Cartilaginous Joints
All Symphysis are classified as?
Amphiarthroses because they are slightly mobile
An articulation which bones are joined by a HYALINE CARTILAGE
Examples of Synchondroses are?
Costochondral joint and Epiphyseal Plate
Has a pad of FIBROCARTILAGE between the articulating bones
Cartilage found between the articulating bones are either?
Hyaline cartilage or Fibrocartilage
Examples of Symphysis are ?
Pubic Symphysis and Invertebral Discs
What is the main function of Cartilaginous Joints ?
Resist compression, tension stress and act as shock absorbers
What is the functional classification of Synchondroses
Synarthrosis because they are immobile
The 2 types of cartilaginous joints are ?
Synchondroses and Symphyses
Cartilaginous joints have cartilage between ?
The articulating bones