Capstone Exam 3

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the dogma of the ghost in the machine

as mentioned in the text, Gilbert Ryle argued that Descartes dualism put psychology on a bad path because thinking that there is a "mind" behind behavior is what he calls a "category mistake".

Americans deeply valued business and useful knowledge

one reason the psychology of adaption and functionalism found such fertile ground and grew in the US was

recapitulated the phylogenetic history of the evolution of the human species

According to Freud the stages of psychosexual development of personality are important because they formed a regular sequence that in ways:

was mainly common sense and failed to understand humans innate ability to learn language

According to Noam Chomsky skinners verbal behavior;

the average intelligence of the British people was declining

According to the text, Francis Galton was deeply worried that

D. what is the purpose of the structure; what is it made of and how was it assembled

Analogous to the study of consciousness, in class we said the school of psychology known as functionalism looks at mills hall and asks ______________? In contrast structuralism looks at mills hall and asks _____________?

C. reading Thomas Malthus's Essay on the Principles of Population

Darwin knew the cause of selection must reside outside the organism but where? He got his answer to this specific question in 1838 by ___________________ A. Taking a second and more detailed look at Lamarks theory of evolution B. re-reading and thinking about the King James version of the bible C. reading Thomas Malthus's essay on the Principles of population D. reading Freud's work on civilization and its discontents

viruses, bacteria, and parasites

Darwins theory of evolution, demonstrates that having two sexes that reproduce leads to much needed biological variation in animals like humans and these various traits are then passively selected by the environment. According to the author of the "red queens" this process is important because over the years humans are in competition with something and that something is______

vitalism. striving for perfection

Even today many people fail to understand Darwinian Evolution (empirical fact) and instead tend to think of evolution in more Lamarkian terms. Lamarcks theory of evolution contains notions of _______ (like the force in Star War Movies) and the engine of change is _______

Festingers work on cognitive dissonance and Noam chomskys attack of the book "verbal behavior"

For a time, Skinner radical behaviorism was the dominant school in american psychology, however a factor or factors that dampened enthusiasm for radical behaviorism and caused psychology to back away from it was :

the royal road to our unconscious

Freud calls dreams:

that biological/ evolutionary factors can place limits on what an animal can learn

Garcias work on cognition nausea in rats (taste aversion) and the Brelands work training animals demonstrates?

A. A living species innate drive to perfect itself

In Lamarcks Progressive "Romantic/Vital" theory of evolution, the engine of change was produced by: A. a living species innate drive to perfect itself B. God's desire to avoid mistakes C. DNA's ability to correct itself when the double helix divides D. None of the above

practical empirical philosophical all of the above

JB Watson faulted introspection one three grounds. one of which was

instinctual drift

Jeff raised a pet skunk from the time it was an orphaned baby. He used operant conditioned to train the skunk to be petted held and friendly. No matter how hard Jeff tried every-time the skunk was scared by loud noise it would spray anyone nearby. The skunks behavior is an example of Brehlands ____________?

the father of the modern american eugenics movement

John Dewey was a champion of the Progressive Movement in America and believed in both Darwin's theory and functionalism. he believed that psychology should help construct a society that will help people adapt and live a better life. His advocacy led to many historians calling him _____________

the study of consciousness and the study of behavior are the same thing

Neutralists such as Perry and Holt believe which of the following?

renew interest in cognition and shape later information processing theories

Noam Chomskys emphasis on the rule governed and symbolic nature of language helped psychology do what?

his demonstrating that each of us doesn not truly know why we do things we do or feel the way we do (our subconscious cant be predicted)

Scholars have suggested three blows to human self esteem with one of them being freuds psychoanalysis. Freud claimed it was ______ that delivered the blow to human self esteem

rate of responding

Skinner's operant methodology included placing an organism in a space and reinforcing a behavior that it may make at any time, often when a stimuli (light was present). yet for skinner the basic datum of analysis (dependent variable) was most often:

see bear-------run away----feel scared

Somewhat similar to the motor theory, when it comes to the James Lange theory of emotion which of the following represents the sequence of events? (ask Emily)

none of the above - not : neorealism, pragmatism, insightful learning, or classical conditioning

Thorndike put a cat in a puzzle box and observed and recorded the time and frequency of attempts it took the cat to solve the problem. In doing this research Thorndike established _______


When it comes to understanding the different reactions between a hiker in the woods to hearing a stick snap and a soldier in the woods on combat patrol reacting to hearing a stick snap, who said "it is not the WIll that causes the difference but a coordinated flowing set of behavior that help a soldier adapt and survive... the soldiers current behavior gives the sensation (sound) more significance and causes other sets of behavior?

-Civilization can have some good by being a protector and benefactor to humanity -civilization can have some good by helping to provide humans with art, science, philosophy, technology, and other means of sublimation -civilization ultimately leads to some level of unhappiness and can even cause neurosis in humans

Which of the following represents Freud view of civilization

choosing adaptive behaviors

early in his career which one of the following did William James believe was the evolutionary function of consciousness?

it is aggressively critiqued and repudiated the past and sought new vision for future psychology

in XAMs blog on JB Watson, the author of the text suggests that Watsons paper "psychology as a behaviorist views it"" was a manifesto. Why was it a manifesto?

sound of bell- conditioned stimulus salvation of dog- conditioned response

in discovering classical conditioning using dogs, pavlov paired the sounds of a bell with food (acquisition) and eventually the dog salivated to the sound of the bell. After this conditioning, pavlov labeled the sound of the bell the _______. And the salivation of the dog ____________.

D. attempting to get the most genetically fit couples to have more children

so called "positive" eugenics refers to: A. attempts to prevent "unfit" couples from having children by forcing sterilization B. refusing to interfere with natural selection C. assigning the smartest people in society to the best jobs D. attempting to get the most genetically "fit" couples to have more children e. all of these

Pragmatism; consciousness

the first american school of philosophy established by James and other members of the Metaphysical club was known as _______ and played an important part in James' answer to the Automatic Sweetheart Question. James used it to defend his argument that psychology should still study _________ because it made a difference

seduction error

the most controversial psychsexual stage of development in freuds psychodynamic theory is the phallic stage. Some have argued it may have been freuds biggest mistake when it came to believing his female patients, but without this possible mistake the phallic stage would not have been. this mistake is known as ______

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