Cause and Effects of the Red Scare Chapter 13, Post WWI, the Red Scare: Chapter 13

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A party of revolutionary Marxists, led by Vladimir Lenin, who seized power in Russia in 1917.

10 Main Goals of Communism

"Workers of the world, unite!" 1.End all private ownership of land 2.A heavy progressive, or graduated income tax 3.Abolish all inheritance rights 4.Property confiscation of all rebels 5.All economic credit will be controlled by a national bank 6.Control of communication and transportation systems 7.Control of factories and all means of production 8.Creation of industrial and economic worker armies 9.Equal distribution of population 10.Free public education, no child labor, combine school with industrial production

Nativism: Goals and Impact

* patriotism - believed foreigners could never be fully loyal to US * Nativists (Protestant) had mistrusted Catholics, Orthodox Christians, or Jews * Urban conditions - Americans blamed slums and corruption on immigrants who lived in them * Jobs - workers feared immigrants would take their jobs * Red Scare - immigrants might hold or adopt radical political ideas and spread them to the US

Karl Marx

- Social theorist - Economist - Founder of political movement of communism/socialism -Wrote the Communist Manifesto

7. Korean War

-1950-1953 -The goal was to reunite north and south Korea after the divide -caused by Korea controlled by Japan but it split and north Korea is communist while south Korea is capitalist -USA helped SK to contain communism in NK -China captured American soldiers and they were put camps -3 million deaths, 40,000 Americans

10. USSR v. Afghanistan

-1979 the USSR invaded Afghanistan, a non-communist country -United states aided the rebels who were against the soviets (Mujaheddin) in operation cyclone -The M branched off and became Taliban and Al Qaeda -USSR put communist laws in A -USSR bombed and invaded rural areas -This brought US and USSR to breaking point -SU failed to establish communist society

5. Alger hiss

-Accused of being a soviet spy and communist by Chambers, another ex communist in 1948 -Nixon pushed that he was a communist and he was convicted on 12 counts of perjury (lying under oath) -Fear of communist officials grew in the US and that there could be soviet spies -He was at the YALTA conference -never actually tried with treason or espionage

8. Vietnam War

-Conflict between North and South Vietnam -1965 is when US soldiers went to V -The American people did not want to go to Vietnam but Kennedy wanted to -Hippies were in fear of being drafted and so were the parents of boys -It was the first war shown on live TV and First draft and this showed people who they didn't want to go to war, it became real to them -3 million killed, 63.000 Americans -US no longer seemed to be invinsible -created a sense of fear that the SU was winning the war

9. Cuban Missile Crisis/ Bay of Pigs Invasion

-Fidel Castro implements communism in Cuba -US trained Cuban refugees to attack Cuba -Only communist country in the west -BPI is Cuban refugees in America to invade Cuban Homeland -The east figured out about USA plan so we failed -This made America seem weak and Americans feared that their leaders weren't good -1962 is the Cuban Missile Crisis -American jet saw that Cuba had a soviet missile -SU said they would remove their missile from Cuba is the US removed their missile from Turkey -All missiles taken out -closest the USA and USSR came to hot war

3. Hollywood 10

-Hollywood writers interviewed under suspicion that they were communist and used communist propaganda in their films -43 people accused but only 10 charged for having communist propaganda -All 43 were blacklisted -The government thought that people would become interested in communism if they watched their films

Teapot Dome Scandal

-In 1921 and 1922, Harding's Secretary of the Interior, Albert B. Fall, secretly gave oil-drilling rights on government oil fields in Elk Hills, California, and Teapot Dome, Wyoming, to two private oil companies. In return, Fall received more than $300,000 in illegal payments and gifts disguised as loans. -This scandal and others may have contributed to Harding's death, possibly from heart problems, on August 2, 1923

4. Rosenbergs

-Julius and Ethel Rosenberg -first people to be executed for espionage with the claim that they were communist soviet spies in 1953 -accused specifically of passing atomic bomb secrets from US to USSR -trial had lack of evidence which liberals questioned -people now believe Ethel wasn't a spy -They were accused by Greenglass, Ethel's brother -Added to Americans fearing communists were in the US


-created in 1945 and is a government committee that investigated disloyal and subversive people -They blacklisted many innocent people so they would lose their jobs and their lives would practically be ruined -They made the threat of communism seem close to home (even though there was actually less communism in America at the time) -Accusations were broadcasted with controversial tactics

6. Soviet Union Acquiring a Bomb

-in 1945 the USA acquired the first atomic bomb and didn't expect the USSR would for 10 more years but 4 years later the USSR tested one -it showed that the Soviet Union had superior technology and this caused the space race -Igor Khrushchev helped create the bomb

2. Loyalty Program/Executive Order 9835

-order that Truman placed that went past all 3 branches -goal was to root communism out of government positions and to show people that Truman was anti-communist -Loyalty Program potentially fired someone based on their beliefs -caused many people to believe that communists were in government positions -only 300 fired for potential disloyalty

The Effects of the RED SCARE

1. HUAC 2.Loyalty Program/Executive Order 9835 3. Hollywood 10 4.Rossenburgs 5. Alger Hiss 6. Soviet Union Acquiring a Bomb 7. Korean War 8. Vietnam War 9. Cuban Missile Crisis/ Bay of Pigs 10. USSR v. Afghanistan

Causes of the Red Scare

1. World War I, which led many to embrace strong nationalistic and anti-immigrant sympathies; 2.The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which led many to fear that immigrants, particularly from Russia, southern Europe, and eastern Europe, intended to overthrow the United States government; 3.The end of World War I, which caused production needs to decline and unemployment to rise. Many workers joined labor unions. Labor strikes, including the Boston Police Strike in September 1919, contributed to fears that radicals intended to spark a revolution; 4.Self-proclaimed anarchists' mailing bombs to prominent Americans, including United States Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and United States Supreme Court Associate Justice (and former Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice) Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

The Second Red Scare

After World War II, the second Red Scare happened due to a fear of communist espionage. In the midst of the Berlin Blockade, a Soviet Eastern Europe and both the Korean and Chinese Civil War, people were very afraid of the threat of communism. The fact that a couple of American government officials, some with high ranks, confessed that they used to spy for the Soviet Union, did not help either.

Post WWI economic conditions that fueled the red scare

Economic: The end of World War I, which caused production needs to decline and unemployment to rise. Many workers joined labor unions. Labor strikes, including the Boston Police Strike in September 1919, contributed to fears that radicals intended to spark a revolution * Uneven prosperity: 0.1% of the population held 34% of country's total savings; 71% of individuals made less than minimum standard of living ($2500) and 80% had no savings. * Increased personal debt * Playing the stock market (buying on margin) * Too many goods, too little demand *Hardships of farmers and workers in certain industries Other contributing factors: *Russian Revolution and rise of Communist Soviet Union * Russian-backed Communists tried to overthrow Germany's new gov. * Communists came to power in Hungary * Bomb sent through mail and newspaper sensational stories of these events fueled public anxiety.

Goals of KKK

Its members opposed the dismantling of slavery and sought to keep African Americans in a permanent state of subjugation to whites. During Reconstruction, the Klan employed violence and terror in the hopes of overthrowing Republican state governments in the South and maintaining the antebellum racial hierarchy. The members of the Ku Klux Klan were mostly white Protestant middle-class men, and they framed their crusade in moral and religious terms. They saw themselves as vigilantes restoring justice, and they used intimidation, threats of violence, and actual violence to prevent African Americans, immigrants, Catholics, Jews, liberals, and progressives from attaining wealth, social status, and political power.

Modernism v Fundamentalism/ Scopes Trail

Modernism-- cultural movement during the early 1900's, people went against traditional ideals, promoted technology and the forms of expression that were different and unique to the current time. Fundamentalism--Literal interpretation of a spiritual book, usually the bible. Is the opposing side of Evolution Scopes Trial: In the 20th century. The law said that nothing contrary to the Bible could be taught in public schools. The new mandatory school mandate and Southern Baptists agitating the South made this hard to interpret. Tennessee law bound teaching of evolution and not creation, but John Scopes taught creation still.

Red Scare

Red Scare happens when the fear of radical leftism or communism is promoted, often in the media.

Effects of Women's suffrage

The Women's Suffrage Movement opened many doors for the women of American and allowed them to achieve a greater role in the society. Economically and socially both movements gained women more rights/privileges. For instance, economically they achieved a greater variety in job choices and higher salaries. As for social, both movements were able to help society see women as strong, hardworking individuals. Politically the effects were different. The Women's Rights Movement granted women more political rights like property rights

Harlem Renaissance

The explosion of culture shared by African Americans: Literature, music, dance, art, painting, poetry, sports, great pride established and created for African Americans during this time period.

The first Red Scare

The first Red Scare in the U.S. happened just after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and during WW1, when people were very patriotic and social agitation of left-wingers further aggravated the political, national and social tensions. A belief lived among the Americans that a Bolshevik worker revolution in the U.S. was imminent.

great Migration

The movement of millions of southern blacks to the north and west between 1915 and 1960

18th Amendment Effects

a constitutional amendment that outlawed the production and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States; repealed in 1933

Moral Entreprenuer

people who seek to enforce and propose new rules characteristics of a moral entrepreneur -interested in the content of rules -existing rules do not satisfy -interested on forcing their own morals onto others seen as crusaders because they believe that their mission is a holy one

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