Business Management- Ch. 14 & other

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Job analyses, job descriptions, and job specifications help companies meet the legal requirement that their human resource decisions be job-related.


Job analysis is a purposeful and systematic process of collecting information on the important work-related aspects of a job.

____is the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals.


are accurately described by none of these

Older workers ____.


One of the reasons items manufactured in Southeast Asia are imported into the United States less expensively is that workers are paid a small amount of money for each item produced. The manufacturers operating in Southeast Asia use what type of pay plan?

In the path-goal theory of leadership, subordinate satisfaction and subordinate performance would be examples of ____.


external recruiting

Refer to Domino's. Robert Chabot relies heavily on employee referrals to first identify good job applicants. In other words, Chabot uses ____.

wrongful discharge

Sharron Grant-Burton was a marketing director for Covenant Care, owner of skilled-nursing and assisted-living facilities. During a discussion of the fairness of the company's bonus structure with other marketing directors, Grant-Burton said she did not receive a bonus because her executive director "did not believe in them." Several days later, Grant-Burton was fired and told she had been terminated for a number of unspecified reasons, including her comments about bonuses. This is an example of a ____.


Surface-level diversity refers to differences such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, and physical disabilities that are observable, typically unchangeable, and easy to measure


The Big Five dimensions of personality are autonomy, Machiavellianism, empathy, locus of control, and affectivity.


The ____ interview uses only standardized, job-related interview questions that are prepared ahead of time and asked of all candidates

bona fide occupational qualifications (BFOQs

The fact that a 98-pound job candidate is not hired as a dock worker to move 60-pound boxes of produce is legal as a result of ____.

Hispanic- Americans

The fastest-growing population group in the United States is ____.


The hostile work environment form of sexual harassment occurs when employment outcomes such as hiring, promotion, or simply keeping one's job depend on whether an individual submits to being sexually harassed


The hostile work environment form of sexual harassment occurs when employment outcomes such as hiring, promotion, or simply keeping one's job depend on whether an individual submits to being sexually harassed.

organizational plurality

The term ____ refers to a work environment where (1) each member is empowered to contribute in a way that maximizes the benefits to the organization, customers, and themselves; and (2) the individuality of each member is respected by not segmenting or polarizing people on the basis of their membership in a particular group

assistive technology

The world's biggest manufacturer of locks is part of a national program in which employers are encouraging workers to continue working as long as they are physically able. To help its aging workers, the lock maker has provided them with magnifying lenses that give them the vision acuity they need to work on the small parts within a lock. These lenses are an example of ____.

Which of the following statements about the two basic leader behaviors that are central to successful leadership is true?

These behaviors are independent, meaning that leaders can do both at the same time.

Before firing employees, managers should give them a chance to improve

To minimize the problems inherent in firing employees, managers should do which of the following?

The "great person" theory is another name for the ____ theory of leadership.


Leadership is the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals.


The three major situational leadership theories all assume that the effectiveness of any leadership style (the way a leader generally behaves toward followers) depends on the situation.


There is no such thing as a "best" leadership style for all situations and employees.


Which of the following leadership theories uses a decision tree to determine the appropriate level of participation by subordinates in decision-making?

Vroom-Yetton-Jago's normative decision model

glass ceiling

When AT&T hired a female as its president, it was evidence that AT&T does not have a(n) ____ to prevent women from rising to leadership positions

sex discrimination

When Suzanne Pogell wanted to learn to sail, she could find no one to teach her because men were the ones who sailed, and women were their crew. After mastering sailing, Suzanne started an all-woman sailing school called Womanship as a sole proprietorship. By creating her own business, Suzanne overcame problems associated with ____ while creating a different version of the same problem.

surface-level diversity

When Suzanne Pogell wanted to learn to sail, she could find no one to teach her because men were the ones who sailed, and women were their crew. After mastering sailing, Suzanne started an all-woman sailing school called Womanship as a sole proprietorship. The male sailors who would not teach her were exhibiting ____.

hierarchical pay

Which of the following is NOT an example of a pay-variability decision used to motivate employee performance?

work sample tests

Which of the following is a direct (rather than indirect) measure of job applicants' capability to do the job?

defamation lawsuits

Which of the following is a legal problem employers may encounter in seeking, providing, or using employment references as part of the selection process?

career paths

Which of the following is an internal recruiting method?

emotional stability

Which of the following is one of the Big Five personality dimensions?

the access and legitimacy paradigm

Which of the following paradigms for managing diversity is similar to the business growth advantage of diversity?

the learning and effectiveness paradigm

Which of the following paradigms for managing diversity not only takes into account surface-level diversity but also focuses on integrating deep-level diversity differences such as personality, attitudes, beliefs, and values into the actual work of the organization?

outplacement centers

Which of the following provides employment counseling services for employees faced with downsizing?

The Internet allows companies to quickly reach large numbers of people

Which of the following statements about Internet recruiting is true?

c. Accommodations for disabilities needn't be expensive

Which of the following statements about disabilities is true?

Validation refers to the process of determining how well a selection test or procedure predicts future job performance

Which of the following statements about job validation tests is true

Validation refers to the process of determining how well a selection test or procedure predicts future job performance.

Which of the following statements about job validation tests is true?

Employee-related laws apply to job application forms and résumés.

Which of the following statements about résumés and job application forms is true?

Sexual harassment can occur between people of the same sex.

Which of the following statements about sexual harassment is true?

all of these

Which of the following types of information would typically be collected as part of a job analysis?

cognitive ability test

Which of the following types of tests accurately predicts job performance in almost all kinds of jobs?

job specification

Zachary Schneider saw a sign in the window of an Amy's Ice Creams franchise operation. The sign said the company was looking for new employees. When he went in to ask for a job application, he was given a paper bag and told to do "something creative with it." The test was to see whether the job applicant was suited to carrying out the chain's mission: "To make people's day." This type of pre-employment assessment is not unusual. Gourmet grocery chain Central Market uses a four-page application form which includes essay questions such as "Tell us about your favorite food experience." If it seems an applicant is a good match for the company, he or she is asked to make a statement about himself or herself using items found in the grocery store and to participate with other applicants in a roundtable discussion. Refer to Trends in Hiring Practices. The need for creative skills in order to work at Amy's would be listed as a ____ that the company's HR department would have developed for franchisees.

Job specifications, job analyses, and job descriptions

____ help companies meet the legal requirement that their human resource decisions be job-related


____ helps companies grow by improving the quality of problem solving and improving marketplace understanding.

Human resource management

____ is the process of finding, developing, and keeping the right people for the company


____ is the process of gathering information about job applicants to decide who should be offered a job

Which of the following approaches to implementing Fiedler's contingency theory in the workplace has proven effective?

accurately measuring and matching leaders to situations

The founder and CEO of a medical products distributor, establishes ambitious goals for his employees and is confident that they will be able to achieve these goals. In terms of the path-goal theory, this founder and CEO is exhibiting a(n) ____ type of leadership.



A perennial problem of teacher education programs is to screen the highest quality candidates from those who should not work in schools. One suggested method is to ask applicants a series of questions about their experiences with siblings, how they treat stress, their attitude toward procrastination, and ways they like to have fun. This method, which can use over 100 questions, gathers ____.


A study in the construction industry found that when equipment is stolen from building sites, workers are the culprits 82 percent of the time. If background checks reduced employee thievery over a period of time and throughout the industry, then this selection process would be ____.

background checks

A study in the construction industry found that when equipment is stolen from building sites, workers are the culprits 82 percent of the time. Which type of selection information would employers in the construction industry receive the greatest benefit from if their goal is to stop employee theft?

diversity audit

A(n) ____ is a formal assessment that measures employee and management attitudes, investigates the extent to which people are advantaged or disadvantaged with respect to hiring and promotions, and reviews companies' diversity-related policies and procedures.

only after a job offer has been made

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, disabilities (and reasonable accommodations for them) should be discussed ____.

turnover costs

According to the text, ____ typically amount to more than 90 percent of employees' salaries

Which of the following is one of the steps recommended for companies to take to reduce the risks associated with unethical charismatic leaders?

All of these are recommended steps to take to reduce the risks associated with unethical charismatics.

openness to experience

An family restaurant based in the English speaking providence of Ontario, was planning on opening a catering business in the French-speaking areas of Canada, This restaurant would need employees with which of the following dimensions of personality?

specific ability test

Aptitude tests are also called ____.


Background checks can be used to verify the truthfulness and accuracy of information that applicants provide about themselves.

conduct a job analysis

Before beginning to recruit, organizations must ____.

learning and effectiveness

Bentley College launched a comprehensive diversity initiative that includes frequent diversity retreats for faculty, staff, and student leaders; innovative recruitment efforts; employee benefits for domestic partners; and extensive support services focused on race, gender, and disability. Bentley uses the ____ paradigm for managing diversity

Which of the following is NOT one of the four leadership styles identified in the path-goal theory of leadership?



Cognitive ability tests are also called aptitude tests.

disparate treatment

Darlene Jespersen worked in a sports bar. She was an outstanding employee, but she didn't wear makeup because she felt it "took away her credibility" and interfered with her ability to be an effective bartender, which sometimes required her to deal with unruly, intoxicated guests. This changed when the sports bar implemented a "beverage department image transformation" program. Female employees were told they would be fired if they did not wear makeup. Jespersen contended that it was an example of ____ because male employees did not have to wear makeup.


Dilbert's coworker that does as little as possible


Diversity helps companies save money by reducing turnover, decreasing absenteeism, and avoiding expensive lawsuits.

background check

Estimates of from 2 percent to 20 percent of a taxicab company's driver workforce could result as new federal regulations requiring that all drivers be fingerprinted and the drivers checked to see if they have a criminal record. This new ____ will cause a worsening problem for the already over-extended employer

As a leader behavior, consideration refers to the extent to which leaders do what they said they would do.


Since there are no consistent trait differences between leaders and non-leaders, or between effective and ineffective leaders, trait theory is wrong.


can sue for defamation

"References Etc" will pose as a prospective employer, call a prior employer on an employee's behalf, and find out what the former employer is saying. If the prior employer provides unsubstantiated negative information, then the job applicant ____.

a hostile work environment

Former female employees of a national real estate brokerage firm claimed that they were subjected to lewd remarks, unwanted groping, and sexual propositions by male co-workers. According to their attorney, "The firm created a frat-house culture and then failed to do anything about it." Their suit claims the women were victims of ____.

Doris Cunningham, CEO of Members Choice Federal Credit Union in West Virginia, believes keeping staff excited about the business they're in is one of a leader's primary roles. She believes a spirit of enthusiasm must start at the top. This indicates that Cunningham is high in ____.


Hot Topic is a fast-growing clothing chain targeted to the alternative teen demographic. Hot Topic's CEO Betsy McLaughlin relies on her employees to locate new trends. McLaughlin almost daily consults with her employees for suggestions on what the stores should carry. She relies on their input before making inventory decisions and treats her employees as equals. McLaughlin is demonstrating ____.


Refer to Hewlett-Packard. There was a deep sense of distrust at HP when Hurd replaced Carly Fiorina as CEO. Which leadership behavior should Mark use to help improve the situation?


Refer to Oakland Athletics. One of the reasons for Beane's success is his ability to let employees know precisely what is expected of them, give specific guidelines for playing baseball (e.g., All pitchers are instructed to throw strikes on the first pitch and to throw as few pitches as possible during each inning.), and make sure players follow these standards of performance. Beane is a(n) ____ leader.


Which of the following is another term for considerate leadership behavior?

employee centered leadership

In Fiedler's contingency theory, the two situational factors that determine the favorability of a situation are leader-member relations and task structure.


Refer to Oakland Athletics. Billy Beane is an example of a leader because he ____.

has a strong desire to lead

Refer to Oakland Athletics. Other teams have an average payroll of $85 million. Beane's payroll for the Athletics is only $33 million. His ability to be frugal and yet build a successful team is in large part due to his ability to set goals, give directions, and assign tasks. In other words, Beane excels in ____.

initiating structure

Which of the following is a major concern of leaders (as opposed to managers)?

inspiring and motivation others

Research shows that while initiating structure impacts primarily on ____, consideration impacts primarily on ____.

job performance; job satisfaction

To save a company from bankruptcy, its CEO told its employees that he would eliminate 53 percent of the company's mechanics and reduce the compensation of the remaining mechanics by 26 percent. In terms of the normative decision theory, Steenland ____.

made autocratic decisions

Which of the following is a major concern of managers (as opposed to leaders)?

maintaining the status quo

Which of the following leadership theories assumes that leadership styles are consistent and difficult to change?

none of these

In the path-goal theory of leadership, subordinate satisfaction and subordinate performance would be examples of ____.


In Fiedler's contingency theory, the term ____ refers to the degree to which leaders are able to hire, fire, reward, and punish workers.

position power

Refer to Hewlett-Packard. According to the contingency theory, when Mark Hurd decided to lay off 14,500 employees, he was showing high ____.

position power

Recently, a newly appointed CEO of a major corporation began by firing the entire management committee. A few months later, this same executive, fired two of his hand-picked senior executives. From this information, it is obvious that this executive was more concerned about his employees' ____ than their job satisfaction. In terms of situational favorableness, this executive demonstrated ____.

power position

Transactional leaders ____.

reward followers for good behavior and punish followers for poor behavior

Recently, a newly appointed CEO of a major corporation began by firing the entire management committee. A few months later, this same executive, fired two of his hand-picked senior executives. From this information, it is obvious that this executive was more concerned about his employees' ____ than their job satisfaction. In terms of Fiedler's contingency theory, this executive was most concerned with establishing ____.

situational favorableness

According to the path-goal theory of leadership, what leadership style involves being friendly and approachable to employees, showing concern for them and their welfare, treating them as equals, and creating a friendly climate.

supportive leadership

Relatively stable characteristics such as abilities, psychological motives, or consistent patterns of behavior, form the basis for the ____ of leadership.

trait theory

Researchers believe leaders can simultaneously be considerate and initiate structure because consideration and initiating structure are independent behaviors.


The primary difference between leaders and managers is that leaders are concerned with doing the right thing, while managers are concerned with doing things right.


____ is leadership that creates a positive image of the future that motivates organizational members and provides direction for future planning and goal setting.

visionary leadership

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