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welfare (WEL-fair) (1 - We were concerned for our parents' welfare when we heard about the storm in Florida.) (2 - welfare benefits The family had to go on welfare.)

복지, 보호, 행복, 후생 (1. physical and mental health and happiness) (2. help given, esp. money, by a government to people who are poor and who do not have jobs)

pity (PIT-ee) (1 - She did not want his pity.) (2 - It's a pity you can't come to the party.) (2 - I pity people who have to work with statistics.)

불쌍함, 불쌍히 생각하다, 가엾게 생각하다 (1. sympathy and understanding for someone else's suffering or troubles) (2. If something is described as a pity, it is a cause for regret)

accurate (AK-yer-it)

정확한, 올바른, 정밀한 (1. correct and without any mistakes) (2. exactly aimed and moving on an intended path)

testimony (TES-tu̲h̲-moh-nee, or, esp. British, -mu̲h̲-nee) (1 - The value of their testimony is questionable.)

증언, 증거, 입증 (1. a spoken or written statement that something is true, esp. one given in a court of law, or the act of giving such a statement)

syndrome (SIN-drohm, -dru̲h̲ m) (2 - chronic fatigue syndrome)

증후군, 증상, 관련이 있는 한 무리의 것 (1. a combination of medical problems that commonly go together and that show the existence of a disease) (2. ________ is often used in the names of diseases)

district (DIS-trikt) (1 - The theater district in New York is in midtown Manhattan.)

지구, 지방 (1. an area of a country, state, or city that has been given fixed borders for official purposes, or one having a particular feature that makes it different from surrounding areas)

primitive (PRIM-i-tiv) (1 - primitive art/tools The pioneers who settled the west had to cope with primitive living conditions.)

태고의, 고대의, 원시의, 원시적인, 선사시대 이전의, 소박한 (1. of or typical of an early stage of development; not advanced or complicated in structure)

peculiar (pi-KYOOL-yer) (1 - The copy editor will check type size and technical details to see if anything looks peculiar.) (2 - Katherine Hepburn's way of talking was peculiar to her.)

특별한, 이상한, 묘한, 독특한 (1. unusual and strange) (2. characteristic especially of a particular person, group, or thing)

destroy (dih-STROI) (1 - You can use a shredder to destroy old bank statements. Losing his job seemed to completely destroy his confidence.)

파괴하다, 파기하다, 훼손하다 (1. to damage something, esp. in a violent way, so that it can no longer be used or no longer exists)

enhance (en-HANS, -HAHNS) (1 - The marinade enhances the flavor of the fish. The county took steps to enhance water quality.) (1 - The new system is a major enhancement in security. [ U ] Enhancement of local transportation is a priority.)

...을 높이다, 강화하다, 늘리다 (1. to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something)

behalf (bih-HAF, -HAHF) (1 - On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work. Unfortunately, George cannot be with us today so I am pleased to accept this award on his behalf. She wasn't able to be present, so I signed the letter in her behalf.) (2 - Please don't leave on my behalf.)

...을 대신하여, ...을 위하여, ...의 입장에서 (1. representing) (2. for the good of or because of)

acknowledge (ak-NOL-ij) (1 - The president acknowledged his mistake in not vetoing the tax bill. He's acknowledged as a leader in the Latino community. fml Please acknowledge receipt of this letter /= tell us when you receive it/.)

...을 인정하다, 알다, 확인하다, 감사하다, 승인하다 (1. to accept the truth or recognize the existence of something)

adapt (u̲h̲-DAPT)

...을 적응시키다, 순응하다, 개작하다 (1. to adjust to different conditions or uses, or to change to meet different situations)

teach (teech) (1 - I taught for a few years before becoming a lawyer. [ T ] He taught his children English/taught English to his children.) (2 - I enjoy teaching, but it can be exhausting.)

가르치다, 교육시키다 (1. to instruct or train someone or give someone knowledge of something) (2. To _____ school is to have a job instructing children in a school.)

emotion (ih-MOH-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - He's driven by his emotions, not by careful thought.)

감정, 기분, 감동, 정서 (1. /a/ strong feeling, such as of love, anger, fear, etc.)

intensity (in-TEN-si-tee) (1 - Simone sings with emotional intensity. The light hit us with such intensity that we ducked.)

강도, 강렬함, 중요성, 집중 (1. the quality of being extreme in strength or force) (2. _________ in a work of art describes the strength of the color, sound, light, or feeling.)

steel (steel) (1 - steel doors/girders the steel industry) (2 - She steeled herself to face her accusers.)

강철, 강철로 된 제품, 강철로 만든, 강철같은, 강철을 씌우다, 강철처럼 딱딱하고 강하게 하다 (1. a strong metal that is made by processing iron to remove some of the carbon) (2. to prepare yourself to be able to do something unpleasant or difficult)

seldom (SEL-du̲h̲ m) (1 - I seldom drive my car into the city.)

거의...않다, 좀처럼, 드물게 (1. almost never)

giant (JAHY-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - He was a giant of a man, over six and a half feet tall. The merger makes them a giant in the publishing business.) (2 - She was one of the intellectual giants of this century.) (4 - a giant corporation a giant-size box of cornflakes Admitting the problem is a giant /= large and important/ step forward in your recovery.)

거인(동화), 비정상적으로 큰사람, 명성을 갖고 있는 사람, 거대한 (1. a person, either real or imaginary, who is extremely large and strong, or a very large or powerful organization) (2. a person of great ability, power, or influence) (3. a star that is ten to 100 times bigger than the sun, and much brighter) (4. extremely large, strong, powerful, or important, esp. when compared to similar persons or things)

customer (KUHS-tu̲h̲-mer) (1 - We try to give all our customers good service.)

고객, 소비자, 단골 (1. a person who buys goods or a service)

immense (ih-MENS) (1 - He inherited an immense fortune.) (1 - Country music is immensely popular.) (1 - He realized the immensity of the risk he was taking.)

광대한, 한정없는, 측정할 수 없는, 훌륭한(속어) (1. extremely large; great in size or degree)

oral (AWR-u̲h̲ l, OHR-) (1 - an oral agreement/exam) (2 - oral medication oral surgery)

구두의, 입의, 구두복용의(의학), (정신분석학) 말로 이해되는, 말로 경험되는 (아이들의 성장단계에서) (1. spoken; not written) (2. of, taken by, or done to the mouth)

soldier (SOHL-jer) (1 - American/Italian/Chinese soldiers)

군인, 육군 군인, 병사, 충성스럽고 활동적인 지지자, 목적을 위해 투쟁하는 사람 (1. a person who is in an army and wears its uniform, esp. someone who fights when there is a war)

burn (burn) (1 - A fire still burned in the fireplace.) (2 - Some new fuels burn more efficiently than gasoline. [ M ] Running is a good way to burn off calories.) (3 - She burned her hand on the hot iron. People still burn trash although it's illegal. The toast was burned to a crisp /= burned until it was black/.) (4 - He got burned in an investment and lost a lot of money.) (5 - One worker had severe burns on his face and hands.)

그을음, 화상, 개울(영국), 불타다, 타다, 그을다, 그을리다, 태우다, 지피다 (1. to produce flames and heat) (2. If something burns a fuel, it uses that fuel to produce energy) (3. to hurt, damage, or destroy something by fire or extreme heat) (4. /infml/ If you are burned by an activity, you are hurt emotionally or financially because of it) (5. a placed where fire or heat has hurt or damaged something)

mood (mood) (1 - She's in a good/bad mood today. "Do you want to go to the movies?" "No, I'm not in the mood /= not interested in that/.) (3 - the indicative/imperative/subjunctive mood)

기분, 감정, 서법 (문법) (1. the way you feel at a particular time) (2. The ____ of a work of art is the emotional features of it, or the way it makes you feel.) (3. the forms of verbs used to show whether the person speaking intends to express a fact, an order, or a hope)

corporation (kawr-pu̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - multinational corporations She was elected to the board of directors of the corporation.) (1 - corporate finance/law)

기업, 회사, 법인 (1. an organization, esp. a business, that has a legally separate existence from the people who run it)

package (PAK-ij) (1 - a package of frozen spinach She went to the post office to mail a package.) (2 - a retirement package) (3 - The book and CD are packaged together.) (4 - You have an idea, but how do you package it?)

꾸러미, 보관용 상자, 운반용 상자, 상품판매를 위한 포장, 한묶음, 떼어낼수 없는 상품의 한 묶음 (1. a box or container in which something is put, esp. to be sent or sold, or a group of objects wrapped together) (2. A _______ is also a group of objects, plans, or arrangements that are related and offered as a unit) (3. to put something in a box or container, or to wrap things together, esp. to be sold) (4. To _______ someone or something is also to represent it in a way to make it seem attractive)

trail (treyl) (1 - a bike/mountain/nature trail fig. Presidential candidates were on the campaign trail in Mississippi yesterday.) (2 - The kids left a trail of muddy footprints across the kitchen floor.) (3 - Ray trailed Kate up to the porch. [ I always + adv/prep ] A string of police cars led the president's limousine and others trailed behind.) (4 - Dallas trailed 34-21 with less than seven minutes to play in the football game. [ T ] Bush trailed the governor by only 4 percentage points. [ I ] Though trailing in the polls, she predicted victory.)

끌고 간 자국, 흔적, 길, 끌다, 끌며 가다, 추적하다, 뒤를 쫓다 (1. a path through the countryside, often made or used for a particular purpose) (2. A _____ is also a series of marks left by a person, animal, or thing as it moves along) (3. to follow or come behind) (4. In a competition, to _____ is to be losing to someone)

terrible (TER-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - I saw terrible things happen. My mother was a terrible cook.)

끔찍한, 무서운, 좋지 않은, 엄청난, 약한 (1. very unpleasant or serious or bad)

divide (dih-VAHYD) (1 - Divide the cake into six equal parts. [ I ] The votes divided equally for and against the proposal.) (2 - A narrow driveway divides our house from the one next door.) (3 - The issue of tax reform continues to divide the country.) (4 - 10 divided by 5 is/equals 2.) (5 - The river forms a divide between mountains and coastal plains. It's on taxes that the divide between the two candidates is widest.)

나누다, 분배하다, 분리하다, 가르다, 분할, 분계 (1. to separate into parts or groups, or to cause something to separate in such a way) (2. If something divides two areas, it marks the edge or limit of both of them) (3. To ______ a group of people is to cause them to disagree) (4. to calculate the number of times one number is contained in another) (5. a separation)

switch (swich) (1 - Flip a switch and the coffee makes itself.) (3 - The team made a switch to a smaller, quicker lineup.) (4 - Jeff decided to switch his major from engineering to medicine. [ I ] I used to have tapes, but I switched to CDs.)

낭창낭창한 작은 가지, 회초리, 전철기, 포인트, 개폐기, 꼭지, 다리, 다른 짝패로 바꿔 모으기 (1. a device that controls an electric current and turns it on or off) (2. a thin stick that bends easily and is used esp. for hitting animals) (3. a sudden or complete change from one thing to another, or an exchange of one person or thing for another) (4. to change suddenly or completely from one thing to another, or to exchange one person or thing with another)

dispute (dih-SPYOOT) (1 - Management and the union are trying to resolve the dispute over working conditions. Her skill is not in dispute /= there is no disagreement about her skill/, but she doesn't produce enough work.) (1 - I don't dispute that his films are entertaining, but they don't have much depth.)

논쟁하다, 논의하다, 이의를 제기하다, 반대하다, 저항하다, 논쟁, 분쟁, 말다툼 (1. an argument or disagreement)

debate (dih-BEYT) (1 - Education is always a topic of interest and public debate.) (1 - Congress debated for several hours without reaching a vote.)

논쟁하다, 토론하다, 토의하다, 숙고하다, 검토하다, 논쟁, 토론 (1. a discussion, esp. one in which several people with different opinions about something discuss them seriously, or the process of discussing something)

dozen (DUHZ-u̲h̲ n) (1 - a dozen eggs I brought home a half dozen/half a dozen eggs.)

다스, 12개가 한묶음인 것 (1. a group or collection of twelve)

bold (bohld) (1 - He is a qualified politician with bold ideas.) (2 - She was friendly without being bold.) (3 - The costumes were in beautiful, bold colors.) (3 - He dealt boldly with the problem and hoped he was right.)

대담한, 뻔뻔스러운, 용감한 (1. brave, or without fear) (2. ____ can also mean not shy, and almost rude) (3. likely to attract your attention; showy)

reply (ri-PLAHY) (1 - She asked him how old he was but he didn't reply. [ + that clause ] He replied that he wasn't interested.)

대답, 응답, 대답하다, 응답하다 (1. to answer a question)

throw (throh) (1 - Throw me the ball./Throw the ball to me. [ I ] I didn't throw as well as I expected to. [ T ] He was thrown from his motorcycle.) (2 - He threw the switch and the lights came on. Suddenly, she grabbed the snake and threw it to the ground. [ M ] They threw up their hands to protect themselves from the hail. [ M ] He threw his head back and laughed. [ M ] Throw a few peppers in the pot.) (3 - That question really threw me at first.) (4 - She timed her throw so the ball reached the base when he did.)

던지다, 새끼를 낳다 (동물), 놀라게 하다, 내던짐, 스카프 (1. to send something through the air, esp. by a sudden movement of the arm) (2. to move something quickly or with a lack of attention, or to cause someone or something to move quickly) (3. to confuse someone) (4. the act of throwing something, esp. a ball)

implement (noun IM-plu̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt; verb IM-plu̲h̲-ment, -mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Congress refused to pass the bill that would implement tax reforms.) (1 - They've involved their workers in the development and implementation of the new program.) (2 - farm implements)

도구, 수단, 집행하다, 수행하다, 행하다, 이행하다, 도구를 공급하다 (1. to put a plan or system into operation) (2. a tool or other piece of equipment for doing work)

integrity (in-TEG-ri-tee) (1 - He was a man of the highest personal integrity.) (2 - The integrity of the play would be ruined by changing the ending.)

도덕성, 진실성, 고결함, 위상, 온전함 (1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles) (2. wholeness and unity)

library (LAHY-brer-ee, -bru̲h̲-ree, -bree) (1 - a library book a public library)

도서관, 장서, 서재 (1. a building, room, or organization that has a collection esp. of books, music, and information that can be accessed by computer for people to read, use, or borrow)

gay (gey) (1 - gay rights Note: Sometimes gay refers only to men.) (2 - Her gay, lively personality made her attractive to everyone who knew her.) (2 - The law banned discrimination against gays.)

동성연애, 동성연애자, 명랑한, 즐거운, 동성연애자의 (1. homosexual) (2. /of a person/ happy, or /of a place/ bright and attractive)

consent (ku̲h̲ n-SENT) (1 - I asked to leave the room, and the teacher gave his consent.) (2 - The director consented to change the ending of the movie.)

동의하다, 승인하다, 인정하다, 동의, 응낙 (1. permission or agreement obtained from someone or something having authority or power) (2. to give permission)

profile (PROH-fahyl) (1 - I'd seen her profile on a billboard. [ U ] A face in profile never looks at the viewer.) (2 - There's a profile of producer Hal Willner in "New York" magazine.) (3 - He keeps a low profile and doesn't go after headlines. She has had a high profile in the world of fashion for many years.) (3 - Gilbert was recently profiled by a Washington business magazine.)

두상의 옆모습, 실루엣, 윤곽, 옆면이 만드는 윤곽, 윤곽을 그리다, 대강을 설명하다 (1. a side view of a person's face) (2. a description of someone containing all the most important or interesting facts about the person) (3. the amount of public attention that someone or something receives)

emerge (ih-MURJ) (1 - The runway lights flashed on, and the first models emerged from behind the stage set. fig. The president emerged unscathed from the scandal /= He came out of it with no damage to his reputation/. fig. We debated which of the candidate will emerge /= result/ as the winner.) (2 - New business opportunities will emerge with advances in technology.)

떠오르다, 새로운, 나타나다, (어려움에서) 벗어나다, 명백해지다 (1. to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something) (2. to become known or develop as a result of something)

phrase (freyz) (1 - I think the phrase "bundle of energy" describes Mara very well.) (2 - In "He was a man of great wealth," "of great wealth" is a prepositional phrase.) (4 - The wording of his resignation was carefully phrased to avoid any admission of guilt.)

말로 나타내다, 어떤 방법으로 표현하다, 구, 숙어, 표현법, 한 단위의 기능을 하는 단어의 조합 (문법) (1. a group of words expressing a particular idea or meaning) (2. A ______ is a group of words forming a part of a sentence) (3. A ______ is also a group of notes with a clear beginning and ending within a larger piece of music.) (4. to express something in a particular way when speaking or writing)

revenue (REV-u̲h̲ n-yoo, -u̲h̲-noo) (1 - state/federal revenues [ U ] Company revenue rose 4% last year.)

매출, 수입, 세입, 수익, 순이익 (1. the income that a business or government receives regularly, or an amount representing such income)

explicit (ik-SPLIS-it) (1 - I gave them explicit directions on how to get here.)

명백한, 자세하게 설명된, 더이상 설명이 필요 없는 (1. communicated directly in a clear and exact way) (2. ________ also means showing full details, without anything hidden or suggested.)

honor (ON-er) (1 - It is an honor to meet you. The dinner is in honor of /= to show respect for/ a colleague who is leaving.) (3 - David has always been a man of honor. On my honor /= Asking you to trust my reputation for honesty/, I never said that.) (4 - She received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country's highest civilian honor.) (5 - We are honored /= proud and pleased/ that you have come to speak to our students.) (6 - Today we honor those who died defending our country.) (7 - The governor honored her pledge to cut taxes.)

명예, 영예, 명성, 정직, 진실함, 상, 선물, 패, 특권, 자부심, 위엄 (1. great respect for someone, or the feeling of pride and pleasure resulting when respect is shown to you) (2. Your/His/Her _____ is a title of respect for a judge or mayor /= elected official/.) (3. a good character, or a reputation for honesty and fair dealing) (4. a public reward to show appreciation for unusual achievement) (5. to show great respect for someone, esp. in public) (6. to give someone a public reward to show appreciation for unusual achievement) (7. to fulfill an existing agreement or promise, or to accept a form of payment)

throat (throht) (1 - A cop grabbed him around the throat. I have a sore throat. He cleared his throat and started speaking.)

목구멍 (1. the front of the neck, or the space inside the neck down which food and air can go)

cotton (KOT-n) (1 - a cotton shirt/dress)

목화, 목화에서 생산된 하얀 보송보송한 섬유, 면직물, 면으로 짜여진 직물, 면섬유 (1. thread or cloth made from the fiber surrounding the seeds of a tall plant, or these fibers themselves)

weapon (WEP-u̲h̲ n) (1 - The walls were decorated with swords, axes, and other medieval weapons. Even laughter can be used as a weapon.)

무기, 공격이나 전투 수단, 싸울 때 사용되는 모든 수단 (1. an object used in fighting or war, such as a gun or a bomb, or something used against someone)

shore (shawr, shohr) (1 - We rode into the city along the shore of Lake Washington. [ pl ] Although it happened far from our shores /= this country/, the disaster has affected many Americans.)

물가, 해변가, 육지, 보강재, 버팀목, 양륙하다, 지주로 받치다 (1. the land along the edge of the sea, a lake, or a wide river)

van (van) (1 - a delivery van)

물건이나 사람을 실어나르는 커다란 자동차, 봉고차, 철도의 수하물 차 (영국) (1. a box-shaped road vehicle of medium size)

reflect (ri-FLEKT) (1 - Light-colored clothing reflects the sun's heat rather than absorbing it. [ I ] Moonlight reflected off the surface of the lake.) (2 - His blank face reflected his boredom.) (3 - She felt she needed time to reflect on what to do next.) (3 - His new lighting system uses lamps and reflectors.)

반영하다, 반사하다, 반성하다, 비추다, 곰곰이 생각하다 (1. to send back light, heat, energy, or sound from a surface) (2. to show, express, or be a sign of something) (3. to think carefully)

ring (ring) (1 - a gold wedding ring [ C ]) (2 - a key ring A ring of people joined hands in the dance.) (4 - a boxing ring a one-ring/three-ring circus) (5 - a spy ring) (6 - I'll give Sophia a ring.) (7 - The telephone rang. [ T ] I rang the doorbell but nobody answered. [ I ] My ears are ringing /= I hear a noise that is not really there/.) (8 - The island is ringed with rocks.) (8 - I turned the ringer off on my phone so I could get some sleep.)

반지, 고리, 둥근모양의 테, 순환선, 둥근무늬, 나이테, 원형경기장, 링 경기 (체조) (1. a circular piece, esp. of jewelry worn on a finger) (2. A ____ is also any group of things or people in a circular shape or arrangement) (3. A ____ is also the small pieces of matter that circle around a planet.) (4. a space where people perform or compete that is separated from, and usually at the center of, the space where people can watch the event) (5. a group of people who work together, often secretly in criminal activities) (6. a telephone call) (7. to make a sound, esp. the sound made when metal is hit, or to cause a bell to make a sound) (8. to surround something)

array (u̲h̲-REY) (1 - The airport shops offer a wide array of merchandise.) (1 - A battery of cameras was arrayed before them.)

배치하다, 정돈하다, 곱게 차려입다, 정렬, 군대, 배심원의 소집, 옷 (1. a large group of things or people, esp. when shown or positioned in an attractive way)

naked (NEY-kid)

벌거벗은, 나체의, 적나라한, 무방비로 (1. not wearing any clothes)

coverage (KUHV-er-ij, KUHV-rij) (1 - The TV station is trying to improve its coverage of local news.) (2 - I've got $50,000 worth of coverage for the contents of my house.)

보상 범위, 적용 범위, 취재 (1. the job and responsibility of reporting or writing about a particular subject for television, radio, or a newspaper or magazine) (2. the state or condition of being protected from financial loss, damage, accident, or having something stolen; insurance)

compensation (kom-pu̲h̲ n-SEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - She received £40,000 in compensation for a lost eye. You should claim/seek compensation.) (2 - I have to spend three months of the year away from home - but there are compensations like the chance to meet new people. Free food was no compensation for a very boring evening.) (3 - Annual compensation for our executives includes salary and bonus under our incentive plan.) (3 - He was awarded $3 million in compensatory damages.)

보상, 보수, 배상 (1. money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem) (2. something that makes you feel better when you have suffered something bad) (3. the combination of money and other benefits /= rewards/ that an employee receives for doing their job)

atmosphere (AT-mu̲h̲ s-feer) (3 - The club provided a relaxed and friendly atmosphere for its members.)

분위기, 대기, 기압 (1. the mixture of gases that surrounds some planets, such as the earth; the air) (2. a unit for measuring pressure) (3. the character or mood of a place or situation) (4. __________ is also the mood or feeling produced by a work of literature.)

grasp (grasp, grahsp) (1 - I grasped his arm to keep from falling.) (2 - It was hard to grasp what the professor was getting at.) (3 - A full partnership at last seemed to be within her grasp.)

붙잡다, 거머쥐다, 잡아채다, 납득하다, 단단히 불잡기, 이해, 지식, 파악 (1. to take something quickly, in your hand, and hold it firmly) (2. to understand, esp. something difficult) (3. power to achieve or control something)

rain (reyn) (1 - It looks like rain /= as if rain is going to fall/.) (1 - a rainy afternoon) (2 - Debris from the explosion rained down.)

비, 비가 내리다 (1. drops of water that fall from clouds) (2. ____ can also mean to fall in a large amount)

flesh (flesh) (1 - The roast duck has robust flavor and tender flesh.) (2 - Peel the tomatoes and use only the flesh.)

살코기, 신체의 부드러운 부분, 과일이나 채소의 부드러운 부분, 살결, 육체, 육체적 욕망 (1. the soft part of the body of a person or animal covering the bones and organs) (2. The _____ of a fruit or vegetable is the soft, inner part)

accomplish (u̲h̲-KOM-plish) (1 - On retiring from the Congress, he said he had accomplished everything he set out to do.)

성취하다, 이루어 내다, 달성하다, 완수하다, 훌륭한 (1. to do or finish something successfully; achieve something)

bias (BAHY-u̲h̲ s) (1 - They vowed to fight racial bias in the school.) (1 - The judge withheld the information on the grounds that it would bias the jury.)

성향, 편견, 편견을 갖다 (1. an unfair personal opinion that influences your judgment)

fee (fee) (1 - an admission fee The doctor's usual fee is $125.)

세금, 제공된 서비스에 대한 지불금, 입장료, 수수료, 봉건 영지, 요금을 치르다 (1. an amount of money charged for a service or for the use of something)

cattle (KAT-l) (1 - beef/dairy cattle)

소 (1. large farm animals kept for their milk or meat; cows and bulls)

brand (brand) (1 - This isn't my usual brand of deodorant.) (2 - cattle brands) (3 - They branded him as a man without moral convictions.)

소인을 찍다, 누명을 씌우다, 명예를 손상하다, 비난하다, 모욕하다, 품종, 제조원 등을 나타내는 상표 (1. a type of product made by a particular company) (2. a special symbol on the skin of an animal that shows it belongs to someone) (3. to consider or refer to someone as being bad or as having done something bad) (4. to mark the skin of an animal with a particular symbol to show that you own it)

alcohol (AL-ku̲h̲-hawl, -hol) (1 - Most wines contain about 12% alcohol.)

술, 알코올 (1. a liquid that is produced in making wine, beer, and liquor and that can cause changes in behavior in people who drink it) (2. _______ is also any of a group of similar chemical substances used as solvents /= substances that dissolve others/ and in fuel and medicines.)

visual (VIZH-oo-u̲h̲ l) (1 - These animals have excellent visual ability/acuity.)

시각의, 시각에 의한, 눈에 보이는, 광학상의 (1. relating to seeing)

restaurant (RES-ter-u̲h̲ nt, -tu̲h̲-rahnt, -trahnt) (1 - a Chinese/Italian/Mexican restaurant)

식당, 레스토랑, 음식점, 요리점 (1. a place of business where people can choose a meal to be prepared and served to them at a table, and for which they pay, usually after eating)

psychology (sahy-KOL-u̲h̲-jee) (1 - She took a course in abnormal psychology.)

심리 (1. the scientific study of how the mind works and how it influences behavior, or the influence of character on a particular person's behavior)

sick (sik) (1 - We've got a sick cat. I feel sick. Only a sick mind could think of such things. He's out sick /= absent because of illness/. Samantha called in sick /= called to say she was ill and not coming to work/.) (2 - She was so nervous she got sick. I feel sick to my stomach /= likely to vomit/.) (3 - Michelle is sick about not getting that job. I can't believe she lost the election - it just makes me sick.)

아픈, 병에 걸린, 메스꺼운, 토할 것 같은, 질린, 병의 (1. physically or mentally ill; not well or healthy) (2. feeling as if you are going to vomit) (3. causing or experiencing unpleasant feelings)

vice (vahys) (1 - His virtues far outnumber his vices.) (3 - a vice principal Vice Premier Zhu Rongji He served as vice chairman of the federal reserve. There are three vice presidents in that company.)

악덕, 부도덕, 타락, (정신적, 육체적)결함, 결점, 성적부도덕, 나쁜 습관 (1. a moral fault or weakness in a person's character) (2. ____ is also immoral behavior.) (3. used as part of a title to show the rank of an officer or official of a company or organization, immediately below a president or chairperson)

devil (DEV-u̲h̲ l) (3 - What the devil are you doing?)

악마, 악령, 마귀 (1. an evil being, often represented in human form but with a tail and horns) (2. The Devil, in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, is the most powerful evil spirit.) (3. The _____ can be used to give emphasis to a question)

index (IN-deks) (1 - If you want to find the place in the text that Henry James is mentioned, look it up in the index.) (2 - a wage/price index fig. The rate of consumer spending is often thought to be an index of public confidence /= show the state of the public's confidence/ in the health of the economy.) (3 - He organized and indexed the material by computer.) (4 - Social Security payments are indexed to /= adjusted to allow for/ inflation every year.)

알파벳 순으로 정돈된 정보나 다른 과제의 목록, 색인, 정보 정리 (컴퓨터), 가격표 (1. an alphabetical list, such as one printed at the back of a book showing on which page a name or subject appears, or computer information ordered in a particular way) (2. a number used to show the value of something by comparing it to something else whose value is known) (3. to prepare an _____ for a book, or to arrange information in an index) (4. to vary a system of numbers against another or against a fixed standard)

appeal (u̲h̲-PEEL) (1 - Such music managed to appeal to the tastes of both young and old.) (2 - The verdict was appealed to a higher court.) (3 - Blood supplies are running low, and the Red Cross is appealing for blood donations.) (4 - Eating out has lost much of its appeal.) (5 - The decision was reversed on appeal.) (6 - Many charities issued an appeal for contributions to help victims of the earthquake.)

애원하다, 호소하다, 항소하다, 상고하다, 흥미를 끌다, 애원, 호소, 항소 (1. to be interesting or attractive) (2. to request formally that a decision, esp. a legal or official one, be changed) (3. to make a serious or formal request for help, esp. in an emergency) (4. the quality of being interesting or attractive) (5. a formal request that a decision, esp. a legal or official one, be changed) (6. a serious or formal request for help, esp. in a public emergency)

suit (soot) (1 - What time suits you best? The job of a salesman seems to suit him.) (2 - That new hairstyle really suits you - you look terrific.) (4 - a bathing suit) (5 - The network suits don't care about the fans who show up at the ballpark.) (6 - She brought a suit against the HMO for medical malpractice.) (7 - The four suits in a deck of cards are hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds.)

어울리다, 적합하다, 만족시키다, 옷을 제공하다, 알맞다, 만족하다, 옷 한 벌 (1. to be convenient or work well for someone or something) (2. To ____ also means to make someone look more attractive) (3. a set of clothes made of the same material and usually consisting of a jacket and pants or skirt) (4. A ____ is also a set of clothes or a piece of clothing to be worn in a particular situation or for a particular activity) (5. slang A ____ is also someone in business, esp. when compared with an artist or ordinary worker) (6. a lawsuit) (7. any of the four types of cards in a set of playing cards, each having a different symbol printed on it)

afford (u̲h̲-FAWRD, u̲h̲-FOHRD) (1 - I don't know how he can afford a new car.)

여유가 있다, 할 수 있다 (1. to have enough money or time to buy, keep, or do something)

tour (to̲o̲ r) (1 - a walking tour a sightseeing tour) (2 - The band is currently on tour in Australia.) (3 - We spent a month touring France. [ I ] Alanis is touring to promote her new album.)

여행하다, 견학하다, 구경가다, 여행, 유람 (1. a visit to a place or area, esp. one during which you look around the place or area and learn about it) (2. A ____ is also a planned visit to several places to give performances) (3. to go on a ____ somewhere)

era (EER-u̲h̲, ER-u̲h̲) (1 - She was one of the more remarkable women of her era.)

연대, 기원, 시대, 눈에 띄게 구별되는 사건이나 특징적인 일로 인해 구분되는 시대 (1. a period of time known for particular events or developments)

passion (PASH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - romantic passion [ C ] Passions were running high in the aftermath of the accident.) (2 - She has two passions in life - her cats and opera.)

열정, 열기, 정열, 열망, 광기, 욕망, 갈망 (1. a powerful emotion or its expression, esp. the emotion of love, anger, or hate) (2. something that you are strongly interested in and enjoy)

orientation (awr-ee-u̲h̲ n-TEY-shu̲h̲ n, -en-, ohr-) (1 - He has never tried to hide his political orientation.) (2 - The church has an east-west orientation /= has one main side facing east and the opposite side facing west/.)

오리엔테이션, 경향, 방향, 지향 (1. the particular interests, activities, or aims of a person or an organization) (2. the position of something in relation to its surroundings)

royal (ROI-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Sweden's royal family)

왕의, 왕다운, 당당한, 장엄한 (1. belonging or connected to a king or queen)

prince (prins)

왕자, 프린스, 세자, 태자, ...공 (1. a member of a royal family, esp. a son of a king or queen) (2. A ______ is also a male ruler of a small country.)

throne (throhn) (1 - He is heir to the throne.)

왕좌, 왕위, 화장실 (속어) (1. a special chair used by a king or queen, or the condition of being such a ruler)

bulk (buhlk) (1 - Tankers carry bulk shipments of oil. We buy a lot of our groceries in bulk /= in large quantities/ to save money.) (2 - He gave the bulk of his paintings to the museum.)

용적, 부피, 대부분, 태반, 부피가 커지다, 부피가 커지게 하다, 중요한 역할을 하다 (1. something very large, or a large amount, not divided into smaller parts) (2. The ____ of something is the larger part of it)

universe (YOO-nu̲h̲-vurs)

우주, 세계 (1. everything that exists, esp. all physical matter, including all the stars and planets in space)

doctrine (DOK-trin) (1 - church doctrine)

원칙, 독트린 (1. a belief, theory, or set of beliefs, esp. political or religious, taught and accepted by a particular group)

stomach (STUHM-u̲h̲ k) (3 - I used to watch the TV news all the time, but I no longer have the stomach for it.) (4 - Vernon was simply too unreliable, and after awhile we couldn't stomach his behavior.)

위, 복부, 식욕, 욕망, 먹다, 참다, 견디다 (1. an organ in the body where food is digested) (2. Your _______ is also the front part of your body near the waist.) (3. _______ can also mean desire or an interest in doing something) (4. to accept or be able to deal with something that causes you difficulty)

committee (ku̲h̲-MIT-ee) (1 - She sits on the city's finance committee.)

위원회 (1. a group of people chosen from a larger group to act on or consider matters of a particular kind)

interface (noun IN-ter-feys; verb IN-ter-feys, in-ter-FEYS) (1 - Amphibians live at the interface of land and sea. To simplify software, you improve its interface.) (2 - Neighborhood groups here interface very well with police.)

인터페이스, 조화시키다, 인터페이스로 연결하다 (1. the place where two systems come together and have an effect on each other, or a connection between two computers or between a person and a computer) (2. to communicate or cause someone or something to communicate)

classic (KLAS-ik) (1 - classic literature John Steinbeck's classic American novel, "The Grapes of Wrath") (2 - She wore a classic blue suit and a straw hat.) (3 - The building is a classic example of poor design.) (4 - Chaplin's films are regarded as American classics.)

일류의, 시간에 얽매이지 않는, 시간을 뛰어넘는, 전통적인, 고전적인 (1. being of a high standard against which others of the same type are judged) (2. traditional in design or style) (3. having all the characteristics or qualities that are typical of something) (4. a well-known piece of writing, musical recording, or film which is of high quality and lasting value)

fraction (FRAK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - 1/4 and 0.25 are different ways of representing the same fraction.) (2 - Counterfeits are sold at a fraction of the cost of the genuine articles. Juries often hear only a fraction of the story.)

일부, 적은, 분수, 파편 (1. a number that results from dividing one whole number /= a number with no part of a number after it/ by another) (2. A ________ is also a very small part or amount of something)

probable (PROB-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - The doctor said that the most probable cause of death was heart failure.) (1 - I'll probably be home about midnight.)

있음직한, 그럴듯한 (1. likely to be true or likely to happen)

leaf (leef) (1 - By early November it's getting cold and the trees are starting to lose their leaves.) (2 - Some of the leaves of the old book had come loose.)

잎, 잎사귀, 잎들, 한장, 층, 금속판 (특히 금이나 은의), 용수철판, 자재판 (1. any of the flat, usually green parts of a plant that are joined at one end to the stem or branch) (2. a thin flat substance, esp. a sheet of paper, or a layer of something) (3. A ____ of a table is an extra flat piece that can be added to the top surface to make the table larger.)

pride (prahyd) (1 - Their son's outstanding academic record was a source of great pride to them. We take pride in the high quality of our food.) (2 - Out of pride, he refused an offer to take over his business.)

자존심, 자부심, 자만심, 무례함, 자부하다, 자랑스러워 하다 (1. a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get because you or people connected with you have done something good) (2. your feelings of your own worth and respect for yourself) (3. disapproving _____ is also the belief that you are better or more important than other people.) (4. a group of lions)

frequent (adjective FREE-kwu̲h̲ nt; verb fri-KWENT, FREE-kwu̲h̲ nt) (1 - She makes frequent trips home to Beijing.) (1 - I frequently disagree with him. I moved much more frequently than I wanted to.) (2 - They go to clubs frequented by artists.)

자주 일어나는, 빈번한, 보통의, 자주 방분하다, 단골하다, 어떤 장소에 규칙적으로 자주 오다 (1. happening often; common) (2. to often be in or often visit a particular place)

tiny (TAHY-nee) (1 - Just trim a tiny bit off my hair, please.)

작은, 조금, 유아의 (1. extremely small)

adequate (AD-i-kwit) (1 - He didn't have adequate time to prepare for the exam. adequacy noun [ U ] /ˈæd·ɪ·kwə·si/ We must re-examine the adequacy of our current security procedures.) (1 - Were you adequately paid, or do you need more money?)

적당한, 충분한, 부족하지않은 (1. enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose)

pilot (PAHY-lu̲h̲ t) (1 - an airline pilot a harbor pilot pilot verb [ T ] us ​) (1 - He piloted the ship through the busy harbor.) (2 - From the pilot episode, this looks to be one of the best new shows we'll see this fall.) (2 - Our district is piloting a day-care program.)

조종사, 비행기를 날리다, 비행기를 운항하다, 조종하다, 이끌다, 안내하다, 실험적인 (1. a person who flies an aircraft, or someone who directs a ship safely through an area of water) (2. /of a plan, product, or system/ done as a test before introducing it)

partner (PAHRT-ner) (1 - Children, hold your partner's hand when you cross the street.) (4 - a business partnership)

조합원, 동료, 배우자, 제휴시키다 (1. one of two people who do something together or are closely involved in some way) (2. A _______ in a company is one of the owners.) (3. A _______ is also one of two people who dance together or who play a sport or a game together, esp. when they play as a team.) (4. A person's _______ can also be the person to whom someone is married, or to whom the person is not married but with whom they have a close relationship.)

tumor (TOO-mer, TYOO-) (1 - a malignant/benign tumor)

종양 (1. a mass of cells in the body that grow faster than usual and can cause illness)

prepare (pri-PAIR) (1 - Keane is preparing a film version of the play. [ I ] The Southeast prepared for the worst as the hurricane turned toward the Atlantic coast.) (1 - Plans for building a new school are under way, but so far only in the preparatory stage.) (1 - earthquake preparedness)

준비하다, 대비하다, 마련하다 (1. to make or get something or someone ready for something that will happen in the future)

stem (stem) (4 - The bank tried to stem the currency's recent decline against the dollar.)

줄기, 잎꼭지, 연결하거나 지지하는 가느다란 부분, 어간(문법), 계보, 족보, 생기다 (1. a central part of something from which other parts can develop or grow, or which forms a support) (2. The ____ of a plant is the straight part that grows above the ground and from which leaves and flowers grow.) (3. The ____ of a glass is the narrow, vertical part that supports the container into which you put liquid.) (4. to stop something unwanted from spreading or increasing)

gravity (GRAV-i-tee)

중력, 중대함 (1. the force that makes objects fall toward the earth, or toward some other large object such as a planet or a star)

neutral (NOO-tru̲h̲ l, NYOO-) (1 - Switzerland remained neutral during the war.) (2 - He wanted the office painted in neutral colors.)

중립의, 한쪽에 치우치지 않은, 분명하지 않은, 특정한 성격이 없는, 중립색의 (1. not expressing an opinion or taking actions that support either side in a disagreement or war) (2. /of colors/ not bright, and therefore not likely to attract attention) (3. A _______ substance is neither an acid nor a base.) (4. A _______ wire in an electrical circuit is a wire with no electrical charge.)

profession (pru̲h̲-FESH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - the medical/teaching profession [ U ] I'm a writer by profession.)

직업, 직종, 직위 (1. any type of work, esp. one that needs a high level of education or a particular skill)

genuine (JEN-yoo-in) (1 - genuine leather a genuine masterpiece She showed genuine /= sincere/ sorrow at the news.) (1 - No one doubts the genuineness of your concern.)

진실된, 진짜의, 순수한, 성실한 (1. being what something or someone appears or claims to be; real, not false)

evolution (ev-u̲h̲-LOO-shu̲h̲ n or, esp. British, ee-vu̲h̲-)

진화, 변화 (1. a gradual process of change and development) (2. _________ is the process by which the physical characteristics of types of creatures change over time, new types of creatures develop, and others disappear.)

load (lohd) (1 - The truck had a load of bricks. The maximum load for this elevator is eight persons.) (3 - The normal teaching load at this university is three courses each semester.) (4 - Bill loaded and aimed his crossbow. The technician loaded a sample into the device. You need to load the new software before you can use the computer.) (5 - He could load more hay into the wagon.)

짐, 무게나 측정의 단위, 해야할 일의 양 (사람에 의해, 기계에 의해), 부담, 하중 (1. the amount or weight of something carried by a vehicle, a structure such as a bridge, or a person or animal) (2. ____ is also the weight being moved by a lever.) (3. the amount of work to be done by a person) (4. to put into a piece of equipment something it uses to make it work) (5. to put something in or on a vehicle)

burden (BUR-dn) (1 - I don't want to be a burden on my children.) (2 - He was burdened with debts.)

짐, 부담, 적재력, 배의 적재력, 짐을 지우다, 부담을 주다 (1. a duty or responsibility that is hard to bear) (2. to give someone problems, trouble, or responsibilities)

executive (ig-ZEK-yu̲h̲-tiv) (1 - a chief executive US history) (2 - In the US, the president is the head of the executive branch of government.)

집행력이 있는, 집행권이 있는, 행정적인, 관리직의, 관리자, 이사 또는 이사단 (1. someone in a high position, esp. in business, who makes decisions and acts according to them) (2. The _________ branch of the US government, including the president, the cabinet, and several departments, manages the duties of government and its laws.)

web (web) (1 - A spider's web hung in a corner of the window.) (2 - Ducks, gulls, and frogs all have webbed toes.)

짜서 만든 것, 편물, 직포, 거미집, 거미집 모양의 것, 방송망, 물갈퀴, 우판 (1. short form ofcobweb) (2. the skin connecting the toes of some water birds and animals which helps them to swim)

participation (pahr-tis-u̲h̲-PEY-shu̲h̲ n)

참가, 참여, 참여하다 (1. the fact that you take part or become involved in something)

gun (guhn) (2 - Tom gunned the engine and sped off into the night.)

총, 라이플 소총, 피스톨 권총, 대포, 청부 살인업자(속어), 권총을 쏘다, 갑자기 가속하다 (1. a weapon from which bullets or shells /= explosive containers/ are fired through a metal tube) (2. to make an engine operate at high speed)

tall (tawl) (1 - She's tall and slim. The Sears Tower is taller than the Empire State Building.) (2 - Four of her friends are six feet or taller.)

키가 큰, 허풍같은, 믿기 어려운(구어), 어려운, 힘든 (1. of more than average height) (2. of a particular height)

log (lawg, log) (1 - Stack the logs near the fireplace.) (2 - a ship's log) (3 - The police have logged several complaints about loud parties in that building. [ T ] He has logged over 1500 hours of flying time /= flown and recorded this amount/.) (4 - Timber companies logged these mountains for years. [ T ] The Bureau of Land Management is reviewing plans to log more trees in Western Oregon.)

통나무, 측정기, 로그, 항해일지, 항공일지, 엔진 따위의 공정 일지, 공정 일지 (1. a thick piece of tree trunk or branch) (2. a full, written record of a trip, a period of time, or an event) (3. to put information into a written record) (4. to cut down trees for their wood, or to remove trees from a place by cutting them down)

insight (IN-sahyt) (1 - Hurston's writings were recognized for their insights. [ U ] His work shows originality and insight.) (1 - an insightful observation)

통찰력, 보여줌, 이해, 식견 (1. a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation, or the ability to have such an understanding)

reign (reyn) (1 - the reign of Louis XIV)

통치, 지배, 통치기간, 지배기간, 주권을 잡다, 통치하다, 크게 유행하다, 세력을 떨치다 (1. to rule a country, or to have power or control)

privilege (PRIV-u̲h̲-lij, PRIV-lij) (1 - As a senior executive, you will enjoy certain privileges. [ C ] I had the privilege /= the honor/ of interviewing the prime minister of Canada.)

특권, 은전, 권리, 잇점, 특전적 면제, 특권을 부여하다, 특전을 부여하다, 면제하다 (1. a special advantage or authority possessed by a particular person or group)

edition (ih-DISH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - a regional edition of a newspaper The book comes in both paperback and hardback editions.)

판, 전발행 부수, 1회분 (1. a particular form in which a book, magazine, or newspaper is published, or the total number of copies of a book, magazine, or newspaper that are published at the same time)

paint (peynt) (1 - acrylic/oil paints [ U ] We need some white paint for the kitchen.) (2 - She always loved to paint.)

페인트, 착색제, 물감, 메이크 업용 화장품, 페인트를 칠하다, 색깔을 칠하다, 그림을 그리다 (1. a colored liquid that is put on a surface to protect or decorate it) (2. Someone who paints may make a picture by using paints)

pen (pen) (1 - a fountain/ballpoint/felt-tip pen [ U ] You must fill out the application in pen .) (3 - She penned /= wrote/ a thank-you note.) (4 - Sheep are penned behind the barn.)

펜, 작가, 문체, 가축우리, 경작지, 운동장, 쓰다, 편지 따위를 쓰다, 울타리속에 넣다 (1. a thin device with a point used for writing or drawing with ink) (2. a small area surrounded by a fence in which animals are kept, or slang a prison or jail) (3. to use a ___ to write or draw something with ink) (4. to enclose a person or animal in a small area by surrounding the area with a fence)

flat (flat) (1 - A desk provides a flat surface to work on. Campers look for flat ground to put up their tents.) (2 - If you don't put the top back on the soda bottle, it will go flat.) (3 - One of my tires is flat and I'll have to change it.) (4 - His request for time off from work was met with a flat refusal.) (5 - We charge a flat rate of $25 per hour. Sales are flat /= low and not changing/ during this time of year.) (7 - They have a house in the country and a flat in London.) (8 - We pulled off to the side of the road to change a flat.) (9 - He swatted the table with the flat of his hand.) (11 - He hurt his back and could only sleep lying flat on his back.) (12 - When he asked for a raise, the boss turned him down flat. I'm flat broke /= I have no money/.) (13 - We managed to get to the station in five minutes flat.)

평평한, 바람빠진 (타이어 등), 전적으로, 길게 들어누운, 퍼진 (1. level and smooth; having little or no height and not raised or round) (2. A drink that is ____ has stopped bubbling) (3. If a tire is flat, the air has gone out of it so that it does not give the support it should) (4. complete and certain) (5. /esp. of an amount of money/ not changing or varying) (6. lower in pitch than a particular or the correct note) (7. an apartment) (8. something flat, esp. a tire that has lost its air, so that it does not give the support that it should) (9. The ____ of the hand is the inside, level part of the hand with the fingers straight) (10. a mark in written music showing that a note should be played a half step lower) (11. in a level position, often against another surface) (12. completely, or to the greatest degree possible) (13. exactly)

parallel (PAR-u̲h̲-lel, -lu̲h̲ l) (1 - The wood was marked with parallel dark bands.) (2 - Parallel experiments are being conducted in Europe and the United States.) (2 - Maple Street runs parallel to State Street.) (2 - The highway parallels the river for about 20 miles.) (3 - There's an incredible parallel between the talking blues of 50 years ago and today's rap music. The black experience in America has been without parallel in the experience of other peoples.) (4 - the 40th parallel parallel verb [ T ] us ​) (4 - Her account of the incident closely parallels what others have reported.)

평행의, 고른, 동등한, 평평한, 똑같은, 평행인 것, 유사한 것 (1. /of two or more straight lines/ being the same distance apart along all their length) (2. similar or matching) (3. something very similar to something else, or a similarity between two things) (4. one of the imaginary latitude lines around the earth that are ________ to the equator)

embrace (em-BREYS) (1 - They embraced /each other/ before saying good-bye.) (2 - He has wholeheartedly embraced life in south Louisiana.) (2 - They greeted each other with a warm embrace.)

포옹하다, 껴안다, 포착하다, 기꺼이 받아들이다, 둘러싸다, 재판관 배심원등을 포섭하려고 하다 (1. to hold someone close to you with your arms to express affection, love, or sympathy, or when greeting or leaving someone) (2. to accept something with great interest or enthusiasm)

capture (KAP-cher) (1 - These birds were captured in the wild in 1987.) (2 - She captured the incident on video. Those songs capture the romantic mood of the movie.) (2 - They were shown on TV soon after their capture.)

포획, 포획물, 포착, 방사성 포착, 컴퓨터 기계어로의 변환, 사로잡다, 포획하다 (1. to take someone as a prisoner, or to take something into your possession) (2. to record sound or images, or to express a feeling)

width (width, witth or, often, with) (1 - The shoes are available in three widths.)

폭, 넓이 (1. the distance across something from one side to the other)

define (dih-FAHYN) (1 - How would you define "jaded"?) (2 - The dark figures are sharply defined on the white background.)

한정하다, 정의하다, ...의 경계를 정하다 (1. to describe the meaning of something, esp. a word, or to explain something more clearly so that it can be understood) (2. to show clearly the edge or shape of something)

rational (RASH-u̲h̲-nl, RASH-nl) (1 - a rational decision Obviously, he wasn't rational.) (1 - It's hard to behave rationally at such times.)

합리적인, 이성적인, 논리적인 (1. showing clear thought or reason)

solve (solv) (1 - The arrests have not solved the mystery of what happened to the stolen cash.) (1 - Hunger in this city is a solvable problem.)

해결하다, 풀다 (1. to find an answer to a problem)

glance (glans, glahns) (1 - The driver gave a glance back as he moved into the passing lane.) (1 - She glanced around the room to see who was there.)

힐끗 봄, 잠깐 봄, 번득임, 섬광, 되튐, 얼른 보다, 빛나다, 번득이다, 빗나가다 (1. a quick look at someone or something)

mankind (MAN-KAHYND for 1; MAN-kahynd for 2)

인류, 인간 (1. the whole of the human race, including both men and women)

bread (bred) (1 - a slice/loaf of bread)

...에 빵가루를 묻히다, 빵, 생계, 돈(속어) (1. a basic food made from flour, water, and yeast mixed together and baked) (2. slang _____ is also money.)

ride (rahyd) (1 - I ride to work on my bike. [ T ] We rode the subway from Coney Island to the Bronx.) (2 - Your boss rides you much too hard.) (3 - It's a short bus ride to the airport.) (4 - My favorite ride is the Ferris wheel.)

...을 타고 여행하다, ...을 타고 이동하다, ...에 실려서 가다, 여행하게 하다 (1. to sit on a horse, bicycle, etc. and travel on it while controlling its movements, or to travel in a vehicle, such as a car, bus, or train) (2. To ____ someone is to criticize someone, esp. to forcefully persuade that person to do more or to do what you want) (3. a trip on an animal or bicycle, etc., or in a vehicle) (4. A ____ is also a machine in an amusement park which spins or moves people for entertainment)

attribute (verb u̲h̲-TRIB-yoot; noun a-tru̲h̲-byoot) (1 - Self-confidence is a rare attribute in a 17-year-old. She has the physical attributes to become a championship swimmer.)

...의 덕분으로 돌리다, ...의 탓하다, 속성, 특성, 한정사 (문법) (1. a quality or feature of a person or thing, esp. one that is an important part of its nature)

billion (BIL-yu̲h̲ n) (1 - Congress cut spending by $255 billion. Four hurricanes battered Florida, causing billions of dollars in damage.)

십억, 조(영국) (1. 1,000,000,000)

furniture (FUR-ni-cher) (1 - office/bedroom/lawn furniture)

가구 (1. items such as chairs, tables, and beds that are used in a home or office)

reform (ri-FAWRM) (1 - As governor, he reformed election procedures. [ I ] She insists that she has finally reformed.) (1 - The administration is proposing welfare reform.) (1 - reformation of the health care systemreformed adjective us ​) (1 - I'm a reformed guy - I eat a low-fat diet and exercise every day.)

개정하다, 고치다, 수정하다, 개선하다, 개정, 개선 (1. to become better, or to make something better by making corrections or removing any faults)

vast (vast, vahst) (1 - The vast majority of our students - nearly 90 percent - graduate within four years.) (1 - I think the original movie was vastly superior to the remake.)

광대한, 거대한, 막대한, 굉장한 (1. extremely large)

agree (u̲h̲-GREE) (1 - I agree with you. [ I ] We all agree on that point. [ + to infinitive ] In settling the dispute, he agreed to pay $60,000 in damages. [ + that clause ] Most economists agree that it would be unwise to cut taxes right now. [ I ] Both sides agreed to the terms of the peace treaty. [ I ] I agree with letting children learn at their own pace.) (2 - Since their stories did not agree at all, he knew one of them was lying.)

동의하다, 합의하다, 일치하다, 승낙하다, 제안에 응하다 (1. to have the same opinion, or to accept a suggestion or idea) (2. If two sets of information agree, they are generally the same)

visible (VIZ-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - There are few visible signs of her recent illness. The comet is visible to the naked eye as a fuzzy ball in the western sky.) (2 - In a very short time, she became a highly visible environmental spokesperson.)

명백한, 눈으로 볼 수 있는 (1. able to be seen) (2. _______ also means able or tending to attract public attention)

chain (cheyn) (1 - She looped the chain around her bike and locked it to the fence.) (2 - Mary wore a silver chain around her neck.) (3 - a mountain chain a chain of supermarkets That set in motion a chain of events that changed her life forever.) (4 - An old bicycle was chained to a post near the front door.) (5 - I had no intention of spending my day chained to the stove.)

목걸이, 체인, 산맥, 체인점, 측쇄, 속박하다, 체인을 걸다 (1. a length of metal rings that are connected together and used for fastening or supporting, and in machinery) (2. A _____ is also a length of connected rings worn as jewelry) (3. a set of connected or related things) (4. to tie or connect together with a chain) (5. If you are chained to something, you work for long periods with it)

wood (wo̲o̲ d) (1 - He makes tables and other things from different kinds of wood.) (2 - Beyond them lay a dense wood.)

목재, 숲, 통나무, 땔감, 목판, 목관 악기, 골프 클럽의 일종, 목재의 (1. the hard substance that forms the inside part of the branches and trunk of a tree, used to make things or as a fuel) (2. woods)

beneath (bih-NEETH, -neet̲h̲ ) (1 - Jerry hid the letter beneath a pile of papers. The cool grass felt good beneath their feet.)

바로 아래에 (1. in or to a lower position than; under)

drop (drop) (1 - She dropped her keys on a table beside the door. [ I ] The book dropped to the floor. [ I ] fig. I was so exhausted that I was ready to drop /= to fall down/.) (2 - The temperature dropped nearly 50 degrees in 24 hours. [ T ] We are going to have to drop our prices.) (3 - After winning a pay raise, the union dropped its other demands. He was dropped from the team because of his grades.) (4 - I just felt a drop of rain.) (5 - the airplane's sudden drop) (6 - a drop in prices [ U ]) (7 - It's a drop of over 150 feet from the top of the Niagara Falls.)

방울, 물방울, 미량, 소량, 늘어뜨린 장식, 사탕, 드롭, 낙하, 강하, 하강 (1. to fall intentionally or unintentionally, or to let something fall) (2. to move or change to a lower level, or to make something lower or less) (3. to stop something you were doing or planning to do) (4. a very small amount of a liquid) (5. the act of falling) (6. a reduction in the amount or level of something) (7. A ____ is also the distance from one thing to something lower)

criminal (KRIM-u̲h̲-nl) (1 - She may face criminal charges for lying to a grand jury. He had an extensive criminal record /= an official record of having committed many crimes/. The way she blames other people for her own mistakes is criminal /= wrong/.) (1 - Parents can be held criminally responsible for their children's actions.)

범인, 범죄자, 범죄의, 범법적인 (1. involving or having the character of a crime) (2. a person who has committed a crime or been found guilty of committing a crime)

boat (boht) (1 - a fishing boat)

보트, 배, 그릇, 보트로 항해하다, 보트로 여행하다, 보트로 이동하다 (1. a vehicle for traveling on water, esp. one that is not very large)

insurance (in-sho̲o̲ r-u̲h̲ ns, -SHUR-) (1 - fire/health/life insurance)

보험, 보험 증권, 안전을 보장하는 것 (1. the agreement in which you pay a company money and the company pays the cost if you have an accident, injury, or loss)

copy (KOP-ee) (1 - The design was copied from a 19th-century wallpaper. He copied the file onto a diskette.) (2 - She writes advertising copy.) (3 - I always keep copies of letters I have written. Please make two copies of this.) (4 - I had a copy of her latest CD somewhere. We ordered ten copies of the book.)

본, 부, 복사, 베끼다, 복사하다, 모방하다 (1. to produce something that is exactly like another thing, or to do something meant to be like someone or something else) (2. text that is to be printed, or text that is used to sell a product) (3. something that is exactly like another thing) (4. A ____ is also a single unit of something produced in large numbers, usually for sale)

kitchen (KICH-u̲h̲ n)

부엌, 부엌의, 부엌용의 (1. a room where food is prepared and cooked)

join (join) (1 - Why don't you ask your sister if she would like to join us for dinner? [ T ] I'm sure everyone will join me in wishing you a very happy birthday.) (2 - I've decided to join a gym.) (3 - A long suspension bridge joins the island with the mainland.) (4 - The Missouri River and Mississippi River join north of St. Louis.) (5 - This folk dance begins with everyone joining hands to form a circle.)

붙치다, 연결하다, 접하다, 연결되다, 일원이 되다, 결혼식을 시행하다, 군대에 지원하다 (1. to do something with or be with someone or something) (2. to become a member of an organization) (3. to cause something to be attached or fastened to another thing, or to bring two or more things together in this way; connect) (4. If roads or rivers join, they meet at a particular point) (5. If two or more people ____ hands, they hold each other's hands, esp. before doing some activity)

silk (silk) (1 - a silk shirt)

비단, 명주, 견직실, 비단실, 비단으로 된 옷, 견직물, 왕실변호사의 의복, 왕실변호사 (영국) (1. a smooth, shiny cloth made from a thread produced by a type of caterpillar /= small, tube-shaped insect/, or the thread itself)

empty (EMP-tee) (1 - He set the empty glass down.) (2 - It was past midnight, and the streets were empty.) (3 - We need jobs, not empty promises.) (4 - Bring the empties to the recycling center.) (5 - She emptied her husband's mug in the sink. [ I ] Once the movie ended, the theater emptied quickly. [ I ] The Tombigbee River empties into Mobile Bay /= its water flows there/.)

빈, 아무도 없는, 공허한, 비우다 (1. having nothing inside) (2. If a place is empty, no one is using it or is present) (3. _____ also means without any meaning or purpose) (4. a container with nothing in it, esp. one whose contents have been used) (5. to take out everything from inside something, or to lose what is inside so that nothing is left)

quick (kwik) (1 - She cast a quick glance in the mirror. You're back already - that was quick! He made a quick profit. [ + to infinitive ] John was quick to point out the error.) (1 - We bought it quick, before someone else could.) (1 - Quick! Close the door before the dog gets out!quickly adverb us ​) (1 - Emergency workers were on the scene quickly.) (1 - She moves with quickness, balance, and grace.)

빨리, 신속히, 급속한, 빠른, 재빠른, 신속한, 서두르는 (1. done, happening, or moving fast; lasting only a short time)

imagine (ih-MAJ-in) (1 - Imagine Tom as a child - that's what John looks like. [ + that clause ] I imagine /= expect/ /that/ they charge extra for dessert.) (2 - "Did you hear a noise?" "No, you're imagining things.)

상상하다, 생각하다, 짐작하다 (1. to form or have a mental picture or idea of something or someone) (2. If you _______ something that is not real or true, you think that it exists, has happened, or is true)

ice (ahys) (1 - Don't slip on the ice. I'd like a ginger ale with no ice.)

얼음, 얼음으로 뒤덮힘, 아이스크림, 우빙, 결빙, 얼음과 비슷한 물질, 얼음의 (1. water that has frozen solid, or pieces of this) (2. frost )

layer (LEY-er) (1 - We put on two layers of paint. The road was built up with layers of crushed stone and asphalt. layered adjective /ˈleɪ·ərd/ Her hair is long and fluffily layered.) (2 - Layer the pasta with slices of tomato.)

표면을 덮은 어떤 물질의 두께, 표층, 표면, 표피, 놓는 사람 또는 사물, 알 낳는 닭 (1. a thin sheet of a substance on top of a surface, or a level of material that is different from the material on either side) (2. to arrange something in layers)

sweet (sweet) (1 - The four basic tastes are sweet, salty, bitter, and sour. I like sweet cherries. The desserts were not overly sweet.) (2 - a sweet-smelling rose bush These singers are known for their sweet voices.) (3 - What a sweet baby!) (4 - He was very sweet to her.) (4 - The birds sang sweetly.) (4 - Melons have more sweetness in the summer.)

향기로운, 달콤한, 맛이 단, 짜지 않은, 신선한, 친절하고 상냥한 (1. /esp. of food or drink/ having a taste similar to that of sugar or honey) (2. If a smell or sound is sweet, it is pleasant and enjoyable) (3. _____ can be used, esp. of something or someone small, to mean charming and attractive) (4. _____ can also mean kind, generous, and likable)

silver (SIL-ver) (1 - a silver tray) (2 - silver hair The book jacket was printed in silver and black.)

(목거리나 동전등에 사용되는) 은색의 금속 (화학), 은화, 은으로 된 식기류, 은색 (1. a white metal that is highly valued and used esp. in utensils, jewelry, coins, and decorative objects) (2. /of/ a bright gray-white color)

via (VAHY-u̲h̲, VEE-u̲h̲) (1 - I sent the application papers via fax.)

...을 경유하여, 거쳐, ...경유로 (1. by way of, or by use of)

shift (shift) (1 - The wind shifted to the east. [ T ] She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. [ T ] He tried to shift the blame onto his sister.) (2 - Our attention has shifted from baseball to the election.) (4 - I'm working the day shift this month. The night shift is finished at 7 a.m.) (5 - There's been a substantial shift in doctors' methods.)

...을 이동시키다, 이동하게 하다, 전가하다, 장소를 옯기다, 바꾸다, 기어를 변경하다 (1. to change direction or move from one person, position, or place to another) (2. If you _____ your emphasis or attitude, you change it) (3. When you _____ the gears of a vehicle, you move them into different positions to change the speed of the vehicle.) (4. the period that a person is scheduled to work, or a group of workers who work during the same period of time) (5. a change in position or direction)

sell (sel) (1 - The children sold lemonade. [ I ] These baskets sell well /= people buy a lot of them/.) (2 - That is a plan we can easily sell to the school board.)

...을 팔다, 팔다, 거래하다, 배신하다, ...을 사도록 하다, 속이다, 실망 (1. to give a thing or perform a service in exchange for money) (2. to persuade someone to accept an idea or plan, or to cause something to be accepted)

island (AHY-lu̲h̲ nd) (1 - Manhattan is an island.)

섬, 섬과 같은 것, 양쪽에 선로가 있는 플랫폼, 섬으로 만들다 (1. a piece of land completely surrounded by water)

versus (VUR-su̲h̲ s, -su̲h̲ z) (1 - The next soccer match is Mexico versus the United States. fig. It was a question of artistic integrity versus love of money, and money won.)

...대해, 대비하여 (1. /used to show the names of two teams or sides/ against)

wake (weyk) (1 - Did you wake at all during the night? [ T ] The noise of the storm woke the kids.) (1 - He tried to waken her, but she didn't stir.) (2 - fig. The storm left a massive amount of destruction in its wake.)

...를 잠깨우다, 잠깨다, 자각 시키다, 자각하다, 지나간 자국, 행적, 자취 (1. to become a____ and conscious after sleeping, or to cause someone to stop sleeping) (2. an area of water whose movement has been changed by a boat or ship moving through it) (3. a gathering held before a dead person is buried, at which family and friends talk about the person's life)

overcome (oh-ver-KUHM) (1 - I eventually overcame my shyness in class. [ I ] I believe that we will overcome in the end.) (2 - He was overcome by smoke before he could get out of the apartment.)

...을 극복하다, ...에 이기다, ...을 압도하다 (1. to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something) (2. to prevent someone from being able to act or think in the usual way)

beside (bih-SAHYD) (1 - Come and sit here beside me.)

...의 곁에 (1. at the side of; next to)

shop (shop) (1 - We shop in malls because they're convenient.) (2 - a bicycle repair shop I work in a machine shop making wire.) (3 - a gift shop a barber shop a coffee shop)

가게, 스튜디오, 작업장, 사무실, 공작실, 실습실, 가게에서 물건을 사다, 가게를 훑다 (1. to look for and buy /things/) (2. a place where a particular type of thing is made or repaired) (3. a place where you can buy goods or services; store)

prospect (PROS-pekt) (1 - Losing the elections is a prospect that still appears unlikely. [ U ] She smiled at the prospect of seeing him again. [ pl ] Prospects /= Chances for success/ in the computer industry are excellent.) (2 - a prospector searching for gold)

가능성, 전망, 예상, 기대, 조망, 경치, 금광이나 유전등을 찾아 답사하다, 금광이나 유전 등을 찾아 조사하다 (1. the possibility or likelihood that something will happen) (2. to search for gold, oil, or other valuable substances on or under the surface of the earth)

enable (en-EY-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Saving enough money now will enable you to retire comfortably.)

가능하게 하다, 할 수 있게 하다 (1. to make someone or something able to do something by providing whatever is necessary to achieve that aim)

fill (fil) (1 - I filled the bucket. [ I ] After all that rain, the reservoirs are finally filling. [ T ] The dentist says I need to have four teeth filled /= treated to replace decayed material/.) (3 - I'm sorry, the position has already been filled.) (4 - to eat/drink your fill)

가득채우다, 만족시키다, 배부르게 하다, 충치를 떼우다, 요구를 채워주다, 보충하다 (1. to make or become fuller or full; to use empty space) (2. If a product or service fills a need, it gives people something they want.) (3. To ____ a job or position is to employ someone to do that job) (4. an amount that is enough)

mark (mahrk) (1 - You've got paint marks on your shirt. There were skid marks where the car had gone off the road.) (2 - a punctuation mark a check mark Put a mark in the box that corresponds to the correct answer.) (3 - As a mark of respect for those who died, there will be a minute of silence.) (4 - I got a decent mark on my final exam and wound up with a B for the course.) (5 - I'd certainly give him high marks for perseverance, but he doesn't have much talent.) (6 - Mass marketing techniques very often miss their intended marks. Her arrow hit the mark.) (7 - A guided tour will be held to mark the opening of the new school. Today marks my tenth anniversary with this company.) (8 - Sale items are marked in red on the tags.) (9 - I have a stack of exam papers to mark.)

가리키다, 표시하다, 적어내다, 기록하다, 인지 시키다, 점수를 매기다, 구별하다 (1. a small area on the surface of something that is damaged, dirty, a different color, or in some other way not like the rest of the surface) (2. a written or printed symbol) (3. an action that is understood to represent a characteristic or feeling) (4. a letter or number used as a measure of how good a student's work is, usually given by a teacher; a grade) (5. /fig./ If you give someone high/low marks for something, you judge that person to be good or bad in a particular way) (6. an intended result or an object aimed at) (7. to represent something that has happened in the past or is about to happen) (8. to put a line, spot, color, etc., that is different from the rest of a surface on a small area of that surface ) (9. to put a number or letter on a student's work that shows how good it is)

virtual (VUR-choo-u̲h̲ l) (1 - She was a virtual unknown before this movie. Snow brought Minneapolis to a virtual standstill yesterday.) (1 - Unemployment in this part of the country is virtually nonexistent.)

가상의, 실질적인, 인터넷의 (1. almost, but not exactly or in every way)

hypothesis (hahy-POTH-u̲h̲-sis, hi-) (1 - Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested.)

가설, 가정 (1. an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proven)

chest (chest) (1 - He folded his arms across his chest.)

가슴, 생각, 흉부, 상자, 서랍장 (1. the upper front part of the body of humans and some animals, between the stomach and the neck, enclosing the heart and lungs) (2. a large, strong box, usually made of wood, which is used for storing valuable goods or possessions or for moving possessions from one place to another)

breast (brest) (2 - Would you prefer breast of chicken?)

가슴, 유방, 젖, 영혼, 가슴, 가슴을 대다, 헤치고 나아가다, 대담하게 맞서다 (1. either of the two soft, rounded parts of a woman's chest that can produce milk after she has a baby) (2. the front part of a bird's body)

border (BAWR-der) (1 - The Rio Grande forms part of the US border.) (2 - The card has a pretty design around the border.) (3 - Guatemala borders Mexico. [ I ] Wisconsin borders on Illinois.) (4 - The road borders the coast for several miles.)

가장자리, 경계, 영토, 가장자리 장식, 인접하다, 인접하여 살다 (1. the line that divides one country or place from another) (2. a strip that goes around or along the edge of something, or the edge itself) (3. to be next to another country or place) (4. to form a strip along the edge of something)

leather (let̲h̲ -er) (1 - a leather jacket leathery adjective us ​) (1 - His skin was tough and leathery.)

가죽, 가죽 제품, 가죽을 무두질하다, 가죽으로 된 (1. animal skin that has been treated in order to preserve it and is used to make shoes, bags, clothes, equipment, etc.)

branch (branch, brahnch) (1 - After the storm, the ground was covered with twigs and branches. fig. This branch of the river /= lesser part that joins the main flow/ eventually empties into the Atlantic Ocean.) (2 - Pediatrics is a branch of medicine /= a subject that is part of a larger subject/.) (3 - a local branch of the bank) (4 - fig. We drove down a narrow track that branched off from the main road .)

가지를 내다, 가지, 지사, 수족 (1. one of the parts of a tree that grows out from the main trunk and has leaves, flowers, or fruit on it) (2. a part of something larger) (3. A ______ is one of the offices or groups that form part of a large business organization) (4. to separate from a main part and go in a new direction)

asset (AS-et) (2 - Her knowledge of Spanish and French is a real asset in her work.)

가치 있는 것 (재산이나 물건 등), 선호하는 물건, 유용한 것 (1. something having value, such as a possession or property, that is owned by a person, business, or organization) (2. An _____ is also any positive feature that gives you an advantage)

respective (ri-SPEK-tiv) (1 - Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we'd go to our respective classes. Clinton and Zedillo ordered their respective Cabinets to devise a common counter-drug strategy.) (1 - In the 200 metres, Lizzy and Sarah came first and third respectively /= Lizzy won the race and Sarah was third/.)

각각의, 각자의, ...에 따라, 저마다의, 존경스러운 (1. relating or belonging to each of the separate people or things you have just mentioned)

angle (ANG-gu̲h̲ l) (1 - The angles of a square are 90 degrees.) (4 - The photographer kept moving around to find the best angle for the picture. Look at this from another angle.) (5 - The path angles to the left. [ T ] We angled the light to take the picture.)

각도, 모, 양상, 시각 (1. the space measured in degrees between two lines or surfaces from the point where they meet) (2. The _____ of depression is the _____ formed when viewing something from below the horizontal.) (3. The _____ of elevation is the _____ formed when viewing something from above the horizontal.) (4. a position from which something is seen, or a way of seeing something) (5. to turn, or to move something so that it is not in a straight line or in the center)

interval (IN-ter-vu̲h̲ l) (1 - If there is a fire, the alarm will sound at 15-second intervals. We've positioned guards around the embassy at intervals of 10 feet.)

간격, 기간, 휴식 시간 (1. a period between two events or times, or the space between two points) (2. Br An ________ is an intermission.) (3. the difference in pitch between two notes) (4. the set of all numbers between two the two particular numbers given)

nurse (nurs) (1 - The hospital has at least five nurses on duty in the pediatrics ward all the time.) (2 - I'm planning to nurse /the baby/ for at least three months.) (3 - Oklahoma was nursing a 7-3 lead over Texas with two minutes left.) (4 - After my mother's operation, she stayed with us for a while until we nursed her back to health.) (5 - Robert stayed home today, nursing a bad back.)

간호사 (병원의), 유모, 애보기, 젖을 먹이다, 양육하다, 의료처치를 제공하다 (1. a person trained to care for people who are ill or not able to care for themselves because of injury or old age, and who may also help doctors in treating people) (2. to feed a baby from the breast, or of a baby, to drink from a woman's breast) (3. to make something continue to exist) (4. to care for people who are sick or cannot care for themselves because of injury or old age) (5. If you _____ an injury, you rest it to help it get better)

gap (gap) (1 - Picking up speed, she closed the gap between them. She has a gap between her front teeth.) (2 - After a gap of five years, Juanita decided to go back to work full-time.) (3 - Some people read to fill in gaps in their education.) (4 - He was trying to bridge the gap between elders and youth, the middle class and poor.)

갈라진 틈, 빈틈, 빈 공간, 큰 차이 (1. an empty space or opening in the middle of something or between two things) (2. A ___ can be a period in which something does not happen) (3. A ___ can also be something lacking) (4. A ___ can also be a difference between people)

brown (broun) (1 - a brown suit) (3 - First brown the meat and then cook it slowly.)

갈색의, 밤색의, 햇볕에 그을린, 생각에 잠긴, 갈색, 해볕에 그을음 (1. /of/ the color of chocolate or earth) (2. /a person/ having _____ skin) (3. to make food _____ by cooking it)

transaction (tran-SAK-shu̲h̲ n, -ZAK-) (1 - a business transaction Each transaction at the foreign exchange counter seems to take forever. We need to monitor the transaction of smaller deals.)

거래, 처리, 취급 (1. an occasion when someone buys or sells something, or when money is exchanged or the activity of buying or selling something)

monitor (MON-i-ter) (1 - a computer monitor) (2 - United Nations monitors were prevented from entering the area. A fetal monitor records an unborn baby's heartbeat.) (3 - the attendance monitor) (4 - They hired an accountant to help monitor cash flow. The nurse is monitoring his heart rate and respiration.)

감독생, 경고가 되는 것, 모니터 함, 큰도마뱀, 감시기, 텔레비전의 송신 상태의 감시용 텔레비전 화면 (1. a device with a screen on which words or pictures can be shown) (2. a person who has the job of watching or checking particular things, or a machine that regularly tests or records things) (3. In school, a _______ is a student with special duties who helps the teacher) (4. to watch and check something carefully over a period of time)

grateful (GREYT-fu̲h̲ l) (1 - I'm grateful for your love and support.) (1 - We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Lincoln Fund.)

감사하는, 고마운 (1. showing or expressing thanks, esp. to another person)

thank (thangk) (1 - Don't thank me, thank my father - he paid for it.) (2 - You can thank John for this disaster.)

감사하다 (1. to express appreciation to someone for something the person has done) (2. disapproving If you _____ someone for something bad, you mean that the person is responsible for it)

appreciate (u̲h̲-PREE-shee-eyt) (1 - I appreciate that this is a difficult decision for you.) (2 - I appreciated your help very much.) (3 - Our house appreciated by 20% in two years.)

감사하다, 인정하다, 감상하다, 평가, 이해하다 (1. to be aware of something, or to understand that something is valuable) (2. To __________ something also means to be grateful for something) (3. to increase in value)

dare (dair) (1 - She wouldn't dare go out alone there at night. [ I ] He wanted to touch it, but he didn't dare.) (2 - I dare you to ask him to dance.) (3 - He jumped into the river on a dare.)

감히 ...하다, 어려움을 무릅쓰다, 위험한 것이나 어려운 것에 도전하다, 모험, 시도 (1. to be brave enough to do something difficult or dangerous or that you should not do) (2. to ask someone to do something that involves risk) (3. something difficult or dangerous that you do because someone asks you to do it)

deck (dek) (1 - In summer, we always eat out on the deck - except when it rains.) (2 - Waves washed over the deck.) (4 - A key player was decked three times during yesterday's basketball game.)

갑판, 배의 갑판, 카드게임의 한세트, 집이나 건물에 붙어있는 나무로 된 발코니, 갑판을 깔다 (1. a wooden floor outside a house, usually with railings /= a low fence/ and without a roof) (2. A ship's ____ is a floor laid between the sides of the ship) (3. a set of cards used for playing card games) (4. to hit someone and cause that person to fall)

channel (CHAN-l) (2 - the English Channel) (3 - She switched to another channel to watch the news.) (4 - We've established a regular distribution channel for these products.) (5 - A lot of money has been channeled into cancer research.)

강바닥, 수로, 해협, 경로, 채널, 방향, 도랑, 홈, 홈쇠, 현측 계류판 (1. a passage for water or other liquids to flow along, or a part of a river or other area of water that is deep and wide enough to provide a route for ships to travel along) (2. A _______ is also a narrow part of the sea between a continent and an island) (3. a television station) (4. a way of giving, directing, or communicating something) (5. to direct something into a particular place or situation)

emphasis (EM-fu̲h̲-sis) (1 - She paused for emphasis. [ U ] In schools, the emphasis on programming has declined in recent years.)

강조, 중점, 중요, 중시, 주안점 (1. special attention given to something because it is important or because you want it to be noticed, or an example of this)

conception (ku̲h̲ n-SEP-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Most children have no conception of time.)

개념, 임신, 계획 (1. an idea or a particular way you understand or think about something, or a basic understanding of a situation or principle) (2. the process in which a baby starts to form in the uterus from the coming together of a sperm and an egg)

summary (SUHM-u̲h̲-ree) (1 - The assignment was to write a summary of the news.) (2 - In summary, Chen's book is a good introduction to the subject.)

개요, 요약, 요약한, 빠른, 약식의, 지체없이 행해진 (1. a brief, clear statement giving the most important facts about something) (2. In _______ is said before giving a final, brief statement)

custom (KUHS-tu̲h̲ m) (1 - It was a time-honored custom of the club that blue chairs were reserved for senior members only. [ C ] She's studying the language and customs of the Hopi Indians.) (2 - He left the house at nine exactly, as was his custom.) (3 - custom drapes/woodworking customize verb [ T ] us ​) (3 - We will customize existing software to meet our clients' needs.)

개인적으로 주문하여 만든, 관습, 전통, 관례 (1. a way of behaving or a belief that has been established for a long time among a group of people) (2. something you usually do) (3. made for a particular person to buy)

intervention (in-ter-VEN-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The intervention by UN troops prevented fighting from breaking out.)

개입, 간섭, 신의 중재 (1. the act or fact of becoming involved intentionally in a difficult situation)

item (noun, verb AHY-tu̲h̲ m; adverb AHY-tem) (1 - There were several more items on the agenda.) (2 - a news item in this morning's newspaper basic food items such as butter)

개조, 항목, 뉴스이야기, 사설 (1. one thing that is a part of a list or a collection of things) (2. An ____ is also a particular thing considered as one among others of its type)

carriage (KAR-ij; for 9 also KAR-ee-ij) (3 - She had great stage presence and perfect carriage.)

객차, 마차, 운송 (1. a vehicle with four wheels pulled by a horse or horses) (2. A ________ is also a baby carriage.) (3. the way in which you hold your body when standing or moving around)

enormous (ih-NAWR-mu̲h̲ s) (1 - He ate an enormous helping of pasta. The wealthy will get enormous tax cuts under the proposal.)

거대한, 막대한, 엄청난 (1. extremely large or great)

assist (u̲h̲-SIST) (1 - The company said it would assist workers in finding new jobs. [ I ] No one knew where my grandfather was, and many came to assist in the search.) (1 - With some financial assistance, we'll be able to start our own business.)

거들다, 돕다 (1. to take action to help someone or support something)

mirror (MIR-er) (1 - a rear-view mirror a hand mirror) (2 - The law is a mirror of the nation's character.)

거울, 거울 보기, 반사, 비추다, 거울같이 비추다 (1. a piece of glass with a back that reflects light, producing an image of whatever is in front of it) (2. a copy of something; something that is similar to something else) (3. to be a copy of something; be similar to something)

scarcely (SKAIRS-lee) (1 - I could scarcely move my arm after the accident.) (2 - He would scarcely have broken it on purpose.)

거의, 겨우, 가까스로 (1. only just or almost not) (2. certainly not)

lie (lahy) (1 - The mechanic was lying on his back underneath my car. [ I always + adv/prep ] I love to lie down in front of the fire and read. [ L ] He lies awake at night, worrying.) (2 - The river lies 40 miles to the south of us. [ I always + adv/prep ] You shouldn't leave that check lying around /= not in its place/.) (3 - Both witnesses lied to the police about what happened. [ T always + adv/prep ] She lied her way past the guards.) (3 - Her report is full of lies and misinformation.)

거짓말, 사기, 방향, 위치, 상태, 형세, 동물의 둥우리, 거짓말 하다, 사실이 아닌 것을 이야기 하다 (1. to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface) (2. If something lies in a particular place, position, condition, or direction it is in that place, position, condition, or direction) (3. to say something that is not true in order to deceive)

rough (ruhf) (1 - It was a rough road, full of potholes. Her laugh was rough and loud.) (2 - The sea was too rough for sailing. They live in a rough neighborhood.) (3 - She's had a rough year - she lost her job, then her father died.) (4 - I quickly made a rough table from some boards.) (4 - The team had a reputation for playing rough.)

거칠게 하다, 징을 박다, 말에 징을 박다, 편자에 징을 박다, 난폭하게 다루다, 대충 갈다 (1. /of a surface/ not even or smooth) (2. violent or stormy) (3. difficult or unpleasant) (4. not exact or detailed; approximate)

worry (WUR-ee, WUHR-ee) (1 - If you get a monthly train ticket, you won't have to worry about buying a ticket every day. [ I ] My mother always worries about me when I don't come home by midnight. [ I ] "Will you be all right walking home?" "Don't worry - I'll be fine." [ + that clause ] She worried that she might not be able to find another job. [ T ] A lot of things worried him about his roommate.) (1 - Fortunately, right now we don't have any worries about money.)

걱정하다, 걱정시키다, 귀찮게하다, 성가시게 하다, 이빨로 고기를 물어뜯다, 조금씩 노력해서 진전되다 (1. to think about problems or unpleasant things that make you anxious, or to make someone feel anxious)

architecture (AHR-ki-tek-cher) (1 - modern/classical/Gothic architecture He studied architecture with Gropius.) (1 - Framed architectural drawings hung on the walls of his office.)

건축, 설계, 아키텍처 (1. the art and science of designing and making buildings, or the style of a building)

hang (hang) (1 - There was no wind, and the flag hung straight down. [ T ] I plan to hang this picture in the hall.) (2 - He was sentenced to die and was hanged the next morning.) (3 - Smoke from the campfires hung in the air.) (4 - Hang a left/right at the next corner.)

걸다, 교살하다, 매달아 두다, 족자같은 것으로 장식하다, 벽에 바르다, 벽에 내걸다 (1. to attach or support something at the top, leaving the other part parts free, or to be held in this way) (2. to kill someone by fixing a rope around the neck and tying it to something above the person and then causing the body to drop down suddenly) (3. to stay in the air) (4. to turn to the left or right)

trip (trip) (1 - a camping/shopping trip We plan to take a trip out west later this year. They went on a three-week trip to Europe. Alejandro had to make a number of business trips to New York.) (2 - What a trip this book is!) (3 - He injured his ankle when he tripped over a water sprinkler while jogging. [ I ] She nearly tripped on the rug.)

걸려 넘어지다, 넘어지게 하다, 실수하다, 경쾌하게 걷다, 경쾌한 걸음으로 춤추다 (1. an occasion on which someone goes to a place and returns from it, or the act of traveling from one place to another) (2. a strongly felt experience) (3. to lose your balance because your foot hits against something when you are walking or running, or to cause someone to lose his or her balance)

pace (peys) (1 - She walks four miles every day at a brisk pace. You seem to be working at a slower pace than normal.) (2 - fig. The Orioles won their ninth straight game to keep pace with Boston.) (3 - She paced back and forth outside the courtroom.) (4 - It was a cheaply produced film, sluggishly paced and poorly acted.) (5 - Smith scored 17 points to pace North Springs to a 78-38 victory.)

걸음, 걸음거리, 속도, 박자, 규칙적으로 걷다, 보조를 맞추어 걷다, 속도를 조정하다 (1. the speed at which someone or something moves, or with which something happens or changes) (2. To keep ____ is to be in the same position as someone or something else as each progresses or moves forward) (3. to walk in one direction and then in the opposite direction, often because you are worried or waiting for something to happen) (4. to move, happen, or progress) (5. To ____ a group or the members of a group is to lead them or stay even with them)

aim (eym) (1 - I turned and saw a big man aiming a camera at me.) (2 - These ads are aimed at young people.) (3 - The measures aimed at preserving family life. This book aims at attracting the serious reader.) (4 - The commission's aim was to convince workers of their extreme importance in ship production.) (5 - She raised her bow, took aim, and hit the bull's-eye.)

겨누다, 겨냥하다, 목표 삼다, 빗대어 말하다, 의도하다, ...할 작정이다, 계획하다 (1. to point or direct a weapon or other object toward someone or something) (2. To ___ something is also to direct it toward someone whom you want to influence or toward achieving something) (3. to plan for a specific purpose; intend) (4. a result that your plans or actions are intended to achieve) (5. the act of pointing a weapon toward something)

suffer (SUHF-er) (1 - About 50,000 bicyclists suffer serious head injuries each year. [ T ] Block's own farm has suffered large financial setbacks. [ I ] If you and your husband have jobs in different cities, your marriage is likely to suffer.) (2 - She suffers in cold weather when her joints get stiff. He suffers from migraine headaches.)

겪다, 고통을 받다, 입다, 앓다, 고생하다 (1. to experience or show the effects of something bad) (2. to experience physical or mental pain)

elite (ih-LEET, ey-LEET) (1 - elite female athletes)

엘리트, 우수한 것, 탁월한 것, 상위층, 고위층 (1. those people or organizations that are considered the best or most powerful compared to others of a similar type)

estimate (verb ES-tu̲h̲-meyt; noun ES-tu̲h̲-mit, -meyt) (1 - I can only make a rough estimate /= an amount that is not exact/ of how many people will attend.) (3 - We estimated his wealth at $500 million. [ + /that/ clause ] Doctors estimate /that/ he has a 70 percent chance of recovering.)

견적, 평가, 의견, 견해, 판단, 평가하다, 의견을 갖다, 판단하다, 견해를 갖다 (1. a judgment or calculation of approximately how large or how great something is) (2. An ________ is also a statement of the likely cost of building something or doing some other work.) (3. to guess the size, cost, etc., of something)

outcome (OUT-kuhm) (1 - It's too early to predict the outcome of the election.)

결과, 성과, 소산 (1. the result or effect of an action, situation, or event) (2. An _______ is one of the possible results in a probability /= likelihood/ experiment.)

consequence (KON-si-kwens, -kwu̲h̲ ns) (1 - For someone who is old and weak, the consequences of a broken hip can be serious.) (2 - Last summer there were 15 hurricanes, but only one was of any consequence.)

결과, 중요성, 결말 (1. a result of an action or situation, esp. /in the plural/ a bad result) (2. the condition of having a lasting effect; importance)

resolve (ri-ZOLV) (1 - The couple resolved their differences.) (2 - They resolved that they would never argue over money. [ + to infinitive ] I resolved to run a mile a day.) (3 - The experience increased her resolve to change careers.)

결심, 결단, 결단력, 확고함, 결심하다, 결정하다, 풀다, 해결하다, 용해하다 (1. to solve or end a problem or difficulty) (2. to make a determined decision) (3. strong determination)

fault (fawlt) (1 - He loves me in spite of my faults. Some people find fault in everything they see.) (2 - I screwed up, so it was my fault we didn't finish on time. The driver was at fault /= responsible/ for the accident - he was going too fast.) (4 - Professional athletes cannot be faulted for making millions of dollars when they attract the fans that make the sport popular.)

결점, 흠, 과실, 실책, 실수, 책임 (1. a quality in a person that shows that the person is not perfect, or a condition of something that shows that it is not working perfectly) (2. responsibility for a mistake or for having done something wrong) (3. a crack in the earth's surface where the rock is divided into two parts that can move against each other in an earthquake /= a sudden, violent movement of the earth's surface/) (4. to blame someone)

crucial (KROO-shu̲h̲ l) (1 - The behavior of the oceans is a crucial aspect of global warming.) (1 - The band wants to win over fans and, more crucially, radio programmers.)

결정적인, 중대한, 매우 중대한 (1. /of a decision or event/ extremely important because many other things depend on it)

decide (dih-SAHYD) (1 - I decided I would try it. [ + to infinitive ] In the end, we decided to go to the theater. [ + question word ] We're trying to decide how to proceed. [ + /that/ clause ] He decided /that/ it was his business.) (2 - A mistake by our team decided the game against us.) (3 - The deciding factor in choosing this school was that it was far from home.)

결정하다, 하기로 하다 (1. to choose between one possibility or another) (2. If something decides a result in a competition, it causes that result) (3. A deciding factor is something so important that it forces a particular decision)

union (YOON-yu̲h̲ n)

결합, 합동, 합병, 두개 이상의 단체 또는 개인의 결합, 노동조합, 연합, 부부사이 (1. the act or the state of being joined together) (2. The _____ of two people refers to marriage.) (3. a political unit made up of two or more separate units such as states) (4. In the American Civil War, the _____ refers to the states that did not separate from the United States.) (5. a labor union)

wedding (WED-ing) (1 - Rosie's wedding is in July. She had an elegant wedding dress.)

결혼, 웨딩 (1. a ceremony in which two people marry)

lord (lawrd) (2 - a feudal lord a crime lord) (4 - Oh Lord! I've forgotten the tickets!)

경, 지배자, 대지주, 귀족 (1. /in some countries/ a title of a man who has a specially high social rank, or the person himself) (2. A ____ is also a man who has a lot of power in a particular area) (3. /in the Christian and Jewish religions/ God) (4. Some people say ____ to express surprise, shock, or worry)

boundary (BOUN-du̲h̲-ree, -dree) (1 - You can camp anywhere inside the boundaries of the park. Your work is limited only by the boundaries of your imagination.)

경계, 영역, 한계, 테두리 (1. an edge or limit of something)

manage (MAN-ij) (1 - The pilot managed to land the plane safely. [ + to infinitive ] We managed to live on very little money. [ I ] Don't worry about us - we'll manage.) (2 - Does she have any experience managing large projects?)

경영하다, 지도하다, 감독하다, 초래하다, 수행하다, 성공하다, 처리하다, 다루다 (1. to succeed in doing something, esp. something difficult) (2. to control or organize someone or something, esp. a business)

landscape (LAND-skeyp) (2 - She collects early twentieth century landscapes.) (3 - a desert landscape) (4 - The park was beautifully landscaped.)

경치, 풍경화, 풍경화법, 산수, 미화하다, 녹화하다, 조경술을 써서 미화하다 (1. a large area of countryside, usually one without many buildings or other things that are not natural) (2. A _________ is also a view or picture of the countryside) (3. the shape of the land and related features in a particular area) (4. to change the appearance of an area of land, esp. by planting trees, flowers, and other plants)

aside (u̲h̲-SAHYD) (1 - I pushed aside the curtain and looked out the window. I took her aside /= out of hearing distance of other people/ to tell her to behave herself. The governor wants to set aside /= keep separate and not spend/ $50 million for emergencies.)

곁에, 곁으로, ...외에, 게다가 (1. on or to one side)

valley (VAL-ee)

계곡, 유역, 골짜기 (1. an area of low land between hills or mountains, often with a river or stream running through it)

hierarchy (HAHY-u̲h̲-rahr-kee, HAHY-rahr-) (1 - He rapidly rose in the corporate hierarchy.)

계급 제도, 계층제, 계급제 (1. a system in which people or things are put at various levels or ranks according to their importance)

counter (KOUN-ter) (1 - He sat down at the counter of the diner and ordered a cup of coffee.) (3 - To counter the inaccuracies in the movie, researchers used computer models to project climate changes.) (4 - David's decision to drop out of school to write plays ran counter to /= was directly opposite to/ his parent's expectations.)

계산대, 카운터 (식당이나 주방 등에서), 계산기, 반대로, 반대의, 대응의 (1. a long, flat, narrow surface in a store, bank, restaurant, etc., at which people are served) (2. A _______ is also a flat surface in a kitchen on which food can be prepared.) (3. to react to something with an opposing opinion or action; to defend yourself against something) (4. in a way that opposes an opinion or action)

bill (bil) (1 - We still have doctors' bills to pay.) (3 - He pulled out a thick wad of bills and gave me $20.) (4 - After a bill is passed by both houses of Congress, it becomes law when the president signs it.) (6 - Some places will bill you, but at others you have to pay right away.)

계산서, 청구서, 증권, 어음, 부리, 주둥이, 닻혀의 끝, 의안, ...에게 계산서를 보내다 (1. a list of expenses to be paid, or the total amount of costs or expenses) (2. A ____ is also a check .) (3. a piece of paper money) (4. a formal statement of a planned new law that is discussed by a government or legislature before being voted on) (5. the beak of a bird) (6. to send someone a statement of what is owed)

scheme (skeem) (1 - The committee came up with a creative fundraising scheme. The yellow and white color scheme brightened up the kitchen.) (2 - They devised a scheme to defraud the government of millions of dollars.) (3 - He was scheming to get the top job from the moment he joined the company.)

계획, 안, 설계, 체계, 조직, 책동, 음모, 표, 도식, 도해, 계획하다 (1. a plan for doing or organizing something) (2. A ______ is also a secret and dishonest plan) (3. to make a plan, esp. a secret and dishonest one)

noble (NOH-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - It was a noble effort to achieve a peaceful settlement to the conflict.) (2 - a noble family related to the queen)

고귀한, 고결한, 명예로운, 당당한, 귀중한, 귀족 출신의 사람 (1. having or showing high moral qualities or character) (2. having a high social rank, esp. from birth) (3. a person of high social rank, esp. from birth)

meat (meet) (1 - Get a pound of chopped meat from the supermarket on your way home.)

고기, 육류, 육식, 살코기 (1. the flesh of an animal when it is used for food)

select (si-LEKT) (1 - They have the option of selecting the school that they want their kids to go to. [ I ] You can select from among the offerings shown on this screen.) (2 - select fruit/school a select group of people)

고르다, 선발하다, 뽑다, 고른, 선택된, 우수한, 엄선된, 까다로운 (1. to choose something, or to make a choice) (2. the best of its type or highest in quality)

loop (loop) (1 - A loop of thread from my sweater caught on a nail. The exit ramp makes a loop under the elevated highway.) (1 - The nature trail loops around and comes back to where you start.)

고리, 휘거나 둥근모양의 것, 루프모양으로 생긴 피임기구, 공중제비, 고리로 만들다 (1. a circular shape made by something long and narrow in which the two ends cross each other, leaving an open space within)

inspire (in-spahyu̲h̲ r) (1 - She inspired her students to do the best they could.) (2 - A successful TV program inspires many imitations.)

고무하다, 영감을 주다, 격려하다, 고취하다 (1. to fill someone with confidence and desire to do something) (2. If something or someone inspires something else, it causes or leads to it)

distress (dih-STRES) (1 - emotional/financial distress Four men were rescued from a fishing boat in distress off the coast.) (1 - Rice appeared distressed about the argument and could not talk about it.) (1 - It is distressing that so little progress has been made after all this time.)

고민, 비탄, 고통, 고민거리, 괴롭게 하다, 곤란하게 하다, 슬프게 하다, 가구를 옛날것 처럼 하다 (1. great mental or physical suffering, such as extreme anxiety, sadness, or pain, or the state of being in danger or urgent need)

rank (rangk) (1 - You get more privileges if you have a higher rank. [ U ] He rose quickly in rank.) (1 - She has been near the top of the 800-meter rankings for the past 13 years.) (2 - a rank odor)

고약한 냄새가 나는, 비옥한, 땅이 기름진, 무성한, 계급, 등급 (1. a position in relation to others higher or lower, showing the importance or authority of the person having it) (2. smelling very unpleasant)

cat (kat)

고양이, 고양이과 동물(사자, 호라이, 표범 등), 심술궂은 여자, 닻걸이에 끌어 올리다(항해) (1. a small, furry animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet, or any of a group of related animals that are wild, and some of which are large and fierce, such as the lion) (2. /abbreviation for/ computerized axial tomography /= a way of taking pictures of structures inside the body/)

calm (kahm; older use kam; spelling pronunciation kahlm) (1 - The pilot said we'd have to make an emergency landing, and the flight attendants tried to keep us calm.) (2 - Our ship arrived at the Mississippi delta on a calm, clear night.) (2 - Amid the calm, there was a sense that something could happen at any moment.) (2 - He calmly made both free throws to win the game.) (2 - The calmness and professionalism of the crew gave us confidence.) (3 - He tried his best to calm her /down/. [ I ] I needed some time to calm down.)

고요한, 평온한, 가라앉히다, 진정시키다, 평정, 고요함 (1. peaceful, quiet, or relaxed; without hurried movement, anxiety, or noise) (2. If weather is described as calm, it is not windy, and if the sea is described as calm, it is still or has only small waves) (3. to lessen someone's anxiety or make them more peaceful, quiet, or relaxed)

employ (em-PLOI) (1 - The factory employs 87 workers.) (2 - Jacobs employs this phrase repeatedly.)

고용하다, ...에 종사하다, 사용하다 (1. to pay someone to work or do a job for you) (2. to use something for a particular purpose)

excess (noun ik-SES, EK-ses; adjective, verb EK-ses, ik-SES) (1 - They both eat to excess . The company's losses are in excess of $5 million.) (1 - We felt the charges were excessive.) (2 - excess baggage)

과도함, 여유분, 초과, 부절제, 여유분의, 남아도는, 여분의 (1. an amount that is more than acceptable, expected, or reasonable) (2. more than is necessary; too much)

hurt (hurt) (1 - Tell me where it hurts. [ I ] My leg hurts. [ T ] Stop! You're hurting me! [ T ] Emilio hurt his back when he fell off a ladder.) (2 - A lot of businesses are being hurt by high interest rates. [ T ] His lack of experience may hurt his chances of getting the job.) (3 - I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.) (4 - I saw you fall - are you hurt? Naomi was hurt by your criticism.) (5 - It's a hurt that he has tried all his life to heal.)

고통받게하다, ...에 상처를 내다, 상하게 하다, 상처를 입다, 해를 입다, 마음 상하게 하다 (1. to feel pain, or to cause pain or injury to yourself or someone else) (2. To ____ also means to cause harm or difficulty) (3. To ____ someone can also mean to make someone upset or unhappy) (4. feeling pain or being upset) (5. emotional pain)

grain (greyn) (1 - Wheat and rye are two common grains used in making bread. [ U ] Grain is one of the main exports of the American Midwest.) (2 - grains of sand There was a grain of truth in what she said. You haven't got a grain of sense.) (3 - Polishing the wood brings out its grain.)

곡물, 낟알, 씨, 곡식을 생산하는 식물, 입자, 소량, 결, 짜임새 (1. a seed from a plant, esp. a grass such as wheat, or the crop from such a plant) (2. a very small piece of a hard substance, or a small amount of something) (3. the natural pattern of lines in the surface of a material, such as wood or rock, or the direction in which the fibers that form these substances lie)

corn (kawrn) (1 - Let's pick up a half dozen ears of corn for supper.)

곡물, 밀, 옥수수, 곡식의 낟알, 혹, 고기를 소금에 절여 보존하다 (1. a tall plant grown for its whole yellow or white seeds which are eaten cooked, made into flour, or fed to animals) (2. a small, often painful area of hard skin that forms on the foot, esp. on the toes)

curve (kurv) (1 - The road curves around the cemetery.) (1 - a curve in a road)

곡선, 만곡부, 구부러진 곳, 커브길, 굽히다, 구부러지게 하다, 휘다, 만곡시키다 (1. to form or move in the direction of a line that turns continuously and has no straight parts, or to cause something to do this)

fix (fiks) (1 - I'll fix that broken chair today.) (2 - I need to fix my hair.) (4 - Let's fix a date for our next meeting.) (5 - Fix the shelf to the wall with screws. I tried to fix the directions in my mind.) (6 - I'll fix you if you come around here taking vegetables from my garden again!) (7 - Will you fix dinner?) (8 - We had our cat fixed.) (9 - He's in a fix and needs our help.) (10 - The website supplies me my daily fix of rock and roll facts.)

곤경(속어), 위치 (개인이나 배의 위치), 확실한 이해, 마약복용 (속어), 결정하다 (1. to repair or adjust something) (2. to arrange or put in place) (3. To ___ something such as a race or game or an election is to illegally arrange who will win.) (4. to choose a time or place to do something) (5. to attach in order to keep in one place) (6. to hurt or punish someone) (7. to cook or prepare food or drink) (8. to remove an organ an animal needs to reproduce) (9. a situation causing trouble or problems) (10. an amount of a something that someone needs)

aggressive (u̲h̲-GRES-iv) (1 - The company mounted an aggressive marketing campaign. You have to be aggressive if you want to succeed in this business.) (1 - The company is aggressively pursuing new business opportunities.)

공격적인, 적극적인, 과감한 (1. using strong, forceful methods esp. to sell or persuade)

servant (SUR-vu̲h̲ nt) (2 - a civil/public servant)

공무원, 하인, 고용인, 봉사자 (1. a person who is employed to do work for another person, esp. to work in another person's home doing jobs such as cooking and cleaning) (2. _______ is also used in combination to mean someone working for the public)

blank (blangk) (1 - I needed a blank form to fill in. The computer screen suddenly went blank.) (3 - Just fill out the order blank and fax it to me.)

공백의, 백지식의, 공백, 여백, 백지, 빈칸, 빈칸을 나타내는 표 (1. having no printing, writing, or images) (2. A _____ expression on someone's face shows no emotion.) (3. a form that has spaces to write in, or a space on a form) (4. A _____ is also a cartridge /= container filled with explosive powder/ that does not contain a bullet.)

fancy (FAN-see) (1 - I wanted a simple black dress, nothing fancy.) (2 - What's your fancy?) (3 - When she was young she fancied herself a rebel.) (4 - There are two things he fancies - fast cars and thunderous music.)

공상, 상상, 상상적인 생가, 생각, 심상, 환상, 변덕, 일시적 유행, 기호 (1. decorative or complicated, or /of restaurants, stores, or hotels/ expensive) (2. something that you like very much) (3. to imagine or think that something is so) (4. to like or wish for)

formula (FAWR-myu̲h̲-lu̲h̲) (1 - The company announced that it was changing its soft-drink formula to make it sweeter.) (3 - The formula for success in business, he said, is a willingness to take risks.)

공식, 포뮬러 1, 방식, 유동식, 처방 (1. the exact chemical parts that a mixture consists of) (2. _______ is a liquid food mixture that is fed to babies instead of mother's milk.) (3. A _______ is also any plan or method for doing something well) (4. A _______ is an equation /= set of numbers and letters representing two equal amounts/ that shows how one amount depends on one or more other amounts.)

factory (FAK-tu̲h̲-ree, -tree) (1 - She worked in a factory that produced air conditioners.)

공장, 회사, 팩토리, 제조소 (1. a building or buildings where people use machines to produce goods)

equity (EK-wi-tee) (1 - How much equity do you have in your home? [ C/U ])

공평, 공정, 재산 (1. the money value of a property or business after debts have been subtracted) (2. An ______ is also one of the equal parts, or shares, into which the value of a company is divided.) (3. equal treatment; fairness)

horror (HAWR-er, HOR-) (1 - the horrors of war [ U ] People cried out in horror as they watched the building burn.)

공포, 두려움, 놀람, 충격, 끔찍하고 무서운 것, 꺼림칙한 것, 흉악함 (1. a strong feeling of fear, shock, or disgust, or an event that produces such a feeling)

lesson (LES-u̲h̲ n) (1 - Have you ever taken piano lessons?) (2 - Losing his job was a lesson he never forgot.)

과, 학과, 숙제, 공부해야 되는 것, 수업, 교습, 지식이나 교훈을 주는 경험 (1. a period of time during which something is taught) (2. A ______ is also a useful piece of information learned through experience)

fruit (froot) (1 - We eat a lot of fruits and vegetables at our house. [ U ] I usually eat a piece of fresh fruit with my lunch.) (3 - The fruits of economic growth are starting to make a difference in the lives of many workers.)

과일, 결실, 결과 (1. an edible and usually sweet product of a plant or tree that contains seeds or a pit /= large hard seed/) (2. _____ is also the part of a plant that contains the seed from which a new plant can grow.) (3. the result of work or actions, esp. if pleasant or successful)

tube (toob, tyoob) (1 - a copper tube She lay in the hospital, tubes going in and out of her.) (2 - bronchial tubes) (3 - a tube of toothpaste/ointment) (4 - What's on the tube tonight?)

관, 통, 길다란 속이 빈 물건, 터널 (1. a long, hollow cylinder of plastic, metal, rubber, or glass, used for moving or containing liquids or gases) (2. A ____ is also one of the body's hollow cylindrical structures that carries air or liquid) (3. a cylindrical container made of soft metal or plastic which is closed at one end and has a small opening at the other, usually with a cover, and is used for holding thick liquids) (4. television)

generous (JEN-er-u̲h̲ s) (1 - a generous donor food in generous portions generously adverb us ​) (1 - Please give generously to those in need.)

관대한, 후한, 너그러운, 마음이 넓은, 아량이 있는 (1. /of someone/ willing to give help or support, esp. more than is usual or expected, or /of something/ larger than usual or expected)

involve (in-VOLV) (1 - The accident involved two cars and a truck. The operation involves inserting a small tube into the heart.) (2 - A good teacher tries to involve children in activities where they interact with each other.)

관련되다, 참여하다, 연루되다, 포함하다, 수반하다 (1. to include someone or something in an activity) (2. to make someone interested in taking part in something)

observe (u̲h̲ b-ZURV) (1 - She spent her career observing animal behavior. [ + question word ] On their field trip, the students observed how a newspaper was put together.) (2 - Jack observed a look of panic on his brother's face.) (4 - "It's raining again," he observed.) (5 - You must observe the law.)

관찰하다, 지키다, 보다, 준수하다, 목격하다 (1. to watch something or someone carefully) (2. to notice something or someone) (3. to study and record information about a scientific event) (4. to remark about something) (5. to obey a law or rule, or celebrate a holiday or religious event in a traditional way)

advertise (AD-ver-tahyz, ad-ver-TAHYZ) (1 - He advertises his business on the Internet. [ I ] I'm going to advertise for /= put a notice in the newspaper asking for/ someone to clean my house.) (1 - Car companies are major TV advertisers.)

광고하다, 홍보하다, 선전하다, 알리다 (1. to make something known generally or in public, esp. in order to sell it)

ray (rey) (3 - One couple seems interested in buying our house, which is a ray of hope after all these months.)

광선, 번득임, 어떤 것에 대한 번득임, 번득이다, 빛 따위가 번득이다, 희망 따위가 번득이다 (1. a narrow beam of light, heat, or energy) (2. half of a line) (3. a slight amount or signal of something good)

pick (pik) (1 - She's been picked for the Olympic team. We finally picked February 14 as the date for our wedding.) (2 - I picked a piece of lint off my suit. We picked apples yesterday.) (4 - They worked with a pick and shovel.) (5 - Mick gets first pick of where to sit. [ C ] Here are my picks for the ten best restaurants.)

괭이, 흙을 흩뿌리는 도구, 곡괭이, 흙을 파는데 사용되는 도구, 선택, 현악기의 채 (1. to take some things and leave others) (2. to remove or move something with your fingers or hands) (3. a thin piece of plastic or metal used to pull at the strings of a guitar) (4. a pickax, or a sharp, pointed tool) (5. a choice, or something that is chosen)

curriculum (ku̲h̲-RIK-yu̲h̲-lu̲h̲ m)

교과 과정, 커리큘럼 (1. all the courses given in a school, college, etc., or a particular course of study in one subject)

prison (PRIZ-u̲h̲ n) (1 - He was sent to prison for life.)

교도소, 감옥 (1. a building where criminals are kept as a punishment)

professor (pru̲h̲-FES-er) (1 - Professor W. B.)

교수, 박사, 선생 (1. a teacher of high rank in an American university or college)

faculty (FAK-u̲h̲ l-tee) (2 - Even though she is 102, she still has all of her faculties.)

교수진, 교직원, 학부, 능력 (1. the people who teach in a college or university, or in a department of a college or university) (2. any natural ability, such as hearing, seeing, or thinking)

traffic (TRAF-ik) (1 - heavy/rush-hour traffic Air traffic has increased 30% in the last decade.) (2 - They're trying to cut down on the traffic in exotic birds being sold illegally.) (3 - He was charged with trafficking in stolen goods.)

교통, 교통 운수업, 무역, 고객수, 교섭, 매매하다, 거래하다, 교섭을 갖다 (1. the movement of vehicles or people along roads, or the movement of aircraft, trains, or ships along a route) (2. illegal trade) (3. to buy and sell something illegally)

sphere (sfeer) (1 - This changes the shape of the cornea from a spoonlike form to a sphere.) (2 - In the foreign policy sphere, Li also indicated that China is ready to include human rights in its diplomacy. When the children played they always remained within the sphere of their own little group.)

구, 둥그런 입체의 기하학적인 모양, 공, 지구, 천공, 행성, 영역, 권 (1. a solid shape like a round ball) (2. a range or area of activity)

shoe (shoo) (1 - flat/high-heeled shoes running/tennis shoes He put on/took off his new pair of shoes. Hurry and do up/lace up your shoes.)

구두, 편자, 자동차의 제동자, 구두를 신기다, 쇠굴레를 끼우다 (1. one of a pair of coverings for your feet, usually made of a strong material such as leather, with a thick leather or plastic sole /= base/ and usually a heel) (2. a horse____ ) (3. If you ____ a horse, you nail a horse____ /= a curved piece of metal/ to one or each of its feet.)

curious (kyo̲o̲ r-ee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - I'm curious to see what's going to happen on the political scene.) (2 - A curious figure in a red cape and black boots darted into the building.)

궁금한, 알고 싶은, 이상한, 신기한, 호기심이 강한 (1. interested in learning about people or things around you) (2. unusual and therefore worth noticing)

cloud (kloud) (1 - Those dark clouds look like we're going to get some rain.) (2 - The distant cloud of dust in the valley announced the approach of a car.) (3 - After the diagnosis of cancer, she lived under a cloud.) (4 - Smoke clouded the sky.) (5 - The fact that Jack was an old friend clouded her judgment.)

구름, 흐림, 그늘, 흐리게 하다, 우울하게 하다, 어둡게 하다, 구름으로 덮이다 (1. a white or gray mass of very small drops of water or ice that float in the sky) (2. A _____ is also a mass of something, such as dust or smoke, that moves together) (3. A _____ is also something which causes sadness or fear) (4. to fill with clouds or with something that looks like a cloud) (5. If something clouds a situation or feeling, it makes it less clear)

copper (KOP-er)

구리, 동전, 경찰, 구리를 입히다, 황산동으로 물들이다 (1. a soft, red-brown metal, used mostly in electrical equipment and for making wire and coins) (2. /of/ a bright red-brown color)

hole (hohl) (1 - We dug a hole to plant the tree. My sweater has a hole in it.) (2 - The new proposal is full of holes.) (3 - the seventh hole) (4 - Without their starting quarterback, the team is in a /bit of a/ hole.)

구멍, 틈, 충치, 동굴, 구혈, 깊은 구멍, 감옥, 소굴, ...에 구멍을 뚫다 (1. an empty space or opening in an object) (2. A ____ is also something that has been left out or not explained) (3. In golf, a ____ is one of the small hollow spaces in the ground into which the ball is hit, or one of the usually 18 areas of play) (4. a difficult situation)

bore (bawr, bohr) (1 - Am I boring you?) (2 - Workmen bored through the rock.) (4 - All he talks about is money - he's such a bore.)

구멍을 내다, 나아가다, 지루하게 하다, 구멍, 구경, 총의 구경, 시추공, 해소, 곰, 애를 낳다, 참다, 지지하다, 산출하다, 낳다, 고통을 견디다, 나르다 (1. to make someone lose interest) (2. to make a hole in something using a tool) (3. past simple of bear) (4. someone or something that is not interesting)

distinguish (dih-STING-gwish) (1 - It's important to distinguish between scientific fact and fiction. [ T ] Samuel F. B. Morse distinguished himself both as an inventor and as a painter.) (2 - In the dark, I could barely distinguish the shape of a person.)

구별하다, 구분하다, 분간하다, 특징짓다 (1. to recognize or understand the difference between two things, or to provide a quality that makes someone or something different or special) (2. to see, hear, or experience something, esp. with difficulty)

component (ku̲h̲ m-POH-nu̲h̲ nt, kom-) (1 - Fair pay for child-care providers is a vital component of welfare reform.)

구성 요소 (1. one of the parts of a system, process, or machine) (2. A _________ of a vector is one of the things that the vector represents, such as force or speed.)

composition (kom-pu̲h̲-ZISH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - a composition for piano and flute [ C ] In school we had to write a composition /= short piece of writing/ on our favorite TV programs.) (2 - the composition of the atmosphere The composition of the city's population has changed dramatically in the past 20 years.)

구성, 작곡, 작문, 작품, 구도 (1. something that a person has created or written, esp. a text, a work of art, or a piece of music, or the act of creating or writing something) (2. the mixture of things or people that are combined to form something)

constitute (KON-sti-toot, -tyoot) (1 - The president said that these policies constitute a threat to the United States.) (2 - Asians constitute seven percent of the population in this county.)

구성하다, 간주하다, ...에 해당하다, 제정하다, 나타내다 (1. to be or be considered as) (2. to form or make /something/; equal)

zone (zohn) (1 - a construction/work/flood/combat/war zone He was charged with driving 75 mph in a 55 mph zone.) (2 - The land is now zoned for single-family homes on two-acre plots. This area was originally zoned commercial.)

구역, 지역, 지대, 허리띠, 띠 모양으로 두르다, 띠로 감다, 장소를 ...지역으로 나누다 (1. an area, esp. one that has different characteristics from the ones around it or is used for different purposes) (2. to set rules for the use of land or for the types of structures that can be built on it)

salvation (sal-VEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - That blanket was my salvation when my car broke down in the snow.)

구제, 구원, 구조 (1. something that prevents danger, loss, or harm) (2. In some religions, _________ is the state of complete belief in God that will save those who believe from the punishment of God for evil or immoral acts.)

concrete (1 - concrete steps) (2 - Police have no concrete evidence linking him to the crime. We have not yet received a concrete proposal.)

구체적인, 현실적인, 실재적인, 콘크리트, 돌과 같은 건축 재료, 구체적인 것 (생각 등이) (1. a very hard building material made by mixing together cement /= powdered substance/, sand, small stones, and water) (2. based on sure facts or existing things rather than guesses or theories) (3. If a statement, argument, or discussion is concrete, it is based on actual things and particular examples.)

ball (bawl) (1 - a golf/soccer/tennis ball) (4 - "How was your weekend?" "We had a ball!")

구형의 물체, 야구나 농구 등의 경기에 사용되는 공, 무도회, 공 같이 둥글게 되다 (1. a round object that can roll and usually bounce and that is used in many games in which it is thrown, hit, or kicked) (2. The ____ of the foot is the curved part where the big toe joins the foot.) (3. a large, formal occasion where people dance) (4. /infml/ A ____ is also any very enjoyable experience)

defense (dih-FENS or especially for 7, 9, DEE-fens) (1 - The vaccine strengthens the body's defenses against infection.) (2 - Her defense consisted of denying that she knew anything about the missing check.) (3 - The defense rests /= This side has finished giving its argument/.) (4 - The team has pretty good scoring ability, but it's weak on defense.)

국방, 방위, 방어, 안보, 보호 (1. the ability to protect against attack or harm, or something used to protect against attack or harm) (2. A _______ is also an argument in support of something, esp. when it has been criticized) (3. law The _______ is the person or people in a court who have been accused of doing something wrong, and their lawyer) (4. /in sports/ the ability to prevent the opposition from scoring points in a competition, or, esp. in football, the team without the ball that is trying to prevent its opposition from scoring points)

palace (PAL-is) (1 - Most of the palace is open to the public as a museum.)

궁전, 훌륭한 저택 (1. a large, highly decorated house, esp. one that is the official home of a king or queen)

ear (eer) (2 - an ear of corn)

귀, 음정을 구분할 수 있는 능력, 청력, 귀모양의 것 (1. either of the two organs in the head by which people or animals h___ sounds, or the part of this organ that is outside the head) (2. the top part of a grain plant, such as wheat, which contains the seeds)

listen (LIS-u̲h̲ n) (1 - Can you really listen to music while you do your homework? Listen, we really need to do something about having this place painted.) (1 - For many listeners, the music of the Beatles summed up the sentiments of the 1960s.)

귀를 기울이다, 들으려고 주의를 기울이다, 경청하다, 따르다, 순종하다 (1. to give attention to something you can hear or to a person who is speaking)

precious (PRESH-u̲h̲ s) (1 - precious memories Children are our most precious resource.) (3 - Diamonds and rubies are precious stones.) (4 - He earns precious little money.)

귀한, 비싼, 귀중한, 가격을 매길 수 없는, 사랑스러운, 소중한 (1. of very great value or worth) (2. ________ metals are gold, silver, and platinum.) (3. A ________ stone is a jewel) (4. very)

regulation (reg-yu̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n) (2 - federal safety regulations [ U ] She favors government regulation of health-care systems.)

규제, 규칙, 통제, 지도, 관리, 관리되는 상태, 통제되는 상태 (1. the chemical and nerve processes that allow people to adjust to changes in themselves and their environment so that they can continue to live) (2. the rules or systems that are used by a person or organization to control an activity or process, or the action of controlling the activity or process)

subsequent (SUHB-si-kwu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Everything I do makes me better at each subsequent thing.) (1 - He was made a partner, but he subsequently retired.)

그 후의, 다음의, 뒤이은, 이어서 (1. happening after something else)

thereby (t̲h̲ air-BAHY, t̲h̲ air-bahy) (1 - They had failed to agree to a settlement, thereby throwing 250 people out of work.)

그것에 의하여 (1. because of this; as a result of this action)

shade (sheyd) (1 - The truck was parked in the shade.) (2 - The lamps had matching shades.) (4 - He painted the room a beautiful shade of red.) (5 - Simple yes-or-no questions can't reveal all shades of opinion.) (6 - Students shade the ovals on multiple-choice tests.) (7 - The sky shaded from pink into red.) (8 - She shaded her eyes with her hand. The backyard is shaded by tall oaks.)

그늘지게 하다, 어둡게 하다, 감추다, 빛이 닿지 않도록 하다, 열이 닿지 않도록 하다 (1. darkness and cooler temperatures caused by something blocking the direct light from the sun) (2. A _____ is a covering that is put over a light to make it less bright) (3. A _____ is also a cover, usually attached at the top of a window, that can be pulled over a window to block the light or to keep people from looking in.) (4. a degree of darkness of a color) (5. A _____ can also mean one type among several) (6. to make part of something slightly darker) (7. to gradually change something, or to gradually change from one thing to another) (8. to prevent direct light from shining on something)

hence (hens) (1 - A better working environment improves people's performance, and hence productivity.) (2 - The project should be completed by next March, six months hence.)

그러므로, 앞으로 (1. for this reason; therefore) (2. from this time)

nevertheless (nev-er-t̲h̲ u̲h̲-LES) (1 - Their team hadn't lost a game the entire season. Nevertheless, we beat them by a huge margin last night.)

그럼에도 불구하고, 그렇지만, 어쨌거나 (1. despite what has just been said or referred to)

vessel (VES-u̲h̲ l) (1 - A scattering of vessels anchored in the harbor.) (2 - We used bowls, pots, bottles, pitchers - any vessels we could find.) (3 - Blood clots clogged the vessels.)

그릇, 배, 용기 (1. a large boat or ship) (2. a container used to hold liquids) (3. a tube that carries liquid, esp. blood, through the body)

shadow (SHAD-oh) (1 - Chloë kept jumping on Tyler's shadow. [ U ] This corner of the room is always in shadow. [ C ] He was standing in the shadows /= a dark area/.) (2 - He saw a shadow of malice in her dark eyes.) (3 - Matsuoka was shadowed by a security officer.)

그림자, 응달, 영상, 환영, 그늘지게 하다, 어둡게 하다, 추적하다 (특히 몰래) (1. an area of darkness caused when light is blocked by something, usually in a shape similar to the object that is blocking the light) (2. a small amount) (3. to follow someone closely)

afterward (AF-ter-werd, AHF-) (1 - We had a swim and afterward we lay on the beach for a while.)

그후, 곧 이어 (1. after the time mentioned; later)

extreme (ik-STREEM) (1 - Use extreme caution, as the steps are very slippery. The extreme cold kept most people indoors.) (2 - At the extreme end of the lake there is a hunting lodge.) (4 - In the proportion a/b=t/z the terms a and z are the extremes.) (5 - The security staff went to extremes to insure the safety of the world leaders.)

극도의, 과격한, 지나친, 극단의, 가장 멀리 떨어진, 극단, 과도 (1. very great; beyond what is usual or what might be expected) (2. at the furthest point; to the greatest degree) (3. _______ opinions, ideas, etc., are beyond the usual range of variety and would seem unreasonable to most people.) (4. the first or fourth terms /= numbers or symbols/ of a proportion /= a mathematical statement with a comparison of two numbers calculated by division on each side/) (5. the greatest possible amount or degree of something)

limit (LIM-it) (1 - There's a limit to her patience. Two cups of coffee are my limit. Spending limits were imposed by the mayor.) (2 - I have to limit my talk to 20 minutes.)

극한, 한도, 제한, 한계를 정하다, 제한하다, 경감하다, 경계로서의 기능을 하다 (1. the greatest amount, number, or level allowed or possible) (2. to control something so that it is not greater than a particular amount, number, or level)

muscle (MUHS-u̲h̲ l) (2 - Republicans are flexing some political muscle.) (3 - Starks muscled his way to the basket. [ I ] Amanda muscled in on our meeting.)

근육, 힘, 근육으로 된 신체의 일부 (1. a mass of tissue in the body, often attached to bones, that can tighten and relax to produce movement) (2. ______ is also the power to do things or to make people behave in a certain way) (3. to force your way into a place or situation)

coast (kohst) (1 - We lived on the southeast coast of Florida.) (2 - He coasted to a stop.) (3 - She coasted through her senior year of high school.)

근해, 연안, 비탈, 언덕, 해안을 따라 움직이다, 연안을 항행하다, 미끄러져 내려가다 (1. the land next to or close to the sea) (2. /of a vehicle/ to continue moving from its own forward force, without the addition of any power) (3. To _____ is also to advance without effort)

metal (MET-l)

금속(금, 은, 구리 등), 열이나 압력에 녹고 열이나 전기를 전달시킬 수 있는 금속 (1. a generally hard and shiny chemical element, such as iron or gold, or a mixture of such elements, such as steel, which usually allows electricity and heat to travel through it)

radical (RAD-i-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - White's political orientation was decidedly liberal, but hardly radical.) (2 - During bad economic times, radical steps may be necessary to restore the confidence of the consumer.) (2 - Her views are not radically different from my own.)

급진당원, 급진당론자, 근, 기, 부수, 한자의 부수, 극단적인 정치적 견해를 가진 (1. believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social, economic, or political change) (2. causing or being an example of great change; extreme) (3. a person who supports great social, economic, or political change)

flag (flag) (1 - the American flag The man waved a red warning flag.) (2 - She asked me to flag the names that appear on both lists.) (3 - My interest in the story flagged.)

기, 털이 북실북실한 꼬리, 정강이의 기다란 깃털, 카메라의 차광포, 빈차 표지판 (1. a piece of cloth with a special color and pattern, used as a symbol esp. to represent a particular country or group) (2. to mark something so it can be found easily among other similar things) (3. to become tired or less strong)

instrument (IN-stru̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - He plays saxophone, trumpet, and several other instruments.) (2 - surgical instruments)

기계, 도구, 장치, 악기, 대행사, 도구, 증서, 계약서 (1. an object, such as a piano, guitar, or flute, which is played to produce musical sounds) (2. a tool or other device used for doing a particular piece of work)

institution (in-sti-TOO-shu̲h̲ n, -TYOO-) (1 - a charitable/educational/scientific institution) (3 - the institution of marriage)

기관, 협회, 부처, 학회 (1. an organization that exists to serve a public purpose such as education or support for people who need help) (2. An ___________ of higher learning is a college or university.) (3. a custom or practice that has existed for a long time and is accepted as an important part of a society)

pray (prey) (1 - Then the minister said, "Let us pray." [ + /that/ clause ] We often prayed /that/ the war would end.) (2 - I prayed /that/ she wouldn't discover my secret.)

기도하다, 기원하다, 바라다 (1. to speak to God or a god either privately or in a religious ceremony esp. to express thanks or to ask for help) (2. To ____ also means to hope)

register (REJ-u̲h̲-ster) (1 - I registered the car in my name. [ + to infinitive ] Voters have until February 16 to register to vote in the primary. [ I ] Students are currently registering for summer courses.) (3 - The thermometer registered 79°F. [ I ] The tremor barely registered on the Richter scale.) (4 - Her face registered shock at the news.) (5 - The loss of her home has not really registered on her yet.) (9 - The American Film Institute drew up a register of the 100 greatest American films ever made.)

기록, 등록부, 등기부, 표, 자동 기록기, 통풍 조절 장치, 특히 난방의 통풍 조절 장치 (1. to record someone's name or ownership of property on an official list) (2. If you ________ a letter or package when you mail it, you pay extra to have it recorded and receive special care in delivery.) (3. /of an instrument/ to measure and record an amount) (4. to show an emotion by the expression on your face) (5. to have some effect) (6. all the notes that a voice or musical instrument can produce, from the highest to the lowest) (7. short form ofcash register) (8. a device that controls the flow of air from a heating or cooling system through an opening into a room) (9. a book containing an official list or record)

glad (glad) (1 - We were glad /that/ she succeeded. [ + to infinitive ] You don't have to thank us - we were glad to help. I'm glad of the opportunity to express my thanks.) (1 - I'd gladly show her around, but I'll be on vacation next week.)

기쁜, 즐거운 (1. pleased and happy)

delight (dih-LAHYT) (1 - My sister's little boy is a real delight. [ U ] His music teacher expressed delight with his performance.) (2 - The songs of countrypeople and of sailors delight me. Peter's success at college delighted his family.)

기쁨, 행복, 유쾌, 즐거움, 기뻐하다, 즐거워 하다, 기쁨을 주다 (1. great pleasure, satisfaction, or happiness, or something or someone that gives this) (2. to give someone great pleasure or satisfaction)

beam (beem) (1 - a beam of sunlight A laser beam scans the disc's surface.) (3 - The sun beamed down on the ball field. [ T ] Detroit stations are beamed /= broadcast/ to Canadian communities.) (4 - His face beamed as if he'd won a gold medal at the Olympics.)

기쁨으로 미소짓다, 빛나다, 빛을 발하다, 광선, 전파, 환하게 짓는 미소, 건축구조물에 이용되는 금속이나 석재 빔 (1. a line of light coming from the sun or a bright light, esp. as seen against a darker background) (2. a long, thick piece of wood, metal, or concrete, esp. one used to support weight in a building or other structure) (3. to send out a line of light) (4. to smile with obvious pleasure)

technical (TEK-ni-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - The computer company ran into some last-minute technical problems with its new disk drives.)

기술의, 전문의 (1. involving or needing special skills or knowledge, esp. in science or engineering /= the design and building of machines, equipment, and structures/)

enterprise (EN-ter-prahyz) (1 - private enterprise [ C ] The road is bordered by shopping centers, restaurants, retail outlets, and other commercial enterprises.) (2 - They've showed a great deal of enterprise in setting up this project.)

기업, 사업 (1. an organization, esp. a business, or a difficult and important plan, esp. one that will earn money) (2. __________ is also the willingness and energy to do something new that takes a lot of effort)

discuss (dih-SKUHS) (1 - We have been discussing the possibility of working together. [ + question word ] This booklet discusses how to invest money wisely.)

논의하다, 토론하다, 상담하다 (1. to talk about something to other people, often exchanging ideas or opinions)

contribute (ku̲h̲ n-TRIB-yoot) (1 - Tourism contributes substantially to the local economy.) (2 - She soon began to contribute articles to newspapers and magazines.)

기여하다, 공헌하다, 기부하다, 제공하다, 도움이 되다 (1. to help by providing money or support, esp. when other people or conditions are also helping) (2. If you __________ something you wrote or created, you allow it to be published or shown with pieces by other people)

draft (draft, drahft) (1 - The architects gave us their first draft of the design.) (3 - She felt a cold draft every time the door was opened.) (4 - a bank draft) (5 - She drafted a letter to her lawyer.) (7 - The Cleveland Cavaliers drafted him in the first round.)

기초하다, 기안하다, 선발하다, 끌다, 제도공으로서 기술을 연마하다, 기고하다, 초안 (1. a piece of writing or drawing that is done early in the development of a work to help prepare it in its final form) (2. the process by which people are ordered by law to become members of the armed forces, or the process by which players are chosen to play for professional /= paid/ sports teams) (3. a current of cold air inside a room) (4. a written order for money to be paid by a bank) (5. to write something, esp. at an early stage before it is in final form) (6. to order a person to become a member of the armed forces) (7. In sports, to _____ is to choose someone, esp. someone in a college or university to become available as a player for a team that pays its players)

climate (KLAHY-mit) (1 - My parents like the warm, dry climate of Arizona.) (2 - There's never been a climate of trust between labor and management in this industry.)

기후, 날씨, 분위기, 풍토 (1. the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place) (2. a general attitude, opinion, or feeling)

tension (TEN-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - We need more tension in the wires, so pull them tighter.) (2 - The tension was unbearable as we waited for our exam results.)

긴장, 갈등, 불안, 팽팽함 (1. the state of being tight and stiff) (2. anxiety and worry) (3. _______ is also an anxious situation of anger and lack of trust between two groups of people.)

route (root, rout) (1 - The most direct route is to take the expressway.) (2 - bus routes a supply route)

길, 행군명령, 연도, 경로를 정하다, 경유지를 정하다, 화물 따위의 경로를 정하다 (1. a particular way or direction between places) (2. A _____ is also a fixed path for regularly moving or delivering people or things)

gentle (JEN-tl) (1 - a gentle smile a gentle breeze The path has a gentle /= gradual/ slope.) (1 - He gently lifted the baby out of the crib.)

길들이다, 마음을 풀어주다, 어루만지다, 친절한, 부드러운, 온건한, 편안한 (1. calm, kind, or soft; not violent or severe)

depth (depth) (1 - They were scuba diving at a depth of 22 meters. [ U ] The numbers on the left show the depth in inches.) (2 - Bookshelves should be at least nine inches in depth.) (3 - It's hard to get a handle on the depth of her knowledge.) (4 - Don't look for depth in this show.) (5 - I interviewed her in depth.)

깊이, 깊음 (1. the distance down from the top surface of something to the bottom) (2. the distance from the front to the back of something) (3. the strength, quality, or degree of being complete) (4. the ability to think seriously about something) (5. Something done in _____ is done carefully and in great detail)

tail (teyl) (1 - The dog greeted us, wagging its tail. The comet's tail glowed in the night sky.) (2 - Police put a tail on the suspect as he left the airport.) (3 - FBI agents tailed him for a month.)

꼬리, 연회복에 길다랗게 늘어진 부분, 미행, 성적물로서의 여성 (속어), 엉덩이 (속어) (1. a part of the body of an animal attached to the base of the back, or something similar in shape or position) (2. someone who secretly follows and watches another person) (3. to secretly follow and watch someone)

tight (tahyt) (1 - You have to wrap the bandage tight enough so that it really supports your ankle. Make sure the door is shut tight /= completely closed/ before you leave.) (2 - She wore a tight black skirt. These shoes feel a bit tight.) (4 - Arnold has a very tight schedule today and I don't know if he can see you. We're on a tight budget and can't afford to eat out much. Parking is very tight on weekdays around here.) (5 - Security was tight at the meeting between the two leaders.) (6 - We were in a tight financial situation. I was in a tight spot /= difficult situation/ and wasn't sure what I should do.) (7 - He was involved in a very tight race for governor.)

꼭 끼는, 팽팽한, 좁은, 꼭 끼게, 단단히 (1. /held or kept together/ firmly or closely) (2. Clothes that are _____ fit the body closely, sometimes so closely that they are uncomfortable) (3. If you say about two people that they are tight, you mean they are close friends.) (4. /esp. of time or money/ available in limited amounts) (5. strongly controlled) (6. /of situations/ difficult or hard to deal with) (7. In a competition, _____ means close, with the competitors almost even)

peak (peek) (1 - Official figures show unemployment peaked in November.) (1 - During the peak season, the population swells with over 50,000 tourists.)

꼭대기, 정상, 첨단, 돌출부, 정점에 달하다, 앙상해 지다, 곧추서다 (1. to reach the highest point, value, or level) (2. the pointed top of a mountain, or the mountain itself)

flower (FLOU-er) (2 - Our shrubs flower in late summer.)

꽃, 개화, 절정기, 전성기, 가장 좋은 부분, 꽃이 피다, 꽃을 피우다, 성숙하다 (1. the part of a plant that produces seeds, is often brightly colored, and sometimes has a pleasant smell, or a plant that produces this part) (2. to produce flowers)

grip (grip) (1 - The baby gripped my finger. [ I ] Worn tires don't grip very well on wet roads.) (2 - Brady was gripped by fear.) (3 - She has a strong/firm/weak grip. He lost his grip on Nancy's arm. fig. They were in the grip of a tropical storm /= suffering its effects/.)

꽉 붙잡다, 잡다, 쥐다, 흥미를 끌다, 꽉 잡음, 단단히 쥐기, 붙잡기, 이해 (1. to hold something tightly, or stick to something) (2. If an emotion grips you, you feel it strongly) (3. a way of holding something, or a tight hold)

comment (KOM-ent) (1 - The lawyer won't comment publicly on the case.) (2 - One of his comments had to do with the state taxes. [ U ] The reporter couldn't reach any government officials for comment /= to ask for their opinions/.)

논평, 주해, 설명, 반응, 비평하다, 주해를 달다, 설명하다 (1. to express an opinion) (2. an opinion or remark)

string (string) (1 - a piece of string) (2 - Guitar strings are made from steel or nylon.) (3 - Violins, cellos, and double basses are all strings.) (4 - a string of pearls) (5 - He told the committee a string of lies. Her new novel is the latest in a string of successes.) (6 - They strung ribbons of bright paper around the room in preparation for the party.) (7 - The child sat on the floor, stringing wooden beads. fig. I can just barely string together a couple of sentences in Japanese.)

끈, 줄, 끈에 꿴 것, 일렬, 연속, 경주마, 현, 힘줄, 리본, 부대 조건 (1. a thin length of cord) (2. a thin wire or cord that is stretched across a musical instrument and produces musical notes when pulled or hit) (3. The strings in an orchestra is a group of instruments that produce sound with strings) (4. a set of objects joined together in a row on a single cord or thread) (5. a series of related things or events) (6. to attach a length of ______ or something similar by the ends, so that the middle hangs) (7. to put a thread or cord through each of a set of things)

finish (FIN-ish) (1 - The meeting should finish at four o'clock. [ T ] If you'll let me finish my sentence, I'll explain it to you.) (2 - She didn't win but she did finish second.) (3 - We may as well finish the rest of this pasta.) (4 - Both candidates are predicting a close finish in this election.) (5 - a glossy finish)

끝내다, 끝마치다, 결론짓다, 파괴하다, 승리하다, 완성하다, 끝마무리 하다, 끝 (1. to come to an end) (2. To ______ can also mean to complete something) (3. To ______ can also mean to use completely) (4. the end of a race, or the last part of something) (5. A ______ is the appearance of the surface of something or the last covering, as of paint, put onto it)

split (split) (1 - I suggest we split the profits between us. [ T ] The teacher split the class into three groups. [ I ] His pants split when he jumped the fence.) (2 - The movie was boring, so I split.) (3 - There's a split in this sheet. Peace talks are threatened by a split among rebel leaders.)

나누다, 가르다, 쪼개다, 배당하다, 분리하다, 나눠지다, 분리되다, 쪼개지다 (1. to divide into two or more parts, esp. along a particular line) (2. slang To _____ also means to leave a place) (3. a long, thin tear, or a division)

blame (bleym) (1 - You can't blame the government for all your troubles.) (2 - I don't blame her for not supporting the final budget agreement.) (2 - He put the blame on everyone but himself.)

나무라다, 책임 지우다, 비난, 책임 (1. to make someone or something responsible for something) (2. If you don't _____ someone for something, you understand and accept that person's reasons for it)

stick (stik) (1 - The campers collected sticks to start a fire.) (3 - sticks of dynamite a stick of chewing gum) (4 - I simply cannot watch when someone sticks a needle in my arm. [ I ] He throws the knife, and the blade sticks in the wall.) (5 - Stick the tape to the back of the picture. [ I ] It was so hot that my clothes stuck to me.) (6 - Stick the packages under the table for now.) (7 - She stuck her tongue out at him and smiled.Note: This action is usually done by children.) (8 - The window sticks, making it hard to shut it.)

나뭇가지, 막대기, 막대기 같은 것, 지팡이, 뾰족한 것으로 찌르다, 고정시키다 (1. a thin piece of wood) (2. A _____ is also a long, thin handle with a specially shaped end, used esp. to play hockey and lacrosse.) (3. A _____ can also be a long, thin piece of something) (4. to push something pointed into or through something, or to be pushed into or through something) (5. to attach or become attached) (6. to put something somewhere, usually temporarily) (7. If you _____ out your tongue, you push your tongue out of your mouth, usually as an insult) (8. to be fixed in position and unable to move)

proceed (verb pru̲h̲-SEED; noun PROH-seed) (1 - The building project is proceeding smoothly. You should ask a lawyer for advice on how to proceed.) (2 - The warning signs said "Proceed with caution.)

나아가다, 계속하다, 진행하다, 진출하다 (1. to start or continue an action or process) (2. To _______ is also to move forward or travel in a particular direction)

advance (ad-VANS, -VAHNS) (1 - Research has advanced our understanding of the virus. [ I ] Tonight's winner advances to the semifinals.) (1 - They did nothing for the advancement of women.) (2 - We got no advance warning of the changes.) (3 - Most authors get an advance on royalties they'll earn later.) (4 - Technological advances have changed TV news. [ U ] The army's advance was halted. [ C ] fig. She rejected his unwelcome advances /= attempts to make her interested in him/.)

나아가다, 진전시키다, 촉진하다, 승진하다, 제출하다, 의견을제시하다, 선불하다 (1. to go or move something forward, or to develop or improve something) (2. happening before an event) (3. money paid before something happens) (4. an act of moving something forward or improving something)

exhibit (ig-ZIB-it) (1 - The gallery is exhibiting his paintings and watercolors.) (2 - He exhibited poor judgment.) (3 - The museum's exhibits range from Iron Age pottery to Eskimo clothing.)

나타내다, 전시하다, 보여주다, 증거물, 법정에서 증거물로 제출되는 것, 전람회 (1. to show something in public for competition, sale, or amusement) (2. to show something, esp. a quality, by your behavior) (3. an object or a collection of things shown publicly for people to enjoy or learn about) (4. law An _______ is an item used as evidence /= proof/ in a trial.)

imperial (im-PEER-ee-u̲h̲ l) (1 - imperial expansion of American power the imperial tradition of Britain)

나폴레옹 삼세의 수염, 임피리얼 판, 질이 좋은 물건, 제국의, 황제의, 왕가의 (1. relating to a government or country that controls or rules other countries)

wing (wing) (1 - The duck flapped its wings and took off.) (2 - She's in the conservative wing of the party.) (3 - His office is in the west wing of the White House.)

날개, 각종 날개모양이나 날개 역할을 하는 것, 공군의 소대 단위, 건물의 일부, 당파 (1. one of the movable, usually long and flat, parts on either side of the body of a bird, insect, or bat that it uses for flying, or one of the long, flat, horizontal structures that stick out on either side of an aircraft) (2. a group within a political party or organization whose beliefs are in some way different from those of the main group) (3. a section of a large building that connects to a side of the main part)

skill (skil) (1 - Schools often do not provide students with marketable skills. [ U ] He lacked skill as a painter.) (1 - Many companies depend on skilled labor.) (1 - Kraft was a skillful composer.) (1 - Some students are unable to use dictionaries skillfully.)

능력, 태도, 기술, 숙련성, 특기, 특별한 훈련이 요구되는 재주 (1. a special ability to do something)

weather (wet̲h̲ -er) (1 - I always wear gloves in cold weather. Expect some nasty weather tomorrow, possibly even a thunderstorm.) (2 - She weathered a few professional setbacks this year.) (3 - The yellow paint will weather to a grayish white.)

날씨, 일기, 사나운 날씨, 거친 날씨, 변화, 변천, 영고성쇠, 비바람을 맞게 하다 (1. the conditions in the air at a particular time, such as wind, rain, or temperature) (2. to live through a difficult situation or a problem) (3. to change in color or form over a period of time because of the effects of sun, wind, rain, or other conditions in the air)

abuse (verb u̲h̲-BYOOZ; noun u̲h̲-BYOOS) (1 - The rescued dogs had been victims of physical abuse.) (2 - He was always welcome but he never abused the privilege by visiting us too often.) (2 - Providing an alcohol or drug abuser with the right treatment can cost more than $20,000.)

남용, 학대, 욕설, 상소리, 남용하다, 악용하다, 학대하다, 해치다, 욕하다 (1. bad or cruel treatment of a person or animal, or the use of something in an unsuitable or wrong way) (2. to treat a person or animal badly or cruelly, or to use something in the wrong way)

interior (in-TEER-ee-er) (1 - The interior surface of the seashell was smooth.) (2 - a car's interior)

내부, 안쪽, 건물의 내부, 내무국, 국내일, 안쪽의, 내부의, 내국의 (1. inner; on or from the inside) (2. the inside part of something)

tomorrow (tu̲h̲-MAWR-oh, -MOR-oh) (1 - He said he'll call tomorrow after work.) (2 - Tomorrow's meeting has been postponed.) (3 - I've arranged to see Rachel tomorrow morning/at ten.) (4 - Today's problem child may be tomorrow's brilliant scientist.)

내일에, 내일 (1. on the day after today) (2. the day after today) (3. If you say you will see someone ________ morning/night/at noon/etc., you mean you will see that person on the next day at that time) (4. ________ can also mean the future)

inherent (in-HEER-u̲h̲ nt, -HER-) (1 - The drug has certain inherent side effects.) (1 - Some phenomena in physics are inherently uncertain.)

내재된, 고유의, 타고난, 필연적인 (1. existing as a natural and permanent quality of something or someone)

smell (smel) (1 - Smell is one of the five senses. Dogs have a very good sense of smell.) (2 - a sweet/strong/unpleasant smell the smell of flowers/perfume/coffee/paint I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I wish we could get rid of that smell in the garage.) (3 - Have a smell of this thyme.) (4 - Just smell this perfume! She smelled something burning. fig. Brenda can smell trouble a mile off. /= knows when there will be trouble.) (5 - I have a cold and I can't smell anything.) (6 - My hands smell of onions. [ I ] It smells like you've been baking in here. [ L ] That soup smells good. [ I ] Your feet smell /= have an unpleasant smell/.)

냄새로 인지하다, 냄새맡으며 조사하다, 악취가 나다, 냄새나다, 알아채다, 냄새 맡기 (1. the ability to notice or discover a substance in the air by using the nose) (2. the characteristic of something that can be recognized or noticed using the nose) (3. the act of using your nose to discover the characteristic of a substance in the air) (4. to become aware of or to discover something using the nose) (5. to have the ability to notice or discover a substance in the air by using your nose) (6. to have a particular quality that people can notice with their noses)

tie (tahy) (1 - This dress ties at the back. [ T ] She tied the ribbon in a bow/knot.) (2 - Jane and I tied for first place. The score is tied /up/ at 3 to 3.) (3 - a tie to the past Gray had close ties with other powerful politicians. He is a businessman and developer with strong ties to Beijing.) (4 - a silk tie also necktie) (5 - Can you find the ties for the garbage bags?) (6 - It's a tie for first place.)

넥타이, 끈, 연결, 동점, 매다, 연결하다, 줄을 매어 고정시키다 (1. to fasten together two pieces of string or other long, thin material, or to hold together with string, rope, etc.) (2. to finish at the same time or score the same number of points as someone or something else in a competition) (3. a connection or relationship between people, or a connection a person has with a place, interest, activity, etc.) (4. a long, thin piece of material worn esp. by men which fits under a shirt collar, is tied in a knot, and hangs down the front of the shirt) (5. A ___ is also any piece of string, plastic, etc., used to hold together something) (6. the fact of finishing at the same time or scoring the same number of points as someone or something else in a competition)

yellow (YEL-oh) (1 - yellow roses sweet yellow corn)

노란색, 계란 노른자, 겁장이 (속어), 노란색의, 황색의, 겁장이의 (속어) (1. /of/ a color like that of a lemon)

song (sawng, song) (1 - We bought a CD of Cole Porter songs.) (2 - He was so happy he wanted to burst into song /= start singing/.)

노래, 발라드, 동물이나 새의 울음소리, 시 (1. a usually short piece of music with words that are sung) (2. ____ is also the act of singing, or singing when considered generally) (3. The ____ of a bird is the musical sound it makes.)

sing (sing) (1 - She sings really terrible songs in the shower. [ I ] At dawn, the birds began to sing. [ I ] We sang along to the radio while driving.) (2 - She sang her baby to sleep.)

노래하다, 노래를 부르다, 울다, 지저귀다, 밀고하다(속어) (1. to make musical sounds with the voice) (2. If you ____ someone to sleep, you ____ until the person goes to sleep)

slave (sleyv) (1 - Born a slave in 1760, he was sold as a child to a farmer in Delaware.)

노예, 노예같이 일하는 사람, 남에게 의존하는 사람, 남에게 예속하는 사람, 사로잡힌 사람 (1. a person who is legally owned by someone else and has no personal freedom)

elderly (EL-der-lee) (1 - William is nearly 50, and his parents are elderly.) (2 - The city is building new housing for the elderly.)

노인층, 나이든, 중장년층, 노후, 어른 (1. old) (2. old people considered as a group)

logic (LOJ-ik) (1 - I fail to see the logic of your argument.)

논리학, 논리, 조리 (1. a particular way of thinking, esp. one that is reasonable and based on good judgment) (2. a formal, scientific method of examining or thinking about ideas)

thesis (THEE-sis) (1 - a master's thesis) (2 - His thesis was that World War I could have been avoided.)

논문, 주제 (1. a piece of writing involving original study of a subject, esp. for a college or university degree) (2. A ______ is also the main idea, opinion, or theory of a speaker or writer, who then attempts to prove it)

surprise (ser-PRAHYZ, su̲h̲-) (1 - Don't tell Ann we're having a party for her - I want it to be a surprise. [ C ] Last night's heavy snow came as a complete surprise. [ U ] To my great surprise, they gave us everything we asked for.) (1 - The basketball player paid a surprise visit to the campus on Thursday.) (2 - She surprised a lot of tennis fans by winning the Canadian Open.) (3 - I'm not surprised that their parents don't want them to get married. I would not be surprised to see the economy slow down next year.) (4 - She jumped out and surprised her sister, who ran out into the hall.)

놀람, 놀라운 사건, 놀라게 하는 것, 놀라게 하다, 놀라다, 매복하다 (1. an unexpected event, or the feeling caused when something unexpected happens) (2. /of an event you did not expect/ to cause you to feel excitement over a sudden discovery) (3. If you say that you are not surprised or would not be surprised if something happened, you mean that you almost expect it) (4. To ________ someone is also to find the person unexpectedly)

kid (kid) (1 - I took the kids to the park. He's only 19, just a kid.) (4 - You're kidding around, aren't you? [ T ] Casey's just kidding you.) (5 - He thinks she'll come back, but I think he's kidding himself.)

농담하다, 괴롭히다, 속이다, 어리석게 행동하다 (속어), 어린아이, 어린 염소 (1. a child, or a young adult) (2. A ___ brother or ___ sister is a younger brother or sister.) (3. a young goat, or very soft leather made from the skin of a young goat) (4. to say something as a joke, often making someone believe something that is not true) (5. If you ___ yourself, you believe that something you want to be true is true although it probably is not)

agriculture (AG-ri-kuhl-cher) (1 - Agriculture and tourism are both important to the region's economy.) (1 - Chicago was an important shipping point for agricultural products and livestock.)

농업, 축산 (1. the practice or work of farming)

farm (fahrm) (2 - a cattle/mink farm) (3 - Their family has farmed /this land/ for three generations.)

농장, 경작하다, 청부 맡다, 돈을 받고 빌려 주다, 요금을 받고 맡다 (1. an area of land, esp. together with a house and other buildings, used for growing crops or keeping animals) (2. A ____ can also be a place where a specific type of animal is raised in large numbers to be sold) (3. to use land for growing crops or keeping animals as a business)

loud (loud) (1 - a loud noise Would you speak a little louder, please? loudly adverb us ​) (1 - "What does she want now?" he asked loudly.) (1 - Differences in loudness are measured in decibels.) (2 - a loud tie/pattern)

높은, 시끄러운, 큰소리 내는, 저속한, 야한, 역겨운, 높은 소리로 (1. having or producing a large amount of sound) (2. /of colors/ too bright)

sharp (shahrp) (1 - a sharp blade/knife She put a sharp point on the pencil.) (2 - a sharp drop in temperature a sharp increase in prices There's a sharp curve in the road up ahead.) (3 - As he leaned over, he felt a sudden, sharp pain in his lower back. This sauce is pretty sharp /= It has a strong taste/.) (4 - The candidate delivered a sharp attack on her opponent's voting record. Leonard has a sharp tongue /= often speaks in a severe and critical way/.) (5 - High-definition television produces a very sharp picture. Sales this month were up, in sharp contrast to the dismal sales of the last few months.) (6 - She has a really sharp mind and a great sense of humor.) (7 - a sharp dresser sharpness noun [ U ] us ​) (9 - The tour bus will leave at 8:30 a.m. sharp.)

높이를 올리다, 사취하다, 갈다, 반음 올려서 노래하다, 반음 올려서 연주하다, 속이다 (1. having a thin edge or point that can cut something) (2. sudden and immediately noticeable) (3. strongly felt) (4. intended to be strong enough to be felt as painful) (5. easy to see or understand; clear) (6. able to understand or see quickly and easily) (7. fashionable) (8. higher in pitch than a particular note or the correct note) (9. exactly at the stated time) (10. a mark in written music showing that a note should be played a half step higher)

raise (reyz) (1 - He raised the window shades. Stephie raised her hand to ask the teacher a question.) (2 - I had to raise my voice to be heard over the noise in the classroom. There are no plans to raise taxes, the president said. I don't want to raise your hopes too much, but I think the worst of the flooding is over.) (3 - They raised a family and now want to enjoy their retirement.) (4 - This raises a number of important issues.) (5 - I want to start my own business if I can raise enough money.) (6 - She asked her boss for a raise.)

높임, 올림, 가증시킴(월급이나 임금 등), 올리다, 흥분시키다, 불러 일으키다 (1. to cause something to be lifted up or become higher) (2. to cause something to become bigger or stronger; increase) (3. to take care of children or young animals until completely grown) (4. to bring something to your attention; cause to be noticed) (5. To _____ money is to succeed in getting it) (6. an increase in the amount money you earn)

blind (blahynd) (1 - He began to go blind a year ago. fig. She is completely blind to his faults.) (2 - He declared that the verdict was the result of blind prejudice.) (4 - The sun blinded me for a moment. fig. We cannot let feelings blind us to the facts.)

눈 먼, 맹목적인, 눈멀게 하다, 현혹시키다, 블라인드, 가리개 (창문에 매다는) (1. not able to see) (2. not able to be influenced by thought or reason) (3. a cover for a window, esp. a venetian blind) (4. to make someone unable to see)

snow (snoh) (1 - Six inches of snow fell overnight. [ C ] We have had several snows in the past week.) (1 - It was one of the snowiest winters on record.) (2 - This guy is very smooth and can snow anybody.) (3 - It snowed all weekend.)

눈, 적설, 설원, 눈보라, 텔레비젼 화면의 하얀 반점, 코카인, 헤로인 (속어) (1. water that falls from clouds as soft, white flakes /= thin pieces/ of ice when it is cold, or an amount of these flakes) (2. to deceive someone with charming, persuasive talk) (3. If it snows, ____ falls from the sky)

suspect (verb su̲h̲-SPEKT; noun SUHS-pekt; adjective SUHS-pekt, su̲h̲-SPEKT) (1 - Medical investigators suspect the outbreak was caused by bacteria in the water supply.) (2 - Authorities have the power to evict residents when they suspect criminal activity.) (3 - There is no reason to suspect their loyalty.) (4 - After the robbery, the usual suspects were rounded up.) (5 - I can't understand why my reasons seem suspect to a number of people.)

느끼다, ...이 아닌가 생각하다, 의심하다, 믿지않다, 어떤 사람이 죄가 있다고 믿다 (1. to think or believe something is likely) (2. to think or believe that someone is guilty of something) (3. to doubt or not believe in something) (4. a person who is believed to be guilty of something) (5. not able to be trusted; possibly false or dangerous)

efficient (ih-FISH-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - an efficient organization They are developing a more fuel-efficient car to save gas.) (1 - She manages the business efficiently.)

능률적인, 유능한, 실력 있는 (1. working or operating in a way that gets the results you want without any waste)

delay (dih-LEY) (1 - He wants to delay the meeting until Wednesday. [ T ] The space launch was delayed because of bad weather. [ I ] Don't delay in ordering tickets to the show.) (2 - You need to call back without delay. [ C ] The holiday traffic is likely to cause long delays. [ C ] Any further delay would threaten the entire project.)

늦추다, 미루다, 지연하다, 우물쭈물하다, 지연, 지체, 유예 (1. to cause to be late or to cause to happen at a later time, or to wait before acting) (2. a period when something that might happen does not happen or does not happen quickly enough, or the failure to act quickly)

altogether (awl-tu̲h̲-get̲h̲ -er, AWL-tu̲h̲-get̲h̲-er) (1 - The train slowed down and then stopped altogether. He was altogether exhausted. Altogether, she gave away some $60 million in her lifetime.)

다 합하여, 요컨대, 전부 (1. completely or in total)

bridge (brij) (1 - We drove across the bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan.) (2 - He rubbed the bridge of his nose.) (7 - The shopping complex bridges a highway.) (8 - Swing music bridged the gap between popular and classical music.)

다리, 카드놀이의 일종, 다리를 놓다 (1. a structure that is built over a river, road, or railroad to allow people and vehicles to cross from one side to the other) (2. the top part of the nose, between the eyes, or the piece on a pair of glasses that is supported by the top part of the nose) (3. a small piece of wood on a musical instrument, such as a guitar or violin, over which strings are stretched) (4. a piece of material that keeps artificial teeth in place by being fastened to the natural teeth) (5. the raised part of a ship on which the captain and other officers stand and from where they control the movement of the ship) (6. a card game for four players who play in two pairs and try to win the cards they say they will win) (7. to build or form a ______ over something) (8. If a difference is bridged, it is made smaller)

vary (VAIR-ee) (1 - The value of stocks will vary from month to month. [ T ] My husband varies the vegetables he plants each year. varying adjective [ not gradable ] /ˈveər·i·ɪŋ, ˈvær-/ He tried a number of different businesses with varying degrees of success.)

다양하다, 다르다, 달라지다 (1. to change in some way, or to cause similar things to differ)

diverse (dih-VURS, dahy-, DAHY-vurs) (1 - Lowell, Massachusetts, is noted for its diverse ethnic communities, among them French-Canadians, English, Irish, Greeks, Poles, and Cambodians.)

다양한, 여러 가지의, 광범위한, 다른, 각계 각층의 (1. varied or different)

reserve (ri-ZURV) (1 - He reserved the right to veto any future plans.) (2 - It's a popular restaurant, and you'll have to reserve well in advance. [ T ] I'm sorry, this seat is reserved.) (3 - I have a reserve of food in case of emergency. [ U ] The book is on reserve and can't be checked out. She keeps a little money in reserve /= for use if and when needed/.) (4 - a nature/game reserve)

다음에 쓰기 위해 저축하다, 보관하다, 특별한 목적을 위해 따로 확보해 두다, 미리 예약하다 (호텔방이나 비행기 표 등을) (1. to keep something for a particular purpose or time) (2. If you _______ something such as a table in a restaurant or a room in a hotel, you arrange for it to be kept for your use at a later time) (3. something kept for a particular purpose or time, or the state of being kept for future use by someone) (4. A _______ /also also preserve/ is also an area of land kept for the protection of animals and plants) (5. The reserves are a part of a country's armed forces that are not always on active duty but are available in an emergency.)

random (RAN-du̲h̲ m) (1 - a random sample He was stopped at the border in a random check.) (2 - Dylan picked several books at random.) (2 - The people I interviewed were chosen randomly.)

닥치는 대로의, 우연한, 무작위의, 계획없이, 우연히, 닥치는 대로 (1. happening, done, or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan or pattern) (2. At ______ means by chance, or without any organization or plan)

button (BUHT-n) (2 - When you pay the admission fee at the museum, they give you a button to wear to show you've paid.) (3 - The button on the left starts the tape recorder and the one on the right stops it.) (4 - He buttoned his shirt.)

단추, 단추 비슷한 물건, 어린 버섯, 단추를 잠그다 (1. a small, usually circular object that is sewn on a shirt, coat, or other piece of clothing, and is used to fasten it) (2. A ______ is also a small, usually circular sign that you can pin on your clothes) (3. a small object that you press to operate a device or a machine) (4. to fasten something, usually a piece of clothing, using buttons)

segment (noun SEG-mu̲h̲ nt; verb SEG-ment, seg-MENT) (1 - The news program contained a brief segment on white-collar crime.)

단편, 구획, 일부, 분, 조각, 분할하다, 갈라지다 (1. any of the parts into which something can be divided) (2. A _______ is also one of several parts of an orange, lemon, or similarly divided fruits.) (3. A _______ is also one of the parts of the body of an insect.) (4. A _______ is also one part of a line that has two end points.)

sole (sohl) (1 - She is the sole survivor of the accident.) (2 - The team moved into sole possession of first place.) (2 - These industries aren't solely responsible for hazardous wastes.) (3 - shoes with leather/rubber soles)

단하나의, 단독의, 독점적인, 창을 대다, 신발바닥, 발바닥, 혀가자미 (1. being the only one; single) (2. ____ also means belonging to one person or group) (3. the bottom part of a foot which touches the ground when you stand or walk, or the front part of the bottom of a shoe) (4. a flat, round fish that is eaten as food)

shut (shuht) (1 - Would you shut the door, please? [ I ] I can't get this window shut. [ T ] I shut the book /= closed it/ and put it back on the shelf.) (2 - Her office door was shut all day. Her eyes were shut, but she was still awake.)

닫다, 막다, 잠그다, 감금하다, 활동을 중단하다, 닫은, 갇힌 (1. to close something) (2. not open; closed)

massive (MAS-iv) (1 - a massive building He took massive doses of vitamin C. She died of a massive heart attack.)

대규모의, 거대한, 막대한, 대대적인, 강력한 (1. very large in size, amount, or degree)

respond (ri-SPOND) (1 - I want to respond to something that Norman said.)

대답하다, 응답하다, 반응하다 (1. to say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done) (2. If a disease responds to treatment, the harmful effects of the disease begin to lessen.)

commission (ku̲h̲-MISH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - Congress appointed a commission to study immigration policy.) (2 - She received a commission to paint the governor's portrait.) (3 - She received her commission as a lieutenant in the US Army.) (4 - the commission of a crime) (5 - As a real estate agent, her commission is between 4% and 6% on every sale.) (6 - The newspaper commissioned a series of articles on the fashion industry.)

대리 수수료, 수수료, 위임장, 직권, 권한, 으뢰하다, 주문하다, 권한을 주다 (1. a group of people who have been formally chosen and given the authority to get information about a problem or to perform other special duties) (2. a formal request to do a special piece of work for payment) (3. the official authority to be an officer in the armed forces) (4. the act of doing something that is illegal or considered wrong) (5. a system of payment based on a percentage of the value of sales or other business done, or a payment to someone working under such a system) (6. to choose someone to do a piece of work, or to have a piece of work done)

gate (geyt) (1 - I pushed open the gate and went into the backyard.) (2 - All passengers for flight 103 please proceed to gate D4.)

대문, 문, 입구, 입장자수, 승선통로 (기차나 비행기 또는 배 등) (1. a section of a fence or outer wall that can swing open to let you through) (2. A ____ is also the door at an airport that you go through to get on an aircraft)

Atlantic (at-LAN-tik)

대서양의, 아틀라스 산맥의, 거인 아틀라스 (1. belonging to or relating to the ________ Ocean) (2. the ocean that is to the west of Europe and Africa and to the east of North and South America)

crowd (kroud) (1 - A crowd formed outside the club. Crowds of people watched the fireworks.) (2 - I don't know many people in Edsel's crowd.) (3 - the art/theater crowd) (4 - Street vendors crowded the sidewalks. [ I ] As soon as he appeared, reporters crowded around him.) (5 - Don't crowd me!) (6 - Commuters crowded into the train.)

대중, 군중, 다수의 사람들의 모임, 군집, 무리져 있는 다수의 것, 떼지어 모이다 (1. a large group of people who have gathered together) (2. /infml/ A _____ is also a group of friends) (3. A _____ is also a group of people with similar interests) (4. /of people/ to fill a place) (5. If you _____ someone, you make the person uncomfortable by standing too close) (6. If people _____ into a place, they fill it completely)

replace (ri-PLEYS) (1 - We replaced our old air conditioners. The ailing actress was replaced by her understudy.) (2 - After dusting the vase, she replaced it on the shelf.) (2 - The replacement of typewriters by computers happened quickly.)

대체하다, 교체하다, 대신하다, 바꾸다, 후임으로 임명되다 (1. to take the place of something or put in the place of something or someone else) (2. to put something back where it was before)

university (yoo-nu̲h̲-VUR-si-tee) (1 - a university campus/professor [ C ] She applied to six universities and was accepted by three.)

대학교 (1. a place of higher education usually for people who have finished twelve years of schooling and where they can obtain more knowledge and skills, and get a degree to recognize this)

dialogue (DAHY-u̲h̲-lawg, -log) (1 - Oscar Wilde's plays are famous for their witty dialogue.) (2 - We have held a number of meetings, and the dialogue is ongoing.)

대화, 담화 (1. conversation between the characters in a story, such as in a book or movie) (2. a serious exchange of opinion, esp. among people or groups that disagree)

discourse (noun DIS-kawrs, -kohrs, dis-KAWRS, -KOHRS; verb dis-KAWRS, -KOHRS) (1 - political discourse [ C ] The play is a wonderful discourse on love.)

대화, 담화, 토론, 강연 (1. spoken or written discussion)

convention (ku̲h̲ n-VEN-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - literary conventions [ U ] He flouted convention by wearing sneakers with his tuxedo.) (3 - the Dairy Association's annual convention a convention of travel agents a Star Trek convention politics & government [ C ]) (4 - the Democratic/Republican national convention) (5 - the Geneva Conventions the United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea)

대회, 회의, 협약, 컨벤션, 위원회 (1. a way of doing something or appearing that is considered usual and correct) (2. The accepted rules and practice of spelling, writing, and punctuation are conventions.) (3. a large meeting of a group of people who are involved in the same type of work or who have similar interests) (4. A political __________ is a meeting of a political party, esp. to choose someone to represent it in an election for a public office) (5. a formal agreement between countries)

farther (FAHR-t̲h̲ er) (1 - How much farther is it to the airport? Now that they live farther away we don't see them so often.) (1 - Birds from farther north appeared in the fall.)

더 멀리, 더욱더, 보다 더, 더 먼, 게다가, 더욱이 (1. /comparative of/to a greater distance; far )

pitch (pich) (1 - She pitched a stone into the river.) (3 - The bus stopped suddenly, pitching everyone forward.) (4 - We pitched our tent in a sheltered area.) (6 - a sales pitch) (9 - a pitched roof)

던지기, 도, 음조, 경사도, 위아래로 흔들리기, 배가 위아래로 흔들리기, 고정 위치 (1. to throw something, esp. forcefully) (2. /in baseball/ to throw a baseball toward a player from the opposing team who tries to hit it with a baseball bat) (3. to fall suddenly) (4. to raise a tent and fix it in place) (5. the degree to which a sound or a musical note has a high or low quality) (6. a speech that attempts to persuade someone to buy or do something) (7. the degree of slope, esp. of a roof) (8. a thick, black, sticky substance used to make ships and roofs waterproof, and to cover cracks in roads) (9. field )

sympathy (SIM-pu̲h̲-thee) (1 - When Robert died, I sent a letter of sympathy to his wife.) (2 - She tends to be in sympathy with the left wing of the party. [ pl ] On the subject of wilderness, her sympathies were clearly pro-environmental.)

동정, 동정심, 동감, 감응, 인정 (1. a feeling or expression of understanding and caring for someone else who is suffering or has problems that have caused unhappiness) (2. a feeling or expression of support and agreement)

cast (kast, kahst) (1 - People complained about the shadows cast by the new skyscraper. fig. A new scientific study may cast some light on /= help to explain/ why women live longer than men.) (2 - We watched the trout fishermen casting their lines.) (3 - They are casting the show in New York right now. She's been cast as a young doctor in an upcoming movie.) (4 - The bronze statue is being cast next week.) (5 - Altogether, 358 votes were cast.)

던지다, 빛을 투영하다, 틀에 넣어 모양을 만들다, 주조하다, 배정하다(연극이나 영화 등에서) (1. to cause something to appear, as if by throwing something) (2. In the sport of fishing, if you ____ something, such as a line or a net, you throw it far into the water) (3. to choose actors to play particular parts in a play, movie, or show, or to choose an actor for a part) (4. to make an object by pouring liquid, such as melted metal, into a shaped container to become hard) (5. to give a vote) (6. a hard covering used to keep a broken bone in the correct position and protect it until it heals) (7. all the actors in a movie, play, or show) (8. an object made in a particular shape by pouring a liquid substance into a container having that shape and letting the liquid harden)

block (blok) (1 - There's a good deli on this block.) (2 - The new building will take up an entire city block.) (3 - The warehouse stores building material, including cement blocks.) (5 - a block of tickets/seats a block of time) (6 - A fallen tree blocked the road. A large man in front of me blocked my view. Earl scored 28 points and blocked five shots. Congress blocked US aid to the government because of its segregation and human rights policies.)

덩어리, 받침나무, 받침, 활차, 거래 단위, 한 채의 큰 건축물, 블록, 의원연합 (1. the buildings next to each other between crossing streets, or the distance from one street to the next in a city or town) (2. A _____ is also an area enclosed by four streets that form a rectangle in a city or town) (3. a solid, straight-sided lump of hard material) (4. A _____ is also a child's toy, usually a set of pieces of wood that can be arranged to make structures, walls, etc.) (5. a group of things considered together, or an amount of something) (6. to prevent movement through or past something, or to prevent something from happening or succeeding)

plot (plot) (1 - The police discovered a plot to rob the bank.) (2 - The novel has a complicated plot that is sometimes difficult to follow.) (3 - a garden plot) (5 - He plotted a course between Hawaii and Tahiti. We measured and plotted the amounts of chemicals that were released in the countryside.)

도면을 그리다, 음모를 꾸미다, 표로 나타내다, 그래프로 나타내다, 줄거리를 구상하다 (1. a secret plan to do something that is wrong, harmful, or illegal) (2. the plan or main story of a book, film, play, etc.) (3. a small piece of land that has been marked or measured for a particular purpose) (4. to mark a paper or use a computer to show the position of a number or represent a solution to an equation /= mathematical statement/ and create a graph /= drawing/) (5. To ____ something is also to mark or draw lines showing a route on a piece of paper or a map, or to put numbers on a piece of paper to show how amounts are related)

march (mahrch) (1 - The band marched through the downtown streets.) (2 - She marched up to the customer service desk and demanded her money back.) (3 - The parade was led by the high school band, playing a series of marches.) (4 - a protest march)

도보여행하다, 군인처럼 행진하다, 시위하다, 전진하다, 경계를 접하다, 행군, 도보여행 (1. to walk with regular steps of equal length, esp. with other people who are all walking in the same way) (2. If you march, you walk quickly with purpose and determination) (3. a piece of music with a strong, regular rhythm written for marching to) (4. an event in which many people walk through a public place to express their support of something, often in disapproval of an official position) (5. /of a military unit/ the act of walking together in formation) (6. the third month of the year, after February and before April)

introduce (in-tru̲h̲-DOOS, -DYOOS) (1 - I'd like to introduce you to my friend, Sally. George, I'd like to introduce my friend, Sally.) (2 - It's my distinct honor to introduce the president of the United States of America.) (3 - When were music CDs first introduced? These trees were introduced into New England from Europe.)

도입하다, 소개하다, 선보이다, 발표하다, 제출하다 (1. to arrange for you to meet and learn the name of another person) (2. To _________ is also to formally present someone to a group) (3. to put something into use for the first time, or to put something into a new place)

arrive (u̲h̲-RAHYV) (1 - What time is their plane scheduled to arrive?) (2 - Sausages suddenly arrived on our table.) (3 - When they sent a limo for us, I knew we'd arrived.)

도착하다, 성공하다 (1. to come to a place, esp. after traveling) (2. If someone or something arrives, it appears) (3. /infml/ Someone who has arrived has become successful)

chart (chahrt) (1 - The chart shows a top-down communication model.) (2 - The magazine charts current trends in fashion.) (3 - The president plans to chart a new economic policy.)

도표, 차트, 도표를 만들다 (1. a way of presenting information, usually by putting it into vertical rows and boxes on a sheet of paper, so it can be easily understood) (2. to record changes in something or the progress of something) (3. Someone who charts a series of actions plans them)

sudden (SUHD-n) (1 - The cyclist lowered his head and put on a sudden burst of speed.)

돌연한, 갑작스런 (1. happening or done quickly or unexpectedly)

rush (ruhsh) (1 - She rushed toward me, talking and laughing. [ I ] You shouldn't rush out and buy one. [ T ] We rushed her to the hospital. [ T ] She never rushes her students.) (2 - a rush of cold air [ U ] There's no rush, I can wait. "It's like this," she said in a rush /= quickly/.) (3 - a rush of excitement)

돌진하다, 서두르다, 매우 빠르게 행동하다, 빠르게 움직이다, 빨리빨리 하게 하다 (1. to do something or move very quickly, or to cause someone to act in such a way; hurry) (2. something moving quickly, or the need for quick action) (3. A ____ is also a sudden strong emotion or physical feeling)

equivalent (ih-KWIV-u̲h̲-lu̲h̲ nt or for 5, ee-kwu̲h̲-VEY-lu̲h̲ nt) (1 - A mile is equivalent to about 1.6 kilometers.) (2 - A day on the planet Mercury is the equivalent of 176 days on Earth.)

동등한, 동등한 가치의, 대등하게 중요한, 상당하는, 대응하는, 동등물 (1. equal to or having the same effect as something else) (2. __________ equations are two equations /= mathematical statements/ that have the same solutions.)

render (REN-der) (1 - New technology renders a computer obsolete in a year.) (2 - The drawing was rendered in muted pastels.) (3 - An employee is someone who renders his or her services in exchange for pay.)

되게 하다, 되게 만들다, 사람 등을 ...한 상태로 되게 하다, 사람 등을 ...한 상태로 되게 만들다 (1. to cause someone or something to be in a particular state) (2. to represent something in a work of art or a performance) (3. to give something to someone)

repeat (ri-PEET) (1 - She repeated the question. Listen to the tape and repeat each word.) (1 - We're hoping to avoid a repeat of last year's disaster.)

되풀이하다, 암송하다, 반복, 되풀이, 반복된 (1. to say, tell, or do something again)

twice (twahys) (1 - Take the medicine twice a day. I've already asked him twice.)

두 번, 두 배, 다시 (1. two times)

thick (thik) (1 - a thick book/steak The walls are a foot thick.) (2 - a thick fog She had wonderful, thick, brown hair.) (3 - thick gravy/soup) (4 - Tony could hardly speak, and when he did his voice was thick with emotion.)

두껍게, 풍부하게, 진하게, 두꺼운, 얇지 않은, 풍부한, 밀집된 (1. having a large distance from one side of something to the opposite side) (2. /of particular things/ close together with little space between them) (3. /of a liquid/ not flowing easily) (4. /fig./ If your voice is thick, it is lower than usual and not as even, usually because you are feeling a strong emotion)

roll (rohl) (1 - The coin rolled off the table. [ T ] I rolled the spare tire around to the side of the car. [ I ] Tears rolled down his cheeks. Bob rolled over /= turned his body while lying down/ onto his stomach.) (3 - He rolled the clay into a ball. [ M ] She rolled up her pants so they wouldn't get wet.) (4 - Thunder rolled in the distance.) (5 - a roll of eligible voters) (7 - You have to allow for the roll of the ball when it lands after you hit it.) (8 - a drum roll) (9 - a roll of film/ tape/aluminum foil [ C ]) (10 - rolls of fat)

두루마리, 기록부, 목록, 명부, 회전, 빵덩어리, 천둥소리같이 매우 깊게 울리는 소리 (1. to move in a direction by turning over and over or by traveling on wheels, or to cause something to move in this way) (2. If you ____ a car window up or down, you turn a handle or press a button that opens or closes the window.) (3. to form something soft into a rounded shape) (4. to make a continuous repeated sound) (5. an official list of names) (6. a small loaf of bread) (7. the movement of something in a direction by turning over and over or by traveling on wheels) (8. a continuous repeated sound) (9. a long piece of something that bends, formed into a cylinder) (10. A ____ is also a rounded mass of something)

drama (DRAH-mu̲h̲, DRAM-u̲h̲) (1 - She's been in several television dramas. [ U ] Arthur Miller, a master of drama, wrote "Death of a Salesman.) (2 - Watching on television was not the same as experiencing the drama of the event in person.)

드라마, 연극, 극, 연출, 극적 사건 (1. a play, esp. a serious one, written to be performed by actors, the writing of plays, or the art of showing plays) (2. excitement and strong interest produced by an unexpected or surprising event or situation)

bare (bair) (1 - The hot sand burned my bare feet. Inside, the floors were bare and there was very little furniture.) (2 - They had nothing beyond the bare necessities /of life/ /= the most basic things you need/.) (3 - The dog bared its teeth and growled.)

드러난, 벌거벗은, 간신히, 겨우, 드러내다, 노출하다, 벌거 벗다 (1. without any clothes or not covered by anything) (2. ____ also means the least possible or only this much of something) (3. to show something that is usually covered)

expose (ik-SPOHZ) (1 - The plaster was removed to expose the original brick wall.) (2 - He was exposed as a fraud and a liar.) (3 - His behavior on the Senate floor exposed him to ridicule. Be sure your child wears sunscreen whenever she's exposed to the sun.) (4 - Kate was exposed to new ideas when she went to college.)

드러내다, 노출하다, 보이다, 버리다 (1. to make something covered or hidden able to be seen) (2. to publicly show that someone or something is bad or dishonest) (3. to create a situation or a condition that makes someone likely to be harmed) (4. to create conditions that allow someone to have the opportunity to learn or experience new things) (5. a public report about a situation that is shocking or that has been kept secret)

reveal (ri-VEEL) (1 - She revealed her history to him because she thought it was important. [ + that clause ] X-rays revealed that my ribs had been cracked but not broken.)

드러내다, 보이다, 들추다, 폭로하다 (1. to make known or show something usually secret or hidden)

rare (rair) (1 - rare species of birds Success like that is extremely rare. She's usually positive, but on rare occasions disappointment shows through. With rare exceptions, the families in this town have lived here for generations.) (2 - rare steak)

드문, 설은, 덜 익은, 희박한, 훌륭한 (1. not common and therefore sometimes valuable) (2. /esp. of meat/ not cooked for very long and still red inside)

entry (EN-tree) (1 - America's entry into the war was delayed. [ U ] Entry to the basement is through a back stairway. [ U ] Police gained entry by breaking a window.) (2 - There were five entries for best picture of the year.) (3 - an entry in a diary)

들어감, 진출, 가입, 참가, 항목 (1. the act or manner of entering a place or of entering into an organization or relationship with others) (2. a person or thing that is part of a competition) (3. a single written item in a list or collection of records) (4. a word listed in a dictionary and the information about it, or a subject in an encyclopedia)

lift (lift) (1 - I can't lift you up - you're a big boy now! [ I always + adv/prep ] The top of the stool lifts off /= can be removed/ so you can store things in it. [ T ] She lifted the baby out of her chair. [ T ] fig. Nothing, it seemed, could lift his spirits /= make him feel happier/.) (2 - The morning mist had lifted and the sun was shining.) (3 - They finally lifted the ban on baggy jeans at my school.) (4 - He lifted whole paragraphs verbatim from my book.) (5 - Can I give you a lift home?)

들어올리다, 집어 들다, 상승시키다, 고양하다, 취소하다, 제거하다, 훔치다 (속어) (1. to move something from a lower to a higher position) (2. /of fog or rain/ to go away until none is left) (3. to end a rule or law) (4. to steal something) (5. a free trip in another person's vehicle, esp. a car) (6. Br A ____ is an elevator.)

depend (dih-PEND) (1 - All of this depends on how the test is constructed. "Do you eat out at lunchtime?" "Well, it depends. I usually bring lunch, but sometimes I go out.)

따라, 달리다, 의존하다 (1. to be influenced or determined by something else)

label (LEY-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - the address/mailing label Follow the instructions on the label.) (2 - Everything we produce goes out under our own label.) (3 - It's hard to say whether to apply the label "jazz" or "rock" to her music.) (4 - She labeled all the packages and sent them out the same afternoon.) (5 - He didn't want to be labeled a complainer, so he didn't raise any objection to the extra work.)

딱지, 우표, 부호, 상표, 표찰, 꼬리표를 붙이다, 이름을 붙이다, 분류하다 (1. a piece of paper or other material that gives information about the object it is attached to) (2. A _____ can also mean the name or symbol of a company that produces goods for sale) (3. A _____ can also be a name or a phrase used to describe the characteristics or qualities of people, activities, or things) (4. to attach a piece of paper or other material that has information about an object to that object) (5. To _____ something or someone is also to name that thing's or person's character)

click (klik) (1 - You'll know your seat belt is fastened properly when you hear a click.) (2 - Liz and I really clicked, from the first time we met. The show never really clicked.) (3 - Something clicked, and I remembered where I'd seen her before.) (4 - As the door clicked shut behind her, she realized she'd forgotten her key.)

딸깍 하는 소리, 찰깍 하는 소리, 흡기음, 제동자, 똑똑 소리를 내게 두드리다, 빠르게 똑똑 두드리다 (1. a short sound made when when one object hits or is fastened to another) (2. to become friendly or be successful) (3. to be understood or become clear suddenly) (4. to make a short sound when one object hits or is fastened to another)

strike (strahyk) (1 - A car struck the man trying to cross a major highway. [ T ] She was struck in the back of the head by a ball that was thrown across the field.) (3 - It was a disease that struck mainly young people. [ I ] Many public health officials fear that a similar flu virus will one day strike again. [ T ] He was stricken with polio at the age of 13 and lost the use of his legs.) (4 - Flight attendants are threatening to strike to get more flexible schedules.) (5 - From what you've said, it strikes me that you would be better off working for someone else. I was struck by her sincerity.) (6 - I was immediately struck by the similarities in their appearance.) (7 - to strike gold/oil) (8 - My children and I have struck a deal - they can play any kind of music they want as long as I don't hear it.) (9 - It's a question of striking the right balance between quality and productivity.) (10 - The clock struck midnight.) (11 - air/military strikes) (12 - If the teachers go on strike again and close the schools down, I don't know what I'll do with the kids.)

때리다, 공격하다, 충돌하다, 병에 걸리다, 불꽃을 내다, 감동하다, 찍어내다 (1. to hit or physically attack someone or something) (2. If you ______ a match, you cause it to burn by rubbing it against a rough surface.) (3. to bring sudden harm, damage, or injury to a person or thing) (4. to refuse to continue working because workers or their labor union /= employees' organization/ cannot come to an agreement with an employer over pay or other conditions of the job) (5. to cause someone to have a feeling or idea about something) (6. To ______ also means to suddenly cause someone to think of something) (7. to discover something such as oil, gas, gold, etc., underground at a particular place) (8. to agree to or achieve a solution) (9. If you ______ a balance between two things, you try to give an equal amount of attention or importance to each) (10. /esp. of a clock/ to make a sound or a series of sounds that show the time) (11. a brief military attack) (12. a period of time when workers refuse to continue working because they cannot come to an agreement with an employer)

apart (u̲h̲-PAHRT) (1 - Stand with your feet wide apart and bend from the waist. How far apart should I put my stereo speakers? We both travel a lot, but when we're apart we keep in touch by phone. fig. The strike continued, and both sides remained very far apart.) (2 - He had to take the hot-water pump apart to repair it.) (3 - Our two kids were born just eighteen months apart.)

떨어져서, 산산이, 별개로 (1. separated by a distance) (2. /esp. of a machine/ _____ can also mean separated into its parts) (3. _____ can also mean separated in time)

distinct (dih-STINGKT) (1 - The two languages are quite distinct from each other. The dogs are of distinct breeds.) (2 - There's a distinct possibility of rain today. There were distinct advantages to the first job offer.)

뚜렷한, 다른, 독특한 (1. clearly separate and different) (2. not to be ignored; real and present)

gaze (geyz) (1 - He spends hours gazing out of the window when he should be working.) (1 - I felt his gaze on me as I walked out the door.)

뚫어지게 보다, 관찰하다, 응시하다, 뚫어지게 바라보다 (1. to look at something or someone for a long time, esp. in surprise, admiration, or because you are thinking about something else)

jump (juhmp) (1 - The kids were jumping up and down with excitement. [ I ] The cats jumped up onto the table.) (2 - Can you jump this fence?) (3 - A man jumped out of the bushes. He jumped to his feet and ran out the door.) (4 - The thunder made us all jump.) (6 - Her book jumped from fifth place to first place on the best-seller list. [ T ] The forest fire jumped the road and spread to the other side.) (7 - It's not fair to jump to conclusions about a whole group of people based on one incident.) (8 - Home prices in the area have jumped to an all-time high.) (9 - He was jumped and robbed by two guys on his way home from work.) (10 - The skater's jump was high but not graceful.) (11 - He made a big jump from general manager to president of the company.)

뛰어오르다, 재빨리 일어나다, 갑자기 움직이다, 급하게 행하다, 재촉하다, 급등하다 (1. to push yourself off the ground and into the air using your legs and feet) (2. To ____ sometimes means to lift yourself off the ground in order to go over something) (3. to move suddenly or quickly) (4. If a noise or action causes you to jump, your body makes a sudden movement because of surprise or fear) (5. If a car jumps the light, it starts moving past a traffic light while the light is still red.) (6. to move up or go across suddenly from one point or stage to another without stopping at the stages in between) (7. If you ____ to conclusions, you judge a situation quickly and emotionally without having all the facts) (8. to increase suddenly by a large amount) (9. to attack suddenly) (10. a push into the air from a surface, like the ground or ice, using your legs and feet) (11. a move from one point or stage to another without stopping at the stages in between)

motor (MOH-ter) (1 - an electric/diesel motor.) (2 - motor skills)

모터, 작은 동력장치, 움직이게 하는, 발동기의, 엔진의, 동력의 (1. an engine that makes a machine work or a vehicle move) (2. relating to muscles that produce movement and the nerves and parts of the brain that control these muscles)

stable (STEY-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Don't climb the ladder until you're sure it's stable. She's in the hospital in stable condition. The country needs a stable government that is free of corruption.) (2 - The horses in the stable have plenty of straw.)

마구간, 경주, 경주마, 마구간에 넣다, 마구간에서 살다, 마구간에서 유숙하다, 안정된 (1. firmly fixed or not likely to move or change) (2. a building in which horses or cattle are kept)

magic (MAJ-ik) (1 - a tale of witchcraft and magic) (2 - My daughter loves doing magic.) (3 - As an actress, she has lost none of her magic, and she still is thrilling to watch.)

마법, 마술, 현혹, 매혹, 마법의, 마법을 쓰는, 현혹하는 (1. /esp. in stories for children/ the use of special powers to make things happen that would usually be impossible) (2. _____ is also the skill of performing tricks to entertain people, such as making things seem to appear and disappear, or the tricks performed) (3. a special, exciting quality that makes something or someone different and better than others)

plastic (PLAS-tik) (1 - The cover of the book is actually made of plastic, though it looks like cloth. [ C ] Plastics can be produced in the form of fibers or sheets and are used in building materials as well as in consumer goods.) (2 - Clay is a plastic material.)

마음대로 모양을 만들 수 있는, 가소성의, 유연한, 플라스틱으로 된, 플라스틱 (1. any one of a group of materials made chemically and shaped into different forms for different uses) (2. soft enough to be shaped into different forms)

coach (kohch) (1 - a basketball coach [ C ]) (2 - an acting coach) (3 - We were in coach on the flight to Seattle.) (7 - He coached the Giants until 1997.)

마차, 철로의 객차, 버스, 운동코치, 가정교사, 선생님, 지도하다, 가르치다 (1. /esp. in sports/ a person who is responsible for managing and training a person or a team) (2. A _____ is also an expert who trains someone learning or improving a skill, esp. one related to performing) (3. the less expensive sections of an aircraft that most people sit in) (4. A _____ is also one of the separate parts of a train.) (5. A _____ is also a kind of old-fashioned vehicle pulled by one or more horses.) (6. Br A _____ is a bus.) (7. to be responsible for managing and training a person or a team)

encounter (en-KOUN-ter) (1 - In the kitchen I encountered a woman I had never seen before. He was shocked by the hostility he encountered.) (1 - My first encounter with death was when Abraham died.)

만나다, 우연히 만나다, 부닥치다, 교전하다, 맞닥뜨리다, 대항하다, 마주침, 우연한 만남 (1. to meet someone unexpectedly, or to experience, esp. something unpleasant)

fashion (FASH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - Long skirts are back in fashion this season. Formal dinner parties seem to be out of fashion.) (2 - She has a flair for fashion. [ C ] He plays golf and dresses in the latest fashions.) (3 - The sale of the property has to be conducted in a systematic fashion.) (4 - She fashioned an elaborate sculpture out of newspapers and glue.)

만듦새, 스타일, 유행, 의상, 모양, 어떤 것이 만들어진 방법, 유형, 종류 (1. a custom, look, or way of doing things that is considered acceptable) (2. clothing that is considered stylish) (3. a way of doing things) (4. to create something, using the hands or the imagination)

chronic (KRON-ik) (1 - Mr. George is resigning because of chronic heart disease. There is a chronic shortage of teachers.) (1 - The hospital provides care to chronically ill patients for as long as they need it.)

만성적인, 만성의, 장기간에 걸친 (1. /esp. of a disease or something bad/ continuing for a long time)

satisfy (SAT-is-fahy) (1 - Giving the baby her bottle seemed to satisfy her, and she stopped crying. I am not really satisfied with the job you did.) (2 - I'd like to go to that college if I can satisfy the entrance requirements.) (3 - I'm satisfied that the doctors did all they could to save her.)

만족시키다, 충족시키다, 풀다, 납득시키다, 충분하다 (1. to please someone by giving the person something that is wanted or needed, or to make someone feel pleased because a particular desired result has happened) (2. To _______ a standard is to show that you are qualified for it) (3. To be satisfied is also to be sure, with all your doubts removed)

verbal (VUR-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Our apartment lease is really just a verbal agreement.) (2 - The children were tested for their physical coordination and verbal skills.) (2 - The judge then verbally agreed to the attorneys' request.)

말의, 말로 표현된, 말해진, 구두의, 동사의, 유죄를 인정하는 구두 진술 (1. spoken rather than written) (2. having to do with or using words)

mention (MEN-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Has he mentioned /that/ he's leaving his job? I promised never to mention her again.) (1 - There was no mention of the robbery in today's newspaper.)

말하다, 언급하다, 암시하다, 언급, 성과에 대한 인정, 짧게 말하기 (1. to speak about someone or something, esp. briefly and without giving much detail)

guard (gahrd) (1 - prison guards Armed guards were posted at every exit.)

망보다, 경계하다, 망보기, 수위, 보초, 보호, 경계, 조심, 신중 (1. a person or group of people whose job it is to protect a person, place, or thing from danger or attack, or to prevent a person such as a criminal from escaping) (2. In sports, a _____ is a player who supports and defends other players of his or her team.)

sale (seyl) (1 - You pay tax on the profits from the sale of buildings. [ C ] The school raised money from book sales, bake sales, and individual contributors. [ U ] When I bought this house, there were many, many homes for sale /= available to be bought/.) (2 - a clearance sale Are these dresses on sale /= reduced in price/?)

매각, 염가판매, 상품에 대한 수요, 경매 (1. an act of exchanging something for money) (2. an occasion when goods are sold at a lower price than usual)

cap (kap) (1 - a painter's cap My uncle must have a hundred baseball caps to choose from.) (2 - a pen cap I can't get the cap off this bottle.) (5 - Our mortgage is capped for five years.)

모자, 마개, 정원, 정상, 꼭대기, 수학에서 교점을 나타내는 표식, 버섯의갓 (1. a soft, light hat, esp. one with a curved part sticking out at the front) (2. a small lid or cover) (3. A ___ is also a crown /= cover for a tooth/.) (4. a small amount of explosive powder on a paper roll, used esp. in toy guns to make a loud noise) (5. to put a limit on expenses or amounts charged)

hat (hat) (1 - a straw/fur hat a cowboy hat)

모자, 직책 (1. a piece of clothing for the head)

medium (MEE-dee-u̲h̲ m) (1 - He was a man of medium height. The shirt is available in small, medium, and large sizes.) (2 - Would you like your steak rare, medium, or well-done?) (3 - the broadcasting/print medium art us ​) (4 - The work of art was done in mixed media /= using different substances/, and included wood shavings, pieces of metal, glue, and oil paint.)

매개물, 표현수단, 대화의 통로, 중개자, 생활 환경, 생활 조건, 무당, 영매(심령) (1. being in the middle between an upper and lower amount, size, or degree; average) (2. ______ also refers to a way of cooking meat or fish so that it is cooked in the middle) (3. a method or way of expressing something) (4. The ______ that an artist works in is the materials or method used to create things) (5. the material through which a wave or other force travels) (6. a person who claims to receive messages from people who are dead)

loose (loos) (1 - I'd better sew that loose button before it comes off. A few loose sheets of paper were lying around.) (3 - Wear comfortable, loose clothing to your exercise class.) (4 - The film is a loose adaptation of Conrad's novel.)

매듭 따위를 풀다, 풀어주다, 쏘다, 화살을 쏘다, 총을 쏘다, 늦다, 헐렁하다 (1. not firmly attached in place) (2. If an animal is loose, it is not tied up or caged in.) (3. not tight; not fitting closely to the body or the thing that is covered) (4. _____ can also mean not closely following something original, or not exact)

intimate (IN-tu̲h̲-mit) (1 - an intimate friend) (2 - They had been good friends, but they had never in any way been intimate.) (3 - She refused to discuss the intimate details of her life.) (4 - an intimate knowledge of cattle farming) (5 - George was never one of the president's intimates.) (6 - He intimated that they had thought about getting married.)

매우 친한 친구, 친밀한, 친한, 개인적인, 사적인, 은밀한, 친근한 (1. being a close, personal friend, or having a close, personal relationship) (2. An ________ relationship can also refer to a romantic relationship) (3. ________ can also mean private and personal) (4. expert and detailed) (5. a close friend) (6. to suggest that something will happen or is true, without saying so directly)

beer (beer)

맥주 (1. a slightly bitter, alcoholic drink made from grain, or a serving of this drink in a glass or other container)

remote (ri-MOHT) (1 - Ben grew up in a remote part of Montana. It happened in the remote past. There is a remote possibility /= slight chance/ that we won't be able to make the trip.)

먼, 멀리 떨어진, 외딴, 벽지의, 시간적으로 관계적으로 먼, 멀리서 조종하는 (1. far away in distance, time, or relation; not close) (2. Someone whose behavior is ______ is not friendly or interested in others.)

dust (duhst) (1 - The furniture was covered with dust.) (1 - Piles of dusty books lay on the floor.) (2 - I was dusting /her desk/ when I noticed the piece of paper.)

먼지, 시체, 소동, 공포, 먼지를 털다, 흩뿌리다 (1. dry dirt in the form of powder that covers surfaces inside a building, or very small dry pieces of earth, sand, or other substances) (2. to remove dry dirt in the form of powder from a surface)

pause (pawz) (1 - There was a long pause during which we all wondered what he would say next.) (1 - She paused to catch her breath.)

멈추다, 휴지하다, 일시적으로 중단하다, 중지, 중단, 쉼, 휴지 (1. a moment in which something, such as a sound or an activity, stops before starting again)

wonderful (WUHN-der-fu̲h̲ l) (1 - Becoming a father was the most wonderful experience of my life.) (1 - I took a vacation and feel wonderfully rested.)

멋진, 훌륭한, 좋은, 놀라운, 행복한 (1. extremely good)

plane (pleyn) (1 - Shelley's plane is due in at 10, but it's a half-hour late.) (3 - Once we got a new financial manager, our business meetings were conducted on a much higher plane.)

면, 수평면, 수준, 정도, 비행기, 비행기 날개, 대패, 플라타너스 나무, 평평한 (1. a vehicle that is designed for air travel and that has wings and one or more engines) (2. a flat surface that continues in all directions) (3. a level or standard) (4. a tool with a blade in a flat surface that is rubbed against wood to cut away rough parts and make it smooth)

apparent (u̲h̲-PAR-u̲h̲ nt, u̲h̲-PAIR-) (1 - It was becoming increasingly apparent that he could no longer look after himself.) (2 - The apparent cause of death was drowning, but further tests were needed.)

명백한, 분명한, 확실히 보이는 (1. able to be seen or understood) (2. ________ also means seeming to be true)

sand (sand) (2 - The bookcase has to be sanded and stained.)

모래, 모래해변, 모래를 뿌리다, 모래로 닦다, 사포로 닦다 (1. a mass of very small grains that at one time were rock and now form deserts and beaches) (2. to make a surface smooth by rubbing it with sandpaper /= strong, rough paper/ or with a special tool)

gather (gat̲h̲ -er) (1 - I went to several libraries to gather information. We gathered blackberries from the nearby fields.) (2 - Pressure for reform of the health-care system is gathering momentum.) (3 - A crowd gathered to hear her speak.) (4 - From the look on their faces, she gathered /that/ they were annoyed with her.)

모으다, 집합하다, 축적하다, 걷어들이다, 결론짓다, 추론하다, 모으기, 끌어 모으기 (1. to collect or obtain things, esp. from different places) (2. If something gathers momentum/speed, it gradually becomes faster or stronger) (3. /of people or animals/ to come together in a group) (4. to understand or believe something as a result of something that has been said or done)

collect (ku̲h̲-LEKT) (1 - A crowd of people soon collected at the scene of the accident. [ T ] Information about employment is collected from every state.) (2 - I've got three kids who collect football cards.) (3 - You can begin to collect benefits under Social Security at age 62.) (4 - a collect call You can call me collect.)

모으다, 징수하다, 모이다, 수신인이 요금을 내는 (전화에서), 본기도 (1. to come or bring together from a variety of places or over a period of time) (2. People sometimes _______ one particular type of object as a hobby) (3. to receive money that you are owed or have earned) (4. /of a telephone call or the act of calling/ done in a way that will be paid by the person receiving it)

matrix (MEY-triks, MA-)

모체, 행렬, 모형 (1. a group of numbers or other symbols arranged in a rectangle that can be used to solve particular mathematical problems)

venture (VEN-cher) (1 - His most recent business venture ended in bankruptcy.) (2 - He wanted to venture into the mountainous wilderness of the countryside.) (3 - I wouldn't venture an opinion about that.)

모험적 사업, 투기, 투자하거나 내기된 돈, 모험하다, 목표를 달성하기 위해 위험을 감수하다 (1. an activity or plan of action, often in business, that involves risk or uncertainty) (2. to risk going somewhere or doing something that might be dangerous or unpleasant) (3. /fml/ To _______ something is to attempt it when you are likely to be wrong or to be criticized)

witness (WIT-nis) (1 - According to witnesses, the car used in the robbery was a green van with Pennsylvania license plates.) (2 - She was witness to the tragic event.) (3 - The will has to be signed by two witnesses.) (4 - defense/prosecution witnesses Five witnesses are expected to testify at the trial today.) (5 - We were there at the time and witnessed the accident. The university has witnessed /= experienced/ quite a few changes over the years.) (6 - The program aroused strong feelings, as witnessed by the number of letters the station received. Rock music is becoming a health problem - witness the loss of hearing /= for proof, look at the loss of hearing/ in some of our youth.)

목격자, 증인, 증거, 목격하다, 보다, 증언하다 (1. a person who sees an event happening, esp. a crime or an accident) (2. Someone who is _______ to something sees it) (3. If you are a witness, you are asked to be present at a particular event and to sign /= write your name on/ a document in order to prove that things have been done correctly) (4. a person in a law court who promises to tell the truth and answers questions about something that was seen or is known) (5. to see something happen) (6. _______ also means to show or give proof of something) (7. If you are asked to _______ an event, you are asked to be present at it and sign your name to prove that things have been done correctly.)

knee (nee) (1 - I stood in the water up to my knees. He got down on his hands and knees to look for his contact lens.)

무릎, 무릎관절, 구부러지는 곳, 연결부분, 연결지지대(건축), 무릎으로 건드리다 (1. the middle joint of the leg)

awful (AW-fu̲h̲ l) (1 - The weather was awful the whole time - cold and wet. Fox TV has canceled the truly awful sitcom "Monty" after a short tryout.) (2 - We're spending an awful amount of money!)

무서운, 끔찍한, 경외심을 일으키게 하는, 인상적인 (1. very bad, unpleasant, or of low quality) (2. _____ also means very great or large)

waste (weyst) (1 - a waste of time/money a waste of talent/ability I felt like being there was just a waste.) (2 - hazardous/toxic wastes [ U ] Most people don't recycle kitchen waste.) (5 - Why should I waste my time on her? You're just wasting your money buying that stuff.)

무용의, 헛된, 폐물의, 쓰레기의, 황폐한, 훼손된, 낭비하다 (1. a bad use of something valuable that you have only a limited amount of) (2. unwanted matter or material of any type, esp. what is left after use) (3. Human _____ is excrement.) (4. _____ disposal is the process or system for getting rid of unwanted material by burying it, burning it, or dropping it in the sea.) (5. to use something without care or thought)

innocent (IN-u̲h̲-su̲h̲ nt) (1 - He pleaded innocent to all charges against him. It was a totally innocent kind of mistake. Several innocent bystanders /= people who were not involved but who were there by chance/ were injured when his car slid off the road.) (1 - Some people innocently drove into the contaminated area.)

무죄의 (법률), 죄없는, 깨끗한, 단순한, 순진한, 해없는 (1. /of a person/ not guilty of a particular crime, or having no knowledge of the unpleasant and evil things in life, or /of words or an action/ not intended to cause harm)

bond (bond) (1 - The bond between parents and children is usually very strong.) (2 - The county issued $4 million in bonds for road construction.) (3 - The pieces will bond in less than a minute.) (4 - The puppy and his master bonded quickly.)

묶는 것, 의무, 속박, 구속, 차용증서, 보세창고에 저장하다, 잇다, 접착시키다 (1. a close and lasting relationship between people) (2. an official document that states you will be paid a certain amount of money because you have lent money to a government or company) (3. to stick materials together, usually using glue) (4. to develop a close and lasting relationship)

paragraph (PAR-u̲h̲-graf, -grahf)

문장의 절, 단락, 부분, 절로 나누다, 단락으로 나누다 (1. a short part of a text that begins on a new line and consists of one or more sentences dealing with a single idea)

affair (u̲h̲-FAIR) (1 - The meeting was addressed by an expert in South American affairs. What I do in my spare time is my own affair /= a private matter/.) (3 - Their wedding was a pretty boring affair.)

문제, 일, 정사, 사건, 행사 (1. a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered; a matter) (2. a sexual relationship, esp. a secret one) (3. an event)

beach (beech) (1 - Let's go to the beach.)

물가, 바닷가, 해수욕장, 뭍에 밀어올리다, 뭍에 끌어올리다, 뭍에 얹히다 (1. a flat, sloping area of sand or small stones beside the sea or a lake)

substance (SUHB-stu̲h̲ ns) (1 - The pesticide contains a substance that is toxic to insects.) (2 - Surprisingly, these filmmakers opted for substance over style.)

물질, 본질 (1. a material with particular physical characteristics) (2. importance, seriousness, or relationship to real facts)

taste (teyst) (1 - Sugar has a sweet taste and lemons have a sour taste. [ U ] I've lost my taste for /= stopped enjoying the taste of/ spicy foods.) (2 - Have a taste of this sauce and tell me if it's too salty. [ C usually sing ] fig. I had a taste of /= I briefly experienced/ factory work last summer, and I didn't like it at all.) (3 - Barbara has good/poor taste in clothes.) (4 - My son and I have very different tastes in music.) (5 - Coffee always tastes good in the morning. [ I always + adv/prep ] This tastes as if/as though/like it has pepper in it. [ T ] I hope you can taste the garlic. [ T ] Taste /= try a little of/ this and tell me if you like it.)

미각, 맛으로 인지, 취향, 맛보다, 시도하다 (1. a flavor and feeling produced by food or drink in your mouth that tells you what it is and lets you appreciate it, or the ability to have this feeling) (2. A _____ is also a small amount) (3. a person's ability to judge and appreciate what is good and suitable, esp. in art, beauty, style, and behavior) (4. _____ is also a person's liking for or appreciation of something) (5. to have a particular flavor)

slip (slip) (1 - He slipped on an icy sidewalk and broke his hip. The blanket began to slip off my shoulders.) (2 - He was able to slip out of the room without disturbing anyone. [ T always + adv/prep ] Ben slipped the credit card into the machine. [ I always + adv/prep ] fig. While I napped in my chair, the hours slipped by.) (3 - I slipped some money to the maitre d' to get a table. [ T always + adv/prep ] She slipped her hand into his.) (4 - We've slipped even further behind schedule. After slipping into a coma, he never woke up.) (5 - The dog slipped its leash and ran off. [ I always + adv/prep ] The ball slipped through my fingers.) (6 - You get a slip from the cash machine when you take out money.) (7 - She has made some slips lately that show she's thinking about other things.)

미끄러짐, 넘어지기, 실수, 여자 속옷, 종이 한 조각, 접지, 꺾꽂이 가지, 점토액 (도예용) (1. to slide suddenly and without intending to) (2. to move easily and quietly so you are not noticed, or to move something easily into position) (3. If you ____ something to someone, you give it to that person without attracting attention) (4. to change to a worse state or condition) (5. to get away from or get free from something) (6. a small piece of paper) (7. a mistake that someone makes when not being careful) (8. women's underwear that is shaped like a skirt or a dress)

virtue (VUR-choo) (1 - Patience is a virtue.) (2 - Caution is a useful virtue.)

미덕, 덕목, 덕행, 군자 (1. a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of goodness in a person) (2. an advantage or benefit)

subtle (SUHT-l) (1 - subtle flavors a subtle shade of pink The subtle nuances of English pronunciation are hard to master.) (2 - There are subtle differences between the two.) (2 - He subtly affects the lives of everyone he encounters.)

미묘한, 섬세한, 미세한, 민감한, 교묘한 (1. not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious) (2. ______ can also mean small but important)

sorry (SOR-ee, SAWR-ee) (1 - I'm really sorry /that/ I forgot about our appointment yesterday.) (2 - We were sorry to learn about the death of your grandmother.) (3 - The train will be moving shortly - we are sorry for the inconvenience.) (4 - I'm sorry, but I think you've made a mistake in our check. Sorry, you can't go in there.) (5 - They were a sorry sight, dressed in rags and so weak they could hardly stand up.)

미안한, 죄송한, 유감스러운, 안됐다, 후회하는 (1. feeling bad because you have caused trouble or difficulty to someone else) (2. _____ is also used as a polite way to show your sympathy to someone because of a loss, problem, or trouble the person has had) (3. _____ is also used as a polite way of asking someone to excuse you for having done something that might have annoyed the person) (4. used as a polite way of expressing refusal or disagreement) (5. so bad as to cause feelings of sympathy)

hate (heyt) (1 - Kelly hates her teacher. [ T ] I have always hated speaking in public. [ + to infinitive ] I hate to say it, but I don't think Leo is the right man for the job.) (1 - Hate and bigotry can only make our lives more difficult.)

미워하다, 미움, 증오 (1. to strongly dislike someone or something)

aesthetic (es-THET-ik or, esp. British, ees-) (1 - Those buildings have little aesthetic appeal.) (1 - I like objects to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.)

미의, 미학의 (1. relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty, or showing great beauty)

mad (mad) (1 - I get so mad at her I sometimes start screaming.) (2 - We made a mad dash for the school bus.) (3 - Jeanne's mad about old Woody Allen movies.) (4 - In his years as a prisoner of war, he often felt as if he might go mad.)

미친, 광분하는, 성난 (1. angry or annoyed) (2. /of an activity/ wild, fast, or excited and not well controlled) (3. very enthusiastic and interested) (4. mentally ill, or unable to behave in a reasonable way; insane)

democracy (dih-MOK-ru̲h̲-see)

민주주의, 민주적 (1. the belief in freedom and equality between people, or a system of government based on this belief, in which power is either held by elected representatives or directly by the people themselves) (2. A _________ is a country in which power is held by elected representatives.)

push (po̲o̲ sh) (1 - We should be able to move this table if we both push together. [ T ] She pushed her plate away.) (2 - Rising demand tends to push prices up.) (3 - Stop pushing and wait your turn! [ T always + adv/prep ] Rescuers pushed their way through the rubble to reach survivors.) (4 - She's pushing me for an answer. The administration is pushing its new trade agreement with Mexico. infml This restaurant is pushing its carrot soup today /= trying to get people to order it/.) (5 - She gave her daughter a push on the swing.) (6 - Florida is making a major push to attract more tourists.)

밀다, 찌르다, 몰아대다, 강요하다, 분발하다, 분투하다, 적극적으로 추진하다 (1. to put a continuing force against something to cause it to move forward or away from you) (2. To ____ is also to cause something to move or change in a stated direction) (3. to move forcefully through a group of people or things) (4. to try to persuade someone forcefully to do or accept something) (5. a force put or pressed against something that causes it to move forward or away from you) (6. an attempt to persuade someone forcefully to do or accept something)

ocean (OH-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - These mysterious creatures live at the bottom of the ocean.) (2 - the Atlantic/Pacific/Indian/Arctic/Antarctic Ocean oceanic adjective [ not gradable ] us ​) (2 - oceanic conditions)

바다, 해양, 대양 (1. the large mass of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface) (2. _____ is also used in the name of the world's five main divisions of this mass of water)

fool (fool) (1 - Crazy I may be, but I try not to be a fool. I know I'm making a fool of myself, but I can't help it. They were dressed up like a bunch of fools.) (2 - I made a damn fool mistake, but I'll never do it again.) (3 - She tries to fool people about her age by wearing heavy makeup and coloring her hair. [ I ] You don't owe me a penny, I was only fooling /= joking/.)

바보, 얼간이, 백치, 광대, 놀리다, 속이다, 바보처럼 행동하다, 조롱하다 (1. a person who behaves in a silly way, or someone who lacks judgment) (2. silly or stupid) (3. to trick or deceive someone)

trend (trend) (1 - fashion trends The trend is toward working longer hours for less money.)

방향, 경향, 유행, 유행의 스타일, ...의 방향으로 가다, 어떤 방향으로 쏠리다 (1. the general direction of changes or developments)

engage (en-GEYJ) (1 - He wrote about things that engaged him.) (2 - The gears won't engage. [ T ] You need to engage second gear.) (3 - The marines engaged the enemy.) (4 - She decided to engage a personal assistant. Her family engaged a tutor to teach her French.)

바쁘게 하다, 차지하다, 종사 시키다, 주의를 끌다, 약속으로 속박하다, 교전하다 (1. to cause someone to become interested or involved in an activity, or to attract someone's interest) (2. to fit one part of a machine into another so they move together, or cause something to fit into and move together) (3. to attack or begin to fight an enemy in a military operation) (4. to arrange to employ someone; hire)

busy (BIZ-ee) (1 - a busy street the busy summer months I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to have any social life. Getting the house ready for her relatives kept her busy the whole day.) (2 - Her line is still busy.) (3 - Aimee busied herself with a favorite book.)

바쁜, 통화중인, 바쁘게 하다, 바쁘게 일하다 (1. /of a person/ actively involved in doing something or having a lot of things to do, or /of a time or place/ when or where a lot of things are happening) (2. If a telephone is busy, it is being used by someone else) (3. to make the time pass by doing something)

virus (VAHY-ru̲h̲ s) (2 - She's had a virus for several days.)

바이러스, 병균 (1. a very small organism that causes disease in humans, animals, and plants) (2. A _____ is also a disease caused by a virus) (3. a hidden set of instructions in a computer program that is intended to introduce faults into a computer system or cause it to perform actions that were not planned)

wheel (hweel, weel) (1 - the wheel of a bicycle) (2 - I never feel safe with Richard behind the wheel /= driving/.) (3 - She wheeled around and slapped his face.) (4 - She was wheeling a stroller in the park.)

바퀴, 수레바퀴, 운전대, 디스크, 회전, 움직이다, 선회시키다, 방향을 바꾸다 (1. a circular object, connected at the center to a bar, that is used for making vehicles or parts of machines move) (2. The _____ refers to a steering _____ /= _____ in a vehicle that you turn to make the vehicle go left or right/) (3. to turn around quickly) (4. to push or pull an object with wheels under it)

outer (OU-ter) (1 - an outer covering/layer A line of trees marks the outer edge of the property.)

밖의, 극단의, 멀리 떨어진 (1. on the outside, or at a greater distance from the center or inside)

reverse (ri-VURS) (1 - The group is trying to reverse the trend toward developing the wetlands.) (1 - Repeat the steps in reverse order to shut the system off.) (2 - A car came down the street in reverse.) (3 - He suffered a series of financial reverses in the 1980s.)

반대, 뒤쪽, 역전, 역동, 거꾸로의, 반대로의, 기준과는 반대로 행동하는 (1. to cause something to go in the opposite direction, order, or position) (2. the opposite direction, order, or position) (3. A _______ is also a defeat or failure)

contrary (KON-trer-ee; for 5 also ku̲h̲ n-TRAIR-ee) (1 - We expected the play to be a bore, but the contrary was true.) (2 - Most people supported the proposal, but Liz expressed a contrary opinion.) (3 - I'm in a contrary mood - I don't feel like practicing today.)

반대의, 고집센, 완고한, 정반대, 상반하는 사물, 반대로 (1. a fact or opinion that is the opposite of one already stated) (2. opposing; opposite) (3. /of a person/ intentionally wanting to disagree with and annoy other people)

smooth (smoot̲h̲) (1 - a smooth surface Mix together the butter and sugar until smooth.) (2 - a smooth ride/flight The bill had a smooth passage through both houses of Congress.) (3 - I trust an honest face more than a smooth talker.) (4 - We must do more to smooth the country's path to democratic reform.) (5 - Use fine sandpaper to smooth the surface before varnishing. She smoothed the wrinkles from her skirt.)

반드럽게 함, 평면, 사물의 유쾌한 일면, 부드럽게 하다, 고르게 하다, 매끄럽게 하다 (1. having a surface or substance that is perfectly regular and has no holes or lumps or areas that rise or fall suddenly) (2. happening without any sudden changes, interruption, inconvenience, or difficulty) (3. polite, confident, and persuasive, esp. in a way that lacks sincerity) (4. to remove difficulties and make something easier to do) (5. to make something perfectly flat or regular)

discover (dih-SKUHV-er) (1 - Doctors later discovered /that/ he had a cut on his left ankle. [ + question word ] We reviewed enrollment figures to discover exactly when and why the student population declined. Researchers hope to discover new treatments that may help people suffering from migraine headaches.) (2 - When you go on a trip, you always discover that you forgot a few things.) (2 - The Canadians Frederick Banting and Charles Best were the discoverers of insulin.)

발견하다, 알다, 밝히다 (1. to find something for the first time, or something that had not been known before) (2. To ________ is also to realize or learn)

arise (u̲h̲-RAHYZ) (1 - Problems arise when kids leave school. When the opportunity arose, he decided to take it.) (2 - We arose early on Saturday morning.)

발생하다, 생기다, 일어나다, 비롯되다, 벌어지다 (1. to come into existence or begin to be noticed; happen) (2. to get up, esp. from bed after sleeping)

vote (voht) (1 - I voted early this morning just after the polls opened. [ I ] In a democracy, all adult citizens have the right to vote. [ I ] Local residents have twice voted against raising property taxes. [ I ] Who did you vote for in the last election? [ + to infinitive ] A majority of workers voted to accept the offer of an 8% pay raise. [ T ] She was voted best director at the Cannes Film Festival.)

발성, 선거, 투표, 투표권, 표, 득표, 선거결과, 투표하다, 선거하다, 제안하다 (1. to express your choice or opinion as one member of a group in order to decide a matter of importance to the whole group or to elect someone to an office)

chamber (CHEYM-ber) (1 - the council chamber) (2 - Most states have two chambers, a senate and a house of representatives, modeled after the US Congress.) (3 - The human heart has two chambers.)

방(특히 침실 ), 공무 집행실, 회의실, 입법부, 객실, 방에 가두다, ...에 방을 만들다 (1. a room or space used for a particular purpose) (2. a group of people who are part or all of a legislature, or an official place where such a group meets) (3. an enclosed space)

equation (ih-KWEY-zhu̲h̲ n, -shu̲h̲ n) (1 - In the equation 3x - 3 = 15, x equals 6.)

방정식, 문제, 공식 (1. a mathematical statement that two amounts, or two symbols or groups of symbols representing an amount, are equal)

hungry (HUHNG-gree) (1 - The children are always hungry when they get home from school. They were poor and often went to bed hungry /= did not get enough to eat at night/.) (2 - Kim is so hungry for success that she'll do anything to achieve it.)

배고픈, 부족한, 먹고 싶은, 기아의 (1. feeling the need to eat because there has been a period of time when you have not eaten) (2. having a strong desire; eager)

jury (jo̲o̲ r-ee) (1 - a trial by jury/a jury trial [ C ] My husband served on a jury in a criminal case a few months ago.) (2 - The jury chose an unexpected winner for the literary prize.)

배심원 (1. a group of people who have been chosen to listen to the facts of a trial in a law court and to decide whether a person is guilty or not guilty, or whether a claim has been proved) (2. A ____ is also a group of people chosen to judge a competition)

panel (PAN-l) (1 - We sanded down the insides of the door panels.) (2 - The car's instrument panel has buttons that give off a little blue-green light at night.) (3 - A panel of experts was formed to look into the causes of the fire.) (3 - The hall has been tastefully paneled in cherrywood.) (3 - My den had dark wood paneling at one end.)

배심원, 널판지, 줄, 끈, 팀, 승무원단, 단원, ...에 머름을 끼우다, ...에 장식판자를 끼우다 (1. a flat section in the shape of a rectangle that is part of or fits into something larger) (2. a surface with devices that a person uses to control or get information about the operation of one or more machines) (3. a small group of people chosen to give advice, make a decision, or publicly discuss their opinions)

companion (ku̲h̲ m-PAN-yu̲h̲ n) (1 - a pleasant traveling companion He shared his cabin with his wife and constant companion of 62 years.)

배우자, 동반자, 도와주거나 동반해주는 사람 (1. someone or something you spend a lot of time with or travel with, or a friend who lives with you)

band (band) (1 - a jazz/rock band a marching/military band) (2 - a band of outlaws) (3 - The silver band from his wristwatch left a green ring over his wrist.)

밴드, 끈, 줄무늬, 빛깔 줄무늬, 한 무리, 한떼, 악단, 취주 악단, 함께하다 (1. a group of musicians who play music together, esp. popular music) (2. a group of people who have joined together for a special purpose, or a group of animals) (3. a thin, flat strip of a material put around something to fasten or strengthen it, or a strip of color, light, etc., that is different from its surrounding area)

habit (HAB-it) (1 - Judy is in the habit of sleeping late on Sundays. [ U ] I have the habit of checking my e-mail as soon as I log on to my computer. [ C ] Eating between meals is a bad habit.)

버릇, 습관 (1. a particular act or way of acting that you tend to do regularly)

bus (buhs) (1 - The tour bus was the easiest way to see the area.) (2 - The governor bused supporters to the capital for his inauguration.) (3 - I started out busing tables.)

버스, 식기 운반용 왜건, 모선, 버스를 타다, 버스를 타고 가다 (1. a large motor vehicle with seats for many people) (2. to take people to a place in a bus) (3. to move dishes to and from tables in a restaurant as a job)

translation (trans-LEY-shu̲h̲ n, tranz-) (1 - Students will do one Spanish translation a week. A literal translation of "euthanasia" would be "good death". The English version is boring - maybe it has lost something in translation /= is not as good as the original/.) (2 - She reads Proust in translation.)

번역, 통역, 해석, 해독, 평행 이동 (1. something that is translated, or the process of translating something, from one language to another) (2. changed into someone's own language, not in the original language)

scope (skohp) (1 - We are going to widen the scope of the investigation.) (2 - There is limited scope for further reducing the workforce.)

범위, 한도, 지역, 광범위한 범위, 퍼짐, 여유, 여지, 기회 (1. the range of matters considered or dealt with) (2. the opportunity for activity) (3. a device you look through to see something that is difficult to see directly, such as a micro_____ or a telescope)

statute (STACH-oot, -o̲o̲ t) (1 - The salaries of most federal workers are set by statute.)

법규, 법령, 성문법 (1. a law that has been formally approved and written down)

legislation (lej-is-LEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - New legislation offers a tax break for young families.)

법률, 입법, 법률 제정 (1. a law or set of laws that is being created)

transition (tran-ZISH-u̲h̲ n, -SISH-) (1 - It was a neighborhood in transition from Jewish to Italian with a sprinkling of Irish. [ C ] Retirement is a big transition.) (2 - We're in a transitional period right now, and no one knows what to expect.)

변천, 과도기, 변화 (1. the process of changing, or a change from one form or condition to another) (2. A __________ is also a link between ideas or sections in a work of literature or music.)

attorney (u̲h̲-TUR-nee) (1 - a defense attorney)

변호사, 법정대리인, 법무장관, 지방 검사, 위임장 (1. a lawyer)

star (stahr) (1 - Stars twinkled in the night sky.) (2 - The children were cutting stars out of paper to make decorations.) (3 - The Times gave this restaurant three stars.) (4 - a four-star general) (6 - a rock/movie/basketball star) (7 - Janet is our star math student.) (8 - He has starred in several recent movies. [ T ] The school play stars children in the seventh and eighth grades.)

별(천문학), 유명인(특히 배우나 운동선수), 오각이나 육각형의 도형, 영화나 텔레비젼 등에서 주연연기를 하다 (1. a large ball of burning gas in space that is usually seen from earth as a point of light in the sky at night) (2. a shape having four or more pointed parts coming out from a center at equal distances) (3. A ____ is sometimes used as a symbol of quality) (4. A ____ is also used as a symbol of rank or position) (5. A ____ is also an asterisk /= the symbol */.) (6. a famous and successful person, esp. a performer such as a musician, actor, or sports player) (7. A ____ is also someone who is especially good at something) (8. to be one of the most important performers in a show)

bottle (BOT-l) (1 - a bottle of perfume) (2 - The soda is bottled in Atlanta.)

병, 병에 담다 (1. a container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic, with a narrow neck) (2. to put liquid into bottles)

debt (det) (1 - He managed to pay off his debts in two years.) (2 - We seem to be perpetually in debt.)

빚, 빚진 것, 덕택, 채무 (1. something owed, esp. money) (2. If you are in debt, you owe money) (3. If you go into debt, you borrow money.)

vain (veyn) (1 - a vain attempt to avoid responsibility Employers clearly hoped that the workers would stay longer, but their efforts were largely in vain /= unsuccessful/.)

보람없는, 헛된, 허영심이 강한 (1. unsuccessful or useless; failing to achieve a purpose) (2. too proud of yourself, esp. in your appearance or achievements)

reward (ri-WAWRD) (1 - Students hoped for more reward than an announcement in the school paper of their achievement. [ C ] The rewards /= benefits/ of motherhood outweigh the difficulties.) (2 - He was rewarded for his bravery with a medal from the president.)

보상, 포상, 현상금, 사례금, 보답하다, 보수를 주다, 포상을 주다, 사례하다 (1. something given in exchange for a useful idea, good behavior, excellent work, etc.) (2. A ______ is also an amount of money given to someone who gives information about a crime to the police or who helps to return lost or stolen property to its owner.)

conservative (ku̲h̲ n-SUR-vu̲h̲-tiv) (2 - He wore a conservative business suit for his interview.) (2 - She was conservatively dressed in a gray suit.) (3 - conservative Republicans conservative noun [ C ] us ​) (3 - The Congressional committee had an equal number of conservatives and liberals.) (4 - Even by conservative estimates, the company will lose $2,000,000 this year.)

보수적인, 변화를 거부하는, 조심스러운, 보수주의자, 조심스러운 사람 (1. tending to emphasize the importance of preserving traditional cultural and religious values, and to oppose change, esp. sudden change) (2. If you are ____________ in your appearance, you wear clothes in traditional colors and styles) (3. tending to emphasize the importance of personal responsibility and traditional values and to oppose depending on government for social services) (4. /of guesses and calculations/ likely to be less than the real amount)

guarantee (gar-u̲h̲ n-TEE) (1 - The vacuum cleaner comes with a two-year guarantee.) (2 - No matter how many stars you have in the show, there's no guarantee /= it is not certain that/ it will be a success.) (3 - I guarantee /you/ that our team will play hard and have a shot at winning the championship.) (4 - Eating all that rich food is guaranteed to give you indigestion.)

보장, 보증, 담보, 보험, 보증하다, 보장하다, 약속하다, 확언하다 (1. a promise that something will be done or will happen, esp. a written promise by a company to repair or change a product that develops a fault within a particular period of time) (2. _________ is also the state of being certain of a particular result) (3. If you _________ something, you promise that a particular thing will happen or exist) (4. If something is guaranteed to happen or have a particular result, it is certain that it will happen or have that result)

hall (hawl) (1 - Her office is just down the hall.) (2 - a concert/lecture hall)

복도, 현관, 홀, 회관 (파티나 연회 또는 집회에 사용되는) (1. a passage in a building, or the area just inside the main entrance of a building) (2. a building or large room used for events involving a lot of people) (3. A ____ can also be a building at a college or university.)

complicated (KOM-pli-key-tid) (1 - a complicated machine/process He gave me directions, but they were so complicated I got lost.)

복잡한, 어려운, 난해한 (1. having many parts that are organized in a way that may be difficult to understand)

shame (sheym) (1 - He pointed out that society needed to restore a sense of shame about certain things.) (2 - What a shame that they left just before we arrived. [ + to infinitive ] Have some more vegetables - it would be a shame to waste them.) (3 - My aunt told us that in her day women who weren't married by the age of 25 were considered "old maids" and were so shamed by their families that they would do anything to get married.)

부끄러움, 치욕, 창피, 부끄럽게 하다, 창피를 주다, 모욕하다, 치욕스럽게 하다 (1. an uncomfortable feeling of guilt or of being ashamed because of your own or someone else's bad behavior) (2. an unlucky or disappointing situation) (3. to make someone feel guilty or ashamed)

tender (TEN-der) (1 - He gave her a tender kiss.) (2 - My arm was very tender after the injection.) (3 - My steak was juicy and tender.) (4 - At the tender age of 17, he joined the army.) (5 - The Secretary wants to leave but has not yet tendered his resignation. This is the richest contract ever tendered to a baseball player.)

부드러운, 여린, 다정다감한, 부드럽게 하다, 거룻배에 싣다, 제출하다 (1. gentle, caring, or sympathetic) (2. easily hurt; painful) (3. /of food/ easily cut or chewed) (4. young and not experienced) (5. to offer something, usually in writing, or to make an offer in writing to do something) (6. a formal offer, esp. to buy something)

cry (krahy) (1 - I heard someone crying in the next room.) (2 - "Help me!" he cried. [ I ] She cried out in pain as she fell.) (3 - "Go on, have a good cry," he said.) (4 - They were wakened by cries of "Fire!" [ C ]) (5 - the cries of an eagle)

부르짖다, 큰소리로 부르다, 엉엉 울다, 감탄, 소리지름, 울음 (1. to produce tears as the result of a strong emotion, such as unhappiness or pain) (2. to call out or speak loudly) (3. a period of strong emotion, such as unhappiness or pain, that results in producing tears) (4. a loud call or shout) (5. A ___ is also the noise that a bird or animal makes)

category (KAT-i-gawr-ee, -gohr-ee) (1 - The light trucks weigh less than 5,000 pounds and are in a category that includes minivans, pickups, and sport utility vehicles. categorization noun [ U ] /ˌkæt̬·ɪ·ɡər·əˌzeɪˈʃən/ I admire the careful categorization of his files.) (1 - The books are categorized by subject.)

부문, 범주, 분류, 항목, 카테고리 (1. a grouping of people or things by type in any systematic arrangement)

injury (IN-ju̲h̲-ree) (1 - He was removed from the game with a knee injury. [ U ] They were lucky to escape injury.)

부상, 손상, 상처, 피해 (1. physical harm or damage done to a living thing)

department (dih-PAHRT-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Chavez is the head of the geography department. The shoe department is on the fifth floor. She lives in Washington and works for the Department of Defense. fig.infml I thought buying the tickets was your department /= area of responsibility/.) (1 - a departmental meeting)

부서, 부, 과, 성, 학과 (1. any of the divisions or parts of esp. a school, business, or government)

cousin (KUHZ-u̲h̲ n)

사촌, 삼촌과 이모 또는 고모의 아들과 딸 (1. a child of a person's aunt or uncle)

delicate (DEL-i-kit) (1 - a delicate flower delicate jewelry) (2 - The negotiations have reached a delicate stage. It's a delicate operation, and you want an experienced surgeon to do it.) (3 - a delicate flavor We chose a delicate floral pattern for our bedroom curtains.) (3 - Please handle the china delicately.)

부서지기 쉬운, 가냘픈, 민감한, 세심한, 섬세한 (1. needing careful treatment, esp. because easily damaged) (2. ________ also means needing to be dealt with carefully in order to avoid causing trouble or offense) (3. pleasant but not easily noticed or strong)

deny (dih-NAHY) (1 - The governor denied reports that he will resign. [ + that clause ] She has denied that she plans to run for mayor.) (2 - She denied herself the things that would make her happy.) (3 - He denied knowing about the plan.)

부인하다, 부정하다, 거절하다 (1. to say that something is not true) (2. to refuse to permit or allow someone to do something) (3. to fail to admit that you have knowledge, responsibility, or feelings)

attach (u̲h̲-TACH) (1 - You attach this device to your windshield, and it sends a signal that opens the garage door.) (2 - If you attach a negative label to a group, you can then treat all the members of that group badly.)

부착하다, 첨부하다, 붙이다, 애착을 갖다, 달다 (1. to fasten or fix something in position, esp. in relation to something else) (2. To ______ a particular quality to something is to consider it to have that quality)

loan (lohn) (1 - Thanks for the loan of your bike. [ C ] My brother repaid his student loan within five years. The painting is on loan to the Metropolitan Museum of Art /= has been lent to it, esp. for more than a short period of time/.) (2 - Can you loan me $10 until payday?)

부채, 대여물, 빌려주기, 대부하다, 빌려 주다 (1. an act of lending something, esp. a sum of money that that has to be paid back with interest /= an additional amount of money that is a percentage of the amount borrowed/, or an amount of money that has been lent) (2. to lend something, esp. money)

dose (dohs) (1 - She was given large doses of a powerful antibiotic.) (2 - Stories of dramatic cancer cures should be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism.)

분량, 일회분의 투약량, 일회분의 복용량 (의약품의), 투약하다, 조제하다, 합성물을 섞다 (1. a measured amount of a drug) (2. A ____ is also an amount of something)

catch (kach) (1 - She tossed him the car keys and yelled, "Catch!" [ T ] He sneaked into the fairgrounds without paying and hoped nobody would catch him.) (2 - If the disease is caught in time, most patients get well quickly. I hope I catch all the mistakes in my term paper.) (3 - I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said.) (4 - He always caught the 6:05 train out of Grand Central.) (5 - I caught a cold.) (6 - That sales price sounds too good to be true - there must be a catch to it somewhere.) (7 - The catch on the bracelet is broken.) (8 - The ball was hit well, but the centerfielder made a leaping, one-handed catch to end the game.) (9 - My kids are always begging me to play catch.)

붙들다, 잡다, 덫에 걸리다, 이해하다, 달라붙다, 연관되다, 잡기, 포획, 함정 (1. to take or get hold of a moving object, or to hold and prevent someone from getting away) (2. to discover, find, or become aware of something) (3. to see or hear something or someone, or to understand) (4. to travel or be able to travel on a train, bus, aircraft, etc.) (5. to get an illness) (6. a hidden problem or disadvantage) (7. a small device with a movable part that is used to fasten something) (8. the act of taking hold of something that is thrown or comes through the air) (9. _____ is also the activity of throwing and receiving a ball with another person)

proportion (pru̲h̲-PAWR-shu̲h̲ n, -POHR-) (1 - The proportion of the population that is over 65 has been growing. [ pl ] The occurrence of the disease has reached epidemic proportions.) (2 - His anger was out of all proportion to the offense /= was much too strong/.)

비, 몫, 부분, 비율, 넓이, 크기, 백분비, 균형, 균형 잡히게 하다 (1. a part or share of the whole, or the relationship between one thing and another in size, amount, or degree) (2. __________ is also the right relationship between one thing and another) (3. __________ is also the correct relationship of the parts of a work of art to each other, especially in their size.) (4. A __________ is also a equation /= mathematical statement/ that shows two ratios /= comparisons/ are equal.)

compare (ku̲h̲ m-PAIR) (1 - This store's prices are high compared to what some other stores charge.) (2 - Instant coffee doesn't compare with freshly ground coffee /= fresh coffee is much better/.)

비교하다, 어떻게 비슷한지 또는 다른지를 보여주다, 비유하다, 비슷하다고 여기다, 비교 (1. to examine or look for the differences between persons or things) (2. to consider or suggest that something is similar or equal to something else)

emergency (ih-MUR-ju̲h̲ n-see) (1 - In an emergency, dial 911 for an ambulance.)

비상, 긴급한, 응급, 위기, 급변 (1. a dangerous or serious situation, such as an accident, that happens suddenly or unexpectedly and needs immediate action)

expense (ik-SPENS) (1 - We have to start cutting down on our expenses. [ U ] The house was redecorated at great expense.)

비용, 소요 경비, 지출, 지출경비 (1. an amount of money needed or used to do or buy something; cost)

slope (slohp) (1 - Students learn to ski on gentle slopes in a straight line. Snow had settled on some of the higher slopes.) (3 - The path slopes down to the house.)

비탈, 경사, 내리막 경사길, 오르막 경사길, 사면, 경사지게 하다, 경사지다 (1. a surface that rises at an angle, esp. a hill or mountain, or the angle at which something rises) (2. a measure of how steep an angle a line has) (3. to go downward or upward at an angle)

flight (flahyt) (1 - We'll be arriving home on Tuesday on flight 147. [ C ] All flights out of Midway have been canceled because of bad weather. [ C ] We had a smooth flight all the way.) (2 - We watched a flight of geese /= a group flying together/. [ U ] Some people think that too much money is spent on space flight.) (3 - their flight from poverty The flight of manufacturers to the South stripped Massachusetts of its factories.) (4 - We had to climb three flights of stairs.)

비행, 항해, 한줄의 계단, 도망, 도즈, 무리, 떼(새의 또는 비행기의), 시간의 경로 (1. an aircraft trip, or the occasion of being a passenger in an aircraft) (2. ______ is also the act or process of flying) (3. escape from a particular situation, or the act of leaving) (4. a set of stairs connecting one floor and the next in a building or other structure)

bright (brahyt) (1 - the bright lights of downtown) (2 - a bright green hat) (3 - He's a bright, well-organized guy. She was full of bright ideas.) (4 - He has a bright future ahead of him.) (4 - The brightness of the summer day made him blink.)

빛나는, 반짝거리는, 명랑한, 영리한, 깨끗한, 밝은 (1. full of light, or shining) (2. strong in color) (3. /of a person/ intelligent and quick to learn) (4. full of hope or happiness)

brilliant (BRIL-yu̲h̲ nt) (1 - a brilliant plan Armstrong was one of the most brilliant musicians in jazz.) (2 - The sky was a brilliant blue.) (2 - Randy runs his company brilliantly.)

빛나는, 찬란한, 훌륭한, 재기가 뛰어난 (1. extremely intelligent or highly skilled) (2. full of light, shining, or bright in color)

rapid (RAP-id) (1 - rapid growth There's been rapid change in China. We kept up a rapid pace.) (1 - Males grow more rapidly than females.)

빠른, 재빠른, 여울, 쾌속열차, 쾌속자동차 (1. quick or sudden)

cheek (cheek) (1 - She welcomed me with a kiss on the cheek.) (2 - First he messed up my work and then he had the cheek to accuse me of being disorganized.)

뺨, 건방진 태도, 건방지다, 뻔뻔스럽다 (1. either side of your face below the eyes, where except at the top the skin has no bone behind it and is therefore soft) (2. rude behavior or lack of respect)

bone (bohn) (1 - She had broken a bone in her foot.)

뼈, 뼈를 제거하다, 뼈를 끼워넣다, 공부에 몰두하다, 오랜 시간을 머물다, 성행위를 하다(속어) (1. any of the hard pieces that form the skeleton /= frame/ of a human or animal body) (2. to remove the bones from fish or meat)

root (root, ro̲o̲ t) (3 - We must get to the root of this problem.) (4 - The root of the word "sitting" is "sit.) (5 - deeply rooted loyalty)

뿌리, 조상, 원천, 근거, 본질, 수학에서 루트, 근, 뿌리를 내리다, 코로 땅을 헤집다 (1. the part of a plant which grows down into the earth) (2. The ____ of a hair, tooth, or nail is the part of it that is inside the body.) (3. the origin or source of something) (4. the basic form of a word, to which prefixes or endings can be added) (5. a number that is the solution of an equation /= mathematical statement/) (6. /of a plant/ to develop roots and begin to grow)

accident (AK-si-du̲h̲ nt) (1 - He was killed in an automobile accident at the age of 21.) (2 - It's no accident that /= There are reasons that explain why/ she was chosen to be a member of the most powerful committee in Congress.) (2 - The fire began shortly after 1:30 a.m. and appears to have been accidental.) (2 - He accidentally left the water running and flooded a bathroom floor in the hotel.)

사고, 교통사고, 사건, 우연한 사고, 재난 (1. an event not intended by anyone but which has the result of injuring someone or damaging something) (2. something that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally)

purchase (PUR-chu̲h̲ s) (1 - To qualify for this fare, you must purchase your ticket 21 days in advance.) (1 - Software purchasers have reported problems with the product.) (2 - You can apply the value of your old car to the purchase of a new one.)

사다, 구입하다, 얻다, 취득하다, 구입된 것, 구입 (1. to buy something) (2. ________ can also mean the act of buying)

folk (fohk) (1 - folk art/dance)

사람들, 국민, 민족, 민속풍의, 전통의 (1. traditional to or typical of the people of a particular group or country)

romantic (roh-MAN-tik) (1 - a romantic comedy/novel) (2 - I think Egypt is an incredibly romantic country.) (3 - She has a romantic idea of what it's like to be an actor.) (3 - You're such an old-fashioned romantic, always bringing me flowers.) (3 - Their names have been romantically linked.)

사랑과 열정의, 낭만적인, 상상의, 환상적인, 낭만적인 사람, 사랑과 정열이 있는 사람 (1. relating to love or to an affectionate, loving relationship) (2. If something is romantic, it is exciting and mysterious and has a strong effect on your emotions) (3. ________ ideas and people are not practical or related to real life)

tip (tip) (1 - The tip of the cat's tail is white. She has a house on the western tip of the island.) (2 - She gave me some helpful gardening tips. Acting on a tip, the police arrested most of the smugglers.) (3 - "That guy didn't bother to leave a tip," the waitress said disgustedly.) (4 - She tipped the umbrella to keep the sun off the picnic table.) (5 - If everyone sits on one side of the boat, it will tip /over/.) (6 - He tipped the porter generously.)

사례금, 끝, 뾰족한 끝, 조언, 암시, 경사, 팁을 주다, 하사금을 주다, 정보를 흘리다 (1. the pointed end of something) (2. a useful piece of information or advice, esp. something secret or not generally known) (3. a small amount of money you give to someone for service, in addition to the amount being charged) (4. to lean to one side, or to cause something to lean to one side) (5. to fall or turn over, or to cause something to fall or turn over) (6. to give money to someone for service which is in addition to the amount being charged)

desert (DEZ-ert) (1 - Local people deserted the city as hordes of tourists arrived.) (2 - He denied that he had deserted his post.) (3 - When you live in the desert, water is your most vital resource.)

사막, 황무지, 버리다, 포기하다, 무단 탈영하다 (1. to leave someone or something without help or in a difficult situation) (2. If you ______ the armed forces, you leave without permission and with no intention of returning) (3. a large, dry area where there is very little rain and few plants)

judicial (joo-DISH-u̲h̲ l) (1 - the judicial branch of government)

사법의, 재판의, 재판상의 (1. relating to or done by courts or judges or the part of a government responsible for the legal system)

quarter (KWAWR-ter) (1 - My house is one and three-quarter miles/a mile and three-quarters from here.) (2 - It's a quarter to three.) (3 - I'll meet you at a quarter past five.) (4 - Many universities divide the school year into quarters rather than two semesters.) (6 - We stayed in the French Quarter in New Orleans.) (7 - Peel and quarter the tomatoes and put them in the stew.)

사분하다, 사등 분하다, 병사를 숙영시키다, 숙영시키다, ...을 이리저리 뛰어다니다 (1. one of four equal or almost equal parts of something) (2. A _______ of/to the hour means 15 minutes before the stated hour) (3. A _______ past/after the hour means 15 minutes after the stated hour) (4. A _______ is one of four equal or nearly equal periods of time into which an activity is divided) (5. in the US and Canada, a coin worth 25 cents) (6. an area of a city or place having a special history or character) (7. to divide something into four pieces of approximately the same size)

mountain (MOUN-tn) (1 - the Blue Ridge Mountains We're spending the weekend in the mountains /= an area with mountains/. The Rockies form the biggest North American mountain range /= group of mountains/.) (2 - I've got mountains of work to do. You'll never eat that mountain of food.)

산, 언덕, 많은 양, 산더미 (구어), 장애물 (1. a raised part of the earth's surface, larger than a hill) (2. a large amount of something)

oxygen (OK-si-ju̲h̲ n)

산소 (1. a colorless gas, one of the chemical elements, that forms a large part of the air on earth and is needed to keep most living things alive and to create fire)

grave (greyv) (2 - It was the gravest political crisis of his career.) (2 - She is gravely ill.)

산소, 묘, 엄숙한, 엄중한, 진지한, 신중한 (1. a place where a dead person or dead people are buried, esp. when under the ground and marked by a stone) (2. urgent and very bad; serious)

yield (yeeld) (1 - Some mutual funds are currently yielding 15% on new money invested.) (2 - A letter found by the FBI last week may yield new clues.) (3 - to yield power [ I/T ]) (4 - It's easy to yield to the temptation to borrow a lot of money.) (6 - Over the past 50 years, crop yields have risen steadily in the US.)

산출, 생산, 수확, 수입, 이익, 생산하다, 수확하다, 산출하다, 주다, 양도하다 (1. to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food, or information) (2. If something yields information, it provides it) (3. to give up the control of or responsibility for something, often because you have been forced to) (4. If you _____ to something, you accept that you have been defeated by it) (5. To _____ to traffic coming from another direction is to wait and allow it to go first.) (6. a profit or an amount esp. of a crop produced)

alive (u̲h̲-LAHYV) (1 - I survived the accident with minor injuries, and I was happy to be alive.) (2 - The club really comes alive on weekends.)

살아 있는, 생기에 넘치는, 이 세상의, 계속하여 (1. living; having life; not dead) (2. _____ can also mean active and energetic or exciting)

survive (ser-VAHYV) (1 - The baby was born with a defective heart and survived for only a few hours. [ T ] The building survived the earthquake with little damage.) (2 - He is survived by his wife and two children.)

살아남다, 생존하다, 견디다 (1. to continue to live or to exist, esp. after a dangerous event) (2. If someone is survived by family members, those family members are still alive when that person dies)

raw (raw) (1 - raw fish/oysters) (2 - raw milk raw silk Raw sewage ran in ditches along the streets of the village.) (3 - Even when she first started skating, you could see the determination and the raw talent. Alex was just a raw recruit when he was handed this job.) (5 - It was a raw, wintry day with a cold wind.)

살아있는, 날것의, 생의, 설익은, 요리되지 않은, 초보의 (1. not cooked) (2. not processed or treated; in its natural condition) (3. If people or their qualities are raw, they have not been developed or trained) (4. sore because the skin has been rubbed or damaged) (5. /of weather/ cold and wet)

murder (MUR-der) (1 - There were three murders in the town last year. [ U ] He was convicted of murder.) (2 - It's murder finding a parking space in this neighborhood.) (2 - Her husband was murdered.) (2 - a convicted murderer)

살인, 죽이다, 파괴하다 (1. the crime of intentionally killing a person) (2. If you say that something is murder, you mean it is very difficult or takes a lot of work)

fat (fat) (1 - Her weight's normal but she insists she's fat.) (2 - a fat telephone book) (3 - a fat profit)

살찐, 비만의, 지방분이 많은, 두꺼운, 윤택한, 풍부한, 비옥한 (1. having a lot of flesh on the body) (2. ___ can also mean thick or big) (3. having or worth a lot of money) (4. the substance under the skin of humans and animals that stores energy and keeps them warm) (5. ___ is also a solid or liquid substance obtained from animals or plants and used esp. in cooking.)

uncle (UHNG-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - My aunt and uncle moved to Arizona when they retired.)

삼촌, 숙부, 나이든 어른을 친근하게 부를 때 사용되는 용어, 전당포주인(숙어) (1. the brother of someone's mother or father, or the husband of someone's aunt)

recall (1 - I can vividly recall our first kiss. [ + that clause ] He recalled that he had sent the letter over a month ago.) (3 - The government ordered a recall of the garment, saying it could burst into flames.) (4 - He has perfect/total recall.)

상기시키다, 회상하다, 기억하다, 소환하다, 되부르다, 취소하다, 철회하다, 회상 (1. to bring the memory of a past event into your mind) (2. to order the return of a product made by a company because of a fault in the product) (3. an order for the return of a product made by a company because of a fault in the product) (4. the ability to remember things)

counsel (KOUN-su̲h̲ l) (1 - He was counseling athletes not to take steroids.) (2 - The president sought counsel from his advisers.) (3 - Maloney skipped the meeting on the advice of counsel.)

상담, 조언, 변호사, 충고하다, 조언하다, 변호하다 (1. to give advice, esp. on social or personal problems) (2. advice) (3. law _______ is one or more of the lawyers taking part in a case or legally representing a person or organization)

commerce (KOM-ers) (1 - Congress has the power to regulate commerce between the states.)

상업, 무역, 커머스 (1. the buying and selling of goods and services, esp. in large amounts)

coat (koht) (1 - She put on her heavy winter coat.) (3 - a raincoat) (4 - The dog's coat is shiny and clean.) (5 - There were about six coats of paint over the brick.) (5 - Everything was coated with a fine layer of dust.)

상의, 코트, 비나 추위를 막기위해 덧입는 옷, 모피 등으로 된 외투, 코팅, 표면처리 (페인트 등과 같은 것으로) (1. any of various types of outer clothing that are worn over other clothes, usually open in the front, and are often used for warmth) (2. When you say a man is wearing a ____ and tie, the ____ is a jacket or part of a suit.) (3. ____ is often used as a combining form) (4. the natural hair, wool, or fur of an animal) (5. a layer of a substance)

sad (sad) (1 - I've just heard the saddest news.) (2 - The sad fact is that all the trees have got the virus.)

슬픈, 침체된, 우울한, 유감스러운 (1. showing, feeling, or causing unhappiness or regret) (2. very bad or regretted)

symbol (SIM-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Five interlocking rings is the symbol of the Olympic games. She's a symbol of hope for people living with this condition.) (2 - The symbol on this label means that the shirt is washable.) (2 - The Oval Office in the White House has come to be regarded as symbolic of the presidency.)

상징, 표(음악이나 수학 등에서) (1. anything used to represent something else, such as a sign or mark, a person, or an event) (2. Symbols are used in mathematics, music, and science and also have various practical uses)

wound (woond; Older Use and Literary wound) (2 - a puncture wound He had a deep wound in his arm and had lost a lot of blood.) (3 - He totally ignored her, and she was deeply wounded.) (4 - Several people were wounded by falling rocks.)

상처, 부상, 타격, 빙빙 돌다, 친친 감다, 돌돌 말다, 둘러싸다, 둘러 싸이다, 바람, 바람의 방향, 강풍, 입김, 관악기(음악), 위장안의 가스, 사회적 또는 정치적 기류 (1. past simple and past participle of wind) (2. a hurt or injury to the body, such as a cut or tear in the skin or flesh) (3. to hurt the feelings of someone; upset) (4. to hurt or injure the body, as with a cut or tear in the skin or flesh)

correlation (kawr-u̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n, kor-) (1 - There is a proven correlation between educational level and income.) (1 - The study found that weather conditions were not correlated with joint pain.)

상호 관계, 상관 관계, 상관 (1. a connection between two or more things)

mutual (MYOO-choo-u̲h̲ l) (1 - The organization promotes mutual understanding between peoples. We let the subject drop, by mutual agreement.) (2 - They were gossiping about parties and mutual friends.)

상호적인, 서로의, 공동의 (1. /of two or more people or groups/ feeling the same emotion, or doing the same thing to or for each other) (2. A ______ friend is someone who is a friend of each of two or more other people)

bird (burd) (1 - a flock of birds) (2 - a bluebird/hummingbird/mockingbird)

새, 엽조, 녀석, 사람, 소녀, 헬리콥터(군대 속어) (1. a creature with feathers and wings, usually able to fly) (2. ____ is often used in combination to describe a particular type of bird)

dawn (dawn) (1 - fig. Computers mark the dawn of a new age.) (2 - Winston left his house as the day was dawning.)

새벽녘, 동틀 무렵, 여명, 서광, 보임, 시작, 날이 새다, 밝아지다, 시작하다 (1. the period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky) (2. /of a day or period of time/ to begin)

assume (u̲h̲-SOOM) (1 - We can't assume /that/ he's innocent simply because he says he is. [ + /that/ clause ] I assumed /that/ nobody was home because the car wasn't in the driveway.) (2 - During the investigation, two detectives assumed the identities of antique dealers. Jim assumed a look of indifference.) (3 - The new president assumes office in January.)

생각하다, 가정하다, 추정하다, 추측하다, 맡다 (1. to accept something as true without question or proof) (2. to pretend to be someone you are not, or to express a feeling falsely) (3. to take control or claim authority, sometimes without the right to do so) (4. If you ______ responsibility for something, you become responsible for it.)

western (WES-tern) (2 - Grand Rapids is in the western part of Michigan.)

서쪽의, 서쪽에 있는, 서쪽으로 부터, 서부 사람, 초기 미국 서부개척 시대의 삶의 예술적 표현 (1. a movie based on stories about life in the part of the US west of the Mississippi River when white people began going there to live in the 19th century) (2. lying toward, facing, or coming from the west)

release (ri-LEES) (1 - Agents questioned the men, then released them because they had done nothing wrong.) (2 - She released the brake and the car rolled forward.) (3 - The dog brought the ball back to us but wouldn't release it. The company was charged with releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.) (4 - The police released a drawing of the suspect.) (5 - Diplomatic efforts were underway to secure the release of the two journalists.) (6 - The release of the movie was delayed for several months.)

석방하다, 헐렁하다, 방출하다, 일반에게 내놓다, 포기하다 (법률), 방면, 새음반(책 또는 영화 등)이 나옴 (1. to give freedom to someone) (2. If you _______ a device, you move it from a locked position and allow it to move freely) (3. to drop, or to stop carrying, holding, or containing something) (4. to let something be shown in public or made available for use) (5. the act of giving freedom to someone) (6. the act of letting something be shown in public or be made available for use)

coal (kohl) (1 - Some of those schools still use coal for their heating.)

석탄, 재, 숯, 석탄을 보급하다, 태워서 숯으로 만들다, 석탄을 싣다 (1. a hard, black substance that is dug from the earth in lumps and used as a fuel, or a single piece of this substance)

election (ih-LEK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - congressional/presidential elections [ U ] His election to the Senate was all but assured. [ U ] Election Day is the first Tuesday in November.)

선거, 당선, 투표, 선택, 선정 (1. the act or occasion of being chosen for a particular job, esp. by voting)

gift (gift) (1 - I have to get my sister a gift for her birthday.) (2 - He has a gift for music - he plays the piano and sings beautifully.)

선물, 증여, 재능 (1. something that is given, esp. to show your affection; a present) (2. a special or unusual ability; a talent)

captain (KAP-tu̲h̲ n, -tin) (4 - She captains the women's rowing team.)

선장, 대장, 우두머리, ...의 장이 되다 (1. a naval officer of high rank, above a commander, or a military officer of middle rank, above a lieutenant) (2. A _______ is the person in charge of a ship or aircraft.) (3. A _______ is also an officer in a police or fire department.) (4. A _______ is also the leader of a sports team.)

parent (PAIR-u̲h̲ nt, PAR-) (1 - His parents live in New York.) (2 - parental guidanceparenthood noun [ U ] us ​) (2 - Just barely newlyweds, they now have to confront the harsh realities of parenthood.)

선조, 조상, 어머니 또는 아버지 (1. a person who gives birth to or raises a child) (2. A ______ is also any animal or plant that produces another.)

sorrow (SOR-oh, SAWR-oh) (1 - The English language does not contain the words to express the sorrow I feel.)

슬픔, 비애, 비탄, 유감 또는 후회스러운 것, 후회함, 유감스러워 함, 슬퍼하다 (1. a feeling of great sadness or regret, or something that causes this feeling)

favor (FEY-ver) (1 - In applying for this job, Tiffany has a lot in her favor /= to her advantage/. The city council voted in favor of /= in support of/ the proposed housing development.) (2 - Will you do me a favor and turn the oven on at four o'clock?) (3 - party favors) (4 - Democrats favored a temporary increase in the state sales tax.)

선호하다, 호의를 보이다, 각별히 보아주다, 잘 돌보다, 도와주다, 닮다, 비슷하다 (1. approval or support of someone or something) (2. something you do to help someone, often after being asked to) (3. a small present given to guests at a party) (4. to support or prefer one particular possibility)

illustrate (IL-u̲h̲-streyt, ih-LUHS-treyt) (1 - She writes children's books and also illustrates them.) (2 - To illustrate her point, she told a story about how her family felt when they moved here.)

설명하다, 삽화를 넣다, 예시하다 (1. to add pictures to something, such as a book) (2. To __________ is also to show the meaning or truth of something more clearly by giving examples)

sugar (sho̲o̲ g-er)

설탕, 당(화학), 자기, 여보, 설탕을 뿌리다, 설탕을 넣어 달게 하다, 달콤하게 보이다 (1. a sweet substance obtained esp. from particular plants and used to make food and drinks sweet)

match (mach) (1 - a tennis/wrestling match fig. They got into a shouting/shoving match /= they were arguing or fighting/.) (3 - The shirt and pants match perfectly. [ T ] Her fingerprints matched the prints that were taken from the crime scene.) (4 - It would be difficult to match the service this airline gives its customers.)

성냥 개비, 시합, 경기(스포츠), 짝, 호적수, 비슷한 것, 배필, ...에 필적하다 (1. a sports competition or event in which two people or teams compete against each other) (2. a short, thin stick of wood or cardboard, covered at one end with a material that will burn when rubbed against a rough surface) (3. to be similar to or the same as something, or to combine well with someone or something else) (4. to be equal to another person or thing in some quality)

adult (u̲h̲-DUHLT, AD-uhlt) (1 - More than half of adult Americans are considered overweight.) (2 - It's a kids' show, but they sneak in some adult humor.) (3 - We invited only adults to the wedding.) (3 - When she reached adulthood, she moved away.)

성장한, 성인, 성체 (1. grown to full size and strength) (2. _____ also means suitable for grown people and not children) (3. _____ movies, magazines, shows, and books include content that is intended for adults only.)

priest (preest) (1 - a Catholic priest)

성직자, 목사, 제관 (1. a person, usually a man, who has been trained to perform religious duties in some Christian churches, esp. the Roman Catholic Church, or a person with particular duties in some other religions)

minister (MIN-u̲h̲-ster) (2 - the foreign minister ministerial adjective [ not gradable ] us ​) (2 - Social justice has concerned him since his first ministerial assignment.) (3 - He began ministering to prisoners.)

성직자, 장관, 대신, 공사, 외교사절, 하인, 종교의식을 집행하다, 관직을 차지하다 (1. /in various Christian churches/ a person who leads religious ceremonies) (2. /in many countries/ a high government official who is in charge of or has an important position in a particular department) (3. to give help to or care for people)

count (kount) (1 - By the time I count to three, you'd better be in bed. [ T ] The teachers counted the students as they boarded the bus. [ T ] There'll be eight for dinner, counting /= including/ us.) (2 - He counts Lucy as one of his closest friends.) (3 - I've always believed that happiness counts more than money.) (4 - She was found guilty on two counts of fraud.) (5 - I think you're wrong on all counts.) (6 - a low blood count [ C ] We need a count of the number of e-mail inquiries.)

세다, 셈에 넣다, 고려하다, 계산, 셈, 총계, 유럽의 백작 (1. to say the names of numbers one after the other in order, or to calculate the number of units in a group) (2. to consider or be considered as) (3. to have value or importance) (4. a separate item included in a criminal accusation against someone) (5. a statement of belief in a discussion or argument) (6. a calculation, esp. a scientific one, of the number of units in a group)

salt (sawlt) (1 - a grain of salt Please pass the salt and pepper. Add a pinch of salt /= small amount of it/.) (4 - She salted and peppered her stew.) (5 - Work crews were busy plowing and salting roads.) (6 - a salt pond/lake salt pork/cod)

소금, 생기를 불어 넣는 것, 경험이 많은 선원, 통렬히 자극하는 요소, 소금기가 있는 (1. a common, white substance, found in sea water and in the ground, used to add flavor to food or to preserve it) (2. a chemical substance made with an acid) (3. ____ is used to melt ice on roads and sidewalks in the winter.) (4. to add ____ to food) (5. to put ____ on roads and sidewalks in the winter) (6. containing or tasting of salt, or preserved with salt)


소론, 수필, 기도, 시도, 노력, 시도하다, ...하려고 하다 (1. a short piece of writing on a particular subject, often expressing personal views) (2. In a school test, an _____ is a written answer that includes information and discussion, usually to test how well the student understands the subject.)

laugh (laf, lahf) (1 - The audience just laughed and laughed. That guy always makes me laugh. When I made a face at Drew, he laughed out loud. We were laughing at the clown.) (2 - I don't want to be laughed at by my classmates.) (3 - Holly has a very strange laugh - it sounds like she's screaming.) (4 - You should have seen Sean trying to stay on the skateboard - what a laugh!)

소리를 내어 웃다, 비웃다, 조롱하다, 웃음, 기쁨 또는 비웃음의 표현 소리, 웃음거리 (1. to make the sounds and movements of the face and body that express happiness or amusement, or that sometimes express ridicule or anxiety) (2. Sometimes when you _____ at someone, you are ridiculing that person) (3. the sounds and movements of the face and body that express happiness or amusement, or that sometimes express ridicule or anxiety) (4. /infml/ A _____ is also an amusing or ridiculous situation or person)

spend (spend) (1 - We spent a lot of money on our vacation but we had a great time.) (2 - It doesn't look as if you spent very long on your homework. I've spent many years building up my collection. You can spend the night here if you like /= stay here for the night/.) (3 - For the past month he's been spending all his energy trying to find a job.)

소비하다, 쓰다 (돈, 원료 등을), 특정한 방법으로 시간을 보내다, 사용하다, 기진하다 (1. to give money as a payment for something) (2. to use time; to allow time to go past) (3. to use energy, effort, force, etc., until there is no more left)

fiction (FIK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - She wrote detective fiction and made a good living at it. [ C usually sing ] It was a fiction, though widely believed, that he had once been rich.) (1 - The characters in the movie are purely fictional.)

소설, 허구, 픽션, 꾸며낸 이야기, 꾸민 이야기 (1. the type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and does not describe real people or deal with facts, or a false report or statement that you pretend is true)

possession (pu̲h̲-ZESH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - She couldn't take possession of the house until the current occupants moved out. [ C ] Meanwhile, all her possessions were in storage.) (2 - He was in possession of two tickets to the concert.)

소유, 재산, 영토 (1. something that you own, or the condition of owning something) (2. If you are in __________ of something you have it with you)

noise (noiz) (1 - I heard background noise on the phone line. [ C ] If the washing machine gets out of balance, it makes a horrible noise.) (1 - The garbage truck is so noisy it wakes me up in the morning.)

소음, 특히 불쾌하고 비음 악적인 시끄러운 잡음, 텔레비전의 잡음, 수다, 평판, 법석 (1. /a/ sound, esp. when it is unwanted, unpleasant, or loud)

velocity (vu̲h̲-LOS-i-tee) (1 - The wind velocity recorded at the airport was 78 miles per hour at 4 p.m.)

속도 (1. the speed at which something is traveling)

belong (bih-LAWNG, -LONG) (1 - Your shoes belong in the closet, not in the middle of the room. Tom, it's great to see you on TV - you belong here. The painting belongs in a modern art museum.)

속하다, ...의 것이다, 소유하다, 어울리다 (1. to be in the right place, or /of a person/ to feel that you are in the right place)

finger (FING-ger) (1 - I cut my finger when I was chopping onions.) (3 - He fingered his watch nervously as he waited for the exam to begin.)

손가락, 손가락 모양의 것, 손가락 폭, 밀고자, 손가락을 대다, 지적하다, 확인하다 (1. any of the long, thin parts of the hand that bend and hold things, esp. one other than the thumb) (2. A ______ is also a part of a glove /= piece of clothing for the hand/ that covers a finger.) (3. to touch or feel something with the fingers) (4. slang If you ______ someone, you tell the police that the person is guilty of a crime.)

guest (gest) (1 - dinner/wedding guests) (3 - Four senators and their families were flown to Martinique as guests of the oil company.)

손님, 숙박인, 기생 동물, 기생 식물, 손 (1. a person who is staying with you in your home, or a person whom you have invited to a social occasion, such as a party or a meal) (2. A person who is staying in a hotel is also called a guest.) (3. If you are someone's guest, that person is paying for you)

senior (SEEN-yer) (1 - Senior officials denied that a problem exists.) (2 - The senior Griffey played on the same baseball team as his son, Ken Griffey, Jr.) (3 - Alanna's in her senior year of high school.) (5 - She married a man almost 40 years her senior /= almost 40 years older/.)

손위의, 연장자의, 고위의, 고학년의, 고학년, 대학이나 학교에서 졸업반에 있는 학생 (1. more advanced, or higher in rank) (2. older) (3. relating to the fourth and final year of college or high school) (4. a student in the fourth and final year of a program of study in a college, university, or high school /= a school for students 15 to 18 years old/) (5. a person who is older than another person)

cluster (KLUHS-ter) (1 - All his grandchildren clustered around him.) (2 - dense clusters of delicate pink blossoms This section of town has a large cluster of fast-food restaurants.)

송이, 떼, 같은 훈장을 여러 번 탔음을 표시하는 금속배지, 자음 결합, 클러스터 (1. to form or gather together) (2. a group of similar things growing or held together, or a group of people or things that are close together)

link (lingk) (1 - There is a clear link between poverty and malnutrition. A high-speed rail link brings you to the airport.)

쇠사슬의 고리, 연결, 토막, 정보체계의 단위, 공학이나 연구에서의 거리의 단위, 횃불 (1. a connection between two things) (2. one of the rings in a chain) (3. a word or image on a website that can take you to another document or website)

decline (dih-KLAHYN) (1 - His interest in the project declined after his wife died. Her health declined quickly.) (2 - She declined their job offer.) (3 - Unemployment increased this month after a modest decline. [ U ] Civilization is in decline.)

쇠퇴, 감소, 하강, 거절하다, 기울다, 쇠퇴하다, 떨어지다, 하락하다, 어형 변화시키다 (1. to go down in amount or quality; lessen or weaken) (2. to refuse something) (3. a change to a lower amount; the process of becoming less in quality or strength)

passive (PAS-iv) (1 - They attack people who are too weak or too passive to resist.) (2 - In the sentence "I was given a gift by Alex," the verb "give" is passive, or in the passive voice. Note: In English, passive verbs or sentences are formed with a form of the verb "to be" and a past participle.) (2 - She watched passively as the children ran wild.passivity noun [ U ] /pæˈsɪv·ɪ·t̬i/ Unemployment leads to political passivity, according to a study in Sweden.)

수동적인, 피동의, 복종적인, 소극적인, 무관심한, (문법)수동태 (1. not reacting to what happens, or not acting or taking part) (2. describing a verb or sentence in which the subject is the person or thing to which something stated is done)

repair (ri-PAIR) (1 - Surgeons repaired the severed artery.)

수선하다, 수리하다, 수선, 수리 (1. to put something damaged, broken, or not working correctly back into good condition or make it work again)

transport (verb trans-PAWRT, -POHRT; noun TRANS-pawrt, -pohrt) (1 - The movers will transport thousands of pictures, charts, and recordings to the library.) (1 - In many cities, people depend on public transportation to get around.) (2 - I had to arrange for transport to get to my new assignment.)

수송하다, 운송하다, 추방하다, 수송, 운송, 운송수단 (트럭, 배 등) (1. to take goods or people from one place to another) (2. something that takes things, esp. soldiers or military supplies, from one place to another) (3. _________ also means the movement of a chemical substance in and out of living cells.)

grief (greef) (1 - It took her years to get over her grief at the death of her mother. fig. I had no idea that forgetting my driver's license would cause me so much grief /= trouble/.)

슬픔, 재난 (1. very great sadness, esp. at the death of someone)

surgery (SUR-ju̲h̲-ree) (1 - He had undergone open-heart surgery two years ago. [ U ] I'm recovering from back surgery, so it's going to be awhile before I can ride a horse again. [ C ] She has undergone several surgeries and will require more.) (2 - surgical equipment/procedures)

수술, 외과, 수술실 (1. the treatment of injuries or diseases by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part, or an operation of this type) (2. Br The _______ is a doctor's office where you go to be examined.)

vertical (VUR-ti-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - Water that had leaked from above formed a vertical line down one wall.)

수직의, 연직의, 정점의, 판매방법이 종단적인 (경제학), 다단계 구조를 갖은 (1. standing or pointing straight up or at an angle of 90 to a horizontal surface or line)

export (verb ik-SPAWRT, -SPOHRT, EK-spawrt, -spohrt; noun, adjective EK-spawrt, -spohrt) (1 - Chile exports a large amount of copper to Japan.) (1 - Japan is a major exporter of cars.) (2 - Coffee is one of Brazil's main exports.)

수출하다, 해외에 팔다, 해외로 보내다, 선적하다, 수출품, 수출 (1. to send goods to another country for sale or use) (2. something sold and taken out of a country and into another) (3. ______ is also the business of sending goods to another country in order to sell them there.)

mathematics (math-u̲h̲-MAT-iks) (1 - a mathematical formula)

수학, 수리 (1. the science of numbers, forms, amounts, and their relationships)

crop (krop) (1 - Apple growers celebrated their biggest crop ever last year.) (2 - We've got a new crop of students coming in every year.) (3 - The brothers both had their hair cropped.)

수확, 생산 (농업), 무리, 떼, 그룹, 모이주머니, 새의 식도에 있는 주머니 같은 것으로 부분적으로 음식을 소화하여 새끼들에게 먹이를 줄 수 있게 된 부분 (1. a plant such as a grain, vegetable, or fruit grown in large amounts on a farm, or the total amount gathered of such a plant) (2. A ____ is also any group of similar things or people) (3. to cut something to make it shorter)

expert (noun, verb EK-spurt; adjective EK-spurt, ik-SPURT) (1 - He is the administration's foreign-policy expert for eastern Europe.) (1 - She's an expert swimmer.)

숙련가, 전문가, 숙련된, 노련한 (1. a person having a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular subject)

instant (IN-stu̲h̲ nt) (1 - At that instant, someone knocked on the door. Call me the instant you get home /= as soon as you get to your home/.) (2 - I took an instant liking to him.) (3 - instant coffee)

순간, 찰나, 현재의 순간, 짧은 시간에 준비할 수 있는 음식, 인스턴트 식품, 이달 (1. a very short moment of time, or a particular point in time) (2. happening immediately) (3. An _______ food or drink is one, usually in dried or powdered form, that can be prepared easily and quickly, esp. by adding hot water)

net (net) (1 - fishing nets a volleyball net) (2 - net income/profit fig. The net result /= result after everything has been considered/ of the changes will be fewer trains for most suburban commuters.) (5 - The deal netted the online video company $23 million.) (6 - He netted an easy backhand in the fifth game to lose the tennis match.) (7 - They netted five crabs.) (8 - Smithsonian, on a gross of $28 million, netted $7 million with one magazine.) (10 - info@sover.)

순이익의, 공제할 것을 공제한 후에, 레이스 모야의 천, 그물, 망, 테니스나 배구 같은 운동에서 이용되는 그물 네트 (1. a piece of material made of long, narrow strips woven so that there are spaces between them) (2. /of money received from selling something/ left after you have subtracted the cost of what you are selling, and other expenses related to it) (3. ___ weight is the weight of something contained in a package, without including the weight of the package.) (4. ___ force is the total amount of force that is in effect on an object at a particular time.) (5. to succeed in getting something of value, esp. as the result of a plan of action) (6. /in sports/ to hit the ball into a ___ instead of over it) (7. To ___ is also to catch something in a net) (8. to have left after you have subtracted the cost of what you are selling, and other expenses related to it) (9. short form ofInternet) (10. ___ is also used at the end of a US Inter___ address to show that the address belongs to a network)

hide (hahyd) (1 - She used to hide her diary under her pillow. [ I ] Tommy ran and hid behind his dad.) (2 - She tried to hide her disappointment.) (3 - He said nothing is wrong, but I think he's hiding something.) (4 - He began scraping the hide to prepare it for tanning.) (5 - He expects me to save his hide every time he screws up.)

숨기다, 감추다, 비밀로 하다, 숨다, 짐승가죽, 숨는 장소, 땅을 재는 단위(옛영국시대) (1. to put something or someone in a place where the person or thing cannot be seen or found, or to put yourself somewhere where you cannot be seen or found) (2. If you ____ your feelings, you do not show them) (3. If you ____ information from someone, you do not let that person know it) (4. the strong thick skin of an animal that is used for making leather) (5. A person's ____ is that person's self, esp. when in trouble)

digital (DIJ-i-tl) (1 - The old movie was re-released with digital sound.)

숫자를 사용하는, 숫자의 (1. recording or showing information in the form of numbers, esp. 0 and 1) (2. A _______ watch or clock shows the time with numbers that change as the time changes.)

forest (FAWR-ist, FOR-) (1 - We camped out in a clearing in the forest.)

숲, 식목하다, 숲을 가꾸다 (1. a large area full of trees, usually wild)

spectrum (SPEK-tru̲h̲ m) (1 - There's agreement across the political spectrum. A wide spectrum of opinion was represented at the meeting.)

스펙트럼, 범위, 잔상 (1. a range of objects, ideas, or opinions) (2. the set of colors into which a beam of light can be separated) (3. ________ also means a range of waves such as light waves or radio waves.)

sport (spawrt, spohrt) (1 - Football, baseball, and basketball are all team sports.) (2 - He was a very bad sport when he lost a game. Be a sport and take your little sister to the movies with you.) (3 - Back in the 1960s he sported bellbottoms and long hair.)

스포츠, 경기, 모든 종류의 운동, 오락, 재미, 농담, 희롱, 스포츠맨 다운 사람 (1. a game, competition, or similar activity, done for enjoyment or as a job, that takes physical effort and skill and is played or done by following particular rules) (2. a person who has a good attitude about playing a game or having to do something) (3. to wear or be decorated with something)

grant (grant, grahnt) (1 - She was granted American citizenship.) (2 - I grant you /that/ it must have been upsetting, but even so I think he made too big a deal of it.) (3 - a research/study grant)

승낙하다, 인정하다, 주다, 수여하다, 응하다, 답하다, 기부하다, 수여, 하사 (1. to give, agree to give, or do something that another person has asked for, esp. as an official or formal act) (2. to accept that something is true, often before expressing an opposite or disapproving opinion) (3. a sum of money given by the government, a university, or a private organization to another organization or person for a special purpose)

victory (VIK-tu̲h̲-ree, VIK-tree) (1 - A goal in the last half minute assured victory and the World Cup for the Mexicans.) (1 - The city honored the victorious general with a huge parade.)

승리, 성공 (1. the act or an example of winning a competition or war)

crew (kroo) (1 - The captain and crew would like to welcome you on board. [ C ] Jack worked on a road-repair crew.)

승무원, 비행기나 배에서 일하는 사람의 한조, 함께 일하는 사람들의 한패거리 (건설현장이나 무대 등에서) (1. all the people who work together, esp. to operate a ship or aircraft, or all the people of lower rank)

poem (POH-u̲h̲ m)

시 (1. a piece of writing in which the words are carefully chosen for the images and ideas they suggest, and in which the sounds of the words when read aloud often follow a particular rhythmic pattern)

clock (klok) (1 - an alarm clock The clock is about ten minutes fast/slow /= it shows a later/earlier time than it should/. Cleveland tied the game with five seconds on the clock /= still available/.) (2 - She clocked the fastest time in practice runs for the women's downhill skiing event.)

시계, 시계로 시간을 재다, 스톱워치로 시간을 재다, 시계로 시간을 기록하다, 스톱워치로 시간을 기록하다 (1. a device for measuring and showing time, often placed on a surface or attached to a wall) (2. to use an amount of time, esp. as measured by a clock)

country (KUHN-tree) (1 - Cuba is my native country, but I now live in Florida.) (2 - I'm spending next weekend in the country with a friend.)

시골의, 시골풍의, 나라, 국가, 지역, 농촌, 시골, 고향, 고국 (1. an area of land that forms an independent political unit with its own government; a nation considered esp. as a place) (2. land that is not in towns, cities, or industrial areas and is either used for farming or left in its natural condition)

rural (ro̲o̲ r-u̲h̲ l) (1 - She grew up in rural Utah.)

시골의, 지방의, 농업의, 전원의 (1. in, of, or like the country /= land not in cities/)

scenario (si-NAIR-ee-oh, -NAHR-) (2 - In the worst-case scenario, the whole coast would be under water.)

시나리오, 각본, 대본 (1. a description of possible events, or a description of the story of a movie, play, or other performance) (2. The worst-case ________ is the worst situation that can be imagined)

stream (streem) (1 - Rivers are wider, deeper, and longer than streams.) (2 - The faucet leaked in a steady stream. An endless stream of traffic clogged the roads today.) (3 - Wi-fi networking allows you to stream music from a PC to the device.) (4 - Record numbers of applications were streaming into our offices. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Sunlight was streaming through the window.)

시내, 개울, 흐름, 계속해서 흘러나옴, 흐르다, 흘러 넘치다, 빛이 흘러나오다 (1. a small river that flows on or below the surface of the ground) (2. a continuous flow) (3. to send continuous sound or moving images using computers) (4. to move continuously)

citizen (SIT-u̲h̲-zu̲h̲ n, -su̲h̲ n) (1 - Nabokov was a Russian, then had British citizenship, and then became an American citizen. A large part of our job is to educate citizens about their rights. Old people have been treated like second-class citizens.) (2 - My sister is now a New Hampshire citizen.)

시민, 국민, 주민 (1. a person who was born in a particular country and has certain rights or has been given certain rights because of having lived there) (2. A _______ is also a person who lives in a particular place)

facility (fu̲h̲-SIL-i-tee) (1 - His facility for memorizing dates was astonishing.) (2 - The new sports facility has a swimming pool.)

시설, 설비, 재능 (1. an ability or skill at doing something) (2. something such as a place, building, or equipment used for a particular purpose or activity)

cool (kool) (1 - a cool evening/breeze Cereals should be stored in a cool, dry place.) (2 - "Well, that's just too bad," Bill replied in a cool tone.) (3 - What's needed now is calm, cool thinking. He made a cool assessment of the situation.) (4 - It's way cool to see you again! us ​) (5 - "He wants to come with us." "Cool.) (7 - He's gone swimming with sharks without losing his cool.) (8 - Remove the pie from the oven and let it cool for 30 minutes. [ I/T ] He jumped into the pool to cool /himself/ off.) (9 - We need to allow time for tempers to cool. [ T ] I wish Casey would cool his enthusiasm for video games.)

시원한, 냉정한, 무관심한, 냉철한, 냉정함, 안정, 평정, 차게 하다 (1. slightly cold; of a low temperature) (2. unfriendly or not showing affection or interest in something or someone) (3. calm and not anxious or frightened) (4. excellent; very good) (5. ____ is also used to show agreement with or acceptance of what someone says) (6. /of colors/ not very bright or dark, and esp. containing green, blue, or gray) (7. the ability to stay calm and not get upset or angry) (8. to lose heat or cause someone or something to lose heat) (9. to /cause to/ become calm or weaker in feeling)

examination (ig-zam-u̲h̲-NEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - You have to have a physical examination/exam in order to get life insurance. [ U ] The evidence is still under examination /= being examined/.)

시험, 검사, 조사, 검토, 진찰 (1. the act or process of carefully looking at someone or something to learn about its condition or to discover facts)

bitter (BIT-er) (1 - The coffee was bitter.) (2 - Losing the election was a bitter disappointment.) (2 - She has no bitterness about the past.) (3 - A bitter wind kept everyone indoors.)

쓴, 쓰라린, 지독한, 격렬한, 알코올 음료수, 쓴맛 (1. having a slightly stinging, strong taste, not salty or sweet) (2. showing or causing deep anger and pain) (3. extremely cold)

feed (feed) (1 - We fed the kids some leftovers. [ I ] The cows were feeding in the pasture.) (3 - We had to keep feeding quarters into the parking meter.) (4 - They fed him a line about how important this work is to our country.) (5 - chicken feed)

식량 공급, 먹이, 식사, 급송, 급송장치, 대사를 시작할 계기를 만들어 주는 역, 세금, 제공된 서비스에 대한 지불금, 입장료, 수수료, 봉건 영지, 요금을 치르다 (1. to give food to a person or animal, or of an animal to eat) (2. If you ____ a plant, you give it substances that help it grow.) (3. to supply something, esp. regularly or continuously) (4. If someone feeds you information, that person tells you things that may not be completely true) (5. food for animals, esp. animals that are not kept as pets)

shoot (shoot) (1 - We'd take our bows and arrows and shoot at targets. [ T ] A long time ago the sergeant learned how to shoot a gun. [ T ] An unidentified man was shot yesterday afternoon.) (2 - This computer should be shot.) (3 - Both teams shoot the ball well. [ I ] When you shoot as poorly as we did, you can't expect to win.) (5 - Patrick and I were shooting pool after work.) (6 - The ambulance was shooting around the corner, its tires squealing. Grace's eyebrows shot up when she heard his voice.) (7 - The movie will be shot in the fall.) (8 - Little green shoots appeared in the spring.) (9 - I remember doing a shoot there.) (10 - "Dad, I need to talk to you." "Shoot.)

식물의 발아, 봉오리, 싹, 발사, 사냥여행, 사격대회, 사진촬영, 미사일 발사 (1. to fire a gun or other weapon, or to hit, injure, or kill someone or something by firing a gun or other weapon) (2. /infml/ If you say that someone or something should be shot, you are very annoyed by it) (3. to throw, hit, or kick a ball or other object toward a goal in order to score points) (4. If you _____ baskets or _____ hoops you play basketball.) (5. If you _____ pool you play that game) (6. to move in a particular direction quickly and without unnecessary turns or stops) (7. to film or photograph something) (8. the first part of a plant to appear above the ground as it develops from a seed, or a new growth on an already existing plant) (9. the act of taking a series of photographs or of filming a movie) (10. used to tell someone else they should speak)

colony (KOL-u̲h̲-nee) (2 - an artists' colony) (3 - an ant colony colonize verb [ T ] us ​) (3 - Peru was colonized by the Spanish in the 16th century.)

식민지, 집단, 정착촌 (1. a country or area controlled politically by a more powerful country) (2. A ______ is also a group of people with a shared interest or job who live together) (3. A ______ is also a group of animals, insects, or plants of the same type that live together)

meal (meel) (1 - I don't enjoy preparing three meals a day every day.)

식사, 음식, 만찬, 밀가루 (1. an occasion when food is served or eaten, esp. breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or the food itself on such an occasion) (2. a substance that has been crushed to make a rough powder, esp. plant seeds crushed to make flour or for animal food)

nerve (nurv) (2 - It takes a lot of nerve to get up in front of a class when you're not used to it.) (3 - She has some nerve.)

신경, 건 (해부학, 예 아킬레스건), 동식물의 맥상, 용감 무쌍, 뻔뻔스러움 (구어) (1. a group of long, thin fibers in the body, esp. in the brain, which send and receive messages that control how the body reacts to signals it receives, such as to changes in temperature or pressure against the skin) (2. bravery or confidence necessary to do something difficult or unpleasant) (3. _____ also means the ability to do something rude without caring about other people's feelings)

reliable (ri-LAHY-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - My car is old but it's reliable.) (1 - The reliability of this smoke detector is guaranteed.) (1 - His whereabouts were unknown, but he was reliably reported to be alive.)

신뢰할 만한, 믿을 만한, 믿음직한, 신빙성 있는 (1. deserving trust; dependable)

mystery (MIS-tu̲h̲-ree, -tree) (1 - Despite years of study, sleepwalking remains a mystery. [ U ] The details of the scandal are shrouded in mystery.) (2 - a murder mystery mysterious adjective us ​) (2 - He tried to convince this mysterious woman to go out with him.) (2 - The light mysteriously came on, although no one was near the switch.)

신비, 불가사의, 성사, 설명할 수 없는 일(종교적인), 신비함, 수수께끼 같음 (1. something strange or unknown which has not yet been explained or understood) (2. A _______ is also a book, movie, or play about a crime or other event that is difficult to explain)

holy (HOH-lee) (1 - holy scriptures Jerusalem is a holy city to Christians, Muslims, and Jews.) (2 - My nephew is a holy terror /= a child who behaves very badly/.)

신성한, 거룩한, 거룩, 성스러움, 성전, 성자, 성물 (1. considered to be pure or good because of being related to what a religion values) (2. used to emphasize another word, and sometimes to avoid swearing)

sacred (SEY-krid) (1 - sacred writings/music fig. Art was sacred to her /= extremely important and deserving respect/.)

신성한, 성스러운, 성..., 종교적인 (1. holy and deserving respect)

sacrifice (SAK-ru̲h̲-fahys) (1 - He sacrificed his vacations to work on his book.) (3 - animal/ritual sacrifice) (4 - My parents made many sacrifices to pay for my college education.)

신에게 제물을 바침, 신에게 바치는 제물, 희생, 실제 가격이하로 판매하여 보는 손해 (1. to give up something for something else considered more important) (2. to offer the life of an animal or a person to a god or gods in the hope of pleasing them, usually as part of a ceremony) (3. the act of offering the life of an animal or a person to a god or gods in the hope of pleasing them, or the animal or person that is offered) (4. the act of giving up something for something else considered more important)

temple (TEM-pu̲h̲ l)

신전, 성당, 성전, 관자놀이 (1. a building used for religious worship) (2. the flat area at each side of the upper part of the face)

organ (AWR-gu̲h̲ n) (2 - Fred taught his wife to play the organ.)

신체의 내부 기관, 오르간, 파이프 오르간, 악기, 오르관과 비슷한 소리를 내는 모든 종류의 악기 (1. a part of the body of a person, animal, or plant that performs a special job) (2. a musical instrument with one or more rows of keys that are pressed with the fingers to play notes produced by forcing air through pipes of different sizes, or a similar electronic instrument)

theology (thee-OL-u̲h̲-jee) (1 - The minister had attended the Princeton Theological Seminary.)

신학, 신학 이론, 종교 심리학 (1. the study of religion and religious belief, or a set of beliefs about a particular religion)

default (dih-FAWLT) (1 - The company defaulted on a $133 million loan.) (2 - Defaults rose to 4 percent of all the bank's loans.) (3 - Humphrey never showed up, so Wilson won by default.) (4 - The default color of text on the screen is black.)

실수, 의무수행에서의 실수, 체납, 제때에 내지 않음, 법정에 나타나지 않음, 컴퓨터에서 사용자가 다른 옵션을 선택하지 않을 때 자동적으로 선택 되어지는 옵션 (1. to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do) (2. a failure to do something that you legally have to do, such as pay a debt) (3. In sports, to win or lose by _______ is to win or lose because one side did not compete) (4. a standard setting esp. of computer software, such as of type size or style)

mistake (mi-STEYK) (1 - We all make mistakes. [ + to infinitive ] It was a mistake to come to this restaurant without a reservation.) (2 - I'm sorry - I must have dialed your number by mistake.) (3 - I called Karen and mistook her mother for her /= I thought I was speaking to Karen when I was speaking to her mother/.)

실수, 잘못, 오류, 잘못하다, 실수하다, 오해하다, 혼동하다 (1. an action or decision that is wrong or produces a result that is not correct or not intended) (2. By _______ means unintentionally) (3. to be wrong about or fail to recognize something or someone)

fail (feyl) (1 - She applied to Harvard University but failed to get accepted.) (2 - I fail to see what the problem is /= I don't think there is a problem/.) (3 - A lot of people fail /their driving test/ the first time. [ T ] She said she would fail any student who misses two exams.) (4 - He promised to help, but failed to send a check. [ + to infinitive ] She never fails to meet a deadline.) (5 - He failed her when she most needed him.) (6 - The bus driver said the brakes failed.) (7 - He is in failing health and seldom goes outside any more.)

실패, 실패하다, 실패하다, 약해지다, 실망하다, 파산하다, 중단하다, 결핍되다 (1. to not be able to do what you are trying to achieve or are expected to do) (2. If you ____ to see/understand what something is, you do not agree with someone's description of a situation) (3. to be unsuccessful, or to judge that someone has been unsuccessful in a test or examination) (4. to not do something that should be done) (5. To ____ is also to not help someone when expected to) (6. to become weaker or stop working completely) (7. If a business fails, it is unable to continue because of money problems.)

experiment (noun ik-SPER-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt; verb ek-SPER-u̲h̲-ment) (1 - His experiments were designed to find better methods of using heat energy.) (2 - The school is experimenting with new teaching methods.)

실험, 어떤 것을 시험하거나 발견하기 위한 시도, 실험하다, 시도하다, 시험하다, 조사하다 (1. a test done in order to learn something or to discover whether something works or is true) (2. to test or to try a new way of doing something)

laboratory (LAB-ru̲h̲-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee, LAB-er-u̲h̲-; British lu̲h̲-BOR-u̲h̲-tu̲h̲-ree, -u̲h̲-tree) (1 - a physics laboratory)

실험실, 과학적 실험을 위한 장비가 갖추어진 방 또는 건물, 실험실의, 실험실에서 사용되는 방법의 (1. a room or building with equipment for doing scientific tests or for teaching science, or a place where chemicals or medicines are produced)

profound (pru̲h̲-FOUND) (1 - The speech had a profound influence on her.) (2 - You're touching on a very profound question.)

심오한, 깊은, 지대한 (1. felt or experienced strongly; extreme) (2. showing a clear and deep understanding of serious matters)

pulse (puhls) (3 - The music pulses with soul, Creole, and Cuban rhythms.)

심장박동, 콩콩거리기, 두드리기, 맥박치다, 콩콩 거리다, 율동적으로 수축 확장 되다 (1. a regular rhythm made by blood being moved through your body by your heart, esp. when it is felt at the wrist or side of the neck) (2. A _____ is also a single burst of light or some other form of energy that is sudden and strong.) (3. to move with a regular beat)

acute (u̲h̲-KYOOT) (1 - The area has an acute water shortage.) (2 - Not all hospitals can provide acute care.) (3 - He has very acute hearing. Note: Used to describe thinking, feeling, hearing, seeing, smelling, or tasting.) (5 - I was acutely aware of their problems.)

심한, 격렬한, 심각한, 날카로운, 예리한, 예민한, 매서운 (1. very serious, extreme, or severe) (2. In medicine, _____ describes severe conditions, illnesses, or injuries that need immediate care) (3. aware of or able to recognize small differences between things, or being accurate in judging something) (4. /of an angle/ less than 90º) (5. An _____ triangle is a triangle with three angles of less than 90º.)

decade (DEK-eyd; British also du̲h̲-KEYD) (1 - The economy is growing at its fastest rate this decade.) (2 - They're enjoying new popularity after decades of neglect.)

십년간, 수십년 (1. a period of ten years) (2. Decades means a long time)

combat (verb ku̲h̲ m-BAT, KOM-bat, KUHM-; noun KOM-bat, KUHM-) (1 - a combat jacket/zone/casualty [ U ] No one knew how many troops had died in combat.) (2 - The film explores the combat between good and evil.) (2 - When you are in a combative mood, you are not pleasant company.) (3 - We must try to combat poverty and illiteracy.)

싸우다, ...와 싸우다, 격투, 싸움, 전투 (1. fighting during a time of war) (2. ______ is also a fight between two people or things) (3. to try to stop something unpleasant or harmful from happening or increasing)

rice (rahys)

쌀 (세계적인 주식으로 사용되는), 라이서로 으깨다, 감자 따위를 라이서로 으깨다 (1. the small brown or white seeds produced by a grass plant that are a major food source in many countries, or the plant itself, which is grown in warm, wet places)

pair (pair) (1 - a pair of gloves/shoes a pair of pants/scissors Each package contains three pairs of socks.) (2 - Famous paintings have been paired with poems by Sandburg, Angelou, and others.)

쌍을 맺다, 짝짓다, 결혼하다, 짝지우다, 쌍, 두개로 이루어지는 한벌, 한쌍 (1. two things of the same appearance and size that are intended to be used together, or something that consists of two parts joined together) (2. to make or become one of a pair)

refuse (ri-FYOOZ) (1 - She asked him for a loan, but he refused. [ T ] We were refused admission to the building. [ + to infinitive ] On cold mornings, the car may refuse to start.) (1 - His refusal to contribute money angered the organizers.) (2 - We separate refuse from recyclables.)

쓰레기, 폐물, 거절하다, 거부하다 (1. to say or show that you are not willing to do, accept, or allow something) (2. worthless or unwanted objects or materials; garbage)

seed (seed) (2 - A good defense lawyer knows how to plant these little seeds of doubt in the minds of jurors.) (4 - We seeded the lawn with a different grass this year.)

씨, 종자, 기원, 원인, 우수 선수 또는 경쟁자 (운동), 씨를 뿌리다, 씨를 맺다 (1. a small, usually hard part of a plant from which a new plant can grow) (2. the beginning or cause of something) (3. any of the players or teams ranked among the best in a particular competition) (4. to plant seeds in the ground)

grace (greys) (1 - The skaters moved over the ice with effortless grace.) (2 - She always handles her clients with tact and grace.) (3 - Before we eat, I want to ask Cory to say grace.) (4 - By the grace of God, I hope to live for many years.) (5 - The landlord gave us a week's grace to pay the rent.) (5 - The dancers formed graceful, whirling combinations.) (5 - I want to make a graceful exit when it's time to leave.) (5 - He gracefully skis down the slopes.) (5 - A lot of people grow old gracefully.)

아름다움, 우아함, 친절함, 호 의, 자비, 식전식후의 감사기도, 우아하게 하다 (1. simple beauty of movement or form) (2. the charming quality of being polite and pleasant, or a willingness to be fair and to forgive) (3. a prayer of thanks to God that is said before and sometimes after a meal) (4. _____ is also approval or protection given by God) (5. an added period of time allowed before something must be done or paid)

maybe (MEY-bee) (1 - Maybe I can get the yard mowed before it rains. There were maybe /= approximately/ 50 people there when I left.) (2 - "Are you still going to join me for dinner?" "Maybe.) (3 - I thought maybe my phone message had scared him off.)

아마, 어쩌면, 아마도, 혹시, 그럴지도 모른다 (1. used to show that something is possible or that something might be true) (2. _____ can also be used to avoid giving a clear or certain answer to a question) (3. _____ can also be used to introduce a possible explanation)

breakfast (BREK-fu̲h̲ st) (1 - We had scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast.)

아침 식사, 아침을 먹다 (1. a meal eaten in the morning as the first meal of the day)

apartment (u̲h̲-PAHRT-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - They lived in a six-room apartment on the eighth floor.)

아파트 (1. a set of rooms for living in that includes a kitchen and a bathroom) (2. An _________ is also an _________ building)

spite (spahyt) (1 - He let the air out of your tires just for spite.) (1 - I think he died without making a will just to spite his family.) (1 - They were just spiteful gossips spreading rumors.)

악의, 적의, 앙심, 원한, 분노, 적개심, 짓궂게 굴다, 심술을 부리다, 귀찮게 하다 (1. the desire to annoy, upset, or hurt someone)

inner (IN-er) (1 - These islands lie between the bay's outer and inner sections. She met life's challenges with courage and inner strength /= the strength of her character or spirit/. Simpson was part of the club's inner circle /= the most powerful group/.)

안의, 내부의, 안쪽의, 은밀한, 친밀한, 숨겨진, 정신적인 (1. inside or contained within something else)

secure (si-kyo̲o̲ r) (1 - a secure job People want to feel secure economically. The museum has a large endowment, so its future is relatively secure.) (2 - Children need to feel secure in order to do well at school.) (3 - Troops were sent to make the border secure. He questioned whether the government's computer database was secure from hackers. For some time after the robbery we could not feel secure, even in our own home.) (4 - That ladder doesn't look very secure to me. Just check that the door is secure - the lock doesn't always work.) (5 - She managed to secure a loan from the bank.) (6 - Secure the boat to the dock.) (7 - The wall was originally built to secure the town from attack.)

안전한, 안정된, 보호된, 강한, 안정적인, 잠긴, 확실한 (1. free from risk and the threat of change for the worse) (2. ______ can also mean confident and free from worry) (3. free from danger or the threat of harm or unwanted access; safe) (4. fixed, fastened, or locked into a position that prevents movement) (5. to obtain something, sometimes with difficulty) (6. to fasten something firmly) (7. to make sure something is protected from danger or threat)

steady (STED-ee) (1 - steady improvement steady growth in profits His recovery has been slow but steady.) (2 - a steady job/relationship I'll hold the boat steady while you climb in. We drove at a steady 65 mph for most of the trip.) (3 - Her voice was steady as she described the accident.) (4 - He wobbled a little on the bike and then steadied himself. [ I ] The stock market has steadied after a sharp fall in prices.) (5 - He took a deep breath to steady his nerves.)

안정된, 확실한, 튼튼한, 한결같은, 고른, 침착한, 차분한 (1. happening or developing in a gradual, regular way over a period of time) (2. not moving or changing suddenly; continuing in the same condition) (3. calm and under control) (4. to stop shaking or moving, or to make something do this) (5. to make someone calm)

remark (ri-MAHRK) (1 - She remarked /that/ she'd be home late.) (2 - All his friends remarked on the change in him.) (2 - I think if you read his remarks, you'll find them very fair.)

알아채다, 주목하다, 진술하다, 말하다, 주목, 관찰, 말, 인지 (1. to give a spoken statement of an opinion or thought) (2. If you ______ on something, you notice it and say something about it)

ahead (u̲h̲-HED) (1 - She only had a few things in her shopping cart, so I told her she could go ahead of me in the checkout line.) (2 - Sophie is way ahead of the rest of her class.) (3 - We have a lot of hard work ahead of us. You have to plan ahead when you're thinking of going to graduate school.)

앞서, 앞에, 미리, 빠르게 (1. directly in front) (2. _____ also means further along in development or achievement) (3. in or into the future)

affection (u̲h̲-FEK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Pets should be treated with affection. [ U ] Harriet felt great affection for him.)

애정, 병, 질병 (1. a feeling of liking someone or something)

liquid (LIK-wid) (2 - liquid assets)

액체, 유동물질, (음성학) 유음, 액체의, 유동성의, 맑은, 유음의 (음성학) (1. a substance that flows easily and is neither a gas nor a solid) (2. in the form of money, rather than investments or property, or able to be changed into money easily)

strict (strikt) (1 - The school is an old-fashioned institution with strict discipline. Do you think stricter laws would help reduce automobile accidents? He's not a vegetarian in the strictest sense /= if you are exact about the word's meaning/.)

엄격한, 강력한, 철저한, 엄중한, 지나친 (1. limiting people's freedom to behave as they wish beyond what is usual)

yard (yahrd) (2 - The kids are playing in the yard out back.) (3 - a boat yard a lumber yard)

야드, 뜰, 0.9144미터에 해당하는 단위, 물건을 두는 곳, 우리, 활대, 야드 (항해) (1. a unit of measurement of length equal to 3 feet or approximately 0.914 meter) (2. a piece of land surrounding a house, usually grassy land with trees and other plants) (3. an area of ground next to a building that is used for a particular, usually business, purpose)

medicine (MED-u̲h̲-sin or, esp. British, MED-su̲h̲ n) (1 - Pediatrics is a branch of medicine. She continued to practice medicine until she was in her eighties.) (2 - Take two spoonfuls of cough medicine. [ C ] This antibiotic should not be taken with other medicines.) (2 - The Indians used the plant as a medicinal substance.)

약, 의학, 의사직, 의술 (1. the science dealing with the preserving of health and with preventing and treating disease or injury) (2. a substance taken into the body in treating an illness)

appointment (u̲h̲-POINT-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.)

약속, 임명, 예약 (1. a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a particular time and place)

weak (week) (1 - After having been so sick, it's not surprising you still feel weak. That old chair is very weak and needs gluing.) (2 - The coffee was weak and tasteless.) (3 - This year, the team's only weak link is that third baseman.) (4 - He was always weak in languages but strong in science.)

약한, 약세, 취약한, 침체된, 허약한 (1. lacking strength or energy, or likely to stop working or break) (2. A drink that is ____ lacks flavor) (3. A ____ link is the part of something that is most likely to break) (4. below standard; not good enough)

thin (thin) (1 - thin summer clothing The statue is coated with a thin layer of gold.) (2 - thin arms/legs a thin face Models must be tall and thin.) (3 - His hair is thin on top. Where there is little rain, grass and trees get thinner.) (4 - We began dinner with a thin but tasty soup.) (5 - a thin, metallic tone I thought the plot was a bit thin. We slept poorly that night in the thin mountain air.) (6 - Traffic thins out after seven o'clock. [ T ] An improving economy helped thin unemployment lines.)

얇은, 여윈, 적은, 묽은, 얇게 하다, 희석시키다, 약하게 하다 (1. having a small distance from the top to the bottom side) (2. having little extra flesh on the body) (3. having only a few of something covering an area; not dense) (4. /of a liquid/ flowing easily) (5. lacking force or substance; weak) (6. to become fewer in number, or to make a group of things fewer in number)

sheep (sheep)

양 (1. a farm animal with thick curly hair that eats grass and is kept for its wool, skin, and meat)

quantity (KWON-ti-tee) (1 - a large/small quantity [ C ] She served each of us a vast quantity of spaghetti.)

양, 수량, 양적인, 다량 (1. the amount or number of something, or a particular amount or number)

conscience (KON-shu̲h̲ ns) (1 - I have a guilty conscience for spending so little time with my kids.)

양심, 도덕심, 의식 (1. the feeling that you know and should do what is right and should avoid doing what is wrong, and that makes you feel guilty when you have done something you know is wrong)

shoulder (SHOHL-der) (1 - She put her head on my shoulder.) (3 - It is usually women who shoulder the responsibility for the care of elderly relatives.) (4 - Shouldering her pack, she strode off up the road.)

어깨, 어깨 같은 것, 도로의 양 옆, 짊어지다, 어깨에 짊어 지다, 의무를 떠맡다 (1. one of the two rounded, bony parts of a person's body on either side of the neck where the top of the arm is joined) (2. A ________ of a road is an edge just beyond the part you drive along, where you can stop safely.) (3. to accept responsibility for something) (4. to put something on your shoulders to carry it)

yesterday (YES-ter-dey, -dee) (1 - We got back from our vacation yesterday. Yesterday I started exercising seriously.) (1 - "Is that today's paper?" "No, it's yesterday's.)

어제, 지난날, 어제 (1. on the day before this day)

anyway (EN-ee-wey) (1 - Of course I don't mind taking you home - I'm going that way anyway. The economy was slowing down anyway, so there was no need to worry about inflation.) (2 - So, you're right, there are very few black quarterbacks in football, or at least that are starting anyway.) (3 - So anyway, what are you going to do tonight? Anyway, in the end we just agreed to stop seeing each other.)

어쨌든, 어차피, 아무튼, 결국, 그런데 (1. not considering other facts or conditions; considered independently, without being influenced by other things) (2. In conversation, ______ is often used to support or explain a previous statement) (3. In conversation, ______ is often used to change the subject, return to an earlier subject, or get to the most interesting point, and is also used to take up time so that you can decide what to say next)

hill (hil) (1 - They built a house on the top of a hill, overlooking the town. The highway runs through rolling hills /= land that gradually slopes up and down/.) (2 - The plane crashed in a hilly, heavily wooded area.)

언덕, 동산, 더미 (1. an area of land that slopes up to a point higher than the surrounding land and then slopes down again, but which is smaller than a mountain) (2. The ____ is Capitol Hill.)

acquire (u̲h̲-kwahyu̲h̲ r) (1 - His family acquired the property in 1985. She acquired her love of the outdoors as a child.)

얻다, 인수하다, 갖다, 구입하다, 배우다 (1. to obtain or begin to have something)

score (skawr, skohr) (1 - Has either team scored yet? [ T ] The Packers scored a touchdown with two minutes to go in the football game. [ T ] A student from Gettysburg scored a perfect 1600 points on the college entrance exam. [ T ] fig. He scored /= obtained/ a deal with a recording label two years ago.) (3 - I'll let you have the money, so there's nothing to worry about on that score.) (4 - Brandon received cards from scores of local well-wishers.) (5 - The final score was 103-90.)

얻다, 취하다, 점수를 얻다, 득점하다, 점수를 기록하다, 자국을 내다, 금을 긋다 (1. to win or obtain a point or something else that gives you an advantage in a competitive activity, such as a sport, game, or test) (2. a piece of written music showing the parts for all the different instruments and voices, or the music written for a movie or other entertainment) (3. a particular matter among others related to it) (4. /a set or group of/ 20) (5. the number of points achieved or obtained in a game or other competition)

filter (FIL-ter) (1 - an oil filter a coffee filter) (2 - Reports of the accident began to filter in. [ I always + adv/prep ] Sunlight filtered through the branches.)

여과기, 필터, 여과용 다공성 물질, 여과하여 불순물을 거르다, 스며 나오다, 천천히 걸러 나오다 (1. a piece of equipment or a device for removing solids from liquids or gases, or for limiting the particular type of light, sound, or electricity going through it) (2. If something filters down, in, out, or through, it appears or happens gradually or to a limited degree)

queen (kween) (1 - Queen Elizabeth II) (2 - the reigning queen of crime writers a beauty queen) (4 - the queen of hearts) (5 - a queen bee)

여왕, 동성연애자(속어), 왕비로 삼다, 여왕으로 삼다, 퀸으로 쓰다, 졸을 퀸으로 쓰다, 왕, 국왕, 특정한 분야에서 최고의 것 또는 사람, 체스에서 킹, 카드놀이 킹 (1. a woman who rules a country because she has been born into a family which by tradition or law has the right to rule, or the title given to such a woman) (2. A _____ is also a woman who is considered to be the best in some way) (3. In the game of chess, the _____ is the most powerful piece on the board.) (4. A _____ is also a playing card with a picture of a _____ on it) (5. In a group of insects, a _____ is a large female that produces eggs)

connect (ku̲h̲-NEKT) (1 - The printer connects to the computer. [ T ] A ferry connects the island to the mainland.) (2 - I connect Roberta Peters with the theater rather than movies. [ I ] He's always found a way to connect with his audience.) (3 - Operator, please connect me with room 1125.) (4 - The flight to Chicago connects with a flight to New York.) (4 - They turned down a connecting road.)

연결하다, 이어지다, 관련시키다, 접속하다, 연락되다 (1. to join together two things, or to be joined together) (2. to consider a person or thing as related in some way to something else) (3. to make it possible for someone to communicate by telephone) (4. /of aircraft, trains, etc./ to arrive before a second vehicle leaves on which passengers can continue their trip)

smoke (smohk) (1 - The building filled with smoke. Nobody died in the fire, but three people were treated for smoke inhalation.) (4 - They smoke the fish over wood chips.) (5 - The oil in the frying pan started smoking.)

연기, 연기 같은 것, 실체 없는 것, 담배피우기, 담배 (속어), 비밀, 숨겨진 것 (1. a cloudy gray or black mixture of air and very small pieces of carbon produced by something that is burning) (2. an act of smoking) (3. to breathe _____ into the mouth or lungs from burning tobacco) (4. to preserve and add a smoky flavor to meat, fish, or cheese using _____ from burning wood) (5. to produce or give off smoke)

beat (beet) (1 - In football, the Giants beat the 49ers, 17-3. Most people think that the governor will beat his opponent. The room wasn't much, but it beat driving to a hotel 20 miles away.) (2 - I leave work early to beat the traffic.) (3 - He looked as if he'd been beaten. [ I ] The children were beating on the table.) (4 - Beat in the egg yolks.) (5 - I was so nervous I could feel my heart beating. [ T ] He steadily beat the drum. [ I ] Without calcium, your heart could not beat correctly.) (6 - People are comforted to see cops on the beat.) (7 - We clapped in time to the beat.) (8 - I'm beat - I'm going to bed.)

연달아 치다, 두들기다, 세게 휘젓다, 패배시키다, ...을 능가하다, ...보다 우월하다 (1. to defeat a competitor, or to do or be better than someone or something) (2. To ____ something that is going to happen is to take action that will prevent it from having an effect on you) (3. to hit repeatedly) (4. to mix food with a fast circular motion) (5. to make a rhythmic sound or movement, or to hit something in rhythm to make such a sound) (6. an area for which someone, esp. a police officer, has responsibility as part of the job) (7. the rhythmic sound in music that repeats regularly) (8. extremely tired)

fuel (FYOO-u̲h̲ l) (2 - The heating system is fueled by natural gas.)

연료, 에너지를 내기 위해 연소되는 물질 (나무나 석탄 등), 기름을 채우다 (1. a substance such as oil or gas that is used to provide heat or power, usually by being burned) (2. to provide power to something)

cycle (SAHY-ku̲h̲ l) (2 - Some economists predict the business cycle will turn downward.)

연속, 반복 (시나 이야기의), 순환, 순환기, 주기, 순환하다, 자전거를 타다 (1. short form ofbicycle) (2. a complete set of events that repeat themselves regularly in the same order, or a regularly repeated period of time)

sequence (SEE-kwu̲h̲ ns) (1 - The first chapter describes the strange sequence of events that led to his death. [ C ] The test papers were not in the correct alphabetical sequence.)

연속, 진행, 계속됨, 연속물, 정리, 배열, 사건의 일련, 연속극(영화), 결과 (1. a series of related things or events, or the order in which things or events follow each other) (2. A gene ________ is the order in which the bases /= chemical substances/ in DNA are arranged in a particular gene /= chemical pattern the controls the characteristics of living things/.)

extend (ik-STEND) (1 - Farmland extends for miles in every direction. [ I ] The meeting extended into the late hours of the night. [ T ] He extended his hand to greet me.) (2 - The store has recently extended its hours. I might have extended this essay to include more information.) (3 - The proposed law would extend health insurance to all children.) (4 - I would like to extend my thanks to everybody for making this evening a success. We'd like to extend our condolences to the family.)

연장하다, 확장하다, 늘리다, 제공하다, 미치다 (1. to reach, continue, or stretch) (2. to add to something in order to make it longer; increase) (3. To ______ something is also to increase its range so that it includes more) (4. to offer or give)

row (roh) (1 - Everybody lined up in a neat little row. I want to sit in the front row.) (2 - They've won six games in a row.) (3 - Dad rowed us back to shore.) (3 - Sarah won an Olympic medal in rowing.)

열, 노저어 여행하기, 노젓기, 분쟁, 소란, 배를 젓다, 보토를 젓다, 꾸짖다 (1. a line of things arranged next to each other) (2. If something happens a number of times in a row, it happens that many times without interruption) (3. to cause a boat to move by pushing against the water with oars /= long poles with flat ends/, or to move people in a boat in this way)

fever (FEE-ver) (1 - The child has a rash and a high fever.) (2 - Texas was in the grip of football fever.)

열, 열병, 긴장, 흥분, 열기, 열병에 걸리게 하다, 열병에 걸리게 걸리다 (1. a condition in which the body's temperature is higher than usual, esp. as a sign of illness) (2. a state of great excitement or enthusiasm)

enthusiasm (en-THOO-zee-az-u̲h̲ m) (1 - I find that I'm losing my enthusiasm for the game. [ C ] Parents need to share their enthusiasms with their children.) (1 - You don't seem very enthusiastic about the movie.) (1 - She was welcomed enthusiastically by the crowd.)

열정, 열광, 열망 (1. a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and a desire to be involved in it, or a subject that produces such a feeling)

glory (GLAWR-ee, GLOHR-ee) (1 - He basked in the glory of his victory. Winning the championship was the crowning glory of her career /= it was her highest achievement/.) (2 - They are restoring the building to its former glory.)

영광, 영예, 영화, 장관, 아름다움, 기뻐하다 (1. great admiration, honor, and praise that you earn by achieving something, or something which deserves admiration or honor) (2. great beauty, or something that is very beautiful or excellent)

stupid (1 - I just made another stupid mistake.) (2 - Turn off that stupid program! stupidity noun [ U ] us ​) (2 - Can you believe my stupidity? I locked my keys in the car!)

영리하지 못한, 멍청한, 어리석은 (1. lacking thought or intelligence) (2. /infml/ You might say something is ______ because it annoys you)

permanent (PUR-mu̲h̲-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Are you looking for a temporary job or something permanent? He entered the United States in 1988 as a permanent resident with a green card.) (1 - The accident left him permanently paralyzed.)

영속하는, 영원한, 지속적인, 규칙적인, 변함없는, 파마, 약품으로 오랫동안 머리를 곱슬거리게 하는 것 (1. lasting for a long time or forever)

realm (relm) (1 - the economic/political realm the realm of art/literature/music)

영역, 왕국, 범주, 국토 (1. an area of interest or activity)

hero (HEER-oh) (2 - The ceremony at City Hall honored the heroic acts of firefighters who lost their lives.)

영웅, 주인공 (영화나 이야기 등에서), 위대한 행동으로 신처럼 여겨지는 남자 주인공 (고전 신화) (1. a person admired for bravery, great achievements, or good qualities) (2. The ____ is the main character of a story, play, or movie.)

eternal (ih-TUR-nl) (1 - They swore eternal loyalty to each other.) (1 - I'd be eternally grateful if you'd handle it.)

영원한, 영구한, 끝없는 (1. lasting forever, or seeming to be without end)

forever (fawr-EV-er, fer-) (1 - Nobody lives forever.) (2 - She was forever late for appointments. He was forever saying that he'd pay me back, but he never did.)

영원히, 항상 (1. for all time, without end) (2. _______ can also mean always or frequently)

domain (doh-MEYN) (1 - the domain of polymer science public and private domains)

영토, 분야, 영역 (1. an area of interest or an area over which a person has control) (2. a group of all the possible replacements for a variable /= letter or symbol that represents any set of values/)

territory (TER-i-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee) (1 - Maryland gave up territory to form Washington, DC. [ C ] The UN is sending aid to the occupied territories.)

영토, 지역, 영역, 세력권 (1. an area of land, sea, or space, esp. when it belongs to or is connected with a particular country, person, or animal)

movie (MOO-vee)

영화, 영화 산업, 영화관 (1. a series of moving pictures, often telling a story, usually shown in a theater or on television; film) (2. A _____ theater is a building in which movies are shown.)

extra (EK-stru̲h̲) (1 - Some students needed extra help. He's been working an extra two hours a day. I bought some extra batteries.) (2 - We didn't get any extras on our new car except for the CD player.)

영화에서 조연, 특별편집본, 부록, 여분의, 부록의, 밖의, 외부의 (1. added, additional, or more than expected) (2. something that is added when you pay for goods or a service) (3. An _____ is also a person in a movie who does not have a speaking part and is usually in the background or in a crowd.)

lateral (LAT-er-u̲h̲ l) (1 - The bird spread its wings for lateral stability.)

옆의, 옆으로의, 옆으로 움직이는, 옆쪽, 측음 (1. relating to the sides of an object or to sideways movement)

worship (WUR-ship) (1 - They went on a pilgrimage to India to worship at the holy Buddhist shrines there.) (2 - They work for the same company, socialize together, and worship at the same church.) (3 - As kids, we worshiped our Aunt Martha, who let us sleep late and took us to great places.)

예배, 숭배, 명예, 우상숭배, 예배하다, 숭배하다, 예찬하다, 존경하다 (1. to pray to God or a god) (2. To _______ is also to go regularly to a place for religious ceremonies) (3. to feel a lot of love and admiration for someone or something) (4. A house/place of _______ is a building for religious ceremonies and prayer.)

budget (BUHJ-it) (1 - Congress voted more funds for the defense budget.) (2 - In this day and age of budgetary constraints who is going to pay for all of this?) (3 - Budget airlines have forced major airlines to lower some of their prices.) (4 - They budgeted $6000 for property taxes this year.) (5 - You will have to learn how to budget your time to get all your work done.)

예산, 경비, 재정계획을 세우다 (1. a financial plan that lists expected expenses and income during a particular period) (2. A balanced ______ is a financial plan in which expenses are no greater than income.) (3. low in price; cheap) (4. to plan to spend money for a particular purpose) (5. To ______ is also to plan how to use something of which you have a limited supply)

cabin (KAB-in) (1 - They gave us seats in the first-class cabin of the plane.) (2 - We stayed in a cabin in the mountains for two weeks.)

오두막집, 선실, 객실 (1. a separate space in an aircraft for passengers or for the people operating it, or a room on a ship equipped with beds for sleeping) (2. a small, simple house)

luck (luhk) (1 - It was just luck that I asked for a job at the right time. Then I met this gorgeous woman and I couldn't believe my luck. She wears a charm that she thinks brings her good luck. He seems to have had a lot of bad luck in his life.) (2 - Have you had any luck with booking your flight? He tried to get into teacher training college but with no luck.)

운, 운명, 성공, 운수 (1. the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilities) (2. success)

moderate (adjective, noun MOD-er-it, MOD-rit; verb MOD-u̲h̲-reyt) (1 - The rent has gone up over the years, but in moderate amounts. The company was of moderate size, with about 50 employees.) (2 - There has been moderate improvement in her health since she began the treatment.) (3 - When she was young she was a radical, but her political views have become more moderate as she has gotten older.) (3 - Of the seven members of the committee, five were political moderates.) (3 - My doctor advised me to eat anything I want as long as it's in moderation.) (4 - The weather prediction is for strong winds, moderating by evening.) (5 - The local TV anchorman is going to moderate /the debate/.)

온건한, 온화한, 중간의, 극단에 흐르지 않는, 절제있는, 절도있는 (1. being within a middle range in size, amount, or degree; neither great nor little) (2. some, but not as much or as great as desired) (3. /of opinions/ not extreme) (4. to lose strength or force, or to make something less strong) (5. to manage a public discussion)

dress (dres) (1 - Cindy wore a black dress to the party.) (2 - military dress) (3 - She dresses the kids for school every day.) (4 - He always dresses neatly.) (6 - A doctor in the emergency room dressed the wound.)

옷을 입히다, 옷을 차려 입다, 정렬 시키다, 요리준비를 하다, 장식하다, 의복 (1. a piece of clothing for a woman that covers the top of the body and part or all of the legs) (2. _____ is also clothes of a particular type or style) (3. to put clothes on yourself or someone else, esp. a child) (4. To _____ is also to wear clothes of a particular type) (5. to add a liquid mixture, such as oil and vinegar, to a salad for additional flavor) (6. to treat an injury by cleaning it and putting medicine or a covering on it)

relief (ri-LEEF) (1 - She breathed a sigh of relief when she finished her exams.) (2 - Aspirin may give you some relief.) (3 - disaster relief) (4 - the reliefs of the Parthenon)

완화, 경감, 안심, 한숨돌리기, 양각, 원조, 구조, 다른 사람의 역할을 하는 사람 (1. a feeling of happiness that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended) (2. ______ also means the reduction or end of pain) (3. food, money, or services for people in need) (4. the building up of parts of a surface to form a picture or design that can be seen above the background, or a work of art made by this method)

crown (kroun) (2 - They won six NBA crowns in seven years.) (3 - Her hair stuck straight up from her crown.) (5 - a gold crown) (6 - He hoped that health-care was the achievement that would crown his administration.) (7 - Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in 1953 /= made queen/.) (8 - She had her two front teeth crowned.) (9 - mountains crowned with snowy caps)

왕관, 화관, 장식적인 화관, 영관, 승리자에게 씌우는 관, 머리 꼭대기, 정상 (1. a circular decoration for the head, usually made of gold and jewels, worn by a king or queen at official ceremonies) (2. In a sports competition, a _____ is a prize or position which you get for beating all the other competitors) (3. the top part of something, esp. a person's head) (4. The _____ of a hat is the part that covers the top of your head.) (5. an artificial piece used to cover the top and sides of a tooth, esp. if it is damaged) (6. to be the best or most successful part of an activity or life) (7. to make someone officially a king or queen of a country) (8. to place an artificial, tooth-shaped piece over a tooth, esp. if the natural tooth is damaged) (9. to be on or around the top of something)

protocol (PROH-tu̲h̲-kawl, -kol, -kohl) (1 - According to protocol, the new ambassador will present his credentials to the president.) (2 - medical protocol [ C ] a treatment protocol)

외교 의례, 원본, 문서의 원본, 실험 계획안, 실험 기록, 부검 따위의 계획안 (1. the formal system of rules for correct behavior on official occasions) (2. A ________ is also the rules to be followed when doing a scientific study or an exact method for giving medical treatment) (3. a formal international agreement)

cook (ko̲o̲ k) (1 - I'll cook the steaks on the grill. [ I ] Who's cooking tonight, you or me? [ I ] The potatoes are cooking.) (1 - He's an excellent cook.)

요리사, 요리하다, 조리하다, 못쓰게 만들다 (1. to prepare food by heating it in a particular way, or /of food/ to be prepared in this way)

brave (breyv) (1 - She liked to read stories of brave pioneer women who had crossed the country in covered wagons. Of the three organizations criticized, only one was brave enough to face the press.) (1 - "The pain isn't so bad," she said bravely.) (1 - They were awarded medals for bravery.) (2 - He braved the anger/wrath of his father by quitting law school and becoming an artist.)

용감한, 화려한, 용사, 전사 (1. showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things) (2. to deal with dangerous or difficult things without fear)

courage (KUR-ij, KUHR-) (1 - He lacked the courage to tax the American people to pay for his Great Society programs. It took me several months to get up the courage to ask her to lunch.) (1 - She showed herself to be a courageous journalist.)

용기, 용감 (1. the ability to control fear and to be willing to deal with something that is dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant)

priority (prahy-AWR-i-tee, -OR-) (1 - The president vowed to make education one of his top priorities.) (2 - Getting fresh water and food to the flood victims takes priority over dealing with their insurance claims.)

우선, 중요, 먼저, 상위, 우위 (1. something that is considered more important than other matters) (2. If something takes ________ over something else, it is more important)

incident (IN-si-du̲h̲ nt) (1 - Many shipping companies do not report incidents of piracy, for fear of raising their insurance rates. [ U ] The demonstration took place without incident.)

우연한 사건, 심각한 결과를 야기하는 일, 곤혼스런 실수, 긴장과 잠재적인 폭동을 연관시키는 사건 (1. an event, esp. one that is either unpleasant or unusual) (2. touching or hitting the surface of something) (3. An ________ ray or ________ wave is a beam of light or other energy that hits a surface.)

depression (dih-PRESH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - I'm just beginning to get over the depression from losing my job. medical Tiredness, loss of appetite, and sleeping problems are symptoms of depression.) (2 - There was a depression in the sand where he'd been lying.) (3 - My parents lived through the Great Depression of the 1930s.)

우울, 침체, 공황, 불경기, 불황 (1. a feeling of sadness, or medical a type of mental illness that causes long periods of unhappiness) (2. a part in a surface that is slightly lower than the rest) (3. a period in which there is very little business activity and little employment)

fortune (FAWR-chu̲h̲ n) (1 - They made a fortune in real estate. This dress cost a /small/ fortune /= a lot of money/.) (2 - He had the good fortune to be awarded a scholarship.)

운, 행운, 복, 부, 재산, 운명 (1. a very large amount of money or property) (2. the set of good or bad events that happen to you and have an effect on your life) (3. If someone tells your fortune, that person tries to discover what will happen to you in the future, for example by looking at the lines on your hands or by using a special set of cards.)

fate (feyt) (1 - The fate of numerous smaller buildings is under debate. Attendance has not picked up, and the fate of the show is still in doubt.) (2 - When we met again by chance, she said, "It must be fate.)

운명, 운, 죽음, 파멸 (1. something that happens to a person or thing, esp. something final or negative, such as death or defeat) (2. ____ is also a power that is considered to cause and control all events, so that people cannot change or control the way things will happen)

verse (vurs) (1 - She has a talent for writing humorous verse.) (2 - We'll sing only the first and last verses.)

운문, 시의 절, 연, 시, 성경의 절 (1. writing that is arranged in a rhythmic pattern; poems) (2. A _____ is also one of the parts into which a poem or song is divided) (3. A _____ is also one of the short parts into which the Bible is divided.)

operate (OP-u̲h̲-reyt) (1 - How do you operate the remote control unit? [ I ] Changes are being introduced to make the department operate more efficiently.) (2 - Doctors will operate on her tomorrow morning.)

운영하다, 영업하다, 작동하다, 관리하다, 운행하다 (1. to work or cause something to work, be in action, or have an effect) (2. to cut a body open in order to repair, remove, or replace an unhealthy or damaged part)

mobile (MOH-bu̲h̲ l, -beel or, esp. British, -bahyl) (1 - The Marines are a highly mobile force and can get anywhere fast.) (2 - We hung a mobile over the baby's crib, and she loves to look at it when it moves.)

움직일 수 있는, 이동할 수 있는, 쉽게 변하는, 운반의, 자동차로 제공되는 서비스의 (1. able to move easily or be easily moved) (2. a decoration or work of art that has parts that move in the air, often because each one is hung by a thread)

grand (grand) (1 - When I mess up, I mess up on a grand scale. The ten top essayists will compete for the $10,000 grand prize /= the largest prize in the competition/. The new restaurant will hold its grand opening Saturday /= a big celebration of the opening of its business/.) (2 - A grand staircase leads to the second floor.) (3 - He lost three grand in the stock market last week.)

웅대한, 인상적인, 고상한, 고풍스러운, 화려한, 주된, 그랜드 피아노 (1. important and large in degree or size) (2. attractive in style and appearance) (3. $1000)

circle (SUR-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - Colored paper was cut into circles, squares, and triangles. A circle of chairs had been arranged in the center of the room.) (2 - There's a small circle of people who sell and exhibit their work at the same shows. The mayor's inner circle met with him throughout the crisis to give advice.) (3 - He circled around the idea of paying authors more for their books.)

원, 집단, 단체, 에워싸다, 선회하다 (1. a continuous curved line which is always the same distance away from a fixed central point, or the area enclosed by such a line) (2. a group of people who are connected by family, work, or society, or who share an interest) (3. /fig./ If you ______ around a subject, you talk about things related to it, often to avoid talking about the subject itself)

crisis (KRAHY-sis) (1 - an economic crisis [ U ] People react in times of crisis, but ignore us the rest of the time.)

위기, 문제, 사태, 위험, 불황 (1. an extremely dangerous or difficult situation)

comfort (KUHM-fert) (1 - He's a great comfort to his mother. [ U ] I have to take an exam, too, if it's any comfort to you.) (1 - I tried to comfort him, but it was no use.)

위안을 주다, 용기를 북돋우다, 격려하다, 위로하다, 편안함, 위안, 위로, 편안한 상태 (1. the pleasant and satisfying feeling of being physically or mentally free from pain and suffering, or something that provides this feeling)

sake (seyk) (1 - For his sake, I hope he has some protection. She tried to look healthy, for her husband's sake.) (2 - He is unwilling to oppose it just for the sake of opposing.)

위함, 이익 (1. an advantage or benefit) (2. purpose or reason)

threat (thret) (1 - She was fired after making threats to her co-workers.) (2 - A threat of rain is in today's forecast. [ U ] The boundary dispute raised the threat of war.)

위협, 우려, 조짐 (1. a statement that someone will be hurt or harmed, esp. if the person does not do something in particular) (2. the possibility that something unwanted will happen, or a person or thing that is likely to cause something unwanted to happen)

organic (awr-GAN-ik) (3 - organic fruits and vegetables)

유기체의, 유기물의, 동물이나 식물 기관의, 기본적인, 본질적인 (1. consisting of or relating to living plants and animals, or the substances of which they are made) (2. _______ also means relating to, or belonging to a group of substances containing the chemical element carbon.) (3. not using artificial chemicals in the production of plants and animals for food)

prominent (PROM-u̲h̲-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - She plays a prominent role in the organization.) (2 - She has a prominent chin/nose.) (2 - Despite his prominence, he was never able to make a living.) (2 - prominently displayed pictures)

유명한, 두드러진, 탁월한, 뛰어난, 실력 있는 (1. very noticeable, important, or famous) (2. If something is prominent, it sticks out from a surface or can be seen easily)

infant (IN-fu̲h̲ nt)

유아, 어린 아이, 미성년자, 초심자, 유아의, 어린, 아기같은, 미성년의 (1. a baby)

utility (yoo-TIL-i-tee) (1 - Its basic utility lies in being able to drive where other vehicles can't go.) (2 - a utility bill After I call the movers, I'll call to have the utilities turned on.)

유용함, 공익사업, 유용한 것 (1. ability to satisfy a particular need; usefulness) (2. a supply of gas, electricity, water, or telephone service to homes and businesses, or a business that supplies such services)

rely (ri-LAHY) (1 - You can't rely on good weather for the whole trip. The system relies too heavily on one person.)

의존하다, 의지하다, 믿다, 신뢰하다 (1. to depend on or trust someone or something)

garden (GAHR-dn) (1 - We have a vegetable garden.) (3 - You've probably never gardened in your life.)

유원지, 정원 (1. a piece of land, usually near a home, where flowers and other plants are grown) (2. Gardens are also public places where flowers, trees, and other plants are grown for people to enjoy.) (3. to take care of a garden, as by planting seeds and watering the plants)

genetic (ju̲h̲-NET-ik) (1 - genetically engineered plants)

유전학적인, 유전적인, 세습적인 (1. relating to the biological process by which the characteristics of living things are passed from parents to children)

guilty (GIL-tee) (1 - I feel so guilty about forgetting your birthday.)

유죄의, 죄책감, 죄의, 범죄적인 (1. If you feel guilty, you feel that you have done something wrong) (2. Someone who has a ______ conscience is unhappy because of something wrong that the person feels he or she has done.)

retain (ri-TEYN) (1 - Francis retained control of the company. His capacity to retain /= remember/ facts was as keen as ever, but he had trouble remembering people's names.)

유지하다, 보유하다, 계속하다, 가지다, 보관하다 (1. to keep or continue to have something)

valid (VAL-id) (1 - The money was gone, and the only valid conclusion was that someone had stolen it.) (2 - You must have a valid driver's license to drive a car.) (2 - Some experts questioned the validity of the president's ideas.)

유효한, 타당한, 근거 있는 (1. based on truth or reason; able to be accepted) (2. A _____ document is legally acceptable, usually because it has been done according to official rules)

ethical (ETH-i-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - ethical and legal issues the ethical dilemmas surrounding genetic researchC2) (2 - ethical practice/trading a medical procedure that most people believe to be ethical) (2 - This action is ethically questionable.)

윤리적인, 윤리학적인, 도덕적인 (1. relating to beliefs about what is morally right and wrong) (2. morally right)

diet (DAHY-it) (1 - A healthy diet includes fresh vegetables. [ C ] fig. Gifted students given a steady diet of grade-level curriculum learn they don't need to work hard.) (2 - a low-salt diet [ C ] I'm going on a diet because I've got to lose some weight.) (2 - Health experts say dietary changes have to start with children, who can be taught to appreciate a healthy diet.) (3 - He began dieting a month ago and says he has lost ten pounds already.) (3 - Studies show there may be as many as 30 million American dieters at any one moment.) (4 - diet soda)

음식물, 영양분, 식이요법, 음식량을 제한 하여 먹다, 규정식을 먹다 (1. the food and drink usually taken by a person or group) (2. A ____ is also the particular food and drink you are limited to when you cannot eat or drink whatever you want to) (3. to limit the food that you take, esp. in order to lose weight) (4. /of food or drink/ containing much less sugar than usual and often sweetened artificially, or containing less fat than usual)

plate (pleyt) (2 - Dominic helped himself to a plate of spaghetti.) (3 - Large, metal plates covered the trench in the roadway.) (5 - gold plated)

음식을 내는 납작한 접시, 부분, 몫, 식기류, 덮어씌우는 것, 판, 이름표, 명찰 (1. a flat dish on which food is served or from which it is eaten) (2. an amount of food on a plate) (3. a flat piece of something that is hard, does not bend, and is usually used to cover something) (4. one of the large moving layers of rock that the earth's surface is believed to be made of) (5. to cover a metal object with a thin layer of another metal, esp. gold or silver)

intention (in-TEN-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - I have no intention of selling this house. [ C ] He had good intentions /= He meant to be kind/, but unfortunately things just didn't work out.)

의도, 의사, 의지, 의향, 취지 (1. something that you want and plan to do; an aim)

obligation (ob-li-GEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The government has an obligation to assist relief efforts. [ U ] You can just look - you're under no obligation to buy.)

의무, 채무, 채권, 계약 (1. something that a person feels morally or legally forced to do)

wear (wair) (1 - He wears glasses for reading. fig. The prisoner wore a confident smile throughout the trial.) (2 - She wears her hair in a ponytail.) (3 - My favorite shirt wore at the collar. [ T ] I wore a hole in my favorite sweater. [ M ] Wind and water slowly wore away the mountain's jagged peak, making it round.) (4 - She designed sportswear and very elegant evening wear.)

의복, 침식, 부식, 닳아 없어짐, 소모, 마모, 질김, 사용에 견디기 오래감 (1. to have clothing or jewelry on your body) (2. To ____ your hair in a particular style is to have it arranged in a certain way) (3. to make something become weaker, damaged, or thinner because of continuous use) (4. clothes designed for a particular use or of a particular type)

agenda (u̲h̲-JEN-du̲h̲) (1 - Among the items on the agenda were next year's budget and raising the membership dues.) (2 - Finding a job is at the top of my agenda.) (3 - She has a political agenda.)

의사 일정, 의제, 비망록 (1. a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting) (2. An ______ can also refer to any matters that have to be dealt with) (3. esp. disapproving An ______ is also a particular program of action, often one that is not directly expressed)

ritual (RICH-oo-u̲h̲ l) (2 - My morning ritual includes reading the newspaper while I drink my coffee.)

의식, 예식, 예배, 예식적인 관습, 의식의, 의식적인, 의식을 행하는 (1. a set of actions or words performed in a regular way, often as part of a religious ceremony) (2. A ______ is also any act done regularly, usually without thinking about it)

ceremony (SER-u̲h̲-moh-nee) (1 - a graduation/wedding ceremony [ U ] She was buried without ceremony.) (1 - The queen's role is largely ceremonial.)

의식, 의례, 식 (1. a set of acts, often traditional or religious, performed at a formal occasion esp. to recognize an important event, or the performing of such acts)

conscious (KON-shu̲h̲ s) (1 - She's out of surgery but not fully conscious yet.) (2 - People have become much more conscious of the need to exercise regularly.) (3 - Was it a conscious decision to break up the group, or did it just happen?) (4 - Consumers aren't as conscious of prices as they were last year.) (4 - I've never done anything consciously to offend anyone.)

의식하고 있는, 자각하고 있는 (1. awake, aware of what is happening around you, and able to think) (2. noticing the existence of something) (3. determined and intentional) (4. being especially aware of or worried about something)

resource (REE-sawrs, -sohrs, -zawrs, -zohrs, ri-SAWRS, -SOHRS, -ZAWRS, -ZOHRS) (1 - The library was a valuable resource, and he frequently made use of it.) (2 - The earth has limited resources, and if we don't recycle them we use them up.) (3 - The government doesn't have the resources to hire the number of teachers needed.)

의지, 만일의 경우의 의지, 재원, 공급, 자원, 목표를 달성하는 수단, 재치 (1. something that can be used to help you) (2. Resources are natural substances such as water and wood which are valuable in supporting life) (3. Resources are also things of value such as money or possessions that you can use when you need them)

ideology (ahy-dee-OL-u̲h̲-jee, id-ee-) (1 - They voted along ideological lines.)

이념, 이데올로기, 사상 (1. a theory or set of beliefs, esp. one on which a political system, party, or organization is based)

ideal (ahy-DEE-u̲h̲ l, ahy-DEEL) (1 - In an ideal world, no one would go hungry.) (1 - This job is ideally suited to her skills.) (2 - I think most people share the same ideals and basic beliefs.) (3 - She's my ideal of beauty.)

이상, 완벽한 것, 완벽함의 기준을 갖춘 사람 또는 사물, 목표, 야망, 완벽한 (1. perfect, or the best possible) (2. a principle that sets a high standard for behavior) (3. a person, thing, or situation that is considered to be perfect)

tale (teyl) (1 - a fairy tale His life story makes a pretty remarkable tale.)

이야기, 소설 (1. a story or report, esp. one that is invented or difficult to believe)

profit (PROF-it) (1 - Any profit made on the sale is taxable. [ C ] A lot of businesses are reaping huge profits.) (2 - He could see little profit in arguing with them.) (3 - It's sickening that somebody would profit from her misfortune.)

이익, 벌이, 영리, 금전적 벌이, 이득, 이익을 얻다, 이익이 되다 (1. money that a business earns above what it costs to produce and sell goods and services) (2. ______ can also mean benefit) (3. earn money, or benefit)

migration (mahy-GREY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - She's interested in bat migration.)

이주, 이동 (1. movement from one region to another and often back again, esp. according to the season of the year)

artificial (ahr-tu̲h̲-FISH-u̲h̲ l) (1 - artificial flowers artificial grass an artificial leg) (2 - an artificial smile artificiality noun [ U ] us ​) (2 - The actors were encouraged to speak in flat, speedy tones /= quality of the voice/, reinforcing the artificiality of an already unreal-seeming piece.) (2 - Those oranges have been artificially colored.)

인공의, 인위적인, 인조의 (1. made by people, often as a copy of something natural) (2. not sincere; not truly intended)

print (print) (1 - The newspaper printed my letter to the editor.) (2 - Please print your name clearly below your signature.) (3 - Just print out the first two pages.) (4 - We made extra prints of the baby to send out with the birth announcement.) (5 - woodcut prints) (6 - a print dress) (7 - The dog left prints all over the kitchen floor.) (10 - Is the book still in print?out of print) (11 - I'm afraid you can't get that book - it's out of print.)

인쇄, 인쇄문자, 인쇄된 것, 흔적, 지문, 날인, 인쇄하다, 표시를 하다, 복사하다 (1. to put letters or images on paper or another material using a machine, or to produce books, magazines, newspapers, etc., in this way) (2. To _____ is also to write without joining the letters together) (3. To _____ something out is to _____ text or images from a machine attached to a computer) (4. a single photograph made from film, or a photograph of a painting or other work of art) (5. A _____ is also a picture made by pressing paper or other material against a special surface covered with ink) (6. a pattern produced on a piece of cloth, or cloth having such a pattern) (7. a mark left on a surface where something has been pressed on it) (8. A _____ is also a fingerprint.) (9. text or images that are produced on paper or other material by printing) (10. If something is in print, it is published and available to buy) (11. If a book is out of print, it is no longer available from a publisher)

cognitive (KOG-ni-tiv) (1 - Studies show a connection between aerobic exercise and cognitive ability.)

인식의, 인지의, 인식력 있는 (1. relating to or involving the processes of thinking and reasoning)

adjacent (u̲h̲-JEY-su̲h̲ nt) (1 - They work in adjacent buildings.)

인접한, 이웃의, 부근의 (1. very near, or with nothing in between) (2. Two angles are ________ if they are next to each other and share a line.)

admit (ad-MIT) (1 - He admitted his guilt. [ + /that/ clause ] She admitted /that/ she had made a mistake.) (2 - Each ticket admits one member and a guest.) (2 - He was refused admittance to the club.)

인정하다, 시인하다, 허가하다, 입원시키다, 승인하다 (1. to recognize or accept something as true) (2. to allow someone or something to enter)

recognize (REK-u̲h̲ g-nahyz) (1 - I recognized my old high school teacher from the photograph. Doctors are trained to recognize the symptoms of different diseases.) (2 - We recognize the problems you've faced and sympathize with you. [ + that clause ] He recognized that it was unlikely he would ever see her again.) (3 - With this medal, we would like to recognize Lynn Jennings for excellence in women's running.) (3 - a recognizably American name)

인정하다, 인식하다, 알아보다, 알다, 깨닫다 (1. to know someone or something because you have seen or experienced that person or thing before) (2. to accept that something is true, important, or legal) (3. To _________ is also to show public appreciation for the achievements of someone, or a person or group)

annual (AN-yoo-u̲h̲ l) (1 - an annual salary annual rainfall Our annual costs have risen steadily.) (3 - the "Sports Illustrated" college football annual)

일년의, 해마다의, 일년생의, 일년생 식물 (1. of or for a period of one year) (2. a plant that grows, produces seeds, and dies within one year) (3. a publication appearing once a year)

campaign (kam-PEYN) (1 - He ran the governor's campaign for reelection. "Washington's Crossing" is a history of the military campaign of 1776 and early 1777.) (2 - She campaigned for a law that would force the town to clean up the lake.)

일련의 군사 활동, 목적 달성을 위해 조직화된 일련의 활동들 (정치적 등등) (1. a plan consisting of a number of activities directed toward the achievement of an aim) (2. to try to achieve something, such as the election of someone to a political office, by taking part in a number of planned activities)

routine (roo-TEEN) (1 - Getting coffee and a bagel was part of my daily routine.) (2 - a comedy/skating routine routine adjective [ not gradable ] us ​) (2 - The test is part of a routine six-month checkup.) (2 - She routinely works out at the gym.)

일상사, 습관, 관습, 틀에 박힌 일, 항상 똑같은 일과, 특정한 일을 위한 지침이 포함된 컴퓨터 프로그램의 일부 (컴퓨터) (1. a usual set of activities or way of doing things) (2. A _______ is also a particular set of activities performed to entertain others)

temporary (TEM-pu̲h̲-rer-ee) (1 - a temporary condition a temporary contract temporarily adverb [ not gradable ] us ​) (1 - The player was temporarily suspended from the tournament.)

일시적인, 임시직(속어) (1. not lasting or permanent)

wage (weyj) (1 - an hourly wage) (2 - A desperate medical battle is being waged against the virus.)

임금, 월급, 보수 (문어), 수행하다, 벌어지다 (1. an amount of money that is paid to an employee, esp. for each hour worked) (2. to begin and continue a war, a fight, or a plan to achieve something)

rent (rent) (1 - Rents in this building are ridiculously high.) (1 - I rented a car for the trip to Boston.)

임대하다, 임차하다, 빌리다, 임대, 째진 틈, 찢다, ...을 잡아 찢다, 째다 (1. a fixed amount of money paid or received regularly for the use of usually an apartment, house, or business space) (2. past simple and past participle of rend)

mission (MISH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - They were sent on a secret political mission to the Middle East. fig. She's a woman on a mission /= She is strongly determined/ to teach those children to read.) (2 - A trade mission was sent to South Africa.)

임무, 대표단, 전도단, 전도단이 사용하는 건물 (1. the action of sending someone to a place to do a particular job, esp. one for a government or religious organization, or the job the person has been sent to do) (2. A _______ is also a group of people who are sent to another place to do a particular job or to represent their country, organization, or religion, or the place where they go to do this work)

blow (bloh) (1 - The wind blew over a garbage can /= pushed it down on its side/. [ M ] We brought in the birthday cake and watched Lisa blow out the candles.) (2 - We blew 12 balloons up for Charles' party.) (4 - The gas explosion blew a huge hole in the ground. [ M ] The explosion from the gas leak blew all the windows out.) (5 - I blew my first paycheck on a night out with my friends.) (6 - A sharp blow on the chest sent him spinning to the floor.) (7 - Her death at twenty was a terrible blow to her parents.) (8 - The brothers almost came to blows over sharing the car.)

입김을 내뿜다, 부풀게하다, 휘파람을 불다, 폭파시키다, 내뿜다, 한바탕 불기, 강타 (1. to make a current of air, or to move something or be moved with a current of air) (2. To ____ up something is to push air inside it to make it larger) (3. If you ____ your nose, you force air through it to push out something that is blocking it, so that you can breathe better.) (4. to destroy something in an explosion or to be destroyed in this way) (5. /infml/ To ____ a sum of money is to spend it in a foolish way) (6. a hard hit with the hand or a weapon) (7. A ____ is also an unexpected, harmful event) (8. If people come to blows, they physically fight)

kiss (kis) (1 - The two women hugged and kissed /each other/. [ T ] He kissed the children goodbye.) (2 - Give grandma a kiss and say goodnight.)

입맞춤, 뽀뽀(애정의 표현), 가볍게 닿기, 입 맞추다, 뽀뽀하다, 가볍게 스치다 (1. to touch or press your lips against another person, esp. another person's lips or cheek, as a greeting or to express love) (2. an act of touching or pressing your lips against another person, esp. another person's lips or cheek, as a greeting or to express love)

solid (SOL-id) (1 - After flying all night, he was glad to be on solid ground.) (3 - solid rock a solid oak table) (4 - solid gold a solid blue background) (5 - It's a solid house. David has a solid, muscular body.) (6 - All the performers showed solid musicianship and technique. Relations between them are based on a solid foundation of friendship and trust.) (7 - A cube is a solid.) (8 - After the operation, Mrs. Groncki couldn't eat solids.) (9 - He has 54 tin boxes, packed solid with baseball cards.)

입체물질, 고체물질, 딱딱한 물질, 3차원의, 고체의, 딱딱한, 속이 비지 않은 (1. having a fixed shape that cannot be changed easily) (2. A substance that is _____ is not a liquid or a gas.) (3. completely packed with material; not hollow) (4. A _____ metal or color is pure and does not have anything else mixed together with it) (5. /of objects/ made in a way that is strong, or /of a person/ strong) (6. being of a good quality that can be trusted; certain or safe) (7. an object with three dimensions /= height, width, and length/) (8. a food that is not liquid) (9. with no openings; full)

forget (fer-GET) (1 - You'd better not forget your mother's birthday. [ + /that/ clause ] She forgot /that/ she had a dental appointment. [ + to infinitive ] Don't forget to lock the car.) (2 - I wish I could forget him but I can't. [ I ] I'm afraid we'll have to forget about going to the beach - it's raining.)

잊다, 깜빡하다, 무시하다, 망각하다, 놓고 오다 (1. to be unable to remember; fail to remember) (2. To ______ /about/ is to stop thinking about someone or something, or to stop thinking about doing something)

fund (fuhnd) (1 - a scholarship fund for college students the company's pension fund) (2 - He plans to donate money to fund health centers. funder noun [ C ] /ˈfʌn·dər/ It's the world's largest funder of education.)

자금, 기금, 특별한 목적을 위해 축적해 놓은 돈, 자금제공, 자금을 대다, 저축하다 (1. a sum of money saved and made available for a particular purpose) (2. to provide the money to pay for an event, activity, or organization)

vehicle (VEE-i-ku̲h̲ l or, sometimes, VEE-hi-) (1 - an underwater vehicle The snow stranded hundreds of vehicles on an interstate highway.) (2 - Many say Morse code is an outdated vehicle for communication in today's high-tech world. She used her celebrity status as a vehicle to run for political office.) (2 - Pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the neighborhood have both increased.)

자동차, 차량, 발사체, 이동수단, 매개물 (1. something used to transport people or goods, esp. something used on land or roads) (2. a way of achieving something)

static (STAT-ik) (1 - Oil prices remained static worldwide.)

정적인, 움직이지 않는, 변함없는, 정전기의, 정압의 (물리) (1. staying in one place without moving, or not changing for a long time)

proud (proud) (1 - He's very proud of his daughters. The company is proud of its environmental record. [ + to infinitive ] I am proud to have played a part in what this team achieved.) (2 - Americans are a proud people. He might be poor but he's too proud to accept charity.) (3 - She is too proud to admit that she could ever be wrong.)

자랑스러운, 자부심이 강한, 자신감이 강한 (1. feeling satisfaction and pleasure because of something that you have achieved, possess, or are a part of) (2. having respect for yourself, or showing feelings of your own worth) (3. People may also be _____ in an unpleasant way and have too high an opinion of themselves)

bag (bag) (1 - a grocery/shopping bag) (2 - You can leave your bags in the hotel room, and I'll send someone up for them later.) (3 - I carry a large shoulder bag.) (4 - Only 15 percent of last year's hunters actually bagged a deer.) (5 - I'll bag your groceries for you.)

자루, 가방, 지갑, 사냥 부대, 자루에 넣다, 부풀다, 낫으로 베다 (1. a container of paper or light plastic that is open at the top, used esp. to hold things you have bought) (2. a container of leather, hard plastic, or cloth material with a top that can be closed, for carrying clothes or other objects, esp. when you are traveling; a suitcase) (3. A ___ is also a woman's pocketbook) (4. to hunt and capture or kill an animal or bird) (5. to put items in a bag)

mercy (MUR-see) (1 - He begged for mercy. The soldiers showed no mercy toward their prisoners.) (2 - It's a mercy that no one was hurt in the fire.)

자비, 머시, ...에 따라, 은총 (1. kindness shown toward someone whom you have the right or power to punish) (2. something that is considered lucky because it is not as bad as it had been or could have been)

suicide (SOO-u̲h̲-sahyd) (1 - She threatened to commit suicide.) (2 - It would be political suicide for him to refuse to support his own party's platform.)

자살, 자살적 행위, 자살자, 자결자 (1. the act of killing yourself intentionally) (2. _______ can also refer to any act that has the effect of causing defeat)

preserve (pri-ZURV) (1 - The committee will suggest ways to preserve historically important buildings in the downtown area.) (2 - My grandmother preserved cherries in syrup.) (3 - The gardening is Jeanne's special preserve.) (4 - a wildlife preserve) (5 - apricot preserves)

자연보호 지역, 보호하다, 보존하다, 저장하다, 영속적이게 하다 (1. to keep something as it is, esp. in order to prevent it from decaying or to protect it from being damaged or destroyed) (2. To ________ food is to treat it in a particular way so it can be kept for a long time without going bad) (3. an activity that only one person or a particular type of person does or is responsible for) (4. an area of land kept in its natural state, esp. for hunting and fishing or for raising animals and fish) (5. fruit cooked with sugar)

liberty (LIB-er-tee) (1 - individual liberties [ U ] Our group is fighting for independence, liberty, democracy, and peace.) (2 - I'm not at liberty to discuss this with you.)

자유, 해방, 리버티, 멋대로 (1. the freedom to live as you wish and go where you want) (2. Someone who is at _______ to do something has permission to do it)

trace (treys) (1 - Police are trying to trace the mother of the abandoned baby. The phone company was unable to trace the call /= find where it came from/.) (2 - The outbreak of food poisoning was traced to contaminated shellfish. They trace their family back to the early settlers.) (3 - The movie traces the events leading up to the Russian Revolution.) (5 - There was a trace of a smile on his face, She speaks English without the slightest trace of an accent.) (6 - They found traces of a lost civilization in the jungle. He vanished without a trace.)

자취, 흔적, 마구, 봇줄, 밟아가다, 더듬다, 옛 모습을 확인하다, 선 등을 긋다 (1. to find someone or something by searching carefully) (2. To _____ something is also to discover its cause or origin) (3. To _____ something is also to describe the way it developed) (4. to copy a drawing, pattern, etc. by drawing its lines on a thin piece of paper that is placed over it) (5. a very slight amount or degree) (6. a mark or sign that something happened or existed)

autonomy (aw-TON-u̲h̲-mee) (1 - District officials had rebuffed a proposal to grant greater autonomy to local schools.) (1 - an autonomous region/republic)

자치, 자치권, 자율 (1. the right of a group of people to govern itself or to organize its own activities)

pool (pool) (1 - pools of water in the gutter a pool of blood [ C ]) (3 - Their profits get plowed back into a pool to pay subscribers' claims.) (4 - an office Super Bowl pool) (5 - a pool table) (6 - The kids pooled their money to buy their parents plane tickets.)

작은 연못, 아주 작고 낮은 물웅덩이, 합동자금, 공동출자, 당구의 일종, 가입하다 (1. a small area of usually still water, or a small amount of liquid) (2. A ____ is also a swimming pool.) (3. an amount of money or a number of people or things collected together for shared use by several people or organizations) (4. A ____ is also the total amount of money risked by people on the result of a card game or sports event) (5. a game played by two or more people in which a cue /= long, round stick/ is used to hit a white ball against other balls in order to roll them into one of six holes around the edge of a special table) (6. to combine your money with money from a number of other people for shared use)

minor (MAHY-ner) (1 - She suffered minor injuries in the accident. Waiting another half hour was only a minor inconvenience.) (2 - a minor scale a minor chord) (4 - I'm taking two courses in my minor, chemistry.)

작은 쪽의, 부차적인, 부수적인, 이류의, 종속된, 나이 어린 (1. not great in size or importance) (2. based on a scale /= series of musical notes/ in which there is a whole step /= sound difference/ between each note except between the second and third notes and between the fifth and sixth notes) (3. a person under the age at which he or she legally becomes an adult) (4. the second most important subject that a college student is studying)

cruel (KROO-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Her classmates made some cruel remarks. Is the death penalty cruel and unusual punishment? I think it's cruel to put a dog in a cage.) (1 - She treated him cruelly before the divorce.)

잔인한, 잔혹한, 모진 (1. extremely unkind and intentionally causing pain)

handsome (HAN-su̲h̲ m) (1 - He was handsome, brilliant, witty, and generally the center of attention wherever he was.) (2 - a handsome salary)

잘 생긴, 멋진, 상당한 (1. /esp. of a man/ physically attractive) (2. /esp. of money/ large in amount)

pull (po̲o̲ l) (1 - Could you help me move this bookcase over there? You pull and I'll push. [ T ] Alice lay down and pulled a blanket over her. [ I ] The little girl pulled at his sleeve /= moved it slightly and repeatedly toward her/.) (2 - The dentist had to pull two of my teeth out. [ M ] I spent the morning pulling up weeds in the garden. She's asking companies to pull their ads from the program.) (4 - The car was pulling a trailer. [ I ] Elise sat on the sled while Carol pulled.) (5 - Her car pulled out into traffic. The sun was so strong we had to pull down the blinds. He pulled off his wet clothes and laid them out to dry.) (6 - Pull up a chair and join us.) (7 - He started yelling at the referee and had to be pulled away by teammates. [ T always + adv/prep ] He pulled his arm out just as the doors were closing. [ T always + adv/prep ] She pulled herself up onto the rock.) (8 - She took out a quarter, dropped it into the slot machine, and pulled the lever.) (9 - She was able to pull more votes than the other candidates. [ M ] The networks are grabbing for any edge that pulls in viewers.) (10 - Marie pulled a hamstring and couldn't play in the finals.) (11 - Mikey was pulling his usual stunt of feeding most of his lunch to the cat.) (12 - The manufacturer used political pull to get the application approved.)

잡아끌다, 끌어당기다, 제거하다, 철거하다, 늘이다, 잡아찢다, 잡아당김, 영향 (1. to move something toward yourself, sometimes with great physical effort) (2. to take something out of or away from a place, esp. using physical effort) (3. Someone who pulls a weapon on you takes it from a hidden place and points it at you.) (4. to hold or be attached to the front of something and cause it to move with you) (5. to move or move something in the stated direction) (6. If you ____ up a chair, you move a chair so you can sit with other people) (7. to move your body or a part of your body) (8. to operate a device that makes a piece of equipment work) (9. to attract a person or people) (10. to injure a muscle by stretching it too much) (11. to perform an action that is dishonest or intended to deceive) (12. influence, esp. with important people)

magazine (mag-u̲h̲-ZEEN, MAG-u̲h̲-zeen) (1 - a weekly/monthly magazine)

잡지, 무기고 (1. a type of thin book with a paper cover that is published regularly and usually contains articles and photographs) (2. A ________ on television is a regularly broadcast program that reports about news events or other true stories.)

secretary (SEK-ri-ter-ee) (2 - the Secretary of the Treasury) (3 - Freya is running for secretary of the student council.)

장관, 사무총장, 비서, 차관, 서기 (1. a person who works in an office and prepares letters, keeps records, schedules meetings, and makes other arrangements for a particular person or for an organization) (2. the head of a government department) (3. an official in an organization who is responsible for writing notes about what happens at meetings and sending official letters)

fun (fuhn) (1 - Everybody had a lot of fun at the party. It's no fun having to work on Saturdays. He studies French just for fun/for the fun of it. I only said it in fun /= as a joke/.) (2 - Going camping would be a really fun thing to do. Cindy is a fun person /= enjoyable to be with/.)

장난, 재미, 즐거움, 재미있는 (1. pleasure, enjoyment, amusement, or someone or something that causes this) (2. enjoyable)

device (dih-VAHYS) (1 - a handheld device a safety device electronic/mechanical devices He invented a device for measuring very small distances exactly.) (2 - His temper tantrums were just a device for attracting attention.)

장치, 기기, 기구, 고안, 폭발물 (1. an object or machine that has been invented to fulfill a particular purpose) (2. a method that is used to produce a desired effect)

inventory (IN-vu̲h̲ n-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee) (1 - large inventories of oil and gasoline [ U ] The store is closed while we're taking inventory /= counting and listing all the goods/.)

재고, 자산목록, 재고조사, 목록에 기입하다 (1. goods that are easily made available, or a detailed list of goods, property, etc.)

disaster (dih-ZAS-ter, -ZAH-ster) (1 - financial disaster [ U ] disaster aid/relief [ C ] Over 100 people died in the disaster. [ C ] The hurricane may be the costliest natural disaster in US history.) (2 - Our last dinner party was an absolute disaster.)

재난, 재앙, 사고, 피해, 실패 (1. an event causing great harm, damage, or suffering) (2. /fig./ A ________ is also a complete failure)

talent (TAL-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - His talents are being wasted in that job. [ U ] The baseball scouts are looking for new talent.) (1 - A very young and talented violinist was the guest soloist.)

재능, 인재, 탤런트, 연예인, 소질 (1. a special natural ability to do something well, or people who have this ability)

stuff (stuhf) (1 - What's the black stuff on the rug? This stuff tastes good.) (2 - We helped him move his stuff to the new apartment. I've got a lot of stuff to do this weekend. They'd heard all this stuff before.) (3 - I can't stuff another thing into this suitcase.) (5 - The kids stuffed themselves with snacks.)

재료, 요소, 물건, 물질, 소질, 성격, 천, 직물 (영국), 하찮은 것 (1. a substance or material) (2. a group of different things, activities, or matters) (3. to fill the inside of something) (4. To _____ a turkey, or other meat or vegetable, is to fill it with other food before cooking it.) (5. If you _____ yourself, you eat a large amount of food)

estate (ih-STEYT)

재산, 소유권, 계급, 사유지 (1. a large, privately owned area of land in the country, often with a large house) (2. law A person's ______ is everything the person owns when he or she dies.) (3. Br An ______ is a group of houses or factories built in a planned way.)

resist (ri-ZIST) (1 - Students want to discover the truth themselves, and they resist having conclusions forced upon them.) (2 - I couldn't resist laughing at him.)

저항하다, 반항하다, 적대하다, 견디다, 참다, 반대하다, 방염제, 방부제, 녹방지 페인트와 같이 어떠한 반응이나 효과를 방지하는 코팅 (1. to fight against or oppose something or someone) (2. To ______ is also to keep or stop yourself from doing something)

slight (slahyt) (1 - He speaks with a slight French accent. She had a slight cold, but wasn't feeling too bad.) (2 - He was a young man of slight build with sensitive eyes and expressive hands.) (3 - He slighted his wife by neglecting to introduce her.)

적은, 얼마 안되는, 근소한, 호리호리한, 가는, 하찮은, 보잘 것 없는 (1. small in amount or degree) (2. /of people/ thin and delicate) (3. to insult someone by not paying attention or by treating the person as unimportant)

hostile (HOS-tl or, esp. British, -tahyl) (1 - Her parents were openly hostile to me.) (2 - The Nevada desert is one of the most hostile regions in America.) (3 - The enemy was preparing to take hostile action.) (3 - Both sides were trying to avoid further hostilities.) (3 - He tried to hide his hostility.)

적의를 품은, 반대하는, 우호적이지 않은 (1. showing strong dislike; unfriendly) (2. difficult or not suitable for living or growing) (3. connected with an enemy or an act of war)

electric (ih-LEK-trik) (1 - electric current/power an electric light/motor) (2 - The aerial acrobats at the circus gave an electric performance.)

전기의, 전기에 의해 작용하는 (1. powered by electricity) (2. Something might be described as ________ if it is very exciting)

honest (ON-ist) (1 - an honest man an honest answer To be honest /= To tell the truth/, I didn't like the movie.)

정직한, 솔직한, 거짓이 없는 (1. /of a person/ truthful or able to be trusted; not likely to steal, cheat, or lie, or /of actions, speech, or appearance/ showing these qualities)

deliver (dih-LIV-er) (1 - We had the pizza delivered. [ T ] We call our pharmacy with the doctor's prescription and ask them to deliver it. [ I ] We deliver anywhere in the city.) (2 - The president is scheduled to deliver a speech on foreign policy. The jury delivered a verdict of not guilty.) (3 - Dr. Adams delivered all three of my children.) (4 - You pay your dues, and you expect the union to deliver.)

전달하다, 배달하다, 전하다, 인도하다, 구해내다 (1. to take goods, letters, or packages to people's houses or places of work) (2. to give or produce a speech or result) (3. to give birth to a baby, or to help someone do this) (4. to achieve or produce something promised or expected)

radio (REY-dee-oh) (1 - I listen to the radio in the morning to get the weather report.) (4 - They radioed /their base/ for help.)

전자파를 통해 소리를 전송하는 방법, 라디오 방송을 수신하고 방송하는데 쓰이는 도구, 라디오의 (1. a device for receiving, and sometimes broadcasting, sound messages, or the receiving or sending of sound messages) (2. _____ is also the work of broadcasting sound programs for the public to listen to.) (3. _____ waves are the energy waves of a certain length that are used in _____ broadcasts.) (4. to send a message to someone by radio)

electronic (ih-lek-TRON-ik, ee-lek-) (1 - electronic components/equipment electronic banking The huge electronic scoreboard showed a replay of the last goal.)

전자학의, 전자의 (1. involving a system of operation that involves the control of a flow of electrons esp. in various devices including computers)

ongoing (ON-goh-ing, AWN-) (1 - The investigation is ongoing.)

전진, 계속적인 진행, 계속하는, 지속하는, 전진하는 (1. continuing to exist, happen, or develop)

typical (TIP-i-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - He looked like the typical tourist with his camera and baseball cap. This dish is typical of Southern cooking.) (2 - "He called to say he wasn't coming.)

전형적인, 일반적인, 평범한, 특유한 (1. showing the characteristics of a particular kind of person or thing) (2. disapproving _______ also means behaving as you would expect)

absolute (AB-su̲h̲-loot, ab-su̲h̲-LOOT) (1 - She demanded absolute silence. The day was an absolute /= complete/ disaster.) (2 - Health insurance is an absolute necessity.)

절대의, 무조건의, 순수한, 단연 ... 한, 결정적인, 절대적인 것 (1. without limit, very great, or to the largest degree possible) (2. certain; not to be doubted)

grade (greyd) (1 - She always gets good grades.) (2 - high-grade musicianship He's suffering from a low-grade infection.) (3 - James is in the seventh grade this year.) (4 - In hilly San Francisco, many streets have a steep grade.) (5 - The essays were graded on clarity of expression.) (6 - Eggs are usually graded by size.)

점수, 수준, 등급, 유형, 학년 (학교), 완만한 경사, 부류로 나누다, 등급을 매기다 (1. a measure of the quality of a student's performance, usually represented by the letters A /the best/ through F /the worst/) (2. A _____ is also a measure or mark of quality, amount, or degree) (3. a school class or group of classes in which all the children are of a similar age or ability) (4. the degree of slope of land or of a road or path) (5. to judge and give a mark to a student, exam, etc.) (6. To _____ is also to separate things according to quality or size)

lunch (luhnch) (1 - We had soup and sandwiches for lunch. [ C ] I take my lunch to work.) (1 - We lunched on crackers and cheese.)

점심, 가벼운 식사, 도시락, 점심을 먹다, 도시락을 먹다, 점심을 제공하다 (1. a meal eaten in the middle of the day, or the food prepared for this meal)

approximate (adjective u̲h̲-PROK-su̲h̲-mit; verb u̲h̲-PROK-su̲h̲-meyt) (1 - Can you tell me the approximate value of this watch? approximately adverb us ​) (1 - The job will take approximately three weeks to do.) (2 - The painting only approximated the mountain landscape.) (2 - I only have an approximation of the size of the room.)

접근하다, 가깝다, 근접하다, 대략의, 근접한 (1. almost exact) (2. to come near in quality, amount, value, or character)

regime (ru̲h̲-ZHEEM, rey-, or, sometimes, -JEEM) (1 - a Communist/totalitarian regime)

정권, 체제 (1. a particular government, or a system or method of government)

journal (JUR-nl) (1 - a scientific journal The Wall Street Journal) (2 - He kept a journal for over 50 years.)

정기 간행물, 저널, 일기, 잡지 (1. a magazine or newspaper, esp. one that deals with a particular subject) (2. a record of what you have done, or of descriptions or thoughts, written each day or frequently over a long period; a diary)

magnitude (MAG-ni-tood, -tyood) (1 - The magnitude of the task would have discouraged an ordinary man.)

정도, 규모, 중요성 (1. large size or great importance) (2. _________ is also a measure of the brightness of a star as it appears from earth.) (3. The _________ of an earthquake is a measure of how strong or violent it is.)

settle (SET-l) (1 - Campbell settled herself in front of a blazing fire. [ I ] He settled back in his chair and took out a book.) (2 - Rogers paid $2 million to settle the lawsuit. [ T ] Americans turn to a dictionary to settle questions of language. [ I ] Negotiators are hopeful the two sides will settle.) (3 - The defendant agreed to settle out of court.) (4 - He sold his photographs to settle some old debts.) (5 - After they got married, they settled in Virginia. [ T ] Immigrants settled this island two hundred years ago. [ I ] fig. An early-evening glow settles on the city /= the city has begun to glow/.) (6 - Dust can settle into the wet paint and spoil the finish. Unused farm machinery settled in high weeds behind the house.)

정돈하다, 해결하다, 처리하다, 정리하다, 결정하다, 지불하다, 빚을 청산하다 (1. to get or to become comfortable) (2. to reach a decision or an agreement about something, or to end a disagreement) (3. If you ______ out of court, you reach an agreement in a legal case without holding a trial in court) (4. to pay money owed) (5. to live in a place or to go somewhere to live, esp. permanently) (6. to move to a lower level and stay there; drop)

ministry (MIN-u̲h̲-stree) (1 - All the ministries were represented at the meeting - justice, foreign affairs, economic affairs, and the interior.) (2 - a youth ministry)

정부의 부서, 장관의 직무, 목사의 직무 (1. a government department led by a minister) (2. the job of being a religious leader)

sword (sawrd, sohrd)

칼 (1. a weapon with a long, sharp, metal blade and a handle, used esp. in the past)

precise (pri-SAHYS) (1 - The precise recipe is a closely guarded secret. Years of doing this research had made her very precise in her working methods. There was a good turnout for the meeting - twelve of us, to be precise.)

정확한, 정밀한 (1. exact and accurate in form, time, detail, or description)

exact (ig-ZAKT) (1 - The exact distance is 3.4 miles. Do you have the exact time? "Is it 12 o'clock yet?" "It's 12:03 to be exact.) (2 - She's going through the exact same things I went through.) (3 - to exact revenge)

정확한, 정밀한, 강요하다, 부득이...하게 하다 (1. in perfect detail; complete and correct) (2. _____ is sometimes used to increase emphasis on the following word) (3. to demand and obtain something, sometimes using threats or force)

milk (milk) (1 - cookies and milk) (2 - Breast milk is the best nourishment for a baby.) (3 - coconut milk) (4 - The newspapers milked the story dry.)

젖, 우유, 우유와 같은 식물의 즙(코코넛 즙), 젖을 짜다, 많은 양을 추출해내다 (1. the white liquid produced esp. by cows which people drink) (2. ____ is also the white liquid produced by female mammals as food for their young) (3. The white liquid obtained from some plants is also called milk) (4. To ____ something or someone is to get as much from that thing or person as possible)

wet (wet) (1 - I stepped in a puddle of water and got my shoes wet.) (3 - A lot of the wetness will evaporate before the rain reaches the plant's roots.) (4 - He still sometimes wets his bed.)

젖은, 눅눅한, 비내리는, 술취한(속어), (구어)주류 판매를 지지하는(미국) (1. with liquid in, on, or around something; not dry) (2. If paint, ink, etc., is wet, it has not had time to dry.) (3. ___ weather is weather with rain.) (4. A person, esp. a child, who wets something causes it to become ___ by urinating)

empire (1 - the British/Soviet Empire)

제국 (1. a group of countries ruled by a single person, government, or country)

submit (su̲h̲ b-MIT) (1 - Companies are required to submit monthly financial statements to the board.) (2 - He had never been able to submit himself to that sort of discipline. [ I ] All newly hired employees must submit to a background check.)

제출하다, 제시하다, 복종하다, 굴복하다 (1. to give or offer something for a decision to be made by others) (2. to give power or authority over a person or group to someone, or to accept something unwillingly)

shell (shel) (1 - Turtles, snails, and crabs all have shells to protect them.) (3 - Military forces began shelling areas north of the city.) (4 - He sits in front of the TV, shelling peanuts.) (5 - She'll be there tomorrow, I'm sure.)

조가비, 등 딱지, 깍지, 껍질, 뼈대, 셸형 보트, 외관, 외이, 포탄, 약식 예복 (1. the hard outer covering of nuts, eggs, a few vegetables, and some animals) (2. a tube filled with explosives that is fired from a large gun) (3. to fire shells at something) (4. to remove the hard outer covering of nuts and other foods) (5. contraction of she will or she shall)

investigation (in-ves-ti-GEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - a criminal investigation [ U ] The cause of the fire is under investigation /= is being examined/.)

조사, 수사, 감사, 연구 (1. the act of examining something carefully, esp. to discover the truth about it)

survey (verb ser-VEY; noun SUR-vey, ser-VEY) (1 - A recent survey found that working women want better child care and flexible hours.) (2 - Geological surveys are an important tool used in locating oil reserves.) (3 - His new book is a survey of contemporary Latin American architecture.) (4 - After we'd finished painting the kitchen, we stood back and surveyed our work.) (5 - The property must be surveyed before you can buy it.) (6 - Researchers surveyed the political opinions of 2000 college students.)

조사하다, 관찰하다, 전망하다, 꼼꼼하게 검사하다, 측량하다, 개관, 측량, 측량도 (1. a set of questions people are asked to gather information or find out their opinions, or the information gathered by asking many people the same questions) (2. the measuring and recording of the details of an area of land) (3. a description of the whole of a subject) (4. to look at or examine all of something) (5. to measure and describe the details of an area of land) (6. to ask people questions in order to find out about their opinions and behavior)

treaty (TREE-tee) (1 - Under the treaty /= according to the agreement/, inspections are required to see if any country is secretly developing nuclear arms.)

조약, 협정, 협약 (1. a written agreement between two or more countries that is formally approved and signed by their leaders)

harmony (HAHR-mu̲h̲-nee) (2 - He imagined a society in which all races lived together in harmony.)

조화, 일치, 화합 (1. notes that are played or sung with the main tune and that make the piece more complicated and interesting) (2. agreement of ideas, feelings, or actions, or a pleasing combination of different parts) (3. _______ is the combination of separate but related parts in a way that uses their similarities to bring unity to a painting, drawing, or other art object.)

graduate (noun, adjective GRAJ-oo-it, -eyt; verb GRAJ-oo-eyt) (1 - a Yale graduate/a graduate of Yale graduate verb [ I/T ] us ​) (1 - Although he never graduated from high school, he became a successful businessman.) (2 - graduate school/student/studies)

졸업하다, 학업을 마치고 학위를 받다, 등급을 매기다, 서서히 변화하다, 졸업생에게 학위를 주다 (1. a person who has successfully completed studies at a school or received a degree from a college or university) (2. relating to or working toward a university degree beyond the one you receive after four years of study)

bell (bel) (1 - The school bell was ringing.)

종, 종소리 (1. a hollow, cup-shaped, metal object that makes a ringing sound when a part hanging inside swings against its sides, or when it is hit by any hard object) (2. A ____ is also a doorbell.)

sin (sin) (1 - In most religions, stealing is regarded as a sin.) (2 - It is not a sin to drop your kid off at soccer practice and stay in the car to read a book.) (2 - I don't think there's a good way to say I have sinned.)

종교나 도덕상의 죄악, 위반, 과실, 죄악을 범하다, 위반하다 (1. an act of breaking a religious law, or such acts considered together) (2. A ___ is also anything considered wrong)

synthesis (SIN-thu̲h̲-sis) (1 - His latest album is a synthesis of African and Latin rhythms.) (1 - The chemical compound was first synthesized in England in 1874.)

종합, 통합, 합성 (1. the act of combining different ideas or things to make a whole that is new and different from the items considered separately)

prefer (pri-FUR) (1 - We have tea and coffee, but perhaps you'd prefer a cold drink. [ T ] He prefers watching baseball to playing it. [ + that clause ] She prefers that we meet at the station.)

좋아하다, 선호하다 (1. to choose or want one thing rather than another)

province (PROV-ins) (1 - The province of Quebec has voted several times on independence from Canada.) (3 - Architecture is within the province of the art department.)

주, 도, 지역, 식민지 (1. a division of a country that has its own government) (2. The provinces are the parts of a country outside its capital or most important city.) (3. a subject or activity of special interest, knowledge, or responsibility)

host (hohst) (1 - Lucy was a gracious host. Vancouver played host to the conference /= the event happened there/.) (2 - a talk-show host) (4 - They cared for wounded soldiers and performed a host of other duties.) (5 - Which country is hosting the next Olympics?)

주인역을 맡다, 안주인 노릇을 하다, 손님을 집에 맞이 하다, 연회를 베풀다 (1. someone who gives a party or has guests) (2. a person who introduces guests and performers on television or radio) (3. a plant or animal that another plant or animal lives on as a parasite) (4. a large number) (5. to be the ____ for guests or for a special event)

argue (AHR-gyoo) (1 - They argued about money. I can't argue with you about that /= I agree with you/.) (2 - They argued for/against a tax cut.)

주장하다, 논쟁하다, 논의하다, 말다툼하다, 왈가왈부하다 (1. to disagree esp. strongly and sometimes angrily in talking or discussing something) (2. to give the reasons for your opinion about the truth of something or to explain why you believe something should be done) (3. law To _____ is also to represent the case of someone in a court of law.)

theme (theem) (1 - The theme of the conference was the changing role of women in modern society.)

주제, 테마, 제목 (1. the topic of discussion or writing) (2. A _____ is also the main idea of a work of literature or art.) (3. a short, simple tune on which a piece of music is based) (4. _____ and variation is a musical form in which a _____ is played and then repeated several times with small changes in interesting ways.)

topic (TOP-ik) (1 - We must pick topics for our research papers by next week.)

주제, 화제, 토픽 (1. a subject that is written about, discussed, or studied)

park (pahrk) (1 - a picnic in the park Central Park) (2 - Where did you park? [ T ] Just park your car out front. [ T ] fig.infml He parked himself in front of the TV.)

주차시키다, 공원, 수렵원, 왕의 특허에 의한 수렵원, 양식장, 굴의 양식장 (1. a large area of land with grass and trees which is maintained for the pleasure of the public) (2. /fig./to leave a vehicle in a place where it can stay for a period of time, or to put yourself or something in a particular place for a period of time)

kill (kil) (1 - Livestock are being killed by tigers in some areas. [ I ] Just a tiny drop of this poison is enough to kill. [ T ] fig. If you tell Mom, I'll kill you /= I will be extremely angry with you/.) (2 - It wouldn't kill you to apologize. [ T ] The doctor gave her something to kill the pain.) (3 - We killed some time playing cards while we waited for the flight. I had a couple of hours to kill before dinner.) (3 - She refused to take part in the killing of animals.) (4 - The leopard seized its kill and dragged it into the bush.)

죽이다, 기세를 꺾다, 잃게 하다, 소비하다, 부결하다, 되받아치지 못하게 치다 (1. to cause someone or something to die) (2. To ____ something can also mean to hurt, damage, remove, or destroy it) (3. If you ____ time or have time to kill, you do something while you are waiting for something else to happen) (4. an animal that has been hunted and killed)

vital (VAHYT-l) (1 - The existence of a strong opposition is vital to a healthy democracy. The kidneys play a vital role/part in removing waste from the blood. [ + that clause ] It's vital that you respond at once.) (1 - It's vitally important that we get there by tomorrow.)

중요한, 필수적인, 주요한, 생명과 관련된 (1. necessary or extremely important for the success or continued existence of something)

joy (joi) (1 - My heart was full of pure joy.) (2 - His daughters were the joys of his life. [ C ] She's a joy to work with.)

즐거움, 환희, 기쁨의 원천, 기뻐하다, 기쁘게 해주다 (1. great happiness or pleasure) (2. A ___ is a person or thing that causes happiness)

entertain (en-ter-TEYN) (1 - Children's games and books seek to teach and entertain at the same time. [ T ] Kerry and Bill entertained listeners of their radio show with tales of their adventures on an ocean cruise.) (2 - She was a good cook and liked to entertain her friends with new dishes. [ I ] We didn't entertain much over the holidays this year.) (3 - He entertained some doubts about how truthful the government was.)

즐겁게 하다, 접대하다, 제공하다 (1. to keep a person or a group of people interested or amused) (2. to invite one or more people to your house and give food and drink to them) (3. to hold in your mind or to be willing to consider or accept)

enjoy (en-JOI) (1 - We enjoyed the scenery. I enjoyed your book very much. Enjoy your weekend. She liked her job because she enjoyed meeting people.) (2 - I really enjoyed myself last night.) (3 - The schools here enjoy strong community support. She enjoyed good health well into her 90s.)

즐기다, 누리다, 즐겁게 (1. to feel happy because of doing or experiencing something) (2. To _____ yourself is to feel happy because of a situation or an event in which you took part) (3. to have the benefit of something)

steam (steem) (2 - a steam engine) (3 - The ship steamed out of the harbor.)

증기, 김, 안개, 수증기, 힘 (구어), 증기를 쐬다, 음식을 찌다, 수증기를 내다 (1. the hot gas that is produced when water boils) (2. _____ can be used to provide power) (3. to move by _____ power) (4. If food is steamed, it is cooked by steam.)

knife (nahyf) (1 - a sharp knife We took plastic knives and forks on our picnic.)

칼, 나이프로 자르다, 나이프로 찌르다, 해치우려고 하다, 음흉한 수단으로 해치우려고 하다 (1. a tool or weapon used for cutting, usually consisting of a metal blade and a handle) (2. to push a _____ into someone to hurt them)

proof (proof) (1 - You will need to have proof of citizenship in order to get a passport.) (2 - Page proofs went out yesterday to all the contributors to the book.) (4 - Liquor that is 50 proof is 25% alcohol.)

증명, 입증, 증거, 시험인화 (인쇄), 내구성 있게 하다, 통하지 않게 하다, 교정을 위한 시험인쇄를 하다 (1. facts or documents that can be used to show that something is true) (2. a printed copy of written material that is examined and corrected before final copies are printed) (3. the calculations that show how the solution to a mathematical problem or equation was reached) (4. a measure of the percentage of alcohol in an alcoholic drink, equal to twice the actual percentage of alcohol)

demonstrate (DEM-u̲h̲ n-streyt) (1 - He demonstrated how to use the new software. The surgeon demonstrated the use of lasers for certain operations.) (2 - Research demonstrates that babies can recognize their mother's voice very soon after birth. She was eager to demonstrate her skill at chess.) (3 - His answer demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the question.)

증명하다, 설명하다, 시위하다 (1. to show how to do something; explain) (2. to show that something is true; prove) (3. to express or show that you have a feeling, quality, or ability) (4. /of a group of people/ to make a public expression of complaint about a problem or support for something, esp. by marching or meeting)

perception (per-SEP-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Even though he had done nothing illegal, the public's perception was that he had acted dishonestly, and he was forced to resign.)

지각, 인식, 직관 (1. a thought, belief, or opinion, often held by many people and based on appearances) (2. an awareness of things through the physical senses, esp. sight)

moon (moon) (1 - the full moon) (2 - Jupiter has at least sixteen moons.) (3 - She's been mooning around the house all weekend.)

지구의 천연적 위성, 모든 행성의 위성, 달, 초승달, 빈둥거리다, 멍하니 보내다 (1. the object, similar to a planet, that moves through the sky, circling the earth once every 28 days, and which can often be seen clearly at night when it shines with the light coming from the sun) (2. A ____ is also a similar object that moves around another planet) (3. to move or spend time in a way that shows a lack of care and interest and no clear purpose)

map (map) (1 - a map of California a New York City subway map According to this road map, it's 740 miles from Charlotte, North Carolina to Miami, Florida.) (2 - Archaeologists have mapped the old Roman city using aerial photography.)

지도, 지도를 만들다, 계획하다 (1. a drawing that represents a region or place by showing the various features of it, such as rivers and roads, and the distances between them, so that people can get help in finding their way from one place to another) (2. to draw a representation of a place)

guide (gahyd) (1 - Our tour guide in Rome was a lovely young woman who spoke perfect English.) (2 - a travel guide a guide to the best restaurants a tax guide) (3 - She guided me into her living room and offered me a seat on her couch. We took a guided tour of /= A guide showed us/ the historic houses in Newport.) (4 - If you want to learn how to use the computer, it has a program that will guide you through it .) (5 - Public policy must be guided by the best information available.)

지도하다, 가르치다, 교도하다, 이끌다, 지도자, 안내자, 수행자, 입문서, 지도원리 (1. a person whose job it is to show a place or a route to visitors) (2. A _____ is also a book or piece of information that gives advice or help on how to do or understand something) (3. to show a place or a route to visitors) (4. to give someone advice or help on how to do or understand something) (5. To _____ someone or something can also mean to control or influence that person or thing)

roof (roof, ro̲o̲ f) (1 - The school has a flat roof.) (2 - Peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth.) (2 - They roofed the house with old-fashioned shingles.)

지붕, 지붕을 덮다 (1. the covering that forms the top of a building, vehicle, or other object) (2. The ____ of your mouth is the mouth's upper, inside surface)

instruction (in-STRUHK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The course gives you basic instruction in car maintenance and repairs.) (2 - The general received instructions to return to the base.)

지시, 설명, 교육, 교본, 방법 (1. the act of teaching someone how to do something) (2. an order to do something, esp. a formal order)

hell (hel) (2 - Holidays are hell for me. We went through hell during the flood /= had an extremely bad experience/.) (3 - Oh hell, I forgot my keys! Her dad was mad as hell. Note: This may be considered offensive by some people.) (4 - I'm sure he'll help you if he can.)

지옥, 저승, 고통, 이런! 빌어먹을!(화날때 짜증날때 쓰는 표현) (1. /in some religions/ the place where some people are believed to go after death to be punished forever for the bad things they have done) (2. an extremely unpleasant or difficult place, situation, or experience) (3. used to express anger, or to give emphasis to an expression) (4. contraction of he will or he shall)

horizon (hu̲h̲-RAHY-zu̲h̲ n) (1 - We watched the horizon as the sun set.) (2 - Spending her junior year abroad has broadened her horizons.)

지평선, 수평선 (1. the place in the distance where the earth and sky seem to meet) (2. A person's horizons are the limit of that person's ideas, knowledge, and experience)

wisdom (WIZ-du̲h̲ m) (2 - I question the wisdom of separating a child from his brothers and sisters whatever the circumstances.)

지혜, 교훈, 학문 (1. the ability to make good judgments based on what you have learned from your experience, or the knowledge and understanding that gives you this ability) (2. ______ also means the quality of being a good judgment)

linear (LIN-ee-er) (1 - This carpet costs $12 per linear foot.) (2 - The book offers excitement, linear plot development, and dramatic descriptions.) (3 - The garden has very linear paths.)

직선 모양의, 길이에 관한, 1차원의 (1. relating to length, rather than area or volume) (2. /esp. of stories or ideas/ continuing in a clear and reasonable way from one part to the next) (3. consisting of or related to straight lines)

occupation (ok-yu̲h̲-PEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - He listed his occupation on the form as "teacher.) (2 - Sailing was his favorite weekend occupation.) (3 - the occupation of France during World War II)

직업, 점령, 일제 식민통치 (1. a person's job) (2. An __________ is also a regular activity) (3. the act of controlling a foreign country or region by armed force)

diagnosis (dahy-u̲h̲ g-NOH-sis) (1 - Respiratory therapy involves the diagnosis and treatment of breathing disorders.) (1 - The hospital is doing some diagnostic tests to see if they can figure out why she's running a fever.)

진단, 식별, 진찰 (1. the making of a judgment about the exact character of a disease or other problem, esp. after an examination, or such a judgment)

pack (pak) (1 - You'd better start packing. [ T ] I forgot to pack my socks. [ T ] Pack your bag, we're leaving tonight.) (2 - People packed Times Square, waiting for the new year to begin. The cooler was packed with cans of soda. fig.) (3 - Nina packed the snow into a hard snowball.) (3 - Several people in the packed courtroom were crying.) (4 - Wolves live and hunt in packs.) (5 - a pack of bubble gum a pack of cards)

짐꾸러미, 한 묶음, 등짐, 소포, 동물의 떼(특히 늑대나 개 등의), 단체, 화장팩 (1. to put items into a container, esp. for transporting them or for storage) (2. to fill a space, or to crowd people or things together, esp. in large numbers) (3. to press something consisting of a lot of small pieces together so that they form a solid mass) (4. a group of animals) (5. a number of things usually of the same kind that are tied together or stored in a container, or the container itself) (6. A ____ is also a backpack.)

discharge (verb dis-CHAHRJ; noun DIS-chahrj, dis-CHAHRJ) (1 - Allen was discharged from the hospital yesterday.) (3 - The soapy water from the washing machine will discharge directly into the waste line.) (4 - A gun accidentally discharged.) (5 - He continued to discharge his duties as administrator of the fund.) (6 - McCarthy held the rank of captain at the time of his discharge from the army.) (7 - an oily discharge)

짐부리기, 하선, 배출, 방출, 해방, 책임 면제, 발사, 짐을 부리다, 방출하다 (1. to allow someone to leave) (2. Someone who is discharged from a job is asked to leave it.) (3. to send out a substance, esp. waste matter) (4. to shoot a gun) (5. to perform a duty, esp. an official one) (6. the act of asking or allowing someone to leave a place, esp. a job) (7. the act of sending a liquid or gas out of something, or the substance that comes out) (8. A _________ is also liquid matter that comes from a part of the body.)

concentration (kon-su̲h̲ n-TREY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - There's a heavy concentration of poor and elderly in the district.) (2 - He had a look of intense concentration on his face.)

집중, 수용소, 농축 (1. a large amount of something in the same place) (2. a lot of attention and thought directed to an activity or subject) (3. the amount of a substance that is mixed with water or another substance)

discrimination (dih-skrim-u̲h̲-NEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Some immigrants were victims of discrimination. The law made racial discrimination in employment a serious crime. She claims she is a victim of age discrimination.) (3 - He showed discrimination in his reading habits.)

차별, 구별, 식별 (1. the treatment of a person or particular group of people differently, in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated) (2. ______________ is also prejudice against people and a refusal to give them their rights.) (3. the ability to judge the quality of something based on its difference from other, similar things)

dimension (dih-MEN-shu̲h̲ n, dahy-) (1 - The dimensions of the room are 26 feet by 15 feet.) (2 - The new script gave the story a psychological dimension.)

차원, 크기, 부피, 면 (1. a measurement of something in a particular direction, esp. its height, length, or width) (2. a part or quality of a thing or situation that has an effect on the way you think about it)

attend (u̲h̲-TEND) (1 - She attends classes on Tuesdays. [ I ] You don't have to attend if you don't want to.)

참석하다, 다니다, 주의하다, 돌보다 (1. to be at an event or go to a place)

pale (peyl) (1 - a pale blue scarf A pale young man answered the door.) (2 - Madeleine sickened and paled during the next two days.)

창백한, 약한, 하얀, 창백해지다, 하얗게 되다, 무색해지다, 못해 보이다 (1. /of a person's face/ having less color than usual, or /of a color or light/ not bright or strong) (2. to become lighter than usual in color)

adopt (u̲h̲-DOPT) (1 - They adopted Raphael last September.) (2 - The new law means companies will adopt energy-saving measures.) (3 - The motion to increase fees was adopted.)

채택하다, 입양하다, 도입하다, 취하다, 적용하다 (1. to take another person's child legally into your own family to raise as your own child) (2. to accept or begin to use something) (3. If an organization adopts a rule, it votes to accept it)

desk (desk) (1 - Tommy sits at the desk in front of me in English.) (2 - The woman at the front desk was very helpful.)

책상 (1. a type of table for working at, usually one with drawers) (2. a place where you can get information or service, esp. in a hotel, airport, or large store)

liable (LAHY-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - If you don't take care of yourself, you're liable to get sick. He's liable to say anything that comes into his head.) (2 - He is still liable for repaying his student loan.)

책임 있는, ...해야 할, ...하기 쉬운, 여지가 있는 (1. likely to do, happen, or experience something) (2. having legal responsibility for something)

cloth (klawth, kloth) (1 - cloth diapers [ U ] cloth napkins [ U ] a cloth coat [ C ] He used a damp cloth to clean the windshield.)

천, 옷감, 직물, 식탁보, 걸레 (1. material made by weaving cotton, wool, or other fibers, or a piece of such material)

genius (JEEN-yu̲h̲ s) (1 - /an/ artistic/creative/musical genius Einstein was a /mathematical/ genius. From the age of three, she showed signs of genius. It was such a brilliant idea - a real stroke of genius.) (2 - The film was about an evil genius who wanted to control the world.) (3 - She has a genius for raising money.)

천재, 비범한, 영재 (1. very great and rare natural ability or skill, especially in a particular area such as science or art, or a person who has this) (2. a person who has a strong bad influence over other people) (3. to be especially skilled at a particular activity)

explore (ik-SPLAWR, -SPLOHR) (1 - They set out to explore the city.) (2 - We have to explore new ways to market our products. Many scholars have explored this issue.)

탐험하다, 탐구하다, 연구하다, 개척하다 (1. to travel to a new place to learn about it or become familiar with it) (2. to try to discover; learn about)

wire (wahyu̲h̲ r) (1 - telephone wires [ U ] There was a six-foot high wire fence around the playground.) (3 - My father wired me $300.) (4 - Our building is wired for cable TV.) (5 - Wired by the FBI, he began recording meetings with Chicago officials.)

철사로 매다, 철사로 잡아매다, 전보를 치다, 전선을 가설하다, 전자 청취장치를 가설하다 (1. thin metal that can be bent, used in a stiff form in fences and in a form more easily shaped for fastening things or for carrying electric currents) (2. a telegram) (3. to send a message or money by telegraph) (4. to connect or fasten by wire) (5. A person or place that is wired is secretly equipped with an electric device that records sounds such as conversations)

clean (kleen) (1 - Make sure you wear a clean shirt. Hospital rooms have to be kept clean.) (2 - clean air/water) (3 - "Let's make it a clean fight," said the referee. Before his conviction for fraud, he had a clean record /= he had not been involved in crime previously/. slang They searched him, but he was clean /= he was not carrying anything illegal or not allowed/.) (4 - clean living a clean joke) (5 - It's better for both of us if we make a clean break and stop seeing each other.) (6 - a clean sheet of paper clean adverb [ not gradable ] us ​) (6 - The bullet went clean through his shoulder and out the other side.) (7 - Saturday morning is our time to clean the house. [ T ] You should clean a wound immediately to avoid infection.)

청결한, 깨끗한, 순수한, 결백한, 부드러운, 전혀, 깨끗이 (1. free of dirt or other unwanted parts or pieces) (2. _____ also means free from harmful substances, or pure) (3. honest or fair; not breaking rules or laws) (4. _____ also means morally acceptable and not giving offense) (5. complete) (6. new and not used) (7. to remove dirt or unwanted parts or pieces from something)

format (FAWR-mat) (1 - The two candidates could not agree on the format of the TV debate.)

체재, 판 (1. the way in which something is shown or arranged) (2. If you ______ a text or a disk on a computer, you organize it according to chosen patterns.)

arrest (u̲h̲-REST) (1 - Kansas City police arrested a bank robber.) (2 - Antibiotics arrest the development of harmful bacteria.) (3 - FBI agents made the arrest. [ U ] He was placed under arrest by federal marshals.)

체포, 정지, 체포하다, 정지시키다, 끌다, 구금하다 (1. /of the police/ to use legal authority to catch and take someone to a place where the person may be accused of a crime) (2. to stop or slow an activity) (3. the act of using legal authority to catch and take someone to a place where the person may be accused of a crime)

defeat (dih-FEET) (1 - Bill Clinton defeated George Bush for the presidency in 1992.) (2 - In the American Civil War, the North's defeat of the South involved tremendous loss of life on both sides.) (3 - This was the team's fifth straight defeat.)

쳐부수다, 패배시키다, 좌절시키다, 패배, 승리, 전복, 대파시킴, 손실, 실패 (1. to oppose and cause someone to lose in a competition or war so that you can win) (2. success in competition with an opponent, causing the opponent to lose so that you can win) (3. A ______ is also the action or fact of losing a competition or war)

maximum (MAK-su̲h̲-mu̲h̲ m) (1 - a maximum penalty/sentence The stereo was turned up to maximum volume.) (1 - The temperature will reach a maximum of 88 today.)

최대량, 극한, 최고용량, 최고점, 최대의, 최고의, 극한의 (1. being the largest amount or number allowed or possible)

minimum (MIN-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ m) (1 - Her lawyer asked the judge to give her the minimum sentence.)

최소한도, 최소크기, 최소한의, 최저한의 (1. being the smallest amount or number allowed or possible)

ultimate (UHL-tu̲h̲-mit) (1 - Your ultimate goal is to play the game as well as you can.) (2 - Some people believe that he is the ultimate painter of this century.) (2 - Winning was the ultimate, because our team had never won before.)

최후의, 최고의, 극대의, 근본적인, 결정적인, 궁극의, 최종점 (1. most important, highest, last, or final) (2. ________ also means the best, most, or greatest of its kind)

pursue (per-SOO) (1 - The police pursued on foot, but lost him in the crowd.) (2 - She single-mindedly pursued her goal of earning a law degree.) (3 - The hobbies that I pursue in my spare time are crafts - woodworking, mainly.) (4 - I don't think the idea is worth pursuing.)

추구하다, 추진하다, 계속하다, 추적하다, 쫓다 (1. to follow or search for someone or something, in order to catch or attack that person or thing) (2. to try to achieve) (3. to continue to do) (4. To ______ is also to continue to consider)

abstract (1 - "Humanity" is an abstract idea.) (3 - abstract art)

추상적인, 추상파의, 실제적이지 않은, 비현실적인, 이해하기 어려운 (1. existing as an idea, feeling, or quality, not as a material object) (2. If a statement, argument, or discussion is abstract, it is general and not based on particular examples.) (3. A painting, drawing, or sculpture is described as ________ if it tries to represent the qualities of objects or people but does not show their outer appearance) (4. a few sentences that give the main ideas in an article or a scientific paper)

track (trak) (1 - We walked along a muddy track at the side of the field.) (3 - deer tracks in the snow) (4 - Fall sports include football, hockey, and track.) (5 - a dog/thoroughbred track) (7 - The study tracked the careers of 1226 doctors who trained at Harvard Medical School.) (8 - The kids are always tracking mud in the kitchen.)

추적하다, 따라가다, 궤도, 통로, 흔적, 자취, 철로, 행로, 진로 (1. a path that is narrower than a road, often with an uneven surface) (2. A _____ is also one or a pair of parallel metal bars on which trains travel.) (3. a mark or line of marks left on a surface, esp. the ground, by a moving animal, person, or vehicle, that shows the direction of travel) (4. the sport of competitive running, or a wide, circular path that is made for this sport) (5. A _____ is also a specially prepared surface for any kind of racing) (6. one of several songs or pieces of music on a musical recording) (7. to follow something that moves or changes by noticing marks or signs that it has left behind) (8. If you _____ something messy or dirty, you leave messy or dirty marks when walking because you had something on your shoes or feet)

tower (TOU-er) (1 - a clock tower) (2 - a television tower) (3 - As we drove on, the Rocky Mountains towered before us. Although he's only 14, David towers over his mother.)

탑, 타워, 우뚝 솟다, 똑바르게 서있다, 높이 솟아 있다 (1. a tall, narrow structure that either forms part of a building or stands alone) (2. A _____ is also a tall, usually metal structure used for broadcasting) (3. to appear very tall or large, or to be much taller than something else)

guess (ges) (1 - I didn't know the answer, so I had to guess. [ + /that/ clause ] He guessed /that/ she was about 50.) (2 - She guessed the right answer.) (3 - My plane leaves in an hour, so I guess I'd better be going. [ T ] "Is he going to call you back?" "I guess so.) (4 - Go on, take a guess.) (5 - I don't know why she's late, but my guess is she got off at the wrong exit.)

추측하다, 가정하다, 추측, 가상, 가설 (1. to give an answer to a question when you do not have all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are right) (2. To _____ can also mean to give the correct answer) (3. To _____ also means to think or believe) (4. an attempt to give the right answer when you are not certain if you are right) (5. Someone's _____ is also an opinion about something, formed without any knowledge of the situation)

axis (AK-sis)

축대, 중심축 (1. a real or imaginary straight line that goes through the center of a spinning object or a line that divides a shape into two equal halves) (2. The earth's ____ is an imaginary line that goes through the earth between the North Pole and the South Pole.) (3. An ____ is also a line on a graph used to show the position of a point.)

decrease (verb dih-KREES; noun DEE-krees, dih-KREES) (1 - Car sales decreased sharply this year.) (1 - I haven't noticed any decrease in ticket sales.)

축소하다, 감소하다, 줄이다, 내리다, 하락하다, 쇠퇴하다, 감소, 삭감, 줄이기 (1. to become smaller or make something less)

publication (puhb-li-KEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - His writing appears frequently in French, Mexican, and Canadian publications. [ U ] The publication of the marathon finishers will be in next Sunday's newspaper.)

출판, 발행, 발표, 간행물, 발간 (1. a book, magazine, newspaper, or document, or the act of making information or writing available, esp. in a printed form)

dance (dans, dahns) (1 - Who was she dancing with at the party? [ T ] They danced a waltz.) (2 - Sunlight danced on the water.) (3 - "May I have this dance?" he asked. [ C ] The next dance will be a waltz.) (4 - the eighth-grade dance)

춤추다, 춤추는 것처럼 뛰어 돌아다니다, 춤추게 하다, 춤, 율동적인 움직임 (1. to move the body and feet in rhythm to music) (2. If something dances, it moves quickly and easily) (3. an act of dancing, or a particular set of movements) (4. A _____ is also a social occasion at which people dance)

shock (shok) (1 - It was kind of a shock to hear they wanted to throw it out.) (2 - She was going into shock - her flesh was becoming chilled and her muscles were contracting.) (3 - Running shoes lose their ability to absorb shock.) (4 - If that cord is pulled loose, you'll get a shock from the plug.) (4 - The book was considered shocking when it was first published.) (5 - Her painting might shock viewers. [ I ] The ads were designed to shock.)

충돌, 충격, 심각한 부상으로 인해 야기된 순환계의 마비 (의학), 전기 충격, 곡물의 단 (1. a sudden, unexpected, and often unpleasant or offensive event, or the emotional or physical reaction to such an event) (2. _____ is also a medical condition caused by severe injury, pain, loss of blood, or fright that slows down the flow of blood around the body) (3. the effect, often including damage or slight movement, of one object hitting another forcefully) (4. a current of electricity going through the body) (5. to make someone suddenly feel very upset or surprised)

impulse (IM-puhls) (1 - I had this impulse to dye my hair red.) (2 - I bought this expensive sweater on impulse.) (3 - nerve impulses)

충동, 자극, 욕망, 원동력 (1. a sudden, strong desire to do something) (2. If you do something on impulse, you do it because you suddenly want to) (3. a short electrical signal that carries information or instructions between the parts of a system) (4. the force that is working on an object multiplied by the amount of time it is working)

remove (ri-MOOV) (1 - Please remove your books from the counter. Club soda will remove that stain. He was removed from office /= forced to leave an official position/. Space flight is pretty far removed from /= not part of/ most people's experience.) (1 - He ordered the immediate removal of the troops.) (1 - paint remover)

치우다, 떼어내다, 이동시키다, 옮기다, 제거하다, 내쫓다, 면직시키다, 거리 (1. to take something away from an object, group, or place)

guy (gahy) (1 - Who's that guy? Three guys and three girls left the room.) (2 - Are you guys coming to lunch?)

친구 (속어), 당김 줄, 버팀 밧줄, 돛, 웃음거리로 삼다, 가이로 죄다 (1. a man) (2. Sometimes guys means people, both men and women)

nice (nahys) (1 - Have a nice day! It was nice talking to you. That's a really nice restaurant. She plans to start running more when the weather gets nicer.) (2 - I wish you'd be nice to your brother. He's very smart, but he isn't very nice.)

친절한, 보기 좋은, 좋은, 온화한, 숙련된, 까다로운(옛숙어) (1. pleasant, enjoyable, or satisfactory) (2. kind or friendly)

sheet (sheet) (1 - She made up the bed with clean sheets. Do you have a sheet of paper I could use? She put the dough onto cookie sheets.) (2 - A sheet of ice formed on the puddles.)

침대포, 얇은 덮개, 얇은 직사각형의 물건, 철판, 종이, 가득 퍼짐, 시트로 싸다 (1. a large rectangular piece of cloth used to cover a bed, or a rectangular piece of any material, such as paper, glass, or metal) (2. A _____ is also a thin layer of something)

praise (preyz) (1 - The "Times" praised the mayor's decision to reappoint the parks commissioner.) (2 - Praise God/the Lord.) (2 - His economic policies have won praise from fellow Republicans.)

칭찬, 찬미, 칭송, 칭찬하다, 찬양하다, 찬미하다, 숭배하다 (1. to express strong admiration for or approval of a person or something done) (2. to honor, worship, and express admiration for /God or a god/)

card (kahrd) (1 - a library/membership/business card I used my credit/debit/charge card to pay for the groceries.) (2 - a deck of cards) (3 - a birthday/anniversary/get-well card)

카드, 패, 목록표, 인물, 방책, 진행 순서, 짧은 광고, 옳은 것, 마땅한 것 (1. a small, rectangular piece of stiff paper or plastic with information on it that shows who you are or allows you to do something) (2. one of a set of 52 small, rectangular pieces of stiff paper, each with a number or letter and one of four symbols printed on it, used in games) (3. a rectangular piece of stiff paper, folded in half, usually with a picture on the front and often a message printed inside, sent on a special occasion) (4. A ____ is also a postcard.) (5. to ask someone to show you a document that shows how old the person is)

column (KOL-u̲h̲ m) (2 - a column of soldiers a column of smoke) (3 - The article filled two columns.) (4 - a column on sports) (5 - a column of figures)

칼럼, 기둥, 세로의 난, 소속, 열 (1. a tall, vertical post used as a support for the roof of a building or for decoration) (2. A ______ is also anything or any set of things having a long, narrow shape) (3. one of several vertical blocks of print into which a page of a newspaper or magazine is divided) (4. A ______ is also a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine that is written by the same person and appears regularly, usually on a particular subject) (5. A ______ is also any vertical block of words or numbers)

gross (grohs) (1 - The birds die from hunger, thirst, and gross overcrowding.) (2 - She watches these really gross movies. "Gross!" Pamela says as she wipes the goo off her fingers.) (3 - Investors have earned gross income of $780 million.) (4 - The film grossed over $200 million.)

커다란, 엄청난, 저속한, 천한, 거친, 조악한, 역겨운 (1. /esp. of something bad or wrong/ extreme or obvious) (2. rude or offensive) (3. /of earnings/ total, before tax is paid or costs are subtracted) (4. to earn as a total before expenses are subtracted) (5. a group of 144 items)

cup (kuhp) (1 - Would you like a cup of coffee?) (2 - a cup of flour) (3 - He cupped his hands and dipped them in the water to get a drink. She cupped her baby's face in her hands and kissed him.)

컵, 액체 따위의 것(우유나 물 등의)을 담을 수 있는 작은 통, 8온스에 해당하는 부피를 재는 단위 (1. a small, round container, usually with a handle, used esp. for hot drinks such as coffee and tea) (2. A ___ is also a unit of measure equal to half a pint and often used in cooking) (3. to press your hands together to form a ball-like shape with an opening at the top between your thumbs, or to hold something gently with a hand or between both hands)

nose (nohz) (1 - He fractured a wrist and broke his nose in a fall. I have a runny nose /= liquid coming out of the nose/. She blew her nose /= breathed out through the nose to clear it/.) (3 - I don't want you nosing around in my closet.) (4 - The car nosed out into traffic.)

코, 후각, 추적하기 위한 냄새, 경향, 코와 같은 것, 주둥이, 냄새맡다, 코를 비벼대다 (1. the part of the face above the mouth through which a person or animal breathes and smells) (2. the front of a vehicle, esp. an aircraft or spacecraft) (3. to look around or search in order to discover something, esp. something that other people do not want you to find) (4. to move forward slowly and carefully)

cream (kreem) (1 - Do you take cream in your coffee?) (3 - cream of chicken soup chocolate cream pie) (4 - a facial cream)

크림, 우유의 유지방, 기름, 유가당, 푸딩, 생크림, 화장품, 정수, 제일 좋은 부분 (1. the thick, yellow-white liquid that forms on the top of milk) (2. _____ is also a pale yellow-white color.) (3. _____ also refers to any of various foods that contain _____ or that are smooth like cream) (4. a thick, smooth substance that you put on your skin to keep it soft or to treat it medically)

treat (treet) (1 - He treated his children badly. She always tried to treat her students as/like adults.) (2 - The hospital treats hundreds of patients a day. The new drug may allow us to treat diabetes more effectively.) (3 - The sewage is treated with chemicals before being dumped.) (4 - I'm going to treat myself to a new pair of sunglasses.) (5 - It was a real treat seeing my old friends last weekend.) (6 - You paid for the taxi, so lunch is my treat /= I will pay/.)

큰 기쁨, 접대, 환대, 한턱내기, 다루다, 대하다, 처리하다, 치료하다, 대접하다 (1. to behave toward someone or deal with something in a particular way) (2. to do something to improve the condition of an ill or injured person, or to try to cure a disease) (3. to change the condition of a substance by adding something to it or putting it through a special process) (4. to buy or pay for something for someone) (5. a special and enjoyable occasion or experience) (6. an occasion on which you pay for someone's food or entertainment)

club (kluhb) (1 - My book club meets the first Tuesday of every month to discuss a new book we've all read.) (2 - a major league baseball club)

클럽, 주기적으로 만나는 모임 (문학모임 등), 사교적 모임을 위한 장소, 곤봉, 토끼풀 모양의 마크 (카드게임에서) (1. an organization of people with a common purpose or interest who meet regularly and share activities) (2. A ____ is also a team) (3. a long, thin stick with a wide part at the bottom, used to hit the ball in the game of golf) (4. a heavy stick used as a weapon) (5. to hit someone with a heavy stick)

height (hahyt) (1 - The heights of the two towers are equal. [ U ] She's of average height /= neither unusually short nor tall/.) (2 - You can adjust the height of the chair with this lever.) (3 - She was at the height of her career when they met.) (4 - the height of luxury/power/stupidity)

키, 높이, 정점, 고도 (1. the distance from the top to the bottom of something, or the quality of being tall) (2. ______ also refers to the distance that something is above a surface) (3. The ______ of a condition or event is when it is most full of activity or when it is at its top level of achievement) (4. The ______ of also means an extreme example of)

stroke (strohk) (1 - Asked another question, she stroked her chin and shut her eyes before answering.) (2 - With a stroke of his pen, the governor signed the bill into law.) (3 - He suffered a stroke and died two days later.) (4 - He swims the breast stroke competitively, but for his ads he did the butterfly stroke.) (5 - The bid to take over the company was seen as a bold stroke. To get a job in those years was an incredible stroke of luck.) (6 - The fireworks will start at the stroke of 10.)

타격, 한번 젓기, (의학) 뇌일혈, 수영법, 가볍게 치기, 쓰다듬기, 필치, 한획 (1. to move your hand or an object gently over something, usually repeatedly) (2. a movement of a pen or pencil when writing, or by a brush when painting, or the line or mark made by such a movement) (3. a sudden change in the blood supply to a part of the brain, which can result in a loss of some mental or physical abilities, or death) (4. a particular type of repeated movement used in a method of swimming) (5. an unexpected but important event or experience) (6. an exact time, or a sound or series of sounds that show this time)

carbon (KAHR-bu̲h̲ n)

탄소 (1. a chemical element that is contained in all animals and plants, and that is an important part of other substances such as coal and oil, and exists in its pure form as diamonds and graphite)

terror (TER-er) (1 - She was screaming in terror as the flames got closer. [ C ] You can't hide from the terrors of the world.) (2 - My brother is a little terror.) (2 - Wild dogs terrorized the neighborhood.)

테러, 공포, 두려움 (1. extreme fear, or violent action that causes fear) (2. A ______ is also a child who behaves badly and is difficult to control)

statistics (stu̲h̲-TIS-tiks) (1 - The statistics show that, in general, women live longer than men.) (1 - There is little statistical evidence to support the idea that stocks do better in summer than in other seasons.)

통계, 통계 자료, 통계학 (1. a collection of numerical facts or measurements, as about people, business conditions, or weather) (2. the science of using information discovered from collecting, organizing, and studying numbers)

input (IN-po̲o̲ t) (1 - The city plans to get input from local community groups. [ C ] This unit has three audio inputs /= places to connect other devices/.) (1 - keyboard operators inputting data)

투입, 투입량, 입력, 컴퓨터에 정보를 집어넣다 (1. information, money, or energy that is put into a system, organization, or machine so it can operate)

patent (1 - Otis patented a steam elevator in 1861.) (2 - He felt the notion of beginner's luck was patent nonsense.) (2 - Your entire argument is patently ridiculous.)

특허, 특허권, 특허권에 의해 보호되는 창작물 또는 디자인, 전매 특허의, 명백한 (1. the legal right to be the only one who can make, use, or sell an invention for a particular number of years) (2. /of ideas or characteristics/ obvious)

divorce (dih-VAWRS, -VOHRS) (1 - Ford divorced his wife, Anne, in 1964, and married Cristina a year later. [ T ] They didn't get divorced /= end their marriage legally/ until 2007.) (1 - Both of them agreed to the divorce.)

파경, 이혼, 헤어짐, 결혼생활을 청산하다, 이혼하다, 절연하다, 갈라서다 (1. to cause a marriage to a husband or wife to end by an official or legal process, or to have a marriage ended in this way) (2. a man whose marriage officially ended while his wife was still alive)

wave (weyv) (1 - She leaned out the window and waved /good-bye/. [ M ] As soon as we showed our papers as journalists, the policeman waved us in /= moved his hand to allow us to go in/.) (2 - He was very excited and rushed into the room waving a piece of paper. [ I ] Flags waved in the breeze.) (3 - We were so close we could hear the waves breaking on the beach.) (4 - A wave of emotion swept through her as she visited her home town.) (5 - electromagnetic waves) (6 - She looked at him for a long time, and then, with a wave of her hand, she was off.)

파도, 물결, 기슭이나 바위에 부딪치는 물결, 동요, 펄럭임, 손흔들기, 머리의 웨이브 (1. to raise your hand and move it from side to side as a greeting, or to get someone's attention or give information) (2. If you ____ something or something waves, you move it from side to side while holding it in the hand, or something else moves it in this way) (3. a raised movement of water rolling across the surface esp. of the sea) (4. A ____ is also a sudden increase in an activity or in the strength of a condition or feeling) (5. the continuous, repeating pattern in which some types of energy, such as sound, light, and heat, are spread or carried) (6. a movement of your raised hand from side to side or up and down as a greeting or goodbye, or to get someone's attention or give information)

fly (flahy) (1 - The building just exploded, and glass flew through the air. [ I ] We enjoy watching the birds fly over the water. [ I ] Are you planning to fly or drive to Toronto? [ I ] Some of our pilots have been flying /= operating an aircraft/ for 20 years.) (2 - Theo was startled when the door flew open. Saying she was late, Cathy flew by me and ran outside. The summer seems to have flown by /= passed quickly/.) (3 - Flags flew from the front of every house.) (6 - He caught the fly in deep center field.)

파리, 지퍼나 단추를 가릴 때 사용되는 천조각, 바지 앞쪽에 있는 지퍼, 텐트의 문 모양을 한 천 (1. /of creatures, objects, or aircraft/ to move through the air, or /of people/ to travel by aircraft) (2. to move or go quickly or suddenly) (3. to move around in the air while being held at one end, or to cause something attached at one end to be moved) (4. a small insect with two wings) (5. the covered opening at the front of a pair of pants) (6. in baseball, a ball that has been hit high into the air)

burst (burst) (1 - Fireworks burst across the night sky. [ T ] I thought I might have burst a blood vessel.) (2 - I was bursting with excitement.) (3 - With a burst of speed, the horse won easily.)

파열하다, 부풀어 터지다, 찢어져 벌어지다, 끼어들다, 파열시키다, 파열, 돌발 (1. to break open or apart suddenly, or to cause something to break open or apart) (2. /fig./ A person who is bursting is extremely eager or enthusiastic) (3. a sudden, brief increase in something, or a short appearance of something)

pipe (pahyp) (1 - You have to remember to shut off the water in winter or the pipes will freeze and burst.) (4 - Hot water is piped to all the apartments from the boiler.)

파이프, 담배 파이프, 관, 피리, 갑판장의 호각, 호각, 피리소리, 물관, 인체내의 물관 (1. a tube through which liquids or gases can flow) (2. a short, narrow tube with a small bowl at one end, used for smoking esp. tobacco) (3. a musical instrument consisting of a short, narrow tube that is played by blowing through it) (4. Pipes are also the metal or wood tubes in an organ /= musical instrument played by pressing keys/ that produce sound.)

sentence (SEN-tns) (1 - Your sentences are too long and complicated.) (2 - She served a three-year prison sentence.) (3 - He was sentenced to three years in jail and fined $40,000.)

판결을 내리다, 형을 선고하다, 문장 (문법), 판결(법률) (1. a group of words, usually containing a subject and a verb, expressing a statement, question, instruction, or exclamation, and, when written, starting with a capital letter and ending with a period or other mark) (2. a punishment given by a law court to a person or organization that is guilty of a crime) (3. to officially state the punishment given by a law court to a guilty person or organization)

academic (ak-u̲h̲-DEM-ik) (2 - Which diamond ring you like more is purely academic, because I can't afford either one.)

학생, 대학생, 학문적으로 배우는 사람, 학원 또는 학교 등의 교육기관의 일원, 교수 (1. relating to schools, esp. colleges and universities, or connected with studying and thinking and not with useful skills) (2. not important because it is based only on possibilities) (3. a person who teaches in a college or university)

strain (streyn) (1 - Loss of funding has put a lot of strain on the day-care center. [ C ] The benefits of keeping our daughter at home make the strains of having only one income worthwhile.) (2 - The bookcase collapsed under the strain.) (3 - Running puts a strain on your heart.) (4 - A new strain of the virus has been found.) (5 - There has long been a populist strain in American politics.) (6 - Strains of piano music drifted across the room.) (7 - Strain the liquid and discard the vegetables.) (8 - This relationship has been strained almost to the breaking point. These extra costs have strained our financial resources.) (9 - The dog strained at the leash, pulling his master along. [ + to infinitive ] I had to strain to hear the audio.) (10 - I strained my back carrying those boxes.)

팽팽하게 하다, 긴장시키다, 삐다, 무리하게 일하다, 체로 걸러지다, 변형시키다 (1. something that causes anxiety, worry, or difficulty) (2. physical pressure) (3. an injury caused by working the muscles too hard) (4. an animal or plant that is only slightly different from other animals or plants of the same type) (5. A ______ is also a quality that gives something a particular character) (6. A ______ is also a particular sound) (7. to separate solid pieces from a liquid by pouring it through a utensil with small holes at the bottom of it or through a cloth) (8. to cause anxiety or problems) (9. to create pressure or use effort) (10. to cause an injury by working the muscles too hard)

convenient (ku̲h̲ n-VEEN-yu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Would 3 o'clock be a convenient time to meet? I shop here because it's convenient.) (2 - Both men suffered convenient lapses of memory while testifying.) (2 - Our house is conveniently located near the station.)

편리한, 간편한, 손쉬운, 알맞은 (1. suitable for your purposes and causing no difficulty for your schedule or plans) (2. __________ can also mean helpful to you but not completely honest)

assess (u̲h̲-SES) (1 - A college is going to assess a student's ability based on grades.) (2 - Government officials assessed the flood damage in the millions of dollars.) (3 - In order to complete the new clubhouse, all members will be assessed an additional $200 a year.) (3 - This is an interesting assessment of Mark Twain's importance in American literature.) (3 - Co-op owners had to pay an assessment to cover the cost of the roof repair.)

평가하다, 결정하다, 부과하다 (1. to decide the quality or importance of something) (2. To ______ is also to judge the cost or value of something) (3. to charge someone an amount of money as a special payment)

evaluate (ih-VAL-yoo-eyt) (1 - Doctors evaluate the patient's condition.) (1 - Student evaluations of the class will be collected next week.)

평가하다, 측정하다, 고려하다, 검토하다 (1. to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something)

plain (pleyn) (1 - The catalog was sent in a plain brown envelope. The food is pretty plain /= prepared simply and without strong flavors/, but there's lots of it.) (2 - A group of wild horses was in plain view /= We could see them clearly/.) (3 - She always thought of herself as plain.) (3 - It was just plain stupid to give him your telephone number.) (4 - A number of paintings by Western artists show Indian settlements in the plains.)

평지, 평원, 명백한, 평이한, 평범한, 평평한, 간단히, 평이하게 (1. not decorated in any way; with nothing added) (2. obvious, or clear and easy to see or understand; not complicated) (3. /esp. of a woman or girl/ not attractive) (4. a large area of flat land at low elevation /= height above the surface of the earth/)

reputation (rep-yu̲h̲-TEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - a good/bad reputation His work in Congress won him a reputation as reliable and industrious.)

평판, 명성, 세평 (1. the general opinion that people have about someone or something)

wine (wahyn) (1 - a glass of red/white wine [ C ] California wines)

포도즙, 검붉은 색, 포도주, 각종 취하게 하게 하는 과실주, 포도주를 대접하다, 포도주를 마시다 (1. an alcoholic drink made from grapes, or less commonly an alcoholic drink made in a similar way but from other fruits)

violent (VAHY-u̲h̲-lu̲h̲ nt) (1 - violent crime The police are concerned about the possibility of violent behavior at the demonstration.) (3 - a violent explosion)

폭력적인, 격렬한, 심한 (1. using or involving force to hurt or attack) (2. A _______ death is one that is caused suddenly and unexpectedly by the use of physical force, esp. murder.) (3. _______ can mean very strong) (4. A _______ person or attitude is one that expresses great anger.)

narrow (NAR-oh) (1 - Scenes from the movie were filmed in some of Rome's ancient, narrow streets.) (2 - He was defeated in the election by a narrow margin. It was a narrow victory, with the golf tournament decided by a single stroke.) (3 - He had a narrow escape, getting out of the car just before it burst into flames.) (4 - The local newspaper tends to focus on narrow regional issues.) (5 - The road narrows from four lanes to two when you leave town. [ T ] Senate leaders met again to try to narrow the budget deficit.)

폭이 좁은, 감소된, 속이 좁은, 넓지 않은, 해협, 좁아지다, 제한시키다 (1. having a small distance from one side to the other) (2. ______ also means slight, esp. as a measure of difference) (3. ______ also means only just successful) (4. limited in range) (5. to become or make something narrower or smaller)

storm (stawrm) (1 - The storm left over a foot of snow on the ground.) (2 - The new rent regulations raised a storm of criticism from both renters and landlords.) (3 - Officers stormed the building the demonstrators had occupied.) (4 - Henry stormed into Giffen's office waving a copy of the newspaper and yelling at the top of his lungs.)

폭풍우, 폭풍, 빗발, 격발, 광폭한 감정의 폭발, 동란, 격동, 폭풍우가 내리치다 (1. an extreme weather condition with strong winds and heavy rain or snow) (2. a strong expression of feeling, esp. in reaction to a statement or event) (3. to attack a place or building suddenly) (4. to move quickly and forcefully to show you are angry)

midst (midst) (1 - Long Beach is in the midst of a revival. The pear tree stoodin the midst of a rainbow of flowers.)

한가운데, 한창 때, 한복판, 중앙, ~중의, 중간의 (1. /fml/middle)

tongue (tuhng) (2 - McAdam could speak the Eskimo tongue, too.)

혀, 맛을보고 음식을 삼키고 말을 할 때 사용하는 혀, 식용의 동물 혀, 말 또는 방언 (1. the movable part in the mouth that is used in tasting and swallowing food and, in people, in producing speech) (2. a language)

schedule (SKEJ-ool, -o̲o̲ l, -oo-u̲h̲ l; British SHED-yool, SHEJ-ool) (1 - Amid her hectic schedule, she found time to stop by. [ C ] The work schedule for this month is posted on the staff bulletin board. [ U ] The construction was completed ahead of/on/behind schedule /= early/on time/late/. [ U ] Everything went according to schedule /= as planned/.) (3 - The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. The film is scheduled to begin production in August.)

표를 작성하다, 시간표를 만들다, 예정표에 넣다, 약속을 계획하다, 예정, 예정표 (1. a list of planned activities or things to be done at or during a particular time) (2. An airline/bus/train ________ /also also timetable/ is a list of days and times that aircraft/buses/trains leave and arrive at particular places.) (3. to plan something for a particular time)

display (dih-SPLEY) (1 - The museum displays the tools and clothes of native Indians.) (2 - He doesn't display much emotion.) (3 - Paintings and carvings of birds and animals will be on display in the main ballroom of the hotel.) (4 - It was an impressive display of unity and goodwill among South Africa's diverse legislators.)

표시하다, 표명하다, 나타내 보이다, 전시하다, 드러내다, 자랑해 보이다, 과시하다 (1. to show something or a collection of things in an organized way for people to see) (2. to let something become known by what you say or do, or how you look) (3. an arrangement or collection of one or more things that are shown in an organized way) (4. the act of showing a feeling or quality by what you say or do, or how you look)

grass (gras, grahs) (1 - Are you going to cut the grass? [ C ] Wildflowers and grasses of the Great Plains thrive without chemicals or fertilizers.) (1 - a grassy hillside)

풀, 잔디, 잔디밭, 대마초(속어), 밀고자(영국 속어), 풀로 덮다, 가축에게 풀을 먹이다 (1. a low, green plant with narrow leaves growing naturally over much of the earth's surface)

plenty (PLEN-tee) (1 - This car has plenty of power. I didn't eat them all - there's plenty left for you. infml This car cost me plenty /= a lot of money/. Have another sandwich - there's plenty more where that came from /= a lot more available/.) (1 - Strawberries are in plentiful supply this year.) (1 - He was plenty mad.)

풍부함, 대량, 부, 충분한 양, 많은, 충분한, 많은, 매우 (1. an amount or supply that is enough or more than enough, or a large number or amount)

platform (PLAT-fawrm) (1 - We waited on the platform for the train to arrive from Boston.) (2 - He campaigned on a platform of reducing taxes and cutting the costs of government.)

플랫폼, 승객들이 승차하는 기차역에 있는 솟은 지역, 정당의 기본 원리, 정당의 강령 (1. a flat, raised area or structure) (2. Politicians' or political parties' platforms are the things they say they believe in and that they will achieve if they are elected)

tired (tahyu̲h̲ rd) (1 - I had been up all night with the baby and was really tired.) (2 - I'm tired of cleaning up after you.)

피곤한, 싫증난, 진부한, 피곤하게 하다, 지겹게 하다, 타이어, 머리 장식, 외륜 (1. in need of rest or sleep) (2. If you are _____ of something, you are bored or annoyed by it)

shelter (SHEL-ter) (1 - We took the stray dog to an animal shelter. [ U ] The wall gave us some shelter from the wind. [ U ] The program offers shelter to runaway teens.) (2 - The city feeds, clothes, and shelters the orphans. [ I ] We were caught in a thunderstorm and sheltered in a cave.)

피난처, 대피처, 안전한 곳, 집없는 사람이나 동물들에게 제공된 일시적인 거처, 피난처를 제공하다 (1. something that gives protection, such as a building or tent, or the protection provided) (2. to protect yourself, or another person or thing, from bad weather, danger, or attack)

feedback (FEED-bak) (1 - positive/negative feedback We're hoping to get feedback on how well the program is working.)

피드백, 반응, 의견 (1. reaction to a process or activity, or the information obtained from such a reaction)

inevitable (in-EV-i-tu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Accidents are the inevitable result of carelessness.) (1 - He inevitably orders iced tea with his lunch.)

피할 수 없는, 확실한, 필연적인 (1. certain to happen)

desperate (DES-per-it, -prit) (1 - The ads are a desperate attempt to win last-minute votes.) (2 - desperate criminals) (3 - There's a desperate shortage of medical supplies in the area. The earthquake survivors are in desperate need of help.) (4 - She was desperate for news of her family. I'm desperate for some coffee.)

필사적인, 절망적인, 절실한, 자포자기의, 극도의 (1. showing a willingness to take any risk in order to change a bad or dangerous situation) (2. A _________ person is willing to take any measures and may be dangerous) (3. very serious or dangerous) (4. having a very great need)

excuse (verb ik-SKYOOZ; noun ik-SKYOOS) (1 - Please excuse me for being so late - there was a lot of traffic. It was hard to excuse him for treating me so badly.) (2 - I was excused from jury duty because I had to take care of my sick mother.) (2 - Considering her difficult childhood, her behavior is excusable.) (3 - You're always making excuses for not helping with the housework.)

핑계, 변명, 사과, 용서하다, 사면하다, 해제하다, 면제하다, 변명하다, 정당화 하다 (1. to forgive someone) (2. To ______ someone from an activity is to give that person permission to stop doing it or not do it) (3. the explanation given for bad behavior, absence, etc.)

anxious (ANGK-shu̲h̲ s, ANG-) (1 - I've been anxious to meet you. [ + to infinitive ] It was getting late, and I was anxious to get home.) (1 - We waited anxiously by the phone.)

하고 싶어하는, 불안한, 걱정스러운 (1. wanting very much for something to happen; eager)

god (god) (1 - the god of war) (2 - Dr. Tay is a god to me.) (3 - Do you believe in God?)

하나님, 조물주 (1. a spirit or being believed to control some part of the universe or life and often worshiped for doing so, or a representation of this being) (2. A ___ can also be someone who is admired a lot or too much) (3. /esp. in Christian, Jewish, and Muslim belief/ the being that created and rules the universe, the earth, and its people)

inferior (in-FEER-ee-er) (1 - She felt inferior to her older sister.) (1 - feelings of inferiority)

하위의, 보다하위의, 열등한, 덜 중요한, 하등의, 손아랫 사람 (1. worse than average, or not as good as others of the same type)

uniform (YOO-nu̲h̲-fawrm) (1 - soldiers in uniform uniformed adjective [ not gradable ] us ​) (1 - Only uniformed personnel are permitted to enter this building.) (2 - The laws for adopting a child are not uniform among the states.) (3 - Critics were uniformly enthusiastic.)

한결같은, 닮은, 변함없는, 일정불변한, 균등한, 일률적인 (1. a special set of clothes worn by people belonging to an organization to show others that they are members of it) (2. the same; not varying or different in any way) (3. _______ means not changing in speed or power; constant.)

sum (suhm) (1 - The sum involved in the sale was not reported.) (2 - The sum of seven and twelve is nineteen.) (3 - In sum, the American public did not perceive global warming as urgent.)

합계, 총액, 전체, 총량, 요점, 요령, 개요, 합계하다(수학), 개요하다 (1. a particular amount of money) (2. a total found by the addition of two or more numbers) (3. In ___ is said before giving a final, brief statement describing something)

legitimate (adjective, noun li-JIT-u̲h̲-mit; verb li-JIT-u̲h̲-meyt) (1 - a legitimate tax deduction legitimate concerns legitimacy noun [ U ] us ​)

합법의, 적법한, 받아들여 지는, 용인되는, 정당한, 합리적인 (1. allowed according to law, or reasonable and acceptable)

compound (adjective KOM-pound, kom-POUND; noun KOM-pound; verb ku̲h̲ m-POUND, KOM-pound) (1 - His jokes have been described as a compound of fears, anxieties, and insecurities.) (3 - "Black eye" and "teaspoon" are compounds.) (4 - We left the compound early to find and photograph wild animals.) (5 - Lack of rain compounded the problems farmers are having.)

합성의, 둘 이상의 요소로 이루어진, 울타리로 둘러싸인 지역, 합성물, 혼합물 (1. a mixture of two or more different parts or elements) (2. A ________ is a chemical substance that combines two or more elements.) (3. A ________ is a word consisting of two or more words) (4. a fenced or enclosed area that contains buildings) (5. to make something worse by increasing or adding to it)

port (pawrt, pohrt) (1 - a fishing/naval port)

항구, 하역구, 증기구, 좌현, 앞에 총의 자세, 태도, 포트 와인, 좌현으로 향하게 하다 (1. a city or town that has a harbor /= sheltered area of water where ships can load or unload/ on the sea or a river, or the harbor itself) (2. a part of a computer where wires can be connected in order to control other pieces of equipment, such as a printer) (3. the left side of a ship or aircraft as you are facing forward)

protest (noun PROH-test; verb pru̲h̲-TEST, PROH-test) (1 - Three board members walked out of the meeting in protest. [ C ] A protest against capital punishment was held outside the courthouse. [ U ] He paid the tax under protest to avoid a penalty.) (2 - Groups of students have been protesting /against/ the tuition increase.)

항의, 반대, 이의, 증명, 항변 (법률), 단언하다, 항의하다, 주장하다, 반대하다 (1. a strong complaint expressing disagreement, disapproval, or opposition) (2. to express disagreement with, disapproval of, or opposition to something by complaining strongly about it)

harm (hahrm) (1 - Missing a meal once in a while won't do you any harm. Fortunately, she didn't come to any harm when the car skidded. Maybe Jim can help you - there's no harm in asking /= no one will be annoyed and you might benefit/.) (1 - The tornado blew out the windows of a nearby school, but none of the children were harmed.) (1 - This group of chemicals is known to be harmful to the environment.)

해, 손상, 상해, 해치다, 다치게 하다, 상해를 입히다, 손해를 입히다 (1. physical or other injury or damage)

abroad (u̲h̲-BRAWD) (1 - They used to go abroad every summer.)

해외에, 외국에, 널리 (1. in or to a foreign country or countries)

nuclear (NOO-klee-er, NYOO- or, by metathesis, -kyu̲h̲-ler) (2 - nuclear war nuclear disarmament /= giving up or removing a country's nuclear weapons/)

핵의, 원자핵을 이용하는, 핵무기의, 원자력의 (1. of or relating to a process by which the nucleus /= central part/ of an atom is divided or joined to another nucleus, resulting in the release of energy) (2. relating to weapons, or the use of weapons, in which an atom is divided or joined to another nucleus to release energy in a destructive way) (3. of or relating to the nucleus of a cell)

handle (HAN-dl) (1 - Please handle the old photographs carefully.) (2 - Who handles the marketing in your company? Some managers have no idea how to handle people.) (3 - the handle of a shovel I can't pick the pot up - the handle's too hot.)

핸들, 기회, 직함, 손으로 느끼다, 손으로 대다, 다루다, 취급하다, 거래하다 (1. to lift something and touch, hold, or move it with your hands) (2. to deal with, have responsibility for, or be in charge of something) (3. a part of an object designed for holding, moving, or carrying the object)

planet (PLAN-it) (1 - planetary scientists)

행성, 유성 (1. an extremely large, round mass of matter, such as Earth or Mars, that moves in a circular path around the sun or another star)

devote (dih-VOHT) (1 - He devoted his life to serving his family, friends, and neighbors. Over half his speech was devoted to the issue of saving Social Security.)

헌신하다, 바치다, 전념하다, 쏟다, 몰두하다 (1. to give your time or effort completely to something you believe in or to a person, or to use a particular amount of time or energy doing something)

miss (mis) (1 - The plane narrowly missed power lines as it landed. [ I ] He threw a snowball at me, but he missed.) (2 - I wanted to see that movie, but I missed it. If you don't hurry you'll miss your plane /= fail to get on it before it leaves/. You should leave early if you want to miss rush hour /= avoid it/.) (3 - Luis says he misses Puerto Rico very much.) (4 - He didn't miss his wallet until the waiter brought the check.) (5 - Scurry blocked eight shots and caused misses on numerous others.) (6 - Miss Green) (7 - Hey, Miss, you dropped a glove!) (8 - Miss Alaska/Miss America)

헛방, 빗나감, 놓침, 탈락, 빠짐, 실패, 모면, 피함, 목표물을 놓치다 (1. to fail to hit or to avoid hitting something) (2. to fail to do, see, or experience something, esp. something planned or expected when it is available) (3. to feel sad because you cannot see a person or place or do something) (4. to notice that something is lost or absent) (5. a failure to hit, catch, do, see, or experience something) (6. a title for a girl or a woman who has never been married, used before the family name or full name) (7. ____ is also used as a form of address to get the attention of a girl or woman) (8. A woman who has won a beauty competition is often given the title "Miss" and the name of the place that she represents)

revolution (rev-u̲h̲-LOO-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The country seems to be heading toward revolution. [ C ] The discovery of penicillin produced a revolution in medicine.) (2 - The moon makes one revolution around the earth in about 29.5 days.)

혁명, 회전, 변혁 (1. a sudden and great change, esp. the violent change of a system of government) (2. a movement in a circle or curve around a central point)

innovation (in-u̲h̲-VEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The recording industry is driven by constant innovation. [ C ] His latest innovation is a theater company that will perform for schools.)

혁신, 획기적인 (1. a new idea or method, or the use of new ideas and methods)

wise (wahyz) (1 - a wise man/woman [ + to infinitive ] They decided that it was wiser to wait until they were making a little more money before buying a house. wisely adverb /ˈwɑɪz·li/ Spend your money wisely.) (2 - Moneywise, of course, I'm much better off than I used to be.)

현명한, 똑똑한, 건방진(속어), 방법, 방법으로, 방향 또는 위치로 (1. having or showing good judgment, or the ability to make good judgments, based on what you have learned from your experience) (2. relating to)

phenomenon (fi-NOM-u̲h̲-non, -nu̲h̲ n) (1 - We discussed the ever-growing popularity of talk radio, and wondered how to explain this phenomenon.) (2 - He was a kind of phenomenon, an actor running for president.)

현상, 장관 (1. anything that is or can be experienced or felt, esp. something that is noticed because it is unusual or new) (2. someone or something special, esp. because it is completely different or extremely unusual)

association (u̲h̲-soh-see-EY-shu̲h̲ n, -shee-) (1 - The AARP, the American Association of Retired Persons, is a huge organization with millions of members.)

협회, 단체, 연합, 조합 (1. a group of people united in an organization because of their common interests)

lake (leyk) (1 - Lake Michigan)

호수, 진홍색 염료, 진홍색 (1. a large area of water that is not salty and is surrounded by land)

pocket (POK-it) (1 - coat/pants/shirt pockets She took her keys out of her pocket. I paid for my ticket out of my own pocket /= with my own money/.) (2 - The map is in the pocket on the car door.) (4 - It remained a pocket of poverty within a generally affluent area.) (4 - a pocketful of coins) (5 - a pocket diary a pocket watch) (6 - He pocketed his change. fig. Some sold nonexistent land and pocketed all the cash.)

호주머니, 주머니, 부대, 유전, 광혈맥, 작은, 포켓용의, 주머니의 (1. a small bag, usually made of cloth, sewn on the inside or outside of a piece of clothing and used to hold small objects) (2. A ______ is also a small container that is part of or attached to something else) (3. In the game of pool, the pockets are the holes around the edge of the table into which the balls are hit.) (4. a small part of something larger that is considered separate because of a particular quality) (5. small enough to be kept in a pocket) (6. to put something in your pocket, or /fig./ to take money esp. when it has been obtained unfairly or illegally)

node (nohd) (1 - a lymph node)

혹, 마디, 옹이 (1. a lump of tissue) (2. the point that represents the lowest amplitude in a pattern of destructive interference)

mixture (MIKS-cher) (1 - It's a highly explosive mixture and has to be handled carefully.) (2 - Good fashion designers often rely on a mixture of the old and the new.)

혼합, 섞인, 혼합물 (1. a combination of substances resulting from mixing them together so that they cannot be easily separated) (2. A _______ is also any combination of different things)

odd (od) (1 - an odd person That's odd - I thought I left my glasses on the table but they're not here.) (2 - He's got a whole drawer full of odd socks.) (3 - Some examples of odd numbers are 1, 3, 5, and 7.) (4 - He holds another 50-odd acres of land in reserve, providing plenty of room for expansion.)

홀수의(수학), 이상한, 비정상적인, 엉터리의, 여분의 (1. strange or unexpected) (2. /of something that should be in a pair or set/ separated from its pair or set) (3. /of numbers/ not able to be divided exactly by 2) (4. used after a number, esp. a number that can be divided by 10, to show that the exact number is not known)

promote (pru̲h̲-MOHT) (1 - The new model cars are being heavily promoted on television.) (2 - A new campaign has been launched to promote safe driving.) (3 - She was promoted to division manager last year.)

홍보하다, 촉진하다, 증진하다, 승진하다, 조장하다 (1. to advertise something in order to sell it) (2. to encourage or support something, or to help something become successful) (3. to advance someone to a more important rank or position) (4. A student who is promoted advances to the next grade /= level of schooling/.)

angry (ANG-gree) (1 - an angry mob I hope you aren't angry with me.) (1 - He angrily slammed the door.)

화난, 성난, 격렬한 (1. having the feeling people get when something unfair, painful, or bad happens)

screen (skreen) (1 - I spend most of the day working in front of a computer screen.) (2 - Her ambition is to write for the screen.) (3 - Jennifer has a beautiful screen decorated with Japanese art.) (5 - Airport security staff have to screen and check millions of bags a year. The company president's secretary screens all his calls /= answers them first to prevent some from getting through/.) (6 - His new movie got rave reviews when it was screened at Cannes.) (7 - She raised her hand to screen her eyes from the sun.)

화면, 화상, 은막, 영화가 상영되는 막, 간막이, 병풍, 마개, 체, 보호물 (1. a flat surface in a theater, on a television, or on a computer system on which pictures or words are shown) (2. The ______ sometimes means the movies) (3. something that blocks you from seeing what is behind it, esp. a stiff piece of material that you can stand up like part of a wall and move around) (4. A ______ is also a stiff, wire net that has very small holes and is fixed within a frame, put in windows esp. in warm weather to let in air and keep insects out.) (5. to test or examine someone or something to discover if there is anything wrong with the person or thing) (6. to show or broadcast a movie or television program) (7. to block, protect, or hide someone or something with a screen)

truck (truhk) (1 - Most supplies are trucked into the city, although some come by rail or plane.) (1 - Truckers spend long periods away from home.) (1 - Railroads have lost business to trucking companies.)

화물자동차, 운반차, 짐을 실어 나를 수 있는 수레, 마스트 꼭대기의 원형 또는 각형의 나무 조각 (1. a large vehicle with an open or covered space in the back to hold a load of goods)

chemical (KEM-i-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - His business manufactured farm chemicals.) (2 - the chemical industry a chemical plant producing plastics and rubber chemically adverb us ​) (2 - chemically treated paper)

화학의, 화학적 과정을 거치는 (1. any basic substance that is used in or produced by a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules) (2. of, involved with, relating to, or made by using chemicals or chemistry)

expand (ik-SPAND) (1 - The air in the balloon expands when heated. [ T ] They expanded their number of stores significantly in the 1990s.) (1 - Expansion into new areas of research might be possible.)

확대하다, 확장하다, 늘다, 성장하다, 넓히다 (1. to increase something in size, number, or importance)

conviction (ku̲h̲ n-VIK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - He has no ability to communicate his convictions. [ U ] His followers believed with varying degrees of conviction.) (2 - His criminal record includes convictions for robberies in several states.)

확신, 유죄 판결, 설득력, 자각 (1. a strong belief that is not likely to change, or the strong feeling that your beliefs are right) (2. the act of deciding officially in a court of law that someone is guilty of a particular crime)

welcome (WEL-ku̲h̲ m) (1 - We went next door to welcome our new neighbors. The prime minister of Canada welcomed the president warmly.) (2 - Baseball fans welcomed the end of the players' strike. She welcomed the opportunity to explain herself.) (2 - We were given a warm welcome.) (3 - "Thanks for taking care of our cat." "You're welcome.) (4 - You'll always be welcome here.)

환영, 반김, 환영하다, 기꺼이 받아들이다, 반기다, 환영받는, 반겨지는 (1. to meet or speak to someone in a friendly way when that person comes to the place where you are) (2. to be pleased about or support something) (3. "You're welcome" is a polite answer when someone thanks you) (4. /of someone who visits/ received in a friendly way)

dynamic (dahy-NAM-ik) (1 - a dynamic person dynamically adverb /dɑɪˈnæm·ɪ·kli/ dynamism noun [ U ] us ​)

활력있는, 정력적인, 강력한, 활발한 (1. having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm; energetic and forceful)

bow (bou) (1 - We knelt and bowed our heads in prayer.) (2 - The troupe's artistic director took a bow with his dancers at the final curtain last night.) (6 - a violin bow)

활로 켜다, 현악기를 활로 켜다, 절하다, 호, 원호, 아치, 무지개, 절, 배의 후미 (1. to bend the head or body forward as a way of showing respect, expressing thanks, or greeting someone) (2. the act of bending the head or body forward) (3. the front part of a ship) (4. a knot with two curved parts and two loose ends, which is used as a decoration or to tie shoes) (5. a weapon for shooting arrows, often used for sport, made of a long, narrow piece of wood bent into a curve by a string that is stretched tightly between its two ends) (6. a long, thin piece of wood with many hairs stretched between its ends, used to play musical instruments that have strings)

conference (KON-fer-u̲h̲ ns, -fru̲h̲ ns) (1 - She spoke at a conference in Geneva.)

회견, 회의, 회담, 총회, 협의 (1. a large, formal meeting at which there are groups of talks on a particular subject, or a small, private meeting for discussion of a particular matter)

recover (ri-KUHV-er) (1 - It took her a while to recover after the operation.) (2 - The police recovered her handbag, but her wallet was gone.)

회복하다, 회수하다, 복구하다, 찾아내다, 되찾다 (1. to get better after an illness or a period of difficulty or trouble) (2. To _______ something is to find or get back the use of something lost or taken away)

gray (grey) (1 - a gray coat [ U ] She was dressed in gray.) (2 - He's already beginning to turn gray.) (4 - Criminal negligence is a gray area.)

회색, 흰색과 검정색의 중간색, 회색의, 머리가 희끗희끗한, 어두운 또는 침울한 (1. /of/ the color that is a mixture of black and white, the color of clouds when it rains) (2. Hair that has changed color to gray) (3. If the weather is gray, there are a lot of clouds in the sky.) (4. A ____ area is an unclear situation, usually because the rules that relate to it are not known)

council (KOUN-su̲h̲ l) (1 - the UN Security Council The council is being pressured to approve the plan.)

회의, 위원회, 의회, 협의회, 평의회 (1. a group of people elected or chosen to make decisions or give advice on a particular subject, to represent a particular group of people, or to run a particular organization)

session (SESH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - He wanted to introduce the bill before the present session of the state legislature adjourned. [ U ] Congress is in session /= continuing to have meetings/ until the end of the month.) (2 - The musicians gathered in the studio, waiting for the start of the recording session.) (3 - The first summer session starts June 3rd.)

회의, 회기, 시간, 세션, 개회 (1. a formal meeting of an organization, esp. of a legislature or law court) (2. a period of time or a meeting arranged for a particular activity) (3. At a college or university, a _______ is any of the periods of time into which a teaching year is divided)

rear (reer) (1 - I had the rear brakes on the car redone. She entered the school through an unlocked rear door. Our dog hurt his rear left leg.) (2 - She reared eight children.) (3 - The horse suddenly reared /up/ on its hind legs.)

후미, 후방부대, 후방의, 후미의, 기르다, 양육하다, 세우다, 건설하다 (1. at or near the back of something) (2. to care for young children or animals until they are able to care for themselves) (3. to rise up or to lift up) (4. /infml/ Your buttocks are sometimes called your rear.)

candidate (noun KAN-di-deyt, -dit; verb KAN-di-deyt) (1 - There are three candidates running for sheriff.) (1 - She announced her candidacy for governor on the weekend.)

후보자, 지원자, 수험생 (1. a person who is competing to get a job or elected to a position)

retreat (ri-TREET) (1 - She burst into tears and retreated to the bedroom.) (2 - Under heavy fire, the soldiers retreated.) (3 - Rebel soldiers were in /full/ retreat.)

후퇴, 은퇴, 피난, 은둔, 물러가다, 퇴각하다, 후퇴하다 (1. to move back and away from someone or something, esp. because you are frightened or want to be alone) (2. To _______ is also to go away from a person or place because you are unwilling to fight any more) (3. the act of going away from a person or place because you are unwilling to fight any more or are frightened) (4. A _______ is also a private and safe place where you can be alone.)

discipline (DIS-u̲h̲-plin) (1 - military discipline [ U ]) (2 - Learning a foreign language requires discipline.) (3 - an academic discipline) (4 - He was disciplined for his bad conduct.)

훈련, 징계, 규율, 징계하다, 규율을 지키게 하다, 훈련하다, 훈육하다 (1. training that produces obedience or self-control, often in the form of rules and punishments if these are broken, or the obedience or self-control produced by this training) (2. __________ is also the ability to control a mental activity) (3. a particular area of study, esp. a subject studied at a college or university) (4. to punish someone)

excellent (EK-su̲h̲-lu̲h̲ nt) (1 - The car is in excellent condition.) (1 - The school is known for its excellence.)

훌륭한, 뛰어난, 좋다 (1. extremely good)

superior (su̲h̲-PEER-ee-er, so̲o̲-) (1 - They were clearly the superior team. Some people think acoustic recordings are superior to digital ones.) (2 - I can't stand Bill's superior attitude.) (3 - When your superior officer gives you an order, you do it.) (4 - We will need a letter of recommendation from one of your superiors.)

훌륭한, 우수한, 우세한, 뛰어난, 보다 나은, 오만한, 거만한 (1. better than average, or better than others of the same type) (2. disapproving A person who is ________ or behaves in a ________ way believes that he or she is better than other people) (3. higher in rank or position than others) (4. a person or group of people who are higher in rank or position than others )

pour (pawr, pohr) (1 - Pour the sugar into the bowl.) (2 - Water poured into the basement. [ I ] When the movie ended, the crowd poured into the street.) (3 - You'd better take an umbrella - it's pouring out there.)

흐르다, 붓다, 쏟다, 주조하다, 강한 비가 내리다, 강한 비, 강하게 계속해서 쏟아지는 비 (1. to make a substance flow, esp. out of a container and usually into another container) (2. to flow quickly and in large amounts, or to cause /something/ to flow in large amounts) (3. If you say about the weather that it is pouring, you mean that it is raining heavily)

excite (ik-SAHYT) (1 - In some science fiction movies, the music and special effects can really excite audiences.) (2 - The strange noises excited my curiosity.) (3 - She was excited about the trip because she was going to learn to ski.) (3 - She ran excitedly outside to greet her cousins.) (3 - Robin's heart was pounding with excitement.) (3 - It was an exciting role to play, and I was thrilled to get the part.)

흥분시키다, 신나게 하다, 들뜨게 하다, 기대하게 만들다, 흥미롭게 하다 (1. to make someone have strong feelings, esp. of happiness and enthusiasm) (2. to cause /a particular reaction/ in someone) (3. To ______ an atom is to raise it to a state higher than its lowest energy state.)

victim (VIK-tim) (1 - an accident victim She's just a victim of circumstances beyond her control.) (1 - National reports of victimization show a decline in certain kinds of crime.) (1 - One survey showed the number of companies victimized by computer theft rose to 83 percent this year.)

희생자, 피해자, 이재민, 희생양 (1. a person who has suffered the effects of violence or illness or bad luck)

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