution can be used to market the new products to current customers C) When the new products have countercyclical sales patterns compared to an organization's present products D) When an organization competes in a highly competitive and/or a no-growth industry E) When existing markets for an organization's present products are not yet saturated


45) Which group would be classified as stakeholders? A) Governments B) Creditors C) Suppliers D) Employees E) All of the above


46) When developing a mission statement, what is needed before people can focus on specific strategy formulation activities? A) Negotiation B) Compromise C) Eventual agreement D) A and B only E) All of the above


30) The strategic-management process is becoming more widely used by A) small firms. B) nonprofit institutions. C) governmental organizations. D) multinational conglomerates. E) all of the above

E-All of the above

12) Political issues and stances impact strategic decisions.

12. - T

20) Customer's and creditors are considered stockholders of an organization.

20. - F

26) Most traditional retailers have tried in vain to use their online sales to boost in-store sales.

26. -F

8) While interesting, organizational culture does not significantly affect business decisions.

8. - F

8) Limited availability of quality distributors is a reason why competitive advantage could result from forward integration.

8. - T 57. - B

8) According to Peter Drucker, answering the question "What is our business?" is the first responsibility of strategists.

8. - T 57. - E

9) Allocating resources is one of the five basic activities (functions) performed by managers.

9. - F

9) The final stage in strategic management is strategy implementation.

9. - F

35) Life-directing attitudes that serve as behavioral guidelines are called A) values. B) rites. C) beliefs. D) metaphors. E) legends.


47) All stakeholders' claims on an organization ________ pursued with equal emphasis. A) cannot be B) should always be C) are required to be D) must ideally be E) can usually be


47) The Internet has transferred power from ________ to ________. A) businesses; individuals B) governments; businesses C) individuals; businesses D) businesses; governments E) individuals; governments


48) Without assumptions, planning would be A) impossible. B) easier. C) difficult. D) inexpensive. E) intuitive.


51) Under which condition would a differentiation strategy be especially effective? A) When there are few ways to differentiate the product or service that buyers perceive as having value B) When technological change is fast paced and competition revolves around rapidly evolving product features C) When most buyers use the product in the same way D) When many rival firms are following a similar differentiation approach E) When the differentiation base is easy or inexpensive for rivals to duplicate


52) Both business and military organizations must ________ and ________ to be successful. A) be impervious to change; continually improve B) adapt to change; constantly improve C) shun change; stay the course D) be impervious to change; stay the course E) none of the above


53) What occurs when two or more companies form a temporary partnership or consortium for the purpose of capitalizing on some opportunity? A) Retrenchment B) A joint venture C) Liquidation D) Forward integration E) Divestiture


47) Retrenchment would be an effective strategy when an organization A) has shrunk so quickly that major internal reorganization is needed. B) is one of the stronger competitors in a given industry. C) is plagued by inefficiency, low profitability, poor employee morale and pressure from stockholders to improve performance. D) has decided to capitalize on opportunities, maximize threats, take advantage of strengths and overcome weaknesses. E) does not have a clearly distinctive competence and has failed to meet its objectives and goals consistently over time.


50) Business or military success is A) generally the happy result of accidental strategies. B) undermined by the element of surprise. C) the product of both attention to changing external and internal conditions and the insightful adaptations to those conditions. D) unrelated to external conditions. E) none of the above


54) What question is asked in conjunction with the philosophy component of a mission statement? A) What are the firm's major products or services? B) Is the firm committed to growth and financial soundness? C) What are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and ethical priorities of the firm? D) Is the firm responsive to social, community, and environmental concerns? E) Are employees a valuable asset of the firm?


33) Long-term objectives are needed at which level(s) in an organization? A) Corporate B) Divisional C) Functional D) All of the above E) Corporate & divisional levels, but not functional level


41) Which strategy generally entails large research and development expenditures? A) Market penetration B) Retrenchment C) Forward integration D) Product development E) Divestiture


54) Which of the following is NOT a reason joint ventures fail? A) Managers who must collaborate daily in operating the venture are not involved in forming or shaping the venture. B) The venture may not be supported equally by both partners. C) The venture may benefit the partnering companies but may not benefit the customers who then complain about poorer service or criticize the companies in other ways. D) Venture risk was minimized. E) The venture may begin to compete more with one of the partners than the other.


39) All of the following are political, governmental, and legal variables that can represent key opportunities or threats to organizations EXCEPT A) tariffs. B) environmental regulations. C) level of defense expenditures. D) legislation on equal employment. E) population changes by race, age, sex, and level of affluence.


1) An external audit focuses on identifying and evaluating trends and events within the control of management.

1. - F

1) Opportunities are a firm's distinctive competencies that cannot be easily matched or imitated by competitors.

1. - F 50. - C

1) Strategic management focuses on integrating management, marketing, finance and accounting, production and operations, research and development, and information systems to achieve organizational success.

1. - T

1) Long-term objectives represent the results expected from pursuing certain strategies.

1. - T 50. - C

1) Vision and mission statements can often be found in the front of annual reports.

1. - T 50. - D

10) There are now more American households consisting of married couples with children than of people living alone or with unrelated people.

10. - F

10) When developing a mission statement, it is usually advisable to involve as few managers as possible.

10. - F

10) When the correlation between dollar sales and dollar marketing expenditures has historically been low, market penetration is an appropriate strategy.

10. - F

10) One of the fundamental strategy evaluation activities is reviewing the external and internal factors on which strategies are based.

10. -T

11) By 2050, the Census Bureau projects that the number of Americans age 100 and older will dramatically decrease.

11. - F

11) According to Campbell and Yeung, the process of developing a mission statement should create an "emotional bond" and "sense of mission" between the organization and its employees.

11. - T

11) Market penetration, market development, and product development are intensive strategies.

11. - T

11) The purpose of organizing is to achieve coordinated effort by defining task and authority relationships.

11. - T

12) According to Drucker, the most important time for a company to develop mission and vision statements is when the company is experiencing financial difficulty.

12. - F

12) The management function of organizing is included in human resource management.

12. - F

12) An appropriate strategy when an organization has excess production capacity is market development.

12. - T

12) According to Peter Drucker "Imagination is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world."

12. -F

13) Research has failed to find a positive relationship between mission statements and organizational performance.

13. - F

13) Product development is an appropriate strategy when an organization has successful products that are in the maturity stage of the product life cycle.

13. - T

13) There are seven basic functions of marketing: customer analysis, selling products and services, product and service planning, pricing, distribution, marketing research, and opportunity analysis.

13. - T

14) The United States has been more active than other nations in protectionist measures and has engaged in many "Buy American" policies.

14. - F

14) During the 2015 Super Bowl, a 30-second advertisement cost over $4 million.

14. - T

21) Major competitors' strengths may represent key threats.

21. - T

28) Regardless of the number of key opportunities and threats included in an External Factor Evaluation Matrix, the highest possible total weighted score for an organization is 4.0, and the lowest possible total weighted score is 0.0.

28. - F

28) An acquisition occurs when a large organization purchases a smaller one or vice versa.

28. - T

5) The I/O approach to competitive advantage advocates that internal factors are more important than external factors in a firm achieving competitive advantage.

5. - F

5) Well-conceived and properly executed mission and vision statements are not subject to revision.

5. - F 54. - C

5) Divestiture is selling all of a company's assets, in parts, for their tangible worth.

5. - F 54. - D

43) All of the following are basic functions of marketing EXCEPT A) value chain analysis. B) customer analysis. C) product and service planning. D) pricing. E) distribution.


44) A ________ integration strategy is used by firms to gain control or ownership of suppliers. A) backward B) forward C) horizontal D) vertical E) vortexed


44) According to Campbell and Yeung, what is/are most likely associated with behavior and the present? A) Mission B) Values C) Long-term objectives D) Vision E) Possibilities


44) Organizations using strategic management are generally ________ than those that do not. A) more profitable B) more complex C) less profitable D) less successful E) less complex


46) The ________ decision is the allocation and reallocation of capital and resources to projects, products, assets, and divisions of an organization. A) investment B) dividend C) financing D) restructuring E) benchmark


46) The investor relations pages of a company website ________ information about a firm. A) is a good place to start to find B) is not a reliable source of C) is only acceptable as a last resort for D) should not be used as the first place to look for E) is a waste of time when searching for


49) An overly general mission statement that ________ could be dysfunctional. A) does not exclude any strategy alternatives B) encourages management creativity C) excludes all diversification D) endorses the consideration of feasible potential strategies E) allows for the generation and consideration of a range of alternative objectives


49) Terms such as objectives, mission, strengths, and weaknesses were first formulated to address problems A) on the battlefield. B) in the boardroom. C) on the trading floor. D) in the military hierarchy. E) in interpersonal relationships.


32) During what stage of strategic management are a firm's specific internal strengths and weaknesses determined? A) Formulation B) Implementation C) Evaluation D) Feedback E) Goal-setting

A- Formulation

35) Strategy evaluation is necessary because A) internal and external factors are constantly changing. B) the SEC requires strategy evaluation. C) success today is a guarantee of success tomorrow. D) the IRS requires strategy evaluation. E) firms have limited resources.

A- Internal & external factors are constantly changing

37) Which individuals are most responsible for the success and failure of an organization? A) Strategists B) Financial planners C) Personnel directors D) Stakeholders E) Human resource managers

A- Strategists

30) A firm's strengths that cannot be easily matched or imitated by competitors are called A) internal audits. B) distinctive competencies. C) external audits. D) interrelated properties. E) internal properties.


35) Which strategy is effective when new, but related, products could be offered at highly competitive prices? A) Forward integration B) Related diversification C) Related integration D) Conglomerate diversification E) Unrelated diversification


37) What is the essential bridge between the present and the future that increases the likelihood of achieving desired results? A) Motivating B) Planning C) Controlling D) Staffing E) Organizing


38) The purpose of a mission statement is to declare all of these EXCEPT A) a reason for being. B) an annual financial plan. C) a statement of purpose. D) a statement of beliefs. E) whom an organization wants to serve.


40) Which function of management is concerned with span of control and chain of command? A) Planning B) Organizing C) Controlling D) Staffing E) Motivating


42) In the process of developing a mission statement, it is important to involve A) as few managers as possible. B) as many managers as possible. C) upper-level management only. D) lower-level management only. E) the board of directors only.


42) Which strategy is appropriate when an organization competes in an industry characterized by rapid technological developments? A) Retrenchment B) Product development C) Backward integration D) Liquidation E) Market penetration


43) If suppliers are unreliable or too costly, which of these strategies may be appropriate? A) Horizontal integration B) Backward integration C) Market penetration D) Forward integration E) Concentric diversification


47) What category of ratios measures a firm's ability to meet its short-term obligations? A) Profitability B) Liquidity C) Leverage D) Activity E) Growth


47) Which of the following is NOT a published source of external strategic information? A) Periodicals B) Customer surveys C) Journals D) Reports E) Directories


48) A good mission statement has A) an employee orientation. B) a customer orientation. C) a shareholder orientation. D) an environmental orientation. E) a profit orientation.


50) If total fixed costs are $10,000, variable costs per unit are $5, and the price per unit is $15, what is the breakeven quantity? A) 500 B) 667 C) 1,000 D) 2,000 E) 5,000


50) What is the range for a firm's total weighted score in an External Factor Evaluation Matrix? A) 0 to 4 B) 0 to 5 C) 1 to 4 D) 1 to 5 E) 0 to 10


52) The critical success factors in a Competitive Profile Matrix and EFE Matrix include A) internal but not external issues. B) external but not internal issues. C) both internal and external issues. D) neither internal or external issues. E) only non-quantifiable data.


53) All of the following utility statements are relevant in developing a mission statement EXCEPT A) Do not offer me shoes. Offer me comfort for my feet and the pleasure of walking. B) Do not offer me furniture. Offer me comfort and the quietness of a cozy place. C) Do not offer me ideas, emotions, ambience, feelings, and benefits. Offer me things. D) Do not offer me books. Offer me hours of pleasure and the benefit of knowledge. E) Do not offer me a house. Offer me security, comfort, and a place that is clean and happy.


53) Which is NOT one of the four common approaches to determine R&D budget allocations? A) Finance as many project proposals as possible. B) Budget for R&D about what competitors spend. C) Use a percentage-of-costs method. D) Decide how many successful new products are needed and work backwards to estimate the required R&D investment. E) Use a percentage-of-sales method.


34) A standardized set of behaviors used to manage anxieties is called a A) folktale. B) rite. C) metaphor. D) ritual. E) value.


34) The world population is expected to grow to an estimated billion in 2054. A) 6 B) 7 C) 8 D) 9 E) 10


35) Which of these basic questions should a vision statement answer? A) What is our business? B) What is our core strength? C) What are our challenges? D) What do we want to become? E) Who are our competitors?


42) According to Porter, what is usually the most powerful of the five competitive forces? A) Potential development of substitute products B) Bargaining power of suppliers C) Bargaining power of consumers D) Rivalry among competing firms E) Potential entry of new competitors


39) Synergy A) is the 2 + 2 = 5 effect. B) can result in powerful competitive advantages. C) can be developed by an organization through planning. D) exists when everyone pulls together as a team that knows what it wants to achieve. E) all of the above


41) Effective and carefully planned mission statements A) require major changes every few months. B) require major changes every few quarters. C) require major revision every few years. D) do not require revision. E) require infrequent major changes, but are always subject to revision.


42) Which of the following is part of the Strategic-Management Model? A) Measure and evaluate performance B) Develop mission and vision statements C) Establish long-term objectives D) Implement strategies E) All of the above


48) What category of ratios measures how effectively a firm can maintain its economic position in the growth of the economy and industry? A) Profitability B) Liquidity C) Leverage D) Revenue Growth E) Growth


49) Which ratio is calculated by dividing profits before interest and taxes by total interest charges? A) Inventory turnover B) Fixed assets turnover C) Total assets turnover D) Debt-to-equity ratio E) Times-interest-earned ratio


49) Which strategy would be effective when the stockholders of a firm can minimize their losses by selling the organization's assets? A) Integration B) Differentiation C) Diversification D) Cost leadership E) Liquidation


54) An effective information management system ________ information in such a way that it answers important operating and strategic questions. A) collects B) codes C) stores D) synthesizes E) all of the above


5) To be effective, strategic-management must be a process that familiarizes managers and employees with the key strategic issues facing an organization and the feasible alternatives for resolving those issues.

5. - T

5) Cultural products include values, beliefs, stories, and language.

5. - T 54. - E

6) A low value of the dollar means lower exports and higher imports.

6. - F

6) A mission statement is a declaration of an organization's reason for being.

6. - T

6) All firms have a strategy, even if it is informal, unstructured, and sporadic.

6. - T

6) A ritual is a standardized set of behaviors used to manage anxieties.

6. - T 55. - B

6) Gaining ownership or increased control over distributors or retailers is called forward integration strategy.

6. - T 55. - B

7) A growing trend is for franchisers to buy out their part of the business from their franchisees.

7. - F 56. - A

7) The strengths and weaknesses of an organization are determined relative to the strengths and weaknesses of its competitors.

7. - T

7) An organization's culture compares to an individual's personality in the sense that no two organizations have the same culture and no two individuals have the same personality.

7. - T 56. - A

7) A mission statement can sometimes be called a statement of philosophy.

7. - T 56. - E

8) It is predicted that, by 2050, over 25 percent of the population in the United States will be 65 years or older.

8. - F

8) The decision to merge is a strategy-formulation issue but the decision to form a joint venture is a strategy-implementation issue.

8. - F

9) If a firm's present suppliers are expensive and unreliable in meeting the firm's needs for parts, components, and/or raw materials, the firm should pursue a horizontal integration strategy.

9. - F 58. - D

9) U.S. households are making more and more purchases online.

9. - T

32) Organizational resources include all of the following EXCEPT A) employee training. B) firm structure. C) planning processes. D) information systems. E) copyrights.


34) All of the following are mentioned as places where vision and mission statements can often be found EXCEPT A) SEC reports. B) annual reports. C) customer service agreements. D) supplier agreements. E) business plans.


34) What principle is based on the belief that the true measure of a really good strategist is the ability to solve problems? A) Managing by crisis B) Managing by objectives C) Managing by extrapolation D) Managing by exception E) Managing by hope


36) Amazon's start of rapid delivery services in some U.S. cities is an example of which type of strategy? A) Forward integration B) Backward integration C) Horizontal integration D) Related diversification E) Unrelated diversification


38) In recent times, ________ perhaps has instituted the most protectionist measures by raising tariffs on most imports and subsidizing its own exports. A) Russia B) The United States C) The European Union D) India E) Switzerland


38) Which of the following does the text call an up-front investment in success? A) Planning B) Organizing C) Motivating D) Staffing E) Controlling


40) What are the means by which long-term objectives will be achieved? A) Strategies B) Strengths C) Weaknesses D) Policies E) Opportunities


40) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic that describes the most competitive companies in America? A) Divestiture is essential to growth. B) Hire and retain the best employees and managers possible. C) Continually adapt, innovate, improve—especially when the firm is successful. D) Strive to stay cost-competitive on a global basis. E) Whether it's broke or not, fix it.


36) Metaphors are A) several rites connected together. B) shorthand of words used to capture a vision or to reinforce old or new values. C) narratives based on true events. D) fictional stories. E) any objects, acts, events, qualities, or relations used to convey meaning.


48) Which of the following is NOT a pitfall an organization should avoid in strategic planning? A) Failing to communicate the plan to employees B) Involving all managers rather than delegating planning to a "planner" C) Top managers not actively supporting the strategic-planning process D) Doing strategic planning only to satisfy accreditation or regulatory requirements E) Failing to create a collaborative climate supportive of change


48) Which strategy should be implemented when a division is responsible for an organization's overall poor performance? A) Backward integration B) Divestiture C) Forward integration D) Cost leadership E) Related diversification


49) A total weighted score of ________ in an External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix indicates that an organization is responding in an outstanding way to existing opportunities and threats in its industry. A) 1.0 B) 4.0 C) 5.0 D) 10.0 E) 100.0


55) Which of the following illustrates the self-concept component of a mission statement? A) To earn our customer's loyalty, we listen to them, anticipate their needs, and act to create value in their eyes. B) We are committed to leapfrogging ongoing competition within 1,000 days by unleashing the constructive and creative abilities and energies of each of our employees. C) Our emphasis is on North American markets, although global opportunities will be explored. D) To compensate its employees with remuneration and fringe benefits competitive with other employment opportunities in its geographical area and commensurate with their contributions toward efficient corporate operations. E) In this respect, the company will conduct its operations prudently and will provide the profits and growth which will assure our ultimate success.


57) When companies are hired by other companies to take over functional operations such as human resources, information systems, payroll, accounting, or customer service, this is called A) marketing. B) outsourcing. C) licensing. D) franchising. E) divestiture.


52) ________ is a commonly used approach to determine R&D budget allocations. A) Financing as many project proposals as possible B) Using a percentage-of-sales method C) Budgeting for R&D about what competitors spend D) Deciding how many successful new products are needed and working backward to estimate the required R&D investment E) All of the above


56) Which component of a mission statement addresses the firm's distinctive competence or major competitive advantage? A) Technology B) Philosophy C) Concern for public image D) Customers E) Self-concept


57) Which question(s) is answered in an effective mission statement? A) Is the firm committed to growth and financial soundness? B) Are employees a valuable asset of the firm? C) Geographically, where does the firm compete? D) Who are the firm's customers? E) All of the above questions are answered in an effective mission statement.


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