Business Law Exam 1

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Ula wants to initiate a suit against Valley Farms by filing a complaint. The complaint should include

A statement of the facts necessary to show Ula is entitled to relief

Kurt is a judge hearing the case of Local Co v Macro Corp. Applying the relevant rule of law to the facts of the case requires Kurt to find previously decided cases that, in relation to the case under consideration are

as similar as possible

Holly is a state court judge. Ilsa appears in a case in Holly's court, claiming that Jim breached a contract. As in most state courts, Holly may

award damages, cancel a contract, or direct a party to do or not to do an act

remedies at law

awards of compensation


branch of law founded on notions of justive and fair dealing that seeks to supply a remedy when no adequate remedy at law is available

In a suit against Sandy, Tyler obtains a remedy. in the US legal system, this remedy will most likely be


As a judge, Jay applies common law rules. These rules develop from

decisions of the courts in legal disputes

Opal files a complaint in a suit against Phil, and he files an answer. The case may now be

dismissed or settled at this point

Edie files a suit against Frank. If this suit is like most cases, it will be

dismissed or settled before a trial


document informing a defendant that a legal action has been commenced against him and that defendant must appears in court

motion for a directed verdict

in a STATE court, a party's request that the judge enter a judgement in her favor before the case is submitted to a jury because the other party has not presented sufficient evidence to support the claim

Hua, a resident of Illinois, owns a warehouse in Indiana. A dispute arises over the ownership of the warehouse with Jac, a resident of Kentucky. Jac files a suit aginst Hua in Indiana. Regarding this suit, Indiana has

in rem jurisdiction

John is a judge. The function of John and other judges is to

interpret and apply the laws

in rem jurisdition

jurisdiction over a thing

motion for a new trial

motion asserting that the trial was so fundamentally flawed that a new trial is necessary to prevent a miscarriage of justive

motion for judgment on the pleadings

motion by either party to a lawsuit at the close of the pleadings requesting the court to decide the issue solely on the pleadings without proceeding to trial

motion for a judgment now

motion requesting the court to grant judgment in favor of the party making the motion on the ground that the jury verdict against him was unreasonable or erroneous

Sally and Tom disagree over the amount of money due under their contract. To avoid involving any third party in a resolution of the dispute, Sally and Tom might prefer to use the alternative dispute resolution method of


The least expensive method to resolve the contact dispute between Java and kaffe may be

negotiation because no third parties are needed

Hawaii enacts a state law that violates the US Constituion. This law can be enforced by

no one

Business Markets Coalition (BMC), a political lobbying group, wants a certain policy enacted into law. If BMC's policy conflicts with the US Constituion, a law embodying it can be enacted by

none of the choices

Boyd files a suit in a federal district court against Cathy. Cathy loses the suit, appeals to the US court of appeals for the second circuit, and loses again. Cathy asks the US Supreme Court to hear the case. The Court is

not required to hear the case

Indelible Fabrics Inc makes Jeans Denim a famous brand of clothing. Without IFI's concent, Kopy Company begins to use "jeansdenim" as part of a domain name. IFI files a suit against KC and engages in services of process. Service of process must provide

notice and an opportunity to respond

Transnational Corporation and UniShip agree to a contract that includes an arbitration clause. If a dispute arises, a court having jurisdiction may

order a party to submit to arbitration


order to a party to cease engaging in a specific activity or to undo some wrong or injury

specific performance

ordering a party to perform an agreement as promised

in personam jurisdiction

personal jurisdiction over any person or business that resides in a certain geographic area

no precedent means

persuasive authorities and/or public policy

During a sports event for East High School, Floyd, a senior, waves a sign that reads ""Methd Up" Gina, Easts principal, confiscates the sign and suspends Floyd from school for ten days. Under the principles discussed in ""A Sample Court Case", Morse vs Frederick, Gina most likely acted

reasonably in the circumstances and under the law

appellate jurisdiction

secondary courts, after an appeal is made

limited jurisdiction

smaller issues like bankruptcy

remedies in equity

specific performance, injuction and rescission

Inferior Company sells products that are poorly made. Jock, who has never bought an Inferior product, files a suit against Inferior, alleging that its products are defective. The firms best ground for dismissal of the suit is that Jock does not have



statements made by the plaintiff and the defendant in a lawsuit that detail the facts, charges and defenses involved in the litigation

service of process

the delivery of the complaint and summons to a defendant

direct examination

the examination of a witness by the attorney who calls the witness to the stand to testify on behalf of the attorney's client

The Ohio state legislature passes a law to regulate local delivery services. The final authority regarding the constitutionality of this law is

the judicial system

Mary wins her suit against National Manufacturing Company. National's best ground for appeal is the trial court's interpretation of

the law that applied to the issues in the case


the legal means to enforce a right or redress a wrong

In an action against Elin, Frank obtains a remedy. This is

the legal means to recover a right or to redress a wrong

Net Corp files a suit against Omega alleging that Omega breached a contract to sell Net a computer system for $100,000. Net is

the plaintiff


the pleading made by a plaintiff alleging wrongdoing on the part of the defendant

If Java and Kaffe have a long standing business relationship that they would like to continue, a preferred method of settling their dispute may be mediation because

the process is not adversarial

Under Ohio's state constitution, the Ohio Enviro Protection Agency issues a new rule, the Polk County Commission approves a new preperty tax measure, and the professors and students at Ohio Law School publish the results of their most recent legal research. Sources of law do not include

the results of legal scholars'research

A federal statute regulates an employment practice. To resolve a dispute concerning the practice, Paula, a judge, will most likely apply

the statute

Alpha company files a suit against Beta Inc in a Colorado court with general jurisdiction. In a Deleware court with limited jurisdiction, ESales corp files a suit against First State Band. The difference between general and limited jurisdiction is

the subject matter of the cases that the courts can decide


the testimony of a party to a lawsuit or a witness taken under oath before a trial


to challenge the credibility of a person's testimony or attempt to discredit a party or witness

concurrent jurisdiction

when both federal and state courts have the power to hear a case

exclusive jurisdiction

when cases can be tried only in federal courts or only in state courts

Dick submits his claim against EZ corp to a private online dispute resolution forum. At any time, an appeal of the dispute to a court may be made by

Dick or EZ

In Ed's suit against First National Bank, the discovery phase would include all of the following EXCEPT

Ed's complaint --> includes witnesses, documents, records and other types of evidence

The Constituion expressly excludes state regulation of commerce


The federal government retains all powers not specifically delegated to the states


US Courts utilize the conciliatory system of justice


Whether a law is constitutional depends on its source


Whether the federal government has preempted a certain area is always clear


Minimum contacts with a juristdiction are never enough to support jurisdiction over a nonresident defendant

False - IT IS ENOUGH & is used to justify that state's jurisdiction over the non-resident defendant if they had sufficient dealings in that state

A summary judgment will be granted when there are genuine issues of fact in a trial and no question of law

False - NO facts can be in dispute

Common law is a term for law that is common throughout the world

False - The body of law developed from custom or judicial decisions in English and U.S. courts, not attributable to a legislature.

Federal courts are superior to state courts

False - The federal courts are "superior" in cases involving federal statutes, the US

Constitutional law includes only the US Constitution

False - US Constitution and State Constitutions

No state has adopted the Uniform Commercial Code in its entirety

False - all 50 states have adopted it and District of Columbia and Virgin Islands

A motion for summary judgment may be made before, during or after a trial

False - before trial

Criminal law focuses on duties that exist between persons

False - civil focuses on duties that exist between persons and their governments criminal law defines and punishes wrongful actions committed against the public

The basis for the US legal system is natural law

False - common law

A justiciable controversy is a case in which the court's decision-the justice that will be served- will be controversial

False - controversy involving a real issue that can be settled by a court, involving a present claim made by one party and another party disputing it

Courts do no depart from precedents

False - courts can choose not to follow if they feel the precedent is incorrect or that societal changes have rendered it applicable (outdated)

Service of process is the process of obtaining information from an opposing party before trial

False - delivery of complaint and summons to appear in court and answer complaint

The federal equivalent of a state trial court is a US court of appeals

False - federal trial court

The US Supreme Court has appellate authority over all cases decided in the state courts

False - has appellate authority over SOME cases decided in state courts

A motion for a new trial will be granted only if the trial judge feels that it is appropriate to grant a judgment for the other side

False - if the judge believes the jury's verdict against him/her was unreasonable and erroneous

Statutory law does not include county ordinances

False - includes state and federal constitutions, legislative enactments, treaties of the federal government, and ordinances

An appellate court may elect to hear new evidence in a suit

False - only review the record of the case on appeal and focus on questions of law

Venue is the term for the subject matter of a case

False - subject matter jurisdiction

Voir dire is a process for presenting evidence in a case

False - voir dire important part of jury selection process in which the attorneys question prospective jurors about their backgrounds, attitudes, and biases to ascertain whether they can be impartial jurors

Uniform laws apply in all states, including those in which the laws have not been adopted

False -applies only if the state adopts it, results in it becoming part of the statutory law

Milo files a suit against Nik in an Ohio state court, noting that Nik operates a Web site through which Ohio residents have done substantial business with him. The court is most likely to exercise jurisdiction over Nik if Milo's claim arises from

Nik's web site activities

The Securities Exchange Commission is an administrative agency. The chief purpose of such agencies is to

Perform specific government functions by enacting enabling legislation

In Export Co v Imports there is no precedent on which the court can base a decision. The court can consider, among other things

Public policy or social values

The Federal Trade Commission is a government agency that issues rules, orders and decisions. The Georgia state legislature enacts statutes. The Jackson County Board and the Peach City Council enacts ordinances. Administrative law includes

The rules, orders, and decisions of the Federal Trade Commission

A brief includes a statement of the applicable law in a case


A case is remanded when it is sent back for further proceedings to the court that originally heart the case


A defendant is a person against whom a lawsuit it brought


A jury verdict specifies the amount of the damages to be paid by a losing party


A state constitution is supreme within the state's borders


A state law that conflicts with the US Constitution will be deemed unconstitutional


After a defendant finished introducing his or her evidence, the plaintiff can present a rebuttal


Alternative dispute resolution refers to any method for resolving a dispute outside the court system


An affirmative defense asserts facts that purport to show why a defendant is not liable for a plaintiff's harm


An answer can admit to the allegations made in a complaint


An appellate court will overturn the decision of a trial court that makes an error of law


Any lawsuit involving a federal question can originate in a federal court


Concurrent jurisdiction exists when both federal and state courts have the power to hear a particular case


Damages is a remedy at law


Equitable remedies include injunctions and decrees of specific performance


How the courts interpret a state determines how that statute is applied


In a federal case at law involving more than $20 in damages, a defendant has the right to a jury trial


In early neutral case evaluation, a third party's evaluation of each party's strengths and weaknesses forms the basis for negotiating a settlement


In most appealed cases, a trial court's decision is affirmed


In some courts, pretrial negotiation is mandatory


Law is a body of enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and their society


Most online dispute resolution services apply general, universal legal principles to resolve disputes


Some constitutional protections apply to business entities


Testimony given in court about what someone heard someone else say is not admissible as evidence


The checks and balances in the US Constitution prevent any one branch of government from exercising too much power


The courts can decide whether the other branches of government have acted within the scope of their constituional authority


The decisions of state trial courts of limited jurisdiction may sometimes be appealed to state trial courts of general jurisdiction


The stability and predictability of the law is essential to business activities


The state governments retain all powers not specifically delegated to the federal government


The three major stages of litigation are pretiral, trial and postrial


When there is a direct conflict between a federal and a state law, the state law is rendered invalid


Cody files a suit against Delta Corporation. Delta responds that it appears from the pleadings the parties do not dispute the facts and the only question is how the law applies to those facts. Delta supports this response with witnesses' sworn statements. This is

a motion for summary judgment

motion for summary judgment

a motion requesting the court to enter a judgment without proceeding to trial. The motion can be based on evidence outside the pleadings and will be granted only if not facts are in dispute

Quin files a suit against Regal Products Inc. Regal responds that even if Quin's statement of the facts is true, according to the law Regal is not liable. This is

a motion to dismiss

Liz files a suit against Moe is a state court. The case proceeds to trial, after which the court renders a verdict. If Liz decides to appeal to a state appellate court, Liz's attorney must file, with the clerk of the appellate court within a prescribed period ot time

a notice of appeal

Liz files a suit against Moe is a state court. The case proceeds to trial, after which the court renders a verdict. If Moe decides to appeal to a state appellate court, Moe's attorney must file, with the clerk of the trial court within a prescribed period of time

a notice of appeal


a phase in the litigation process during which the opposing parties may obtain information from each other and from third parties prior to trial

motion to dismiss

a pleading in which a defendant asserts that the plaintiff's claim fails to state a cause or action or that there are other grounds on which a suit should be dismissed


a procedural request or application presented by an attorney to the court on behalf of a client


a series of written questions for which written answers are prepared and then signed under oath by a party to a lawsuit, usually with the assistance of the party's attorney

Liu files a suit against Macro Sales Inc in a NJ state court based on Web site through which NJ residents can do business with Macro. The court will most likely exercise jurisdiction over Macro if the interactivity of the site is sesn as

a substantial enough connection with the state

Vince files a suit against Will. Vince and Will meet, and each party's attorny argues the party's case before a judge and jury. The jury presents an advisory verdict, after which the judge meets with the parties to encourage them to settle their dispute. This is

a summary jury trial

A court will review a contract for validity even if it contains and arbitration clause


An arbitrator can never render a legally binding decision


Congress can regulate all commerce in North America


Cyberspace is its own jurisdiction


Every judgment is enforceable


In most states, the courts no longer grant "equitable" remedies


Negotiation is the most complex form of alternative dispute resolution


No court offers mediation as an option before a case goes to trial


Only a defendant may file a motion for summay judgment


Glen retains Holly, an attorney, on a contingent-fee basis to seek $100,000 in damages in a personal-injury suit against Interstate Shipping Corporation. Glen wins. He must pay

Holly's fee, court fees, and other expenses

Mac initiates a lawsuit against Nan by filing a complaint. If Nan responds to Mac's complaint by filing a counterclaim, then

Mac will also have to file a response

Mac initiates a lawsuit against Nan by filing a complaint. The sheriff serves Nan with a summons. If Nan chooses to ignore it

Mac will have a judgment entered in his favor

All USA disputes the use of as a domain name by All USA Overseas Exports and files a suit to resolve the dispute. Service of process must be by

Whatever means is reasonably calculated to do the job

Liz files a suit against Moe is a state court. The case proceeds to trial, after which the court renders a verdict. If either party appeals, the clerk of the trial court will send to the clerk of the appellate court within a prescribed period of time

a copy of the record on appeal

Linda files a suit against Kate. Kate denies Linda's charges and sets forth her own claim that Linda breached their contract and owes Kate money for the breach. This is

a couterclaim

Xtreme Publications Inc disseminates obscene materials. This is

a crime under numerous state and federal statutes

Diners Corp files a suit against Eateries Inc. The attorney for Eateries also questions Floyd. This is

a cross examination


a defendant's response to the plaintiff's complaint

Diners Corp files a suit against Eateries Inc. During the trial, Diner's attorney questions the plaintiff's witness Floyd. This is

a direct examination

Stan, a citizen of Texas, wants to file a suit against Uma, a citizen of Virginia. Their diversity of citizenship may be a basis for

a federal district court to exersice original jurisdiction


a formal legal document submitted by the attorney for the appellant - outlines the facts and issues of the case, judge's rulings that should be reversed or modified, the applicable law, and the arguments on the client's behalf

default judgment

a judgment entered by a court against a defendant who has failed to appear in court to answer or defend against the plaintiff's claim

Excel Products Company, files a suit against Flying Distribution Inc over a contract. Before the trial, Excel can obtain from Flying

all documents in Flying's possession relating to the contract

In Abel v Baker, a state supreme court held that a minor could cancel a contract for the sale of a car. Now a trial court in the same state is deciding Charles v Delta, a case with similar facts. Under the doctrine of stare decisis, the trial court is likely to

allow the minor to cancel the contract


an amount given to a party whose legal interests have been injured

Liz files a suit against Moe is a state court. The case proceeds to trial, after which the court renders a verdict. If Moe appeals to, and files a brief with, a state appellate court, Liz's attorney may file within a prescribed period of time

an answering brief

Consumer sales corporationg and dion agree to resolve their dispute in arbitration. The arbitrator's decision is called

an award

Resolving the dispute between Java and Kaffe by having a neutral third party render a binding decision is one of the advantages of


motion for a judgment as a matter of law

in a FEDERAL court, a party's request that the judge enter a judgment in her favor before the case is submitted to a jury because the other has not presented sufficient evidence to support the claim

general (unlimited) jurisdiction

can decide cases involving a broad array of issues


cancellation of a contractual obligation

Cody wants to appeal his case against Digital Coproration to the US Supreme Court. Cody must ask the Court to issue a writ of


LCD TV company, a firm in Minnesota, advertises on the Web. A court in ND would be most likely to exercise jurisdiction over LCD if the form

conducted substantial business with ND residents through its Web site

The Constitution sets out the authority and the limits of the branches of the government. The term checks and balances means that

each branch of government may exercise the authority of the other branches

federal courts only have jurisdiction when it comes to

federal questions and diversity of citizenship

Diners Corp files a suit against Eateries Inc. After Diner's attorney's presents the plaintiff's case, the attorney for Eateries can

file a motion for a directed verdict or present the defendant's case

original jurisdiction

first instance courts or trial courts

After a trial between Unreal Games Inc and Virile Video Corporation, the jury renders a verdict in Unreal's favor. Virile's attorney can file a motion

for a new trial

commerce clause

gives congress the power to regulate interstate commerce

tom files a suit against the state of Utah, claiming that a Utah state law violates the commerce clause. The court will agree if the statute

imposes a substantial burden on interstate commerce

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